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2024-02-20, 04:54 AM
Frost Giant
Size/Type: Huge Giant (Cold)
Hit Dice: 16d8+112 (184 HP)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft., swim 50 ft.
Armor Class: 25 (+2 Dex, +15 natural, -2 size), Flatfooted 23, Touch 10
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+30
Attack: Gargantuan ice greataxe +21 melee (3d8+15/x3 plus 1d6 cold) or Snowball +14 ranged (2d6+10 plus 1d6 cold) or Slam +20 melee (2d6+10)
Full Attack: Gargantuan ice greataxe +21/+16/+11 melee (3d8+15/x3 plus 1d6 cold) or Gargantuan ice greataxe +21/+16 melee (3d8+15/x3 plus 1d6 cold) and Slam +15 melee (2d6+5) or 2 Slams +20 melee (2d6+10) or Snowball +14 ranged (2d6+10 plus 1d6 cold)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Ice Weapons, Snowball Throwing, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Darkvison 60 ft., Giant's Grip, Immunity to Cold, Magic Immunity, Snowsight, Vulnerability to Fire, Water Breathing
Saves: Fort +17 Reflex +7 Will +9
Abilities: Str 30 Dex 14 Con 24 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 18
Skills: Climb +19, Knowledge(nature) +9, Spot +12, Survival +14 (+16 in natural aboveground environments, +18 in polar environment such as taiga or tundra)
Feats: Cleave, Diehard, Endurance, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greataxe)
Environment: cold forest or water or Elemental Plane of Ice
Organization: Solitary, Hunting or raiding party (2-5 plus 3-7 owlbears or 2-5 large elementals) or Clan (6-12 plus 1 barbarian, ranger or sorcerer as jarl plus 11-20 owlbears or 2-5 huge elementals as guards and 1-2 ice weirds as skalds)
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually any Chaotic Alignment
Advancement: By Class Level (Favored Classes: Barbarian and Sorcerer)
Level Adjustment: +3

Giant's Grip (Ex): Giants can use two-handed weapons large enough for their size (usually Gargantuan sized) with single hand without any penalty.

Ice Weapons (Su): As a standard action, the giant can either create ice and form it into the shape of a weapon (usually greataxe) or spawn snow and mold it into several dense snowballs. These weapons are magical and deals 1d6 cold damage to anyone who touches it or gets hit by it. An ice greataxe has 12 hit points and hardness 3. A snowball has 1 hit point and hardness 0 and always shatters and melts after being thrown. The exsistance of these weapons can't be supressed by effects like dispel magic or antimagic field. After being removed from the giant, an ice weapon will melt and permanently disappear in about 1d6 minutes.

Magic Immunity (Ex): A frost giant is immune to all spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural effects. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature: Fire spells and effects affect frost giants normally, even if they are magical (and note the giant's vulnerability to fire). An electricity effect slows it (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw. A cold effect breaks any slow effect on the giant.

Snowball Throwing (Ex): Giants are adepts of throwing and use any throwing weapons with +2 racial bonus. In the case of a frost giant, it can throw snowballs as a ranged weapon attack at 150 ft. increments.

Snowsight (Ex): A frost giant can see normally in whiteout conditions such as heavy snow and ignores all penalties due to snow glare and snow blindness.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At will - water breathing, water walk (self only); 3/day - ice climb (similiar to spider climb but the surface must be ice), planeshift (self plus up to 4 willing creatures to the Elemental Planes or the Material Plane only); 1/day - cone of cold (DC 19). A frost giant uses these abilities as a level 16th Sorcerer.

These giants originate from the Elemental Plane of Ice but find their new home in the Material Plane. They prefer to reside in lands of eternal whiteout blizzards.
A typical frost giant stands about 20 ft. tall and weights over 12000 pound. They appear to be perfectly created ice sculptures of a massive humanoid form with tattoos scribed across its body. Unlike the much rougher composition of the ice elementals and ice trolls, the frost giants are usually physically beautiful, carrying some of the best details of a mortal humanoid being, but formed from their native element. White dragons and winter wolves show no mercy to frost giants and view all of them as pests coming from inner planes while silver dragons, yetis and many fey creatures tend to tolerate frost giants at a certain degree.
Frost giants mainly live on enormous beasts from the polar land. Aurochs and mammoths are their preferred inland prey, while whales, seals, and walruses provide food in coastal regions. Some evil individuals also raid smaller folks.

