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2024-02-29, 09:18 PM
The building Liliana directed you to is easy to find but hard to approach, hemmed in by a nexus of one-way streets which seem to ensure that whenever you are close enough to the building to see it you are legally required to drive straight away from it, but you're able to park close enough to approach the building; how close to the requested arrival time you get there depends on how much time you left yourself.

Her contact asked for you to come to Room 901 at 2 PM. The desk guard looks surprised by some of your looks, but not enough to get out of his chair; unless you seek to engage him in conversation, he waves you by. Let me know how you're approaching the building and when you're likely to get there.

2024-03-01, 08:46 PM
As Julian prepares for the meeting, he approaches the situation with some caution. Before leaving his home, Julian meticulously checks his personal protection equipment. He selects a discreet, firearm, ensuring it's loaded and secure within a holster under his jacket, tailored to not draw unwanted attention.

Driving to the meeting, Julian opts for Zahir's older F-150, a choice that blends in with the local traffic and doesn't stand out as overly suspicious or luxurious. The complexity of the one-way streets around the building proves to be a challenge, but Julian's foresight in allowing extra travel time pays off. Sadly it also means he did not get to inspect the building as much as he wanted to.

Zahir drops Julian off a block away, then circles the area. Julian walks the remaining distance to the building.

Julian pays close attention to his surroundings this could be a gathering of friends or something more insidious.

Upon entering the building, Julian's appearance draws a brief look of surprise from the desk guard, perhaps due to his out-of-town aura or the slight bulge under his jacket that suggests he's not entirely defenseless.

Liliana is from another Pantheon so displaying diplomatic courtesy is in order. Julian will knock on the door a few seconds after 2 PM.

2024-03-02, 02:31 AM
Mateusz has dressed to the meeting casually - blue jeans and a colorful t-shirt. He was wearing glasses and had a black hair a little bit longer than the typical male was sprouting. Under his t-shirt, he had his bullet-proof vest (he was wearing it all the time, even to sleep). He was also wearing on his neck his golden Sun pendant, the most important gift he had received from his father.

Of course, he brought Helena to the meeting, his closest friend. She was also wearing glasses, had long, straight, blonde hair and beautiful, ocean-blue eyes.

- I'm wondering what the meeting will be about? - Mateusz said to Helena in Polish – If this is something… shocking, I’m glad I have you with me – he smiled to his friend – But considering all the people have Gods’ blood in their veins, I presume we could deal with anything, don’t you think?

2024-03-02, 09:24 AM
"Having blood like that was one of the requirements for getting invited to this meeting in the first place. Whatever is going on makes this a requirement, not a guarantee for an easy time." A voice spoke up behind Mateusz, speaking polish as if its owner had grown up in downtown Warsaw.

Liliana wore an expertly tailored black suit with a red tie. The suit was tailored to her specifications and hid the holster under her left arm that held a handgun. In contrast to the suit her own appearance was rather unremarkable, her reddish-brown hair being the one feature most people would remember after meeting her. "I mentioned it in my message to you, but I've been unable to verify who asked to arrange this meeting, so keep your guard up."

Liliana had come alone, though Graham, her... butler, for lack of a better term was parked with his car near the hotel. Graham had been one of the first of the people who owed her father to get in contact with her, and he helped her with all kinds of matters. The older man kept the house clean, drove her around, made dinner, helped organize information and much more. He was no fighter, but a great help with the day-to-day running of her business.

"In case it wasn't clear, I'm Liliana Cypher." She offered Mateusz a business card, the nice one with her full name on it, not the one with her initial that she mostly used as a subtle intimidation tool. "We could wait down here for the others, but that's assuming no one came early. I'll be heading up now, but feel free to wait for the rest if you wish." She headed in the direction of the elevators to make her way to room 901.

2024-03-02, 11:44 AM
- Oh? - the face of Mateusz lighted up, when hearing (apparently?) a foreigner speaking his mother language – Mateusz, my pleasure, and this is Helena. - he did a short introduction – I think we will go with you, there’s no really a need to do otherwise? - he asked, when looking at Helena with a raised eyebrow.

2024-03-02, 01:38 PM
Brand stepped off of the bus, shading his eyes in the morning (almost noon, now) sun. Not so long ago he would have been miserable, jet-lagged and stiff from his trans-Atlantic flight. Now, most of a year since his Visitation, he hardly even noticed the discomfort.

The bus hadn't been able to get him very close to the address. Inconvenient, but that's why he'd come early. More curious was that neither of the ride-sharing apps he'd checked would have been able to take him to his destination, either. Not enough information to draw any conclusions, but intriguing.

His divine mother (11 months since his Visitation, and he still wasn't sure how he felt about her) had sent him a dream informing him that his next task would be coming soon. Sure enough, a mysterious invitation from "an American colleague" had arrived the next week. He'd made sure that the vulnerable people he had helped (the ones still speaking with him, at least) would have reliable contacts in his absence, referred his students to other self-defense instructors, packed his clothes, and been on a flight a few days later.

Truth be told, he had been expecting something like this for quite a while, and laying the groundwork ahead of time. Selecting online courses whenever possible, establishing networks that would survive his absence, letting his friends, students, and contacts know that he may have to leave unexpectedly.

...Well. That wasn't quite true.

...And he was done ignoring hard truths.

He hadn't been expecting a new quest to uproot his life all over again.

He'd been hoping for one.

And now, looking up the walk at this towering skyscraper, a part of yet somehow apart from the city around it, he finally felt it again. The thrill. How long had it been since he faced a real challenge? Months? Years, even, if you were talking about a purely physical test. But whatever this was, whatever could possibly require the combined efforts of multiple people like himself, it was rekindling that fire deep inside of him. And if he could help some people along the way, do some real good, well then, that was even better.

Brand grinned behind his cheap sunglasses.

"Oh, I am looking forward to this."

Brand is in business casual (plus cheap sunglasses he picked up at the airport); black pants and a short-sleeved button-up shirt. A closer inspection will reveal that they're made with slightly stretchier fabrics than typical, allowing a better range of motion while still looking like he belongs in most settings. He is packing neither weapons nor armor, but does have a laptop tucked under one arm and a charging cord coiled up in a back pocket.

Brandon himself has no presence at all. Slightly above average height, slightly above average build, pale, lightly freckled. If not for his longish red hair, he'd be aggressively forgettable; as is, he's just bland, like an extra in a movie.

This illusion cracks a bit if he starts to talk, but for now he's content to watch and learn.

2024-03-02, 01:57 PM
Max's car backfired as he parked outside the address, the old beater always had something wrong with it but managed to just barely keep running. Max stepped out of the car, pushing back long black hair. He was dressed in jeans and a band t-shirt, with a light leather jacket. Anyone inspecting the leather with the correct Boons would notice it was giving him far more protection than it looked like. His computer bag slung over one shoulder contained, among other things, a textbook whose letters swam and changed if you stared at them just right, like one of those magic eye puzzles. With a bit of trepidation he opened the trunk and looked at the rifle, deciding at the last minute to leave it for this meeting.

Max entered the room quietly, waiting to see who was in charge here. He took a seat where he could see all the exits best.

2024-03-03, 05:58 PM
Room 901 is, unsurprisingly, very close to the elevator on the ninth floor. It's a square room, with a closed door opposite the door you went in by, and a table in the middle of the room, surrounded by a dozen chairs. Sitting in one of those chairs is a pale-skinned blonde woman who looks about 30, in a grey business suit. She rises when the first one of you enters the room; she's about five and a half feet tall. She speaks with a faint accent that's hard to place.

Until she is reasonably certain no one else is arriving, she seems reluctant to speak of her reasons for asking you to come there, but when all of you have arrived, she speaks in a soft but clear voice.

"I apologize for any awkwardness. I am not used to deal with--those like myself. There is someone very dear to me who suffers from an affliction caused by--by titanspawn." She stumbles slightly over the word. "I have discovered that there is an object that could help him, but it is in Atlanta, in the hands of those who I could not get it from myself. I am hoping you will be willing and able to retrieve it for me. I can pay you...I suspect money is of relatively little value, but I have a number of resources. If there are other objects you would want, I might be able to get them for you."

After a moment, she blinks and adds, "I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I? You can call me Elena Kessler."

2024-03-04, 01:06 AM
Liliana had taken a seat somewhere, and gave Elena her best 'reassuring a client' smile. "Ms. Kessler, I do think I could be of some assistance with this. However, it would help to know more. What can you tell me about this object? What are we looking for, and who currently owns it?"

2024-03-04, 06:22 PM
"I do not know its name; it is of Celtic origin, I believe." Elena produces a drawing of a sword. "It is either quite a large dagger or quite a small sword. I believe it is in the hands of"--once again she stumbles over the word--"titanspawn. My research led me to a university, and there the trail went cold for me, but I have hope that you might be better able to get answers."

2024-03-04, 11:01 PM
He nods politely to Brand, Mateusz, Max, and gives a slight acknowledgment to Liliana for her initiative in engaging with Elena.

"Ms. Kessler," Julian then addresses Elena.
"In addition to what's already been asked, understanding the nature of the opposition we might face is crucial. The specifics of the object and its current guardians will greatly influence our plan of action. So if you could tell us what University and what kind of creature made your friend sick. That would be greatly appreciated. If they attacked your friend I personally see no reason not to at least investigate."

Julian looks around looking for any other opinions.

2024-03-05, 08:34 AM
Mateusz and Helena just took the first seat that were available. There was no reason to overthing things, they both believed.

- Hm… - Mateusz said after some thought – Two things are on my mind. The first is: I would like to help you no matter what. Titanspawns are our enemies and this reason suffices for me. But the second thing is, I have tried for some time to get an access to a relic that would grand me the Stars Purview. As an astrophysicist, being able to do the things with the concept of time is very enticing for me, you see. Sadly, Horus does not grants access to that Purview in his gifts. If you would be able to secure such a Relic for me, I would be grateful.

