View Full Version : DrK Mortals vs the Gods OOC

2024-02-04, 09:22 AM
To Battle the Gods Themselves


The lands of Aegean sea, the neighboring Pharoh states of the Nile and the savage frozen lands of the Norse all are blessed with powerful and generous Gods that have blessed their followers for many generations. But now they Gods have turned their backs on their followers. Posiedon causes mayhem with storms on whim disrupting trade. Mightly Odin judges Jarls for little reason splitting them with lightning and even the greatest of the Pharoh's heroes has his heart found wanting and consumed by Sobek. The situation is dire, crops fail, storms rage across the lands, teleportation magic has been disallowed by the Gods and great monsters stalk the mountains, deserts and seas slaying people by the hundreds.


Now the mortals have had enough! King Menelaus, the Great Jarl Ragnar Lodbrok and Queen Nefertiti have summoned a secret conclave of their greatest heroes. A dozen of the mages, priests and druids of the greatest orders have called down the mythical Purple Rain to hide the meeting from the sight of even the Gods themselves as the heroes meet in the shadows of Mt Olympus in the Temple of Artemis to discuss what must be done... the unthinkable. The mortals shall have to take the war to the Gods and their realms themselve!

So this is an Epic Level game set in a quasi mythical realm of ancient Greece, Norsca and Egypt where the Gods have declared war on their mortal followers unleashing plagues, monsters and devastation upon them. The rulers of the Mortal realms will assemble their heroes to take the fight back to the Gods themselves and the realms that they hide in. Its an epic level proposition as requested with what will be a strong mythological bent. The intent of the epic level game is to have fun however so please do not aim for "big numbers" or high optimisation. That rapidly makes a game that is not fun for anyone(players or DM included), consider that as well if you are immune to "everything" how much fun that contributes. Please consider the premise with characters themed alongside the greek/norse/egyptian themes (if you wish to add in other ancient culture themes just let me know).

1. System: Pathfinder 1E
Please use the attached for Epic Pathfinder conversion as can be available here (https://www.jessesdnd.com/sites/default/files/EpicPathfinder1.6.pdf)

2. Starting Level: Level 23 // 5 (partial gestalt - see below)

3. Character Design

20 Point Buy starting stats (you are level 23 so plenty of options to buy stat books etc...)
Hit Points: max (you'll need them)
GHostfoot Gestalt: Gestalt levels at Levels 1,5,10,15 and 20.
Races: Please use common races where possible unless it critical
No ghosts, fey etc...
No epic spells
Clerics use the pantheons from their respective pantheon - can discuss domains, deific obedience (if required) etc... on case by case
Fractional BAB / Saves
Two traits
Background skills are in effect
More as needed as I think of things....

4. Sourcebooks
* Pactmaker (i.e. Pathfinder Binder) is available, Use the one from PFSRD please HERE (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/radiance-house/occultist/), not the spheres Wiki.
* Path of War is available
* If there is a 3.5 class or PrC that was critical as this started in a 3.5 thread please flag so we can discuss

5. Considerations /Bans

Conjunction of the Spheres..
* Astral and Ethereal effects are ineffective
* Teleportation (or beyond LoS equivalents) do not work
* Some more to follow when I flesh out the world a bit more

Ban list
* Leadership
* Any form of infinite loop!
* No Spheres, please don't ask
* No oaths
* Custom magic items (combining is okay, custom is no. No rings of vigour etc...)
* I'm sure there will be more

6. Starting Cash: 1.0 Million GP (no single item >300K)

Table of Players

Table Updated:

Ghostfoot Gestalt
Party role

Nehemsek (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25949169&postcount=99)
Human Harbinger LVL 20/Pactmaker 3
Pactmaker 5
Scouting, Curses and Control

Henry Pascal, Master of Form (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2871523)
Fighter 23
Swashbuckler 5
100% complete
Damage Dealer, Tank, Mobility, Magekiller

Camilla Lightmantle (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2871668)
Warpriest/Holy Vindicator
Fighter/Holy Vindicator
Frontline Damage Dealer/Healer

Nefer-Horsif (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2871941)
Mystic (Knight-Chandler) 20 / Animus Adept 3
Monk (Master of Many Styles) 1/Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 2/Animus Adept +2
Maneuvers to be picked, Fluff to be finalized
Anti-Mage, AOE/single target damage, Healing/Buffing/Debuffing

Garnet "The Mouth" Lanharath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2872166)
Druid (Storm Druid) 23
Brawler 5
Grappling, Druid Spellcasting

Runa - Daughter of Wind (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2872230)
Barbarian 1/Swashbuckler2/Skald20
Support Melee

IC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?664244-DrK-Mortals-vs-the-Gods-IC&p=25958275#post25958275)

2024-02-04, 09:36 AM
Some of the NPcs


Ragnar Lothbrook
Ragnar Lothbrook, High Jarl, King of Kings, Slayer of Wyrms, Lord of Norsca rules the tribes of the Northlands with an iron fist. He i reputed to have had Odin's blessing and whispered dreams from old one-eye himself to stay ahead of the fates and Norns. He has slain many a monster and has brought his favoured retinue

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/bf89f4ac-c64e-4c00-8ea1-99f6fbb63a7e/dg4d03n-facf151f-1402-4372-98ce-a7f9701bee7e.png/v1/fit/w_828,h_828,q_70,strp/cleopatra_by_k_jackson_katss_dg4d03n-414w-2x.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9. eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZD QxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgy MjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaW dodCI6Ijw9MTAyNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2JmODlmNGFjLWM2 NGUtNGMwMC04ZWExLTk5ZjZmYmI2M2E3ZVwvZGc0ZDAzbi1mYW NmMTUxZi0xNDAyLTQzNzItOThjZS1hN2Y5NzAxYmVlN2UucG5n Iiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcn ZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.RNaCb_2nxuMUQ7xIh OfpZKey6Kf5iRFPC5YywkaXFLQ
The capracious queen of the deserts and the river kingdoms. Wearing the double crown she holds the ankh and sceptre and manages the uneasy alliance of the patchwork Lords, Priests and nobles that dwell in the deserts across the dusty windswept dunes, oases and the pyramids. Her rule is bolstered by the jackal headed desert dwelling tribes and an alliance with the sphynxes in the high arid mountains

King Menaleus
Menaleus the High King, lord of the Greek isles, King of Kings and holder of the Rod of Winds is the high king of the peleponese. Rumoured to be descended from the blood of Zeus himself its the warlike, gruff and abrupt King of Greece that has called this gathering

2024-02-04, 12:01 PM
Camilla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets//?id=2871668) will speak in "Dark Orange." because for whatever reason I associate bright warm colors like yellows and golds with Athena, to who she has been devoted.

She's probably one of King Menaleus' subjects.

Let me know if there's any adjustments needed. She doesn't hit all that hard against single targets unless she gets lucky and lands a crit, dealing about ~100 damage per round after casting Righteous Might or some other buff.

2024-02-04, 12:39 PM
Thanks for the selection.

Nehemsek will speak in Teal

Nehemsek, The Traveler (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2871116)
m N Human Harbinger 20/Pactmaker 8, Level 23, Init 7, HP 299/299, DR 50% Fortification, Speed 50'/Fly 50'(Good)
AC 36, Touch 21, Flat-footed 29, CMD 36, Fort 22, Ref 18, Will 20, CMB +15/+10/+5, Base Attack Bonus 15/10/5
Waxing Moon (+5 Keen Alchemical Silver Kukri) +32 (1d4 +24, 15-20 x2)
Dark Focus Maneuvers with Waxing Moon +37 (1d4 +29, 15-20 x2)
Waning Moon (+1 Gloom Blade Kukri) +33 (1d4+20, 18-20 x2)
Bracers of Armor, DR 2/- Vs Outsiders (Evil) +2 Defiant Buckler (+8 Armor, +3 Shield, +7 Dex, +4 Natural, +4 Deflect)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 24, Con 20, Int 30, Wis 16, Cha 20
Bound to Toth and Serket

2024-02-04, 01:27 PM
Henry Pascal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2871523) will speak in Red.

He'll be independent for now.

Not gonna lie, I'm kinda surprised that I made it in. Kinda thought Henry was a bit too... optimized, to be let in.

I'm guessing the GM might have been intrigued at the possibility of an optimized 1pp-only Fighter, though.