Frost giants speak Giant, Auran and Aquan. Some of them also speak common if they live closer to the realm of mortal beings.

Combat: Frost giants are cunning warriors that combines the brutality of a troll with the grace and tactics of a skilled martial artist. They tend to use their advantage of seeing clearly through snow and attack unsuspecting enemies with snowballs from distance. If its opponent notices the giant's location, or the giant has no snow to hide behind, it charges forward with an ice axe wield in its hand.

So I got bored and decided to make my first homebrew design. Any advice or thought?

2024-02-20, 11:55 PM
Shoot, thought I'd posted my thoughts on this but they didn't post!

The Plane of Ice is more accurately the Para-Elemental Plane of Ice. Elemental Planes (Earth, Air, Water, Fire), Para-Elemental Planes (Ice [Air and Water], Magma [Earth and Fire], Ooze [Earth and Water], and Smoke {Air and Fire], and finally there are the Quasi-Para Elemental Planes of Ash, Dust, Salt, Vacuum, Lightning, Mineral, Radiance, and Steam. Anyhow, you could consider giving them the Extraplanar Subtype. Note, they do not qualify for Native Subtype as that is strictly for Outsiders.

My only concern was why can they breathe underwater? There isn't much water on the Plane of Ice and they lack both a Swim speed and a swim skill and a swim speed. Edit: I see they now have a swim speed. Okay that's much better.

I like that you didn't give them rock throwing as there isn't much rock on the Plane of Ice.

I think you missed an opportunity to give them a snow walking ability. Frostburn is my go to for all things cold related. I think these could benefit from snow walking as a supernatural ability.

Snow Walking (Su): Frost giants can walk on top of snow rather than through it, avoiding the usual movement penalties and leaving neither footprints nor scent. Tracking the subject is impossible by nonmagical means, and the gliding along the surface of the snow adds 10 feet to the target creature's land speed.

LA should either be none or +3. I think these are slightly less powerful than standard frost giants but they have more HD. Most definitely these are not a LA+0 race.

Kudos on your first homebrew!


2024-02-21, 12:42 AM
I approve of bigger giants, their sizes in 3e always seemed a bit underwhelming to me. I might use this in one my campaigns. Will be interested to see the others.

Edit: I've had a bit more of a look at it. One potential problem I noticed is that its Antimagic Field ability would prevent its Ice Weapons ability from working as it's supernatural.

I also had a look at the CR and I estimated it at 11-12, so I'd say you're about right.

2024-02-21, 03:25 AM
I approve of bigger giants, their sizes in 3e always seemed a bit underwhelming to me. I might use this in one my campaigns. Will be interested to see the others.

Edit: I've had a bit more of a look at it. One potential problem I noticed is that its Antimagic Field ability would prevent its Ice Weapons ability from working as it's supernatural.

I also had a look at the CR and I estimated it at 11-12, so I'd say you're about right.

Good catch. It should have 2 slams at full attack in case it loses its weapons.

Under Combat they are attacking "unwitted" enemies. It should probably be unsuspecting enemies unless you mean the enemies are especially lacking in wit.

Otherwise, it looks pretty good.


2024-02-21, 04:13 AM
[QUOTE=Debihuman;25967759]Shoot, thought I'd posted my thoughts on this but they didn't post!

Thanks for your advice. Here are my answers to your questions.
First, giants are supposed to adapt the environment of Material Plane. So they are more of a native elemental creature like tritons. But since Outsider is the one and only Type that can have Native Subtype, I just don't add Extraplanar Subtype to the giants.
Second, I actually give 50 ft. swim speed to the frost giants and mention that they may live on the frigid coast of Material Plane (which is probally similiar to the edge of Water Elemental Plane and Ice Para-Elemental Plane). In most mordern arts, frost giants have heavy influnce of Viking culture. As a result, I approve of some of them looking and living like those sailors and pirates.
Last but not least, Biggus has pointed out a potential problem which I have made some more discription to fix it. Antimagic doesn't always work on magical things, some spells that create something "durably" (such as prismatic sphere) are unaffected. Elemental creatures' nature weapons also work in antimagic field regardless of elemental itself being supposed to be "magical". This edition of frost giant is designed to be a T3-T4 encounter, so being able to use antimagic field is not something unreasonable. Especially combining the fact that giants usually have neither SR nor high will saving bonus for a high level encounter.