- But, as I said previously, I wanna help no matter what, even if this gift won’t be given to me. Your cause seems to be the righteous one, I have to admit. Just so. - he finished, a little bit awkward.

2024-03-05, 01:14 PM
"Mr. Flynne, if memory serves, you have Celtic connections, do you not?" Liliana asked the flame-haired man. "Does the description of this artifact mean anything to you?"

2024-03-06, 07:16 PM
"You will help?" She smiles at Mateusz. "My lead was at Georgia State University. Some kind of...goat-people. I don't know if they have the item themselves, or just information about it, though. I...lack the abilities to approach them.

Obtaining a relic such as you describe shouldn't be a problem."

You believe you can place the image as an obscure part of perhaps the best-known Celtic legend: King Arthur's dagger, Carnwennen.

Its name means "Little White Blade." It's best-known in stories for King Arthur having used it to cut a witch in half. Nothing seems to have been recorded of its powers, beyond cutting.

2024-03-07, 04:16 AM
Interesting. Several of his colleagues seemed to be assuming that the titanspawn currently possessing the relic had also attacked Ms. Kessler's afflicted friend. A very reasonable assumption... perhaps deliberately so. Ms. Kessler spoke very carefully, almost as though she were trying to dodge an ability to hear lies, and Brand had learned to be wary of those that let implication do their talking for them. On the other hand, he had neither heard any lies nor smelled any guilt, so perhaps this was how she always spoke.

Of course, just because she always spoke carefully didn't mean she wasn't hiding something now.

Not nearly enough information to draw any conclusions, but he'd keep his mind open to all possibilities.

"Mr. Flynne, if memory serves, you have Celtic connections, do you not?" Liliana asked the flame-haired man. "Does the description of this artifact mean anything to you?"

Ah. Looks like his time of gathering information from the sidelines had come to an end. The lady who had spoken first hadn't introduced herself to him yet, but her speech patterns and (more importantly) knowledge of his heritage were enough to confidently peg her as the "American colleague" who had invited him in the first place.

Brand leaned forward in his chair, then did a quick double-take. That was a nice suit. How'd he missed that?

If Brand's face was plain, his voice was the opposite; the fruit of countless hours of training. Deep and rich, if this hero business didn't work out, his vocals could always make him a decent living as a public speaker, a musician, or perhaps a maker of audiobooks.

"Depending on the era of creation, that blade would be classified as a 'saxe', a name and style we borrowed from the Vikings, both warped slightly in the process." Brand silently thanked the Ranger's Apprentice series for that bit of trivia. The orphanage had had several of those books on the shelves, and Brand had read them all. And speaking of bedtime stories... "However, that specific weapon predates the term in the British Isles by a few hundred years. Unless I miss my guess, that is either Carnwennen or a deliberate imitation. The secondary weapon of King Arthur himself! Alas, when it comes to its current whereabouts or powers, I'm afraid I have little to contribute. My interactions with my..." he pauses, a (deliberate) parallel to Ms. Kessler's awkwardness mentioning the supernatural, "extended family... have all focused on the modern world, and on modern problems in need of solutions."

Note to self, he thought. Next semester, more courses on mythology. Less on business. I need to be more, heh, practical in my studies.

Brand turned to face their host, and continued in his melodic, lightly accented speech. "As for your request, Ms. Kessler, to aid those in need is my very great pleasure. I would be delighted to test my skills against these Titanspawn, whether that be words or blows." He almost described it as 'my duty and my pleasure', but changed his mind at the last second. Better not even to hint at his geas* to someone he wasn't completely sure he could trust.

* Pronounced about halfway between "gish" and "gesh".

2024-03-07, 04:42 AM
Liliana nodded along with Brand's explanation. "Now that you mention it, that name does ring a bell. I seem to remember a myth about the blade being used to slay a witch. It might have curse breaking properties or similar, though that is just speculation on my part."

She then addressed the client. "I will of course help out with this matter. I have no particular payment in mind, so let's settle on an equivalent favor owed in the future and leave it at that. Is there anything else you can tell us about the situation?"

Italics is a lie.

Yes, I'll be triggering your ability a lot, but I'll get a protective knack sooner rather than later.

2024-03-07, 11:26 AM
- Well - Mateusz joined in - It seems to me our knowledge of the dagger is not that great. Much better to try talking with those university people... goats? - he asked rhetorically - I do not suppose we have more ideas and data? - he asked, this time his hostess instead of all the gathering - It would be kinda rad, but, oh well, we do have to work with what we have, don't we? - he smiled a little bit.

2024-03-07, 06:54 PM
"I believe they remain on campus in a fraternity house, but I couldn't find the name of the fraternity," Elena says. "I can't think of any other useful information, I'm afraid."

2024-03-08, 12:08 AM
"If we are to embark on this endeavor together, it is only fitting that I properly introduce myself: While Eldridge will do for most purposes I have been proclaimed Mazaces baed Alzil, and I have requests that align with my responsibilities as Guardian of Gates.

"Firstly, I wish to be present during any interrogations of prisoners. The insights we gain could prove useful "

He continues, "Moreover, given the prolonged nature of the war of gates in the eternal desert - a conflict that has dragged on far longer than anyone would desire—I request to claim the bodies of any adversaries we could not defeat without weighing their soul. Recruiting them for the war effort is a somber, yet potentially necessary, action. Should Ms. Kessler manage to secure a divine fragment of Lunar, I would be profoundly grateful."

Julian's tone remains earnest and determined. "However, even without such a fragment, my dedication to assisting in this investigation remains steadfast. It represents our best lead."

"As for the investigation itself, I will gladly research the goat-men and the blade. Regarding the fraternities, I suspect that appearing to wander in, seemingly half-drunk through the front door, might be useful?"

2024-03-08, 02:37 AM
"It's not a half-bad idea, mr. Eldridge." Liliana conceded. "However, unless you're planning on going to parties every night for the next few weeks, it would help to narrow down the candidates first. I believe that's where I'll come in. While you look into information on the nature of the goat creatures I'll look into the fraternities and identify those with potential supernatural ties."

Liliana retrieved some business cards from a pocket. "I suspect we all have some legwork to do. Let's keep in contact and share any information we find." She offered the cards to whoever wanted them. The card listed among other things her phone number and e-mail address. "If anyone feels lost during the investigative stage, I could always use a bit more assistance with archive diving and other research."

2024-03-08, 10:20 AM
Brand gave serious thought to winking at the lady in the nice suit to show he'd caught her lie, but ultimately decided against it. Too many ways it could be misinterpreted... and by this point the moment had passed anyway.

Good ideas were being floated all around. Brandon accepted a business card (Cypher, how appropriate!), and decided that this was the right time to reveal some of his own hand.

"I think I will take you up on that offer to assist with research. I have some tricks uniquely suited to narrowing down suspects, but they will only work face-to-face." He nodded to the Mr. Elridge, "For instance, encountering them at a party."

Now he addressed whole group, including their host. "As for a more preemptive measure, I have been gifted with the power of the Vigil Brand by the god Ogma. If you allow me to mark you, it will alert me the moment you encounter physical danger, and most likely what manner of danger you've found yourself in, your condition, and your location. This would let me 'send in the cavalry' if you get in over your head." Brand pulls a silver sharpie from his pocket and spins it between his fingers.

"I can also mark objects and animals, though since I do have a limit on how many Vigil Brands I can place in a short time, I'd prefer you reserve this function for clever plans and schemes, rather than just ensuring no one eggs your car without your knowledge.

"Last but not least, and continuing the theme of an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure, I am a licensed self-defense and martial arts instructor. Should anyone desire to develop or hone some combat skills, I am at your service."

2024-03-08, 10:44 AM
"I might take you up on that offer of training, mr. Flynne." Liliana replied. "Provided you're planning on staying in town for the foreseeable future at least. I will admit that straight-up combat is not one of my strong suits, but it is one I'd like to be more proficient at at least."

2024-03-08, 11:57 AM
- My name is Mateusz Śląski. Nice to meet you all - it seemed an appropriate time for making some introductions - And my ladyfriend is Helena Zdanowska.

He noted in his head the offer of martial arts training (could be fun! He wasn't as well-trained in the martial arts as he would be, even though he did some improvements since becoming a Scion) but hadn't really had any idea as to which fraternity could be responsible for goat-men and how to find it. Could be a little bit problematic in the future, but seeing as others apparently had some ideas, he could just drag along them.

2024-03-09, 02:26 PM
Before you leave, Elena gives you a phone number at which to contact her. She asks you to share whatever contact information you're comfortable giving her.

2024-03-09, 04:04 PM
Mateusz have given her in exchange his phone number, email address and a Skype handle. Considering he was traveling rather a lot, he didn't give her his home address, as that was bound to change.

Of course, he had a flat for himself, but in Poland, so that's probably wasn't a good idea...

2024-03-09, 05:56 PM
Brand shares his cell number, his email, and the address of the Airbnb* he's rented for the month.

* For those that have never heard of it, Airbnb is a company that home-owners can use to rent out their house for short durations, like a hotel room but it's the whole house. Brand probably grabbed a small one near the college, because there will be a lot of them there for visiting parents.

2024-03-09, 07:32 PM
"Before we part ways, I'd like to extend my thanks to Mr. Brand for his generous offer of supernatural aid. It's a valuable resource that I might very well take him up on as our quest progresses."

With that, Julian proceeds to distribute his business cards to those present:

Julian Eldridge
Professional Deep Sea Diver
Abyssal Finds Recovery Co.

Dedicated to Uncovering the Secrets of the Deep

307 East Wonders Way
Suite 210
Casper, WY 82601

Mobile: (307) 555-0192
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.abyssalfinds.com

"Exploring the Depths, Revealing the Past"

He would wait a bit for any questions or comments then say:
"I'll be researching the Goat Men. Should you need to reach me for any reason or have information to share, please don't hesitate to use the contact details on this card.

