View Full Version : "masterwork" items.

Pinkie Pyro
2024-02-17, 02:27 PM
So I've got a new character for a new campaign, using the 'master' class from the dragonlance sourcebooks, which has an ability to craft things with a higher 'masterwork' level.

After some discussion with the DM, he's allowing me to apply this to any item that:

has a 'masterwork bonus'

has a bonus and MUST be masterwork (IE: "Adamantine is so costly that weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality")

an item whose bonus is based entirely off the quality of the item (IE: the elven harp, "They produce a purity of sound unheard of in any non-elven crafted instrument, like any masterwork instrument, an elven harp grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform checks made with it. The instrument is so fine, however, that a truly skilled musician can work wonders with it. Characters with at least 5 ranks in Perform (string instruments) gain an extra +1 circumstance bonus on Perform checks made with the harp (for a total bonus of +3).")

So far I've got the item qualities from dragon 358, I've got dragon craft items, and otherwise a few 'masterwork' material bonuses.

Anyone have any suggestions?

2024-02-17, 06:26 PM
I take it this includes tools and skill kits? If so I'd suggest having a look at the Arms and Equipment Guide, especially chapter 2 (adventuring gear), you'll probably find some ideas there.

Edit: oh and Races of Stone chapter 7, Dwarvencraft items and miscellaneous gear.

Maat Mons
2024-02-17, 07:12 PM
DMG2 had some weapon and armor templates.

2024-02-17, 07:16 PM

you might get some use out of this thread

2024-02-19, 05:53 PM
Some more examples of "masterwork", "count as masterwork", or "always masterwork":

Ghost Spike (Dragon #348)
Pistol, Dueling (Dragon #321)
Steel Talons (Dragon #349) - for a bird of prey (an eagle, falcon, hawk, owl, or other hunting bird)
Steelsword, Chondatan (Races of Faerūn)
Touchstone Blade (Planar Handbook)

Arrow, Flight (Arms and Equipment Guide/Races of Faerūn/Dragon #349)
Arrow, Sea (Races of Faerūn)
Arrow, Signal (Races of Faerūn)
Razorfeather Ammunition (Monster Manual V)

Special Materials:
Coldwood (Dragon #357)
Weirwood (Magic of Faerūn)

Ceremonial (Dungeon #105)
Chameleon Leather (Serpent Kingdoms)
Quick-Escape (Arms and Equipment Guide)
Sectioned (Planar Handbook)
Siege Beetle Chitin (Monster Manual V)

Tools and other misc:
Bandoleer, Masterwork (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting) - hold 12 items ("non-masterwork" - 8)
Breathing Mask (Monster Manual II/Savage Species) - includes "a masterwork leather mask"
Caveharp (Underdark)
Deceiver's Kit (Dragon #316) - Artisan's Deceiver Kit includes masterwork artisan's tools of the appropriate type
Drill (Dungeonscape) - last for 100 rounds ("non-masterwork" - for 20)
Keymaking Set, Masterwork (Dragon #316)
Leash and Muzzle (Arms and Equipment Guide) - +1 circumstance on Handle Animal checks
Manacles, Masterwork
Masterwork Controls (Arms and Equipment Guide/Dragon #353) - +2 circumstance on Handle Animal or Profession checks
Perfume, Masterwork (Dungeon #124) - +2 Social Modifiers
Potion Belt, Masterwork (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting) - hold 10 potions ("non-masterwork" - 6)
Saddle, Masterwork (Complete Adventurer) - +1 circumstance on Ride checks (or +3 - in case of Masterwork Military Saddle)
Second-Story Kit (Dragon #316) - includes a set of masterwork thieves' tools
Snout Snare, Masterwork (Dragon #344)

2024-02-21, 10:48 PM
The PHB lists a generic tool, masterwork which can apply its bonus to any applicable skill.

2024-02-22, 09:58 AM
The PHB lists a generic tool, masterwork which can apply its bonus to any applicable skill.

There's a list of suggested tools here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?111820-Masterwork-Tools-(3-5)). I think there's a more extensive one somewhere but I can't find it now.

Pinkie Pyro
2024-02-22, 07:17 PM
The PHB lists a generic tool, masterwork which can apply its bonus to any applicable skill.

