View Full Version : (3.5 IC) End of Fate

2024-02-18, 08:44 AM
Tension fills the air as your Mayor Normand called forth a town meeting in the central plaza. Hundreds of people gather almost the entire town. There is nervous chatting amongst themselves stating that the only times they have gathering like this is always for bad news...

The mayor speaks "Last night our Town Guard Captain Gerald left in the middle of the night. His daughter Evelyn was taken. We are unsure how, but Gerald left as soon as he found out. As he left more guards followed him to help search for his kin...they haven't returned yet Normand says as he solemnly looks up into the day sky a few hours left until nightfall. Getting down onto his hands and knees he starts to beg. We don't have enough guards left to cover the northern and eastern walls. I beg of you to help us go after Gerald and bring him and the men back. We can't hold out longer than a day without them. At the very least can you help us guard the walls until they return...I beg of you. We cannot make it without your help! Norman finishes. Barely holding back from fully sobbing at the end.

The crowd mixed with shock, anger and despair towards the information they received. Knowing fully well volunteering for this is practically a death sentence. Some start to try sneaking away. While others hold their heads down in shame and cowardness not willing to step forward. The plaza filled with hundreds of people is now quiet. The silence deafening as their hopes for the future start draining away. Some look into the sky seeing as the sun is a few hours (5) away from setting.

Nobody is saying anything. As the mayor's face is still faced down in his bow tears coming down his face his hoping leaving him with his tears.

(What are you all doing?)


IC B (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?665200-(3-5-IC)-End-of-Fate-(B)#post25976732)

2024-02-18, 11:06 AM
"Idiots." Eria muttered quietly under her breath. "The captain going is one thing, but his men should have known better."

"I have some confidence in my ability to survive outside the walls for a short while, but I'm no tracker." She spoke up more loudly now, making sure her voice carried over the crowd. "Do you have any more information about where the captain might have gone?" A seemingly selfless offer, but in truth there was a more selfish side to it. If things where going to come crashing down, Eria reckoned her chances of survival where better trying to make it to another town than standing and fighting here. So if the guard captain and his men where dead or gone, she probably wouldn't return to this town either.

2024-02-18, 11:46 AM
The display in front of him was louder than he’d have liked and the emotions weren’t ones he knew how to handle, but if the town was going to fall, Ekkehardt would either have to accept one of the two requests or set out to find another town. The latter would probably require more effort than the other two, but he also had no wish to be stuck as a guard, seeing as if the guards that left never returned, the job would be extended. However, he had no clue how to approach in the meantime, so he just watched until something about the situation changed.

2024-02-18, 11:47 AM
Bryanthe shakes herself, as though rising from a dream when the silence of the crowd is doubly broken, by the words of the Half-Drow woman and the eerie sobbing of the Mayor seemingly… All regressed into the crying, crawling image of infancy. She tries to collect her thoughts; much of the guard is gone, apparently, and it's getting dark and that bodes ill. Oof. She shuffles out of the assembled tangle of people, shooting a cautious smile towards… Eria? Yes, that should be the name (that's one good thing about how small everything's these days, she'd get lost between getting up and breakfast some twenty times over in the cities as they say they were, and here, she even knows the names!).

Her awkward Sorry…, repeated with each instance of bumping into people and slipping past them seem to go mostly unanswered, but that's not the worst she can imagine, given the circumstances. At least she reaches Normand in due time, to grab the man by the arm and try to helpfully pull him up. Please don't do that, Sir, that's not good to watch. she murmurs, very aware of how far from comforting she likely sounds. I'm… I'm here, alright? Just tell me where you need me more.

Diplomacy to make the mayor feel safer and in helpful friendly company: [roll0]

2024-02-18, 12:09 PM
Among the volunteers, a dark haired elf in an oversized coat remains quiet as a tomb for the duration of the poor Mayor's display. While not particularly fearsome in appearance, she has nonetheless been given a considerably wide berth, in general, for as long as she's been in town. She's rarely caught speaking, almost never takes on any extra work or tasks other than the one thing she's good at: violently killing monsters.

Which is probably why she's avoided; having seen her work, the townsfolk clearly don't want to provoke her less she start killing them next, even if she's displayed no such provocations. Few even know her name other than referring to her as "Red Blade" or "that psycho elf," but everyone in the crowd with sense moves out of her way as she stomps forward towards the mayor.

"Do you know wat took the daughter, starting this mess?" her common is heavily accented, bordering on atrocious, and she doesn't seem to acknowledge Normand's distraught state. "How did a monster get in the town to begin with? Did someone let it in?" She waits between each question, in a basic back and forth etiquette; despite the accent she remains collected, "And who do you want back more? The captain, his daughter, or the soldiers to guard the walls?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]
The Sense motive is to pick up any potential lies/falsehoods in case the mayor isn't on the level.

2024-02-18, 12:13 PM
A large man, skin an unnatural mottled granite grey and ever-shifting lines of ember light steps up next to Eria. Whisps of flame rise from his otherwise bald head, quickening with his evident frustration on hearing from the Mayor.

Idiots indeed," He mutters, before speaking loudly enough for the Mayor to hear. I'll go after the Captain. If they haven't tried to cover their tracks I may be able to follow them, but then again I may not. Anyways, someone needs to bring them back before the town falls, and I'm not afraid to head into the wilds." Indeed, Cyndred was more than just not afraid; he had been itching to make it out past the walls, and this was an excellent opportunity to do so.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-18, 12:36 PM
With a snort, the large man steps forward. His tusks stand out the most as he looks through the crowd and settles on those who are stepping forward instead of stepping back.

"Porky can track, porky will help.

The one farmhand whose always stayed on the outskirts... the one who slept with the pigs, he was volunteering to help.

2024-02-18, 01:13 PM
The crowd murmurs a small spark of life seems to be forming. As some men volunteer to guard the wall while some are dragged away with their families escaping the crowds. Going from hundreds to around near 50 in a dozen minutes as Normand gets some of his bearing back from Bryanthe's tone.

Seeing Normand in full view and up close; He is in surprisingly good shape and is generally well dressed albeit a few years behind the times. Kneeling and crying made him look untidier than normal. He has wavy chestnut hair. He has a dull look in his brown eyes.

Thank you! Thank you! He says with beat red eyes with tears threatening to fall at any time. We don't know for certain what happened. A child said he heard a call and was heading out to follow it. But stopped by his mother breaking him out of his wondering. He still said he saw Evelyn leaving the city but couldn't stop her as "Red Blade" approached he took a half step back before answering what seemed like more intimidation than diplomacy. I've said all that was known. The rest of the details are unknown. As for who we need back more that's harder to say. Captain Gerald is an Elite Veteran warrior by himself he might be able to hold the wall. But we need both walls covered so we also need the guard back! His eyes give a slightly harder tone the daughter was the cause of this mess. If it comes to saving her or the guards. Save the guards.

As Porky volunteers the farmers around him reach out and grab him trying to stop him.

"Don't go porky! Thats suicide! Stay on the farm and help us. As long as the walls hold tonight, we can escape. We will need your strength to move! We can always make a new farm, but we can't lose our friends!" The farmers clamored in agreement trying to persuade him to stay.

2024-02-18, 01:25 PM
Eria cast her red eyes over the others volunteering to look for the guard. An eclectic bunch, but they seemed capable at least.

She approached the group gathering around the large tusked man. "Given how few clues we have we definitely need your help." she addressed Porky. "The sooner we leave, the better our chances of pulling this of before sundown. So if you're not certain yet, please make your mind up quickly." she gestured at the others trying to talk him out of it.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-18, 01:42 PM
Porky looked back to the farmers, patting them on hands and shoulders comforting.

"Farmers give porky good slop to eat. Farmers let porky sleep on warm straw. Porky even sleep under shed. Porky give sweat from brow, work from dawn til Dusk. Porky can you time. Time to move, time to hide. Porky do this for you.

He turns after giving them thier answer. He begins to move to begin his tracking.

"which direction did they go?"

2024-02-18, 03:00 PM
Seeing that the situation has now changed for the better, Ekkehardt wordlessly got closer to the gathering as he glanced around at them. Shortly after, he gave a satisfied nod and simply stared at Porky expectantly with a look of curiosity. He’s waiting for him to find the trail so he can follow.

2024-02-18, 03:15 PM
"I've got a horse. Do the rest of you have means of travel? And are you going on foot...Porky?" Loba bluntly asks. If the mayor's responses, in particular laying blame on the Captain's daughter mean anything to her, she keeps it to herself, but she's already accepted the half orc as being the official tracker, as a matter of factly as a beekeeper would trust the denizens of his hives to make honey.

"Actually. We should bring wagon. Not just for our tracker but in case we need the space to bring back soldiers. Who can provide us with one?"

2024-02-18, 03:16 PM
The farmers very hesitant to let porky leave walk away with tear-stained sleeves wishing him good luck and hope that he will return soon.

The mayor hurriedly leads you northeast of the village. Your group large group attracts a bit of attention as you reach the edge of the village. What greets you are tall walls for a village of this size towering up 25 feet by 10 ft thick. Leading you towards a doorway that has two men holding pitchfork nervously eyeing the door. Normand says. Here is the door that she left from. Rumors have it that the Gerald followed her out.

As you arrive towards the gate the villagers nervously arm themselves while they look at the wall with terror etched into their faces. Only a few guards man the gates. They give a different air to them. More powerful than these ragtag militia group.

(What are you all doing?)

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-18, 03:18 PM
[roll0] Survival + Track

Porky began looking around on the ground, his snout like nose snorting and sniffing towards the ground. He kneels down to get even closer as if a pig were seeking a truffel. He snorts and his ears wiggle as he considers the various scents before he starts moving. Though he does have on some links of chain armor visible, This man does not carry any weapons as he leaves the safety of the town walls.

"Porky think this is best way to go first."

2024-02-18, 04:43 PM
"I've got my own two feet." Eria replied to the dark haired elf. "A wagon might be a good idea, but..." she cast a glance around. "I don't think it's worth the time it'd take to get ready at this point."

She started hurrying over yo catch up with Porky. Much like the tusked man she seemed underequipped for an expedition beyond the wall, with neither armor nor weapon in sight.

2024-02-18, 06:06 PM
Cyndred follows the others out the gates, urgency lending speed to his stride. "Alright, let's go save these idiots.

2024-02-18, 07:21 PM
Upon hearing the news, Maynard talks briefly with his mother, then hurries off, the hurrying of need, not fear, while his mother remains to hear of any more news. Shortly after, Maynard returns with his gear, gives his mother a hug, and will briefly talk to the mayor before going to help.

Of course I will help as much as I can mayor. It is my duty as my father would have. I will help search beyond the walls for a couple hours, but I will be sure to return by nightfall. My death outside would do no good, and we will hold better at the walls. If there's a horse to borrow I could ride it passably, and cover more ground. If not, I'll do as best I can on foot.

The glaive will be left behind, to be used once guarding the wall.

2024-02-19, 05:18 AM
Ja remained silent, she knew what she was going to do from the moment the news spread around the town. Evelyn was a sweet girl, and Ja liked to watch her practice swordmanship with the captain. Ja was going to help, she said that much to her grandma moments before she left to the assembly, and Ka had given her blessing to the young Skarn.

While the others talked about transportation, she found the conversation unimportant.

You can't track anything from horseback or from the comfort of a wagon, unless you neck twists like a displacer's beast tentacles, and you can't be discrete with the hoofs of a horse letting anyone know you are coming... We are wasting precious time...

She strode to the gates, her steps covering twice the distance of a man's.

She started looking foe tracks switching her essentia into her Hunter's Circlet.

Adopt Running Hunter's Stance gaining Scent and then locate 1 essentia into Hunter's circlet to boos the bonus to survival to +4 [roll0] to track by smell.

2024-02-19, 07:18 AM
Unsure who's even staying and leaving in all the bustle, Bryanthe decides to stick with the mayor, and Porky (of course), happy to blend somewhat in the background once more. And that she didn't offend Normand. Having to work with the Weird Red Elf… Is there. She'll figure out how to feel about it. Eventually.