2024-02-21, 07:41 AM
Frost Giant
Size/Type: Huge Giant (Cold)
[QUOTE]Speed: 50 ft., swim 50 ft.

50 ft. (10 squares).

Attack: Gargantuan ice greataxe +22 melee (3d8+15 plus 1d6 cold) or Snowball +14 ranged (2d6+10 plus 1d6 cold) or Slam +20 melee (2d6+10)
Full Attack: Gargantuan ice greataxe +22/+17/+12 melee (3d8+15 plus 1d6 cold) or Gargantuan ice greataxe +22/+17 melee (3d8+15 plus 1d6 cold) and Slam +20 melee (2d6+10) or two Slams +20 melee (2d6+10) or Snowball +14 ranged (2d6+10 plus 1d6 cold)

+21/+16/+11 to-hit melee (12 BAB, -2 size, +10 STR, +1 feat);
Gargantuan greataxe damage should be 6d6+15, ×3;
in the underlined bit, it should get all two itratives and the slam is secondary, having a -5 to hit and only half STR to damage.

Skills: Climb +19, Knowledge(nature) +7, Perception +12, Survival +14 (+16 with racial bonus when in polar environment such as taiga or tundra)

Listen and Spot is not consolidated into Perception in 3.5. Knowledge (nature) should be at +9 (+2 synergy from Survival). Survival should be +14 (+16 in natural aboveground environments, +18 s above)(synergy from Knowledge (nature)).

You might want to add Swim +20 to the list, and a Skills section to the description with the usual swim speed benefits.

Organization: Solitary, Hunting or raiding party (2-5 plus 3-7 owlbears or 2-5 large elementals) or Clan (6-12 plus 1 barbarian, ranger or sorcerer as jarl plus 11-20 owlbears


or 2-5 huge elementals as guards and 1-2 ice weirds as skalds

Ice Weirds are tied to a location. Are clans based in fixed spot settlements?

Giant's Grip (Ex): Giants can use two-handed weapons (usually Gargantuan sized) with single hand without any penalty.

Two-handed weapons of any size? Does that include Colossal? Does that include Fine? Why don't they use Colossal if that includes Colossal?

2024-02-21, 08:51 AM
[QUOTE=Debihuman;25967759]Shoot, thought I'd posted my thoughts on this but they didn't post!

Thanks for your advice. Here are my answers to your questions.
First, giants are supposed to adapt the environment of Material Plane. So they are more of a native elemental creature like tritons. But since Outsider is the one and only Type that can have Native Subtype, I just don't add Extraplanar Subtype to the giants.
Second, I actually give 50 ft. swim speed to the frost giants and mention that they may live on the frigid coast of Material Plane (which is probally similiar to the edge of Water Elemental Plane and Ice Para-Elemental Plane). In most mordern arts, frost giants have heavy influnce of Viking culture. As a result, I approve of some of them looking and living like those sailors and pirates.
Last but not least, Biggus has pointed out a potential problem which I have made some more discription to fix it. Antimagic doesn't always work on magical things, some spells that create something "durably" (such as prismatic sphere) are unaffected. Elemental creatures' nature weapons also work in antimagic field regardless of elemental itself being supposed to be "magical". This edition of frost giant is designed to be a T3-T4 encounter, so being able to use antimagic field is not something unreasonable. Especially combining the fact that giants usually have neither SR nor high will saving bonus for a high level encounter.

Point taken about the giant's swim speed. I must have missed that. Anything that comes from another plane should really have Extraplanar as a Subtype. Native only applies to Outsiders and these are Giants so agree, that would not apply.

If the giant already had created a supernatural ice weapon (and he should) then it would not be affected by a later casting of antimagic field. However, if he doesn't already have the ice weapon, he would not be able to create one from within the antimagic field. It's a matter of when not if this is possible.

About Antimagic Field: "The space within this barrier is impervious to most magical effects, including spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities." You can't cast prismatic sphere within an antimagic field but the field won't disrupt an existing prismatic sphere. Ditto for the frost giant's ice weapon. He cannot summon one within the antimagic field, but if he already has one at hand, the antimagic field won't affect it. The weapon itself isn't magical. It's a weapon made of ice.


