View Full Version : What's the highest level you've played at?

2024-01-22, 11:02 AM
There was a thread on here a while ago asking what the longest people had played a character for is, today I wanted to ask a slightly different question: what's the highest level you've played at, regardless of what level you started at?

For myself, I've never got past level 18 as a player. I've DM'd for a 27th-level character in a solo adventure, and am currently DMing some 23rd-level characters in a group campaign.

2024-01-22, 11:07 AM
I once played a Ghost Psiwar that got up to ECL 30 ish in a pretty heavily homebrewed campaign. I ended up killing half the lords of the nine.

2024-01-22, 12:58 PM
I don't remember the highest level I played anything consistent at, but I had a character from a campaign, who the DM let me a while after the campaign ended, basically play a 1-shot epilogue to his story. He had to have been around level 60-70 for this, because said one shot involved this little Kobold challenging and defeating Kurtlmak, the god of Kobolds, and ascneding to divinity himself, to give Kobold-kind a good deity to worship, to make it easier for them to choose not to be evil. Deities and Demigods has Kurtlmak at level 60 (20 outsider hd, 16 levels of fighter, and 8 levels each of rogue, sorcerer, and cleric), so I must have been at least that high. It was nearly 20 years ago now though, so I don't remember exactly.

2024-01-22, 01:57 PM
I'm currently in a level 14 campaign playing a Shadowcaster. Before that, I never went above 12, in a simple One-Shot where I incidentally also played a Shadowcaster (Master of Shadow).

2024-01-22, 02:21 PM
My group always started low level and usually get bored after a year about at level 12 to 14.

We had a first time DM in our group who wanted a good dragon fight .
Us players rolled our stats , told to make a level 20 hero and given 100 000 gold each and told to buy what we want . I bought a cloak of charisma and a ion stone that added more charisma .

I made the Ultimate healer i could think of . Healing Hand prestige class , Healer class and 1 level of cleric . Deity was Lurue .

A healing hand is described as red cross but its more akin to a living saint . I am only allowed to attack undead , vermin and constructs . If a bad guy begs healing i have to try to heal him that part made my buddies have a ship attack . Nobody could attack me without making 2 separate will saves .

My group was dwarf monk , sorcerer , druid , a Cleric of Ra and a fighter type , possibly an archer ? Besides the dwarf everyone was human .

DM attacked us with a bunch of lvl 20 fighters , then attacked with a red dragon but he engaged in physical damage only and my Healing Hand was on par with whatever smacks we took . A few games t tripped or knocked back but i kept em more than healthy . I recall the sorcerer on the cellphone telling his girlfriend that a player was healing like a demon even though he was prone . XD .

1st session hundred percent steamrolled the dragon . 2nd session Dm 100 percent steamrolled us . We were level 21 .He brought out some insane uber demon that was casting multiple enchantments and debuffing us . Insanity , confusion , etc etc . I could have slowly greater restored everyone but i only thought of it when , we were somehow running for our lives XD .

2024-01-22, 02:30 PM
Healing Hand prestige class

Is that the homebrew class off D&D Wiki?

that part made my buddies have a ship attack

I'm not familiar with that term but I think I can guess what it means...

2024-01-22, 02:43 PM
Is that the homebrew class off D&D Wiki?

I'm not familiar with that term but I think I can guess what it means...

I found it in Ultimate prestige classes vol II ? Possibly OGL ? Certainly not homebrew. it was a downloaded book .

My buddies were afraid DM would ask me to heal him and 1 player , the cleric threatened to attack me if i tried to . I counted on DM not considering that nor reading up till after the fight . I was tactically useless in the second session .

2024-01-22, 02:46 PM
Played a character from 1-24th ish...I took over the campaign as DM at level 17 and it was tougher.

2024-01-22, 06:34 PM
Two gestalt games, one ending at level 16 (started at 14) and the other starting (and ending) at 16, but both had the same basic character build, except for the race and the PrC. I like jack-of-all-trades characters that are good at multiple roles (casting, skillmonkeying, and to a lesser extent, martial combat all three), so I went for a gestalt rogue/factotum/totemist 2/swordsage/warblade/crusader on one side and psion on the other, using 3.5 constructor for the PrC on the first character and the anarchic initiate for the second. The first time was a male blue goblin, and the second was a male Dragonwrought kobold (refluffed to a young tanuki).

The first game ended when I solo'd the end boss (low-epic sorcerer without Epic Spellcasting) a few levels before the original endgame because I saw a chance to nova and took it. My character was Lawful Evil, and she was using me to spy on the party against my will (as she had blackmail material on me -- I hated it; despite me being Evil and the party between Neutral and Good, I actually liked them, and I swore revenge on her for using me like that). So when she stood before the party behind a wall of force spell and revealed my character to be a mole, intending on using me as a distraction so she could escape, I teleported behind her and to the side "as her right hand," and proceeded to make snippy comments about the party alongside her as she gloated. She was immune to almost everything the party could do, due to having ridiculously high saves and AC/Touch AC, lots of immunities, and an always-on antimagic field. Except I found the one thing she wasn't immune to (slashing damage) and hit her several dozen times in one turn with max-augmented swarms of crystals (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/swarmofCrystals.htm) after she turned her back on me*. (As an instantaneous [Creation] effect, it cut through the AMF like a white-hot chainsaw through butter.) I took her epic level equipment off her body, used her staff to dispel the wall of force, nodded to the party, spat on the corpse, and told them that I hoped we were staying at the inn where that cute stableboy was; I wasn't about to sleep in the hedges again. They looked at me like I was about to curbstomp them. I just grinned.