As the gate is reached, she peeks out with somewhat hesitant curiosity. She hasn't been out there much, ever since she's ended up stuck within these walls. She's not exactly been missing that out there either. Not much, no. And… The others are, naturally, already filing out at top speed, with Porky taking the lead. And they look like they want to go breakneck fast too, naturally. This will be… Something. Please scream if you need healing! she, for lack of a better term, calls after them, tentatively, as she tries to pick up the pace. I'll be right here behind you, somewhere? She even forgets to wave to Mayor Normand. A pity. The man still looked like he needed some encouragement.

2024-02-19, 05:57 PM
Porky picking up the trail slightly faster than Ja leads the way going towards the forest. Traveling at a rapid pace Porky's endurance almost supernatural can maintain a quick and rapid pace. The mayor shouts after you wishing luck. As Maynard passes by him, he says quickly I wish you luck. May your father be with you.

After traveling about 30 meters past the village the warmth provided by the town's totem vanishes replaced with an eerie silence as you move forward. A strange chill lingers in the air. As you move further and further away from the village you notice the footprints of guards spread out. One clearly moving at a far faster pace following close by a little girl's steps.

As the sun continues to lower roughly an hour passes. The dense forest getting lesser as it starts getting to a rockier nature. Making tracking footprints harder...but your two trackers notice the smell of dense blood in the air ahead of them. The rocky outcrop blocks your sight of where the smell is but if you continue to track you can still follow it. You have roughly 4 hours of daylight left.

(What do you choose to do?)

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-19, 06:15 PM
Porky gives a much louder snort and a low squeal.

"Porky has track, and can smell blood. Porky go fast now. If need be carried, shout."

Porky turns back to the trail, on two legs now he takes off at his normal speed of 40, rather than his tracking speed of 20. His focus and concentration are on finding those who are lost, but it willing to carry a slow comrade who can not keep up.

2024-02-19, 06:30 PM
Ja respects Porky, the large one has always pulled his weight in the survival of the town. She nods in silence to him and moves to follow the scent of blood as one of the mystical Leskylor, her grand mother told her about, sharpening her sight.

She moves faster than Porky, but she is smart enough to keep a safe distance, and do not rush into danger.

Ja will always try to find a reference to a Magical Beast, since that's the whole totemist gimmick. Her speed is currently 50'

2024-02-19, 07:31 PM
Cyndred follows along after Porky and Ja, pleased that someone else has taken on the task of tracking the missing girl and guards. This way he can just focus on keeping up and, inevitably, fighting anything and everything that gets in their way. Embracing the quickness of Fire, Cyndred hurries after, keeping an ear cocked for trouble.

Listen: [roll0]
Current Elemental Binding: Fire
Speed = 40'

2024-02-19, 07:59 PM
Considering he wouldn't have the time to whip up anything before the party reached the scene, Ekkehardt followed along, but he also had no interest in running head first into the scene where the dangerous monster probably was; he wasn't particularly worried about keeping up with their superior speed. In the absence of an opportunity to take a careful approach, he intends to use the distance to at least briefly access the scene before whatever caused the scene takes notice of him.

2024-02-19, 10:44 PM
Loba just shrugs and abandons any pretense of getting her horse and wordlessly follows after the others for the first hour. She was always a loner on the walls, protecting the town as savagely as possible so it's no surprise she's not very talkative, but she stands in place for a moment after Porky rushes ahead.

The footprints bother her, though not that was apparent to the others. Presumably the distraught father is the one following the footsteps of the presumed child, but she wonders why none of the soldiers tried to overtake their captain if he was running ahead so haphazardly. Any answer why this is playing out this way she can think of doesn't help the pervasive sense of unease.

She hates unease.

Refusing to play into it, when the others charge ahead, Loba ducks through the trees, taking a slower path over the outcropping, but a hidden one.

She's no coward. She can't be. But Loba isn't stupid, and she would much rather prefer to get the drop on anything she plans to slay rather than the other way around.

I'mma have Loba sneak up after the others, hidden as best she can, even if it means arriving on the scene after the rest of the group.

Move Silently [roll0]
Hide [roll1]

2024-02-20, 01:20 AM
"Wait!"Eria suddenly appears ahead of Porky, seemingly stepping out of a rock's shadow when moments before she'd been trailing behind. She kept her voice low, but insistent and spread out her arms to indicate the large man should stop, though he could easily brush past her if he wished.

"If you're smelling blood, we might be coming up on something dangerous. Let me scout ahead, it's what I'm good at. Which direction do you smell the blood from?

Used shadow jaunt maneuver to get ahead.

Prepared maneuvers:
Shadow Jaunt
Cloak of deception
Burning blade
Mighty throw
Counter charge

2024-02-20, 06:48 AM
Havig had to run for most of the time, just to mostly keep up with the rest, Bryanthe comes to a precariously balanced, stumbling stop half a pace behind Porky, Eria and Cyndred, thoroughly unsure whatever became of the Weird Red Elf in the meantime, announcing her presence with a uniquely inane I'm here. between huffs. Did you say blood? If there's injured I need to… [huff] I need to tend… [huff] Tend to their, uh, their injuries.

2024-02-20, 12:37 PM
Maynard will keep with the accelerated pace as best he can. (rules-wise I think this means using hustle 1/3 of the time to maintain a 40' pace).

When the branching footsteps occur:
Perhaps some of us should branch off to see if any of the other guards might be found, but splitting is risky, and we can't afford to have too many groups, even separating at all carries risk. Since we do not all move at the same pace, perhaps the faster could search for the captain, while the rest search for other guards, who're likely to not have gotten as far.

[how hard to track are the other branches? is it possible to follow them at all without a proper tracker?]

2024-02-20, 12:47 PM
(Assuming that Loba and Eria both move ahead towards the location pointed out by Porky)

You come across a shattered terrain bodies lay down none moving. About a dozen guards bodies lay still. Claw marks litter the battlefield. The number of guards smaller than what was told. Loba's nose picks up a slight brimstone smell coming off the blades of the guards. As corpses lay of their foes. Devils. A wide variety at that. These guards clearly fought hard as they slain roughly sixty+ demons while only losing a dozen. With the thick smell of blood you cannot accurately tell the location of where they are going. Tracking by smell doesn't seem to be possible right now.

You can see the guards bodies moving in a forward manor heading deeper into the rough rock outcropping.

(You can all move forward to this location and freely discuss your next plans of action)

2024-02-20, 01:15 PM
Eria took a moment to mentally review what she knew of devils after looking over the battlefield, and compared that with the tricks she'd learned during her time at the monastery. It wasn't much, but the moment of focus helped her be prepared if a fight occurred. she then quickly headed back to the others.

"There was a fight, but it's over now. About a dozen or so guards died, and a lot more devils did. it should eb safe to proceed, but take care if you want to inspect the bodies of the dead, Just in case one of those monsters is only faking it." She gave a quick report, then led the way back to the battlefield.

full-round action to refresh and re-assign maneuvers

Prepared maneuvers:
Shadow Jaunt
Cloak of deception
mountain hammer
Counter charge
shadow blade technique

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-20, 01:16 PM
Porky snorts, while he does have a strong sense of smell, his tracking skills are not directly tied to his abilities. He stops to look among the fallen.

"Porky see Devils. Porky may have to fight Devils. Anyone see clues before porky keep tracking?

Porky looks among the Devils weapons and the guards for the strongest looking weapon on the feild. He doesn't know if Devils are poisonous but he has been told you might need a special weapon to cut them.

2024-02-20, 02:34 PM
Maynard looks over the scene and sighs.

You fought well brave warriors, now onto your final rest. Let's press forward to see if we can find any still alive, but return swiftly so that we can return their gear to the town at least. If we have time I'd like to bring their remains back to town for a proper ceremony, but I doubt we have time to carry them all so far. It seems unlikely a devil would try to ambush in the daytime by hiding amongst the dead, but we may as well be thorough.

Maynard will run each devil through to be sure of their deadness, slowly at first on a side limb to make sure there are no illusions affecting it, then thoroughly. [unless there's some risk from stabbing dead devils, which I have enough Kn(planes) of to know if there's at least a potential risk]

[what're the funeral customs here? burial? pyre? various? ]

2024-02-20, 03:24 PM
Bryanthe purses her lips in frustration. And worry. And disgust, try as she might to fight it back. This part of her vocation will never get less disturbing. Just… Give me a moment, please? she asks the others, fluttering nervously from body to body, drawing sacred symbols into the air with a shaky finger, looking for a sign, any sign of enduring life and studying the wounds. Poking the odd one, even.

Spot: [roll0] and
Heal: [roll1] to look for survivors and double-check causes of death.

2024-02-20, 03:28 PM
Ja was shocked by the violence of the scene. She had never seen something like this... the carnage, the bodies... her mind rushed into adrenaline tugging the primal nature of the Skarn, driving her mad... she corralled those feelings by going ferally focused on the hunt at hand, shifting her essentia into her Girallon arms, she started climbing towards the trail. Axe in hand, ready to pounce. She wanted to reach the rock outcropping.

Swft action to move two essentia to Girallon's arms, Ja now has +12 total to climb and will jump and climb her way to a higher position from where she can see where the trail leads.

2024-02-20, 04:29 PM
Due to your through actions you can tell that all the devils here are in fact very dead. Sadly, the same applies to the guards laying on the cold stone ground. Your knowledge that you have acquired over your various years of life tell you the proper burial is a pyre in the village next to the totem of town. As to preserve their spirts and further strengthened the town from harm.

Due to Maynards knowledge they know that the guards weapons are silver made effective towards undead and that they are also carrying Demons bane. Where it makes death guaranteed to devils coating the wounds in a white film.

Bryanthe notices the wounds mainly made of claws chain laceration wounds. No signs of poison or anything indicating more than physical injuries.

Due to Porky's quick search, he was able to find a total of 5 silver longswords. 6 Silver daggers, 2 silver great swords and 5 silver tipped javelins. Throughout the field there are some broken blades, but some weapons look to be missing. Perhaps the other guards claimed them to help future combat.

Ja scouting ahead notices some bodies of the devils with white film leading deeper into the rocky terrain towards a cliff face. The way their bodies are position looks to be as they were trying to flee from the pursuit of the guards. Roughly another twenty devils were killed from what you could see. No more guards bodies though. Indicating the larger battle was behind you. Should you proceed further you would see an opening in the cliff face. About 15 feet wide roughly 7 feet tall. A dark bloody trail leading in showing injured devils fled into it. The stone to dense to see where the guards and the captain went through, but you have a strong sense telling you they probably followed them inside.

2024-02-20, 04:29 PM
Standing a distance away, Ekkehardt glances at Maynard. ”These are kyton, or what are commonly referred to as chain devils. They require silvered or holy weaponry to meaningful harm. Although taking into consideration they’re covered in demonsbane and thus are likely dead, if you wish to take extra precautions, the guards’ weapons are silver.”

As he finished speaking, he looked over the bodies of the guards in hopes of potentially finding something he could use, such as bows or unused demonsbane.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-20, 05:20 PM
Porky reached down and grabbed a scabbard and silver greatsword. He slung them over his back and picked up the 5 silver javelin.

"Porky track now."

Porky sees the obvious trail of blood but looks for any clues that the captain and guards could have gone a different direction.

[roll0] survival

If there is no other tracks to be concerned about Porky takes off following the blood trail.

2024-02-20, 05:24 PM
(Porky notices that the captains tracks/scent goes more to the north east, while as the guards and demons lead into the cave ahead of them.)

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-20, 05:37 PM
Porky stops, no longer heading toward the cave.

"Captain no go into cave, he go this way"

Porky heads after the captain.

2024-02-20, 06:06 PM
Cyndred gazes over the battlefield and is...conflicted. It is, undeniably a tragedy; beyond the personal tragedies of the dead, the loss of so many guards could be devastating for the town. And yet, Cyndred is uncomfortably excited at the thought that he is so close to a fight with the monsters that have torn apart so many lives, his own among them. For the first time he's going to have a chance to extract some measure of revenge, to indulge int he fury that wracks him without fear of consequence, and he is secretly, guiltily thrilled.

When Porky moves to follow the Captain's tracks Cyndred speaks. Wait. Are we really going to abandon whatever of the guards might still be alive in the caves above? Are the Captain and his daughter really so much more important?"

