View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next 5e Vamps: 13 subclasses for 1D&D (PEACH welcome)

2024-01-24, 01:31 PM
Here's a short term project to make a subclass for every class that lets you do "vampire." For the uninitiated, 1D&D is the playtest format for the 2024 PHB due out in may of this year. The big difference is all classes are normalized to subclass choice at 3rd.

Inspirations: Castlevania, Dracula, about a million other things

1. Drink Blood/vital essence
2. Are Immortal
3. Use blood to fuel their schtick
-night creature associations
-enchantment of victims

Here we go.

Artificers destined for misfortune, twisted by ambition sometimes seek to transcend the boundaries between mortal and machine. It is these mad few that may inadvertently be responsible for the creation of an Infernal Device, once housed in their mortal frame it becomes an accursed source of power until the Hell's come to collect it.

At 3rd level you develop a replacement for your own critical systems. An oily ichor that replaces your blood, a work of steel and brass to replace your heart, or a labyrinthine food processor to replace your guts. Whatever its form it has an unfortunate flaw. It must be fed the vital essences or fluids of others to function. When you drain the fluids or render down the matter of a small or larger living creature by reducing it 0 hit points, you can feed it to your replacement system where it is slowly consumed to extend your life. Reducing a creature to 0 hit points in this way garners you a d8 Blood Die. You can have a maximum amount of Blood Dice equal to your Constitution modifier. You can expend a Blood Dice for the following effects.
Hit Dice. You can expend a Blood Die in place of a hit die to heal while resting.
Longevity. You can expend a Blood Die to extend your natural life span by 1 day and prevent aging.

Jaws of Death
Also at 3rd level you create a device integrated into your flesh, often the head, which you can use to make short work of foes and feed the machine. This device is a simple weapon with the Light and Finesse properties. You choose which variant you can use at the end of a short or long rest.
Doctor's Nightmare. These rows of needles deal 2d4 Piercing damage and have the Vex and Slow Masteries. You can choose which Mastery you apply on each hit.
The Clamps. This set of hydraulic mandibles deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. On a hit you can make an unarmed strike to grapple a target with the Clamps. The DC to escape this grapple is your Spell DC. At the start of your turn, creatures you have grappled in your Clamps suffer 2d6 bludgeoning damage.

Ramp Up
When you apply an Infusion to your Jaws of Death you can expend a Blood Die to increase the damage of a hit or the bludgeoning damage dealt by the grapple.

Beginning at 5th level, when you are creating Infusions you can create one additional Infused Item by expending and rolling a Blood Die. When a creature first equips this Infusion they forgo any Attunement requirement and instead their maximum hit points are reduced by the Blood Die's result. The lost hit points cannot be recovered until the Infused Item is equipped by another creature (reducing their hit points accordingly) or the Infusion ends.

Violent Puree
Also at 5th level, when you take the Attack Action to strike with your Jaws of Death and they are an Infused Item, you can attack twice instead of once.

Motorblood II
At 10th level when you create an Infused Item with a limited number of charges you can expend and roll a Blood Die to recover a number of charges equal to half the result rounded down, minimum one. You can do this once per item. Attempting to recharge the item in this way again causes it to explode dealing 1d8 Force damage to creatures and objects within 15 feet.

Red Matrix
At 15th level your Infernal organs are capable of sustaining a massive surge in magical power. At the start of your turn you can expend a Blood Die pressurizing your Motorblood to greatly enhance your effectiveness. Roll the Blood Die and until the beginning of your next turn, add its result to the Attack rolls, Damage Rolls, and Saving Throw DCs of of your Infused Items and the Armor Class of any Infused Armors you have created.

Barbarian Path: Blood Monger

Savage Bite
At 3rd level you gain a Bite Attack, it could be a pair of fangs or a horrid sucking proboscis. In any case the bite counts as a simple weapon with the Light and Finesse properties that deals 2d4 piercing damage.

Blood Rage
Beginning at third level, while Raging you gain resistance to Poison and Necrotic Damage. when you take the attack action while Raging you can make a Bite attack as part of that attack action. On a hit the bite deals an additional 1d8 Necrotic damage and you regain hit points equal to half the necrotic damage dealt.