It was a pleasure."

With that Julian would give a small wave goodbye and head to the door contacting Zahir that he would appreciate a pick up to the house so he can start his research.

2024-03-10, 04:39 AM
Contact information exchanged, Liliana headed out as well. Once she exited the lobby a black sedan stopped at the curb and she got in.

"Did the meeting go well, miss?" Graham asked as he drove away.

"Well enough, I suppose." Liliana replied. "A clear target, but not much in the way of other information. I'll have some legwork to do."

"I wish you the best of luck with that, miss." Graham's emphasis was not lost on Liliana, who answered the implied comment with a wry smile.

"I'll have a list of documents I'd like you to track down by the time we're home. Publications of student associations and fraternities over the last year or so mostly, so these should not be too hard to find."

"I'll do my best, miss." Graham replied, deadpan.

The rest of the journey passed in silence as Liliana worked on the promised list for Graham. It ended up being fairly non-specific, asking for any and all student newspapers and association and fraternity newsletters and publications of the past two years.

While Graham worked on those, she headed to the library and retrieved folders containing the last two years of issues of the "Atlanta Metro" and "United Truth". The former was a bi-weekly publication available for free all over the city. It consisted mostly of advertisements, interspersed with stories about life in the city and local politics. The latter was a sensational magazine peddling all kinds of conspiracy theories, UFO and cryptid sightings and other weird stories. Most of that was nonsense, of course, but they occasionally ran stuff based on the truth that no other paper would run.

Liliana started skimming through the papers, sorting them out in a stack containing unrelated stuff, and a stack containing potentially useful articles which she'd take a closer look at once she was doen with her first pass. She was looking for anything odd or unusual going on with the various student associations and fraternities, whether it was strange noises heard at one of their buildings, sudden interests in Celtic mythology, disappearances or other noteworthy invents.

2024-03-10, 09:02 AM
Brandon pulls out his laptop, sets up a hotspot with his phone (if there isn't free Wifi available in the building), and starts jotting stuff down.

First, he adds the contact information everyone has given him to his phone and email contacts. He sends off an email to Liliana, who expressed explicit interest in lessons, letting her know his schedule is pretty much completely open so if she had a time that she wanted instruction he should be free.

Then he starts checking bus routes and other public transportation, getting a feel for how he'll be travelling from his Airbnb to other parts of the city. The college campus is walking distance, but libraries, restaurants, grocery stores, and even the fraternity houses may not be. Once that last thought occurs to him, he also creates a list in his phone of all the publicly available fraternity house names and addresses.

Brand is stalling, trying to be the last one in the room with Elena Kessler. If that happens, or if she leaves when there's only one other person in the room, he spends one Legend to activate Brehon's Eye, letting him read the highest Virtue, lowest Virtue, and Nature of a number of people present equal to his roll (below), in descending order of Legend (so starting with the person with highest Legend).

[roll0] + 0 automatic successes

2024-03-10, 09:18 AM
Wow, that was an abysmal roll. Assuming that Brand actually had the opportunity to activate Brehon's Eye, I spend another point of Legend to reroll, and this time I spend a point of Willpower for one automatic success (assuming that's allowed; otherwise I instead I spend my point of Legend for 3 automatic successes instead of rerolling).


2024-03-10, 01:52 PM
Driving home with Zahir, the atmosphere is one of quiet determination. Upon arrival, Julian sets up his workspace, surrounded by the old archives left by his father—a treasure trove of knowledge that feels both comforting and imposing. He begins his research methodically, of the fraternities do all of them use Greek letters? Do some use Egyptian letters? Do some fraternities use a different language as a base? He starts looking up the websites and pictures of the houses on social media. After that diving first into the depths of Egyptian lore, navigating through ancient texts and scrolls that whisper secrets of the past. His search is thorough, leaving no stone unturned as he sifts through English, then Swedish, and finally Spanish sources, casting a wide net over the global pool of mythological understanding.

His Father Osiris, the god often associated with the ram, is central to Julian's investigation. He delves into Osiris's history with fervor, examining every document, every myth, every connection that might hint at a relationship between his father and the titanspawn goat men. The distinction between the ram and the goat becomes a critical point of focus, a symbolic divergence that Julian hopes will clear Osiris of any unintended associations.

After confirming that these creatures bear no relation to Osiris, Julian expands his research to other mythologies, looking for any leads that could explain the origins and intentions of the goat men. The potential for a public relations disaster looms in his mind—the idea that Osiris could be blamed for the actions of these titanspawn is unacceptable.

Throughout this intense period of research, Zahir proves to be an indispensable ally. Whether fetching additional resources, offering insights, or simply providing silent support, his presence is a constant reassurance.

Julian's dedication to his task is unwavering, driven by a commitment to his father's legacy.

2024-03-10, 05:52 PM
Mateusz and Helena went out of the meeting place and to flat that Mateusz was living in.

- What do you think? A kingdom for your thoughts – Mateusz said to his friend during the commute back home.

- It’s good that you will have access to the Stars Purviews, that’s for sure – answered she.

- And beyond that?

- We might be searching for a bladeof King Artur, we know very little right now and we have yet to assess how dangerous and sly these goat-men can be… - she sighed – I know you are a godly being, but not the whole world is. Plus your focus is mind, not body. I’m simply worried for you, is all – she did not look him in the eye, though.

- And…? - Mateusz sensed she wanted to say something else.

- You see… - began Helena – If this is truly the sword in the stone, things might get nasty. I know you aren't completely undefensive, but there are still scions… and beings… more powerful than you. Also, I know pretty well this isn’t the quiet, meditative life you always strived for. That’s unfair.

- Oh, Helenka – he looked as she in an affeccionate way – This is true, but you know very well it is not the complete truth. Yes, I wanted to lead a scientist’s life instead of jumping to America in order to fight gods-know-what monstrosities. But there is also beauty, honor and joy in what we have to do. I mean, I am still in a better situation than, let’s say, Warsavians during the Second World War, right?

- Eh… - was all Helena had to say – Maybe. But a war is a war. Even if you get nice gifts as an incentive.


In flat of Mateusz, they turned on their laptops and started Google-ing all the things that could be useful – including a list of books to get later at a local library.

Of course, they also had tasty tea and some snacks to go with it.

Helena was a common quest at the home of Mateusz and had even her own desk and chair just in case they should do something together – exactly like right now. Helena, though, had her own apartament not many paces from Mateusz’s.

2024-03-11, 12:33 PM
Julian, having completed a portion of his research, decides it's time to share his findings and strategize the next steps with the team. He composes a message to the group while those who did not leave a means for text communication get a polite call with pretty much the same content :



Do we want to meet at Café M in Savannah, 128 E bay St. , tomorrow afternoon 3 PM to discuss our findings?

J. Eldridge

P.S. Please let me know if you'll be able to make it, so I can arrange the accommodations at the café.

He reserves seats for everyone before sending the message.


If possible from that day on he rents a Toyota Proace Combi from a car rental place. If not he picks another 9 seater.

2024-03-11, 02:42 PM
Max sends a quick affirmative to the e-mail, and shows up at the cafe a little early.

As soon as people show up he blurts out, "I wasn't sure how to bring this up, but I can smell lies, and everything the employer said was the god's honest truth. I was a little suspicious of the way she tiptoed around the word titanspawn but it wasn't a lie. Liliana on the other hand, I think knows something about the sword she didn't share in front of Elena" He looks nervous even to be questioning her now

2024-03-11, 04:13 PM
Liliana had arrived fairly early as well, carrying a folder containing the results of her research. At Max accusation, however, she raised an eyebrow. "Your ability must be incredibly limited if that's your conclusion. During the meeting, I've told you everything I knew at the time about the blade." She held his gaze as she spoke, making sure that the consequences of what she just said got through. "If I am completely honest, I feel a little insulted that you're calling me out in this way, several days after the fact, rather than brining your worries up during or shortly after the meeting itself. In the future, don't hesitate to bring up your worries immediately. It's the only way we can work together, after all." She gave him a stern glance, but quickly let the mask fall away, replaced by a quick sly grin. She knew that he knew, after all.

"In all seriousness though, I will not benefit in any way if any of you come to harm." The grin had disappeared again, replaced by a serious look. "Like most humans I'll speak plenty of little lies, but I'll only do so for the best of..." She stopped herself, another quick grin crossing her face. She honestly enjoyed the challenge imposed by Max's ability. "I'm really going to have to watch my words around you to avoid a potentially fatal misunderstanding, won't I? I lie whenever I believe it necessary to attain my goals, and right now my goal is to complete miss Kessler's commission. That should mean I share that goal with all of you. If you think I'm hiding something important just because your ability Indicated I was being less than truthful, don't hesitate to speak up. I'll be sure to set you right. And if you want to have some practice discerning the reasons behind lies, I'll make sure to give you plenty of practice material."

italics is a lie, everything else is the true as far as your abilities are concerned.

2024-03-11, 04:56 PM
Max is relieved by the lie somehow, "I will try to call out only the lies that seem relevant, since you do seem to so enjoy getting away with them."

2024-03-11, 05:34 PM
- Everybody lies form time to time. It's only natural. As long as these are white lies or just something casual, we should not be worrying about that - Mateusz deemed it the right moment to butt in. Just like the others, he got invited to the cafe - Maybe we should forgot about that and share the results of our research. I'm sure not only me and Helena got to make some queries, isn't it? - he raised his eyebrow, looking at his companions.

2024-03-11, 06:08 PM
Julian did not really know what to do with the conversation happening around him. He did not have enough contact with Scions to have a lot of reference points to assess wether this was a common occurrence. But some people can detect lies so.

