View Full Version : Music Looking for a music streaming service

Darth Credence
2024-01-23, 06:11 PM
I currently use Spotify, having moved on from Amazon Music when Amazon Music showed they had the worst algorithm imaginable. But I've run into a problem with Spotify that I am hoping someone else has avoided, and my Google Fu is weak and I cannot find the information I need.

Really, there is one thing I want in a music streaming service - the ability to not play certain songs, ever. I want the ability to discover new music, so I don't want to just create playlists and play the same songs over and over again. But I've tried, and I am absolutely sure that I never want to hear Cotton Eye Joe ever again. On Spotify, if you have a song like that, you have to go to every playlist and specifically eliminate it from that list, which does nothing at all to eliminate it from music discovery options like the DJ.

Beyond that, I'd like to have one that has a good algorithm to discover new music, and have one that if you do something like the DJ on Spotify, it doesn't get locked into a very narrow range of songs. I have well over a thousand songs in my "liked Songs" list, but the DJ plays the same few dozen songs over and over, with the excuse that those are the songs I keep playing over and over. That's not me, that's the algorithm reinforcing itself.

Anyone use a different service that might fill these needs?