View Full Version : spheres of power/might/guile aka the Champion Prodigy master of the Arcanist Exploit

2024-02-06, 02:28 AM
as an exercise of Theorycraft, how would you personally build a Prodigy with the Exploitant Archetype

and mix it with a Sphere Arcanist? I am thinking Prodigy 8 and Arcanist 12

Exploitant ArchetypeLegend of the Spheres ProdigyChampion of the Spheres

A Exploitant Prodigy level 8 is a 6 Caster Level class with 6 talents that can be Skill, Magic, or Combat Talents, plus 4 Utility Talents of those 3 systems
In addition it gets a Moldable Talent at level 2, 5, and 8 that can be any tradition
Lastly for the quick summary it can decide to use finishers via not reducing your sequence to exactly zero, but instead it can reduce links and use finishers of the amount of links you reduced. Thus if you had 5 links you can choose to use all of them to do a 5 link finisher, or to use a 3 link finisher and keep 2 remainder.
Prodigies get a Combat Tradition thus 4 talents of a mixture of equipment and combat spheres
Prodigies get a Casting Tradition and thus 2 magic talents at level 1
Prodigies get a Adroit Trade Tradition and thus 2 Skill Talents, 4 Trade Traditions, plus 1 more for a total of 5 Trade Traditions once you multiclass into Arcanist

Sphere Arcanist

Arcanist level 12 is +12 more Caster Levels, 6 Exploits, 6 Moldable Talents, and 6 Magic Talents (3 of them you can exchange for Skill Talents)
Quick Study is a great Arcanist Exploit and works with the moldable talents for both classes. Note while you can convert the skill or combat moldable talents of the Prodigy into magic moldable talents, you can not do it the other way per the text of quick study. Thus until you rest to recover spell points these talents are now only to be swap again for other magic talents with Quick Study.
Quick Study really should be the exploit you take at Arcanist level 1

I have ideas but I figure let people respond first :smalltongue: and do some of my ideas tomorrow as separate posts.