„Detecting lies sounds like a very useful ability and one we might want to use our..“

Julian sort of struggled for a description. These where enemy combatants? Distant relatives to allies? With the last mission father gave him it was all a bit clearer. Dead people should not be harassing the living. Are these beings committing crimes? Probably why else would they be allied with titans?

„Suspects.“ He settled after a bit. While bringing a basket of croissants.
„The staff was kind enough to give us this section. I do not know if that will be enough privacy but it is something I believe. We should probably at some time look for a more appropriate location this was just a first idea.“

„ My own results are well limited.“ he takes a seat and fills his cup with coffee. „Our suspects are apparently ex employees of the Greek branch. And used to be part of the local family business but then decided to switch to our competitor company. The reasons I do not know. I think it is reasonable to suspect that since they run a subsidiary now they are doing something in that subsidiary. Personally I would love to know more about them.“

2024-03-11, 11:30 PM
At this point, Brandon shows up and takes a seat.

"Pardon my lateness; I managed to miss the connecting bus. I caught the tail end of your conversation, though. Do we have a lead on our... historical allies, current competitors, I believe you were saying?"

Brand scans the QR code on the corner of the table to pull up the online menu on his phone, and orders a meal at random, throwing in an Elvis Twist (smoothie with banana, peanut butter, & chocolate) for good measure.

2024-03-12, 04:05 AM
"I have a lead, yes." Liliana announced, before handing around some papers form the folder she'd brought. "These contain the results from my investigations so far." The papers contained an overview of what she knew about Satyrs, notes on the general lack of unusual incidents surrounding the fraternities, and information on the one likely suspect she had identified.

"Allow me to give you all a short summary. I started by looking into any unusual incidents surrounding the fraternities. This is often a good way to track down the supernatural, but this time around I didn't run into anything unusual. There where some incidents of course, but it's the usual stuff. Drunken altercations, parties getting out of hand and the like. Nothing that stood out as anything but the normal workings of a university town."

"Because I ran into a dead end on that line of inquiry I decided to instead look into the nature of our suspects directly. Julian already mentioned they are ex-employees of the greek branch. Specifically those working under former branch manager Pan. You can check page 3 and 4 for more information." The document skipped any and all euphemisms, giving a summary of the way Pan and the Satyrs had been treated before their exile, the acts they were known for and references to books one could read for further information on them.

"With this information in hand I took another look at the fraternities and one immediately stood out to me. The Phi Alpha Nu fraternity looks like a clear lead here. Apart from the obvious, they are known for holding the wildest parties on and off campus, which matches earlier descriptions of our suspects. However, I have found no leads on the more destructive excesses the suspects are known for. No allegations of SA, no signs that the fraternity has a poor reputation among female students or that they try to avoid the fraternity. Not a perfect lead then, but certainly the best we have at this time." Liliana took a sip of the coffee she had ordered, before moving on to her suggestion.

"The fraternity has a party planned three days from now, on friday. I suggest we ensure we have a presence there to check them out. Even if they end up not harboring our suspects, our suspects are still likely to show up at an event like that. Who among us feel confident in their ability to blend into a crowd like that?"

2024-03-12, 09:56 AM
Brand smiled, and spoke up again. "I should be ideally suited for such a venture. As a college student myself, albeit a couple of years older than the norm, I already fit the demographic well enough. I think I'll pose as a classics major who's had too much to drink, and is rambling about his thesis on King Arthur and his weapons. If anyone in my audience feels guilty on hearing that subject, or has taken steps to hide an activity related to it, I'll sense them immediately. If I'm very lucky, someone will lie to my face that they don't know a thing about the 'little white dagger', which I will also be able to detect. My stamina should be sufficient to prevent actually getting drunk no matter how much method acting I do, unless the drinks have been spiked with something considerably more potent... and perhaps even then."

Brand paused, thinking further. "Keen as my ability to detect lies and guilt are, my more mundane observational skills are... rather lacking," he said, accidently proving this by remaining completely oblivious to the expressions around the table when he mentioned that he too could detect lies. "Could anyone else blend in well enough and make up for that deficit?"

2024-03-12, 10:50 AM
"I shouldn't have too much trouble blending into that crowd. Or any crowd, for that matter." Liliana replied. "And I have some decent observational skills to complement your more supernatural abilities."

2024-03-12, 11:54 AM
"I agree that retrieving the stolen property is without a doubt a goal. However, I'm generally interested in what's happening and if we might be facing a massive abuse of financial power. Does anyone have the technology skills to take a closer look at what's happening? If we had proper access to whom the opposition is contacting, we might be able to find out more.

My own technology skills are, I think, within ordinary parameters.

I had the idea of showing up with a party bus filled with a few people who were already partying and then heading in the general direction. But since you are taking care of contact, I will let you play it any way you are comfortable with. If all of you think it appropriate, I will be back up in case it is needed for some reason.

I think it would be nice to have some more local information before Friday. General campus layout, what the house looks like, maybe some forms of technology for information gathering.

I took the liberty of renting a spacious car, so no need to pack lightly. A trustworthy associate will help with transportation because I think being able to switch cars could be useful. Otherwise, I am ready when you are."

2024-03-12, 12:49 PM
Max gestures to his caramel skin as if it wasn't obvious before. "Really depends on the type of fraternity whether I can blend in, some of them are still shockingly white. But if I can get in the door, I can drink any of those frat boys under the table. That usually earns some respect...I think that works on satyrs too." He orders a cheeseburger and a Coke. "If anyone thinks they've found the dagger, I've got an ability to check if it's magic so we don't steal a replica or something instead." Max was being perhaps a little forthright about his abilities but these were all Scions, right? They were supposed to generally be on the same side.

"But a frat with no issues whatsoever is weird, either someone powerful is covering for them, or something even stranger is going on. Do we know anything about what the dagger is actually supposed to do?"

2024-03-12, 12:54 PM
"I never said they didn't have any issues, just that they didn't stand out from the pack in that department." Liliana corrected Max' assumptions slightly. "They are tame by the standards of our suspects, not by the standards of fraternities. As for the dagger, I haven't had time to look into it in any more detail than what I remembered about it during the first meeting. It would stand to reason that it might be related to the fact that our suspects have been keeping a lower profile than expected, but that's just speculation on my part."

2024-03-12, 01:32 PM
"If anyone thinks they've found the dagger, I've got an ability to check if it's magic so we don't steal a replica or something instead."

„The question is should we try mix missions, if the friend of Ms. Kessler is sick as she said retrieving the dagger before Friday would be the best solution.
Do we want to try to retrieve it one Friday?
Or is Friday only for reconnaissance?“

2024-03-12, 01:48 PM
"In my opinion, we should take this slow and use friday as reconnaissance. If a good opportunity to secure the dagger comes up we should take it, but I don't thin we should take unnecessary risks." Liliana suggested. "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast, as my butler would say." She'd looked up the origin of that little nugget of wisdom after Graham had said it the third time, though it had left her with more questions than answers regarding the man's background. He had always deflected attempts to inquire into his past, and Liliana for her part didn't want to pry too much.

2024-03-12, 04:11 PM
- I just got an idea. Albeit it can be weird, you know - Mateusz decided to join the talk after some thought - Maybe we should ask, I dunno... archeology department professors, or specialists in ancient mythologies, about help with this stuff? You know, they are at the place, they have knowledge, they "feel" the university. Maybe this is a better way of working than trying to enter the uni social space from outside? We will stand out less that way, perhaps? -he asked, looking at his discussants.

- Just an idea, this is possible that I have said something really dumb. Sorry, I'm a scientist, not a private detective. I do not really know how we should be doing this whole investigation stuff.

2024-03-12, 09:49 PM
- I just got an idea. Albeit it can be weird, you know - Mateusz decided to join the talk after some thought - Maybe we should ask, I dunno... archeology department professors, or specialists in ancient mythologies, about help with this stuff? You know, they are at the place, they have knowledge, they "feel" the university. Maybe this is a better way of working than trying to enter the uni social space from outside? We will stand out less that way, perhaps? -he asked, looking at his discussants.

„Hmm and possibly these professors are associated with our targets that would allow our great social talents to find out a lot without having to actually engage with the fraternity itself. I like it.“

Edit: Spelling

2024-03-13, 01:38 AM
"It's not a weird idea, but I see no reason not to do both." Liliana considered Mateusz suggestion a moment more. "The party is in the evening so let's say we reserve all of friday for preparation for visiting the party. That's probably more than we need, but better be on the safe side. That leaves about two days to chase down the academic angle."

2024-03-13, 06:40 PM
„Two days academia and a day of party preparation. Sounds good. I would personally advise we depart tonight and look for a place that is just right to stay?“

2024-03-14, 11:50 AM
"Sounds like the beginnings of a plan. Who wants to speak to the professors? I'd hate to hog all the fun for myself." There were no lives on the line yet, with the possible exception of Ms. Kessler's friend, and she hadn't mentioned any sort of deadline on his 'affliction'. They were still in the 'harmless adventure' phase of things, and while that might not last, there was no sense in refusing to enjoy the ride.

"Also, do we want to find lodging as a group, or separately? The first would be safer in the event that we come under attack; the second would be easier to arrange and might deflect a little suspicion off of us if someone looks in that direction.

"On the subject of preparations, I'll see if I can rent a studio for training outside of the public's eye. I've had the damndest time actually exercising since becoming supernaturally strong - I've lost so much muscle mass since my Visitation, it's not even funny - but I'm sure I could figure something out. Or I could train others in the martial arts, and learn something that way." Brand was not yet desperate enough to admit to his geas's requirement; no matter how friendly these allies seemed, the tales of Cú Chulainn and Sampson had taught him that was a risk to be weighed very carefully indeed.

2024-03-14, 12:14 PM
„From my side I would advise we lodge close to one another. I do not know how many members of the fraternity are suspects and I would not want for us to be overwhelmed by superior numbers.„

How many Scions where there anyway? Julian knows few children of Osiris. But Fathers case is somewhat different.