I mean, those ones are a bit obvious, but thanks. Defs gonna be pumping out +6 skill masterwork tools.

so those razorfeather arrows look pretty sick with this interpretation, DM's already greenlit it applying 'triple-keen'...

although I *Do* have to kill the creature to get them. and it's E6, so good luck me.

sadly most of the others don't seem to have a real bonus to be interpreted, so it's just 'this item is this and masterwork'.

So far some examples of ones that have passed the bar:

adamantine heavy armor's DR being multiplied

the item qualities from D358, for +3 damage +3 AC ect

masterwork ammunition (apparently, by RAW, it explicitly stacks with any bonus from the weapon, so total +6 to hit there split between bow and arrow)

the 'dragoncraft' items, for instance dragoncraft armor granting 15 energy resistance.

Basically, what I'm looking for is items that make any sense to scale off of the craftsmanship... even if you have to stretch it a bit.

2024-02-22, 07:26 PM
In case if Kingdoms of Kalamar stuff is OK:

Salt And Sea Dogs: The Pirates Of Tellene
Masterwork Ship Accessories - +1 hardness and +2 hp per inch of thickness
Rudder, Masterwork - +2 bonus to all of the helmsman's Profession (sailor) checks related to piloting the ship; reduces the ship's draft by 5 feet

Svimohzia: The Ancient Isle
Masterwork versions of listed musical instruments are modifying effects of Bardic Music in certain ways:
Bagpipes, Svimohzish - can affect listeners with -1 penalty on saves vs Fear
Didgeridoo - can affect listeners with -1 penalty on saves vs Fear
Meznar - can grant to allied listeners +2 competence on all attacks
Mezwar - can affect listeners with -2 penalty on saves vs Charms and Fear; Undead listeners got -1 on Spot and Listen checks (as long as their usual Immunity wouldn't prevent it)
Nemarzen - allows to play two different Bardic Music effects at once (like Countersong and Inspire Courage)
Seryf - can affect listeners with -4 penalty on saves vs Charms and Compulsions
Thelarr - +2 bonus for Countersong attempts; listeners get +1 bonus on saves vs Fear
Zemvar - grant to allied listeners +1 bonus vs Charms and Fear, but -1 penalty on attack rolls; also, beneficially influences the attitude of noble and "high-class" listeners towards the performer (by one category; see the Diplomacy skill)

Player's Guide to the Sovereign Lands

Unlike Dynaj, any watercraft made in Shyff sells for up to twice the price of a similar vessel from another port. Consider these ships to be masterwork tools that give their bonus to Profession (sailor).
Dancer's Outfit, Masterwork - allows for Basiran Dancer (new base class - like Bard, but with dancing instead singing/playing instruments) of 5+ level to cause enemies 30% miss chance as a Move action (without the outfit - the same 30% required Total Defense, otherwise - just 20%)

Maat Mons
2024-02-22, 07:44 PM
Oerthblood (Dr351 p45) is pretty sweet if you get to multiply the effects. Oerthblood armor has all the benefits of adamantine, but also gives a luck bonus on saves of the same magnitude as the DR it provides. Oerthblood weapons give a +1 luck bonus on attack and damage, in addition to the +1 enhancement bonus all masterwork weapons give. Anyone hit by an Oerthblood weapon takes a -1 penalty on saves against magical effects for 1 round, and the penalties from multiple hit stack.

2024-02-22, 08:22 PM
The Kakita katana in Oriental Adventures has a natural (nonmagical) +2 enhancement bonus.

Magic weapons require a +1 or higher enhancement bonus (magical or otherwise) before you can apply magic special abilities to them, but they only count magical enhancement bonuses when determining cost.

Thus, a Kakita katana allows one to enhance it as though it were a magic weapon (without requiring a magical +1) but it doesn't count the inherent +2 when determining the cost of any special abilities you add to it. In addition, crafting such a katana is cheaper, since the crafting price is 1/3 the base cost, instead of 1/2.

2024-02-22, 09:22 PM
Regurgitating a bunch of possibilities I thought of on this class's mechanics in relation from another thread:

Siege Golems (Cityscape) by RAW: "A siege golem’s body must be crafted from enormous amounts of high-quality hardwoods, with iron joints and leather fi ttings, costing a total of 3,000 gp. The catapult requires masterwork craftsmanship."

Does a Siege Golem made by a Master Craftsman have double BAB, STR, attack scores, etc? Certainly you can make masterwork siege weapons.