Still Heart
At 6th level you gain Advantage on saving throws to resist the Charmed and Frightened conditions. While Raging the effects of these conditions are suppressed.

Night Caller
Beginning at 10th level, you can touch a dead body and expend a use of your Rage to cast Summon Undead at 4th level. The corpse is consumed in the casting and the Undead must use either the Skeleton or Wretched options of that spell. Strength is your Spellcasting ability for this spell.

Misty Immortal
At 14th level your Immortal body is perfected. When you are reduced to 0 hit points you can use your reaction to expend a use of your Rage and instead fall to 1 hit point and become a 50ft cube of shadow filled mist. In this form you can take no actions and are immune to all damage. You have a fly speed equal to your speed and can move up to your speed on your turn. Creatures entirely within the cube are blinded and totally obscured. Creatures that start their turn in the cube must succeed on a constitution save or suffer Necrotic damage equal to your Strength and you regain hit points equal to half the necrotic damage dealt.

You can remain in this form for a number of rounds equal to your constitution modifier, returning to your normal form at the end of your last turn before the duration elapses or your the start of your turn before. You can reappear in any space the cloud occupied.

College of Exquisite Exsanguination

Cleric Domain: Heart Eater

Druid= Circle of Blood

Fighter Archetype: Vampire Warlord

Fierce Bite
At 3rd level you acquire a Bite attack such as a set of fangs or some kind of gross sucking proboscis. In any case, this Bite is a simple weapon that deals 2d4 necrotic damage. The Bite has the Light and Finesse properties as well as the Slow Mastery. Once per turn, on a hit with this bite you gain temporary hit points equal to the Necrotic Damage dealt and you can use a bonus action to make an unarmed strike against the target to Grapple. The DC to escape this Grapple can be Strength or Constitution based.

Crimson Wind
Also at 3rd level, your Second Wind uses your Vampiric hunger to draw the essence of the wounded to you. When you use your Second Wind, creatures you choose within 5 feet that have less than their maximum hit points suffer necrotic damage equal to 1d10+ your Constitution modifier and your Second Wind feature restores additional hit points equal to your constitution modifier for each living creature affected.

Bloody Banner
Beginning at 7th level when you use your Action Surge you can use a bonus action to raise bloodied fist. The blood trails from your fist like a banner and creatures you choose that can see and hear you can use their reaction to move up to their speed toward a target you specify.

Red Right Hand
At 10th level you can anoint a lieutenant with your blood to grant them a measure of your prowess. As an action you can



Warrior of Blood

Oath of the Impaler

Ranger Conclave: Nightwalker

Rogue Archetype: Vampire

Charming Visage
You learn the Friends Cantrip. Your spellcasting ability for this Cantrip is Constitution. You can use an Arcane Focus in the form of a pin, brooch, orb, or ring with this Cantrip.

Subtle Bite
At 3rd level you acquire a Bite attack such as a set of fangs or some kind of grotesque sucking proboscis. In any case, the bite is a simple weapon with the Light and Finesse properties and deals 2d4 piercing damage. When using Subtle Bite you have advantage to attack targets Charmed by you. When you deal sneak attack damage with your Subtle Bite you can choose to deal psychic or necrotic damage instead of piercing.

Also at 3rd level, whenever you reduce a small or larger living creature to 0 hit points with your Subtle Bite you gain a 1d8 Blood Die. You can have a maximum number of Blood Dice equal to your Constitution Modifier. You can spend Blood Dice for the following benefits.
Hit Dice. When resting you may expend Blood Dice instead of Hit Dice, adding your Constitution modifier as normal.
Longevity. Each Blood Die you expend extends your natural life span by 1 day and preventing aging.
Durability. You can expend a Blood Die to succeed on a Death Saving throw instead of rolling.