„Mr. Brand while we are preparing I would gladly take advantage of your protective magic offer if it still stands? Would it be ok if I take a look at it while it is being enacted?“

2024-03-14, 02:18 PM
"Of course. Let me know when you're ready, then concentrate on the point on your body where you'd like the mark to appear. I'd advise somewhere subtle, like between your shoulder blades or the bottom of your left foot, but to thine own self be true and all that."

Brand waited for his teammate to indicate readiness, then leaned across the table. Placing his fingers on Julian's temple, Brand concentrated himself, bending the webs of Fate to pull the Scion into his aegis of protection.

A second later, he leaned back into his seat. "All right, done. Should harm threaten to befall you, I'll sense it."

Brand knew that the symbol, wherever it was, took the form of the Ogham letter "Fearn", silver in color and about the size of a quarter. Depending on context, the letter could symbolize the color blood-red, a vanguard of warriors, or simply the letter "F". However, in this context the most appropriate symbolism was the alder-tree, and the shields traditionally built from its wood.


Brandon chuckled. "Traditionally, I should seal it with a kiss, but we don't know each other quite well enough for that."

2024-03-14, 02:46 PM
Liliana considered for a moment, then addressed Brand. "I'll have one of those as well, if possible. I'm not that good a fighter, so since I'm helping with checking out the fraternity I'd like to have a way to bring in the cavalry."

Following Brand's instructions to Julian she focussed on the backside if her left knee, then signalled he could do whatever he needed to.

2024-03-14, 03:02 PM
"Second verse, same as the first," Brandon hums, marking his well-dressed colleague as well. "A warning, though, for both of you: the Vigil Brand will only trigger for physical danger, and that is precisely as vague and hard to pin down as it sounds. A car chase, a gunman with no intention of pulling the trigger, a satyr with beguiling pan pipes; these things may or may not alert me unless the situation escalates."

2024-03-14, 04:49 PM
Julian looks at Mr. brand at begins whispering:

„ Senetjer kha-ib, iri en Ma'at.“

For a moment it looks like his eyes glow faintly green.

Concentrating on the location interfered some what with Julian observing the for him new Magic. But he managed to focus on the left side of his hip and observed this rare Magic. This pantheon was mentioned during Julian’s education but historically to his knowledge very little contact existed between the two pantheons.

2024-03-15, 10:48 AM
- I think I also would like the sigil - Mateusz has said. He concentrated on the underside of his left foot, for a lack of a better idea.

2024-03-15, 09:28 PM
Mateusz was out of convenient reach, so Brandon had to get up for this one. He spotted the waitress coming with what was hopefully his meal, and so Brand pretended to be looking at something the European Scion was showing him on his phone, leaning over him and placing his hand on his companion's shoulder to deliver the Boon.

He thanked the waitress, then turned to the caramel-skinned Scion that moved like a fighter. Max, wasn't it? "Would you also like to get in on..." he struggled to think of a good euphemism, but failed "... this? I have enough gas left in the metaphorical tank for a handful more such marks."

As he snacked on his burger (which also apparently had peanut butter on it for some reason; America was truly a land for the strange and fantastical), he remembered one final thing.

"Ah, yes," he began, putting down the surprisingly good burger, bizarre peanut butter notwithstanding. "It's also possible that I'll receive a false positive, or that you'll have a genuinely threating situation in hand and not need assistance. I'll assume that any trigger is something that the group needs to respond to, but if I sense that you're in good condition, I'll also text you 'what kind of pizza would you like' without any capitalization or punctuation. If you're fine, include the word 'pineapple' in your response and I'll call off the cavalry. That system worked pretty well for my homeless and otherwise vulnerable friends in Dublin. We could even expand it into a whole code language if that becomes necessary."

2024-03-16, 02:57 AM
Julian nodded towards Brand.

"Thank you for the insight."

Turning towards everyone: "If we plan to schedule meetings at the university, we go to Atlanta tonight at the latest. We have to hope that the relevant professors either have office hours scheduled or are teaching a class before Friday. This could be an effective way to present ourselves as visiting scholars.

I suggest we engage with the academics during the day and observe the bars by night. Before engaging with academia, we need to prepare the right questions and, of course, bring the appropriate academic 'equipment'—a notepad, tablet, or whatever suits best. From my end, I believe I could convincingly pose as someone working on a doctoral thesis idea. However, if others wish to initiate contact, that's perfectly fine with me. Ideally, one or maybe two people should approach the professors; any more might seem suspicious for such a specialized subject.

Does anyone here excel in technology? We need to continue our online research. Also, is anyone particularly skilled at discreet observation, so we wouldn't be noticed while scouting the fraternity house? Ideally, we should map out the building's layout before attempting to enter.

We could also visit local bars to acclimate ourselves to the area before Friday. Then, after our observations tomorrow night, we could reconvene to discuss our findings?"

2024-03-16, 03:13 AM
"I'll handle the observation." Liliana offered. "I don't lack academic skills, but lack the... earnesty... to properly pass as a scholar. I could fake it, of course, but my skills are better put to use elsewhere."

2024-03-16, 11:16 AM
- I hava a degree in computing, I can take care of Google, computers and the like - Mateusz has said - As to the academic stuff, hm... I'm not that bad with humanities, but I kinda prefer "hard" science. However, my friend Helena has a master's degree in religious studies. Maybe we should bring her to the university?

2024-03-17, 04:12 AM
- I hava a degree in computing, I can take care of Google, computers and the like - Mateusz has said - As to the academic stuff, hm... I'm not that bad with humanities, but I kinda prefer "hard" science. However, my friend Helena has a master's degree in religious studies. Maybe we should bring her to the university?

Julian turns to Mateusz and asks in a quiet voice:
"If you were close enough to the suspect's Wi-Fi, phones or even computers. Could you find out who they are contacting and access things like calendars?"

2024-03-17, 05:53 PM
"I am quite sneaky if you permit me to be a little immodest. My father is basically a dark shadow after all." Max ponders, "I still find this quietness about the frat odd and was considering sneaking in to the university offices to see if I can find evidence of someone covering for them. I'm not the best with computers though, unless someone wanted to come with me...or teach me the basics?"

2024-03-17, 06:20 PM
- Em... - Mateusz kinda did not know what to say - I am not opposed to teaching other people what I know. But, uh... I would like to not break any laws and not to trespass on university property, you know? I'm a nice, law-abiding citizen, not some kinda... super spy? - he made a crooked smile - I know that we can be sacrificing some... important assets, but morality is very important. Especially when you have superpowers.

2024-03-17, 10:18 PM
Max gave a little shrug, "If we're facing I don't know, a male Medusa who is turning the frat's victims into stone and smashing them into rubble, they're not exactly going to follow the law." He didn't have the highest opinion of Titanspawn, with only cops and politicians lower in his estimation of their morality. "Laws and morality aren't nearly the same thing, but I don't know that we have the time for that argument so I'll just accept the hacking lessons."

2024-03-17, 11:02 PM
- This I could do - Mateusz nodded his head in agreement.

2024-03-18, 01:23 AM
"The question I have, if I may say so, is more practical than theoretical."

Julian paused, a look of open distrust crossing his face.

„ We find ourselves guided by the narrative of a woman unknown to us, her origins and intentions shrouded in mystery. It is our duty, borne of righteousness, to embark upon a thorough investigation prior to the contemplation of reclaiming assets from those who may, in truth, be rightful guardians of said artifact. Might this object have been bestowed upon them as a farewell token in times long past? Our understanding of the accused is solely painted by the account of this single informant, her credibility hinging on her singular success in reaching out to us. Is such evidence alone sufficient to cast the shadow of guilt?
While interpretations of justice may diverge, we must acknowledge a timeless wisdom: amidst strangers, caution is prudent."

Julian paused, aware of how his words sounded. Since the visitation, there were moments, despite not having spent every waking moment together growing up, when he found himself echoing his father, Osiris. The visitation left him with memories that were not his own. It seemed Osiris's distrust, had been passed down to him. He wondered if others had similar dreams. Regardless, it served as a reminder of an important task still at hand.

„I apologize. Yes morality is a essential point. That drives towards more investigation.“

2024-03-18, 02:03 AM
Liliana kept her face carefully neutral through Julian's explanation. In truth, she could not care less about who the item's rightful owner was, but kept that observation to herself.

"You are right about the need of caution when dealing with strangers." She picked her reply carefully to be entirely truthful. "Yet I believe our two living lie detectors did not catch her in any lies. That is not entirely foolproof as I doubt they can catch on to lies of omission..." Liliana looked for a moment to Max for confirmation. "But it means that either she deliberately spoke to avoid abilities like that, or was being upfront to us. The second seems more likely to me, but I see no reason not to do our due diligence, as long as we don't confuse paranoia and caution."

2024-03-18, 03:56 AM
Julian listened to the rational statement made by his new acquaintance and decided it was best to silently agree with that assumption for the time being.

Internal monologue:

Yet, he found himself wondering if he was truly the only one at the table skilled in Sutekh's Tongue. He knew that, if necessary, he could persuade a mortal of many things, and Sutekh's song, if wielded correctly, might even confuse the divine momentarily. However, divulging to a group of strangers that he had mastered the art of lying to protect himself and his family was not part of today's plan, especially since he had very little information about these individuals.

2024-03-18, 07:35 PM
"While our employer did speak truly, she also spoke very carefully, almost as if dancing around a 'living lie detector', as you put it. I smelled no guilt from her, though, so I am inclined to take her at face value for the moment." Brand left unsaid that this stance would flip should they uncover evidence of treachery.

Now he turned to Mateusz. "I understand your desire to avoid crime. We possess a great deal of power, and men have been corrupted by far less." It certainly hadn't taken much power to corrupt him, before his mother's intervention. "Trespassing and information theft, as long as the goal is intel on supernatural threats, doesn't cross my thresholds for abuse of power, but I'll respect if your line in the sand is drawn differently than mine."