2024-02-20, 06:08 PM
Unless anyone shows interest in taking any, Ekkehardt pockets all the unused vials he found, keeping a demonsbane in hand, but makes no attempt to obtain a silvered weapon. When he's done, he heads in the direction of where the captain supposedly was while keeping a distance.

2024-02-20, 06:45 PM
Ja signals what she sees and inspects the bodies. Picking up a silver greatsword, not her favorite weapon, silver is bland an heavy. Much heavier than her axe. She keeps thinking of this nuance to avoid the dread of the scene hit her. She hears Porky. And though she doesn’t want to leave the guards to their fate, she is here to find the girl. And she moves away with Porky on the captain trail

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-20, 07:57 PM
Porky snorts out a response.

Captain and girl first. Save guards on way back, if any left.

He continues after the captain.

2024-02-20, 08:06 PM
"Fair Enough," Cyndred agreed and followed after the tracking man. Either way, he knew that he'd have a chance to indulge his fury soon enough.

Seeing the others arming themselves from the fallen, Cyndred grabed a couple of silvered daggers and slipped them into his belt.

2024-02-21, 02:51 AM
Eria jogged after Porky, leaving the battlefield and remains alone. She had little use for weapons, after all. "If you notice something other than the captain nearby, or smell more blood, let me know, okay?" She asked him. "I can scout ahead and ensure we don't run into a horde of live demons like that."

2024-02-21, 06:32 AM
Not a one alive. Bryanthe sits down sideways for a moment, pressing a cool hand against her own nape. She does her best not to puke, if for no other reason, then to make sure that when the others start to suddenly move away at breaknecks speed, she'll notice. Her free hand falls on the hit of a nearby silvered dagger. She looks down, frowns slightly, but grabs hold of it. It's not really her thing, stabbing people. But it's light enough, can be of use with cleaning wounds if it comes to that and someone else might need it lat… Oh, well. The ever less merry chase continues and she didn't notice quite fast enough. That'll be more running for her. I'm coming! she informs the backs of the others, on the odd chance any are even listening, while trying to keep musings on whether the dead really bore claw marks when their slain foes didn't seem to have claws to when she'll have someone to tell that much.

2024-02-21, 09:41 AM
Maynard will take one silvered longsword, planning to deal with retrieval of anything not taken for immediate use later, after they'd investigated the other locations. He will then follow Porky's tracking.

2024-02-21, 05:03 PM
Porky picking up the captain's trail. A short time later you come across two sets of footprints again. A small set with a large man following behind rapidly. Leading into a dark pit in the ground. If you approach it you feel a strong chill radiating from inside of it. Faint frost covers the area surrounding the hole.

It's clear that the captain followed his daughter inside. Due to the smell around the pit. You don't smell any devils. Telling you that the devils from before might not have been related to the captain's daughter.

(The pit is about 30 ft deep before leading into a tunnel going further underground. You would be able to traverse down it by walking if you're careful. At the bottom is solid ground. It looks as if the captain jumped straight in without hesitating. Rapidly following her trail showing a great deal of tracking experience.)

[What do you all do?]

2024-02-21, 05:19 PM
Ja looks at the descent and strapping her axe to her back, she looks at the others.

I'll climb down to see what's down there

Then she started to climb down with her additional Girallon arms.

2024-02-21, 06:06 PM
Maynard will carefully scrutinize the pit from the outside to see what he can tell. [using detect evil]

Entering a mysterious pit radiating magic of some sort seems risky. But I suppose its worth a modest exploration to see what we can tell, I'd be hesitant to go far into it though without a better understanding of it. I'll think if I can recall anything about it.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-21, 06:10 PM
Porky waves for the others to follow. He climbs down carefully into the pit.

"why little girl come down here.... very suspicious"

Once he reaches the bottom of the pit he looks around

2024-02-21, 06:42 PM
As Maynard focuses on the pit using detect evil you feel a cold chill creep throughout your body. After a few seconds of focusing your head starts feeling dizzy and an overwhelming presence. If you continue to focus you know you might faint due to whatever lies ahead. Due to the power, you are briefly stunned. (6 sec stun if you push yourself for more info faint for x10 minutes)

2024-02-21, 06:52 PM
For a few moments, Ekkehardt blankly stares down the pit. It didn't seem like a particularly good idea to go down without consideration for quickly getting back up if necessary, so he opened up his bag, replacing the demonbane in hand with a piton and rope, using them to make it easier to reliably go up or down without concern.

When he was done, he descended into the pit behind the others. Ekkehardt considered taking out a demonbane in case there were more devils, but he decided an empty hand would be better in the meantime, as whatever was down here could be something else.

2024-02-21, 07:07 PM
As Ekkehardt travels down the pit only he hears

Turn back...


Kill them all!!!


Finally we can have our vengence!

Blademaster Kill that beast!

Thanks for defeating me!

You fools coming in run! You cant stop it!

Poor little girl...

That man is strong!

All manor of different voices assault your ears. Your unsure how but young and old. Men and women. Some cheering on someone who inside. While others warning you of entry.

Young ones turn back! The powerful swordsmen defeated most of us but some still remain!

Even the 3 that are left might prove to much!

They're so young...

He is battling that demonic ghost!

Oh no its doing its tricky again!

He is outnumbered!

Voices continue assaulting Ekkehardt. You feel it might be related to your perk.

2024-02-21, 07:12 PM
Maynard suddenly stops his intense gaze, and stand befuddled for a moment, staring blankly. When he recovers he speaks.

I'm sensing a very powerful evil presence coming from there, strong enough to numb my mind. While I'm not powerful, it still takes quite a presence to produce an aura strong enough to hurt my mind so. Whatever causes this foul aura is probably beyond our ability to defeat. I could try to probe further with my powers, but I'd faint for awhile, and given how precious time is at the moment, anything I might learn would be of less value given the costly delay. Still, it could just be that the area itself is under a dark dweomer, and that we could save some without having to deal with the source. Can anyone else tell anything about this?

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-21, 07:33 PM
Porky, reaching the bottom begins to journey further inward. He holds his silver javelins in hand, ready to throw at any dangers that show themselves.

2024-02-21, 07:39 PM
Ekkehardt is shocked by the sudden shouting and stops momentarily, confused as to what was going on, although he had a guess. While it was a minor headache to not block out the voices, there was something more important than comfort right now. "....a demonic ghost? No, demonic ghosts—three specifically. To whoever mentioned the undead, do you have any further details on these monsters?"

As he spoke, he began searching for deathsbane, although he wasn't sure about it's effectiveness against incorporeal creatures.

2024-02-21, 08:29 PM
Cyndred claps Maynard on the shoulder and says, Well, at least we know we're in the right place then."

The craggy man closes his eyes briefly and sighs, a weight quite literally leaving his shoulders as the flames wafting from his pate blow out in a rising breeze. The lines of ember light fade speed up, faint wisps swirling around his frame.

Cyndred opens his now unnaturally bright blue eyes and steps out over the pit, drifting down to to bottom to join Porky.

Just before hitting the ground he closes his eyes again, skin roughening and becoming craggier as he crashes to the ground, feet sinking slightly into the floor.

Obsidian eyes open and stare into the tunnels.

Cyndred Binds Air for the flight speed to get down into the pit before binding Earth at the bottom.

Listen: [roll0]

2024-02-22, 02:56 AM
Eria looked down the pit, judging its depth. She could climb down the normal way, but..."Right, don't be afraid, please." she gave a quick warning to those remaining at the top of the pit, then allowed herself to change.

Her form flowed, her body changing and her limbs rearranging themselves and multiplying. Before long a large white spider stood where before a half-elf had been standing.

Eria quickly scuttled down the pit, the darkness swallowing her as her ring's magic kicked in. Once she reached the bottom she changed back. The spider form was good for a lot of things, but talking wasn't one of them. Unfortunately the change back was rather less graceful and took rather more effort. Eria hoped that the darkness and her ring kept herself hidden as she struggled to regain her human form.

She listened in to the others, then wondered why she'd even bothered changing back.

"I'll scout ahead. If you hear loud screeching, something scary found me before I found it." she announced to the group, the changed back to her spider form again. She then scuttled down the tunnel, quickly taking to the ceiling to reduce her odds of being easily spotted.

Tunnel was dark, so I'm invisible to anyone using darkvision to see.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Move silent: [roll2]
Hide: [roll3]

2024-02-22, 06:28 AM
Eria moving forward sees slashes into the caves face. The sword lines piercing deep into the stone. (6 feet at least stretching over 10 feet at parts.) You see undead corpses torn asunder. You can tell these ones are powerful based from the muscles their bodies possess, but they were ruthlessly cut down. Mixing from all kinds of life it seems. You see only three creatures shuffling about. While the rest lay motionless.

One is missing an arm looking to be a farmer when he was alive. The other with a big sword slash wounding it. The last one is crawling on the ground with its legs severed. Clearly, they are heavily damaged.

(They are unable to currently detect you.)

2024-02-22, 07:33 AM
Eria burned the image of the three creatures into her mind, then turned around and scuttled back to the rest. If it had been one she might have tried taking it in an ambush, but three was two too many.

Once she reached the rest of the group she scuttled down from the ceiling and transformed back.

"There's at least three undead humanois monsters ahead. Maybe more, but the rest of the bodies looked completely destroyed. The monsters are damaged too, so the captain probably came through in a hurry and didn't finish the job. They seemed strong, but I think we'd be able to take them as a group." She gave a quick report once she was done transforming, describing the scene ahead and the creatures she'd spotted.

2024-02-22, 07:49 AM
Maynard takes it all in, and nods thoughtfully.

Very well, we shall see if we can help the captain then. Though I'm surprised he'd still be alive yet not have accomplished his goal by this point; I'd have thought with how many hours have passed that the foes or he would be dead. How dark is the cave? What are our light sources? I do not see well in the dark, and I was not expecting to go far into caves so did not bring torches.

2024-02-22, 07:59 AM
"Pretty dark?" Eria replied to Maynard's question. "They probably would have noticed me otherwise. Darkness is no real issue for me though, so I can't judge how much of an issue it will be for you."

2024-02-22, 11:18 AM
Having received new data and compared it to what he’d gathered, Ekkehardt made a conclusion. “From what I gather, they’re remnants of undead, which the captain cut down as he ventured further. He’s further into the tunnel, fighting some more powerful undead, so if we wish to reach him, we’ll have to pass said remnants, whether by defeating them or running past, although I don’t think the latter is a particularly good idea for this group.”

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-22, 11:50 AM
Porky looked between the people with them

"Demon ghosts? Possessed corpses? Undead? Porky will cut them."

Porky put away his javelins and pulled out the silver greatsword.

2024-02-22, 02:38 PM
Huffing ever more loudly from the forced march and very nearlt just falling into the pit in her haste to catch up, Bryanthe succeeds in grabbing onto someone sturdy just in time to get away with little more than a clumsy stumble. I… Can just… Make myself glow… Just… Don't… Rush ahead again. Would you? she blurts out between sharp breaths. She inhales deeply, once, twice. I might be able to help. With the undead too. she adds with conviction flaring up in her opalescent eyes.

Bryanthe, due to her perk, is a Human Aasimar Torch whenever she wants to be!

2024-02-22, 03:46 PM
"Only three? Then the fastest way to the Captain is through I reckon, and I doubt he and his daughter have much time." Cyndred starts moving into the tunnel, steps stiff and deliberate, lumbering into a run with a heavy tread.

"And I wouldn't worry about the darkness," he calls back over his shoulder.

Cyndred is going to activate a Rage the moment he sees the undead to turn into a flaming chunk of ice (Blazing Berserker and Frozen Berserker). The rage will last for 10 rounds (CON = 24 with Rage up and in Earth Binding). While Blazing Berserker doesn't explicitly say you shed light, Cyndred is on fire, so it seems a reasonable assumption.

I wanted to just burst into flames while heading into the darkness for narrative reasons, but I realized I have no idea how far ahead they are and should probably wait :(

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-22, 03:51 PM
Porky follows suit, and will rage along side Cyndred, his razor teeth elongating and his muscles buldging out!

2024-02-22, 04:15 PM
Eria ran after Porky and the... elemental?... doing her best to keep pace, but staying behind the two of them. If she could at all help it she'd try not to be the main focus of the monsters.