But since that game ended well before I was ready to finish the character, I found another game, used (largely) the same build (mostly different due to houserules and the PrC used), and changed the race to Dragonwrought kobold (refluffed into a tanuki; he's where I got this username) and my alignment to Chaotic Good. That one went a while, although we didn't level up, instead advancing through generous WBL, much of which I invested in enhancing body parts as though they were magic items, rather than actual magic items. That one still ended at 16, but once again I actually managed to solo the endboss (the Elder Evil Pandorym) and the two mini-bosses before it, mainly because the wizard Lucather Majii managed to stun (or paralyze; I don't recall) the entire party but me, and we were looking at an end-of-the-campaign scenario if I didn't. I took out Lucather, stomped Obligatum VII (just after it released Pandorym's mind from its prison, sadly), and then managed to single-handedly hold the thing off via telekinesis until my planar breach to Limbo tore open, sucking the thing into it with a well-placed telekinetic thrust. Lucky me, the breach opened directly on the Spawning Stone, where Ygorl and Ssendam (the two slaad lords) were...meeting. They took offense, tore Pandorym's mind apart, and made to come after me for throwing it at them, but the planar breach closed just in time. (Thank you, free action dismissal.)

So, yeah. Two different campaigns, mostly the same character build (barring the race and PrC), and both ended up soloing the endboss.

*The DM needed to finish the campaign early, had mostly written himself into a corner because the endboss was quite competent, and asked us to find a way to take her down ASAP. The rest of the party couldn't do much to her, so I told him I'd take care of it. The rest of the group had the rest of the minions to mop up just before that, which was a suitable challenge for them, if not quite as much of a climactic finish as they might've wanted.

Jay R
2024-01-22, 06:55 PM
When my DM re-started an epic game, he started me and a couple of other new characters at 325,000 XPs -- the equivalent of 26th level. So I built a Pixie Ultimate Magus.

Due to the pixie's LA+4, he was "behind", but I got him up to level 25. [Wizard 5 / Sorcerer 1 / Ultimate Magic 15 / Incantator 4.] He had the spellcasting abilities of a 22nd level wizard with CL 27, and a 14th level sorcerer with CL 23.

2024-01-22, 07:50 PM
It was 20+ (23? 24? don't remember) monk werebear.

2024-01-23, 12:23 AM
As a player: Currently playing at level 14, it's the highest level I've played at. Typically our group will play between levels 1 to 9, and once before, we got up to level 12.

DM: I ran a one-shot at level 20. It gave me an excuse to pull out a Gargantuan White Dragon figurine as the boss of the night, stat up a ****load of feats for it. It took about three hours to run the combat (lots of attacks to adjudicate and everyone had to get used to new characters).

2024-01-23, 01:13 AM
I found it in Ultimate prestige classes vol II ? Possibly OGL ? Certainly not homebrew. it was a downloaded book .

My buddies were afraid DM would ask me to heal him and 1 player , the cleric threatened to attack me if i tried to . I counted on DM not considering that nor reading up till after the fight . I was tactically useless in the second session .

can't seem to find it in that book. the only class in the section on healers that started with "H" was the "Holy Fool". Given your description I also searched the book for the word pacifist and only found it for a monk prestige class. Perhaps it was in a different book?

edit: looked it up. its in Volume I not II. page 124.

Kurald Galain
2024-01-23, 02:57 AM
I've done two characters from level 1 to level 16, most others end up somewhere around 8 or 9. Nothing higher than 16 for me; one of the chars hit level 17 but I've never played him at 17.

2024-01-23, 12:49 PM
in 3.5, I have an ongoing campaign where our characters are currently lvl 13.

I just finished DMing a gestalt campaign that took everyone from 10 to 20, though, and am currently finishing preparations for a campaign where the players will start at 20. Don't think I count as playing in those ones, technically speaking.

2024-01-23, 12:54 PM
I played a level 18 naked half orc wizard / magic missile mage... in a party where the rest of them were empowered demigods with artifacts and at least one was level 25.
I managed to get metamagic permanently banned from the table.
(So, as far as performance, that's perhaps the highest level.)

As far as the highest I've gotten, starting from levels 1-3? I've had a monk some years ago. He hit things good. Got to level 11.

As for the highest character level... it was actually a level 30 sphere wizard. Created at level 30. Character creation took days, and I didn't play past the first session.

2024-01-23, 01:54 PM
70. Thought for a bunch of levels after a killing every named and statted npc in faerun gauntlet starting at level 20. Quickly fell apart even more than usual. When you one round great wyrm prismatic dragons it gets extra silly. Gods were speed bumps, so we reordered pantheons to our liking, and catastrophic consequences and dealing with such was the next 10 year plus game.

2024-01-23, 07:31 PM
I played a character from level 4 to level 24 in a campaign that lasted around 11 years. Then skipped to level 30 for an epilogue. So I have had a character go up 20 levels, but never from level 1 to 20+.


2024-01-24, 10:27 AM
I was in a homebrew AP, 3.5/PF1 hybrid as a Binder that started at 1st and went to 35th level. It ran once a week for about two years. It was awesome!