2024-03-20, 02:37 AM
Julian is gearing up for the drive to Atlanta with Zahir. While organizing equipment to ensure a smooth operation. For local commutes in Atlanta, Zahir is borrowing a second, smaller car to facilitate mobility and discretion. He's managed to secure a Honda Civic.

He packs gloves, non-permanent Markers, ski masks, binoculars for surveillance, and walkie-talkies for discreet team communication. Acknowledging the need for digital security, Julian includes in ear headphones , unused USB drives and a cheap new phone and laptop. A first aid kit is ready for minor emergencies, while compact flashlights prepared for low-light conditions.Anything bought new is paid for in cash.

For extended stakeouts, he adds lightweight snacks and water.

2024-03-20, 09:07 AM
Brand was very aware of his own limitations. The odds of him noticing something useful while wandering around campus were slim to none.

Instead, he was the backup. The library was positioned close enough to the center of campus, and nobody would question a student-aged individual quietly sitting on his computer all afternoon. If something went extremely wrong (or extremely right) with one of the others' investigations, he'd be able to reach them fairly quickly. And if not, well, he was in the middle of a school library with free internet and hours on his hands. The perfect opportunity to get ahead on his own coursework.

And so the days passed. Teaching the teammates that showed up the basics of martial arts and surviving a fight in the morning. Finishing his homework, working ahead on assigned readings and projects, and trawling YouTube during the afternoon. Reconvening with the team for dinner. Volunteering at a local soup kitchen for an hour or two before sleep.

It was a pleasant enough way to spend the time. But the fire inside of him itched for more.

2024-03-20, 11:14 AM
Liliana had come to Atlanta by motorcycle, preferring her Harley's flexibility over the extra carrying capacity a car could offer. She'd left her suits at home, bringing some comfortable clothes that would let her blend into the student crowd. She spend two days touring the campus, getting a feel for the local mood, as well as spending time on stakeout near the fraternity house, though doing so in shorter stints to avoid drawing too much attention to herself.

She also stopped by Brand's studio in the mornings to get a bit of martial arts practice in. She was very much a novice, but could at least apply the lessons on adjusting and manipulating her posture she'd picked up elsewhere to pick up the basics of how to stand and move.

2024-03-20, 02:39 PM
Like a shadow, Max slips from darkness to darkness, ever closer to his goal of more information.
He gathers his Conviction when he is nearly caught by a security guard but sit still for nearly half an hour before the guard leaves and he is moving on to the offices and the computers with all that tasty data.

2024-03-20, 06:20 PM
Mateusz went to Atlanta by train, having bought tickets for himself and Helena. He supposed her intelligence and experience in field of religions and mythologies could come in handy. Plus, she was really well suited to play the role of “PhD candidate in ancient religions”, such a need would arise.

He also accepted the offer of learning martial arts. For him, as a huge nerd, it was more about spirituality than anything else, but it also would feel rad to be able to defend himself (or others!) in case of need.

2024-03-20, 06:33 PM
You're able to sneak into the office, disarming a security camera. When you're alone there, rifling through the desk, you find the username and password of someone who doesn't follow good security protocols and are able to log into the computer. Unfortunately, as you're going through the files, you're painfully aware that if anything is hidden in a place a dedicated hacker would know to look immediately, you're not finding it.

There are no obvious indications of anything below-the-board. You do note that the Phi Alpha Nu fraternity has the highest rate of property damage of any fraternity or sorority, with an impressive lead of 30% over the next contender, but it all seems to have been straightforwardly paid for, and there are no accounts of injuries, lawsuits, or felonies.

Observing the fraternity house is pretty easy, depending on how much effort you're putting into staying hidden. It seems to be open most of the time. You're able to use the Hidden Eye on its door, but detect no magic.You do observe three different creatures fitting the description of satyrs--hirsute, husky men apparently around 20 years of age, with obvious goat features--coming and going from the frat house. From the lack of response to their prominent hooves, large curved horns, and rather extreme hairiness, you're pretty sure the human students they stroll past aren't seeing what you see.

And let me know if, with that information, you plan on doing anything else before crashing the party Friday night.

2024-03-22, 12:42 AM
Max returns to the erstwhile hideout, arriving as silently as the grave. "All I was able to find out is that they have higher property damage than any other frat, but that they pay every cent of restitution. And no one was hurt in finding it out, in case you were worried."

2024-03-22, 03:51 AM
Liliana struk gold during the afternoon of her first day observing the frat house. A creature very much matching the description of the satyrs left the house, on his way to who knows where. Liliana waited a moment to create some distance, then started following along.

While she did so she got out her phone and send Brand a message. "I'm following a suspect, currently heading east on Ellis street. If you aren't busy, can you try following me, just in case something happens? Don't approach me, just stay near the location I'm sending you." She activated a feature that allowed the app to share her location for the next hour.

The message send, she continued her tail. Whenever line of sight to her target was temporarily broken she'd make slight adjustments to her appearance, wearing or putting away her sunglasses, moving her jacket to her waist or wearing it over her shoulder. Slight changes, but hopefully those measures, combined with her plain face, would stop the satyr from realizing it was the same person following him, even if he did occasionally notice her.

2024-03-22, 01:57 PM
Ah, here we go, Brand thought as he received the text from Liliana. He stood up, an audible series of pops coming from his back and sternum as he stretched. After a moment's consideration, he texted the rest of the team currently on campus that he would be out of position, on the off chance that this would factor into their own decision making. Couldn't hurt.

As he walked out of the library, he queued up his playlist and hit shuffle. Hah, not sure whether I should hope that's an omen or not, he thought, and started to sing along softly as he walked towards the location blinking on his map app, his rich voice easily swallowed up by the bustle of students traveling between classes.

♪They fall in line, one at time, ready to play♪
♪I can't see them anyway♪
♪No time to lose, we've got to move, steady at helm♪
♪I am losing sight again♪

Yep, that's the song I got by shuffling my playlist ("Blow Me Away" (https://youtu.be/4YshHpybh2I?si=GluKwSB0TfxkwMS_) by Breaking Benjamin). Very appropriate opening lines, very concerning chorus if it's an omen (it goes "Only the strongest will survive/ Lead me to Heaven when we die").

If Brand loses Liliana, or becomes suspicious that something's wrong (which would probably happen if her phone stays in the same spot for more than 5 minutes, or suddenly starts moving at vehicular speeds), he tries to use Vigil Brand proactively to determine her location and condition. This costs no Legend, but does require an action and a roll.

2024-03-22, 06:23 PM
Liliana follows the satyr for a few hours, almost all of which he spends on-campus. He never appears to notice her; other students seem to recognize him fairly often, sometimes friendly, sometimes indifferent. The one time he leaves campus, he goes to a liquor store and comes out a few minutes later with a rather sizable case, which he takes, carried over one of his shoulders, straight to the fraternity house. He does not emerge.

My current understanding is that all five of you (plus Helena) plan on crashing the party tonight. Let me know if any of you are doing something else instead, if any of you are not trying to pass for students there, or if you're making other preparations I should be aware of.)

2024-03-23, 09:12 AM
The tail ended up being very uneventful, yet that itself was noteworthy. Once Liliana had seen the Satyr back to the frat house she let Brand know the potential for danger should have passed, then composed a slightly longer message to the other scions.

from: [email protected]
to: [email protected], 4 others

A short update on our investigation, I have confirmed the presence of our suspects at Phi Alpha Nu. Tailed one, though the tail was uneventful. I don't think I was noticed.

The suspect appeared integrated well into student society here, seemingly fairly well known. The suspect did not do anything unusual, which is unusual for them in its own way, but confirms my earlier research that suggested that Phi Alpha Nu was not too exceptional among the student societies. I don't think our upcoming plan should change, but we should keep in mind that something a bit odd seems to be going on with the suspects.

2024-03-23, 08:18 PM
Mateusz received the message and went quite close to the place where he should have been. He was no spy and wanted to not directly follow anyone - too big a chance he would screw up - but still, he preferred to be in close vicinity just in case.

When he got the email, he went back home, glad that nobody got hurt.

2024-03-24, 01:52 PM
Subject: Re: Update Investigation

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected], 4 others

Thanks for the update. Good work tailing the suspect.
I concur, no change in plan needed, the building door did not demonstrate anything unusual.
Let’s keep a keen eye for any subtle signs moving forward.

2024-03-26, 06:00 PM
The party starts at 7 PM; let me know if you show up early, exactly on time, or late. Either way, there are at least some people there when you go in; there are more if you show up later, and yet the later you show up, the fewer eyes go to the door when it opens.

Around ten minutes after seven, a satyr lowers the ambient light and another starts loud dance music playing. You do notice that everyone doing any sort of arranging seems to be a satyr; all the humans present are acting more like guests than fraternity members. The satyrs appear obviously inhuman to you, but the humans apparently do not see their goat features.

There is a sizable bowl of punch and plastic cups at a table to one side. On the other side of the room, unobtrusively against the wall, are several bottles of different alcoholic beverages. Some students stick to punch, but others go casually over to the liquor section and fill their plastic cups there. (Which does, of course, render this party quite illegal as you're pretty sure no one is checking ID.)

You notice that your inhibitions are lower than usual--nothing strong enough to make you do anything you wouldn't want to do, but you feel mildly buzzed without touching anything intoxicating.

Given your character description I suspect I know the answer to this but I don't want to assume. Is your Epic Appearance positive or negative?

2024-03-26, 06:29 PM
Mateusz was there shortly before the time of the beginning of the party. He didn’t bring with him Helena this time – it would be possibly too risky and reckless, being honest.

Inside, he kept away from the alcohol. He did suppose the satyrs could do something with the drink, so he did keep an eye on it, but stayed away.