2024-02-21, 10:49 AM
Stone Giant
Size/Type: Huge Giant (Earth)
Hit Dice: 15d8+105 (172 HP)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft., burrow 60 ft., climb 20 ft.
Armor Class: 25 (+2 Dex, +15 natural, -2 size), Flatfooted 23, Touch 10
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+28
Attack: Gargantuan rock greatclub +18 melee (4d6+13) or Rock +13 ranged (2d8+9) or Slam +18 melee (2d6+9)
Full Attack: Gargantuan rock greatclub +18/+13/+8 melee (4d6+13) or Gargantuan rock greatclub +18/+13 melee (4d6+13) and Slam +13 melee (2d6+4) or 2 Slams +18 melee (2d6+9) or Rock +13/+11 ranged (2d8+9)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Rock Calling, Rock's Curse, Rock Throwing, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Darkvison 60 ft., Earth Glide, Freedom of Stone, Giant's Grip, Magic Immunity
Saves: Fort +16 Reflex +7 Will +9
Abilities: Str 29 Dex 15 Con 25 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 15
Skills: Appraise +13, Climb +19, Craft (gemcutting) +13, Spot +12, Survival +12 (+14 in moutain or underground environment)
Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Iron Will, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot
Environment: temperate mountains or Elemental Plane of Earth
Organization: Solitary, Mining Expedition (1-3 plus 2-5 Xorns) or Tribe (6-12 plus 1-3 sorcerers as elders and 1 ranger as sheriff plus 1-2 Earth Weirds, 9-17 Xorns and 11-20 Gnomes as settlers)
Challenge Rating: 11
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral Good or Neutral Evil
Advancement: By Class Level (Favored Classes: Ranger and Sorcerer)
Level Adjustment: +3

Earth Glide (Ex): A burrowing stone giant can pass through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other sign of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a burrowing stone giant flings the giant back 30 feet, stunning the giant for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 18 Fortitude save.

Freedom of Stone (Ex): A stone giant suffers no penalties from difficult terrain provided it is stone or dirt.

Giant's Grip (Ex): Giants can use two-handed weapons large enough for their size (usually Gargantuan sized) with single hand without any penalty.

Magic Immunity (Ex): Stone giants are immune to all spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects, except for the following: Magic missle, Forceful hand, Grasping hand, Clenched fist, and Crushing hand affect a stone giant normally. Furthermore, these spells can slow the giant as if it weighed only 500 pounds. A stone to flesh spell does not actually change the stone giant's structure but slows the giant (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds and makes it vulnerable to any normal attack for the following round. A flesh to stone spell or any other similiar effect breaks any slow effect on the giant and heals the giant by 1d6 hit points.

Rock Calling (Su): As a standard action, a stone giant can spawn rock from the ground and mold them into proper shape that can be used as a greatclub or several throwing rocks. These weapons are magical. Both stone greatclub and throwing rock have 10 hit points and hardness 5.

Rock's Curse (Su): If a stone giant succeeds on a grapple check by 11 or more, it can try to pull the target into any rock-based surface beneath. The target is trapped inside the rock without chocking hazard as if it is under the influnce of a meld into stone spell. The target must make a successful DC 19 Strenth check as a full-round action to exit the stone. A transmute rock to mud can free the target without killing it. If the rock is not large enough to contain the target, this ability has no effect.

Rock Throwing (Ex): Stone giants can use throwing weapons with +2 racial bonus. They can throw rocks as a ranged weapon attack at 150 ft. increments

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At will - passwall (stone only), statue (self only), stone tell; 3/day - planeshift (self plus up to 4 willing creatures to the Elemental Planes or the Material Plane only), stone shape; 1/day - transmute mud to rock, transmute rock to mud. A stone giant uses these abilities as a level 15th Sorcerer.

Stone giants are proud giants who live across the vast mountains and caverns of Material Plane and Elemental Plane of Earth.
A typical stone giant is about 17 ft. tall and weights over 15000 pound due to their dense body. Stone giants have skin color ranging from dark grey to soil brown but most of them having their hair color the same as glittering crystals.
Although being devided into "good" and "evil" aligments, this only shows a moral tedency for stone giants. Most stone giants are not cruel, but neither are they kind. Their tribes usually have ruthless efficiency, binding settlers at different classes and forcing everyone devote themselves for their "purpose of living". Usually, the elders are the undebatable leaders with the power to judge who can stay inside the tribe. A ranger will use violence to make sure the elders' law is followed. Common stone giants, skillful gnomes and earth weirds who are sometimes summoned to be mining advisers live as common citizens. Stone giants who have been proved to be lack of sculpting talent, xorns, gnomes without any talent and other tribe members are usually nothing but merely slaves who are frequently sent out to find valuable minerals for the other members.