Blood Golem of Hextor (Field Folio) can be explicitly built with "more powerful armors or weapons".

Helmed Horror is made from a masterwork set of plate armor, although it'd subsume the +3 in enhancement bonus it gets during its animation.

Dread Guard (MM 2) is made from masterwork armor and weapons.

Magmacore Golem (MM 5) has a masterwork armor as part of its creation.

Illithid Weapon Grafts can be masterwork weapons, and become natural attacks thereby.

Leash and Muzzle (A&EG) are available in masterwork versions that provide a +1 circumstance bonuses to Handle Animal checks. I think this one would be affected by the Master Craftsman's work, i.e. provide a +5 circumstance bonus to Handle Animal - not bad in some situations.

Masterwork Controls (A&EG) could get you up to a +10 to Handle Animal!

Masterwork Saddle (Complete Adventurer) - +5 to Ride Checks instead of +1!

Longspoon Thieves' Tools (Complete Adventurer) - +10 to Disable Device, etc!

(In fact, Masterwork Tools for any profession could conceivably be pushed to conferring +10 to checks. Very handy if you need a bonus.)

Masterwork musical instruments could be very, very useful for bards depending on how they're interpreted, up to +10 on Perform checks, anyone? Elven Harp (RoTW) has some potential nice bonuses: all masterwork items, but under a Master Craftsman they might amplify their bonuses up to +15.

Dungeonscape: Masterwork Drills could last 500 rounds!

FRCS: Masterwork Bandoleers might hold multiples of 12 items rather than 12! Same for Masterwork Potion Belts!

Flight Arrows (RoTW) are masterwork - perhaps they have longer range increments?

Defenders of the Faith: Blue Armor of the Crystal Mist Mountains, Red Dragon Armor are explicitly masterwork scale mail crafted to look blue or red. They may count for the ability? Bolt of Battering, also termed as a masterwork bolt with some nice magical qualities.

Trumpeter's Gift (A&EG) might grant a +25 to perform bonuses crafted by a craftsman. Whip of Obeyance might grant +50 (five zero) to Handle Animal checks.

2024-02-22, 10:31 PM
Oerthblood (Dr351 p45) is pretty sweet if you get to multiply the effects. Oerthblood armor has all the benefits of adamantine, but also gives a luck bonus on saves of the same magnitude as the DR it provides. Oerthblood weapons give a +1 luck bonus on attack and damage, in addition to the +1 enhancement bonus all masterwork weapons give. Anyone hit by an Oerthblood weapon takes a -1 penalty on saves against magical effects for 1 round, and the penalties from multiple hit stack.

One of the main draws of Oerthblood is that it can be explicitly combined with any metal and provide both benefit. So Oearthblood gold/platinum (Heavy) weapon and get all the benefits.

Pinkie Pyro
2024-02-26, 01:55 PM
So an Oerthblood razor sharp Kakita Katana should have a +6 enhancement bonus, +3 luck bonus to hit, and combined +6 additional flat damage.

all for the low low base price of 49,200.

Heck, If I can convince the DM that you should be able to alloy Oerthblood with dragon-crafting, I could go ahead and slap a bit of extra elemental damage on there too.


2024-02-26, 02:10 PM
Enhancement bonuses via 3.5e don't stack if they are directly. (magic weapon +1 doesn't stack with masterwork weapon +1). Also be mindful of craft DC and requirements for making weapons. There is also that 200k gp limit for pre-epic weaponry/items.

2024-02-26, 02:45 PM
Enhancement bonuses via 3.5e don't stack if they are directly. (magic weapon +1 doesn't stack with masterwork weapon +1). Also be mindful of craft DC and requirements for making weapons. There is also that 200k gp limit for pre-epic weaponry/items.Luckily, adding special abilities doesn't require a magical enhancement bonus, just an enhancement bonus. The cost, however, doesn't stack unless it's a magical enhancement bonus.

Also, the tooth of Leraje (Tome of Magic) grants you a +5 enhancement bonus for 20 hours per day for one weapon, and a number of weapon crystals (Magic Item Compendium) grant +1 abilities for cheap. Stack several weapon crystals onto another weapon crystal (the rules for which are also in the MIC), and give yourself quite a few such abilities for almost nothing, and it doesn't affect the cost of the weapon you put it on at all.