Also, if you wish to use Ryoku Absalom (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2872317) as a potential opponent, feel free to do so. Really any of the previous applicants could also work as an opponent.

Might make running things easier.

2024-02-04, 03:15 PM
Lanharath will speak in Bold Green. He's from the Norsca lands but considers himself an independent.

2024-02-04, 05:31 PM
Runa, Daughter of Wind (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2872230) will speak in Sky Blue, She is from Norsca, the Lands of Ice and Snow, where the cold wind does blow. She is loosley aligned with Lothbrook, too fickle for his tastes, but tends to show up when she is needed.

2024-02-05, 07:59 AM
Thanks for the selection! Nefer-Horsif (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2871941) will speak in "Navy."

Nefer-Horsif is a protector of the royal line of Egypt and thus closely aligned with Queen Nefertiti.

2024-02-05, 08:27 PM
So, I suppose the question for me now, is whether my character is acting independently of his God, Haagenti, or instead acting on Haagenti's orders?

I think I can make both work. Henry seeks strong opponents - what stronger opponents could there be but the gods themselves?

At the same time, his deity - knowing it's impossible to fully control him - is merely directing Henry's ire against a rival pantheon in the hopes of weakening them. In doing so, the Demon lord may yet expand his sphere of influence across the lands.

2024-02-06, 04:46 AM
Thanks for the selection! Nefer-Horsif (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2871941) will speak in "Navy."

Nefer-Horsif is a protector of the royal line of Egypt and thus closely aligned with Queen Nefertiti.

Nice little interaction there!

@Drk, Nefer-Horsif and Nehemsek both haveLuckdrinker Aura stance. Would it be ok if I swapped mine for another stance to avoid redundant and possibly annoying double de-buffs? Admitedly, Nehemsek will normally be in other stances anyway.

2024-02-08, 09:35 AM
Nice little interaction there!

@Drk, Nefer-Horsif and Nehemsek both haveLuckdrinker Aura stance. Would it be ok if I swapped mine for another stance to avoid redundant and possibly annoying double de-buffs? Admitedly, Nehemsek will normally be in other stances anyway.

On stances in general, the assumption should be that outside of combat you are not in a stance. As standing in a stance "all the time" is akin to walking around a social party with your weapon out poised in an attack posture :smallsmile:

On swapping, yes.. no combat yet to have to ret-con

2024-02-08, 10:06 AM
To help in combat and help everyone track bonuses could people note here in the OOC any group wide bonuses / auras etc... they exude to help people work out all the +'s and -'s when combat inevitably breaks out at some point. Please include the "type" of bonus. Anything that adds a significant "untyped" will also be "typed" with an appropriate type to stop silly stacking as some of the subsytems (PoW i'm looking at you) are very guilty of giving un-named bonuses that could in theory self stack

2024-02-08, 10:45 AM
I like this. Why don’t we simply type “untyped” as a type that doesn’t stack? Or do you mean type them as “this untyped is ACTUALLY a morale bonus”? For example, the wording of dark focus would make it very straight forward to make it a profane bonus instead of an untyped bonus.

I also like the no-stance all the time policy. However, there are some stances that are meant to be on, before combat. Could we adopt them as an immediate action? Canceling the swift action of the first round?

2024-02-08, 01:39 PM
On stances in general, the assumption should be that outside of combat you are not in a stance. As standing in a stance "all the time" is akin to walking around a social party with your weapon out poised in an attack posture :smallsmile:

On swapping, yes.. no combat yet to have to ret-conTo be clear, this has the effect of nerfing stances by requiring the use of a swift action at the start of combat in order to enter it. It also has a weird interaction with certain stances. As a simple example, Riven Hourglass Stance (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/Riven-Hourglass-maneuvers/#riven_hourglass_stance) grants a +4 to Initiative; if you can't be in the stance when combat starts, this bonus is useless. How should we reconcile these?

In this case, Nefer-Horsif is specifically using Luckdrinker Aura in his role as a protector, in order to be aware of any magical effects which approach his Queen Nefertiti.

On bonuses he's giving out, I will note them in his little OOC stat block, but the Soul Candle currently in Nefer-Horsif's space will give, to allies within 15 feet:

+12 elemental damage to weapon attacks of whatever his active element is (let's say Electricity currently);
untyped +12 to all skill checks and caster/manifester level checks; and
fast healing 12.

2024-02-08, 02:45 PM
. How should we reconcile these?

I think the default rule for stances is fine as is, but one idea would be that a character is always in the stance but gains no benefit from it until combat starts.

2024-02-08, 02:50 PM
Camilla produces no passive or continuous auras. Any benefits to the group provided will be through activating her Warpriest Blessings or casting spells.

2024-02-08, 04:10 PM
Camilla produces no passive or continuous auras. Any benefits to the group provided will be through activating her Warpriest Blessings or casting spells.

I still have to pick a stance, I'm debating between Unholy Mirror and Cursed Mirror, AoO in PbP are a hassle, so perhaps Unholy Mirror has more synergy with offensive spells.

2024-02-08, 04:48 PM
I still have to pick a stance, I'm debating between Unholy Mirror and Cursed Mirror, AoO in PbP are a hassle, so perhaps Unholy Mirror has more synergy with offensive spells.

Camilla only has a couple of spells prepared that might benefit from Unholy Mirror (Chains of Light, Greater Dispel Magic), if that impacts your decision any.

2024-02-08, 06:05 PM
Henry Pascal walks around with a Darkskull, which provides a constant unhallow effect out to 40 feet of him at all times. Tied to this Unhallow effect is the spell, Death Ward, which should also provide it's bonuses to allies and enemies alike within his presence.

On top of that, he also carries with him an Eversmoking Bottle, which when activated creates a cloud of smoke out to 50 ft, which increases every round by 10 ft until it reaches a maximum of 100 ft.

Granted, he'll generally keep it corked unless it seems like a good idea to use it. If everyone has a way to see through smoke, then it might not be a bad idea to make liberal use of it, but otherwise, we'll keep it's use to the bare minimum.

2024-02-08, 07:19 PM
Henry Pascal walks around with a Darkskull, which provides a constant unhallow effect out to 40 feet of him at all times. Tied to this Unhallow effect is the spell, Death Ward, which should also provide it's bonuses to allies and enemies alike within his presence.

How'd you get the Death Ward affixed to the Unhallow?

Edit: Nevermind, was looking at the wrong edition of Darkskull. Forgot this was a Pathfinder game. :smallredface:

2024-02-09, 03:54 AM
Oh, the historian in me needs to interject. The Nile banks were tenfold more fertile than any land in ancient Greece (and probably modern Greece too) as many of the island were rocky, and more importantly, it was really stable and predictable as the annual floods of the Nile. Cereals from Egypt were crucial for Greeks and later for the Roman Empire so we could frame it as: either we stop Sobek from screwing the food production or half the humans south of Macedonia will starve.

Close pedantic blurb....

2024-02-09, 07:26 AM
Oh, the historian in me needs to interject. The Nile banks were tenfold more fertile than any land in ancient Greece (and probably modern Greece too) as many of the island were rocky, and more importantly, it was really stable and predictable as the annual floods of the Nile. Cereals from Egypt were crucial for Greeks and later for the Roman Empire so we could frame it as: either we stop Sobek from screwing the food production or half the humans south of Macedonia will starve.

Close pedantic blurb....

I guess that just reinforces the suggestion to save the lands of the desert :smallsmile:

Before it moves on in the IC how will folk consider getting there?
1. Boat across the Med?
2. Fly?
3. Some overland travel crossing through what is now turkey?

2024-02-09, 08:11 AM
A discord link

2024-02-09, 08:14 AM
Rocs have an 80ft Fly speed and occupy a 20ft space so a couple people could probably ride on his back.

2024-02-09, 08:49 AM
A discord link

That link isn't exactly working for me. Dunno why.

Rocs have an 80ft Fly speed and occupy a 20ft space so a couple people could probably ride on his back.

Dragons have 150 ft fly speed, and can also get up to Huge size via Form of the Dragon 3. It's only 15 x 15, but that should still be enough to carry the party, I would think.

2024-02-09, 09:53 AM
I guess that just reinforces the suggestion to save the lands of the desert :smallsmile:

Before it moves on in the IC how will folk consider getting there?
1. Boat across the Med?
2. Fly?
3. Some overland travel crossing through what is now turkey?

