View Full Version : Demonic Sorcery (One D&D format) PEACH appreciated

2024-02-11, 07:43 PM
Demonic Sorcery
Your power is rooted in Chaos. Not the whimsical and erratic mania of wild magic, but the spontaneous impulse to undermine the order on which all existence is built. It can be beautiful to the mad, salvation to those whose heart wallows in hatred, but it is utterly inimical to the fabric of existence and loathed by the entities that work to preserve cosmic consonance.

It is believed by most Sorcerers that draw power from this source that a mighty Inevitable exists for the sole purpose of eradicating their kind and they are not wrong.

Abyssal Invective
At 3rd level you gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill and the Abyssal language.

Voracious Sorcery
Beginning at 3rd level the corrosive nature of your sorcerous power manifests. Whenever you expend hit dice as part of a short rest you lose 1 spell slot of your choice. Only one slot is lost regardless of the number of hit dice spent.

Additionally, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a Sorcerer Spell you can ritually devour part of the corpse over the course of 1 minute. Doing so leaves sufficient remains of formerly living creatures that the corpse can be animated. The ritual must be completed within 1 hour of the creature’s death.

Upon completion of the Ritual you regain expended Sorcery Points equal to your Constitution modifier. If you currently have your maximum sorcery point total you can immediately convert these points to replace an expended spell slot.

Bonus Spells
3. Chaos Bolt, Armor of Agathys, Alter Self, Enhance Ability
5. Bestow Curse, Summon Lesser Demons
7. Polymorph, Summon Greater Demon
9. Contagion, Synaptic Static

Demonic Burst
At 6th level the power of Chaos infuses your Sorcerous Burst. You can choose to have it deal 2 kinds of damage each time it’s cast. Additionally you can expend 1 or 2 sorcery points and forgo rolling 2 dice per point spent, treating them as if they had rolled 8 and rolling additional dice accordingly.

Absolute Dominion
Beginning at 14th level, when you cast Summon Lesser Demons or Summon Greater Demon, the creatures summoned are friendly to you and your allies. They take their turn immediately after yours and follow your directions to the best of their ability.

Mantle of the Patron
At 18th level you become a true conduit for the power of Chaos. You learn two Eldritch Invocations of your choice, treating your Sorcerer level as your Warlock level for any Prerequisites. Additionally, you can share the benefits of this feature and a Cantrip you know with any creature that voluntarily fails its saving throw against your casting of the Bestow Curse spell for the spell’s duration.