View Full Version : Persona! Gosei High

2024-01-20, 09:53 PM
Welcome to the city of Kurikita! Right in the heart of Japan. Keep in mind that this game is a work of fiction, and any events, people, or places relating to the real world, are purely coincidental.

Only those who have accepted these terms may play this game. If you accept, then the contract is sealed, and you choose this fate of your own free will.

After all, actions have consequences.

We start the year on March 31st, a Sunday in 2024. You each attend Gosei High, which is the more prestigious of the two schools in the city, though it does prefer students to stay in the dorms. This year, however, they have opened the first co-ed dorm with only certain students being moved in thus far, and the school is supporting the local Spring fair.

You each begin at the school gates for the fair, a celebration of the oncoming spring. The trees are in full bloom, as cherry blossom leaves coat the street. Unfortunately, pollen is at an all-time high as well.

The street food coats the air, complete with the usual weird takoyaki stand. Many of your classmates are spread around. Describe where you enter from, and who you are. Your classmate and dormmate, Arata (https://personagoseihigh.obsidianportal.com/characters/arata-abe), is with you. He stands at 5' 8", with dyed blonde hair with multiple hair clips in to keep it in place. He has his trademark handheld game with him, and old PS Vita.

"Man, break is way too short........ what do you guys think? At least the principal didn't talk our ears off early."

2024-01-20, 10:20 PM
Chrétien Dumas breathed in the heady scent of the trees’ blooms and the Spring Festival’s food stalls. It felt like the light breeze was tousling his hair playfully — inviting him forward into the flow of conversations that he could mostly understand. The mixture was more intoxicating than the wine he would have to forego while studying in Japan. It was a sort of sacrifice but the adventure it brought was more than worth such a small cost — especially since he would be getting the occasional reprieve when visiting his uncle in Tokyo.

He surveyed the scene before him. The world had been sharpened by the newness of the place and culture and everything felt more vivid than it would have seemed in Troyes — although after a few months here, his home city might take on such freshness.

He broke into a smile as he stepped forward to enter the fair, glad that his brief time in Tokyo had permitted him to get over his jet lag and adjust to the time difference. He didn’t want to miss anything.

Chrétien had been to similar local celebrations in France. Such affairs could be found everywhere in the world, marking important dates in the local seasons and calendars. But this was new and he could lose himself in a kind of anonymity. Yes, he stood out but he appeared here without the baggage of personal history or reputation.

His eye caught the glint of sunlight on a nearby koi pond.

Perhaps not entirely anonymous, he reminded himself as he walked up to it. That is, if such gateways could be opened from any place and it had not all been part of his imagination.

The scene here was beautiful enough to be worthy of her so it seemed possible — even if the strange trees and architecture made it seem less likely.

But La Demoiselle followed her own rules — rules he could not even guess at.

Nor was it his place to guess.

He knew he was in her service and subject to her call. That was enough to be getting on with.

But until she called, a new adventure beckoned before him in this faire — the Spring Festival.

“Tres apropos,” he observed quietly to himself. A new start to the year here and a new beginning for him.

big teej
2024-01-21, 09:00 PM
An Inauspicious Start:

Sakuma Matsuyo walks up on Arata for the fifth time in as many minutes. He holds his piecemeal camcorder in one hand, and a glint of aggravation in his eyes. "I give up. If the wind's not blowing in the right direction, someone walks right through the shot, if it's not that, they bump into me, or the sun's behind a cloud."

He sighs and opens the flap of his satchel and carefully places the 3rd-hand camcorder in it's foam-padded socket and draws out an equally hodgepodge DSLR, several brand names are visible across it's various components. With his free hand he adjusts his tie - the same shade of red as his hair, and then reaches up and adjusts how his hat sits as well.

"I think you should be grateful it's as long as it is, shouldn't you Arata-kun?"

The photo-hobbyist crouches down on his haunches, bringing the camera up to his eye and bracing his elbows on his knees as he takes a few shots of the takoyaki stand.

"Another year and summer breaks are over forever." Sakuma says with a smile.

He goes down to one knee and twists at the waist, whipping his camera around to try and catch a snapshot of Arata's expression. His grin is visible, even if his 'all-seeing-eyes' aren't.

2024-01-22, 10:06 PM
As a sakura petal falls onto her dark hair, Igarashi Akiko absently shoos it away with one hand. With all the pollen in the air she was glad she wasn’t allergic, unlike her dad and—

She stops the thought, instead focusing on Sakuma and his attempting to get a few good shots with his camera. While she’d never gotten into photography, she knew how hard it was to create a composition you liked.

“He’s right, Arata-kun,” she says as she comes up beside the taller boy. “Next year we’ll have to start worrying about our college entrance exams, if you don’t go straight to work, that is.”

She reaches up to her necklace and fiddles with the guitar pick (https://i.etsystatic.com/iap/57414a/5084954294/iap_640x640.5084954294_pvg3k6cp.jpg?version=0) there before she mindfully pulls her hand back down so her mood can’t take a downturn. She was determined to try and enjoy today.

Akiko’s gaze moves to the intriguing blond foreigner she’d seen a few times in the dorm. She couldn’t remember his name, other than it being hard to say. Her face gains a tinge of pink as he smiles and she gives herself a mental pinch. She already liked one guy that wasn’t interested in her. No need to make it two.

2024-01-23, 02:44 PM
Chrétien Dumas breathed in the heady scent of the trees’ blooms and the Spring Festival’s food stalls. It felt like the light breeze was tousling his hair playfully — inviting him forward into the flow of conversations that he could mostly understand. The mixture was more intoxicating than the wine he would have to forego while studying in Japan. It was a sort of sacrifice but the adventure it brought was more than worth such a small cost — especially since he would be getting the occasional reprieve when visiting his uncle in Tokyo.

He surveyed the scene before him. The world had been sharpened by the newness of the place and culture and everything felt more vivid than it would have seemed in Troyes — although after a few months here, his home city might take on such freshness.

He broke into a smile as he stepped forward to enter the fair, glad that his brief time in Tokyo had permitted him to get over his jet lag and adjust to the time difference. He didn’t want to miss anything.

Chrétien had been to similar local celebrations in France. Such affairs could be found everywhere in the world, marking important dates in the local seasons and calendars. But this was new and he could lose himself in a kind of anonymity. Yes, he stood out but he appeared here without the baggage of personal history or reputation.

His eye caught the glint of sunlight on a nearby koi pond.

Perhaps not entirely anonymous, he reminded himself as he walked up to it. That is, if such gateways could be opened from any place and it had not all been part of his imagination.

The scene here was beautiful enough to be worthy of her so it seemed possible — even if the strange trees and architecture made it seem less likely.

But La Demoiselle followed her own rules — rules he could not even guess at.

Nor was it his place to guess.

He knew he was in her service and subject to her call. That was enough to be getting on with.

But until she called, a new adventure beckoned before him in this faire — the Spring Festival.

“Tres apropos,” he observed quietly to himself. A new start to the year here and a new beginning for him.

Arata grins widely, hearing the comment of Chrétien, assuming that it was a mention of approval. A hand clapped on the Frenchmen's shoulder from the boy assigned to be his guide.

Then again, Arata needed more friends and was glad for the opportunity. He never mentioned it to them, but he volunteered for the spot.

“My French is not that good, but I'm hoping that's along the line of, ‘very good’.” He chuckles a bit.

“We do have all day as well, so feel free to check out everything you like, we've also got permission to show you around the school too.”

He was torn from the thought as Sakuma wheeled around with his camera and sighed.

An Inauspicious Start:

Sakuma Matsuyo walks up on Arata for the fifth time in as many minutes. He holds his piecemeal camcorder in one hand, and a glint of aggravation in his eyes. "I give up. If the wind's not blowing in the right direction, someone walks right through the shot, if it's not that, they bump into me, or the sun's behind a cloud."

He sighs and opens the flap of his satchel and carefully places the 3rd-hand camcorder in it's foam-padded socket and draws out an equally hodgepodge DSLR, several brand names are visible across it's various components. With his free hand he adjusts his tie - the same shade of red as his hair, and then reaches up and adjusts how his hat sits as well.

"I think you should be grateful it's as long as it is, shouldn't you Arata-kun?"

The photo-hobbyist crouches down on his haunches, bringing the camera up to his eye and bracing his elbows on his knees as he takes a few shots of the takoyaki stand.

"Another year and summer breaks are over forever." Sakuma says with a smile.

He goes down to one knee and twists at the waist, whipping his camera around to try and catch a snapshot of Arata's expression. His grin is visible, even if his 'all-seeing-eyes' aren't.

He just shook his head at first, still with a grin. “Just the dangers of filming in the moment I suppose. We’ll get some posed ones too before the day is done.” He looked around a moment.

“Actually, there's a decent spot over by the pond where you’ll be able to get the crowd and speech of Gosei-Sensei when he gets up there.”

Akikio had also surprised him with the chiding as well.

As a sakura petal falls onto her dark hair, Igarashi Akiko absently shoos it away with one hand. With all the pollen in the air she was glad she wasn’t allergic, unlike her dad and—

She stops the thought, instead focusing on Sakuma and his attempting to get a few good shots with his camera. While she’d never gotten into photography, she knew how hard it was to create a composition you liked.

“He’s right, Arata-kun,” she says as she comes up beside the taller boy. “Next year we’ll have to start worrying about our college entrance exams, if you don’t go straight to work, that is.”

She reaches up to her necklace and fiddles with the guitar pick (https://i.etsystatic.com/iap/57414a/5084954294/iap_640x640.5084954294_pvg3k6cp.jpg?version=0) there before she mindfully pulls her hand back down so her mood can’t take a downturn. She was determined to try and enjoy today.

Akiko’s gaze moves to the intriguing blond foreigner she’d seen a few times in the dorm. She couldn’t remember his name, other than it being hard to say. Her face gains a tinge of pink as he smiles and she gives herself a mental pinch. She already liked one guy that wasn’t interested in her. No need to make it two.

He sighed. “You're right, you're right. Just wishful thinking. Which, it's been a bit so how were the breaks on y’alls end? I know we haven't had a lot of time but, Akikio-chan, Sakuma-san, this is Chrétien-san. He'll be with us in the dorm for this year, and maybe next if he is able to. Also looks like we're all in 2-B this time so makes things mildly easier.”

He looked around a bit as he awaited Chrétien's first choice in what to see. The people were passing by them, blocking Sakuma's shots every now and then.

Akikio would see a few fellow band mates passing and waving as well.

“Maybe we can find the others and get a full dorm photo,” he said off handedly as someone had passed by.

A group of third years walks past you and you each overhear their conversation.

“Did you hear they brought in a fortune teller this time?”

“So lame!” One of the girls responds with a laugh.

“Yeah, maybe some warning about not playing the Persona game, or even just a fake card drawing about love and friendship.” They start cackling after the mocking tones.

Arata scowls a bit. “Shouldn't knock a practice until they try it….” He said shaking his head. "Though, am a little interested to see what that teller has to say later." He grins a bit.

Of the options, multiple carnival style games, food stands, and random vendors line the courtyard.

OOC: Arata will be listening to all the suggestions at first and devise a plan for maximum fun for his dormmates.

Options include, aside from the various food,
Darts games with rather cheap prizes, goldfish game to get a pet, a ball lotto game for a gift card to Sakuma's pawn shop buddy, target game by the local airport shop, and spooky maze set up in the gym. Gotta find my notes when I get on campus for the other stuff.

Also live music from 3 local bands, one jazz, one rock, and one aspiring pop idol.

2024-01-23, 09:15 PM
Arata grins widely, hearing the comment of Chrétien, assuming that it was a mention of approval. A hand clapped on the Frenchmen's shoulder from the boy assigned to be his guide.

Then again, Arata needed more friends and was glad for the opportunity. He never mentioned it to them, but he volunteered for the spot.

“My French is not that good, but I'm hoping that's along the line of, ‘very good’.” He chuckles a bit.

“We do have all day as well, so feel free to check out everything you like, we've also got permission to show you around the school too.”

He was torn from the thought as Sakuma wheeled around with his camera and sighed.

“It means, roughly, ‘very appropriate’ — although it has that sense of it being good. The spring seem like such a good time for new beginnings. Ceaser should have left that as it was, I think,” he added with a wink.

He sighed. “You're right, you're right. Just wishful thinking. Which, it's been a bit so how were the breaks on y’alls end? I know we haven't had a lot of time but, Akikio-chan, Sakuma-san, this is Chrétien-san. He'll be with us in the dorm for this year, and maybe next if he is able to. Also looks like we're all in 2-B this time so makes things mildly easier.”

He looked around a bit as he awaited Chrétien's first choice in what to see. The people were passing by them, blocking Sakuma's shots every now and then.

“Enchante, Mademoiselle,” Chrétien offered with a petit bow — still awkwardly positioned between East and West.

“Maybe we can find the others and get a full dorm photo,” he said off handedly as someone had passed by.

A group of third years walks past you and you each overhear their conversation.

“Did you hear they brought in a fortune teller this time?”

“So lame!” One of the girls responds with a laugh.

“Yeah, maybe some warning about not playing the Persona game, or even just a fake card drawing about love and friendship.” They start cackling after the mocking tones.

Arata scowls a bit. “Shouldn't knock a practice until they try it….” He said shaking his head. "Though, am a little interested to see what that teller has to say later." He grins a bit.

Of the options, multiple carnival style games, food stands, and random vendors line the courtyard.

OOC: Arata will be listening to all the suggestions at first and devise a plan for maximum fun for his dormmates.

“As to what we should do and see, I must defer to the three of you. Everything is nouveau here and feels like an adventure — whether it would be seeking out our fortunes or learning more of this Persona game the upperclassmen so denigrate. Is it a team sport or an individual contest like fencing or tennis?”

2024-01-24, 09:34 PM
Akiko bows to Chrétien. “Nice to meet you. How long have you been in Japan?” she ask curiously. “Your Japanese is very good.” She gives him a hint of a smile along with the compliment.

After the foreigner’s reply, she turns to look down toward the festivities, spotting several games she’d like to try her hand at.

“I think we should go check out what prizes we can win,” she suggests. “I think I see that goldfish ring game. I’d love to get a little pet for my dorm room. I could try out some of my new watercolor paints if I had a fish to model for me,” she says slightly jokingly.

And I can see if Koji-san is around, she thinks to herself.

big teej
2024-01-24, 09:39 PM
Inauspicious Start II:

Sakuma straightens again as the conversation turns toward keeping occupied. He looks about, pondering the various booths, carnival games, and the whole ensemble.

He shrugs. "I don't have much of a preference, I can people watch no matter what we do or where we go. It would be nice to swing by the Test of Courage maze before we overhear too many spoilers though."

I wonder if I could cobble together enough B-roll to upload it as a piece of found footage...

He casts his eyes back over small cluster of students, evaluating who to elevate as 'the only survivor.'

He smiles and shakes his head looking at the ground and the camera in his hand.

Of course, the cameraman always survives.

2024-01-24, 10:07 PM
Akiko bows to Chrétien. “Nice to meet you. How long have you been in Japan?” she ask curiously. “Your Japanese is very good.” She gives him a hint of a smile along with the compliment.

“Domo arigatou,” Chrétien Replied, chancing a hint of familiarity. “My uncle insisted I learn while I was younger. His company’s connections to Japan insured that there were enough native speakers moving in and out of town that I got a lot of practice.”

After the foreigner’s reply, she turns to look down toward the festivities, spotting several games she’d like to try her hand at.

“I think we should go check out what prizes we can win,” she suggests. “I think I see that goldfish ring game. I’d love to get a little pet for my dorm room. I could try out some of my new watercolor paints if I had a fish to model for me,” she says slightly jokingly.

Inauspicious Start II:

Sakuma straightens again as the conversation turns toward keeping occupied. He looks about, pondering the various booths, carnival games, and the whole ensemble.

He shrugs. "I don't have much of a preference, I can people watch no matter what we do or where we go. It would be nice to swing by the Test of Courage maze before we overhear too many spoilers though."