I can communal phantom steed (I imagine these reskinned as ghostly giant ravens) the whole party 100' per round/20 hours a day.

2024-02-09, 10:12 AM
Camilla has one cast of Windwalk prepared which lets us travel 60mph for 20 hours for 1,200 total miles.

2024-02-09, 01:09 PM
Ack, polymorph fly speed caps out at 120 ft. I'd need Boots of Haste to reach 150 fly speed, and that's only for 10 rounds a day or some such.

Cerynitis does allow for a higher base speed of 180 ft though, but that's still a little shy of 20 mph.

Even if I used Hustle, Forced march, and still had a Scarlet and Green Cabochon Ioun Stone to be immune to fatigue, I don't think there's a damn thing I can do that can get me up to 60 mph.

Looks like it'll have to be Wind Walk, then.

On the plus side, this does seem like the perfect opportunity to make use of the Eversmoking bottle, since it'll hide us in a 50 ft smoke cloud while we move.

Thanks to the Goz Mask, the smoke shouldn't be a problem for him, and he has a +20 Survival check, so he should be able to easily make the DC 15 check to avoid getting lost and thereby direct the party.

2024-02-09, 02:28 PM
Wind Walk is probably the way to go but Lanharath is not going to travel in the smoke cloud or anywhere near the Darkskull.

Edit: His reason for avoiding it is personal aesthetics, basically. He finds extreme ethical alignments to be distasteful and prefers to avoid those who represent them. Just because it's the end of the world is no excuse to forgo style.

2024-02-09, 03:13 PM
Wind Walk is probably the way to go but Lanharath is not going to travel in the smoke cloud or anywhere near the Darkskull.

Edit: His reason for avoiding it is personal aesthetics, basically. He finds extreme ethical alignments to be distasteful and prefers to avoid those who represent them. Just because it's the end of the world is no excuse to forgo style.

Technically, if the fog cloud has a radius of 50 ft and the unhallow effect has a radius of 40 ft, then you can be inside the smoke cloud without being inside the Unhallow effect.

But, hey, you do you. I'm only really using the Darkskull for the benefit of Death Ward. If we had access to mythic power, I'd consider trading it out for a Death Warden's Bandolier, but alas, that's not what this game is.

Henry Pascal will just fly 50 ft underneath you. That way, you still get the benefit of the smoke cloud hiding you from any viewers below, without having to suffer the indignity of being in the area.

EDIT: Also, I'm noticing that we have 2 Lawful Good guys and a Chaotic Good character in the party. I'm not entirely certain what your plan is concerning them. Are you going to refuse buffs from them as well, or just me, because I only have an ethical alignment and not a moral one?

2024-02-09, 03:47 PM
I'm not entirely certain what your plan is concerning them. Are you going to refuse buffs from them as well, or just me, because I only have an ethical alignment and not a moral one?

No other plans at the moment, Lanharath just does not vibe with your character. It's not a big deal.

2024-02-09, 04:07 PM
Wind Walk already provides some cover from onlookers, but the added fog cloud will likely help lower the chances of undesirable interference.

Camilla is clearly not concerned about Henry's aura. He came to the meeting about safeguarding mortal-kind, that shared objective is sufficient reason for her to work with anybody given the stakes. She's simply more concerned with keeping people safe than proving herself or testing her mettle. In this case though, keeping people safe is going to involve battling the gods, so their interests are somewhat aligned.

2024-02-09, 04:25 PM
A 50`x 50' cloud of smoke moving at high speed is highly conspicuous, therefore Nehemsek will not use it. I like the phantom steed/ravens idea and some dispersal in the flight, less clustering but wind walk is pretty cool too.

2024-02-09, 05:21 PM
No other plans at the moment, Lanharath just does not vibe with your character. It's not a big deal.

Eh. That's perfectly fine. I don't really know what your plan for combat is, though. I was under the impression that we're both shapeshifting melee attackers, so maintaining that kind of distance might be a difficult endeavor...

...but not impossible, given potentially increased size and reach on both of us. I think I can get up to a 30 ft reach or so, on select turns or in select forms.

Of course, you can get up to Colossal size, so you should have similar reach all the time. That gives us about 60 ft to work with between us. More than enough to keep you out of Darkskull range. Depending on the opponent's size, I might still even be able to protect you with Cut/Smash From the Air, which I will probably continue to do regardless of if you want me to or not, lol.

A 50`x 50' cloud of smoke moving at high speed is highly conspicuous, therefore Nehemsek will not use it. I like the phantom steed/ravens idea and some dispersal in the flight, less clustering but wind walk is pretty cool too.

A smoke cloud in the sky just looks like a storm cloud. The average cloud can move anywhere between 30 to 120 miles per hour. (https://www.coolkidfacts.com/how-fast-do-clouds-move/) They look slow cuz they're so far away, so the distance they travel looks smaller than it is.

60 mph seems pretty decent for a cloud, I think. It'd be pretty difficult for somebody to tell the difference unless they were really, really smart and really, really observant.

2024-02-09, 05:25 PM
Sorry, I should have been more clear. I didn't mean he'll avoid being around him all the time, just for the role-playing of travel. In combat, it is what it is, that's part of working together despite the differences.

2024-02-09, 05:32 PM
A 50`x 50' cloud of smoke moving at high speed is highly conspicuous, therefore Nehemsek will not use it. I like the phantom steed/ravens idea and some dispersal in the flight, less clustering but wind walk is pretty cool too.

A smoke cloud in the sky just looks like a storm cloud. The average cloud can move anywhere between 30 to 120 miles per hour. (https://www.coolkidfacts.com/how-fast-do-clouds-move/) They look slow cuz they're so far away, so the distance they travel looks smaller than it is.

60 mph seems pretty decent for a cloud, I think. It'd be pretty difficult for somebody to tell the difference unless they were really, really smart and really, really observant.

Also, if the math for Wind Walk keeps, the Phantom Steed will travel overland at 10mph for the 20 hours, going 200 miles, expiring somewhere over the Mediterranean Sea and dropping those without Windwalk or some other personal method of flight into the water to drown. The Phantom Steeds would have to go around the Sea, which would inevitably add a lot of travel time.

2024-02-09, 09:30 PM
There are some shennanigans I could pull to get the range to ~590miles (haste, song of marching), but I am not particularily wedded to any strategy, whatever works best for the party, the Daughter of Wind has no problem traveling by cloud, though some Invisibility and Anti-Scrying should be included in any solution, I feel that when one challenges the gods, humility is a wise strategy.

2024-02-10, 02:46 AM
To be clear, this has the effect of nerfing stances by requiring the use of a swift action at the start of combat in order to enter it. It also has a weird interaction with certain stances. As a simple example, Riven Hourglass Stance (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/Riven-Hourglass-maneuvers/#riven_hourglass_stance) grants a +4 to Initiative; if you can't be in the stance when combat starts, this bonus is useless. How should we reconcile these?

In this case, Nefer-Horsif is specifically using Luckdrinker Aura in his role as a protector, in order to be aware of any magical effects which approach his Queen Nefertiti.

On bonuses he's giving out, I will note them in his little OOC stat block, but the Soul Candle currently in Nefer-Horsif's space will give, to allies within 15 feet:

+12 elemental damage to weapon attacks of whatever his active element is (let's say Electricity currently);
untyped +12 to all skill checks and caster/manifester level checks; and
fast healing 12.

Please select Insight or Competence for the skill bonus

In the case of stances that impact initiative you just move the initiative tracker when you enter the stance. It’s easily done. PoW gains many benefits, suggesting that it’s hard to maintain a combat stance for hours on end whilst doing mundane things like eating, talking, toileting doesn’t detract from the usefulness of the stances and is the same as the Style feats

2024-02-10, 10:44 AM
I chose option 1, stay and fight.

Well, investigate, to be clear.

If we can draw the enemy's attention, then we can presumably save a number of lives.

I'm rolling to take note of the secret passage in case I need to make use of it later.

Perception Check: [roll0]

I can also use this to investigate, if you wish, or I can make another check for investigation purposes.

2024-02-11, 09:44 AM
Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]

--> Aiming to know Giant Damage Reduction primarily, then Vulnerabilities, if any, then resistances.