2024-02-22, 04:52 PM
Horrified and yet prepared for the worst, Ja moved forward, crouching like a displacer beast, ready to pounce on anything that may come towards.

Her natural hands grabbed the silvered greatsword, and her Girallon arms showec sharp claws, the spines on her back rose, alert, reminding everyone she was not human.

Her AC is 16, but becomes 18 vs Evil creatures thanks to Lamasu Mantle

2024-02-22, 04:56 PM
Cyndred runs into the tunnels, quickly spying the three undead Eria had mentioned. Dim orange light bursts up through the cracks in Cyndred's skin as his body creaks and shifts, rounded organic shapes popping into crystaline structures and beginning to glow through his flesh. The coal-red light surges and bursts into flames as Cyndred's body is subsumed in fire and he charges at the nearest undead, fists flying.

Charge into Full Attack (Lion Spirit Barbarian):

Two Weapon Fighting with Unarmed Strikes:

1st Attack: Unarmed Strike +10 - [roll0]

If Hits: Damage (1d3+6) [roll1]

2nd Attack: Unarmed Strike +10 - [roll2]

If Hits: Damage (1d3+6) [roll3]

HP = 48/48
AC = 16, 8 Touch, 15 FF
Rage Rounds: 1/10
Conditions/(De)Buffs: Charge (-2 AC). Rage (+4 STR, +4 CON, Fire Subtype, Cold Subtype)

2024-02-22, 05:51 PM
The sudden attack flings the undead crawling at the ground away. With a gutteral growl you see its arms pulsate as it launches itself flinging its body straight at you in revenge as its teeth bite deeply into your shoulder. As it tries to wrap its arm around you wanting to bite deeply again!

The growl attracting the other two undead attention the one armed one being closest to Cyndred slams its only arm at him his claws tearing out a deep chunk of flesh blood splatting. Luckily for Cyndred the two blocks the third undead from attacking him as it sets its sight on the next living creature in the area!

Its guts slowly falling out of his body as he charges towards piggy he rakes down both his arms at him the greenish claws slashing deep into Porky!

Blood from the living quickly starts to fall onto the ground. Its smell spreading in the air as the undead gaze screams at you that it wants to devour your flesh and eat all of you!

(Everyone up!)

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-22, 06:14 PM
Porky is unharmed by the 2 armed attacks, shrugging them off his hide he lets out a primal squeal as he rages and attacks the two armed undead with his silver greatsword.

2024-02-22, 06:28 PM
Ja turns into battle mode, focus, relentless, and yet primal and reckless.

She crosses the battlefield in a perfect arc catching the third creature.

Swift: two essentia to Girallon Claws for +2 enhancement bonus
Free assign dodge bonus to that creature
Free declare reckless offensive for +2 attack (-4 AC) +2 from charge (-2 additional to AC)

Charge using Raging Hunter Pounce: (full attack with sword and 2 claws) [roll0] [roll1] 1 claw[roll2] 2 claws [roll3] damage [roll4] [roll5]

Current AC 12

2024-02-22, 06:52 PM
Catching up with those who ran ahead, Ekkehardt shuffled just within 20' of the undead engaged in combat with porky and threw the deathsbane in hand at it, but his focus was off, causing it to splat right next to the creature.

If the point at which the party caught up was at least 25’ from the closest undead creature, I’ll spend the move action taking out another deathsbane, else it’s used to get closer

2024-02-22, 07:42 PM
Maynard catches up with the swift-moving allies as best he can, and moves to support them in the fight. He slashes at the monstrosity, but it clatters off harmlessly.

Let's try to surround these things, that should help some.

2024-02-22, 10:18 PM
Loba has been silent the entire time.

She did take a silver dagger, revealing otherwise she had no armaments strapped to her belt and ignores the rest.

"Captain survived this long because his daughter's life is on the line. Or so he thinks. He will live for her longer than any of the other soldiers. she says before coming to the monsters.

"Demon dogs..." She mutters and without much flourish, pulls her hand up as if she had drawn a sword. Only, she does. With a sudden, sharp metallic hum, like a giant wasp out of hell settled over her limb, energy manifests in Loba's closed hand, shooting upward and sculpting into a very detailed, intricate, angry red sword.

"Which side do you want me on?" she asks bluntly.

2024-02-23, 03:49 AM
Eria stepped in silently behind the two-armed creature currently laying into Cyndred. She channelled energy into her fists and hit the creature twice in quick succession. Yet despite the solid hits the creature's tough hide absorbed the strength behind the blows effortlessly, leaving the creature unscathed.

2024-02-23, 07:46 AM
Bryanthe barely has time to blink before Porky and the man on fire would charge straight into the fray. What? Wait! she tries to plead altogether all too quietly with where they were a moment ago, but realizing the futility of that course of action, she ends up just shaking her head and bolting after them, her skin flaring up with warm, white light.

Once catching sight of the melee, she can't not flinch, seeing the things and how they tore into poor Cyndred (that's the name!). Still, she hurries on, raising her daggerless hand, ripples of light, more intense yet, forming around her fingers, ready to send forth soothing life.

Initiative: [roll0];
B. activates her light, and tries to either reach a safe side of Cyndred or get within 30' and cast CLW: [roll1]

2024-02-23, 08:44 PM
The retaliation from your group seems to do little to no harm to them. Even as badly damaged as they are. In fact the healing magic seems to enrage the undead feasting on Cyndred shoulder as it pushes off him launching itself at Bryanthe repeating its actions that it did to Cyndred. Biting deeply into the healer.

While as the one-armed undead slashes at cyndred taking advantage of the push his claws slash deeply into his chest spilling blood that was freshly healed.

As piggy barely manages to dodge a hit from the wildly swinging undead who doesn't seem to be fighting as effectively as he should considering he has the most limbs intact.

(Everyone up again feel free to kill some undead!)

2024-02-23, 10:41 PM
Unfazed by his earlier failure, Ekkehardt sends a new deathsbane arcing towards the undead engaged with Porky hitting it square in the back, where the vial shatters. Seeing the skin crack and give way was a satisfactory outcome, so he fished out another vial from his bag.

2024-02-24, 03:50 AM
"I don't know what you just did, but it seems to be working!" Eria shouted over to Ekkehardt before renewing her assault on the two-armed creature. Rather than trying to do anything tricky with feints and multiple hits, she instead channeled al her strength into a single blow. Her fist connected, and she could feel something breaking within the creature.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-24, 10:54 AM
Porky hefts his sword High before swinging it down on the undead before him, cleaving into its undead flesh.

"dead should stay dead."

2024-02-24, 02:32 PM
Bryanthe's eyes go wide as she is grabbed and savaged, letting loose a frightened squeal. Get it off, someone please get it off! she jabbers, beginning to helplessly squirm, more surprised, perhaps, than anyone else when her wild jab with the dagger happens to find actual purchase.

Natural 20 for a glorious 3 points of damage rolled in the OOC!

(Also, who would have thought getting squeezed by a messed up Undead thing is all her voice needed to reach a normal volume?)

2024-02-24, 07:12 PM
In a blur, Loba hauls it towards Bryanthe, or more specifically her attacker and the red blade she summoned swings down in a butcher's arc. No warning to the healer, no words or comments, she just lets the monster have it with her still humming weapon.

I'm am playing this with the notion that Loba always keeps her sword psychically charged, even if she's not planning on using it

Psychic Strike:[roll2]

2024-02-25, 02:40 PM
As the combat starts ramping up Bryanthe still struggling against the undead gets a lucky stab in going in between less dense parts of his thick skin. The damage minor was the first she caused to it. Not able to celebrate though as it opens its mouth wide once more and bites down again hard. Tearing out a decent size chunk of flesh enjoying the fresh blood being released. Before fully being able to enjoy its second chunk of Bryanthe a quick and powerful strike was delivered by Loba almost dicing the half undead into a quarter! It turns its attention towards the quick blade that stuck it no longer as focused on its current meal in front of it.

The one-armed zombie getting a bit wilder as the blood is freshening up the air claws down against cyndred once more trying to make a meal for itself!

Where as the third undead is getting struck from all sides. A potion striking his back. Eria's hand slamming powerfully onto it as he retaliates with a quick strike.

While hitting her he gets slashed with a quick blade from Maynard. With a guttural roar it claws down heavily at him. Its claws seem to tearing through something first before the attack lessens greatly before clawing into him.

Before Porky's powerful strike sends it almost tumbling to the ground! (its down to less than 5 hp) Barely able to stand back up properly you three can tell you almost have it on the ropes.

(everyone up!)

2024-02-25, 04:00 PM
Maynard tries to finish off the badly injured one, but his blade finds no purchase, clattering off harmlessly.

2024-02-25, 05:45 PM
Loba isn't giving the thing a chance. Her sword's intensity (both the humming and the vibrancy of its red color) faded momentarily after she struck the undead the first time, but with the creature before her, she once more wills its power back to full.

This time she tries the old classic surefire way to kill the undead: stab it RIGHT in the face.

HP: 37
AC: 20

Using a move action to charge psychic strike again and then attacking

Damage: [roll1]
Psychic strike: [roll2]

After this attack Loba, as a free action, activates combat slide and moves back 5 feet.

2024-02-25, 06:31 PM
Having received confirmation of its effects and noted the creature's condition, Ekkehardt gave a satisfied nod before moving past them towards the undead creature with one arm, as there wasn't much he could do about the clingy one. When he was close enough, he sent the vial in his hand flying straight into the back of its head, causing the fluid to coat its skin.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-25, 07:24 PM
Seeing Bryanthe pinned and screaming for help porky tilts his head back and let's out a guttural squeel as spittle and foam spray from his mouth, he charges forth, slamming boot through the undead at his feet, down the tunnel he charges as he rushes the grappling undead and shoulder checks the beast to fling it off of Bryanthe.


2024-02-26, 02:50 AM
As Porky dealt finishing blows to the monsters in front of her and attacking their healer Eria took a moment to catch her breath and determine her next move.

Full-round action: adaptive style to reset maneuvers.

prepared maneuvers:
Cloak of deception
Burning blade
Mountain hammer
Shadow blade technique
Mighty throw

2024-02-26, 02:43 PM
Bryanthe, in the meantime, can barely follow the rapidly unfolding events. One moment she is whimpering panickedly in the grasp of that thing, losing more blood and flesh and tendons and… Whatever else it just bit off. Then all of a sudden, the Weird Red Elf dissects the crawler and Porky rushes past, blasting it into oblivion. His wind alone is enough to push the Aasimar a few steps back and against the cave wall; grasping the gaping hole where a piece of her body used to be with sheer horror, she almost just slumps down to whimper some more after muttering a shaken Th-thank you. Thank you both. to her saviours, trying to put on something like a smile. But then, out of well-honed healer's instict, perhaps, her gaze snaps at Cyndred, then over onto Eria and back at the Shifter once more. Be with you… In a moment. she tells Eria, hurling herself, breating heavily and almost in a delirium, towards Cyndred, colliding with the man's back and propelling a wave of healing light into it – which then wells up with a tidal surge, back into her form and radiates forth, washing over the Half-Drow.

And B. does it again! The same thing that got her mostly eaten! Cyndred regains 16 hp! Eria regains 8 hp! Even B. regains 8 hp!

2024-02-27, 02:43 AM
Ja was momentarily shocked by the undead monster's resistance. She now leaps into action with a powerful and reckless two handed strike on the closest undead!

Reckless offense [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2024-02-27, 03:36 PM
Lobas attack falls short when suddenly an enraged porky charges through with so much force the damaged undead are launched flying slamming ruthlessly onto the cavernous walls parts of them being torn off from the force alone.

As Ja's strike hits true. The creatures defense lowered due to the deaths bane. Feeling the holy energy again he swings wildly hitting Ja hard in a counter attack. Before trying to focus on Bryanthe in hopes of devouring it.

(everyone up for what I assume is last round of combat)

2024-02-27, 07:37 PM
Maynard strides up to the remaining one and strikes it firmly in the center of its head with a downward swing.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-27, 11:33 PM
With a weakened hide porky should be able to thrust his greatsword into the final undead.