“Sakuma-San can document your efforts to liberate your future pet from it captivity,” Chrétien effused, noting the young man looking back and forth between the crowd and his camera. Such attention to detail seldom came without some skill. “Shall we make that the first part of our adventure today or would keeping it in your bag become awkward?”

2024-01-25, 08:37 AM
“I was hoping that they might hold onto it for me until the end of the festival,” Akiko confesses. “And anyway, I’d have to win it first.”

She looks over to Sakuma, unsure about taking on the maze, but shrugs after a moment. She could always leave if it got too intense.

“How about it, Arata-san?” she asks her classmate. “Games first, then the maze?”

2024-01-25, 04:09 PM
Arata smiled seeing his classmates getting along, though he didn't know who else might be getting assigned to their dorm as well. He shifted a bit so the bigger messenger back on his back was in view. Chrétien's explanation of his uncle and company again helped him keep in mind that certain things were still variable, and he would need to do his best as a guide.

"I got plenty of space to carry stuff for us as needed, and," he smirks glancing at Sakuma. "We'll get a good few options for the Test of Courage. And hopefully, avoid spoilers as much as possible since it seems like a lot of people aren't at it yet." He glanced back to where the group had been, and shook his head seeing that the gym was mostly avoided for now.

Thankfully, He sighed. Looking back at Akikio, he nodded. "That sounds like a wonderful plan, Akikio-chan! And no doubts that you'll get the perfect model for your art." He turns to Sakuma quickly. "And give me the signal if I need to block people's paths from the shots."

“As to what we should do and see, I must defer to the three of you. Everything is nouveau here and feels like an adventure — whether it would be seeking out our fortunes or learning more of this Persona game the upperclassmen so denigrate. Is it a team sport or an individual contest like fencing or tennis?”

As they walked over to the goldfish game, Arata turned to Chrétien. "More so to answer your earlier question, it's a rumor that's been making rounds. The exact place it started isn't known but most high schoolers first heard about it from the football team from St. Hermelin High a couple years ago. From what I've gathered, it's a bit more of a test of wills where you need four or five people to walk around a room. Each one says a phrase and it's supposed to show you your true self."

Arata shrugs as he explains. "I've never known anyone to try it, though I've been curious if there was any truth to it. Probably nothing but hearsay, but could be interesting. They just say you have to do it near midnight." He waited in line as the barker called up the next contestant to the goldfish.

"STEP RIGHT UP!" He called out and then pointed at the group of four. "You there! You look like you may have what it takes! What do ya say young miss?"

Arata chuckles. "Guess he's calling ya up, Akikio-chan." He said before turning back to Chrétien. "Mainly some séance style thoughts."

Roll Proficiency 3 times

2024-01-26, 09:47 AM
Akiko looks around at the possible prize goldfish and sets her sights on one in particular (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlcatUOEDl_uaw8SCPo7Bb8aG_Kn1uQ yareg&usqp=CAU).

She takes a steadying breath before she tries her hand at the game.

OOC: Proficiency: (https://orokos.com/roll/999621) 9, 3, and 6

2024-01-27, 02:02 PM
Akiko looks around at the possible prize goldfish and sets her sights on one in particular (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlcatUOEDl_uaw8SCPo7Bb8aG_Kn1uQ yareg&usqp=CAU).

She takes a steadying breath before she tries her hand at the game.

OOC: Proficiency: (https://orokos.com/roll/999621) 9, 3, and 6

The fish all swirl and try their best to avoid the paper net. Akiko thankfully catches her prize unaware and manages to scoop it into the bowl. The barker's eyes nearly pop out of his head and Arata just laughs.

"HOW DI-" He clears his throat before congratulating you." I mean, congratulations little lady! And it looks like you also stole our grand prize as well. As early in the day as it is, we can hold onto him for you, or you can carry him with you. Let me bag him right fast. What is the name?"

Arata watches as the barker starts bagging Akiko's prize and turns to his friend. "Well then, looks like you had the best luck out of the players today. Gratz Akiko-chan!"

While Arata makes sure the barker is actually using the correct fish, Akiko and gang hear another voice coming up behind them.

"C'mon, Koji! If I'm gonna be in the dorms this year, I should be able to have a pet." A student who looks one year younger than you all is pulling on another's sleeve. The one names Koji just sighs.

"Fine, fine, I'll let you try a few times, but you gotta take care of it ok? Hey, you listenin' Yoshiro?" The jock type approaches you all with the younger student. Yoshiro is wearing the standard uniform for the school while Koji is wearing the school's tracksuit, colored deep green to match the plaid on the usual uniform bottoms.

Koji looks up and sees the gang there and waves at Akiko. "Yo, Aki-chan! Guessin' you're here for the same reason as Yoshi yeah?"

The younger brother looks up and grins widely seeing Akiko. From what everyone else can gather, you don't exist to Yoshiro. "Akiko-chan! It's so good to see you again!" Yoshiro is practically beaming.

Koji takes a look around at the rest of the group. "Yoshi, ya gotta call her senpai now. Get it right." He shakes his head. "So, I recognize Arata, how ya doin' bud? The game club still going this year?" Arata Glances back and flashes a grin.

"Oh you know it! And rather well, showing my dormmates everything there is. By the way," He gestures over to Chrétien. "This is our new exchange student, Chrétien Dumas of France. And I'm sure you know Sakuma-san."

Koji looks between them and shrugs. "Nice to meetcha, Chrétien-san and Sakuma-san. Takanashi Koji of the baseball team." He offers his hand as Yoshiro goes to start at the game. "And that's my younger brother, Yoshiro. When he finally grows his eyes back anyway."

2024-01-27, 11:49 PM
The younger brother looks up and grins widely seeing Akiko. From what everyone else can gather, you don't exist to Yoshiro. "Akiko-chan! It's so good to see you again!" Yoshiro is practically beaming.

Koji takes a look around at the rest of the group. "Yoshi, ya gotta call her senpai now. Get it right." He shakes his head. "So, I recognize Arata, how ya doin' bud? The game club still going this year?" Arata Glances back and flashes a grin.

"Oh you know it! And rather well, showing my dormmates everything there is. By the way," He gestures over to Chrétien. "This is our new exchange student, Chrétien Dumas of France. And I'm sure you know Sakuma-san."

Koji looks between them and shrugs. "Nice to meetcha, Chrétien-san and Sakuma-san. Takanashi Koji of the baseball team." He offers his hand as Yoshiro goes to start at the game. "And that's my younger brother, Yoshiro. When he finally grows his eyes back anyway."

Chrétien smiles widely and takes the offered hand, somewhat surprised at the western greeting but willing to take what came. “I’m honored to meet you, Koji-san. I had heard that baseball was followed closely here in Japan but had not anticipated meeting a player so soon. Yoshiro-san appears even more excited than Akiko-chan. I hope he has her luck whether or not he possesses her skill. She rather deftly caught the prize fish not a moment or two ago.”

2024-01-28, 10:17 AM
“I think I’ll call him Kohaku,” Akiko says as the vendor starts to bag her fish. “If you wouldn’t mind, would you hold onto him for me? We’re going to look at the maze next, and I’d rather not jostle him too much.”

She hears two familiar voices behind her, and she turns with a self-conscious smile to greet them. A tingle runs down her spine as Koji calls her by her nickname. “Hi, Yoshiro-kun… Koji-san.”

Don’t blush. Don’t blush. Don’t blush. Keep talking. You know, like a normal person.

She falters for only a moment as she looks manages to make eye contact with Koji before continuing, “Yes, I thought it would be fun to have a pet in the dorms. I was joking that I could use him as a model for some watercolor art.”

See? You can talk to him. Just… don’t think about how much you like him. Or how good-looking he is. Or how intense and focused he got when he was tutoring you. Or…

Akiko quickly turns while Koji introduces himself to the others, and watches as Yoshiro attempts to catch a fish. “Did you decide if you were going to try out for band, Yoshiro-kun?”

2024-01-28, 07:30 PM
“I think I’ll call him Kohaku,” Akiko says as the vendor starts to bag her fish. “If you wouldn’t mind, would you hold onto him for me? We’re going to look at the maze next, and I’d rather not jostle him too much.”

The vendor nods and writes the name "Kohaku" on a strip of masking tape, along with Akiko as he overheard her name from the boys. He nods back at Arata as he places the bag on a table near the back.

"It'll be no problem young miss," The vendor says with a grin before turning back to the game to get more customers.

She hears two familiar voices behind her, and she turns with a self-conscious smile to greet them. A tingle runs down her spine as Koji calls her by her nickname. “Hi, Yoshiro-kun… Koji-san.”

Don’t blush. Don’t blush. Don’t blush. Keep talking. You know, like a normal person.

She falters for only a moment as she looks manages to make eye contact with Koji before continuing, “Yes, I thought it would be fun to have a pet in the dorms. I was joking that I could use him as a model for some watercolor art.”

See? You can talk to him. Just… don’t think about how much you like him. Or how good-looking he is. Or how intense and focused he got when he was tutoring you. Or…

Akiko quickly turns while Koji introduces himself to the others, and watches as Yoshiro attempts to catch a fish. “Did you decide if you were going to try out for band, Yoshiro-kun?”

Koji chuckles a bit as Akiko explains the thought of having a pet. "Man, considering the dorm that you're in, there's no shortage of models though. Come to think of it, isn't there another girl moving into that one too? Which, I need to finish moving in there too. Just got transferred to it."

Koji wore a smile and didn't hold himself as a usual jock would. Maybe it was because the season hadn't started, or maybe he was just super laid back. Over by the makeshift pond game, Yoshiro nods as he kneels beside Akiko.

"You know it! It's been a while since we've gotten to practice together, but I'm starting to improve more." He grins widely, before blushing and waiting for the right goldfish to pop up. "It feels like all my writing is going good, but I can't get the unity of the music. I need a good place to practice too, and I'm a bit scared my dormmates won't like it."

Yoshiro shudders a bit as he uses one of his scoops and misses the cup. "Crap........" He shakes his head before trying again. "Got any tips for me? Since you got the prized fish, Senpai?" He asks with a wide grin almost expectantly.

Chrétien smiles widely and takes the offered hand, somewhat surprised at the western greeting but willing to take what came. “I’m honored to meet you, Koji-san. I had heard that baseball was followed closely here in Japan but had not anticipated meeting a player so soon. Yoshiro-san appears even more excited than Akiko-chan. I hope he has her luck whether or not he possesses her skill. She rather deftly caught the prize fish not a moment or two ago.”

Koji notices the bit of surprise on Chrétien's face as he takes his hand. He grins a bit. "Figured this may be more your style too. Learned a little during a major tournament and we faced some Brits. May make ya proud we stomped 'em."

At the mention of baseball, Koji's eyes light up. "Oh man, it's been my obsession since I was a kid! I wanna be a pro, but you know how hard that is. We'll have a lot of people trying out, even if they just want in for fun. Think our first game is away this year in Inaba." He shrugs. "Even if ya don't wanna join up, I'm sure we can get you a ride there so you can explore more."

Arata sighs, looking between them all. "You know they mostly only allow managers to go with the teams, Koji. But suppose Gosei-Sensei may make an exception." He tilted his head. "Hey, you hear any more weird rumors? I know you learned about the one from Hermelin talking with the football team, and then every time you mention Inaba there's the weird fog. Anything new?"

Koji shakes his head. "Nah, you know I don't put stock into those things." He turns back to Chrétien. "Yoshiro is tryin' to hide his nerves. He won't be in the same dorm as me bein' a first year and all, but he'll know a few kids there. He thought having a pet around would be a good idea too. Kid's super lucky." He chuckles.

His eyebrows raise at the mention of the prized fish. "Well then, guess she stole his luck today! Ya heard that right, Yoshi? Eh, he ain't listening. We've all known each other since we were kids, so a friend of Aki-chan's is a friend of mine." Koji says with a bow.

Arata grimaces as he moves to whisper into Chrétien's ear. "Whatever you do, don't use the nickname. Trust me, she can throw about as well as he can."

He looks around a moment, face mildly concerned as though he is worried.

big teej
2024-01-28, 07:51 PM
Fair Play:

Sakuma briefly nods, acknowledging one of the school's premier athletes, before drifting over towards the goldfish game to follow up on Tien-san's suggestion. He gets a shot of Akiko poised with the net, followed with one of her victorious smile with the fish after she nets the catch of the day.

He wanders back over and watches the odd gaijin exchange of handshakes. Just like the papers. He thinks to himself.

"What's this about a strange fog out in Inaba?" He asks, bringing himself back to the present.

2024-01-29, 06:43 PM
Fair Play:

Sakuma briefly nods, acknowledging one of the school's premier athletes, before drifting over towards the goldfish game to follow up on Tien-san's suggestion. He gets a shot of Akiko poised with the net, followed with one of her victorious smile with the fish after she nets the catch of the day.

He wanders back over and watches the odd gaijin exchange of handshakes. Just like the papers. He thinks to himself.

"What's this about a strange fog out in Inaba?" He asks, bringing himself back to the present.

Arata grins at the captured moments while Sakuma-san gets his pictures in. He manages to stop a few people from getting into the frame as best he can.

Koji turns and nods to Sakuma as soon as the question is posed. "Yeah, ya know how they had all those deaths a long while back? Turns out that the entire situation just resolved itself from nowhere, and now that same fog is back. Seems like the residents treat it as a bad omen now, but the fog doesn't let up." He shakes his head.

"The new police chief knows more about it. Seems like he's been keeping tabs on the town since he left. Seems like the star player at Yasogami High there went missing during the last few practices. Ran to pick up a ball he hit out of the diamond and then just, disappeared. Been about a week now with early practice time."

Arata tilts his head and raises an eyebrow. "It's not even the fog or rain season though....."

Koji shrugged. "No idea, but seems like it's caught Sakuma-san's interest!" He grins. "Will keep an ear open for the rumors if ya want."

2024-01-29, 08:47 PM
Akiko shrugs as Koji mentions other possible models, but subtly perks up when he says he’s been transferred to the same dorm as her. Her imagination runs wild for a moment before she mentally pinches herself.

Turning her attention back to Yoshiro, she smiles at him. “After you pass the tryouts with flying colors, there’s several practice rooms that the director lets us use, so don’t worry about that. Let me know when you want to practice and I’ll try to be there too.”

“As for catching a goldfish,” she continues, looking down at Yoshiro’s quarry, “I think the best way to try and catch them is head on, or watch for one that’s hit a corner. They only have to choice to go left or right then.”

She watches as Yoshiro tries again, but keeps one ear on the conversation happening behind her. It was scary to think that a player at Yasogami just up and disappeared during practice one day. What could’ve happened to him?

“He’s been gone a week and they haven’t found any sign of him?” Akiko asks Koji.

2024-02-01, 06:28 PM
Akiko shrugs as Koji mentions other possible models, but subtly perks up when he says he’s been transferred to the same dorm as her. Her imagination runs wild for a moment before she mentally pinches herself.

Turning her attention back to Yoshiro, she smiles at him. “After you pass the tryouts with flying colors, there’s several practice rooms that the director lets us use, so don’t worry about that. Let me know when you want to practice and I’ll try to be there too.”

“As for catching a goldfish,” she continues, looking down at Yoshiro’s quarry, “I think the best way to try and catch them is head on, or watch for one that’s hit a corner. They only have to choice to go left or right then.”

She watches as Yoshiro tries again, but keeps one ear on the conversation happening behind her. It was scary to think that a player at Yasogami just up and disappeared during practice one day. What could’ve happened to him?

“He’s been gone a week and they haven’t found any sign of him?” Akiko asks Koji.

Yoshiro nods and tries to focus on the fish he's eyeing, he also turns his head to hide a blush. "T-thank you Akikio-senpai. Tryouts have to be harder though this time right? I have an idea for the piece I want to play, but how do they work here? Same as before? Or does everyone watch and judge?"

Akikio can tell that he's getting more and more nervous, about what though, she's unsure.

You notice that he's trying to hide his nerves, even though you have seen him super confident about music.
He sure is nervous and his hand is shaking like crazy.