Knowledge (Religion): [roll1]

--> Aiming to know any specific info about Hel herself, that might be useful information in this situation.

Knowledge (Planes): [roll2]

--> Aiming to know the effect of that Rift, bad idea to travel/Flickering Step through it or not?

Spellcraft: [roll3]

The flaming attacks being sent through, are they ranged attacks or AoE moves? I can block one, but can't really block the other. Also, the effect that hid this place from the gods... I presume that such a thing is down by now, no? I do believe my goggles grant my Arcane Sight, if it matters.

2024-02-11, 09:46 AM
A nat 20 perception and a nat 20 on the religion check about Hel, nice.

Also, I suppose I should roll initiative.

Initiative: [roll0]

2024-02-11, 10:34 AM
Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]

--> Aiming to know Giant Damage Reduction primarily, then Vulnerabilities, if any, then resistances.

Knowledge (Religion): [roll1]

--> Aiming to know any specific info about Hel herself, that might be useful information in this situation.

Knowledge (Planes): [roll2]

--> Aiming to know the effect of that Rift, bad idea to travel/Flickering Step through it or not?

Spellcraft: [roll3]

The flaming attacks being sent through, are they ranged attacks or AoE moves? I can block one, but can't really block the other. Also, the effect that hid this place from the gods... I presume that such a thing is down by now, no? I do believe my goggles grant my Arcane Sight, if it matters.

Yes, the curtain of violet rain has gone. It needed the many chanting priests to maintain the effect and as a significant number of them have now been slaughtered its collapsed - the rift is outside of wher the effect was in effect (hence why its a good few hundred feet from the temple rather than opening inside the temple.

The rift appears to be a genuine Gate into Nifelheim (one of the nine realms of the norse outer realms. This one is Hel's realm, so a mixture of negative energy effects and freezing cold).
You could go through if you wanted, you'd be vulnerable to the planar effects within there and if the rift closed you may struggle to get back. But who know's how long she will hold the door open.

As for Hel... she's a charmer.

Hel is the goddess of the ignoble dead, and receives the spirits of those who die by disease and old age, hosting them within her banqueting hall behind the impregnable walls and gates of Niflheim, the land of mists. Hel is the daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda and is fated to one day lead an army of the dead against the walls of Valhalla come Ragnarok. Hel can cause plagues and pestilence with a wave of her hand. Any mortal looking upon her face will fall ill with a debilitating disease, suffering a permanent loss of health until a cure disease spell is cast on them. Even after the cure, the victim will never recover from the effects of the illness. Hel is surrounded by an aura that afflicts any being that approaches too close to her, causing them harm. She cannot be harmed by any material weapon, and her kiss causes death. She has the power of undeath and cold and is a mistress of magic.

The boulders are just really big boulders that some of the giants hurled that were enchanted and explode. So nothing overly fancy, just big fiery rocks that the Temple disagrees with

2024-02-11, 10:46 AM
Rolling for init, Thugh I understand that you ruled Nehemsek to be further behind.


and then the pertinent knowledge checks for when he sees anything.

Religion [roll1]


2024-02-11, 11:21 AM
Initiative [roll0] Camilla isn't exactly fast. Nor does she have the knowledge to identify any of the enemies.

2024-02-11, 11:42 AM

Dumb idea I was kind of thinking about.

Like, really, really dumb.

I can free action Shapechange (https://www.aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Shapechange) back into a Cerynitis (https://aonprd.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Cerynitis), with 180 move speed.

I can free action activate Boots of Haste (https://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Boots+of+Speed ) for an additional 30 move speed.

With 210 move speed, I can use Flickering Step (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Flickering+Step) + Dimensional Dervish (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Dimensional+Dervish) to teleport a maximum of 420 ft.

Would it be possible to teleport through the rift into Nibelheim, Hit Hel at least once, then teleport back to the other side of the rift?

She can't be harmed by regular weapons, but my Soulsight Goggles (https://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Soulsight%20Go ggles) allow me to damage even incorporeals with non-magical weapons at half damage, and full damage with magic weapons.

Moreover, my weapon is Phase-Locking (https://www.aonprd.com/MagicWeaponsDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Phase+Locking). My estimation of the situation is that it might be of paramount importance to stop Hel from coming through the rift. So if I can hit her with a Phase-Locking Weapon at least once, she'll be barred from entering the portal, thus giving the spellcasters on the team time to dispel/destroy the rift.

Of course, this will also definitely subject my character to a pseudo-incurable disease, so I'm wondering if it's worth it to try this out, with the information I have available.

Furthermore, it'll only slow her down for one round, since Phase-Locking only lasts 1 round. Is that enough time to bring down the rift? Can my allies take out the rift before she goes through even without my crazy plan?

And for the GM, does Hel even look like she's preparing to come through the rift, or am I making a mountain out of a molehill?

2024-02-11, 12:04 PM
Do your items have wilding clasps to work when Shapechanged?

And the googles just allow you to hit incorporeals, that may not be even relevant here. And if you are a Cerynitis (I alwo think you may be using the 3.5 version of Shapechange) then you can't hit Hel with your weapon, because you'll be a Doe...

2024-02-11, 12:13 PM
Do your items have wilding clasps to work when Shapechanged?

And the googles just allow you to hit incorporeals, that may not be even relevant here. And if you are a Cerynitis (I alwo think you may be using the 3.5 version of Shapechange) then you can't hit Hel with your weapon, because you'll be a Doe...

As part of Haagenti's Sentinel boons (https://www.aonprd.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Haagenti), all of my gear and equipment works in whatever form I'm in.

The Cerynitis is a Large Magical Beast, and thus a viable target for Beast Shape IV, which is part of base Shapechange. As per polymorph rules, you gain the base speed of the creature you transform into. Only additional movement speed modes (i.e. climb, swim, & flight) are capped to any degree in Pathfinder polymorph.

I don't know if the Goggles are relevant here, but that's part of why I'm asking to begin with. Hel is the goddess of undeath, so it's not exactly a reach to think that her immunity to mortal weapons might work on a similar basis to that of incorporeal undead.

2024-02-11, 12:27 PM
Of course, this will also definitely subject my character to a pseudo-incurable disease, so I'm wondering if it's worth it to try this out, with the information I have available.

I've got a couple of copies of Heal prepared. It explicitly heals disease, but who knows if it will overcome whatever divine disease you might contract.

2024-02-11, 12:32 PM
Initiative for Lanharath [roll]1d20+8/roll]

2024-02-11, 11:58 PM
Initiative for Runa: [roll0]

Knowledge Nature (Giants): [roll1]
Knowledge Religion (Hel): [roll2]

2024-02-12, 12:15 AM
Goofed up the roll tag.

Initiative [roll0]

2024-02-12, 01:11 PM
I'd really like the GM to weigh in on whether or not my stupid plan has any merit.

Really, I just want to know if the situation is as I've surmised - Hel is about to come through the rift if not otherwise stopped.

I'm not sure how much distance the others can travel, but this should presumably buy us at least one round if successful, correct?

If we're planning on taking on the Gods, we probably shouldn't be fighting on their terms, with them taking the initiative.

2024-02-12, 02:07 PM
From his perspective she seems to be standing there watching the giants and has just consumed some priests with dark fire
It’s hard to say what’s she is doing but she’s not posed like she is running forwards. Also not sure phase locking would stop walking through an open gate way?

2024-02-12, 04:19 PM
From his perspective she seems to be standing there watching the giants and has just consumed some priests with dark fire
It’s hard to say what’s she is doing but she’s not posed like she is running forwards. Also not sure phase locking would stop walking through an open gate way?

Thank you for dissuading me from this idea.

I'm guessing the best thing I can do is to get as big as I possibly can, then try and deflect attacks from the Giants.

How big is the rift, btw? I guess it's at least gargantuan, if the Giants are coming through.

2024-02-12, 05:31 PM
The rift is about 100ft wide and 50ft tall so its more like a curtain into Nifelheim

2024-02-13, 02:46 AM
As a heads up I’ll post the bad guys IC tonight just to keep forward progress in the timing

2024-02-13, 12:43 PM
Sounds good. Camilla's initiative was too low to act first (18 exactly). Once they've acted I'll post Camilla's actions.