2024-02-28, 12:05 AM
Now that there was only one foe left and he was reasonably certain that the others would be able to clean up, Ekkehardt turned away from the combat as he started examining the room with a glimmer of curiosity, wondering if he could find something of interest.

2024-02-28, 03:13 AM
Eria closed in quickly with the last undead monstrosity, a cold blue light shrouding one fist and flames gathering around the other. Two quick blows unleashed the stored energy leaving one side of the monster covered in frost and the other side blackened and scorched as her fists found their mark.

2024-02-28, 07:40 AM
With the danger passing and some of the others already turning to inspect the scene of battle (instead of running on again), Bryanthe can finally take a moment to catch her poor, useless breath and exhaling loudly in relief, she sees about the remaining wounds, shuffling from ally to ally to release the light of life into them. Lastly, she tends to her own injuries, still quite ugly and no less painful after the first, serendipitous healing. She can immediately tell that she overdid the restoration somewhat this time, but the sudden dizziness doesn't last. Looks like they might have this, after all!

Everyone (barring Porky, if he choses otherwise) is back to full health and then some, because when much of it (14 hp or more) will be wasted, I know how to roll well, of course!

2024-02-28, 07:30 PM
With your parties ruthless and combined blows you managed to fell the last undead. Silence returning into the cave. Only the glow of you companion illuminates the cave. Ahead of you lies a way deeper inside. But behind you is the exit beckoning you to escape. As the cold chill is still seeping into the cave.

Searching the room you find...

You won yay! Loot 577 gp, 10 sp, 8 cp

2 x Broken Carts (8 gp, 10sp 200 lb)
Grindstone (10 gp)
Lapis Lazuli (11 gp)
Violet Garnet (600 gp)
Grappling Hook (1 gp, 4 lb)
7 x Iron Bar (1 sp, 5 lb)
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (300 gp)
Potion of Invisibility (300 gp)
Damaged Noble's Outfit (30 gp, 10 lb)
Pavilion Tent (100 gp, 300 lb)
Small Iron Box (1 gp, 20 lb) (locked dc 25)
Chain Mail*
Silver Shield*
Onyx Ring

The silver shield of strange make. Chain mail that feels lighter than normal but looks like normal armor. Lastly a small iron box the size of your palm and a dark black gemstone onyx ring. A mixture of other items are in the broken and run down carts. That looks as if they were carelessly dragged down into the cave.

(What do you all decide to do?)

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-28, 07:41 PM
"We still need find Captain.... Deeper in cave. Porky look. Treasure be here on way out."

[roll0] Survival Track to pick up Trail of Captain again and follow.

2024-02-28, 09:27 PM
As he was in no rush, Ekkehardt paid the comment no heed and took the time to savor the discovery of treasure, one of the few ways he'd learned to have a bit of fun. Noticing the iron box among the items sparked his curiosity, so he poked at it before recalling that he never actually got the chance to practice lockpicking. As such, he turned his attention back towards the other items, briefly examining one before looking at another.

When he was done, he stood up and began walking further into the cave, not bothering to take anything discovered.

2024-02-29, 01:47 AM
Let us not be distracted by loot right now, there's people in danger

Though Ja says this with extreme conviction, her eyes can't help but look at the chainmail.

She stops for a moment before following big man porky.

2024-02-29, 03:03 AM
"Better grab what's useful now." Eria suggested, while pocketing the two potions. She stopped at the lockbox for a moment as well, and landed a pair of sharp blows on the locking mechanism to break it open.

Using the mountain hammer strike on the lock, if necessary a couple times. Strike ignores hardness, iron has 30hp per inch of thickness. Strike does 12 damage on average. I can roll if necessary, but if this is a normal box I should break through in short order.

2024-02-29, 02:25 PM
Bryanthe nods along absently, without paying particular attention to the conversation. This is the exact kind of numbers she never really had much of a head for. And what head she does have is currently still slightly light. She contents herself with quietly glowing in the background, and hustles after Porky once the big man gets going.

2024-02-29, 03:48 PM
Inside the iron box that was so rudely destroyed lay two pieces of cloth with small yellow fragments of what might be gems sown into them. Seemingly to be decorative arm bands that gleam in the glow of your party member.

Proceeding further downwards onto the path Porky helping you navigate the twist and turns of the cavern that would have led you astray. You bypass more of the undead that drew blood. But none seem to be animated. After what seems like tense hours you arrive at the end of your search. The guard Captain standing a short distance away from a little girl. Sword slashes deeply penatrated the room they are in. The captains glare is fierce looking at his daughter.

Release my daughter fiend!

No...you almost slain me! Forcing me to possess this puny child A dry raspy voice is released from the girl. Not at all matching her appearance.

Let her go now The Captains voice said sternly. Giving no lee way at all.

Oh no that demon took over the girl!

How cruel

That monster!

Daddy that's not me! I'm here!


Shes already done for...

Poor girl gone at such a young age...

Daddy please help me...

Its okay child we will be with you. Your on another journey now.

I dont want to go. I want to stay with my dad!

SILENCE!!! The body of the girl shouts in her raspy voice. Not seeming to be talking to any of you though. I will release this child only if you leave the cave. Afterwards she will be here waiting for you. She states with a unnatural smile as it tries to indicate good will.

2024-02-29, 05:54 PM
Overhearing the ghosts once he entered the room, Ekkehardt noticed a young girl's voice in contrast to the raspy, monstrous voice coming from the one up ahead. Although whatever was speaking through her had already confirmed it, he got a sense of what happened.

Ekkehardt looks over in the general direction of where he heard the girl's voice coming from. "That voice—would you happen to be Captain Gerald's daughter? If so, I might have a way to force the demon out, but I'm not certain, so it may put you in danger. It's up to you if you want me to try it."

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-02-29, 06:34 PM
Porky approaches and stands behind the captain.

"Captain. Porky here. We reinforcement from town. We come, bring home. What happen to girl?"

2024-03-01, 12:57 AM
Eria quickly snatched the armbands, then hurried after the others. She caught up before long, and stumbled upon the drama unfolding around the captain. She kept herself back a bit. Exorcising ghosts or demons was not her strong suit, so for now she simply held back to watch it play out.

2024-03-01, 10:06 AM
A small gasp is heard quickly followed by a

You can help my dad? I dont care what happens to me. My father is in trouble do whatever needs to be done! A resolute yet childlike voice coming from the soul of the girl who is not even a young adult yet.

Eh he can hear us?

Tell Emily I'm sorry!

Could yo-

My wi-

A large clamour of final wishes and desires bombards you drowning out any other noise you can hear.

SILENCE The dry raspy voice lashes out of the girl's body again. While she looks at Ekkehardt's direction before refocusing on the Captain once more.

Gerald briefly glances at you his eyes sharp and piecing before refocusing on his daughter "That spectral bastard lured my daughter out of town. I tracked her down to this location by myself. After culling the undead in the corridor, I found the spectral scum trying to turn my daughter into an abomination. I only managed to wound him before he fled into my child's body. He said giving clear cut answers while his focus is greatly trained on his daughter. Not seeming to be willing to follow the slightest instruction from the creature possessing her.

2024-03-01, 10:57 AM
Having received confirmation, Ekkehardt nods before turning his gaze towards the possessed girl.

After a few moments, he approaches the two. “I see. Don’t be alarmed.” As he says this, he raises his hand as it combusts into pure white flames and if not stopped, reaches out towards the girl’s shoulder.

2024-03-01, 08:53 PM
Maynard arrives with the others, and assess the situation. While his weapon remains ready, he's clearly focusing on thinking of ways to remedy the situation.

How strong is the fiend while controlling your daughter? Could we knock her out or bind her to take back to town? Are there any still living guards elsewhere we should go aid? The only guards we've found had perished.

2024-03-02, 04:33 AM
This was beyond Ja’s understanding. But she couldn’t le anyone harm the girl. She interposed her body between the possessed girl and any harm.

Face us not with this child appearance but with your true strength

2024-03-02, 02:16 PM
If her nape had those weird little hairs that Humans and the like sport, Bryanthe is fairly certain they would all be standing scared right now. As it stands, she has to make do with some nervous wincing as she approaches the captain to gently touch his arm from very strictly behind. A repeat of the gnawing she's got recently is not something she much desires currently. There's things the sword cannot solve, Sir. Let us help. she tells the man, trying to build up some trust before things inevitably go sideways. Ekkehardt seems to have an idea, and the others will do their best. She knows that. But the captain getting twitchy, especially given how crazy powerful he is, might complicate things, and if he could broke this stalemate, he would have already done so. At any rate, she can't quite not expect blood. Her other hand rises quietly, the glow around it growing stronger. That's as much as she can do; but she'll do it.

Move up to Captain G. and
ready a Reach CLW for the girl.

2024-03-02, 02:19 PM
Back off you! The girl snorts. Jumping out of range of your glowing palm before blood red ghostly claws materializes and claws towards your head. Giving off the same feeling as your attack. Before it could land on you a sharp blue light cut through the ghostly palm severing it revealing a small childlike hand uninjured. As the rest dematerializes with a shriek from the spirit

You dare try to use my daughter to cause harm! Gerald growls as you see his longsword enveloped in the same blue aura that shot forward. Glancing towards you he states This fiend is weak. Its only difficult ability is creating the minor undead outside and possession. With the ability to drain life from its targets. If this coward wasn't in my child it would already be slain. His voice carrying a fierce anger underneath.

Mortals please talk sense into this man The raspy voice sounds noticeably weaker than before. I'll let her go I promise. Just dont kill me.. I would leave her body as soon as you give me enough room to escape. If you keep trying to harm me, I'll will make sure this girl perishes with me It hisses with its last will of defiance as to prove a point a small trickle of blood starts falling down the little girl's face. Coming out of her eyes and nose. Don't force me.

That fiend.

Good cut!

Oh no!

Dad beat it! That isn't me anymore! I don't want you to get hurt!

Girl suuush you father is about to avenge all of us

That fiend is on its last ropes. It cant last much longer!

Yea it can try escaping through the secret tunnel but he doesn't know that the tunnel collapsed a few weeks ago that's why I was trying to mine it out.

Yep he is so trapped here.

2024-03-02, 05:57 PM
After the short exchange where he failed to make contact, Ekkehardt lowered his hand. "I suppose that was to be expected."

Overhearing more of the ghosts' ramblings, he learned some relevant information, so he turned to the others speaking in elven in case the creature before him wouldn't understand. "From what I can tell, there are two ways out of the cave. I think it's banking on escaping through the second if given the chance, but it may have unforeseen difficulties using said exit."

2024-03-02, 06:39 PM
Maynard looks squarely at the girl.

We're not fools, don't tell us to talk sense when you're not talking sense. Obviously neither of us trusts the other at all, so any deal to be made had better not involve trusting the other or promises. How much room to escape do you require? And would you be willing to swap hosts? If the Captain permits us to that is, as we don't seem to have a better plan or the Captain would've already said to do it. I'd let you swap to me and then use my body to get to a location you can escape from. The rest of us would follow at a moderate distance, enough that they couldn't easily close once you leave, but not so far that you could just keep my body without risk either.

Might as well make it a puny diplomacy roll

2024-03-03, 04:22 PM
The girl nervously looking at both of the speakers taking in new information and not having much of a choice says I will take over your body and let the girl go if you take me out of the cave and wait until nightfall so that I can freely leave. The possessed child says reaching its hand slowly towards Maynard ready to transfer the possession. Everyone else back away. It hisses distancing itself as far away as it can while moving towards Maynard and the exit.

Captain Geralds eye contact remains fixated on his daughter. His sword still drawn. Clearly ready to strike if anything goes wrong.

2024-03-03, 07:11 PM
Maynard sheathes his weapons and reaches out his hand, awaiting the transfer of possession.

I accept that deal. I'm taking your watchful silence as agreement with this plan Captain; if something ultimately goes wrong, do make sure to get back and protect the town. I don't think we all need to stay for this, the captain plus a few trackers as backup should suffice, perhaps the rest should head back so they can reach town before nightfall and bring back some of that other gear or bodies of our fallen. Or maybe it's safer for you all to just stay together, I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-03, 07:30 PM
Porky looks between the group, the captain, and the girl. He keeps his sword in hand as he stands ready.

"Porky uncertain. But will follow captain lead."