Yoshiro watches his prize as it moves towards the corner and he boxes it in. "I got it!"

The vendor claps his hands and congratulates Yoshiro as well, though not as over the top as he did Akikio.

After her question, Koji turns and shakes his head. "No sign yet. It's like he just vanished entirely." He grimaces a bit. "Strange rumors and happenings all around."

He pulls out his phone and starts drafting a text. "Yo, Sakuma-san, anything you want me to ask one of the guys over there?"

2024-02-01, 11:10 PM
Yoshiro watches his prize as it moves towards the corner and he boxes it in. "I got it!"

The vendor claps his hands and congratulates Yoshiro as well, though not as over the top as he did Akikio.

After her question, Koji turns and shakes his head. "No sign yet. It's like he just vanished entirely." He grimaces a bit. "Strange rumors and happenings all around."

He pulls out his phone and starts drafting a text. "Yo, Sakuma-san, anything you want me to ask one of the guys over there?"

“Are you our dorm’s answer to Maigret, Sakuma-san?” Chrétien asked the photographer with a smile. “Forgive me if I mistook your photographic posture as one more interested in art than investigation. But why not both, eh? Chronicler of the beauty in life by day and intrepid investigative photojournalist by night, shining the light of justice on those who would hide in the shadows!

“If so, you will need your chronicler, as Poe gave to Dupin. Should you be in the need of such a one, do let me know and I will be happy to tag along and make a record of your work. It would be good practice for my Japanese composition, if nothing else.

“The fog, I must confess, it does intrigue me. There are stories in France of other worlds being entered through the mist,” he said with a glance toward the nearby water. “That one may pass into such a place and its denizens may pass out into our realm. Are there such stories here in Japan? My father and uncle are sufficiently prosaic to wish me to focus on mundane things, such a s circuitry and programing. My mother studies such tales. I would be curious to know if there are similar stories here.”

big teej
2024-02-04, 07:20 PM
Fair Use:

Sakuma tilts his head in confusion, "Is so it weird to be curious about it?"

His eyebrow creeps up at Koji's offer, "What, like right now?"

The youth scratches at his hairline, frowning, considering it before shrugging. "I dunno, I guess it'd be cool to read what the local paper had to say about it, I guess? Is it really okay to ask them something like that about their missing friend?"

He turns to Dumas with a somewhat bewildered expression, mouthing along the exchange student's outburst before recognition dawns in his eyes. He's a Chuuni... Well, it'd probably be inconsiderate to ignore him...

Sakuma takes a deep breath, staring at his shoes, bracing himself, gathering his will before planting his feet and passing a hand in front of his eye, brandishing his camera with his free hand.

"It is as you say! Nothing can escape the unblinking, all seeing eye!"

His will breaks after a second and he pulls the brim of his hat down over his face, his face starting to flush to match his hair.

"I'm uh... I'm gonna go get something to eat, I'll be back in a few."

2024-02-04, 10:40 PM
“The tryouts weren’t meaningfully different than the ones for middle school,” Akiko replies to Yoshiro. “When I tried out, they called us in one by one. The director had me play the song that I chose, and then had me sight read a short peice. They posted the results the next day in the hall. That part was a little nerve-racking.”

She gives the younger boy a slightly sheepish smile with her confession.

“You’ve got this though, Shiro-kun. You’re good. You know I wouldn’t lie.”

While she notices his nerves (https://orokos.com/roll/1000637), she doesn’t call any attention to it.

She gives him a wide smile when he catches his own goldfish. “Nice!”

Akiko blinks at Dumas’ words. While she’d complimented him earlier, he obviously had an even stronger grasp on his Japanese than she thought. She then then turns her head to hide a smirk at Sakuma’s pose.

2024-02-06, 05:29 PM
Arata chuckles a bit seeing them all playing along with each other and tilts his head as Sakuma and Chrétien make their plans to team up. “A regular Sherlock and Watson, I’d say.” He says with a grin.

Koji also nods and then thinks about it for a second. “Ok, you may be entirely right about that. Might be a bit too soon to even ask anything about the fog.”

Both listened as Chrétien explained the myths of mists from his part of the world and looked at each other.

“Yo, Arata-kun, that sounds a lot like-”

Arata cuts him off. “Yeah, like what they say happens if you play that game.” Arata looks back at Chrétien before explaining.

“Most of our stories with other worlds take place within the ley lines and how most rivers flow along them. One of the oldest is a folktale about a fisherman who saved a turtle and was granted access to the undersea kingdom. There are also tales about how you can wander into another world through mirrors and even the shadow world if you manage it right. Most say that these worlds are just like ours, but with a few key differences.” He shivers a bit.

Toshiro looked over his shoulder hearing the conversation and shook his head. “I don’t like those stories at all….” He whispered before turning back to Akiko.

“If it’s just like middle school then it should be fine. So long as nothing breaks this time.” He half smiles and sighs.

“If waiting is the worst part, then I can handle that. And some good motivation to be around people I know!” He grins wider that he had listening to the conversation.

Arata continues on the other end. “Honestly, if you’re up for it, we can look further into it and even try out the rumor going around. I think the fog may also line up a lot with the mists stories in France.”

Koji nods in agreement. “I’ll pass on the rumor game, but I’m down to learn more about the mists. They say a lot of the mists come from Izanami, and pull you into the underworld.”

Koji shrugs. “Myth and history aren’t really my main areas though.”

Arata shakes his head. “Guess you need food like someone else then. Sakuma-san is right though. Breakfast and fair food isn’t a bad idea before tackling his test of courage.” He says with a smirk.

“Lead the way Sakuma-san!”

Koji turns to Yoshiro and Akiko. “You two wanna come with or catch up in a minute? Whatcha want to eat by the way?”

2024-02-08, 02:43 PM
“Dango,” Akiko says emphatically as she gets up. I don’t want to eat too much. I’m not sure how scary the maze will be.

“I bet there’s taiyaki somewhere too,” she says, naming Koji’s favorite festival sweet.

At least she hoped it was still his favorite sweet. The last time they’d gone to a festival together they were both ten and Yoshiro was still eight since his birthday was later in the year. She remembered that Koji was adamant about finding the illusive taiyaki stand run by Mrs. Kimura. She only showed up to one or two festivals a year, if that.

Yukine (https://personagoseihigh.obsidianportal.com/characters/igarashi-yukine), Akiko’s brother who was twenty at the time, had driven the three of them a few towns over to where he’d heard that Mrs. Kimura was going to be set up.

The memory makes her smile sadly. While they’d had a great time, they’d been unable to find the stand. Koji had pouted all the way home while she and Yukine had tried to cheer him up, saying that they could go next year. But they never did.

That summer, Yukine got hired at the same wealth management firm as her father. While he’d still made time for her, they’d never managed to do another trip like that. And now they never would.

She and Koji had drifted apart too, after he got into a traveling baseball league, and then made the team in middle school.

Akiko takes steadying breath and then follows the boys to the food stalls, keeping an eye out for one that sells the two foods she mentioned.

2024-02-10, 03:27 PM
Arata chuckles a bit seeing them all playing along with each other and tilts his head as Sakuma and Chrétien make their plans to team up. “A regular Sherlock and Watson, I’d say.” He says with a grin.

Koji also nods and then thinks about it for a second. “Ok, you may be entirely right about that. Might be a bit too soon to even ask anything about the fog.”

Both listened as Chrétien explained the myths of mists from his part of the world and looked at each other.

“Yo, Arata-kun, that sounds a lot like-”

Arata cuts him off. “Yeah, like what they say happens if you play that game.” Arata looks back at Chrétien before explaining.

“Most of our stories with other worlds take place within the ley lines and how most rivers flow along them. One of the oldest is a folktale about a fisherman who saved a turtle and was granted access to the undersea kingdom. There are also tales about how you can wander into another world through mirrors and even the shadow world if you manage it right. Most say that these worlds are just like ours, but with a few key differences.” He shivers a bit.

Toshiro looked over his shoulder hearing the conversation and shook his head. “I don’t like those stories at all….” He whispered before turning back to Akiko.

“If it’s just like middle school then it should be fine. So long as nothing breaks this time.” He half smiles and sighs.

“If waiting is the worst part, then I can handle that. And some good motivation to be around people I know!” He grins wider that he had listening to the conversation.

Arata continues on the other end. “Honestly, if you’re up for it, we can look further into it and even try out the rumor going around. I think the fog may also line up a lot with the mists stories in France.”

Koji nods in agreement. “I’ll pass on the rumor game, but I’m down to learn more about the mists. They say a lot of the mists come from Izanami, and pull you into the underworld.”

Koji shrugs. “Myth and history aren’t really my main areas though.”

Arata shakes his head. “Guess you need food like someone else then. Sakuma-san is right though. Breakfast and fair food isn’t a bad idea before tackling his test of courage.” He says with a smirk.

“Lead the way Sakuma-san!”

Koji turns to Yoshiro and Akiko. “You two wanna come with or catch up in a minute? Whatcha want to eat by the way?”

“Iz-a-nami?” Chrétien asked Kojo as he watched Akiko walk towards the food stalls. He hoped he had not embarrassed the aspiring photojournalist with his enthusiasm. “While my Japanese is pretty good, if occasionally colored by my use of manga and anime to maintain it, there’re still gaps in my cultural knowledge. Where is Iz-a-Naomi?”

2024-02-10, 03:58 PM
“Dango,” Akiko says emphatically as she gets up. I don’t want to eat too much. I’m not sure how scary the maze will be.

“I bet there’s taiyaki somewhere too,” she says, naming Koji’s favorite festival sweet.

Koji and Yoshiro both smile and then Koji's eyes widen. "Oh, so you remember that! Should be a dango stand somewhere, and can always hold plenty for after the maze. I bet Yoshi wants-"

Yoshiro turns beet red before interrupting Koji. "P-please don't! I'm nervous enough today as is, Koji!"

His brother puts his hands up and nods. "I gotcha, I gotcha. But you do need to eat more than just snacks today, aight? It's been forever since we've all been able to do this together."

Yoshiro nods and sighs as he follows along to find more food options. He stops and looks at a yakisoba stand for a moment while the group continues and as Arata starts to fill in blanks that Koji leaves out in conversations.

“Iz-a-nami?” Chrétien asked Kojo as he watched Akiko walk towards the food stalls. He hoped he had not embarrassed the aspiring photojournalist with his enthusiasm. “While my Japanese is pretty good, if occasionally colored by my use of manga and anime to maintain it, there’re still gaps in my cultural knowledge. Where is Iz-a-Naomi?”

Arata looks at Koji with a deadpan stare. "This is why we gotta explain things, Koji-san." He says before turning back to Chrétien. "What Koji-san failed to mention, and me as well my apologies for that failing, Chrétien-san, is that Izanami is the goddess of the dead. Alongside her husband, Izanagi, they birthed all the gods that we revere here in Japan to this day, though not in the traditional sense of birth. Izanami was taken into the underworld and trapped there, much like........." Arata thinks for a moment on a good parallel to draw for the Frenchmen.

He nods as he concludes his thinking. "Much like the Orpheus and Eurydice story in Greek myth. At least, that's the best comparison I can think of at the moment." He shrugs before continuing. "Izanagi travelled to save her, but was unable to and became corrupted. Upon returning to this world, he rid himself of that corruption and the three main gods, Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, and Susanoo-o." He continues for a few moments on some mythos unless anyone stops him before returning to the statements about Izanami.

"They say that the direct entrance to the underworld is in the Izumo province, not overly far from Kyoto actually. Though, that entrance is blocked by an unmovable boulder placed by Izanagi himself."

All the while, Akiko manages to find a familiar face at a food stand. "Well now, it's been a while since I've seen you three. How have you been Akiko-chan? Ms. Kimura waves at her kindly.

If Akiko looks at her surroundings, Koji and Yohsiro are at the yakisoba stand just behind her. There is also a dango stand nearby as well that she can see Koji eyeing.

2024-02-12, 08:32 AM
As they walk to the food stalls, Akiko takes a moment to walk in step with Yoshiro. “Okay, I have to ask. What are you so nervous about today Shiro-kun?”

After they part ways, Akiko is stunned to see the illusive taiyaki baker at the their school festival.

“Mrs… Kimura?” she says slowly. “You remember me? I haven’t seen you since I was like eight.”

She bows to the old woman. “Sorry, that was rude of me. Thank you very much for being here. Can I get three taiyaki please?”

2024-02-12, 09:34 PM
As they walk to the food stalls, Akiko takes a moment to walk in step with Yoshiro. “Okay, I have to ask. What are you so nervous about today Shiro-kun?”

After they part ways, Akiko is stunned to see the illusive taiyaki baker at the their school festival.

“Mrs… Kimura?” she says slowly. “You remember me? I haven’t seen you since I was like eight.”

She bows to the old woman. “Sorry, that was rude of me. Thank you very much for being here. Can I get three taiyaki please?”

Yoshiro jumps a bit at the nickname and tries to wave off any concern. "N-nervous?! It's just been forever and..." He sighs. "I don't wanna embarrass Koji. I know back in middle school it wasn't a big deal but he's a big shot here, and I don't want people to think I'm going to be a burden to him. Also, he was picking on me about doing kid stuff and telling me how girls wouldn't like it. Feels like too much change all at once, ya know?"

Later with Mrs. Kimura, she nods and smiles. "Not that long ago when you get my age, Akiko-chan. And you always tried to get a lot more of the taiyaki than you could eat too." She eyes the other stall. "Guess Koji-kun missed this stand entirely this year again."

She shook her head and chuckled. "To be fair, as many people as I see and deal with, I'd be surprised to remember a good number of them. I've actually just finished talking with Gosei-sensei about selling taiyaki in the school store. May only be on certain days, but it'll be nice as a treat for the hardworking students."

As Mrs. Kimura continues about the deal with Gosei, she wraps up three taiyaki for Akiko. "I'm glad to have been able to be here. I hope that you, Koji-kun, and his brother have a wonderful time today. And don't forget to get your fortunes read!"

Near Koji, Arata has come back with takoyaki from the stand labeled, "Weird Takoyaki". From what others know of him, this is not unusual, but you've never known him to really venture out and mess with food like that.

One of those takoyaki in his hands is very different. He hasn't seemed to notice it.
Seems perfectly normal for food.

big teej
2024-02-14, 08:55 PM
Fair Hijinks:

Having recovered his composure, Sakuma turns his attention back to the group. "Thanks Arata, that's really generous." He says, carefully selecting a normal takoyaki.

Sakuma surreptitiously readies his camera, hoping to get a reaction shot of whoever ends up with the 'lucky' Takoyaki.

Proficiency for Notice: Hit (https://orokos.com/roll/1001637)

2024-02-14, 09:46 PM
Proficiency (https://orokos.com/roll/1001728): 2d6+1 7

A Hit!

“This one appears different,” Chrétien observed as he poked it with a toothpick. “Has it been made for someone in particular or is it for the most adventurous amongst us?

“I do not wish to be rude in taking it if it is meant for someone else. But if it is a here as a challenge or a petite plaisanterie, I do not mind risking it. It is all a chance for something new, eh?”

2024-02-15, 09:51 AM
“I get that,” Akiko replies to Yoshiro. “The too much change part, at least. It is an adjustment leaving home and coming to a dorm. I think you’ll get used to it though. I actually really like it,” she says with a smile.

“I also wouldn’t let your brother bother you too much. Brothers are supposed to pick on their younger siblings. It’s just what they do.”

She bumps Yoshiro’s elbow with her own. “You’ll figure everything out. Don’t worry about it, Shiro-kun.”

With Mrs. Kimura, Akiko smiles. “That’s great news! I look forward to seeing you later, Mrs. Kimura.”

She takes the taiyaki, then rejoins the group, offering Koji and Yoshiro the baked fish-shaped cakes. “Guess who’s gonna be selling taiyaki at the school store this year?”

She observes the tray that Arata has gotten, making note of the odd one out.

