View Full Version : A future uncertain (help request for setting development)

2024-02-22, 03:19 PM

I'll skip the background, but my players have decided to spend the rest of the campaign on one side of a wall that is technically 1000 years in the past.

I've decided that divination magic in this time bubble doesn't work anymore. More specifically it creates Quintessence (a macguffin certain types of illithids hunt, and that you used to be able to make with psionic powers).

Now, divination magic creates this glowing opalescent goop. The goop is intended to be a plot device solution to the "Time Quakes," a sub-plot I'm stealing from Futurama. (basically, at any moment your consciousness might get flung into the future leaving you standing in new circumstances with no understanding of how you got there).

This is only one possible solution. There's a Fae Queen locked up by the Elves that will offer the Sleeping Beauty option (1000 year slumber).

Conjurer School has a plan to move everyone to the Astral Plane, etc.

Besides Hunter's Mark, are there any bread and butter Divination spells that you can think of where their absence would really hinder a setting or the players? Detect Magic and Comprehend Languages is all I can think of as standard operating procedures, but any others are welcome.

I also want there to be practical applications for Quintessence beyond mere plot device. Here's what I'm thinking so far:
A divination spell creates 1d10 dollops of quintessence per spell level.

1 dollop keeps a large or smaller creature frozen during a time quake for a week. From the outside, they wink out until the quake passes then reappear where they were, but no one notices the winking out, because anyone not similarly protected will just be somewhere else. You can smear or splash it on or drink it (if you can drink Aftershock, you can drink this). Most objects and structures require only one dollop. (inanimate things do not have the potential to change futures). This means events around them progress without their input, but it also means they won't unexpectedly be dead when everyone shifts.

You can throw a flask with 5 dollops on something and have it wink out of existence for 1d4 turns.

Naturally I want this to have an extreme effect on Divination Wizards, so here's a subclass:

Quintessent Dreams
At 2nd level the normally portentious dreams you have are blank spaces of restful slumber, however when you complete a long rest you can immediately excrete 10 dollops of Quintessence. Most wizards choose to expactorate it, but you do you.

Reactive Fling
At 6th level your familiarity with Quintessence and its properties allows you to use it quickly in crises. When a creature you can see within 30 feet is hit by an attack or fails a saving throw you can use your reaction to make a ranged attack with a flask of Quintessence containing 5 or more dollops. Your target can grant you advantage on the attack.

At 10th level your understanding of Quintessence allows you unlock the cosmic energies contained within which can scourge away the present. Each dollop of Quintessence you apply to a creature can rewind its physical time, undoing injuries, the ravages of disease, or age. Each dollop of Quintessence you apply to a creature or object can restore 1d6 hit points. The creature is limned by grey flames that provide dim light out to 5 feet for a number of rounds equal to the hit points restored.

Alternatively, if you mix 100 dollops of Quintessence with rare herbs worth 1000 gp and bathe a corpse that has been dead for less than a year in the mixture, it is restored to life with 1 hit point.

Quiescent Dreams
At 14th level your dreamless state is deeper still and you can now create 20 dollops of Quintessence after each long rest.

2024-02-23, 05:25 AM
I gather that we're talking 5E?

Guidance being removed might impact a PC who took it. Detect magic and identify are often used, and not necessarily thought of as divination, so I thought I'd mention them.

Invisibility and deception just got a bit better.

Totem barbarian needs a replacement feature.