2024-03-04, 01:10 AM
Eria looked uncertain. But kept her peace. Maynard wouldn't have agreed if he hadn't feel confident he could make it back through the night. "If we've got a deal we should get moving. Daylight won't last forever and we should check on the other guards as well if we can."

2024-03-04, 07:05 PM
The Captain stares long and hard at Maynard and nods. You have my word. I'll return as soon as my daughter is free and safe. As the possessed girl reaches out her hand to Maynard. [DC 25 Will Save to avoid being possessed if you choose to fight it.]

2024-03-04, 09:56 PM
Realizing the true nature of the creature, Ekkehardt had no qualms about the scene before him, as, considering their position, they weren't likely to do anything to jeopardize the deal. It's unfortunate that the ghosts won't get their revenge anytime soon, but it wasn't something he significantly cared about anyway. He did also wish to gain knowledge of what would've happened if he managed to connect with the flames, but he did learn that its nature is similar to the wraith, which was good enough for him to move on.

As such, he turned towards where they came from and started walking. "Should probably take the treasure that isn't too heavy to carry before checking on what remains of the guard."

2024-03-07, 03:56 PM
A cold chill swarms your body as your consciousness fades. The little girl falls to the ground unconscious as Maynard's demeanor changes as he rushes out of the cave. The girl is yours. The wraith free rushes out of the cave and flees into the wilderness.

IC B to follow maynards part of the journey (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?665200-(3-5-IC)-End-of-Fate-(B))

Gerald rushes to his daughter and picks her up. Feeling her pulse, he is relieved that she is still alive. Looking at the entrance where Maynard left at he does a slight nod. I'll keep my word. turning to the group he says. Sorry for not properly conversing earlier. I am the captain Gerald of the town guard. You mentioned that some of the guards followed me out here? Those fools. They should have never left their post. I knew I would have been able to track her down myself. After he stops mummering under his breath he continues. Lead the way lets return as quickly as we can. Hopefully some of the guard who left still live. He says following you out of the cave him understanding that you know the way to his men.

(Anything that you do before leaving? What are your next moves?)

2024-03-07, 04:35 PM
"I'll keep an eye on Maynard." Eria offered. "If anyone else feels confident about heir sneaking skills they're welcome to tag along."

2024-03-09, 02:06 PM
As the possessed man speeds pat, Bryanthe offers, with a quick shiver, a cautious Do you need me to… Or? but Eria's chief criterion, stealth, stated for it being a good idea to stick with the man… Oh. It made her sound like a spectacularly ill-suited candidate for applying to help with the task. She can only hope the man (and any who race into the night with him) will be fine; but, at any rate, if there are remaining guards out ther, more of them might need some patching up than just the one Maynard. Speaking of which…

Are you two alright, Sir? I'm a healer. I can help if not. she turns around to address the Captain, while examining his and the girl's form with a quick, practiced eye, to make sure neither's any worse for wear than Gerald might say.

Heal: [roll0], mainly to see how much healing they may need, if any, so that B.'s resources can be used as efficiently as possible.

2024-03-11, 05:41 PM
Seeing Bryanthe healing his daughter Gerald replies in thanks. Walking out with his daughter in his arms. Now time to see where these guards are...They know not to leave the city they shouldn't have tried following me.Gerald finishes saying under his breath.

Upon collecting the valuables and leaving the cave. Gerald retraces your steps leading the way to the cave the guards were in. But upon arrival you see 8 heavily injured guards with another dozen laying motionless at their feet. Upon seeing Gerald one shouts

"Captain! Your alright!" the guard wincing at his wounds.

You fools why did you follow me. You know it would have been fine. We lost so many men. Gerald says looking down at the guards on the ground.

"Not all of them are dead captain. Reoff, Sig, Dale, Trune, Migard are unconscious do to their injuries we separated them. A few of our lighter injured went down the hill in preparation for the other dead. While we were just trying to catch our breath to look for you. We also cleared this cave of the demons inside. Hopefully that will lessen the attacks for a few days."

Nodding his head Gerald replies Good job for clearing the demons out. We will see to it that the dead's families will be rewarded. Turning to Bryanthe Are you able and willing to save some of my men before we return to the village?

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-11, 08:07 PM
Porky follows along, silently, feeling he has nothing to offer to the conversation. Seeing the guards Porky steps forward.

"Porky here now. Carry men back to town. Give Porky sleeping men."

Porky takes a knee so that he can heft the weight of multiple men for the trek back to the town.

2024-03-13, 08:07 AM
As the captain makes his request, Bryanthe nods, twice, quickly, with and begins to glow once more without even noticing. The prospect of saving someone, at last, washes away the cold dread clawing at her stomach, triggered by seeing the dead. Spare your strength, Porky. she smiles at the big man, touching his arm lightly. I can make them walk again. and the light around her hands grows warmer once more as she sees to the work.

On demand, B. still has three charges from the Healing Belt (2d8 hp each);
three Healer's CMWs (2d8+12 hp);
2 Cleric's Cure Minors (3 hp);
and 4 Healer's CLWs (1d8+12 hp) to provide.

2024-03-13, 08:58 PM
Due to Byranthe healing it rouses the guards from near death. While the heavily injured guards seem to breathe easier and nod in thanks. Coming up the hill you see six new guards looking in pretty good condition approach ready to start transporting the dead down the hill.

(Porky can carry the last 2 dead down the hill in he so chooses to.)

After continuing down the mountain past the guards first battlefield you notice it cleaned up the devil's body lay to the side anything of value picked up and the previous guard's bodies that lay here are no longer there. As you travel further back to the village you see 2 carts in clearer terrain with the guard's bodies draped in a white cloth. The guards lay they're fallen comrades down in the carts covering them as they continue the trek to town.

The sky starts to dim as everyone tries picking up the pace returning to the village. The mayor whom it felt like forever since you last saw him eagerly approaches but upon seeing the dead guards get sadden. But seeing the rest and Captain Gerald gets more confident.

Norman says happily "Captain! I'm so glad that you have returned safely and with your daughter and guards! The townsfolk will glad that they don't have to guard the gates tonight. " He finishes ignoring the other guards-tired faces and fatigue as they nod to each other bowing to the captain the uninjured one's head to the eastern gate. While the others wheel the dead towards the totem in preparation for their burial rights.

My men are exhausted, and we have two more outside. Whom might need rescue after tonight i set off again to assist them. Gerald replies flatly clearly used to the mayor's thoughtlessness as the guards have been fighting almost nonstop for an entire day. Motioning one of the injured guards that stayed to take his daughter home. Gerald starts heading for the north wall (Unless you wish to say anything else.)

Norman panics hearing that Gerald is going to set off again and says, "Please don't go they are most likely dead, and it would be pointless to go!" But is promptly ignored by Gerald.

(What are you all planning on doing?)

2024-03-14, 01:57 AM
Having returned to town with the objective completed, meaning it was no longer at risk of falling apart, the same way he'd wandered into the group, Ekkehardt wandered off on his own to find somewhere to lie down. As far as he was aware, there wasn't anything particularly pressing, and he really wanted to sleep in.

2024-03-15, 04:29 PM
Invaded by a sense of shame at having been a passive observer, Ja offers to accompany Gerard in the rescue party. It's not as if she even spent any resources tonight.

2024-03-16, 12:16 PM
Bryanthe pesters the wounded guards with some more concerned offers of Are you sure you don't need more healing? I have more healing., but absent any takers, she decides she'll embark on a quick tour of the settlement to see if someone else is more receptive of the notion (as well as in need of some quick aid ministered). She doesn't mean to linger up and about for too long, nevertheless. Mostly all of her is sore with fatigue (how are all these people running so fast all the time?!) and if the Captain's to set out the next morning to try and save Eria and Maynard, she better be there and help. She owes those two that much.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-17, 02:40 PM
Porky hauls dead bodies as he is directed. He seems oblivious of alot of things going on around him. But when the captain mentions going out again, porky speaks up.

"Porky join captain, make sure captain come home. Mayor rest easy."

2024-03-19, 04:07 AM
Ekkehardt finds himself at a tavern called the Golden Bard. Its located in the slums a rather odd name for such a poor location but you know that this is the best place to rest at an affordable price. The tavern is a timber and brick and sprawling double story building, with a tanned wooden roof and a small vegetable garden. A small drake's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains a small wood oven and a small stage for performers. The tavern owner Mormo is a small Tiefling standing at 5' 3" but due to his appearance he doesn't judge others and is accommodating to all. If you so wish it you can bed down for the price of a single silver. There are only two people in the tavern right now. A half elf sitting in the corner distracted in her thoughts and another Tiefling cleaning the tavern.

Fruit Hash with Rice and a Mug of Perry (5 sp)
Meatballs Soup with Peas and a Glass of Vodka (5 sp)
Meatballs Hash with Sharp Cheese and a Glass of Whiskey (5 sp)

Bryanthe offer for more healing is greatly appreciated from the injured guards. Taking all that you offer the now healed guards set out to reinforce the walls again. Touring the town, you discover some of the main attractions.

Church of Whitewall Fort: The church is a large brick cabin, with a red tile roof and a smooth stone floor. A turtle serves as a mascot and greets pedestrians. It contains a number of small braziers and stained-glass windows of religious art.

General Store: The Frayed Cabinet; The general store is a wooden cabin, with a red tile roof and simple furniture. It contains an old-looking telescope and big bags of rice and lentils along the wall.

Enchanter: Aym's Monitor; The enchanter is a plaster and wood framed and large single-story building, with a brown shingled roof and overgrown hedges. It was once a barracks and has a collection of arms and armor. It contains a set of gold scales and bone candelabras with floating flames.

Jeweler: Shane's Gems; The jeweler is a plaster and wood framed single story building, with a black shingled roof and finely-crafted furniture. Several battered shields hang on the walls. It contains a crossbow sitting on the counter and many small candles hanging from the ceiling.

Alchemist: The Cordial Wing; The alchemist is a concrete and sprawling single story building, with a brown shingled roof and vines covering the walls and roof. It contains meticulously organized drawers of herbs.

Blacksmith: The Fear Gauntlet; The blacksmith is a wooden and sprawling single story building, with a red tile roof and shuttered windows. It contains a large variety of metal tongs hanging on the walls.

Also, the Golden Bard tavern as list in Ekkehardts post

As porky helps bring the guards to the totem, he feels a bone deep pulse causing his whole body to tremble. You feel the spirt of the totem and its power. Every pulse you feel a deep pulse throughout your body. It's not painful just powerful and odd. The guards laying down their fallen comrades seem unaffected by it. As a priest in slightly odd garb with a turtle print on it starts preparing the fallen last rights.

(Any tasks you might continue to do? Also everyone is resting for the night correct?)

2024-03-19, 10:31 AM
Ekkehardt entered, taking in the smell, and looked over at the board before deciding there wasn’t anything of particular interest to him food-wise, but he didn’t require the sustenance either way. “Can I get a room?” He says this directed at no one in particular and sits down at the closest table before placing a silver on it.

2024-03-19, 05:00 PM
The young female Tiefling takes your coin and tries to offer you some food and drink but seeing that you want to go straight to bed leads you to a small single room with a window facing outside from the second floor. You able to see over the slums and lookout parts of the small town.

2024-03-20, 07:11 AM
With all remaining healing distributed, Bryanthe, more tired yet than before, Bryanthe sleepily ambles into the church, greeting the turtle with a warm smile on the way in. She likes the turtle and she likes the windows. The Caverns didn't have windows, and if it had, they certainly wouldn't have been so pretty. Her people were all about avoiding notice, after all.

She sits down, for what is intended to be but a moment, to gather her thoughts as she looks at the pretty mosaics of glass. She always found they make her feel calm and warm and good, and this, as days go, was anything but any of those. And she nods off almost immediately, left shoulder and temple slumping against the wall.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-21, 02:06 PM
As porky feels the power the totem he shivers. He looks to the priest as he sees the man performing final rites.

"Porky feel power here. Why no one else act like they feel power. Is holy man able to feel totem power?"

Unsure of what to do with his hand, he clasps them together as he looks down at the holy man and his fine robes, his own robes little more than rags.