Notice the weird Takoyaki: 9 (https://orokos.com/roll/1001643)

2024-02-16, 05:39 PM
“I get that,” Akiko replies to Yoshiro. “The too much change part, at least. It is an adjustment leaving home and coming to a dorm. I think you’ll get used to it though. I actually really like it,” she says with a smile.

“I also wouldn’t let your brother bother you too much. Brothers are supposed to pick on their younger siblings. It’s just what they do.”

She bumps Yoshiro’s elbow with her own. “You’ll figure everything out. Don’t worry about it, Shiro-kun.”

With Mrs. Kimura, Akiko smiles. “That’s great news! I look forward to seeing you later, Mrs. Kimura.”

Toshiro nods and then smiles. "Yeah, leaving home is the hard part. at least now I know for sure there are people I'll know. And some nice upperclassmen. Arata-senpai seems like he's fairly laid back too. Not even sure when I'll meet my hall mates since most of them skipped out on meet-up day." He shook his head.

He raised an eyebrow and then nodded. "Yeah, they do......" His voice trailed off. "Guess I'd do the same if our ages were reversed." He chuckles as Akiko elbows him. "Thanks, Akiko-senpai. I feel way better now." He grins widely.

Mrs. Kimura bows and waves. "I'm looking looking forward to it as well! Thank you!"

Fair Hijinks:
Having recovered his composure, Sakuma turns his attention back to the group. "Thanks Arata, that's really generous." He says, carefully selecting a normal takoyaki.

Sakuma surreptitiously readies his camera, hoping to get a reaction shot of whoever ends up with the 'lucky' Takoyaki.

“This one appears different,” Chrétien observed as he poked it with a toothpick. “Has it been made for someone in particular or is it for the most adventurous amongst us?

“I do not wish to be rude in taking it if it is meant for someone else. But if it is a here as a challenge or a petite plaisanterie, I do not mind risking it. It is all a chance for something new, eh?”

She takes the taiyaki, then rejoins the group, offering Koji and Yoshiro the baked fish-shaped cakes. “Guess who’s gonna be selling taiyaki at the school store this year?”

Koji and Toshiro both turn into little kids seeing the taiyaki and graciously accept. Koji starts off with it. "Wow, I can't believe you found this! you just hid it from us in your bag didn't you, Aki-chan." He winks.

Toshiro starts with the wrapper as he balances all the other stuff in his arms. "So that's where you ran off to!"

They both ask at the same time. "Who?"

Koji munches on the taiyaki. "I swear if you tell me it's the only person in town that makes it a........" He stops and his eyes widen tasting it. "No........... You're messing with me.........." A grin creeps across his face.

Yoshiro chuckles. "Gotta stay in shape though, Koji." Koji looks defeated as the reminder from his brother hits his ears.

Arata grins at Sakuma as he thanked him and took a takoyaki. "Anytime, Sakuma-san! They had a special going too, but I can't remember what it was for entirely. Think they called this one, "Wheel of Fortune"." He says with a shrug.

As Chrétien makes the one standing out known, Arata looks down at it and squints. "Huh, think that may be what they meant by the wheel of fortune. I'm going with adventurous so go for it, Chrétien-san!" He grins.

Koji and Yoshiro look over and raise their eyebrows. "Arata-kun, do you know why they call it that?" Yoshiro asked. Arata shook his head.

"Nope, think he should go for it though for the experience!" Arata grins widely.

It's spicy. REALLY Spicy. You hold your composure!
You're entirely convinced the special ingredient is an amalgamation of the hottest peppers in the world. As though the Devil himself made this. You are in need of water or milk.

The line for the maze is super short, and the exit seems to lead to the fortuneteller.

2024-02-16, 10:03 PM
Koji and Toshiro both turn into little kids seeing the taiyaki and graciously accept. Koji starts off with it. "Wow, I can't believe you found this! you just hid it from us in your bag didn't you, Aki-chan." He winks.

Toshiro starts with the wrapper as he balances all the other stuff in his arms. "So that's where you ran off to!"

They both ask at the same time. "Who?"

Koji munches on the taiyaki. "I swear if you tell me it's the only person in town that makes it a........" He stops and his eyes widen tasting it. "No........... You're messing with me.........." A grin creeps across his face.

Yoshiro chuckles. "Gotta stay in shape though, Koji." Koji looks defeated as the reminder from his brother hits his ears.

Arata grins at Sakuma as he thanked him and took a takoyaki. "Anytime, Sakuma-san! They had a special going too, but I can't remember what it was for entirely. Think they called this one, "Wheel of Fortune"." He says with a shrug.

As Chrétien makes the one standing out known, Arata looks down at it and squints. "Huh, think that may be what they meant by the wheel of fortune. I'm going with adventurous so go for it, Chrétien-san!" He grins.

Koji and Yoshiro look over and raise their eyebrows. "Arata-kun, do you know why they call it that?" Yoshiro asked. Arata shook his head.

"Nope, think he should go for it though for the experience!" Arata grins widely.

You're entirely convinced the special ingredient is an amalgamation of the hottest peppers in the world. As though the Devil himself made this. You are in need of water or milk.

The line for the maze is super short, and the exit seems to lead to the fortuneteller.

Guts (https://orokos.com/roll/1001899): 2d6+1 3

“Putain,” Chrétien manages to cough out as he feels the heat of the takoyaki invade his lungs as well as his stomach.

Despite the pain, he laughs, wiping away the tears that come with the heat.

“I did say I wanted une grande expérience, mais non?” He made a sound somewhere in between coughing and a laugh. “I do so hope you co- co— caught my good side, Sakuma. If so, we can send the picture to my uncle with the tale of the story.”

He coughed some more and wiped away another tear.

“Perhaps we can find some milk along the way to the fortune teller — although it is clear I should have consulted her before spinning the Wheel of Fortune, Arata-san.”

2024-02-19, 07:29 PM
Guts (https://orokos.com/roll/1001899): 2d6+1 3

“Putain,” Chrétien manages to cough out as he feels the heat of the takoyaki invade his lungs as well as his stomach.

Despite the pain, he laughs, wiping away the tears that come with the heat.

“I did say I wanted une grande expérience, mais non?” He made a sound somewhere in between coughing and a laugh. “I do so hope you co- co— caught my good side, Sakuma. If so, we can send the picture to my uncle with the tale of the story.”

He coughed some more and wiped away another tear.

“Perhaps we can find some milk along the way to the fortune teller — although it is clear I should have consulted her before spinning the Wheel of Fortune, Arata-san.”

Arata's eyes widen as he watches the scene and his expression is almost one of shared pain. "I don't know what that first word was, but I have a decent guess." He winces and starts to laugh with Chrétien so he feels a bit better.

Koji looks around to try and find something for the Frenchman, before running off. Yoshiro has an extremely pained expression on his face, as though he had wanted to try it, but now was glad he hadn't.

"Guess so, hopefully, the rest of the year is not as heated as that." Arata chuckles. "Good show though, Chrétien-san! I do hope that your uncle won't blame me too much for it either." He smiles.

After a few minutes, Koji comes running back, handing a small bottle to Chrétien. "Here ya go, bud. Now if your main card they show you is the Wheel of Fortune, I'll have some concerns." He laughs a bit.

2024-02-19, 08:55 PM
Arata's eyes widen as he watches the scene and his expression is almost one of shared pain. "I don't know what that first word was, but I have a decent guess." He winces and starts to laugh with Chrétien so he feels a bit better.

Koji looks around to try and find something for the Frenchman, before running off. Yoshiro has an extremely pained expression on his face, as though he had wanted to try it, but now was glad he hadn't.

"Guess so, hopefully, the rest of the year is not as heated as that." Arata chuckles. "Good show though, Chrétien-san! I do hope that your uncle won't blame me too much for it either." He smiles.

After a few minutes, Koji comes running back, handing a small bottle to Chrétien. "Here ya go, bud. Now if your main card they show you is the Wheel of Fortune, I'll have some concerns." He laughs a bit.

“The only thing my uncle will blame you for is his not being here to see my face when I bit into the takoyaki,” Chrétien assured them. “And if the Wheel of Fortune is drawn for me, mes amis, I will have none to blame but myself and will, indeed embrace what comes of it as best I can. Like the moon, Fortune waxes and wanes and none may know what she will bring to us. Or so the song goes at the start of the film Excalibur.”

He smiled after another brief cough and swig from the bottle Koji provided. “I don’t know if it is likely to have been seen here. Kurosawa’s Ran is a more likely tragedy for you to have seen. Although Arthurian Romance is not so clear cut as to fit neatly into comedy and tragedy — although Fortuna plays her part in such tales.”

big teej
2024-02-22, 10:43 PM

Sakuma shades his eyes and his camera with his hand and examines the 'reaction shot' of Dumas' Special Takoyaki and grins. Now that's one for the papers.

"Well, now that we've had something to eat, and had a teeny tiny test of courage, maybe we should head to The Maze?" The redhead offers, jerking a thumb towards the building in question.

2024-02-24, 11:50 AM

Sakuma shades his eyes and his camera with his hand and examines the 'reaction shot' of Dumas' Special Takoyaki and grins. Now that's one for the papers.

"Well, now that we've had something to eat, and had a teeny tiny test of courage, maybe we should head to The Maze?" The redhead offers, jerking a thumb towards the building in question.

Arata chuckles as Koji just sighs, looking at Akiko and Yoshiro. "Yoshi, you good, or want to stick close by for it?"

Yoshiro seems a bit nervous at the Test of Courage maze and nods. "I-I'll be ok, but don't go too far okay?" Koji just grins as he moves towards the maze. "Same question to you, Aki-chan. Pretty sure there are a few third-years in there as monsters."

Arata offers a shoulder for Chrétien, if he needs it after the painful experience, and holds up a 'V for Victory' sign. "Guess that's another one for ya, Sakuma!"

As the group clears by, they notice that the line is especially thin. It appears as though many have avoided this maze for other experiences. You are ushered in by an adult attendant that reminds you to not wildly punch or kick as the actors may get hurt, and they would rather you not hurt yourselves as well. It seems as though many have gathered for the Principal's speech, though it has yet to start. It appears that Gosei-sensei is running much more behind than last year.

Granted, everyone remembers that his habit of running behind is attributed to his enjoyment of life as well. As you enter the maze, the lights shift between a deep crimson, blinding yellow, and a forest green. As you go further, starting noises start to appear from the same direction where the obvious fog machine is blowing from.

Arata jumps a bit hearing what appears to be a chainsaw, Koji stoically is unphased by anything that occurs. Every so often, an actor jumps out at you with such speed and a startling yell that causes you to question how they could afford such costumes.

Now and then, you see an actor that moves, but pays no attention to you at all. As though in a trance or just going about their day. The costumes look far more realistic for those actors than they should.

OOC: Feel free to narrate reactions to the end as you like!

2024-02-24, 01:08 PM
Arata chuckles as Koji just sighs, looking at Akiko and Yoshiro. "Yoshi, you good, or want to stick close by for it?"

Yoshiro seems a bit nervous at the Test of Courage maze and nods. "I-I'll be ok, but don't go too far okay?" Koji just grins as he moves towards the maze. "Same question to you, Aki-chan. Pretty sure there are a few third-years in there as monsters."

Arata offers a shoulder for Chrétien, if he needs it after the painful experience, and holds up a 'V for Victory' sign. "Guess that's another one for ya, Sakuma!"

As the group clears by, they notice that the line is especially thin. It appears as though many have avoided this maze for other experiences. You are ushered in by an adult attendant that reminds you to not wildly punch or kick as the actors may get hurt, and they would rather you not hurt yourselves as well. It seems as though many have gathered for the Principal's speech, though it has yet to start. It appears that Gosei-sensei is running much more behind than last year.

Granted, everyone remembers that his habit of running behind is attributed to his enjoyment of life as well. As you enter the maze, the lights shift between a deep crimson, blinding yellow, and a forest green. As you go further, starting noises start to appear from the same direction where the obvious fog machine is blowing from.

Arata jumps a bit hearing what appears to be a chainsaw, Koji stoically is unphased by anything that occurs. Every so often, an actor jumps out at you with such speed and a startling yell that causes you to question how they could afford such costumes.

Now and then, you see an actor that moves, but pays no attention to you at all. As though in a trance or just going about their day. The costumes look far more realistic for those actors than they should.

OOC: Feel free to narrate reactions to the end as you like!

Guts (https://orokos.com/roll/1002690): 2d6+1 11
Since I’m still trying to get a full handle on the character, I thought I would roll to give myself some place to start.

The roll was high enough that I thought to include it here to give a sense of Chrétien‘s poise throughout the maze.

His experience with the takoyaki had gotten Chrétien’s heart pumping, preparing his body for the lights, sounds, and jump scares of the maze. It wasn’t that he was unphased by these. Indeed, it was quite the opposite at times. With one or two of the yōkai (He thought that was the correct word. Chrétien had to concede that much of the metaphysical subtlety between actual Japanese spirits and some of the made for manga monsters was lost on him.), he found himself slipping into one of the HEMA stances he knew before smiling at his overreaction to the funhouse maze.

His trainers would have been pleased to see that he would have been at the ready, had this have been an actual encounter.

It was a heart-pounding experience to be sure, but Chrétien was enjoying himself immensely.

“What are the actors who seem to be here but not here, mes amis?” Chrétien asked his companions. “The costumes are impressive. Are they here more to be admired than interacted with? Perhaps fashion students displaying their skill? Their costumes are most impressive.”

2024-02-24, 09:05 PM
Akiko swallows slightly at the thought of heading into the maze, but nods. “Let’s go,” she says with feigned bravery.

Once in the maze, she relaxes somewhat. While she enjoyed the dump of adrenaline when someone would jump out, it wasn’t too scary. She held her ground and didn’t once try to hide behind Koji.

“It’s kinda weird, isn’t it,” she says after Chrétien‘s observation. She tries to look more closely at one of the people that seems to be just going about their day, attempting to observe their reaction to her.

2024-02-27, 06:18 PM
“What are the actors who seem to be here but not here, mes amis?” Chrétien asked his companions. “The costumes are impressive. Are they here more to be admired than interacted with? Perhaps fashion students displaying their skill? Their costumes are most impressive.”

Akiko swallows slightly at the thought of heading into the maze, but nods. “Let’s go,” she says with feigned bravery.

Once in the maze, she relaxes somewhat. While she enjoyed the dump of adrenaline when someone would jump out, it wasn’t too scary. She held her ground and didn’t once try to hide behind Koji.

“It’s kinda weird, isn’t it,” she says after Chrétien‘s observation. She tries to look more closely at one of the people that seems to be just going about their day, attempting to observe their reaction to her.

Koji looks at Chrétien with much askance, as he turns to see where he had motioned. Yoshiro just nods and tilts his head, as does Arata.

"I'm not sure honestly," Yoshiro started. "It's kinda weird that they don't even seem to notice us either."

Arata nods in agreement as another crosses the path. "Very impressive work on these. I can't even see the wire holding that guy up." He points to what appears like a half-floating horse yokai. "I wouldn't have expected that kind of work to go into this at all." Another passes by, this one seemingly as a normal woman in a dress, though her dress is far older than you would expect.

Because I think Chrétien would be closest to getting this.
You recognize this actor as being dressed as a Silkie from Irish mythology.
That's a very well-made silk dress, but you feel you have seen it before.

On a success, you know these are not students now having seen this one up close. Make a Guts check to not freak out.

As more actors like this pass you by, you begin to hear a voice in the back of your head. Like a whisper that tells you it's time to flee. You vaguely recognize the voice from your recent dreams, and notice Arata looking around trying to find the source. Yoshiro seems to have gotten more scared and is clinging to Koji.

Flee, young knight. This is not where you should be. And it is not yet your time, but soon. May the Grail be your guide in this trial, as we will meet soon.

The stench of life fades, you do not belong near these beings. It is time for a change, and it will come soon. Far sooner than you think. Heed my warning and stay near these, humans, as they will assist you. I will see you soon, young one.

There is a roar before the words come. Truth is simple, and you have found one of them. Fight it, and show the world this truth so that they may understand! These beings are the ENEMY! And you will wield the blade against them. It seems you will have my power soon, far sooner than expected young inquisitor.