Cunning Creeper
At 9th level your vampiric powers expand. You can always move as if under the effect of the Spiderclimb spell.
Additionally, when you use your Cunning Action to Dash or Disengage, until the end of your turn you can become a cloud of mist or a swarm of tiny creatures such as bats or insects while you move. In this form your statistics remain the same but you are granted a fly speed equal to your speed and may move through any space at least 1 inch wide without penalty. You must end your turn on a surface that can support you and in a space you can fit or else you fall or are shunted into the nearest empty space and take 1d10 force damage.

Bloody Strikes
At 13th level whenever you use your Cunning Strike feature you can forgo sacrificing Sneak Attack dice by instead spending an equivalent number of Blood Dice. At 14th level and beyond this feature expands to include your Devious Strike options.

At 17th level, when you reduce a living humanoid to 0 hit points with your Subtle Bite you can use an Action within the next minute to touch the target and expend a Blood Die. The target immediately rises as a Ghoul under your control. The Ghoul is friendly to you and your allies and hostile to everything else. It gains a bonus to its attacks, damage, the DC of its Claws, and its Armor Class equal to your Proficiency bonus. It gains additional hit points equal to your Class level. The Ghoul cannot recover hit points normally, but you can touch the Ghoul as an action and expend and roll any number of Blood Dice, restoring hit points to the Ghoul equal to the result. The Ghoul follows your directions to the best of its ability, no action required by you and takes its turn immediately after yours. You can only have one Ghoul under your control at a time. Using this feature again releases the previous Ghoul from your control.

Sorcerous Origin: Dhampyr

Warlock Patron: Master Vampire

Wizard Archetype: Vampire Mage

Bonus Spells
At 3rd level you learn the Friends Cantrip and the Spiderclimb and Charm Person spells if you don't know them already and they are now always prepared. You can use this feature to cast Charm Person at its lowest level without the need for spell components or a spell slot. Once you've used the feature in this way you cannot do again until you've completed a long rest.

Spell Bite
Also at 3rd level you gain a Bite attack such as a pair of fangs or horrible sucking proboscis. In any case, the Bite is a simple melee weapon with the Light and Finesse properties with which you are proficient. The Bite 2d4 Necrotic damage on a hit. When a target within 5 feet fails a saving throw against one of your spells you can use a bonus action to make a Bite attack at advantage. On a hit you can expend a spell slot to deal 2d6 necrotic damage. The necrotic damage increases by 1d6 per level of the slot.

Also at 3rd level, when you reduce a small or larger living creature to 0 hit points with your Spell Bite you gain a d6 Blood Die. You are limited to a number of Blood Dice equal to your Constitution modifier. You can expend Blood Dice
Hit Dice. You can expend Blood Dice in place of hit dice when resting.
Longevity. Each Blood Die you expend extends your natural life span by 1 day and prevents you from aging.

Blood Magic
At 6th level you learn the Gaseous Form and Vampiric Touch Spells and always have them prepared.
Additionally, when you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that damages a target you can expend a blood die for one of the following effects.
Foul Fuel. If the target fails their saving throw the spell deals additional damage to the target equal to the result of the die.
Blood Curse. If the target succeeds on their saving throw they suffer a Blood Curse until the end of your next turn. As a reaction to the target making a test or moving you can roll 1d6 and reduce the result of the test by the result, or their move speed by 5 x the result.

Dark Lord
At 10th level you learn the Polymorph and Fly spells and always have them prepared. Additionally you can draw on dark powers for the following effects.
Wall Crawler. You can cast Spiderclimb on yourself at will.
Night Creatures. You can use this feature to cast polymorph on yourself without the need for components or a spell slot. When you do you must assume the form of a bat or wolf.

Castle Mine
At 14th level you learn the Magnificent Mansion spell and it is always prepared. When you cast the spell you can make the portal a trap. Creatures that move within 15 feet of the portal must succeed on a Dexterity save against your Spell DC or be drawn into the Mansion. Creatures that succeed on a Dexterity saving throw are not drawn in. When cast in this way, the exit disappears until other creatures are drawn in and the 100 servants within the mansion are zombies or skeletons and hostile to any creature other than you and those you designate. The spell ends when all the servants are destroyed.

2024-01-25, 09:18 AM
For name sake I would make the Impaler a Paladin archetype do to Vlad the Impaler was a knight for the church.