2024-03-27, 08:51 AM
Once Liliana told the group that the satyrs were instantly recognizable to scions, the mission became much simpler. Brand wouldn't have to cast as wide a net as possible in hopes that someone in his audience would be titanspawn; he could target them directly with his social manipulations.

Of course, if the satyrs could also spot scions at a glance, that could complicate things all over again.

Not for the first time, he found himself wishing he had some experience dealing with titanspawn. His adversaries back in Dublin had all, to the best of his knowledge, been purely mortal (albeit ruthless and occasionally well-armed). Except, perhaps, for her... but that was neither here nor there. Brand pushed aside the sudden rush of memories, forcing himself to refocus.

The plan was fundamentally unchanged. Brand mingled at the party, telling jokes, spinning stories, flirting with the girls and boys, and generally charming the crowd as best he could. And once he had a few of the satyrs paying attention to him, he launched into a story featuring Carnwennan.

Standing on a table, gesturing wildly, raising and lowering his voice, varying his speed of speech; Brand used every technique he had picked up in his... previous profession, every tip and trick to keep the audience hanging on his every word. The story was a heavily abbreviated and modified version of Hunting Ground, a book he'd found last night when looking for myths about the white-hilted dagger. Probably pure fiction (though he could never be completely sure about that nowadays), it featured Carnwennan being found, stolen, hidden away, used for extortion, wielded to slay a powerful supernatural being, and ultimately handed off to yet more powerful supernatural beings. If any of those things caused the satyrs to reek of guilt, he'd know he was on the right track, and which part or parts of the story triggered the guilt could also be very informative. From there, he could decide whether to approach the satyrs more directly.

2024-03-27, 10:16 AM
While Brand worked the crowd, Liliana mingled with and silently observed his audience. She blended in well, her clothes neither so flashy that she'd stand out nor so drab that she'd seem out of place at the party. She sipped a drink, but made sure she didn't get properly drunk as she kept an eye on the crowd.

She paid attention to the satyrs, but not just to them. She also watched how the other participants of the party responded to the tale Brand was weaving. After all, there was no guarantee there wouldn't be any other people in the know mixed in with them.

2024-03-27, 01:26 PM
Before heading to the party, Julian makes a detour to the local liquor shop, aiming to pick up some supplies that would add a his contribution. He browses the aisles, selecting three bottles of affordably priced whiskey.

Alongside, he gathers the ingredients for a whiskey sour: lemons, a small bottle of simple syrup, and a jar of cherries for garnish.

Arriving a bit late at the party, Julian is dressed in the understated style of : a comfortable t-shirt, a pair of well-worn jeans, and sneakers. And a reflecting purple pair of sunglasses while wearing a white and black fedora. A horrible fashion foul all in all but well being best dressed is not part of the mission.

Balancing the whiskey and ingredients in one hand, he uses the other to swing open the door, stepping into the lively atmosphere of the gathering.
"Hey!" he greets, with a warm and friendly tone, a glass of freshly mixed whiskey sour in his hand.
Afterwards placing the whisky sour mix in the common area downing the first one and starting to mix his second. He appears to be liquor focused for now.

For now during the party Julian drinks the whisky he bought himself. If anyone asks his answer is :

„Whisky sour is the greatest drink believe me. Wanna try?“

Afterwards heading to the dance floor a drink in hand. Most of the time capable of balancing it but hey spills happen and if they do:
„No problem, you got something for clean up?“

2024-03-27, 07:15 PM
It is an odd fashion set up. In fact it is an odd set up all in all , yet there's something undeniably relaxing about it.

Being the Scion of Osiris carries with it certain images and expectations, both from oneself and from others. Currently, enjoying whiskey sours, embracing social awkwardness, and accepting the liberating feeling of being a disappointment—even to the point of being kicked out—strangely feels good. Thus, Julian allows himself a few minutes to serve as the diversion his team needs, taking a step back from divinity to embrace his very very human side.

2024-03-27, 10:22 PM
Max is too used to hiding and disappearing into the shadows so he somehow finds himself alone in a large room at the bustling party. He's not even sure how there could be a room devoid of people in a party this packed but he's certainly not gaining any intel on the satyrs here.

2024-03-28, 05:07 PM
Most of the students around Brand are drunk. One woman seems fascinated with his story but also drunk enough to have trouble following it, laughing at inappropriate parts. Nothing triggers any Knacks, but Brand does notice, as his story goes on, that one of the satyrs is watching him ever more intently, in a way that doesn't seem friendly. When the story ends, the satyr walks closer to him and says, "That's quite a story. Could you help me with something in the back?" He gestures to a door.

2024-03-29, 09:06 AM
Hmm. Brand knew he was good at playing a crowd, even (especially) the drunk and rowdy, and he felt like that had been an excellent performance. But the reaction of his audience suggested otherwise. There was definitely something off with the air here, even beyond the fact that breathing it in made him tipsier than a half-dozen pints.

And now he had drawn the attention of one of their hosts. Brand turned to face the satyr, plastering a guileless smile onto his face. "Of course," he said. "I love helping." Not his most eloquent line, but he was busy gathering his thoughts. Brandon was careful to keep his eyes on the satyr, not looking at his companions elsewhere in the room; no sense in blowing their cover, too. He stretched, extending his arms high into the air, before jumping heavily down off the table, landing with his feet flat to make a decently loud clap. If his friends were paying any attention at all, now they'd see what was going down.

Most likely, the satyr wanted to pump Brand for information. Possibly, he wanted to kill or otherwise neutralize the scion. The two were not mutually exclusive, either. It's also technically possible, Brand allowed, that he just wants to make out. He wondered how best to respond as he followed the satyr out of the living room.

In a fight, when in doubt, you should go on the offensive. As long as you didn't overextend, that was often the best way to learn something about your opponent, and it let you dictate the flow. Applying that same principle to conversation...

"So," Brand casually started as they found themselves alone in a hallway, the door to what was presumably the backroom just ahead, "how much do you know about the dagger?"

2024-03-29, 09:21 AM
When Liliana saw Brand leaving with the satyr she started to follow, though she kept something of a distance and slowly worked her way through the crowd to avoid being seen. If it was an ambush, Brand would be far more suited to fighting it off than she was, but she had a trick or two up her sleeve if he needed help, or for getting any defeated opponents to aid them in their search.

2024-03-29, 11:10 AM
That loud noise really kinda interrupted the flow. Honestly the only reason that drink spilled and the move did not look good. Well off to make a new one.

Julian registers Brand leaving and goes to mix a new drink while checking out what is going on over there.

For now he does not intend to intervene unless he hears/sees some new development.

In the meantime he gives the dancefloor a demonstration of what it really needed the ancient but classic robot dance hoping that the distraction will allow the rest of the team to move unnoticed.

2024-03-29, 04:45 PM
"I'm afraid I have to insist on going first," the satyr replies. He leads Brand into the back room and closes the door behind them.
On the other side of the door is what appears to be a rather messy office. "Who are you working for?" the satyr asks bluntly once the door is closed.


2024-03-29, 08:41 PM
Mateusz also followed his friend. Going after him and the satyr was probably better way of learning something than just keeping an aye on the alcoholic drinks.

2024-03-29, 11:24 PM
Huh. Brand had genuinely expected the satyr to have friends back here ready to jump him the moment he walked through the door. Once again, three explanations presented themselves. Perhaps they weren't coordinated enough for that. Perhaps this titanspawn was confident he could take Brand solo (which Brand would pay good money to see him attempt). Or perhaps the satyr was genuinely interested in talking, for now. And wanted to know about Ms. Kessler...

"That falls under client confidentiality, I'm afraid." Plus, Brand gave it about 50% odds she'd told them a fake name. "Suffice it to say, I represent someone who wants Carnwennan, and believes your people currently have it. If them remaining anonymous is truly a dealbreaker, I can contact them and ask for permission to share more. But... I'd think you'd be more interested in what we can offer you for it."

If Brand hears the door open behind him, he immediately goes for his tactical bracelet, summoning his Relic armor to himself.

2024-03-30, 06:06 AM
Whatever the satyr was expecting you to say or do, you're pretty sure that wasn't it.

After blinking for a minute, he finally says, "So, not Forsen, then."

Make a Perception+Awareness roll.

"Do you know--wait. Perhaps the best question to ask is, are you human?"

2024-03-30, 07:28 AM
Brand paused, the question requiring more thought from him than he assumed it would for most people.

"Humanity is relative," he finally said. "I never knew my father, and my mother's side of the family is so very mixed compared to most pantheons. To answer the question in the way I suspect you wanted, I was raised human, and still identify most strongly with that race, but the blood of a Goddess flows in my veins."

How much to tell? Perhaps a show of good faith was in order, especially now that the satyr was reevaluating his assumptions about Brand.

"Brandon Flynne, Champion of the Weak and Scion of Brigid, at your service," Brand finished, putting a little flourish into it. Plus, turning down a perfectly good opportunity to showboat a little just isn't in my nature.

2024-04-01, 05:00 PM
You arrive back at the central living area just in time to see Mateusz sneaking through a door and closing it behind him. You see two other satyrs dancing, but the only one of your companions still in this room is Julian.
"Ah," the satyr says after a minute of looking surprised. "You're from the other side." You don't think the satyr means the other side from himself. "I'll tell you what I told Forsen: I bear neither the gods--other than Pan, of course--nor titanspawn any love, and wish to be excluded from this narrative." He pauses, breathing hard for a few seconds, before he adds, "And one thing I didn't tell Forsen because he already knew it. I don't have your dagger. Leave now. Don't return." A pause again before he adds, "And take the others who came here with you away with you, too."
The satyr opens the door, revealing a messy office to those of you who haven't already seen it, and goes to sit behind the desk.

2024-04-02, 05:01 AM
As he heard the door swing open, Brand whipped around with a speed that belied his relaxed posture, right hand going for his left wrist. Seeing his friends there instead of a satyr ambush, the gleeful glint in his eyes receded, and the genial, friendly persona returned to his features before he turned around to face the satyr again.

