View Full Version : Homebrew race: Squirrelfolk. Feedback?

2024-02-19, 11:44 AM

Silently darting around the trees, a small figure with a bushy tail and some big ears was almost invisible to the human watching him. He took note of the figure before noticing something behind him.
Just like the other one, he was small, about three feet tall, but that face, that face, he would recognize it anywhere!
-TheHalfAasimar, this thread

Squirrelfolk are a rare tribe of people who have no explained origin, yet populating all the biggest forests, living among the trees, accustomed to life in the forest. They get along well with most druids and rangers and live around wood elves. Forest gnomes don’t treat them as seriously though, probably because of their similar size, and squirrelfolk being like squirrels. Although to anyone else, they are suspicious at first, but usually quick to trust.

Squirrelfolk are covered from head to toe in thick hair that can range from grey to red to brown. They have two big ears on the top of their head, helping them hear every noise that comes their way, and have a thick, bushy tail.

Squirrelfolk are about 3 feet tall. They are Small. You are a Humanoid.

Squirrelfolk mature faster than humans, or most races anyways, reaching maturity at about age 10, and living to about 50.

When you choose to be a squirrelfellow (as they call themselves) you get the following benefits:
Ability scores: As a squirrelfellow, you get a +2 Dexterity bonus from being fast and nimble, and a +1 wisdom bonus.

Speed: You have a walking speed of 30 feet, and a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

Forest survival: When in the forest, you have advantage on Survival (Wisdom) checks to forage for food and water.

Superior darkvision: You have Darkvision up to a range of 120 feet.

Languages: You speak Common and Sylvan.

Winged squirrelfolk (Subrace): You trade Forest Survival for a glide speed: 20 feet for each 5 feet you fall. You only fall 60 feet each round, and you take no damage from falling.

Is this balanced? It's harder to make balanced races for 5e... if this was a 3.5e race I could just slap a level adjustment on and call it a day... with 5e, though, that isn't a thing. Thoughts? You're free to use this, too!

2024-02-19, 01:22 PM
The Winged variation is stronger than the normal one-advantage on a specific use of a skill in a specific terrain is not nearly as valuable as gliding.

The long-range darkvision feels out of place, but overall it's not too strong.

2024-02-20, 08:21 AM
The Winged variation is stronger than the normal one-advantage on a specific use of a skill in a specific terrain is not nearly as valuable as gliding.

The long-range darkvision feels out of place, but overall it's not too strong.

Well, thanks for the advice! I was trying to make it more of a 'ranger' race, with the dex and wis bonus, but give it features that reflected rangers. Yeah, thanks! Anything else that would be better to replace with the gliding? Like the climbing speed?

2024-02-20, 08:34 AM
I've seen other squirrelfolk who glide rather than fly. Which edition is this?


2024-02-20, 08:42 AM
I've seen other squirrelfolk who glide rather than fly. Which edition is this?


5th. It's mostly because I haven't played any other edition, and can only homebrew for 5e.