2024-03-22, 07:37 AM
The turtle happily welcomes Byranthe into the church. As you drift off a few hours pass before the church moves you into a rest area for weary travels and places you in a bed. Clearly not wanting to wake her.


The priest looks towards porky and replies "The power of the totem affects all on certain degrees. Those who are blessed with greater potential feels its power more. I can feel it yes. So can the guards in a certain amount. Some less fortunate only feel a small breeze while those with higher might feel a tingling sensation throughout their body." He answered you calmly as the wood starts to gather and the dead are being prepared for their final rites.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-25, 07:13 AM
Porky looks from the priest to the totem.

"Totem protect porky and town. Is ok if porky say thank you to totem?"

He seems to be waiting for permission from the priest. If the priest says its okay, porky will bite his own hand and let a few drops of his blood pour at the base of the totem. [roll0] drops of blood.

"Porky thank totem. May porky life blood be worthy sacrifice to thank totem. Keep protect farmers from demon."

2024-03-25, 12:14 PM
The priest nods seeing the gesture porky does he clasps his hands together and does a prayer and the totem connection seems to be stronger now. A warmth seeming to radiate from your core warming you up and making you feel embolden. You can feel the death of the people in the past and their combined strength for the sake of protecting everyone as well.

(Gained ???)

(Anything else for the night porky?)

2024-03-27, 10:42 AM
Morning quickly comes around. As yesterday's exhaustion seems to slowly fade away. You notice the crowds of people seem less than yesterday indicating that there might not be as big of an emergency as before. You all are waking up at your respective locations. Agreed to look for your missing comrades together your group noticeably smaller than before.

(anything that you would like to do or say to one another before trying to meet up with Gerald?)

2024-03-28, 10:35 AM
Bryanthe wakes quite surprised (if pleasantly so) that she's in a bed… Somehow. Eventually, her head clears enough that she begins to suspect church charity is a more likely explanation than miracle, and as she groggily clambers out of bed and begins to tiptoe her way out of the room, trying hard to make sure her glow stays muted so as not to wake anyone who'd rather sleep some more, she begins to look around for someone to profusely thank for not just shaking her awake and sending her on her way the other night.

2024-03-28, 06:49 PM
Bryanthe sees an elderly woman quietly cleaning the churches interior. As you thank her, she smiles kindly and says to you.

"Your thanks is not needed. It's our pleasure to help anyone in need." You can tell she genuinely means that and hopes that you have better travels. She evenly goes far enough to do a prayer in hopes that you will be successful in future endeavors.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-28, 07:18 PM
Porky, aware that the group looking to rescue the lost may leave early, wakes up before the sun and gets dressed, reporting for duty near the gate, waiting for the others to join him.

2024-03-30, 02:26 PM
In a complete (but not entirely unwelcome) state of fluster, Bryanthe stares at the woman for a moment; and then a little smile spreads on her face. This town really isn't a bad place to be, all things considered. I… I thank you, still. she says, in the end. Or not, if you really don't want me to, just know that I'm a healer person healing people. Just… she makes a nervous little hand gesture Just make sure you know I'd like to help you back if you need help, alright? – and she backs out through the door, not waiting for much of an answer. That was… A lot of talking, already.

Arriving at the gate, last, of course, as usual, she looks about and tries to smile again. It doesn't really come to her naturally at the moment; this might get bad again, after all – but she does try. These are good people. They deserve this much.

2024-03-30, 03:48 PM
Arriving at the gate early in the morning you see the gates open as people are moving corpses of a wide range of demon's devils and undead. Piling them up and sprinkling powder and making sure they are fully dead by removing the heads of their enemies. You see Gerald overlooking the process with tired eyes as he has not slept in a few days. With a certain mayor harassing him.

"Why must you go out? They are most certainly dead. Being out of town if they haven't returned by now, they are gone stay here and watch over the village we are unable to survive without you leading the guards. " Norman pleads. Not really looking up as the image of a strong or even a capable mayor.

Regardless of if they are dead or not, I will go out and find them. I will not allow their bodies to be desecrated when they helped me retrieve my daughter. They have done more for me in a day then you have in the last ten years. Why don't you go back and cower in your bed and wait for my return I have already instructed the guards to guard the gates and not try to follow me out. Gerald said in frustration of the mayors incessant nagging.

The mayor speechless sees you arrive. Slightly embolden he says to you in a commanding tone. "Tell the Captain here that it's pointless to go after them and it is just putting the many in danger for the sake of the few."

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-30, 05:16 PM
Porky holds his hand out to the mayor as if to calm him.

"Porky will bring back Captain. Mayor no worry."

He thumps his own chest twice.

2024-04-02, 05:39 AM
Towards porky's statement the mayor scowls a little before replacing it on his face. With a very strained voice says "We can't afford to lose any more people on a mission for people who are already dead. We lost so many guards last time as well. We both know you can't even make up the strength of one guard how can you protect Gerald? You should help me convince him not to leave and then go back to where you belong farming."

The mayor revealing more of his true colors with the distain not even being hid in his voice.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-04-02, 09:33 AM
Porky sighs in frustration.

"If Porky can't convince mayor, why would mayor think porky could convince captain. Porky can do best to protect captain so captain come back safe. Porky bring back captain once. Can do again."

2024-04-02, 01:56 PM
Flinching at the suddenly all too belligerent tone of the Mayor, Bryanthe shuffles a bit closer to Porky and Gerald. Please don't be mean to Porky, Sir. she pleads, as cautiously as she sounds nervous about the whole affair. He's right, right? We came back with the Captain last time, and it's all daylight now and we'll be back before nightfall. she pleads with the man. You too arguing is just… Bad, for everyone. Sir. Please?

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2024-04-02, 03:36 PM
Although he knows it won't do any good, Ekkehardt attempts to parrot the mayor to no one in particular, but does so with an apathetic tone. "It's pointless to go after them, and it is just putting the many in danger for the sake of the few." He then heads closer to the gate, expecting to head out soon and in the meantime avoiding more of the ongoing squabble.

2024-04-03, 07:33 AM
The mayor snorts in frustration at the groups comments "Fine go. But our deathss" are all on your hands" as he storms off leaving you be. Gerald angrily stomps his foot while looking towards you guys who decided to volunteer and join him to find the bodies of your comrades.

His father was a better mayor. Sadly, he didn't inherit any of his capabilities, I'm glad that you want to accompany me. Hopefully there wouldn't be any danger like before as we try to find them. Do you need anything before we set off? Gerald gestures towards some rations and all too familiar powder that helped combat the dead. With some other powder that you all are unsure about. You do see a small selection of health potions as well.

Lesser health potions x10 (1d8+1)
Health potion x2 (2d8+2)
Rations x50
Silver longswords x7
Demonsbane x30
Deathsbane x30
Mysterious powder 1 x20
Mysterious powder 2 x20
Mysterious powder 3 x20
Talismans of true death x10
Some medium backpacks.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-04-03, 08:40 AM
Porky looks at all the powders and potions and for a moment he looks over whelmed at the options and just passes on them.

"Porky will carry for anyone who want."

2024-04-03, 08:55 AM
I think he's trying? He's just… Scared. Bryanthe tries to weakly defend the Mayor's honour, scratching the back of her head awkwardly, before she'd flash a brief, muted smile at Porky in appreciation of the offer to carry things. What are thosee powders for, Captain Gerald, Sir? she truns her oddly luminescent, and currently rather unblinking eyes at the soldier. And… Rations? Do we… Are we going to be away for that long? she goes on, a hint of anxiety creeping into her already small voice.

2024-04-03, 11:26 AM
Gerald looking at her replies like he is used to saying it a bit in an instructional manner. First rations are always important to keep your strength up in the field you should always pack 2 times the number of rations per day you expect to be out in the field. You cannot afford to be weakened in any manner. I do not expect us to be gone longer than today. Preferably arriving back he pauses looking in the sky doing some mental calculations. Slightly after evening worse case. So, two days rations each should suffice. Four days' worth is the best choice in this manner. As safety is paramount on a rescue mission.
His words clearly having faith that they will still be alive and well.

Now for the powders. Demonsbane is a powder we common use to coat the bodies of the slain enemies. It renders their regeneration useless making it effective to be applied to a blade as well. It also guarantees that they stay dead. Weaker demons and devils can succumb to death just by breathing it in. Deathsbane helps kill or turn weaker undead away. For stronger undead it lowers their hardened skin making it easier to strike true. Its preferably used on weapons or applied directly on the undead. You can also sprinkle it on the ground and lure the undead over it. Making it easier for them to be inflicted by it. Pointing towards the next one *Mysterious 1* This is True Form. Very useful when dealing with creatures whose forms are intangible. Materializing their forms. As you saw yesterday, I had some applied with my blade. Sadly, it doesn't force the creature out of a possession. But does make it easier to kill. *Mysterious 2* Daybreak. If struck hard enough it makes a bright flash of light. Can turn away creatures, make a fire, even burn certain types of shadow creatures. Useful to closing veils in caves as well. As those are unnatural occurrences. The best part of it the more you use the stronger it is. If thrown into a fire it changes it to reflect the sun helping keep most creatures at bay. But can attract others. Pointing towards the last one. Looking at you unblinking. Straight up Blood Poison. If you use it on your blade or an open wound it contaminates the blood. We rarely use this one. It's useful on beast and giants. But it's also effective against us. Mainly used on arrow tips. It's a brutal substance. Any further questions? He asks patiently as you see him packing some rations in a bag with a handful of powders seeming to only take 3 of each. Even though the bag can hold alot more.

2024-04-03, 11:33 AM
At the mention of wanting to come along, Ekkehardt winced, but made no comment on it. "Although the mayor was emotional and ineffective, his rationale wasn't bad. Minimizing risk and prioritizing the many makes sense in his position."

Seeing the rations, he restocked on banes, took some talismans, potions, and a few of the powders. When he was done, he moved back towards the gate, waiting.

Taking 2 Demonsbane, 7 Deathsbane, 4 Talismans of true death, 2 lesser health potions, and 6 of each mysterious powder

2024-04-04, 01:53 PM
Oh. Bryanthe audibly gulps as the blood posion thing is brought up. All the talk of weapons and the longswords in the pile also remind her that seh has no idea where the dagger she took from that one dead guard even went. She still had it when they left the cave, and… Maybe when they met up with the other, not dead guards too? But not when she entered the church, no, certainly not. Did she just leave a deadly weapon with undead bloody fluids on it lying somewhere?

She shakes her head lightly to snap out of the train of thought. Thank you, Sir. That… That makes sense. she says quickly, snatching two doses of Deathsbane and Daybreak each for herself.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-04-04, 03:05 PM
Porky just takes some rations and leaves the rest for his allies. He doesn't really get the whole "season" the demons with powders will weaken them concept. He's all about the.... hit them harder idea.

2024-04-05, 09:49 AM
Seeing as you all finished preparations Gerald nods as he says a few last words to the guards before you all set out. Keeping a rapid pace a few hours pass by as you faintly recall the familiar sites. Where the demons and guards fought you notice all the dried blood that was there is completely gone. Gerald doesn't bat an eye to it as you keep pressing forward arriving back to the depression where you found Gerald. The rocky outcropping making it harder to track where Maynard an Eria went.

Captain Gerald takes a knee trying to find some traces to proceed forward. (Its about 10am now) If you need to take a rest feel free. As soon as I am able to find their trail again we will carry onwards.

(Anything you want to do before proceeding onwards?)

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-04-05, 02:24 PM
Porky uses his snout to try to give Gerald an assist with looking for tracks.

[roll0] survival + track

2024-04-07, 04:37 AM
Nodding in approval Gerald picks up the trail as a few more hours pass. When you reach a new location. Pausing Gerald examines the scene. Seems like your friend was able to fight off the demon possessing him pausing again Not before the girl trailing him was injured though. looking around once more he sighs. They seem to be trying to escape back to the village. But that fiend still lives. I want to pursue after it and slay it. But your party is heading in the other direction. Torn between his choices he is lost in thought.

(It's around 1pm now. What do you choose to do? Let Gerald pursue the demon while you guys try to rescue Maynard and Eria? Go with Gerald? Or another option?)