Stone giants speak Common, Giant and Terran.

Combat: Stone giants prefer fighting with ranged attacks over charging forwards (which they consider as "style of lower beings"). Before the battle, stone giant will use borrowing speed and statue form to track foreigners and judge their threatening level. If a clash is near, they frequently change their location with their advantage of burrowing speed and high based speed while throwing rocks to their opponents. After the opponents are softened, stone giant moves towards the opponents and asks them to surrender. If the opponents still try to struggle, they will soon being the victims who are either crushed beneath a massive club or suffer the fate of becoming one with the terra literally.

2024-02-23, 05:31 AM
Cloud Giant
Size/Type: Huge Giant (Air)
Hit Dice: 19d8+114 (199 HP)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 50 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 26 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +11 natural, -2 size), Flatfooted 19, Touch 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +14/+32
Attack: Gargantuan morningstar +22 melee (4d6+15) or Slam +22 melee (2d6+10)
Full Attack: Gargantuan morningstar +22/+17/+12 melee (4d6+13) or Gargantuan morningstar +22/+17 melee (4d6+15) and Slam +17 melee (2d6+5) or 2 Slams +22 melee (2d6+10)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Wind Blast
Special Qualities: Darkvison 60 ft., Flight, Giant's Grip, Magic Immunity, Wind Form, Wind Sense
Saves: Fort +17 Reflex +12 Will +9
Abilities: Str 30 Dex 23 Con 22 Int 14 Wis 17 Cha 21
Skills: Appraise +12, Balance +20, Climb +19, Craft (anyone) +12, Fly +20, Perform (Dance) +20, Spot +13, Survival +13
Feats: Combat Expertise, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Mobility, Spring Attack, Power Attack
Environment: temperate forests or hills or Elemental Plane of Air
Organization: Solitary or Family (2-5 plus 1 sorcerer or swordsage as patriarch plus 1-3 Invisible Stalkers or 5-7 Pegasus as servants and 1-2 Air Weirds)
Challenge Rating: 14
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often Chaotic Neutral
Advancement: By Class Level (Favored Classes: Sorcerer and Swordsage)
Level Adjustment: +3

Flight (Ex): Although being massive, a cloud giant's body is naturally buoyant even without the supply of magic. This buoyancy allows it to fly at a speed of 60 feet. This buoyancy also grants it a permanent featherfall effect with personal range.

Giant's Grip (Ex): Giants can use two-handed weapons large enough for their size (usually Gargantuan sized) with single hand without any penalty.

Magic Immunity (Ex): Cloud giants are immune to all spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural effects. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature: Electricity spells and effects affect cloud giants normally, even if they are magical. Telekinesis can cause the giant to temporarily lose part of its form. This results in the giant suffering -4 to attacks and damage and the temporary loss of 6 hit points for the following round. It also prevents the giant from using its Wind Blast attack for the following turn. An ice storm spell slows a cloud giant (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At will - feather fall, levitate, magic missle; 3/day - fog cloud, planeshift (self plus up to 4 willing creatures to the Elemental Planes or the Material Plane only); 1/day - control weather, gaseous form, greater shout (DC 23). A cloud giant uses these abilities as a level 19th Sorcerer.

Wind Blast (Ex): When under wind form, a cloud giant can transform the air in radius around it into a forceful blast of wind and debris as an attack. This attack has the form of a scouring blast of wind, dealing 5d6 points of sonic damage in a 30-foot line (Reflex DC 24 half). The save DC is Constitution-based which is similiar to Poison ability. When under solid form, a cloud giant can use this ability to create a two-handed morning star in its hands.