2024-02-13, 05:13 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

I suppose his bonus makes most sense as an insight, so every ally w/in 15 feet of Nefer-Horsif gains a +12 insight bonus to all skills and CL/ML checks.

2024-02-13, 05:22 PM
Forgot to roll for his granted maneuvers, as it'll change whatever he decides to do. Just rolling d100 for each, highest 7 are granted.

Disrupt Essence [roll0] - granted
Elemental Destruction Ring [roll1]
Cascade of Elemental Wrath [roll2] - granted
Festival of Shadows [roll3] - granted
Sunstroke [roll4] - granted
Decree of Purity [roll5]
Elemental Breach [roll6] - granted
Reflected Blade Style [roll7]
Temporal Body Adjustment [roll8] - granted
Noblesse Oblige [roll9] - granted
Plagiarism [roll10]

EDIT: Kaouse, if you want to try hitting her, Nefer-Horsif gave Henry Sunstroke (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/alternative-rule-systems-path-of-war-disciplines-and-maneuvers-radiant-dawn-maneuvers/#TOC-Sunstroke) for his next attack with 4 essence invested, meaning he can make one attack at a range of 1240 feet and may choose to halve his damage to make it hit targets in a 20 ft burst instead. That way you don't have to risk teleporting in.

2024-02-14, 02:50 AM

Please can you indicate whether you accepted the Raging song from Runa or not?
- Just I guess for my knowledge, how do they avoid the spellcasting and AC limitations? Skald capstone, found my own answer :smallsmile:

@Da'Shain For Path of War's more untyped bonuses please treat the
- Speed bonus as Enhancement as standard for nearly all spells and increases
- AC and Save bonuses as Morale bonus

2024-02-14, 04:43 AM
All the buffs are reflected on my sheet.

How far are the closest giants? could Nehemsek get in close range (75) them with his speed of 60`? He flew 120' (or 100') out of the doors and the Giants moved 60' closer...

2024-02-14, 06:11 AM
All the buffs are reflected on my sheet.

How far are the closest giants? could Nehemsek get in close range (75) them with his speed of 60`? He flew 120' (or 100') out of the doors and the Giants moved 60' closer...

Well they were 400ft from the door,

You went 100 out, they came 60 in so currently be 240ft away from you, so you'd be >75ft still after moving

2024-02-14, 06:49 AM
Ok My current movement is 70' (50 normal(30 +20 Competence) +20 Enhancement). Are we going to be this strict with distances? Can we be slightly relative?

It won't matter now, I'll assume we are strict and move in. But for reference.

2024-02-14, 11:26 AM
Save Vs Chain Lightning #1: [roll0]
Save Vs Chain Lightning #2: [roll1]

Summary of Buffs to Date (Sorry, I forgot a few, epic Skalds put alot of mojo real quick apparently)

Free Action: Aura of Glory: +6 Morale to Damage
Free Action Flagbearer - +2 Morale Atk, Can Reroll Failed Will Saves
Standard Action Warleader - All allies gain the Bonded Mind teamwork feat (Basically LOS telepathy 60ft)
Swift Action - Inspiring Rage - Allies gain

+8 Moral Bonus to Str/Con, (+4 to hit and damage melee, 92hp, +4 Fort)
+6 Morale Bonus to Will Saves,
Immunity to Shaken and Frightened,
Can add +1d6 Electrical damage 3 times during the rage,
Electricity Resistance 10,
FLIGHT 60 (Good).
And +1 Extra Attack on a Full Attack (does not stack with haste, capstone).
No penalty to ac or restriction on spellcasting or skill use (capstone).
DR 3/- Verses Weapon or Natural Attacks (unclear if this stacks with existing DR)
+1d6 Sonic Damage per weapon attack (Discordant Voice)
Fast Healing 8 (Improved Skald's Vigor)
Move action - Draw Weapon/Enter Indomitable Presence: At 2nd level, the warlord shines as a beacon to his allies on the field of battle, inspiring them to fight with him to their last breath. All allies within 30-ft. of his position gain:
the benefits of the Die Hard feat,
may add the warlord's initiation modifier [+10] to Fortitude saves versus death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects as a morale bonus.

2024-02-15, 01:11 PM
Nefer-Horsif rolls saves vs the Chain Lightning with his Will save and evasion due to Withstand spell: Chain Lightning 1 [roll0], Chain Lightning 2 [roll1].

2024-02-15, 04:10 PM
Camilla's Reflex saves vs. Chain Lightnings DC 26 vs
[roll0] 49 damage
[roll1] 44 damage

Camilla takes the whole 93 damage, and will accept the Runa's Inspiring Rage which leaves her at 361 HP. Might as well heal while approaching the giants.

If anybody gets too damaged, you'll need to ensure you get within 75ft of Camilla so you're in range of Mass Cures. If you're in critical shape, get into Touch range and Camilla can cast Heal on you.

2024-02-15, 04:50 PM
That's a possible Crit:

EDIT: *In case it matters, my martial maneuvers ignore immunities.


Extra Damage[roll1]

2024-02-15, 11:50 PM
Sorry for ducking this thread for a while, work's been getting on my ass.

I'll get a post down in the coming hours, before I go to bed.

2024-02-18, 10:32 AM
3 ref saves for the 3 giants that would be right at the edge of Nehemsek 's range assuming some flex on distnace as in theory they are ~240 ft away and he would have 70+70 from moving and then 75 from the attack for ~215ft of distnance so he can't be very high or he's well out of range!


2024-02-18, 11:48 AM
Rolling for new granted maneuver this round:

Elemental Destruction Ring [roll0] - granted
Decree of Purity [roll1]
Reflected Blade Style [roll2]
Plagiarism [roll3]

2024-02-18, 12:32 PM
How far away are the Giants from Lanharath?

2024-02-18, 12:46 PM
How far away are the Giants from Lanharath?

The three that d’doored are on the steps so ~50ft away

One with Camilla is about ~100ft
One with Nehemsek is about ~180ft

2024-02-18, 12:58 PM
Crit threat vs Henry [roll0] extra crit dam [roll1]
+ staggered for [roll2] rounds Fort DC 34 for 1 round

2024-02-18, 01:26 PM
Henry is currently immune to crits from one of Nefer-Horsif’s glyphs cast before.

2024-02-18, 11:51 PM
Reflex Save vs Blade Barrier (Ring of Evasion): [roll0]

2024-02-19, 12:56 PM
Do the giants ignore concealment/miss chance?
If not, there's a 20% for the giant to miss (misses on a 5) due to Camilla's Cloak of Displacement, Minor

2024-02-19, 03:28 PM
Do the giants ignore concealment/miss chance?
If not, there's a 20% for the giant to miss (misses on a 5) due to Camilla's Cloak of Displacement, Minor

No they don't, I just assume you'll mention these sort of things in the OOC or the discord :smallsmile: Unlucky though

2024-02-20, 03:41 AM
Possible crit on the Riptide Slice

[roll0] vs Touch [roll1] extra damage.

2024-02-20, 06:04 PM
So close to a critical hit. At least the nat 1 was on the confirmation and not the initial attack.

2024-02-22, 05:07 PM
Reflex Save: [roll0]
Reflex Save: [roll1]
Reflex Save: [roll2]

Damage taken = 24 + 22 + 31 = 77 damage total

Henry accepts the raging song.

2nd round

Reflex Save: [roll3]
An additional 22 damage taken from the trample, 99 damage taken thus far.

Henry will attempt to Parry the Giant's Consumption Strike, if it's not too late.

Parry check:[roll4] Note that this takes a -4 penalty per size category that the Giant is larger than me. I'm currently medium, btw.

If I fail, a 60 does confirm the critical.

Sorry for wasting so much time. Thank you for keeping the game moving without me there.

Let's say I was dazed for the first round.

In this second round, I think the idea is going to be to Shapechange into a Blue Dragon as per Form of the Dragon III.

After that, I'll probably go ahead and Dimensional Dervish with my swift + full round actions.

EDIT: Holy hell, my first 2 attacks were natural 1s and my 3rd attack was a natural 2, lol. Damned if I don't deserve it for wasting so much time.

I won't ever let it get that bad again.

2024-02-22, 06:11 PM
Wait, is that Dragon actually using an axe?


2024-02-22, 11:36 PM
Wait, is that Dragon actually using an axe?


Yep! :smallcool:

It's been a while, but I actually already answered (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25961749&postcount=47) this question on the previous page of this thread.

