View Full Version : Optimization Sorlock: Starting Ability Scores + 4th-level Feat

2024-02-23, 06:29 PM
Hi all,
I'm builiding a Shard-Kai Sorlock (Clockwork Soul X / Hexblade 2), focused on controlling.

I'm thinking to choose these initial ability scores:
ST: 8; DE: 14; CO: 15+1; IN: 8; WI: 10; CH: 15+2

But at level 4, which half-feat can I take for getting 18 CH?

Or, do you have an alternative ability score array?

2024-02-24, 04:50 AM
Shadow touched, Fey touched, Telekinetic, Telepathic IMO are your best options for half-feat for charisma.

2024-02-24, 01:41 PM
Shadow touched, Fey touched, Telekinetic, Telepathic IMO are your best options for half-feat for charisma.

Shadow Touched: I'm not very interested in Invisibility and these first-level spells don't look good to me.

Fey Touched: not good thematically (I'm a shadar kai, hexblade with Queen Raven as patron). Moreover I have already short-range teleport from my race.

Telekinetic: I have Repelling Blast. Moreover I have Quickened Spell and teleportation for my bonus action.

Telepathic: I don't like it (not strong enough?).

I'm not an expert player so please tell me if I'm wrong. Do you still thinking these feats are better then a different arrange of the initial ability scores?

2024-02-24, 02:22 PM
Elven accuracy is almost always a nice pick up, as shadar-kai are a type of elf. As a hexblade it'll work on both your weapons attacks and attack roll spells (like EB). if thats less your style I'm always a fan of skill expert for characters in need of a half feat

2024-02-24, 03:03 PM
Elven Accuracy would be a good pick. Lets you effectively roll 3d20 on attack rolls when you have Advantage, and applies to both your weapon attacks as well as Eldritch Blasts. Combines well with your expanded critical range from Hexblade's Curse.

Or, if you want some added out of combat utility, you could go with Skill Expert for Expertise in Stealth, and wear a Breastplate to avoid the stealth penalty from medium armor.

2024-02-24, 05:10 PM
I would be very interested in Elven Accuracy but how can I have a reliable source of advantage?

I want only two level of warlock (no improved familiar). Moreover, regarding the invocations, I have repelling and agonizing blast (no devil's sight).

2024-02-24, 07:14 PM
I would be very interested in Elven Accuracy but how can I have a reliable source of advantage?

I want only two level of warlock (no improved familiar). Moreover, regarding the invocations, I have repelling and agonizing blast (no devil's sight).

So . . . replace Repelling Blast with Devil's Sight?

Mechanically, I believe the Darkness/Devil's Sight/Elven Accuracy combination is some of the best ways to deal consistent damage throughout a prolonged combat encounter, even if it is a bit cheesy. You can, of course, bypass the need for Devil's Sight if you were a Shadow Sorcerer, but you're not as of present.

2024-02-24, 08:48 PM
I would be very interested in Elven Accuracy but how can I have a reliable source of advantage?

Invisibility or Obscurement you can see through, such as Darkness + Devil's Sight or Greater Invisibility, is one option.

You also have access to a wide variety of spells that can Blind/Restrain/Incapacitate/Prone/Paralyze/etc. enemies to trigger Advantage, including stuff like Grease, Blindness, Hold Person/Monster, Web, Tidal Wave, etc.

Finally... Teamwork! Your allies can also use their spells and abilities to set you up with Advantage. You don't have to do it all yourself; D&D is a team sport.

2024-02-24, 09:39 PM
Shadow of Moil once you get 4th level warlock spells. Darkness+Devils Sight before that.

2024-02-25, 12:52 AM
Regarding Elven Accuracy, cast Web.

Regarding Fey Touched, flavor is free; you can keep the mechanics but reflavor it any way you like. You can pick Gift of Alacrity and cast it once per long rest without using a spell slot, plus get a free Misty Step in case you use up your other teleportation.

Gift of the Gem Dragon could be useful, again reflavor it as needed.

2024-02-25, 10:37 AM
Shadow of Moil once you get 4th level warlock spells. Darkness+Devils Sight before that.

Sounds like they're stopping at Hexblade 2, so they'll never have 4th level Warlock spells. They can still grab the Devil's Sight invocation at Warlock 2, though.

2024-02-26, 06:59 AM
Thank you everyone for you suggestions.

Right now, my favourite choices are: Elven Accuracy and Fey Touched (for Gift of Alacrity).
Do you think Telekinetic is not worth if I have Repelling Blast + Quickened Spell + Shadar-Kai Misty Step?.

Anyway, none suggested to change the initial ability score (CH 14+2 instead of 15+2). I think this says a lot.

2024-03-07, 09:05 AM
Will you be starting Sorcerer or Warlock? If you're starting Warlock, you can swap out Con and Cha, increase Cha by 2 at level 4 and get Resilient: Con at level 8.

I think Elven Accuracy is an over-rated feat, unless you build for it with a crit-fisher or something of the sort. Truth is, when you have Advantage, you're almost always hitting already.

Telekinetic is good, and I'd say it's actually better with Repelling Blast, for two reasons:
1- the more you can reposition your enemies, the better
2- if someone closes in on you, you'd have disadvantage with your Repelling Blast. With Telekinetic, you can push him away 5' and then Eldritch Blast him far away without disadvantage. It's probably what I'd go with.