Wind Form (Ex): As a standard action, a cloud giant can turn into a body made of wind and fog or turn back to its more solid form. In wind form, the giant can use neither its magic nor its solid form's attacks. It has base speed 10 ft., fly speed 60 ft (perfect). and DR 10/magic or cold iron. It can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks, with all it was wearing or holding in its hands, which is similiar to a gaseous form spell. But a cloud giant is still subject to poison and precision-based attacks under wind form because its overall body shape is not changed. This ability cannot be dispelled or be disturbed by anitmagic. A cloud giant doesn't revert to any particular form when its hit point reaches 0. (Both shapes are viewed as its true form)

Wind Sense (Su): A cloud giant can detect opponents who breathe air or have body smell within 60 ft..

Comparing with their cousins, cloud giants are carefree, artirism and mercantile beings, who welcome new experiences and enjoy learning from others. Just as fire giants are the ones who cleave closest to lawful evil without fully crossing over into true villainy, cloud giants are the friendliest of the giants and therefore the closest to but not into chaotic good.
A typical cloud giant stands 21 ft. tall but only weights 4000 pound. Their apperance highly reassembles elven with light blue skin and floating hair. In addition to their "giant elf"-like forms, they can take the shape of whirlwinds of dust, snow, or sand. In the mortal realm, they are often mistaken for djinn. Although used to live in the floating islands of Elemental Plane of Air, cloud giants adapt the open-air forests and hills of Material Plane. Legend says that an ancient hero won a competition with the greatest cloud giant patriarchs and forced them to serve his kingdom for 1001 days. This experince shows the color of Material Plane to the giants and attracts them to their new home. Most of them enjoy elven food, spicy human dishes, and all kinds of wine. Offering a well packed food gift package is an easy way to convince a cloud giant to stand on your side.
Cloud giants have align with air weirds and tend to treat them as creatures they should respect. The cloud giant family will find the best point to build elemental pools for weirds and continuely offering artcrafts and treasure to them while other giants are more likely to treat weirds as living scource of knowledge. Because of their similarities to elementals and fey, cloud giants also sometimes act as intermediaries between mortals, elementals, and fey. When taking the role of mediator, a cloud giant usually prefer suggesting friendly competitions or games to end disputes.

Cloud giants speak Common, Giant and Auran.

Combat: Cloud giants use their magical powers, mobility and aerial abilities as a replacement to rock throwing. A cloud giant quickly picks out the would-be leader of the foe team and use its wind form to reach it as quickly as possible while using wind blast to disrupt other foes. Cloud giants also have enough intelligence to use tactics like spliting enemies with fog cloud before making a dive. Luckly, they are more of mercyful person and refuse to attack others in most cases.

2024-02-27, 11:28 AM
Fire Giant
Size/Type: Huge Giant (Fire)
Hit Dice: 19d8+171 (226 HP)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 50 ft., fly 50 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 28 (+1 Dex, +19 natural, -2 size), Flatfooted 27, Touch 9
Base Attack/Grapple: +14/+34
Attack: Gargantuan obsidian greatsword +25 melee (4d6+18 plus 1d6 fire) or Slam +24 melee (2d6+12) or Heated Rock +15 ranged (2d8+12 plus 1d6 fire)
Full Attack: Gargantuan obsidian greatsword +25/+20/+15 melee (4d6+18 plus 1d6 fire) or Gargantuan obsidian greatsword +25/+20 melee (4d6+18 plus 1d6 fire) and Slam +19 melee (2d6+6) or 2 Slams +24 melee (2d6+12) or Heated Rock +15 ranged (2d8+12 plus 1d6 fire)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Heated Rock, Obsidian Blade, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Darkvison 60 ft., Flaming, Flight, Giant's Grip, Immunity to Fire, Magic Immunity, Vulnerability to Cold
Saves: Fort +20 Reflex +7 Will +11
Abilities: Str 35 Dex 12 Con 28 Int 18 Wis 17 Cha 15
Skills: Appraise +16, Climb +24, Craft (smithing) +16, Craft (weapons) +16, Fly +13, Jump +24, Knowledge (arcana) +18, Listen +15, Spot +15, Survival +15
Feats: Cleave, Diehard, Endurance, Great Cleave, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Environment: warm deserts or mountains or Elemental Plane of Fire
Organization: Solitary or Band (2-3 plus 3-5 Rasts and 6-10 Azers) or Colony (2-5 plus 1 sorcerer or warblade as leader plus 11-20 Azers, 4-9 Rasts and 1-2 Fire Weirds)
Challenge Rating: 14
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often Lawful Neutral
Advancement: By Class Level (Favored Classes: Sorcerer and Warblade)
Level Adjustment: +3

Flaming (Su): A fire giant’s body is protected by dancing flames. Anyone striking a fire giant with a natural weapon takes 1d6 points of fire damage. A creature that grapples a fire giant or is grappled by one takes 6d6 points of fire damage each round the grapple persists. A fire giant can use an immidiate action to temporarily nullified this ability.