Long story short, Haagenti's Sentinel Boons (https://www.aonprd.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Haagenti) allow my gear to transform with me, so that I may always use them regardless of form.

Even if I were to become incorporeal, all of my gear would become ghost touch. It's a really sweet ability.

2024-02-23, 02:45 AM
Fort save [roll0]

2024-02-23, 03:03 AM
Kaouse - how do you get 4d8 for the base damage for the natural attacks? Is form of the dragon not specified and in the 2d6-2d8 range for the various modes of snacking?

2024-02-23, 03:06 AM
Reflex saves [roll0]

2024-02-23, 04:28 AM
Drk, Nehemsek moved out of the giant's range during his turn Thanks to Rumors of War. Though I didn't word it properly. It is a like spring attack with Maneuvers. HOWEVER, it does say Full Round action and in my post i divided it into move and standard doing the same. So, I'm fine with your ruling and I'll be more careful on how I word abilities.

It also means I haven't spent the maneuvers I used to AoO ist. So I'll use them now. Posting my turn.

2024-02-23, 05:00 AM
Sorry for the double post, need to confirm that Critical

Attack [roll0] damage[roll1]

All that damage gets multiplied by 1.5 so I'll add it on the original post. I only managed to avoid one attack, so I eat up almost 200points of damage!

2024-02-23, 11:18 AM
Kaouse - how do you get 4d8 for the base damage for the natural attacks? Is form of the dragon not specified and in the 2d6-2d8 range for the various modes of snacking?

The Fighter's Advanced Weapon Training, Focused Weapon (https://aonprd.com/AdvWeaponTrainingDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Focused%20W eapon), increases the weapon damage dice of the chosen weapon up to 2d8, as per the Warpriest's Sacred Weapon (https://aonprd.com/ClassDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Warpriest) class feature. It increases with size, so it should be 4d8 when Huge.

Thanks to Haagenti's second Sentinel Boon (https://aonprd.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Haagenti), Focused Weapon in battleaxes instead applies to any and all weapons I wield. Thus, it applies to all natural weapons. I am not required to apply this effect to the inherently stronger 3d6 Butchering Axe, as per Sacred Weapon.

2024-02-23, 02:07 PM
I cloned my sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2882774) to show battle changes.

So far, the only buffs I'm tracking are Shapechange (Form of the Dragon III) and the morale bonuses to stats from Raging Song.

In retrospect, I don't think I added the bonus damage from Disconcordant voice or whatever else have you, but I'll keep it in mind for the future.

As for the damage taken, I failed to parry the crit due to size differences, but the crit was stopped anyway. Hence, I take an additional 107 damage. That's 206 damage taken thus far.

Between Combat Expertise, Fighting Defensively (with Epic Acrobatics) and the additional Natural Armor from Form of the Dragon III, my AC shoots up to 52 while Huge. Touch AC is 28, Flat Footed AC is 33, CMD is 75.

Attacks 3 and 4 will hit, dealing an additional 97 damage + 14 cold damage. That's 317 damage total. An additional 81 damage was apparently done to me through what I presume is a counter of some kind, so that's a total of 398 damage dealt.

Luckily, the increases to my CON boost my HP to 552, but things are still looking pretty rough. Thanks to Greater Skald's Vigor for +8 fast healing and the DR 3/- on 3 physical blows sustained, my HP is brought to 171/552.

That said, I'm realizing that the Giant didn't trample us, but rather cast a blade barrier (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/blade-barrier/) on top of us. Looking through the spell, if it's cast on top of us, then we get a reflex save to negate the damage and end up on one particular side of the barrier. So instead of taking half of the 44 damage, I think we should have taken none of it.

That would be an extra 22 hp, bringing me up to 193/552. Not much, but every point counts when the stakes are this dire.

Something is about to come through the rift. Can any of our spellcasters close the rift, or what?

2024-02-23, 02:13 PM
Also, Fort save vs stagger on crit: [roll0]

And Fort Save vs Waves of Ectasy: [roll1]

Actually, Waves of Ectasy is a compulsion. I don't suppose Mind-Buttressing Armor (https://www.aonprd.com/MagicArmorDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Mind%20Buttressing ) helps with that?

Otherwise, being staggered for 1 round isn't a huge deal. I can still partial charge and even pounce depending on form.

That said, leaving Form of the Dragon means a decreased CON bonus, and I'm gonna certainly be feeling the effects of that.

2024-02-23, 04:08 PM
I would say no to mind buttressing blocking it as it’s not mind control

But impressive saves! But that’s true for all the party

On the rift the party only has the Druid as a full caster. Most everyone went melee heavy

2024-02-23, 05:12 PM
If I wasn't staggered, I'd be able to use Baroom Brawler as a move action to gain the Advanced Weapon Training that gives me an Item Mastery, select Dispel Mastery, and attempted a targeted dispel at the rift.

But alas... I'm staggered. Too bad combat stamina wasn't allowed, lol. It'd make Baroom Brawler a swift action.

That being said, partial charge pounce is definitely the best option when staggered, I believe.

Moreover, our helpful Mystic/Animus Adept has access to Dispel, I believe. Targeted dispels should be able to target both objects and specific spells, IIRC.

Speaking of which, @Da'Shain I'm really sorry that I squandered your Sunstroke with my inaction.

Also, I'm only just now reading the buffs you gave everyone via Radiant Dawn Style. Unfortunately, I think that the Chain Lightning cleared them all, but I'm more than happy to get some extra hp.

Since I'm not exactly sure where we are within relation to each other, I'll just assume that I gained the 10 temp hp from your Decree of Purity. That brings my hp up to 203/552. Always nice to have some more breathing room.

2024-02-23, 05:16 PM
I've got Greater Dispel Magic prepared. If folks think it's a worthwhile shot I'll have him try to dispel the gate.

2024-02-23, 05:16 PM
If I wasn't staggered, I'd be able to use Baroom Brawler as a move action to gain the Advanced Weapon Training that gives me an Item Mastery, select Dispel Mastery, and attempted a targeted dispel at the rift.

But alas... I'm staggered. Too bad combat stamina wasn't allowed, lol. It'd make Baroom Brawler a swift action.

That being said, partial charge pounce is definitely the best option when staggered, I believe.

Moreover, our helpful Mystic/Animus Adept has access to Dispel, I believe. Targeted dispels should be able to target both objects and specific spells, IIRC.

Strangely enough, Purging Finale will negate a stun, but not a stagger, oh well, the giants MIGHT live another turn.

2024-02-23, 05:25 PM
Fort Save vs Waves of Ecstasy: [roll0]

2024-02-23, 06:33 PM
Hold the phone.

I assumed that the full attack from the Giant was aimed at me, but... it wasn't was it?

Reading through the thread a bit more carefully, I think that full attack was only for Nehemesk.

If that's the case, then that's 111 damage that I never took. In which case, my HP would be at a vastly more comfortable 314/552.

But yeah, I have a pretty decent idea of what I'm going to do, and it's likely going to involve transforming into a Large magical creature via Beast Shape IV. This will decrease my CON score by 6, causing me to lose 69 hp. That'll put me at 245/483.

The only issue now is, what do I transform into? The options are a Lammasu, which has 60 ft fly speed + pounce, or a Griffon with 80 ft fly speed + pounce.

If the next giant target is within 60 ft, then I choose the Lammasu. I just don't really know the distances enough to be sure.

2024-02-23, 07:28 PM
I've got Greater Dispel Magic prepared. If folks think it's a worthwhile shot I'll have him try to dispel the gate.

Camilla also has one cast of GDM prepared. She has an effective CL of 24 for the check (+4 from Otherworldly Kimono). If there's a chance we can just prevent the titanic dragon from exiting the gate, I think it's worth attempting. Probably better to have the caster with the higher CL try it.

If not that, I was thinking I would cast Heal on Nehemsek since there would be no overhealing and being under 150 HP is a bit risky given the numbers going around.

2024-02-24, 01:46 AM
Hold the phone.

I assumed that the full attack from the Giant was aimed at me, but... it wasn't was it?

Reading through the thread a bit more carefully, I think that full attack was only for Nehemesk.

If that's the case, then that's 111 damage that I never took. In which case, my HP would be at a vastly more comfortable 314/552.

