View Full Version : Rules Question Tekumel Allowed?

2024-02-15, 08:17 PM
There is a table top role playing game called Tekumel.
I like the idea of role playing in South American/Asian hybrid settings, but the problem is, um, how should I put this? The author of Tekumel believed in "certain Fuhrers" in a positive fashion, so I don't know if role playing Tekumel would be allowed.

2024-02-16, 12:50 AM
From a bit of googling it looks like the setting itself isn't especially nasty, it's just the author happens to have had some particularly odious views. Is this the case?

In theory fictional settings should be okay, regardless of their origin or content. Particularly noxious settings or rules are very likely to have caused enough headache for mods that they're preemptively off limits, though. Fictional worlds that aren't especially problematic by themselves are more likely to be seen as separate from their author, particularly if that author isn't tied to the work anymore on account of being dead. There's a nonzero chance that discussing the setting causes rulebreaking discussions of the author to the point that mods could call the topic off limits, but the infractions should be on the people who break the rules and mods will be clear when the setting is considered an off limits topic.

Roland St. Jude
2024-02-16, 09:29 AM
Sheriff: In general, such a game should be playable here. Just avoid discussing real world political or religious things, especially in the Out-Of-Character thread. What an author thinks or believes isn't really something we regulate here; what matters is what is posted on the Forum. Don't engage in any conduct that violates any of the Forum Rules and you should be fine.