View Full Version : DM Help Kingmaker 5e

2024-02-03, 02:24 PM
Hello all,

i am starting a new campaign soon, in a previous thread i was asking about ideas about that, and while i got some good suggestions that i already starting working out a bit, and might still use in the future, i decided to go with Kingmaker 5e.
A decade ago i already considered doing this adventure path, but in the end did a custom home made campaign. When i realised i could play it in 5e, the choice was made, as it fit perfectly with what my party answered when i asked them what kind of campaign they wanted.
A short history of our group, we are currently 5 players who played d&d 3.5 (or close variants of it) for the past 20 years or so. During the current campaign we decided that maybe it's time to switch to 5e, so we will. It is my turn to DM and i have some experience (3 home-made campaigns each lasting between 1-2 years).

I am however not familiar with 5e yet (i played BG3 and therefor have read some of the basics, but i am by no means an expert). Therefor i have a few questions, some rather specific, some pretty general.

1. Kingmaker 5e is as far as i understand the Kingmaker PF2 book, combined with a 5e monster manual that replaces (most of) the stat-blocks in the book. However i read that for example the treasure-items are not converted. Since i am not experienced in 5e yet, and i understood magic items are much more limited compared to 3.5, i wonder if anyone has a suggestion/solution that they may have used to fix this problem. I don't think it's a problem i can't overcome, and if i don't fix it properly, i don't think it will ruin the game, but if anyone has a list of magic items they used in the game, that can be helpfull to me.

2. Did anyone play Kingmaker 5e and have some more tips, or problems that they ran into that may need attention.

3. I did some research on google on "Kingmaker DM tips" and started working all those out in a document, until i just realised......wait a second....did they change anything when they converted from pf1 to pf2, and apparently they did. So now i am not sure which of the changes i still should make to the campaign. That said, i am a bit ahead of myself, because while i played Kingmaker on PC, i haven't even read the PDF yet. One of the main concerns was the lack of foreshadowing of Vordakai and Nyrissa, and i am not sure if those are fixed in the new edition, but i read somewhere that they have at least been improved, but i am not sure if it's enough.

If anyone has some suggestions or answers, i am most gratefull.

2024-02-04, 03:18 PM
J-H has been running his group through Baldurs Gate 2 converted to 5e, which is also a high-item environment. He would probably have some pointers and I think he already has some notes on it in his thread.

2024-02-04, 04:49 PM
J-H has been running his group through Baldurs Gate 2 converted to 5e, which is also a high-item environment. He would probably have some pointers and I think he already has some notes on it in his thread.

I found a list of how he converts +x weapons to 5e, which is helpful already.

2024-02-04, 05:25 PM
Since i am not experienced in 5e yet, and i understood magic items are much more limited compared to 3.5, i wonder if anyone has a suggestion/solution that they may have used to fix this problem.

I have no idea of the kind of magic items are in Kingmaker, but my suggestion is to remove all magic items and replace them with results from the level-appropriate treasure/magic items tables from the DMG.

If the magic item is important to the story, just replace it with the 5e equivalent.