2024-02-27, 07:00 PM
Koji looks at Chrétien with much askance, as he turns to see where he had motioned. Yoshiro just nods and tilts his head, as does Arata.

"I'm not sure honestly," Yoshiro started. "It's kinda weird that they don't even seem to notice us either."

Arata nods in agreement as another crosses the path. "Very impressive work on these. I can't even see the wire holding that guy up." He points to what appears like a half-floating horse yokai. "I wouldn't have expected that kind of work to go into this at all." Another passes by, this one seemingly as a normal woman in a dress, though her dress is far older than you would expect.

Because I think Chrétien would be closest to getting this.
You recognize this actor as being dressed as a Silkie from Irish mythology.
That's a very well-made silk dress, but you feel you have seen it before.

On a success, you know these are not students now having seen this one up close. Make a Guts check to not freak out.

Knowledge (https://orokos.com/roll/1003110): 2d6 5

“They are most remarkable,” Chrétien observed with a furrowed brow. There was something about the fur that edged the silk of the woman’s dress — a dress from an earlier time — that tugged at his memory. It was European in style but not from France.

But place it, he could not.

“I feel I should know the character of the woman in the silk dress with touches of seal fur at the cuffs and hem and neckline but cannot place her. A minor character from a Manga or Miraculous, les aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir, whose name escapes me at the moment? Nevertheless, the cosplayer who made it was to be complimented on their skill.”

He glanced behind him, trying to place where the voices he was hearing were coming from.

“Even if,” he added, increasingly quietly. “Even if she does not wish to be spoken to. They must not break the fourth wall….”

As more actors like this pass you by, you begin to hear a voice in the back of your head. Like a whisper that tells you it's time to flee. You vaguely recognize the voice from your recent dreams, and notice Arata looking around trying to find the source. Yoshiro seems to have gotten more scared and is clinging to Koji.

Flee, young knight. This is not where you should be. And it is not yet your time, but soon. May the Grail be your guide in this trial, as we will meet soon.

The voice from his dreams.

That glorious voice.

La Demoiselle du Lac.

He could almost taste the air of the lake — feel the night-cooled mist on his face and hands.

There was no mistaking her — no refusing her commands.

He was but her loyal servant, bound to her service.

He must not fear. He must not fail.

And he must protect his friends.

They would not understand. They would think him mad.

But her voice compelled and spurred him to action.

“As lovely as they are,” he said with somewhat more forced elan than he would have liked as he began to move forward, carefully skirting the figures as he angled for the exit. “I am anxious to see if the Wheel will turn for good or ill for me. Shall we to the fortune teller and see what she predicts for us?”

big teej
2024-02-27, 10:42 PM
Enter the Maze:

It's an absolute crime that all this effort can't be documented and appreciated. This is some serious top notch stuff. Sakuma thinks to himself, lamenting the strictures against recordings or flash photography, and knowing his equipment wouldn't do anything justice anyway.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say they were projections, or models on rollers or something." Sakuma offers, watching the extra special actors glide by them, ignoring their existence.

Sakuma looks at one of those actors more closely as it passes nearby and shivers, gooseflesh taking hold all over his body as a primal thrill of fear and awareness overtakes him.

This is it. This is what it's like, this is Great Cthulhu rising from the depths, this is to stare into the uncaring, unfeeling abyss This is...

Sakuma swallows several times, trying to still his racing thoughts and keep up an appearance of normalcy.

Maybe I got the extra special Takoyaki, not Tien-san.

Inwardly shaken, Sakuma moves on with the group, but can't stop from looking around for a speaker or other source of the whispering. He flinches and hunches his shoulders when the whisper escalates to the roar of a freight train clattering noisily through his mind. He remembers in his guts the half-remembered phantoms and happenings of a series of misty nightmares he'd been having for weeks.

He was falling from a great height before being plunged deep beneath the surface of black waters only to crash ashore a red beach, stained with blood, as black iron tracks and thorny ties erupted from the pebbly beach and the roar of an unseen, soul powered locomotive barreled down on him before a slimy sensation dragged him back into the depths where some massive creature of blade and teeth and eyes and alien physiology circled and swam in the water, undulating and pulsing, driving a massive, world ending spike or blade into-

He shook himself again, returning to the moment.

"Tien-san has the right idea." He says breathlessly. "We should find the exit. It'd be a shame to find out it's a race or something after lollygagging around here." He laughs hollowly and makes a bee-line towards where he has intuited the exit must lie.

Guts Roll vs. Test of Courage: 10 (https://orokos.com/roll/1003116)
Knowledge Roll vs. seeing the truth: 11 (https://orokos.com/roll/1003117)
Guts roll for Sanity Test: 8 (https://orokos.com/roll/1003118)

2024-03-02, 10:23 AM
Akiko starts as she hears the voice in her head that had been plaguing her dreams for the last few months. She knew what the voice belonged to. A faceless winged demon that played at being a gentleman until she fell into the inky darkness of his wings.

It wasn’t something that she thought she would ever hear while she was awake. Her skin prickles as goosebumps break out across her arms and neck.

“I think Sakuma-san has the right idea,” she says, glancing at Koji and Yoshiro. “Let’s get out of here.”

2024-03-03, 11:11 AM
Arata and Yoshiro look at the rest of the group and nod. Arata speaks up as Yoshiro cowers closer to Koji.

“Ain’t gotta tell me twice. Those projections are…..” Another passed by before Arata could finish and it appeared as a floating pumpkin with a cape, hat, and lantern. (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/9/98/00071_Jack-o%27-lantern_Fixed.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/360?cb=20220727081946) Unlike the others, this one was speaking.

“HEE-HO!” It still ignored you for the most part.

Yoshiro starts shaking and about moves to bolt for the exit but it stopped by Koji. “It’s fine little bro. It’s just a prop they made with a speaker in the pumpkin. Totally normal stuff.”

On a success, you notice that he is fairly unphased by it all. As though what had happened to you all, Arata and Yoshiro included, hadn’t happened to him.

Also, gain 2 exp in Knowledge, Proficiency, and Guts.

Arata looks at Koji as though the baseball player had gone mad, but shrugs it off. “Let’s get him to the exit either way. How are you not creeped out by this?”

Koji shrugs. “It’s all fake. If these things were walking, and we had felt them, then that would be a different story.” He grins.

After you pass where those ‘actors’ had been, things settle back to normal. You are quickly guided to the exit and make it back outside with a cheer from the maze group hoping that you will stop by again.

Arata shakes his head and grabs a water bottle from his bag to hand to Yoshiro. “Here ya go, Yoshiro-kun. Should help with the nerves.”

Yoshiro is still shaking, but takes the bottle and downs half of it. “T-thank you, Arata-senpai.”

Koji chuckles. “Man, you just come prepared for anything, don’tcha? We’ll get some more snacks in just a bit too, ok? Gotta see how far the wheel turns for Tien-san.” He grins at the Frenchman.

Not long after you leave the maze line, you are beckoned towards what looks like a fortune teller stand by a young woman. From the street, you see her platinum blonde hair in a bun, covered by a blue scarf. The black and navy robe looks as though it’s just for show, but a closer look reveals it’s more than a mere costume. This was hand made and finely tailored.

"Welcome, child,” she says with a wide grin. "Care for a reading on you coming spring? The cards are never wrong. Love, grades, finances, even the triumphs and falls. Tell me, what is your name? You may call me, Nadia.”

As you answer her, she begins to draw cards from the tarot deck. You notice that she only places one in front of each of you.

"My, an interesting fate lies before you. While only a single card, know that it represents your coming year, and the journey you will face.”

In front of Chrétien, she places the Lovers card. Before Arata, the Hanged Man. Akiko receives the Death card, and Sakuma is shown the Judgment.

Koji has stepped back and is not checking out the cards, not believing in this stuff, but Yoshiro has joined you at the booth. It appears he has been given the Wheel of Fortune. Yoshiro raises an eyebrow at the card then looks at Chrétien.

“I thought this would be your card. Is this usual for a reading, Nadia-san?”

Nadia nods and grins widely. “For this type, yes. I would be glad to do a full reading of course, but time constrains us today. Perhaps there is something you have seen already that influences this?”

Yoshiro gulps and nods. Nadia’s smile grows wider and then settles back to the reading.

She turns to Chrétien first. “You have been blessed by the Lovers it seems. Keep in mind your relationships and values, and understand the choices that you will make. Don’t fall into imbalance and disharmony, for it will be your downfall. Be wary of false promises, and nurture those relationships that you have, and will make.” She eyes the rest of the group for a moment.

She goes in order of you all by card number.

“The Wheel of Fortune spins and spins, but it is pure chance. The whims of fate guide you, young one. In the upright position, you will find good luck and life cycles, but revered, you find bad luck, and resistance to change. Change is hard, and you will see a lot of it this year, but do not resist as not all change is bad.”

“It seems that you have been caught in a moment of pause, as the Hanged Man cannot move until he realizes what is before him, and after. You will be presented with new perspectives, and be faced with the choice to surrender, or hang on. The Hanged Man teaches us not to fall into gripping tightly, but to contemplate, and relax.

“Death, it comes to us all, child. But this card is not just the literal meaning, it represents change. Your life will change greatly this year as Death is not just an ending, but a beginning as well. Allow the transformation, and even in the reverse, there is inner change.” She smiles at Akiko in a comforting manner. It’s never easy when she draws the Death card for someone.

“Judgment, the time of the end. That inner calling and the time of rebirth as the journey ends. You will be called to cast judgment on those around you, and to separate the rights and wrongs. Be wary, as you will be plagued by self-doubt should you falter. You will be the worst critic of yourself, and must heed the call when it is placed. Judgment, like Death, waits for no man.”

She smiles and waits for if the group has any questions before continuing.

2024-03-05, 08:31 AM
Akiko gives Yoshiro a comforting pat on the shoulder as they leave the maze.

Somehow, getting the Death card didn’t surprise her. She had already dealt with her brother’s death last year, but it was nice to hear that not all change was bad. She hoped that was true.

She looks at Koji as he shrugs off the entire experience. “Hey, Koji-san. Why don’t you see what card you get? Humor me.”

OOC: Proficiency-9 (https://orokos.com/roll/1003764)

2024-03-05, 01:29 PM
On a success, you notice that he is fairly unphased by it all. As though what had happened to you all, Arata and Yoshiro included, hadn’t happened to him.

Also, gain 2 exp in Knowledge, Proficiency, and Guts.

Proficiency (https://orokos.com/roll/1003775): 2d6+1 4

Koji chuckles. “Man, you just come prepared for anything, don’tcha? We’ll get some more snacks in just a bit too, ok? Gotta see how far the wheel turns for Tien-san.” He grins at the Frenchman.

Not long after you leave the maze line, you are beckoned towards what looks like a fortune teller stand by a young woman. From the street, you see her platinum blonde hair in a bun, covered by a blue scarf. The black and navy robe looks as though it’s just for show, but a closer look reveals it’s more than a mere costume. This was hand made and finely tailored.

"Welcome, child,” she says with a wide grin. "Care for a reading on you coming spring? The cards are never wrong. Love, grades, finances, even the triumphs and falls. Tell me, what is your name? You may call me, Nadia.”

As you answer her, she begins to draw cards from the tarot deck. You notice that she only places one in front of each of you.

"My, an interesting fate lies before you. While only a single card, know that it represents your coming year, and the journey you will face.”

In front of Chrétien, she places the Lovers card. Before Arata, the Hanged Man. Akiko receives the Death card, and Sakuma is shown the Judgment.

Koji has stepped back and is not checking out the cards, not believing in this stuff, but Yoshiro has joined you at the booth. It appears he has been given the Wheel of Fortune. Yoshiro raises an eyebrow at the card then looks at Chrétien.

“I thought this would be your card. Is this usual for a reading, Nadia-san?”

Nadia nods and grins widely. “For this type, yes. I would be glad to do a full reading of course, but time constrains us today. Perhaps there is something you have seen already that influences this?”

Yoshiro gulps and nods. Nadia’s smile grows wider and then settles back to the reading.

“Perhaps we are standing in the wrong places? Or perhaps it is your turn for the wheel,” Chrétien joked, wondering if the word play translated well before turning more serious with Nadia. “Seen and heard, perhaps. It might be easier to know if you would tell us more, s’il vous plaît.”

She turns to Chrétien first. “You have been blessed by the Lovers it seems. Keep in mind your relationships and values, and understand the choices that you will make. Don’t fall into imbalance and disharmony, for it will be your downfall. Be wary of false promises, and nurture those relationships that you have, and will make.” She eyes the rest of the group for a moment.


She smiles and waits for if the group has any questions before continuing.[/QUOTE]

Sound advice, regardless, Chrétien thought with an edge of disappointment — although the nod towards his new friends was more than a little reassuring. Having just touched the wondrous, he yearned for more — whether that be greater mystery or clarity about his relationship to his Lady.

And yet, there was a hint of the wondrous here. While her words were prudent advice for anyone living abroad, there was a hint of a vibration there — of a significance that went beyond what one might find in an advice column or closing paragraph of a web page.

He wanted to hear more.

“When might we find the time for the fuller reading you suggest, madmoiselle? The cards seem to hint at significances but it remains clouded to me. And given your advice, such uncertainty feels perilous.”

big teej
2024-03-05, 09:46 PM
Wheel of Morality, Turn, Turn, Turn:

Sakuma eyes Koji for a long moment over his dismissive attitude, but says nothing, not yet sure of himself.

The sunlight dispels much of the nerves built up over the last several minutes, it's almost enough to convince the would-be investigator that he'd spooked himself, that he'd somehow sent his own imagination into overdrive and he'd passed by some high quality paper-mache chicanery.


The red-haired youth blinks, brought forth from his ruminations and back to the moment by the words of the Fortune Teller.

He glances at everyone's cards and looks down at his own Arcana with a mixture of consternation and interest in his eyes. He listens to Nadia as she rattles off an explanation to everyone.

He does a double take at his own card, seeing a blade-faced monster - a glare from the sun - before the image of a trumpet blowing angel and the raised dead reasserts itself to his eyes.

With a flippant bravado he didn't feel, Sakuma says "It makes sense that everyone's cards and readings have to do with big changes."

He jerks a thumb at the main class building. "Start of a new school year, dorm life, brand new adventures, all that jazz."

Finally dropped one: 6 on Proficiency (https://orokos.com/roll/1003818)
Aspect Experience allotted accordingly

Self-Imposed Knowledge: 11 (https://orokos.com/roll/1003828)
In his studies of Lovecraft and the blurry line before legitimate and fictional occult, Sakuma has studied the traditional Tarot.

2024-03-06, 06:43 PM
Koji sighs and walks over. Nadia smirks a bit and draws another, placing it in front of him facedown.

"It's fine, not everyone wants to know about change. Even if it is inevitable and something that makes sense with dorm life and school." She eyes Sakuma. "It's all a matter of how that change comes about. With you, it may well be to illuminate the truth of the world to others, while Akiko-chan's may very well be to cause that change herself. No one can know for certain."

Yoshiro looks up at Chrétien and chuckles a bit. His nerves at the time seemed eased after Akiko had comforted him following the maze, and the joke by the Frenchman. "Thank you, Chrétien-san. Maybe we are, but I have a feeling that this is true. I'm usually pretty lucky, so this seems to fit." He looks at Akiko and tugs on her arm. "This year, we'll have only good changes."

Koji nodded and asked for the card, and as Nadia turned it the Star is revealed. "Well well, it seems our athlete has been granted the gift of Hope and purpose. I suppose that means you'll lead Gosei High to victory in the next tournament." She chuckles a bit.

Koji grins. "Guess mine has more answers than anything else."

Nadia turns to Chrétien as Koji beams. A group of students are now crowding around waiting for their turn at the cards. "I would love to take the time to perform a full reading, Chrétien-san. If only time permitted at the moment." She pulls out 6 business cards and hands them to each. Interestingly enough, you find your arcana on each card. "If you would come to Dazai's Punks, I will be there from tomorrow on. In fact, I'm hoping all of you can come."