But yeah, I have a pretty decent idea of what I'm going to do, and it's likely going to involve transforming into a Large magical creature via Beast Shape IV. This will decrease my CON score by 6, causing me to lose 69 hp. That'll put me at 245/483.

The only issue now is, what do I transform into? The options are a Lammasu, which has 60 ft fly speed + pounce, or a Griffon with 80 ft fly speed + pounce.

If the next giant target is within 60 ft, then I choose the Lammasu. I just don't really know the distances enough to be sure.

Atop the temple door way the giants were within 50ft

2024-02-24, 10:52 AM
Camilla also has one cast of GDM prepared. She has an effective CL of 24 for the check (+4 from Otherworldly Kimono). If there's a chance we can just prevent the titanic dragon from exiting the gate, I think it's worth attempting. Probably better to have the caster with the higher CL try it.

Go for it then. Runa has an advantage buff they can give you for the check they talked about in the discord.

2024-02-24, 11:59 AM
Nefer-Horsif's dispelling maneuvers and glyphs sadly only work on creatures, or else I'd have him try to close the Gate, but he can send his soul candle to Camilla to give her a +12 insight bonus to her CL check, so I think that's probably for the best. I'll have him do that after he attacks, I'll get the post up shortly.

EDIT: Also, I didn't realize we had a Discord. Could we get an updated link, please?

2024-02-24, 01:14 PM
I'll post the attempt after Nefer-Horsif's Soul Candle gets into position.

DrK, the Otherworldly Kimono (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/h-l/kimono-other/) doesn't specify a bonus type for the CL boost. I know you prefer the bonuses to be typed to prevent things from getting out of hand, so I figured I'd check to make sure stacking these effects are fine.

If they will stack, the GDM will be 1d20+36 against a DC of 11+CL of the gate. Otherwise it'll be 1d20+32.

2024-02-24, 02:47 PM
So Nefer-Horsif just made an attack which allows him to stack multiple bonus attacks and stack his Initiation modifier multiple times. The sources are:

Sun's Gleam (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/alternative-rule-systems-path-of-war-disciplines-and-maneuvers-radiant-dawn-maneuvers/), which can be used as a weapon as part of delivering a strike and does 1d6+Initiation modifier Force damage;
His current Candle Magic Votive effect (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/classes/mystic/archetypes/knight-chandler/#candle_magic_su), which adds his Illumination level as bonus damage of his energy type (included because his minimum Illumination is Wis, though it is higher at this point in combat)
Solar Hailstorm Stance (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/solar-wind-maneuvers/#TOC-Solar-Hailstorm-Stance), which gives him an extra two ranged weapon attacks at full BAB, and adds his Initiation modifier as untyped damage to all attacks in a full attack;
Runa's Master Skald (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/Hybrid-Classes/Skald/#master_skald_su) ability, which adds an extra attack during a full attack as though using Haste (and also her Discordant Voice feat which adds the 1d6 sonic damage); and
Cascade of Elemental Wrath (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/elemental-flux-maneuvers/#cascade_of_elemental_wrath), which allows him to make a full attack, spend 2 animus to gain an extra bonus attack at full BAB, converts all damage done to that of his active element, and adds an extra 1d6+Initiation mod to that damage.

In terms of stacking damage, I think despite all being based on Initiation mod, Sun's Gleam, Solar Hailstorm Stance and Cascade of Elemental Wrath indisputably stack with each other; Sun's Gleam is Force damage, Solar Hailstorm Stance is untyped damage, and Cascade is elemental damage (even though it converts all the damage to elemental damage). I would argue the Candle Magic votive effect also stacks because it is a different bonus added, Illumination instead of Initiation modifier, so it is not the same as adding Wisdom mod again, and there is no rule to my knowledge against adding elemental damage multiple times to the same attack.

In terms of bonus attacks, both Solar Hailstorm Stance and Cascade make no mention of being limited, while the Master Skald ability says the bonus attack is made as if with a Haste effect, and Haste effects usually do not stack with other bonus attacks. So instead of 4 bonus attacks, Nefer-Horsif may be limited to only the 3 from his stance and maneuver. If that is how you rule, just ignore one of Attacks 1-5 in that post (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25970111&postcount=46).

2024-02-24, 02:50 PM
I just want to say go team mortal, this is a great cooperative effort

2024-02-26, 11:01 AM
I was under the impression that we had decided on Wind Walk, over the Mass Phantom Steed?

2024-02-26, 11:34 AM
I was under the impression that we had decided on Wind Walk, over the Mass Phantom Steed?

Can do it either way, am not married to either one, was just trying to move things along.

2024-02-26, 05:46 PM
Question: one of the Candle Magic Bonfire effects (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/classes/mystic/archetypes/knight-chandler/#candle_magic_su) reads:

"Affected allies gain the ability to move up to twice their speed as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity."

This is a permanent benefit until changed. Would we be able to use this in conjunction with Wind Walk to triple our speed (600 feet as full round, 2x600 as swift, for 1800/round or 180 mph)? Or would we simply be able to use the swift action to move double our normal fly speed (10 feet with the Wind-Walk, so 620/round instead of 600, or if for example your normal fly speed is 60, 720 ft/round or 72 mph)?

Just a way for us to get even more bang out of the spell if possible and shave off a few hours of the trip. Normal trip'll be approximately 17 hours (~1000 miles between Greece and Egypt as the crow flies, plus or minus depending on where exactly).

2024-02-26, 06:09 PM
Question: one of the Candle Magic Bonfire effects (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/classes/mystic/archetypes/knight-chandler/#candle_magic_su) reads:

"Affected allies gain the ability to move up to twice their speed as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity."

This is a permanent benefit until changed. Would we be able to use this in conjunction with Wind Walk to triple our speed (600 feet as full round, 2x600 as swift, for 1800/round or 180 mph)? Or would we simply be able to use the swift action to move double our normal fly speed (10 feet with the Wind-Walk, so 620/round instead of 600, or if for example your normal fly speed is 60, 720 ft/round or 72 mph)?

Just a way for us to get even more bang out of the spell if possible and shave off a few hours of the trip. Normal trip'll be approximately 17 hours (~1000 miles between Greece and Egypt as the crow flies, plus or minus depending on where exactly).

It would be the latter, so an extra 20ft, as Wind walk is a 10ft speed, or summoning magical wind for the rapid movement

On the other post about the various stacking things, I'll have a read through as there is a balance between unintended stacking of rules and what is balanceable.

2024-02-27, 02:10 AM
Can we loot the giants?

2024-02-27, 01:52 PM
You could have looted them but you seemed keen on heading off

Loot if you’d like to consider
3 “fighty giants”
+ 3x Huge Breastplate +2 of Fire resistance 20
+ 3x Huge Greataxe/ Greatspear +3 Frost, Keen
+ 3x Belts of Giant strength +4

Cleric one
Headband of Wisdom +4
Huge Fullplate +3
Phylactery Holy symbol (Hel)
Huge Warhammer +3

Wizard One
Bracers of armour +4
Cloak of Resistance +2 and Manta Ray
Huge +2/+2 Staff of Frost

Edit: not sure how you’ll take the weapons and armour if you are after them

2024-02-27, 02:08 PM
I assume we're all a couple hundred feet above the ground.

I don't think that there's anything that we'd be doing in place of transforming out of Wind Walk's gaseous form.

Interestingly enough, Gaseuous Form and Wind Walk aren't polymorph effects. This means A.) it stacks with / doesn't override current polymorph effects, and B.) Haagenti's boon that allows me to use my equipment while polymorphed does not apply to this effect, unfortunately.

So I pretty much can't do anything other than wait, for what it's worth.

I'll probably be in Air Elemental Form, I suppose. In case anything goes wrong with the spell, I can probably whirlwind us to relative safety.

2024-02-28, 12:53 AM
200ft sounds reasonable to me.

In response the storm, I'm not sure. There are risks regardless of going through or around. I'm interested to hear the thoughts of others.

2024-02-28, 04:08 PM
Knowledge (Nature): [roll0] As to the severity of the storm, possible effects on flight, and whether is a probably a natural occurrence.
Knowledge (Geography): [roll1] As to our precise location (I assuming we are somewhere near Rhodes, and the storm is attempting to block our access to Egypt). And the best alternative route to Egypt.

