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2024-02-25, 11:10 AM
Hammer of Bartalus
(Rare) requires Attunement by a Fighter, Barbarian, or Fiend Patron Warlock with the Pact of the Blade.
This grisly weapon was made from the skull of a pit fiend filled with lead. The devil’s trapped spirit fills its bearer’s mind with battlelust granting them a single use the Rage feature. If the bearer is level 15 or higher this becomes a Berserker Rage and once per turn the wielder can deal an additional 3d6 bludgeoning damage with an attack using the hammer.

The wielder gains a level of exhaustion when the Rage ends. Barbarians can remove this exhaustion with a short rest.

Irons of Zhou’Hai
(Rare) Requires Attunement
These iron manacles were forged in the Great Red’s living breath by one of Dar’raya’s first dragonborn children. They bear a sacred curse used to train countless warriors. The iron bands have no chains but are inscribed with numerous wards and Sigils. Each manacle can be attached to an incapacitated creature as an action, the manacles have no effect until both are attached.

The wearer is charmed by the creature to which they are attuned and cannot move more than 30 feet away from that creature until they are removed. The wearer cannot gain the benefit of a long rest until they are removed, however, if the wearer is suffering from any levels of exhaustion after wearing the Irons for more than a day, removing them suppresses the effects of exhaustion and grants the effect of the Haste and Tenser’s Transformation spells to the released creature for 1 minute.

Lich’s Touch Casket
(Legendary) Requires Attunement
This 8x4x4 box of petrified wood weighs only 30 lbs when empty. Placing a helpless creature in the box requires an action. An incapacitated living creature placed in the box is paralyzed until released or it dies of deprivation. The corpse of a living creature in the box becomes a zombie at the next sunset.

Aklasydian’s Fiend-foiling Purse / The Gambler’s Purse
(Very Rare) Requires Attunement
This simple pouch of silvery white leather has a finely woven gold wire and toggle to open or close it. Once attuned, it can hold up to 100,000 gp worth of coins (and only coins). Any effort to purloin the purse is pyschically mirrored on the sensitive anatomy of the bearer causing such efforts to immediately fail, though any efforts to cut the purse are quite painful.

Seven-Demon Stones
(???) Requires Attunement
Basic Divination magic fails to unlock the true nature of these colorful but seemingly worthless stones but reveals great power within. Once attuned however, the bearer can make use of a unique cantrip depending on the color of the stone. Each of the stones can be used as the focus for the Cantrip they endow the bearer with. You decide when they are attuned if the Cantrip uses your Charisma or Constitution as the Spell Casting Ability.

Attuning more than one stone doubles the range of each Cantrip for each stone after the first (so 30 for attuning two stones and 60 for three and so on). Having more than one stone attuned increases the saving throw DC for the Cantrips they endow by 1 for each stone attuned.

Hateful Ruminations
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting time: One Action
Range: 15 ft
Target: One Creature you have Charmed
Duration: Instant
Components: S, M
The target of this spell must succeed at a Charisma save or be overwhelmed by self-destructive impulses and will use its reaction to make an attack listed in its statblock against itself or move up to half its speed toward an obvious hazard such as a cliff or dangerous enemy if it would normally be immune to its own attack (like a Fire Elemental would be).

Misdirected Anger
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting time: Bonus Action
Range: 15 ft
Target: One Creature you have damaged this turn.
Duration: Instant
Components: S, M
The target of this spell must succeed on an Intelligence Saving Throw or they attribute the damage you dealt them this turn to another creature of your choice within range of this spell. The creature's nature and circumstances will determine how they respond. A pair of friends may assume it was a simple if dangerous mistake they should discuss later, while a mercenary rogue may believe they're being betrayed and flee to plot revenge.

Undue Suspicion
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting time: One Action
Casting time: Range: 15 ft
Target: One Creature you can see within range
Duration: 1 minute
Components: S, M (Concentration)
The target must succeed on a Charisma Saving Throw or each creature they speak to for the duration will think they are lying.

Dangerous Empathy
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting time: Bonus Action
Range: 15 ft
Target: One Creature you can see within range
Duration: One Round
Components: S, M
The target must succeed on a Charisma Saving throw or have their mind become dangerously concerned with your wellbeing. On a failure the target becomes Charmed for the duration. While Charmed in this way the target has advantage on Wisdom Tests made against you and suffers psychic damage equal to half the damage you take for the duration.