You hear many of the students making comments about taking too long. Seems the first group wants to know about their love life. "And that is about what most people will ask for, which makes your group interesting."

Arata stops looking at the card for a moment to ask a question of Nadia. "Nadia-san, has anyone come by asking about the weird rumors in town?"

Her eyes widen and she looks at them all. "If you mean the Persona game or the fog over Inaba, I'm afraid not. However, the homeroom teacher for 2-B did beat you all here to ask if her year would not repeat from way back. It's a regular occurrence with her at least, so I'm used to it." Nadia shrugs. "I think she would rather not see another school close down that way."

She relents and draws another card. "I suppose this next may give you some advice worth note. Though, I'd be interested in hearing about what you had seen." A smile crosses her lips as she draws the Tower. Her eyes narrow momentarily and she shakes her head.

"Who shuffled these....." She covers her face for a moment before looking back at the group. "It seems that there is to be an awakening of sorts, utter chaos, a full revelation, and an upheaval of everything you know to be true in the near future. In that case, while classes do start tomorrow for you all, please come and see me at your earliest convenience." Her tone is far more serious than before.

"Has something been calling to you?"

Arata and Yoshiro's eyes both widen, before they nod.

2024-03-06, 08:24 PM
Koji sighs and walks over. Nadia smirks a bit and draws another, placing it in front of him facedown.

"It's fine, not everyone wants to know about change. Even if it is inevitable and something that makes sense with dorm life and school." She eyes Sakuma. "It's all a matter of how that change comes about. With you, it may well be to illuminate the truth of the world to others, while Akiko-chan's may very well be to cause that change herself. No one can know for certain."

Yoshiro looks up at Chrétien and chuckles a bit. His nerves at the time seemed eased after Akiko had comforted him following the maze, and the joke by the Frenchman. "Thank you, Chrétien-san. Maybe we are, but I have a feeling that this is true. I'm usually pretty lucky, so this seems to fit." He looks at Akiko and tugs on her arm. "This year, we'll have only good changes."

Koji nodded and asked for the card, and as Nadia turned it the Star is revealed. "Well well, it seems our athlete has been granted the gift of Hope and purpose. I suppose that means you'll lead Gosei High to victory in the next tournament." She chuckles a bit.

Koji grins. "Guess mine has more answers than anything else."

Nadia turns to Chrétien as Koji beams. A group of students are now crowding around waiting for their turn at the cards. "I would love to take the time to perform a full reading, Chrétien-san. If only time permitted at the moment." She pulls out 6 business cards and hands them to each. Interestingly enough, you find your arcana on each card. "If you would come to Dazai's Punks, I will be there from tomorrow on. In fact, I'm hoping all of you can come."

You hear many of the students making comments about taking too long. Seems the first group wants to know about their love life. "And that is about what most people will ask for, which makes your group interesting."

Arata stops looking at the card for a moment to ask a question of Nadia. "Nadia-san, has anyone come by asking about the weird rumors in town?"

Her eyes widen and she looks at them all. "If you mean the Persona game or the fog over Inaba, I'm afraid not. However, the homeroom teacher for 2-B did beat you all here to ask if her year would not repeat from way back. It's a regular occurrence with her at least, so I'm used to it." Nadia shrugs. "I think she would rather not see another school close down that way."

She relents and draws another card. "I suppose this next may give you some advice worth note. Though, I'd be interested in hearing about what you had seen." A smile crosses her lips as she draws the Tower. Her eyes narrow momentarily and she shakes her head.

"Who shuffled these....." She covers her face for a moment before looking back at the group. "It seems that there is to be an awakening of sorts, utter chaos, a full revelation, and an upheaval of everything you know to be true in the near future. In that case, while classes do start tomorrow for you all, please come and see me at your earliest convenience." Her tone is far more serious than before.

"Has something been calling to you?"

Arata and Yoshiro's eyes both widen, before they nod.

“At the risk of sounding mad, someone has called me to serve,” Chrétien replies quietly, placing the card in his shirt pocket and inclining his head respectfully. He had wanted more and the appearance of his own suit on her business card seemed to answer that need and promise more to come.

“But if I am mad,” he added with a smile to his friends, “it appears I am in good company. I look forward to our next meeting, Nadia-san, and the enlightenment it may bring.”

2024-03-12, 04:58 PM
Festival End

It isn't long after you all see Nadia that the principal gives his speech. It's the usual stuff you would hear for an opening ceremony. Best wishes for the year and thanks to those who made the festival possible. The events of the day linger in your mind as everything occurs, and it's not long after he gives the mic to the police chief that you decide to make your way to the dorm and finish moving in.

"Please remember everyone, that we are in unprecedented times. We will be exacting a curfew over the next few weeks as there have been disappearances. I am sure everyone has heard, and while Gosei-Sensei did not cover this today, we will have special hotel rooms set for away games and conferences now. If you see anything out of the ordinary, please report it to one of my officers. While my area to protect is here in the city, police nationwide are working to solve these issues."

Murmurs are heard among the crowd.

"As many of you know, I come from Inaba. We had issues with a strange fog years back, and it seems to have returned. We have seen a rise in more people behaving far outside their norms as well. If you require help, be it medical, mental, or even just physical, do not hesitate to ask.

Later that night

It's roughly 11:00 pm. You have all gathered in the lounge of your dorm having been confronted with a strange event this morning, and now it weighs heavily on your mind. The only one missing is Koji who seems to be able to sleep entirely fine, though Yoshiro has asked if he could stay with you all tonight as his dormmates have not yet moved in.

Come to me.....

You each hear this call in your mind, similar to the call during the maze. As you each hold onto the card from Nadia, you notice an eerie glow that takes to a corner. It's different on each card as you look, but each leads in the same direction. Beckoning you to the basement storage area.

When you reach the bottom of the stairs, you see the area is clear, and your compass has now changed to show you another direction. This time away from each other to a corner in the room. Yoshiro is the only one left in the middle and his card brings him there.

As he takes his spot, you each feel a similar call in you, the words to say come as well. As though you already knew them. Arata looks at everyone before he starts up.

"Guess we've come this far, maybe it's a mass hallucination, but....." He gulps. "We may as well."

He starts walking towards Sakuma as he repeats the same words you all heard. "Persona, Persona, come unto me. For thou art I, my future self."

OOC: Sakuma gets to choose if Akiko or Chrétien are next in line, as it will end with Yoshiro.

big teej
2024-03-15, 08:25 PM
Festival End:

Sakuma's attention wanders away from Gosei-Sensei's speech almost immediately, instead he replays the events of the day in his mind over and over again. Especially the High Strangeness of the Test of Courage... he'd kept his ears open the rest of the day, and hadn't seen or heard anyone else having such a... surreal experience.

He frowned, appearing to the casual observer to be completely locked in on Gosei-Sensei, arms and legs crossed, completely still.

He starts to rise from his seat as the principal concludes his speech, but plops right back down when the Police Chief takes the stage and begins to talk.

He has Sakuma's interest in earnest.

With each pronouncement, Sakuma feels that same unreal/too-real sensation from before, like he's watching events unfolding on someone else's life rather than his own.

Missing people?
The Fog?!

We go from nobody's even talking about this to the police chief giving an announcement during the move-in festival?

Something doesn't add up.

Later that night:

Sakuma sat holding his camera, reviewing the pictures he'd taken the day, discarding the ones that didn't meet his exacting standards. The voice in his head he only recognized from forgotten nightmares jolted him, causing him to fumble to keep from dumping his camera to the floor. He set it aside carefully.

His hands, seemingly of their own accord, retrieved the Tarot card he'd received earlier. That same marionette sensation continued as he heaved himself jerkily to his feet and shuffled after his suite-mates down to the basement.

Seeing in his mind's eye a clear picture of an investigator in a tan long-coat holding up a warding talisman against an onrushing, eldritch horror, Sakuma warded himself with the Tarot card, echoing Arata's movements, and speaks the words.

OOC: Chretien is next.

2024-03-15, 09:33 PM
Later that night:
Sakuma sat holding his camera, reviewing the pictures he'd taken the day, discarding the ones that didn't meet his exacting standards. The voice in his head he only recognized from forgotten nightmares jolted him, causing him to fumble to keep from dumping his camera to the floor. He set it aside carefully.

His hands, seemingly of their own accord, retrieved the Tarot card he'd received earlier. That same marionette sensation continued as he heaved himself jerkily to his feet and shuffled after his suite-mates down to the basement.

Seeing in his mind's eye a clear picture of an investigator in a tan long-coat holding up a warding talisman against an onrushing, eldritch horror, Sakuma warded himself with the Tarot card, echoing Arata's movements, and speaks the words.

OOC: Chretien is next.

Chrétien knew the voice from his dreams and from earlier today.

He had been sitting with his friends, listening to their stories and their hints towards what had happened earlier in the day. They never spoke of it openly. Neither did he.

It felt too private — too particular — for him to raise it as a topic even if they had shared the experience of the maze and the reading.

The closest they had come to it was their answering one or two of his question about the police chiefs orders. It simply would not do to misunderstand them.

His mind, partially spent by the effort of using Japanese all day, had grown fuzzy before the voice beckoned him — snapping him fully awake if not entirely releasing him from a detached feeling.

Reaching into his shirt pocket, he drew the card out, matching the motion of his rising up out of his chair. He held the card before him, before holding it high enough for him to see.

The glow danced across the top of the card like faerie fire. But the peak hinted at a direction. As he turned towards the tip of the flame, it stood still as the card slid beneath it, pointing the way as unerringly as a compass.

Bemused by the enchantment, he followed his friends unquestioningly to the basement.

Duty was calling.

He waited as Arata and Sakuma began the strange initiatory ritual — for what else could it be but the entrance into a secret order of some sort. It had called them all.

As Sakuma approached, the Japanese caught in his throat. It felt wrong — not true to himself or his calling.

Mirroring the motions of the others, he approached Akiko, repeating the invocation.

Persona, Persona, viens à moi. Pour toi, je suis mon futur moi.

OOC: Akiko is up!

2024-03-17, 07:41 PM
A curfew, Akiko thinks with a roll of her eyes. Does he really think that’s going to stop anyone?

Though it was interesting that they went from rumors to the police chief himself addressing them, instead of Gosei-sensei just making a quick announcement to alleviate any tensions in the student body. If anything, having the chief there had just made everyone more suspicious and frightened.

Later, back in the dorm, Akiko jolts and sighs as she sets aside her sketchpad and pen. The drawing of Kohaku she’d been working on was now ruined with a jagged black line of ink straight through the middle of his head.

Her hand pulls Nadia’s card out of her pocket as her legs carry her with the other down the basement. Akiko swallows her apprehension as Chrétien approaches her and speaks the incantation.

She looks at Yoshiro, trying to tell him with her eyes that everything was going to be okay, as she walks toward him, and says the words.

“Persona, Persona, come unto me. For thou art I, my future self.”

2024-03-30, 04:16 PM

Yoshiro looks around the room at the others in pure terror, though he seems to relax at Akiko's expression. Once she reaches his spot in the middle of the room, he nods and repeats the incantation.

"Persona, Persona, come unto me. for thou art I, my future self." Silence falls as he finishes, Yoshiro looks around again and shrugs. "Guess you were right, Akiko-senpai! Everything turned out al-"

Yoshiro is interrupted by the lights flickering, and you all hear the rush of wind inside the basement. You would also swear that you hear the sound of thunder right beside you.

Arata frantically looks around and runs to try and shield Yoshiro as a bolt of lightning seems to jump from the lights and hit him. Everyone is hit at least once, and Yoshiro tries to jump between one and Akiko. Everything goes black.

You all awaken to the voice from your dreams calling out to you once more, this time, giving you the name. You are back in the basement, but something feels off. Nothing electronic seems to work correctly.

Arata shakes his head and groans, looking at everyone. “Y-you guys all okay? What the **** was that?!”

Yoshiro groans and shudders as he gets up. “H-h-h-h-how are we even alive? Didn’t we get hit with lightning? INSIDE?!”

He freaks out and goes to shake Akiko’s shoulder, Arata rushes to Sakuma and Chrétien.

“Akiko-senpai! Are you okay?”

“Guys, c’mon, tell me you’re both still alive!”

big teej
2024-03-31, 06:10 PM
There are Clues, and then there are Clues:

A deep, sonorous voice, like speaking from within a great bronze bell, called to him in the darkness. “If I be a monster, it be the one inside your own heart. Call us by name. I am Ferrous Veritas, the sword of truth, and Judgement shall be swift.”

Sakuma lifts his head from the ground, his eyes blurry. He blinks several times, clearing the flickering black dots from his vision. His ears were ringing. He gasps, remembering the electricity running across and through his body.

He flexes his fingers and stretches his legs… Okay… I seem to be able go move alright…

He places a hand to his throat, feeling for his pulse. A frenetic staccato against his fingertips, but steady.

He shook his head again and rubbed his eyes. The blurriness was clearing. His eyes settled on a fuzzy black object laying on the ground next to him. A gun, his gun. He rolled over with a groan onto his hands and knees and reached for the textured wood grips. It felt good, it felt right, like it was made for him. He slipped the pistol into the shoulder rig under his right arm, mostly hidden by his vest, and then pushed himself to his feet.

He managed to avoid staggering for more than a step. He pulled his phone from his pocket. It was dead. Probably fried by the lightning, go figure.

A chill ran up his back, thinking about the damage done to his poor camera.

Sakuma pinched the bridge of his nose and shakily headed for the stairs.

Waitaminute… I don’t own a gun

The thought evaporates, it was perfectly natural to have a weapon. The notion that he might not was absurd, he’d always had it.

“We need to get out of here, find help, we can’t be okay after that.” He says, putting one foot on the bottom step and grabbing the railing for support.

Self-Imposed Knowledge roll on 'what to do when you've been struck by lightning' 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/1006723)
I decided in advance to treat Box Cars as calm, rational, knowledgeable self-diagnosis. A Strong hit would be a general inkling of what to do, a mixed success would be sort of a basic first-aid thing, and then a failure would be mild panic.

2024-03-31, 08:52 PM
Chrétien Found himself on one knee, his head bowed and left hand resting on the gilded hilt of his rapier. It was an echo of the British Royal Armories’ Elizabethan Christus Imperat rapier. Even sheathed, however, he could feel it was different.

It was of him.

Rise, my champion.

His eyes were still recovering from the flashes of light and the electrical bolt that had struck him in the chest.

Arise, my champion.

He should be dead. An electrical arc like that should have stopped his heart.

You are under my protection so long as you serve me.

Dimly, he was aware of Arata-san’s concern for him and for the others.

His head tilted upward.

Superimposed over the reality around him, the afterimage of the Lady of the Lake hovered before him.

Based on the others’ reactions, only he could see her.

Serve me and through me your truest self shall be refined and revealed. Let your devotion to me inspire this fallen world. Make what you can of it complete by healing its hurts and opposing its injustices.

He stood, drew his sword, and saluted the fading image.


The brand glittered in the shifting light. Along the fuller, where Christus Imperat should be etched, was a different phrase: Domina de Lacu Imperat.

He glanced around the room, noting a look on Sakuma’s face that mirrored his own as he regarded a pistol in his hand.

“Je suis….” He shook his head as he sheathed his rapier. “Sorry, Arata-san. The incident has unsettled me. I’m fine and I hope you are.”

He turned to Akiko. “And you, m’lady?”

2024-04-02, 02:17 PM
Awaken, a voice commands her. It was low and velvety, but held a core of steel. It would not be ignored any longer.

Akiko opens her eyes to find herself standing in a rolling field of tall grass and red flowers (https://www.metrofieldguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/589741da5aa7b4ed12a2d78bd64e99df.jpg) that seemed to be slightly see through, like they weren’t completely there. The sky above is a great black abyss, not even punctuated by the light of stars or the moon. It was eerily quiet. There were no birds, or cicadas, or noises from the city. Just the wind as it disturbed the thin blades of grass and the spectral flowers.