Flight (Ex): By continually errupting fire out of their knees, fire giants are able to levitate in mid-air. This ability allows them to fly at speed of 50 ft..

Giant's Grip (Ex): Giants can use two-handed weapons large enough for their size (usually Gargantuan sized) with single hand without any penalty.

Heated Rock (Ex): Giants are adepts of throwing and use any throwing weapons with +2 racial bonus. In the case of a fire giant, it can throw heated rocks as a ranged weapon attack at 150 ft. increments.

Magic Immunity (Ex): Fire giants are immune to all spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural effects. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature: Cold spells and effects affect fire giants normally, even if they are magical (and note the giant's vulnerability to cold). Any water-based spell of 5th level or higher deals 10d6 points of damage to the fire giant. The giant can attempt a Will save (DC 10 + spell level + caster’s relevant ability score modifier) to halfen the damage.

Obsidian Blade (Su): At will as a standard action, a fire giant can create a blade of jagged obsidian that functions as a greatsword. This weapon has 12 hit points and hardness 5. 1d6 minutes after it leaves the giant’s grasp, the weapon crumples into useless powder. The giant can also form heated rock for throwing with this ability. A heated rock has 10 hit points and hardness 8. These weapon are magical and deal 1d6 fire damage to any creature who touches or gets striked by them.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At will - produce flame, pyrotechnics (DC 14); 3/day - planeshift (self plus up to 4 willing creatures to the Elemental Planes or the Material Plane only), wall of fire; 1/day - cone of heat (DC 17, as cone of cold but deals fire damage). A fire giant uses these abilities as a level 19th Sorcerer.

Fire giants used to be elemental people living on the Plane of Fire, often crudely described by mortals as oversized red dwalves. A typical fire giant is 18 ft. tall and weights over 20000 pounds. Most of them have stout, wide bodies with broad shoulders, shining metallic skin, and heads wreathed in flame.
Long ago, traditional fire giant values of self-sufficiency and close community led them to build mighty fortresses across the Plane of Fire, where they isolated themselves from other planar denizens and even other giant communities. These values, sadly, also led to their downfall. Without any connections to or regular communication with other settlements, these fortresses were easily conquered by the efreeti of the City of Brass. Nowadays, many giant fortresses are ruined, with free holds so few that most people think them all lost. Most of the remaining fire giants has fled to the Material Plane along with some of their allies.
The giants' great constitution help them adapt the environment of their new home. Some fire giants now reside in hot, volcanic areas of the Darklands on the Material Plane, while others have fled to the vast desert. Prying mortals nevertheless perpetually seek out these settlements, longing for legendary goods crafted by giants. Fire giants are bitterful person. They blame themselves frequently and treat most creatures as potential enemies. Although being the best craftsmen of elemental giants, fire giants waste their talent and only praise the craft of weapons. They treat azers, rasts and fire weirds as trust able person because of their common hatred to efreeti. While most mortals are only offered a chance to explain themselves and run away before fire giants use them as a sacrifice to their forge. Fire giants hate efreet genasi, any legend based on genies, any mortals' praise to genies and of course, efreeti themsleves. Promising to feed the blade with the pain of an efreet is probally the most efficient way to convince a fire giant to help smithing a weapon for you.

Fire giants speak Common, Giant and Ignan.

Combat: Fire giant use their heated rock and cone of heat before entering serious combat. Unlike many other giants, fire giants seldom hide their exsistence and prefer a face to face combat.