Toxic Hope
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting time: Bonus Action
Range: 15 ft
Target: One Creature suffering a condition
Duration: One Round
Components: S, M
The target of this spell must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or become filled with an unearned sense of confidence that someone will help them from their current predicament. The creature will not move or take an action for the duration of the spell. Once a creature succeeds on a saving throw against this spell it is immune until it completes a long rest.

Malefic Love
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting time: One Action
Range: 5 ft radius
Target: Self
Duration: Until the beginning of your next turn
Components: S, M
Creatures within the area must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw or become hostile to you for the duration of the spell and move up to half their speed toward you as a reaction. An affected creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of you has disadvantage to attack targets other than you for the duration.

Problematic Jealousy
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting time: One Action
Range: 15 ft
Target: One object you own worth 100gp or more
Duration: One minute
Components: S, M (Concentration)
Creatures within this spell’s range must succeed on a Wisdom Saving throw or become intrigued by and preoccupied with the target object. Creatures that fail the save have advantage on Wisdom tests concerning the object or any creature holding the object and disadvantage on wisdom tests The creature’s nature and immediate circumstances will determine how they behave while affected. A band of brigands may start a brawl over it, a dragon may demand it as tribute, a commoner may try to steal it or stare wistfully at it.

The Armor of Chaos Incarnate
(Artifact) Requires Attunement by a creature of Chaotic alignment
This large suit of heavy platemail appears to be composed of plates of frozen darkness affixed to an unnameable leather. The armor can be split into lesser pieces as a Helm, Breastplate, Chausses, Gauntlets, and Greaves. While incomplete the armor pieces can be attuned as one and will resize themselves and make use of any supplemental armor the creature wears to provide the normal Armor Class of Half-Plate. In this form they serve as intimidating and indestructible armor pieces with no further function unless the wearer is in possession of one or more of the Seven-Demon Stones. Staring into the plates or studying the leathers leaves the viewer with swirling patterns of color in their vision and troubling dreams when they next rest.

As a complete set the armor writhes onto a creature that successfully attunes it and assumes a comfortable form and size that does not restrict their movement and thus does not inflict the penalties normally associated with heavy armor. The armor has no additional functions unless the wearer is in possession of one or more of the Seven-Demon Stones.

Any of the Seven-Demon Stones that come into the wearer's possession can be subsumed into the armor pieces the character wears as an action. The Helm, Breastplate, Chausses, each Gauntlet and each of the Greaves can hold one stone. While subsumed into the armor's plates the stones are considered Attuned to the character wearing the armor piece. When the armor becomes unattuned, each of the stones emerges from the armor. Having certain combinations of stones grants the wearer access to greater powers as follows.

Each Stone grants the armor 1 charge. Additionally, the wearer can create charges as part of casting the spell by expending 2 hit dice per charge. Spells granted by the armor can be cast by expending a number of charges equal to the level of the spell. Expending additional charges increases the power the spell as if it had been upcast with a slot level equal to the sum of the charges spent.

Red/Orange. The wearer can cast Hellish Rebuke.
Yellow/Green. The wearer can cast Geas.
Blue/Indigo. The wearer can cast Confusion.
Any 3 Stones. The wearer can cast Summon Lesser Demons.
Any 4 Stones. The wearer can cast Polymorph. The creature's new form is determined by the DM.
Any 5 Stones. The wearer can cast Summon Greater Demon.
Any 6 Stones. The wearer can cast Disintegrate.
All 7 Stones. The wearer can cast Gatebut the duration is permanent and the only two possible destinations are Limbo and the Abyss. Creatures called must exist on one of the two planes or the spell fails.

The 7 pieces of this armor are currently held in vaults by various powerful entities across the Planes. Vlaakith holds the Helm in her bed chamber, Zariel and Tiamat each have a piece. A Fae Queen wears the Greaves as part of her punishment, and the Morning Lord's Shadow wears the Breastplate and Chausses into battle with the Dark Powers. It is believed Demon Princes become immediately aware of any individual that dons the full set, waiting for the moment they may open a portal to their world.