She looks to her left and sees the monster (https://db4sgowjqfwig.cloudfront.net/campaigns/322350/assets/1379595/Ruin_Collector.webp?1705097799) from her dreams. He was a tall man, dressed in a gray-purple suit and coat, with tapered leathery wings. Gloved hands with golden claws rest on a black cane in front of him. The being had no face, only curling horns, but she could tell that he was observing her with interest.

“Who are you?” she asks. He’d plagued her dreams ever since Yukine died, though the most he’d spoken to her was today, in the maze.

The man— demon, her gut insists— bends at the waist in a flourished bow. There are those that call me the Ruin Collector, he replies. Though he has no mouth, Akiko hears the words perfectly. You will learn my true name in time, young one. For now, return to your… friends. You do not belong here.

Akiko takes a great gasping breath as Yoshiro shakes her shoulder and bolts up into a seated position. Her heart races in her chest as she looks at her childhood friend and the exchange student.

“What… just happened?” she asks the two of them.

She felt tingly, on edge, but otherwise fine for having been presumably electrocuted. Unknown to her, Akiko’s right hand curls around the haft of a cruel axe (https://heroprop.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/E-2.jpg).

2024-04-07, 03:33 PM
Yoshiro and Arata both sigh in relief as the others answer them.

Yoshiro speaks first to Akiko. "I..... don't know. Seems like everyone else got a change except for me."

Arata nods at Chrétien's qeustion. "I'm fine friend. Just, on edge now." Chrétien and Sakuma both see Arata shiver a bit. "That..... I have no idea what it was. But the sounds it made, what it pointed out....." He clutches the naginata at his feet.

"Sakuma is right though, we need to get out of here and find help. That lightning...... even being inside could have some lasting effect." Yoshiro nods in agreement and helps Akiko up before making his way upstairs.

As you all crest the first floor, you notice that all the lights are out. The tv that had been running the news is off, and the illumination given is granted through the moonlight filtering into the windows. It's much brighter than it had been. Yoshiro stops and gasps seeing the night sky.

"Guy's..... why is the sky red?" A blur races across the window, and he jumps again. "THE **** WAS THAT?!"

That was not a squirrel, it almost looked like a small goblin.
Probably a cat.

Arata puts his free hand on Yoshiro's shoulder. "It's ok, probably just a squirrel or something. I hope anyway." He looks at the sky as well. "Guess we should chance finding the hospital, but now this just seems way too weird."

Yoshiro seems to pause for a long moment before nodding. "We should be able to make it outside and to the hospital quickly, but we'll need to go there directly. Seems like a lot of movement is happening so we may not be the only ones looking for help."

2024-04-07, 05:32 PM
Yoshiro and Arata both sigh in relief as the others answer them.

Yoshiro speaks first to Akiko. "I..... don't know. Seems like everyone else got a change except for me."

Arata nods at Chrétien's qeustion. "I'm fine friend. Just, on edge now." Chrétien and Sakuma both see Arata shiver a bit. "That..... I have no idea what it was. But the sounds it made, what it pointed out....." He clutches the naginata at his feet.

"Sakuma is right though, we need to get out of here and find help. That lightning...... even being inside could have some lasting effect." Yoshiro nods in agreement and helps Akiko up before making his way upstairs.

As you all crest the first floor, you notice that all the lights are out. The tv that had been running the news is off, and the illumination given is granted through the moonlight filtering into the windows. It's much brighter than it had been. Yoshiro stops and gasps seeing the night sky.

"Guy's..... why is the sky red?" A blur races across the window, and he jumps again. "THE **** WAS THAT?!"

That was not a squirrel, it almost looked like a small goblin.
Probably a cat.

Arata puts his free hand on Yoshiro's shoulder. "It's ok, probably just a squirrel or something. I hope anyway." He looks at the sky as well. "Guess we should chance finding the hospital, but now this just seems way too weird."

Yoshiro seems to pause for a long moment before nodding. "We should be able to make it outside and to the hospital quickly, but we'll need to go there directly. Seems like a lot of movement is happening so we may not be the only ones looking for help."

Proficiency (https://orokos.com/roll/1007349): 2d6+1 8

Chrétien saw the Goblin! I did not know they were tourists as well.

Knowledge: Tengu (https://orokos.com/roll/1007351): 2d6 8

Chrétien knows a little about the Tengu!

“No, mes amis,” Chrétien replied quietly as he looked out the window. “That was a lutin, which I believe is not unlike your tengu — although what I know from them is somewhat sketchy.

He turned to face the room.

“If any of us were sailors, I would be happier with our situation than I am.”

“Somehow, I do not think TV5Monde will be available,” Chrétien quipped as he walked to the television, “but if we can find the news, there may be a more comforting explanation for our situation than mass hysteria.

He attempted to turn the television on.

“I, for one, am inclined to believe in m’lady,” he said reverently, “and to embrace my calling. But it would be prudent to confirm.”

Chrétien frowned as the television did not respond.

“Would you prefer to believe your eyes that we have crossed into another Otherworld, mes amis, or would you prefer to cling to the thought that the electrical arc damaged the television?”

2024-04-08, 08:46 AM
“I don’t know that the thought of going to an Otherworld is comforting,” Akiko says to Chrétien. “But that does offer a few explanations.”

She moves back a half step from the window as something (https://orokos.com/roll/1007374) races across it. This was reminding her way too much of the weirdness of her dream just a few minutes ago.

“Who is this lady you’re talking about? What calling?” she asks the exchange student.

As Arata and Yoshiro mention leaving for the hospital, Akiko starts to head for the second floor. “I’m gonna go check on Koji and Sasaki-chan. They could’ve been caught in… whatever just happened too.”

Akiko heads straight for Koji’s door and knocks loudly. “Hey, Koji! You okay in there?”

big teej
2024-04-09, 10:08 PM
Chotto Matte:

Sakuma is trapped in his own thoughts, slowly coming to grips with the unhinged reality before him compared to what should and ought be... He could feel that presence helping bridge the gap.

He starts from his reverie as Akiko heads up stairs. "Wait, Akiko-san, that's the boy's floor." He mutters reflexively. He starts after her and stops on the steps, looking back toward Tien-san and the others, and the ruddy skies outside. "We should... probably try to stick together, or at least avoid being alone."

He sighs. "I'll be back." and hurries up the stairs after Akiko.

After checking on her, he'll continue on towards Sasaki's room on the girls' floor. "Turnaround is fair play, I guess." Sakuma muttered.

Notice: 4.... (https://orokos.com/roll/1007554)

2024-04-10, 12:14 PM
Yoshiro's head whips around as Akiko mentions Koji, and when she runs off, his eyes widen.

“A-Arata-senpai….. do you think?”

Arata puts his free hand on Yoshiro's shoulder. “I'm sure he's ok, Yoshiro-kun. And you can drop the honorifics with me. They won't do us much good if we're in the Otherworld as Chrétien-San says.”

He looks at the Frenchman. “But you're probably right. In which case, we need a way back. Any ideas?”

Yoshiro shakes his head. “I can tell there's movement all around us, but I'm only sensing us here. It's like…. That voice gave me a sort of radar.”

As Akiko knocks on the door, there is no answer. The door also opens on its own, and Koji's room is empty.

As Sakuma reaches Sasaki’s room, the same occurs. It's almost strange how much more spacious the girls’ rooms are than the boys’.

2024-04-11, 08:55 AM
As the door opens at her knock, the cold tingle of dread shoots down Akiko’s spine. Her respiration increases as her eyes dart around Koji’s room.

Her first incoherent thought is that he’s obviously playing a prank on her. But there room was small and the closet was open. There was nowhere to hide.

There’s a few boxes of his things that she recognized, and his jacket was draped over the back of the chair at his desk. There wasn’t any doubt that she’d knocked at the right room.

He was gone.

She swallows to wet her dry throat before pulling out her phone to try and text him. Her fingers tremble on the black screen. Dead. Just like the TV.

Akiko grits her teeth and closes the door. She makes her way back down the stairs with much less urgency than she climbed them.

When she arrives back in the common room, her gaze moves to Yoshiro and darts away almost guiltily. “He’s… not there.”

big teej
2024-04-13, 05:39 PM
One Door Opens:


Sakuma Matsuyo stared in consternation as 'Sasaki's' door swung open at his touch. He chewed his lip.

I can't just... walk into a girl's room.
It's an emergency though.
What if we're the crazy ones though?
What if she needs more help than we do?

Taking a deep breath and squaring his shoulders, the red-haired youth pushes on the door with greater intent and strides into the room.

Sakuma's semi-practiced eye sweeps the room quickly. A total, definite, disconcerting lack of oppai life.

The youth's frown returns. Turning on his heel he stiffly marches back out into the empty, quiet hallway. He sighs disgustedly and marches from door to door, knocking at the first two, and then simply pushing open into the handful after, throwing each door open with greater violence and desperation than the one prior until eventually he was back at the end of the hall, across from Usagi-chan's room.

He looked at ground for a moment, down the hallway of open dorms, then back at the stairs.

He sighed and adjusted his vest.

The pistol was a comforting weight beneath it.

Sakuma Matsuyo went back down the stairs to the common room, sparing only a glance to see if Akiko was on the boys' floor.

"I think it's just us." He announced from the landing.

2024-04-14, 09:18 PM
“La Dame du La Lac,” Chrétien replied to Akiko reverently before she dashed off to inspect the rooms for their occupants. “It was her voice that called me to serve her — to serve a higher calling. If it be madness to accept, so be it.”

As his two friends depart to inspect the other floors, Chrétien drew a chair over to the window in the hopes of getting a better view of what was happening at the street level. “Where are you sensing these movements, Yoshiro, are they in the building or outside? Knowing where others are will be helpful — although it is not spoken of the the older storied my mother studies. Oh — and see if you can tell the difference between out two volunteer scouts and the others as they inspect the higher floors.”

Chrétien was glad the leather of his pants was supple enough to not hinder him stepping onto the seat of the chair. Something thicker would be better armor, of course, but it would…

Chrétien stopped and looked down at himself.

His pants were leather, dyed almost to an olive color that perfectly matched a snug fitting, multi-buttoned waistcoat. The sleeveless blue jacket was a royal blue with a military cut. His boots, were a polished brown but a quick shifting of his feet confirmed a modern sole — one that would keep him from losing his footing should he draw his rapier in anger. His sword belt lay over a red sash that both felt separate from and a part of the rest of the ensemble.

His hand reached up and felt the cravat at his neck.

He drew out his cell phone to get a view of the thing.

He didn’t even know how to tie a cravat. Where had this thing come from?

At least it was not lacy in style, he assured himself — much more d'Artagnan than Louis Quatorze.

Not that he was sure either wore such a thing.

He glanced at the others in the room, surveying their mode of dress to ascertain if they, too, had changed. The look felt so natural to him — in the way sheathing the rapier had been second nature — that it only now occurred to him that he was no longer in his school uniform. What of the others? Had they changed, too, and their own comfort make it seem tres normal?

2024-04-19, 08:45 AM
Yoshiro and Arata looked confused at the name given by Chrétien. Granted, Arata knew a little French from their interactions, Yoshiro was left entirely in the dark. At his other question while the others ran upstairs, he looked at the ground.

"I-it's not so much seeing as sensing. I'm feeling them outside, but they don't feel familiar." He draws a sharp breath as he looks again. "Almost terrifying."

Arata also looks at the window in his new black leather armor with feather patterns adorned on the bracers and boots. He sat the naginata against the wall with the point down and adjusted the bracers and duster. They seemed to fit well. Yoshiro was still in his regular clothes.

"Yoshiro-kun, if you're sensing what we saw earlier today, then maybe we should all be ready to fight. Doesn't look like you got the same treatment of weapons and suits that we did so we'll protect you on the road then."

Yoshiro looked up at Arata and nodded, a look of fear in his eyes. "Y-yes, Arata-senpai." He then looked at Chrétien and closed his eyes to focus on Akiko and Sakuma. He shook his head a bit and then nodded after a moment. "There is a difference. So if anything, I can see you all clearly. The others out there feel like..." He was stuck on the word. "Shadows."

When Akiko came back down with the news, Yoshiro looked at the ground and nodded. "I..... I thought so after what Chrétien-senpai just had me try. So we really are...."

At Sakuma's words, Arata nodded. "Yep." He grabbed the naginata again. "We should get-"

Arata is cut off by a banging on the door, and the next moment it flies open revealing three entities.

"Well, it seems like humans have wandered in." The first (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/f/fc/01197_Dybbuk.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20240325111222)says.

"I haven't had human in ages! Maybe now our worlds will collide again and we can feast!" The second (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/8/8d/Slime_%28IMAGINE%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20220828075706) pipes up.

"Shut up you Hee-ho moron! They may be intelligent enough to understand us." The third looks a lot like (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/d/d7/Jack-o%27-Lantern_Dx2.png/revision/latest?cb=20230706063334) the one you saw at the maze.

Arata readies his blade. "Get behind us, Yoshiro-kun. At least one of them is smart." He smirks at the jack-o-lantern.

"Hee-ho hee-ho hee! A human with a challenge!"

READY FOR COMBAT! Our heroes move first!

2024-04-20, 04:53 PM
Yoshiro and Arata looked confused at the name given by Chrétien. Granted, Arata knew a little French from their interactions, Yoshiro was left entirely in the dark. At his other question while the others ran upstairs, he looked at the ground.

"I-it's not so much seeing as sensing. I'm feeling them outside, but they don't feel familiar." He draws a sharp breath as he looks again. "Almost terrifying."

Arata also looks at the window in his new black leather armor with feather patterns adorned on the bracers and boots. He sat the naginata against the wall with the point down and adjusted the bracers and duster. They seemed to fit well. Yoshiro was still in his regular clothes.

"Yoshiro-kun, if you're sensing what we saw earlier today, then maybe we should all be ready to fight. Doesn't look like you got the same treatment of weapons and suits that we did so we'll protect you on the road then."

Yoshiro looked up at Arata and nodded, a look of fear in his eyes. "Y-yes, Arata-senpai." He then looked at Chrétien and closed his eyes to focus on Akiko and Sakuma. He shook his head a bit and then nodded after a moment. "There is a difference. So if anything, I can see you all clearly. The others out there feel like..." He was stuck on the word. "Shadows."

When Akiko came back down with the news, Yoshiro looked at the ground and nodded. "I..... I thought so after what Chrétien-senpai just had me try. So we really are...."

At Sakuma's words, Arata nodded. "Yep." He grabbed the naginata again. "We should get-"

Arata is cut off by a banging on the door, and the next moment it flies open revealing three entities.

"Well, it seems like humans have wandered in." The first (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/f/fc/01197_Dybbuk.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20240325111222)says.

"I haven't had human in ages! Maybe now our worlds will collide again and we can feast!" The second (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/8/8d/Slime_%28IMAGINE%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20220828075706) pipes up.

"Shut up you Hee-ho moron! They may be intelligent enough to understand us." The third looks a lot like (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/d/d7/Jack-o%27-Lantern_Dx2.png/revision/latest?cb=20230706063334) the one you saw at the maze.

Arata readies his blade. "Get behind us, Yoshiro-kun. At least one of them is smart." He smirks at the jack-o-lantern.

"Hee-ho hee-ho hee! A human with a challenge!"

READY FOR COMBAT! Our heroes move first!

“I wouldn’t concern yourself overmuch,” Chrétien observed as he stepped down from the chair and drew his rapier. “I’m sure our understanding is sufficiently limited that we won’t be able to follow.

“En garde!” the exchange student warned as he awkwardly thrust at his enemies.

Attack! (https://orokos.com/roll/1008494): 2d6o6+1 6

Chrétien misses and suffers a setback!

2024-04-22, 07:08 PM
Akiko takes a few steps back as the three shadows enter the room. Wha—what are those? They want to eat us!? She thinks in horror.

Her hands grow slack on the haft of her axe as the exchange student lunges at one of the evil looking beings.

You must fight, the voice from her dreams whispers in her ear. They will indeed eat you should you fall.

“I can’t,” Akiko says, her eyes wide.