2024-03-05, 10:39 AM
Storm Giant
Size/Type: Huge Giant (Electricity, Water)
Hit Dice: 20d8+160 (250 HP)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 50 ft., fly 50 ft. (good), swim 60 ft.
Armor Class: 30 (+1 Dex, +4 Deflection, +15 natural, -2 size), Flatfooted 29, Touch 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+37
Attack: Gargantuan lightning spear +28 melee (3d6+21/x3 plus 1d6 electricity) or Slam +27 melee (2d6+14)
Full Attack: Gargantuan lightning spear +28/+23/+18 melee (3d6+21/x3 plus 1d6 electricity) or Gargantuan lightning spear +28/+23 melee (3d6+21/x3 plus 1d6 electricity) and Slam +22 melee (2d6+7) or 2 Slams +27 melee (2d6+14)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Bolt Throwing, Lightning Bolts, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Darkvison 60 ft., Flight, Flowing Robes, Giant's Grip, Immunity to Electricity, Magic Immunity, Resistance to Cold 30, Water Breathing
Saves: Fort +20 Reflex +7 Will +13
Abilities: Str 39 Dex 12 Con 26 Int 16 Wis 20 Cha 21
Skills: Appraise +13, Climb +24, Craft (anyone) +13, Fly +11, Jump +29, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (history) +13, Listen +15, Spot +15, Survival +15, Swim +24
Feats: Awesome Blow, Diehard, Endurance, Improved Bull Rush, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (spear)
Environment: any warm aquatic or Elemental Plane of Water
Organization: Solitary or Group (2-3 plus 1 sorcerer as leader plus 4-7 huge elementals and 1-2 water weirds)
Challenge Rating: 15
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often True Neutral
Advancement: By Class Level (Favored Classes: Sorcerer and Swordsage)
Level Adjustment: +3

Bolt Throwing (Su): When throwing a spear, a storm giant turns it into a lightning bolt which strikes a 120 ft. line and deals 5d10 lightning damage (Reflex DC 25 half). The thrown spear returns to the storm giant's hand as a free action.

Flight (Ex): By controlling the vapor around it, a storm giant can "swim" through air at a speed of 50 ft..

Flowing Robes (Ex): A storm giant's robe is infused with elemental rain cloud. These robes grant a +4 deflection bonus for storm giants when being worn.

Giant's Grip (Ex): Giants can use two-handed weapons large enough for their size (usually Gargantuan sized) with single hand without any penalty.

Lightning Bolts (Su): A storm giant can create a magical spear in it's hand as a standard action. Any creature touches or be attacked with this spear takes 1d6 electricy damage. A lightning bolt spear has 15 hit points and hardness 10.

Magic Immunity (Ex): Storm giants are immune to all spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural effects. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature: Magic missle, Forceful hand, Grasping hand, Clenched fist, and Crushing hand affect a storm giant normally. Furthermore, these spells can slow the giant as if it weighed only 500 pounds. Any earth-based spell of 5th level or higher deals 10d6 points of damage to the storm giant. The giant can attempt a Will save (DC 10 + spell level + caster’s relevant ability score modifier) to halfen the damage.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At will - create water, true strike, water breathing, water walk (self only); 3/day - control weather, planeshift (self plus up to 4 willing creatures to the Elemental Planes or the Material Plane only); 1/day - chain lightning (DC 21). A strom giant uses these abilities as a level 20th Sorcerer.

Storm Giants are one of the most powerful forms of giants, possessing great control over weather and water. Some of them are even worshiped as lesser deties by smaller folks. Storm giants can have a wide variety of alignments and outlooks. Some are benevolent, placing themselves as guardians of a region and ensuring good weather and harvests. Some are violent, terrorizing innocent people with dangerous weather and bolts of lighting. Yet others are recluses, tending to their gardens in distant islands, far away from civilization. A typical strom giant is 24 ft. tall and weights 22000 pound which is enormous even under the standard of giants.
Long ago before the establish of the first elven city, storm giants have moved to the Material Plane. They claim themselves as the first elemental folks who complete colonization and thus view themselves as nobles of elemental giants. However, other giants just view them as vain people. Storm giants worship omen, they believe it was an omen attract them to their new home on the Material Plane. Storm giants who are shown to be gifted with augury talent are always the undebatable leader among them.

Storm giants speak Common, Giant and Aquan.

Combat: A storm giant uses its advantage of flight and swimming to keep distance with opponents. While being engaged, storm giant throws mighty lightning bolts from its hands as easy as throwing a pebble. Due to their perfectionist obsession, storm giants almost always cast true strike before each of their melee attacks, even if doing so makes no tactical or strategic sense. A storm giant cannot attack in the round that true strike is used. The exception to this rule is that storm giants will make opportunity attacks.