Detect Magic: Is the storm infused with magic?
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll2] If the storm is in fact infused with magic, or the product of elementals, does it seem plausible that Control Weather could punch a hole in it?

The Daughter of Wind fears no storm, but given that we are in Zeus and Poseidon's territory, might be wise to avoid, as I am sure there is something BESIDES raindrops in there.

As to altitude, We were attempting to masquerade as clouds, which would be around 6500ft at the lowest, but would make altitude sickness a thing. Perhaps 4000ft?

2024-03-03, 06:48 PM
Knowledge Arcana [roll0] to recognize that the spell is Storm of Vengance without metagaming.

Note that I have constant Arcane Sight from my Soulsight Goggles.

...Damn. I actually failed.:smallbiggrin: Guess that means no metagaming for me. :smallwink:

My Spellcraft is much higher at +40, but I'd probably have to deal with distance penalties, so... not very likely when this thing is probably 720 ft away.

Regardless, there's still one round before we can actually do anything, I think.

2024-03-06, 01:00 AM
It seems as though people are taking more than just free actions while transforming out of Gaseous Form. Is that allowed? Or are people just jumping to the round where the transformation is already complete?

2024-03-06, 02:15 PM
It seems as though people are taking more than just free actions while transforming out of Gaseous Form. Is that allowed? Or are people just jumping to the round where the transformation is already complete?

A good question. I'm also curious of the answer. I elected to hold off on any combat actions until it's made clear.

2024-03-06, 03:02 PM
For what it's worth, Wind Walk (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/wind-walk/)'s Vaporous Form is treated as Gaseous Form.

While in Gaseous Form (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/gaseous-form), you can't attack, can't cast any spells that have components, and you lose access to all supernatural abilities.

I suppose the question now is whether you are allowed to take more than just free actions during the 5 round transformation time of Wind Walk. Even if you are, though, you'd probably still be subject to the restrictions from Gaseous Form.

Funnily enough, if we are allowed to take actions while transforming, then theoretically, I could use Barroom Brawler, grab Dispel Mastery, and attempt to dispel the Storm of Vengeance. Using an Item Mastery is most similar to an SLA, and since those don't have components, they're actually perfectly legal to use under Gaseous Form.

That said, since we're explicitly subject to the effects of wind while in this form, presumably the Storm of Vengeance might just push us outside of it's radius once it starts. Though I guess the GM can decide where exactly the wind blows us.

2024-03-10, 05:40 AM
As people have now posted a variety of spells, supernatural things etc... that aren't possible in vapour form the easiest for me to do is to post the two rounds of actions that the behemoths will get as you complete your changes from gaseous clouds into corporeal shapes once more

Round -1
Storm of vengance begins - acid rain

Henry: Round 4 of transformation; Free action shapechange to a (still cloudy black dragon)
Nehemesk: Round 4 of transformation, Hide
Nefer-Horsif: Round 4 of transformation - all others are supernatural or Spell like so cannot be done (reserved for Rond 1)
Camilla: round 1 of 5 begins
Runa: Spells not availble, cannot turn move into swift actions, has no "verbal" to initiate inspiring rage. As per Nefer Horsif - round 1
Lanharanth: As for Runa/Nefer horsif, cannot wild shape or cast spells

Round 0:
Storm of vengeance = Lightning! 2 bolts for everyone!
--> Behemoth: Do something

Henry: End of the round = he's a black dragon
Nehemesk = End of the round = no longer a cloud
Camilalla = end of Round 2
Runa = End of the rounds = no longer a cloud
Lanharanth = End of the Round no longer cloud

Round 1:
Storms of Vengeance = Hailstones all round
--> Behemoth do something

Nehemesk: ??? choose an action
Nefer-horsif: Now availble to do the font of animus, glyphs etc...
Lanharanth: Wild shape and strong jaws
Runa: Rage, Elemental Body
Camilla = end of round 3

If anyone disagrees shout up. If not I'll post the Behemoths Round 0 and Round 1 actions tomorrow night

2024-03-10, 10:56 AM
Works for me. Sorry about that, didn't read the restrictions on gaseous form.

2024-03-11, 11:31 AM
It's unfortunate that Camilla's passive 35 perception didn't catch the threat, but she wouldn't start shifting until the danger was apparent to her, thus I'm fine with the scenario as described.

2024-03-11, 02:24 PM
It's unfortunate that Camilla's passive 35 perception didn't catch the threat, but she wouldn't start shifting until the danger was apparent to her, thus I'm fine with the scenario as described.

Technically, we all saw the cloud prior to running into it. If anything, I think it ran into us, since we stopped to examine it.

Also, +35 is great and all, but distance penalties in Pathfinder are a bit... insane. It's a -1 for like, every 10 feet of distance away you are from the target. For a target 720 ft feet away, that's a -72 to the check. There are some items and abilities that let you alter the distance scaling, but they're pretty niche, since it's pretty difficult to fight at these kinds of ranges.

In other news, we should all be capable of swift actions on Round 0, if it matters. We won't have standard or move actions, but swift actions are effectively free actions that you can only take once per turn. If you can take a free action, then you can take a swift action.

There's no reason why you couldn't wait until the end of your turn, when you finish transforming, to use your swift action, I think.

If you have any free or swift actions you can take under Gaseous Form, feel free to do so.

2024-03-11, 02:33 PM
Also, I'm realizing that I don't think I ever rolled initiative for this fight.

Initiative: [roll0]

2024-03-11, 06:43 PM
Technically, we all saw the cloud prior to running into it. If anything, I think it ran into us, since we stopped to examine it.

Also, +35 is great and all, but distance penalties in Pathfinder are a bit... insane. It's a -1 for like, every 10 feet of distance away you are from the target. For a target 720 ft feet away, that's a -72 to the check. There are some items and abilities that let you alter the distance scaling, but they're pretty niche, since it's pretty difficult to fight at these kinds of ranges.

In other news, we should all be capable of swift actions on Round 0, if it matters. We won't have standard or move actions, but swift actions are effectively free actions that you can only take once per turn. If you can take a free action, then you can take a swift action.

There's no reason why you couldn't wait until the end of your turn, when you finish transforming, to use your swift action, I think.

If you have any free or swift actions you can take under Gaseous Form, feel free to do so.

I disagree. On Round 0, your are back in "solid form" at the end of your turn. This does not allow swift or free actions out of turn, or after the end of your turn, an immediate action would be the only type permissible

2024-03-11, 07:22 PM
Okay. Nice to have some clarification.

2024-03-12, 06:15 PM
No Complaints here.

Initiative: [roll0]

2024-03-13, 01:58 AM
Sorry, my work exploded this week. I shall catch up on games over the next couple of days

2024-03-13, 04:41 AM
Sorry, my work exploded this week. I shall catch up on games over the next couple of days

This is when you tell us you work at a Nuclear Power Plant...

2024-03-26, 02:51 AM
Back now! Apologies for the brief hiatus

Need Nehemesk for round 2 please

2024-03-26, 10:36 AM
Wait, is Henry still cloudy at the end of Round 0?

Shouldn't he also have an action at Round 1? Or did I misunderstand something?

2024-03-26, 01:55 PM
Wait, is Henry still cloudy at the end of Round 0?

Shouldn't he also have an action at Round 1? Or did I misunderstand something?

You should indeed have one with Nehemesk. I missed you off the list, apologies

2024-05-18, 05:49 AM
I dropped off the forums for past month as had some work burn out
But last post for this one was from me. Have we lost players for this one? Or should we press on?

2024-05-19, 09:31 PM
I'm still here, but there's not much Camilla can do in this situation between being way outside of her effective range and still in the mist form.

2024-05-21, 05:00 PM
I dropped off the forums for past month as had some work burn out
But last post for this one was from me. Have we lost players for this one? Or should we press on?

Press on I say, ready when you are captain

2024-05-25, 05:02 AM
Even IC posts to say “I fly closer” will help just to help me monitor ranges as you all fly at different speeds

2024-05-27, 05:48 AM
Threat vs Nefer Horsif [roll0] dam [roll1]

2024-05-27, 02:38 PM
20% concealment, enemy attacks miss on 5

Do these creature's attacks overcome DR/Evil? Camilla either takes 26 or 21 damage and has a few temp HP remaining.

2024-05-27, 02:47 PM
As neutral creatures her DR/Evil will protect her