You can, her demonic companion retorts. I will assist you. It would not do for this rabble to best you.

A black silhouette phases into existence behind Akiko for just a moment. It beckons a clawed hand upward at the Slime and red and black energy erupts from beneath the Shadow, bathing it in evil energy, before fading back out of reality.

OOC: Eiha to Hit: 8 (https://orokos.com/roll/1008660)
Damage (Curse) (https://orokos.com/roll/1008670): 3

big teej
2024-04-22, 09:24 PM
Court is in Session:

Up on the landing, Sakuma rocks back on his heels as the monsters enter the room. His eyes grow wide and his jaw slackens, a lit cigarette falls from his lips to the floor.

The red-headed youth's form flickers as Chretien attempts to stab one of the monsters, but Sakuma still doesn't move.

The black silhouette's appearance and subsequent eruption of energy shock the boy into motion.

He takes a half step forward, his clothes stuttering his movement, one frame - his casual outfit from the day. The next, black leather trousers and a white shirt beneath a black vest and a darker coat, trimmed in silver and exaggerated vertebrae. The humble newsboy cap evaporates, replaced with a broad-brimmed hat, the bastard child of a gambler and a capotain.

Sakuma's gloved hand snakes into his coat and pulls forth the revolver that felt made for his gloved hand. He blades himself and aims at the pumpkin-headed thing in one smooth motion...

and fires.

Basic Shot: 11! (https://orokos.com/roll/1008688)
Damage: 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/1008689) Ranged vs. The Jack-O-Lantern Hee-Ho!

2024-04-27, 07:10 PM
Yoshiro yelped and rushed to hide behind a chair, as Arata struck the shadowy man with his naginata. The demons all hissed as the respective attacks hit, though the one that Chrétien struck whirls around to strike him again, narrowly missing his target.

The slime looks at Akiko with surprise and snarls. "ThEsE hUmAnS HaVe MaGiC!!" He lunges at her and manages a glancing hit.

The Jack-o-lantern cackles as it looks at Sakuma. "HEE-HO!! Then magic we go!" He shouts as a ball of flame fires at Sakuma and hits him square.

The Dybbuk is hit by Arata, and misses its counter on Chrétien.
The Slime attacks Akiko for 3 damage!
Pyro Jack hits Sakuma for 4 fire damage!
Heroes have initiative!

big teej
2024-04-28, 05:22 PM
Courtroom Drama:

Sakuma's eyes widen as the fireball grows larger in his vision. The youth wards himself, crossing his blackclad arms across his face and flinching. The impact throws him back against the wall. He staggers back through the smoke, his clothes normal again. He coughs, barely keeping one eye open against the smoke and the pain. A hasty shot puts a bullet through the glass of the front door.

Not Good...

Basic Shot: 3... (https://orokos.com/roll/1009459)

2024-04-29, 05:22 AM
The Slime’s lunge sends Akiko staggering back a few steps. She could feel a dull pain in her shoulder where its oddly firm body he struck her that she knew would bruise tomorrow.

If they lived to see tomorrow.

“Sakuma!” she calls out in horror as he’s hit with the ball of flame.

You see? the voice says in her ear. Find your courage to fight. Or die.

Akiko takes several shallow breaths as she looks at her classmates and the demons that they faced. She closes her eyes for a moment as various moment of her life appear in her thoughts. I… don’t want to die!

Her clothes shift (https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d3/46/60/d346605ef5e2bc2d2f4743165b9b3fab.jpg) in that moment, turning into a tight assassin’s outfit made of black leather and a cloak with an inner lining of ornate purple cloth.

Alright, Ruin Collector, she thinks as she throws back her hood. Help me.

I thought you’d never ask, he replies with a dark chuckle.

Her shadowy companion appears behind her again, and this time she raises her own hand in conjunction with his, bathing the Slime is more cursed energy.

OOC: To Hit Roll (Slime): (https://orokos.com/roll/1009475) 9

Eiha (Curse) Damage using Pulse (1SP): (https://orokos.com/roll/1009509) 7

2024-05-01, 10:55 AM
Attack! (https://orokos.com/roll/1009656): 2d6o6+1 8

Damage (if applicable) (https://orokos.com/roll/1009657): 1d6+1 7

Chrétien hastily parried and riposted, keenly aware that it was only his friends’ ranged attacks that had likely prevented his overextension from having fatal consequences. His HEMA classes were serving him well here but not so well as he might like. And unlike those bouts, this one carried the risk of death or dismemberment in a world other than his own.

Would his family ever know? Or would he merely become one who had disappeared?

He would have to make sure no one ever found out — which required him to live.

2024-05-03, 01:20 PM

The Dybbuk looks down at Chrétien's rapier and spits a curse at him as it falls over and disappears. The Slime and Pyro Jack look over and roar as they continue their assault. Yoshiuro screams out from behind the couch.

"Sakuma-senpai, aim for the lantern! Arata, use your Persona on it! Don't attack that Slime with anything physical!"

Arata turned to the Slime at first, but then to the Pyro Jack and spins the naginata so the point faces the floor. "MANIFEST!" A giant black bird-like creature appears behind him as an icicle spears the pumpkin, knocking it down.

Arata shouts at Sakuma. "Passing the baton!"

The Slime lunges at Arata in retaliation but crashes into the wall.

The Dybuuk is slain!
Yoshiro uses Analyze on the Slime.
Arata uses Bufu on the Pyro Jack and Downed.
Sakuma gains a One More for an extra attack.
The Slime attacks Arata and misses.
Arata passes the baton to Sakuma, he has a +1 on the next attack.
Our Heroes go.

2024-05-03, 08:01 PM
"Sakuma-senpai, aim for the lantern! Arata, use your Persona on it! Don't attack that Slime with anything physical!"

Chrétien's sense of triumph was short lived. Yes, his opponent had dissipated in response to his better-aimed thrust but the recommendations and commands Arata and Yoshiuro had begun using made no sense to him. The words he understood — or at least he thought he understood them — but their significance was alien, as if there were a layer to their meaning that his classes and outside reading had not covered.

Perhaps a persona was slang for one of the weapons they had manifested.

“Use our what?” he demanded as he circled the tip of his blade around and under the lantern before delivering a a smart rap to the scarecrow’s wrist.

Catching the lantern by its handle with the tip of his blade, Chrétien stepped back, disengaging from his new opponent and readying himself as best he could for whatever surprise came next.

Attack! (https://orokos.com/roll/1009863): 2d6o6+1 11

Chrétien adroitly knocks the lantern from the Pyro Jack’s hand!

If an 11 is good enough, can he have it now hanging from the end of his rapier?

2024-05-05, 01:50 PM
Akiko’s eyes widen as the shadow of some kind of bird appears briefly behind Arata and attacks at his command. He had something like Ruin Collector too. Was that what Shiro meant by ‘Persona’?

How does Shiro know that though?

She focuses on the slime, and, reading her intentions, Ruin Collector attacks it mentally, sliding knives of psychic energy into it’s head where it’s brain should be.

OOC: Psi To Hit- 10! (https://orokos.com/roll/1009956)
Psi Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/1009957)- 8

big teej
2024-05-05, 09:47 PM
Jury Duty:

Sakuma staggers into the wall and braces himself, sighting down his revolver with eyes still stung by smoke.

He hears Yoshiro's commands, muffled, like being shouted from another room.

He spies the lantern and starts to line up a shot. His brain processes the sight before him, seeing the lantern dangling from Chretien's sword.

The red-haired youth frowns, hesitating, before shifting his aim back to the jack-o-lantern itself and firing again. Plugging another round into the floating monster's body.

Bang: 8 to hit (https://orokos.com/roll/1009985)

Damage: 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/1009986)

2024-05-08, 05:31 PM
The Slime lets out a death rattle as the knives piece it's viscous body, fading away to ash.

Pyro Jack turns and glares at the frenchman as his lantern is stolen and then turns back to Sakuma. "N-n-now wait a hee-ho minute!"

The shot from Sakuma's nails its head before it can make its plea. The demon begins to dissolve before any innards spill from the bullet holes.

Yoshiro comes out from his hiding spot and looks around. "Looks like that's all of them for now. That other one seems to have run away, but it could be back any minute now."

Arata looks around and starts to check on Sakuma's injuries. "You ok dude? Seems like you had a pretty nasty hit there." He turns to Yoshiro. "And what did you call that thing? A Persona, like... the game we played?" His expression was confused as Yoshiro nodded.

"That's what the voice that called to me said. It told me what to look for, and to call these things Personas." He looked at the ground. "I just hide and tried to focus like what Chrétien-san suggested earlier. No weapon means I can't fight like you guys."

Arata offered a comforting smile. "Hey, if it works, it works. And so long as we all lived. Seems weird that it just kinda, took control after you said that." He looks at the spot where the Pyro Jack had been a moment earlier. "Persona, huh..... wonder if we're the only ones......"

Combat Ends!
Each Party member gets 6 XP!
The demons dropped 2000 yen, a Agi Stone, and a Revival Bead.

2024-05-08, 09:03 PM
The Slime lets out a death rattle as the knives piece it's viscous body, fading away to ash.

Pyro Jack turns and glares at the frenchman as his lantern is stolen and then turns back to Sakuma. "N-n-now wait a hee-ho minute!"

The shot from Sakuma's nails its head before it can make its plea. The demon begins to dissolve before any innards spill from the bullet holes.

Yoshiro comes out from his hiding spot and looks around. "Looks like that's all of them for now. That other one seems to have run away, but it could be back any minute now."

Arata looks around and starts to check on Sakuma's injuries. "You ok dude? Seems like you had a pretty nasty hit there." He turns to Yoshiro. "And what did you call that thing? A Persona, like... the game we played?" His expression was confused as Yoshiro nodded.

"That's what the voice that called to me said. It told me what to look for, and to call these things Personas." He looked at the ground. "I just hide and tried to focus like what Chrétien-san suggested earlier. No weapon means I can't fight like you guys."

Arata offered a comforting smile. "Hey, if it works, it works. And so long as we all lived. Seems weird that it just kinda, took control after you said that." He looks at the spot where the Pyro Jack had been a moment earlier. "Persona, huh..... wonder if we're the only ones......"

Combat Ends!
Each Party member gets 6 XP!
The demons dropped 2000 yen, a Agi Stone, and a Revival Bead.

We work differently and for different purposes, the Lady of the Lake told Chrétien. Through you, my champion, I can effect your world — so long as you serve me. In time, you may learn to do this on thine own. For now, call me forth that I may heal thy friend.

Chrétien obeyed.

Taking the lantern from the edge of his rapier, he dripped to one knee, bowing his head and resting his rapier, point down, on the floor.

Before him, the Lady of the Lake, bearing a golden cup, shimmered into existence as if walking out of a mist. She stepped forward, smiling gently and extending the chalice towards Sakuma.

“Drink,” she said in a tone that floated somewhere between an invitation and a command. “Drink and be healed.”

Diarama (https://orokos.com/roll/1010248): 2d6+2 9

big teej
2024-05-12, 08:20 PM

Sakuma walks down the stairs with a frown, his clothing flickering before evaporating and leaving his slightly singed casual attire behind.

He pops the cylinder of the revolver and checks the load: Three outta six.

He tucks the revolver back in it's holster.

The red-headed youth is stopped in his tracks by the manifestation of the Lady of the Lake. Saucer-eyed, he takes the chalice and drinks, the singed fibers and carbon residue and marred flesh melting away, good as new.

"Th-Thanks?" He offers the ethereal vision.

"I think I'm fine now." He offers to Arata's question.

Sakuma's eyes narrow as he watches Yoshiro and Arata's interaction. He nods, as if resolving something.

"What aren't you telling us, Arata? You seem really comfortable with all this, gung-ho even."

Sakuma plants his feet and crosses his arms, not quite resting his fingers on the holstered revolver, not quite gauging the distance between himself and his classmate.

2024-05-12, 09:02 PM
Akiko lets out a long breath, trying to calm her pounding heart. We didn’t die! I thought we were going to be dinner for those things for sure.

Without thinking, she releases grip on her axe and it disintegrates into black ash that is quickly carried away by the cold wind coming through the open door.

She watches with great interest as the Lady of the Lake manifests before Sakuma. She didn’t look like some demon, unlike Ruin Collector.

After waiting for Arata’s response to Sakuma’s question, she turns to Yoshiro. “Did the voice tell you anything else?”

2024-05-21, 11:27 AM

"I think I'm fine now." He offers to Arata's question.

Sakuma's eyes narrow as he watches Yoshiro and Arata's interaction. He nods, as if resolving something.

"What aren't you telling us, Arata? You seem really comfortable with all this, gung-ho even."

Sakuma plants his feet and crosses his arms, not quite resting his fingers on the holstered revolver, not quite gauging the distance between himself and his classmate.

Arata looks over at Sakuma and holds up his hands in front of him. "N-no no no, I'm just as weirded out by this as you guys are. If anything, I feel we got lucky and right now my only thought is to try and remain composed if we can. We gotta get back home."

He sighed. "Part of the rumor with the Persona game was that a group of kids ended up reaching another world and learning the truth of it all. Seeing that the lines between dimensions were not as distinct as we had thought and that their true selves would be the key to making that line more distinct. It ended up being that they were chosen to do it."

"I didn't think it had any merit behind it, or that the fortune teller would end up having us dive into another world. And I'm pretty freaked out, but until we know what's going on, it doesn't do much but to keep moving forward." He shrugged. "At least, that's how I'm looking at it."

After waiting for Arata’s response to Sakuma’s question, she turns to Yoshiro. “Did the voice tell you anything else?”

Yoshiro looked at Akiko after Arata's speech. "Just that we should stay here, and someone is coming to-"

Before Yoshiro can finish, there is a knock on the door with a familiar voice. "I suppose you couldn't wait until I could talk to you then. May I enter?"

The figure opens the dorm doors and closes them behind her, you all recognize her as Nadia from the festival. "Well then, we don't have much time so let me be quick, and we'll cover how this is going to be a safe zone from now on."

She looks back at the doors and snaps her fingers, as a brilliant light engulfs them much like a forcefield. "Not according to plan, but I suppose this will have to do. Where did you all enter from?"

2024-05-25, 09:46 PM
Akiko shakes her head as Arata talks. “Who were these kids? Where did this rumor start anyway?”

She stares at the fortune teller as she enters the dorm and with every word that she speaks, Akiko’s anger begins to build. “According to plan?” she repeats in a quiet voice that slowly grows in volume. “What do you mean, ‘according to plan’? You gave us those cursed cards knowing that we would end up in this… Hell?”

2024-05-28, 02:38 PM
Akiko shakes her head as Arata talks. “Who were these kids? Where did this rumor start anyway?”

She stares at the fortune teller as she enters the dorm and with every word that she speaks, Akiko’s anger begins to build. “According to plan?” she repeats in a quiet voice that slowly grows in volume. “What do you mean, ‘according to plan’? You gave us those cursed cards knowing that we would end up in this… Hell?”

“Hell has but one gate,” Chrétien replied softly, trying to reassure his classmate — discomforted by the sudden thought that He’ll might be far more real than he had conceived. “The Otherworld has many. Any pool might serve and yet remain hidden to mortal eyes. And the Lady of the Lake would not be free to appear in infernal realms.”

He turned to the seer, shaking his head at the change of cadence that was coming into his voice — from deep within rather than imposed from without. “No pool served us this night — if night it still be. The basement of our dorm was where our ritual took place and became our point of entry.

“I would call it ill-advised but something higher seemed to be guiding our actions and words. I can only hope that we were called rather than acted foolishly.”

big teej
2024-05-28, 08:48 PM

Sakuma frowns at Arata's suspiciously elaborate answer, but says nothing as the tide of conversation carries past into the fortune teller's reappearance.

This is all just a little too convenient... Sakuma thinks.

His eyes don't waver from the fortune teller, not even as Akiko vents her frustration. As she talks, Sakuma takes a few steps back to be closer to her and holds out a hand. "Let her talk. She might be our only way out of here."

The photographer's voice is flat and emotionless.