2024-04-07, 10:39 AM
Her back against a tree trunk and seeing double from the exertion, Bryanthe, unable to shake a Bad Feeling About This, tries to reason with the soldier. Cowardly thing… [huff] …it's gone, it's… [huff] …not gonna come back, too… [huff] …afraid of you, Sir… [huff] …Captain Gerald, I… [huff] …understand you're upset, but… [huff] …it's no threat anymore and… [huff] …the others might die. She pauses to inhale, deeply and sharply. Please, Sir.

2024-04-07, 10:57 AM
Upon hearing that there was a struggle, Ekkehardt put a hand on his chin. ”I suppose I misjudged just how petty wraiths are. I’ll keep that in mind.” He then showed the slightest bit of confusion after hearing the captain’s predicament. “By this point, it would’ve been midnight. The wraith could be anywhere within 13 hours from here, not accounting for its speed, while the other two can’t be more than a few hours from here, seeing as they didn’t make it back and were likely slowed by the droves of monsters at night. Of course, there’s a relatively high probability they’re already dead, but considering the possibility of them living was the pretense for coming out here, I'm not sure it's a factor. Assuming both are equal tasks, finding the others would both likely take less time and be more time-sensitive, seeing as there’s the possibility of them meeting their demise. However, I don’t actually mind going for the wraith; it just might drag on until sunset.”

2024-04-07, 12:35 PM
Nodding in agreement Gerald gives one last glare in its direction before following the trail that the two have escaped to. Time slowly passes unhindered you quickly come across a strange umbrella lying down covered in webs under the shade of the tree. It seems pretty cut up but still usable. Small craters lie around the area. It seems there was another fight. Overall, they seemed to have escaped. From their foe. Gerald begins to trace the steps looking into the tree occasionally figuring out what's going on.

[Any further actions before continuing on the trail?]

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-04-07, 01:06 PM
Porky watches with interest.

"Porky say, killing wraith is best for friends and village, prevent further problems. We should kill before sun goes down."

2024-04-07, 03:21 PM
Ekkehardt blankly stares at the obviously cursed umbrella lying in wait before pointing squarely at it. "Monster." As he says this, ectoplasmic goo springs forth, arcing towards the umbrella.

2024-04-08, 09:17 AM
Bryanthe springs back at Ekkehardt's statement altogether faster than she previously appeared to be even capable of moving. Where?! she asks, looking about, only to end up following the man's gaze. Oh. she looks at the webbed (?) umbrella (?!) as Ekkehardt casually tosses slime towards it. Uh… What's that?

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-04-11, 10:40 AM
Porky looks at the umbrella confused.

Umbrella keep dry. Is no monster?

Porky draws closer to the umbrella, sword undrawn.

Captain. You think umbrella is monster?

2024-04-11, 10:05 PM
As Gerald casually walks up to the umbrella his sword glows faintly like before looking to porky as he strikes, he says Anything out of the ordinary is dangerous. If your companion says it's a monster slay it. Be it rock, tree or even a puddle. Otherwise, it can come back to harm you or those close to you. He finishes with his second swipe his blade tearing its umbrella deeply apart. Not enough to finish it as it swiftly lunges at Gerald. He casually dodges the first hit as another crater forms as dust fly's up into his face you see the umbrella do a rapid thrust towards Geralds neck. But you see him lean back dodging it effortlessly even with a lethal hit.

Lastly always expect the enemy to fight dirty. But if the enemy is this week don't worry about saving some strength for future fights.

(Everyone up.)

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-04-11, 10:16 PM
Porky looks shocked when the umbrella begins to move. He lunged to bite the now mobile mimic.

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage
[roll2] bleed damage

2024-04-13, 02:50 PM
Bryanthe, fairly certain that she couldn't slay a puddle if she tried, so she wisely tries to always have a Gerald or Porky between herself and this one so long as it's jumping about, even despite the goo. Just… If anyone needs healing, I'll be back here. she reminds the others while at that, hoping that revealing her position will help her more than it harms her chances of not getting decorated with a crater.

2024-04-16, 06:06 AM
Porky powerful blow was followed with two quick slashes of Gerald exchanges more blows to the demonic umbrella. As it retaliated at him and porky both strikes failing due to its injuries.

Critically injured it slows lowers to the ground looking like it will retreat but can't due to the goo.

(Everyone up)

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-04-16, 11:16 AM
Porky Bites again, looking to actually eat the demonic umbrella for sustenance.

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage
[roll2] bleed damage

2024-04-18, 05:47 AM
With the rapid attacks on it clearly its on its last handle. It lunges at porky placing it in between him and Gerald. The blade hums as it picks up speed. But at the last moment before striking porky it twists its blade and plunges straight into Gerald. You see both him slide back a few feet as the sheer force of it hits true. Blood rapidly falling from his wound. The umbrella seems to slowly be repairing itself eith the blood and the demonic eye changes color from yellow to red.

(What do you do? Everyone's up)

2024-04-18, 11:44 AM
Ekkehardt taking advantage of when the umbrella started recovering quickly through demonsbane on it. Hissing and shrieking a red glow explodes outward from in as the blade landed on the ground along with the tatered umbrella sheath.

(Successfully Vanquished a Demonic Umbrella!)

2024-04-18, 02:09 PM
With the umbrella suddenly more likely to be eaten by Porky than to eat her, Bryanthe bolts back close and places a cold palm on Gerald's chest, a pulse of pearly white light seeping into the wound to stop the bleeding and bind back together what was torn. Is, um, is everyone else alright? she asks, giving her own work a quick glance to see if more care is needed.

Healer's CLW on Gerald: [roll0] and
Heal to see if he, well, healed properly: [roll1]

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-04-18, 03:56 PM
Porky squeals loudly as he rages, wanting to gobble up the demon umbrella, he goes to shove the umbrella down his mouth to devour the creature.

2024-04-22, 09:02 PM
Gerald nods in thanks to the healing and says Demonic beasts are always tricky. The blade looks good. But if anyone wants it i recommendspreading demons bane on it. It will get weaker but its better than getting possessed. he said the last bit with a slight pause thinking of Maynard.

(Anything you do before proceeding?)

2024-04-23, 02:49 PM
A nervous smile flashes through Bryanthe's face to acknowledge the nod acknowledging her and let it be known Gerald was more than welcome, before she'd look away, that same face twitching slightly, as though from pain. She may not be much good at reading minds, but the Captain's tone and the mere mention of possession speak for themselves. There's unpleasant things left for them to do still, hope as she might that it will all be worth the whole effort in the end.

2024-04-28, 08:01 PM
Moving on from the demonic umbrella. You proceed tracking there trail. The time passing swifty. You manage to enter a clearing. Where the footprints mysteriously disappears. Their tracks no longer present.

Gerald looks confused taking a knee down on the ground. Muttering to himself. There isn't any footprints. I don't think that they were eaten here. No signs of battle. Its like they vanished into thin air...

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-04-28, 08:16 PM
Porky kneels down with Gerald to give his a nose a chance to help with tracking.

[roll0] Tracking / Survival with Scent

2024-04-29, 10:23 AM
Having figured out the likely cause, Ekkehardt became a bit perplexed. ”The evidence suggested they were plane-shifted. I’m hearing that a house was here, specifically a demonic house, which I assume they entered for cover from the night, but it was a trap. However, said house only appears at night, so as far as I’m aware it can’t be interacted with in the meantime.”

2024-04-29, 01:43 PM
After a few moments, Ekkehardt realized it was still technically here, just incorporeal. As such, he removed a container of mysterious powder 1 from his pack and spread it across the coldest regions.

2024-04-29, 02:22 PM
As porky tried helping relying on his trusty snout. All he can tell is where the foot prints ended the scent ended as well.

As the powder spread it began to reveal a small 5ft wall with a door. Eerily materializing with nothing behind it. It faintly looks like a rustic worn down hunters lodge. You can tell that this powder can last roughly a minute.

Smart kiddo. I was afraid that we would have to have made a difficult decision! Gerald states with a slight smile.

(What shall you do?)

2024-04-30, 10:14 AM
Bryanthe's large, weird eyes widen even further for a moment. Are we going to wait for… she starts, with a rising pitch; but Ekkehardt is quicker to conjure a rather ominous door from thin air than she is to finish the sentence. We are going in there, aren't we? she asks instead, quite convinced she has a lot of cowering behind other prople ahead of her for the day. Still, then again: so long as that really is going to be the day…

2024-04-30, 02:12 PM
While he does intend to enter through the door, Ekkehardt had no intention of being the first one to go through. As such, he nodded and simply looked back at the others, waiting to see if someone would go for it.

2024-05-08, 07:30 PM
Seeing as the group is cautiously looking at the entryway Gerald opens the door and enters first. Revealing a pretty ordinary cabin. You do notice that the carpet is slightly moved indicating that someone might have headed down into the cellar door below.

For this thread Im going to start updating it every 2 days at the latest. My brain wants it to keep moving along lol. If it gets to fast lemme know. Or if 2/3rds the group posts.

2024-05-09, 10:34 AM
As nothing seems to jump the captain immediately, Bryanthe tiptoes inside in tow. The place is not exactly to her liking, no, but that's all the more reason to suspect someone might get hurt, if indeed nobody had yet managed to do so. And that would be the entire reason for her being here, right? To fix that.

Still, even as she remembers to begin shining, so that the weird space is better lit, it would seem she was too quick to worry. Or too late to. There's… Nothing in there. They are not here. she states the obvious, sounding quite as surprised as she is.

Bryanthe activates her torch-level inner light and misses all vital clues!

2024-05-09, 10:52 AM
Ekkehardt continued to follow behind, not saying a word, at least until he realized not everyone else was just as aware of where the two had likely headed. ”The only way is the cellar door, which has evidence of use.”

2024-05-09, 05:49 PM
As you enter you slowly notice the doorway beginning to fade as the powders effectiveness is slowly running out. You still have a bit of time before it fades

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-05-09, 06:34 PM
Porky joins the group, entering the cabin before the doorway fades.

2024-05-10, 03:37 PM
…we can make it appear again from the inside too, right? Bryanthe inquires, not even trying to pretend how little she would like an answer of no as she approaches the cellar door to position herself in such a way beside the thing that she can shed some good light on it for anyone who would be better suited (and less worried about the possible consequences of) for getting it open. That Ekkehardt's keen eyes missed some trap she might just be baout to step on doesn't really cross her mind.

2024-05-10, 09:50 PM
”If the powder can’t make the door appear from the inside, we’ll just have to wait until night, seeing as that’s when it naturally materializes.” He was more concerned about what kind of danger lurked within this trap than finding a way out of the cabin, especially considering the faint signs of plane shift.

2024-05-21, 06:21 PM
Gerald opening the cellar door peers inside. Seeing the dark corridor tunnel. A bit perturb lits a torch and then draws his blade. Jumping into the tunnel revealing a single path towards.

Only one way forward now. Im heading on ahead try to keep up if you want. This is mostlikely the last time to turn back. He says indicating the closing doorway as he begins to walk into the now luminated darkness.

2024-05-22, 01:57 PM
Bryanthe only stares blankly for a moment after Gerald lands before lowering herself into the cavity with only the slightest twitch of her face. Once down, she does her best to awkwardly catch her footing without having to actually come into contact with the creepy walls she imagines are moist and feel weird, but she also tries not to make it look like she does it simply for support when she touches the Captain's shoulder.

You can save that torch for later, Sir. If you want. she proposes, bathing the tunnel in soft, white light, just as bright and strong as the torch's.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-05-23, 04:51 PM
Porky looks at the others present.

"No shame in turning back. Porky Protect Captain"

Porky follows the captain inside.

2024-06-04, 07:22 PM
After proceeding forward a bit two paths emerge. One you hear a banging on. Sounding as if something is slamming on a wooden door. The other is eerily quite.

It seems we have some company to the right. As he draws his blade and starts to head forward as the the noise of multiple noises to the right.

2024-06-05, 10:14 AM
Somewhere deep inside, Bryanthe would love that "no shame" Porky's brought up t o not be "no point" given the fresh developments, but even beyond her intent to help, somehow, turning back has felt ever less tempting for a while now. And then again, the noise may as well not be bad nes, as such. Maybe they just found the others! And if not, they went through and lived. At any rate, for now she just gulps and nods and steps somewhat aside.