Brand nodded, standing up from his seat and tipping an imaginary hat to his host.

"It's been a pleasure to meet you. One final question, and then me and my people will leave you and yours in peace." The satyrs had been their only lead. The fact that they might have a new one now, this Forsen figure, was no reason not to be thorough.

"Where is the dagger now?"

2024-04-02, 10:15 AM
Mateusz just nodded his head in a greeting when entering the room. He was quiet, apparently waiting for the things to unfold.

2024-04-02, 01:35 PM
Max waits, watching the door, thinking that it might be best that the satyrs don’t know every one of the group. He tries to blend back into the party while listening for a commotion.

2024-04-03, 05:54 PM
The satyr hesitates, pausing to glare at Mateusz. After a minute, he searches through the papers on his desk, eventually coming up with:

"This man--well he's not actually a man--is Gunnar Forsen, CEO of Fornjot, Inc. He contacted me recently. Believing us to be titanspawn, he assumed we would be happy to accept well-paid mercenary work for our...common cause. He doesn't seem like someone who is used to being told no. He said that he had a very special dagger, but it was recently stolen by one of his employees, someone he called 'Mog Raznosgolar.' He apparently brought it to a tenement in Vine City. If you want the dagger, I'd suggest you hurry to get it from him; it'll be much harder to retrieve when it's back in Forsen's hands."

2024-04-05, 07:26 PM
During the beer pong game, Julian, seeking to level the playing field, decides to play with his left hand, despite being right-handed. Feeling bold, he lines up for a trick shot, aiming to bounce the ping pong ball off the wall to the table's right, hoping his unconventional approach would lead to a spectacular score. However, the ball skitters off course, missing the cups entirely and eliciting laughter from the crowd. „Go big or go home is the way.“ Taking a sip off his drink he is still waiting for any sign from the back but also there was no noise the waiting is the way to go. Or so he hopes.

2024-04-05, 09:55 PM
Max sidles up to one of the dancing satyrs, trying to cut in and steal the dance

2024-04-06, 03:04 AM
"Thank you for the information." Liliana frowned a little as she considered what they had just learned. "One more question and we'll get out of your hair, though we might hang around the party until it won't seem odd that we're leaving to any outside observer. Why would anyone come to believe your group would hold the dagger if it was never in your possession in the first place, and your only connection to it seems to be that someone tried to hire you to get it?"

2024-04-06, 10:42 AM
"Good question," the satyr replies. "And I have no idea. You should ask your...mysterious..."*he looks at Brand* "employer. How many of you are here, anyway?"

2024-04-06, 11:16 AM
Liliana shook her head at the satyr's question. "It shouldn't come as a surprise that I don't intend to answer that. You said yourself that Forsen still keeps an eye on you, and I don't think you have any good reason not to tell him what you know of us if he sends someone to ask questions." She shrugged. "And I don't blame you for it, but I will make sure that there isn't too much you can actually tell him."

2024-04-07, 07:27 AM
- Do you, uh... - Mateusz decided to speak - Do you wanna, maybe, our help? I mean... if the company is dangerous and would like to hurt you or is threatening you? I mean, you did not speak anything about it, em... directly, but this is the vibe I got?

2024-04-07, 07:57 PM
The satyr lets Max cut in; the expression on his face as he looks at Max is more curious than hostile. He looks as if he's pondering something for about a minute. Then he starts dancing with a different woman.

"The exchange of information here seems rather one-sided," the satyr says dryly, sounding mildly disgusted but not at all surprised. At Mateusz's offer, his eyebrows raise almost into his hairline. "You really mean that, don't you?" he asks wonderingly. "But no. Forsen is not a stupid...creature, whatever one might expect. He's far more focused on getting the dagger back. At most he might try to pressure us to take his offer, but I think he's more likely to look elsewhere."

2024-04-08, 03:44 AM
"Truly, you have gone far beyond the duties of host to guest." Brand pulled out his silver sharpie, flipped the newspaper scrap with Forsen's image over (having already taken a picture of it on his phone), and scrawled his number on the backside, over what appeared to be an advertisement for an electric eggbeater.

Brand thought carefully about his next words. He'd heard the story of Prince Pwyll of Dyved, and knew better than to make a completely open ended promise, but too many restrictions would make him come across as stingy and ungrateful. Yes, that should do the trick, he decided, settling on his wording.

"Should you desire a favor in turn," he explained, handing the paper back to the satyr, "call upon me, and I will act to settle the balance."

You guys have probably noticed that Brand talks very archaically, like something out of a fantasy novel or one of King Arthur's legends. That's because those are his in-universe inspirations. After his Visitation and his decision to become more heroic, he began looking for role models, and found them in the fantasies he had loved as a kid. Talking like them helps him stay 'in character', a constant reminder to be kind and generous and selfless.

Probably best if the satyrs don't have contact info for all of us, in case they get compromised. They already have Brand's name, so he's giving up his phone number as well.

2024-04-08, 09:29 AM
As Julian moves through the party, he strikes up a conversation near the snack table with a group discussing their favorite courses. Introducing himself as Jay, he expresses his curiosity about the local courses, mentioning that he's a freshman currently studying chemistry but finding it "super hard and weird that stuff" and is considering switching to something like law or archaeology—whatever seems like the best idea.If ask how he affords college : “I could totally help run the family business but my brother won’t even listen to my ideas.“

His questions are light, focusing on what brings them to the party, subtly steering the conversation towards their studies without seeming intrusive. Julian laughs at the right moments, contributes when necessary, and memorizes names and details, especially from those who hint at connections to the fraternity of interest.

Later, he joins another game of beer pong, using his left hand to even the odds and keep the mood light. Julian listens intently, filing away each detail under a mental map of the place.

As the evening winds down and groups start to thin out, he notes exits, locks, and the general layout, all while maintaining the guise of a party-goer just trying to navigate his way around.

On his way out, he casually chats with the host, complimenting the party and saying, "Next time, I am totally going to be there," laying the groundwork for a potential return. Julian leaves with a mental catalog of faces, names, and a rough blueprint of the venue, ready to sketch and share with his team.

2024-04-08, 10:08 AM
- Oh, I see... - said Mateusz - I'm sorry we cannot offer you more information, but we have our... restrictions. Still, I am glad we got to talk about things in a peaceful manner, even if you aren't completely satisfied. I'm happy that we aren't enemies.

2024-04-09, 06:45 PM
Julian encounters one problem with his plan: when he asks about the host, he quickly learns that the host of the party is the satyr who recently disappeared into the back of the house with Brand.

You all make your way out of the party and regroup outside.

20 XP to each person who was there.

What is your next move, together or separately?

2024-04-09, 10:51 PM
Julian writes another email:

**Subject:** Dinner at Hotel Spice and Sky

**From:** [email protected]
**To:** [email protected]

Dear Team,

To discuss our findings and strategize our next steps, I've arranged for us to meet and dine together.

**Location:** Hotel Spice and Sky Atlanta Perimeter, Meeting Room B04.03 on the fourth floor
**Time:** 7:00 PM

Dinner will be provided, allowing us to focus on our discussions in a comfortable setting. Please confirm your attendance at your earliest convenience.


2024-04-10, 02:28 AM
Liliana spend the night at a business hotel, then got an early start the next morning. After having a breakfast which mainly consisted of coffee she returned to her room and opened her laptop. She started by confirming her attendance to Julian. It seemed he had picked the hotel she was staying at as a meeting location, so she wouldn't have to go far. Then she got to work.

She started by making some calls among the members of her network of informants. She asked a clerk she knew with a local prosecutor's office to see if Gunnar Forsen, his company, or Mog Raznosgolar had ever come across her desk. Then she checked in with an acquaintance with the FDA to see if Fornjot, Inc. had ever gotten on their radar. She also warned her acquaintance that she had heard some unsavoury rumours about the company. She didn't have any evidence, of course, but if the titanspawn was doing something unsubtle like selling spiked drinks, her acquaintance could probably find out. Finally, she called a detective she knew that specialized in art theft and who had a lot of contacts in that part of the underworld, and provided him with a description of the dagger. Of this Mog was trying to sell it off as simple display piece he might have heard a thing or two.

Once she was done with her calls, she started doing some research in public archives into the tenements of Vine City, trying to dig up a map or similar documents that would help them plan their approach of Mog. If she had time, she also planned to do her own research into Forsen and his company, but she was leaving that to her contacts for now.

The contacts I mentioned are part of Liliana's 3 dots in followers. If you want I can start hammering out more concrete NPC's for these, or leave it more vague as 'Liliana knows someone just high enough to get some useful information, but not high enough to really change things in most relevant organizations'.

2024-04-10, 06:15 PM
Fornjót Power Associates’ company website gives a headquarters address in Colorado Springs. Liliana's contacts get back to her; Gunnar Forson (possibly a slight mispronounciation by the satyr?) is a large, well-built man who serves as the CEO for Fornjót Power Associates. He rarely gives interviews, but he’s well spoken, handsome and quite intelligent. He holds an amazing 44% share in the company’s publicly traded stock. His business practices are within standard tolerences for a CEO: his respect for the law is distinctly borderline, but he's never done anything that would make going after him worth the DA's office's time. He resides in a large alpine estate high in the Rockies, and, in his rare interviews, described his interests as skiing, hiking, baseball, and arm-wrestling. He votes Libertarian. Business Week named him one of the Most Eligible CEO-Bachelors of 2023.

Fornjót Power Associates manufactures an energy drink called Slam! The company website touts the herbal essences in Slam!, but from the ingredient list, it appears that its kick has more to do with caffeine and sugar. Assuming, that is, that there isn't anything in Slam! that isn't on the ingredients list.

The name Mog Raznosgolar, on the other hand, isn't readily found online in any likely spelling.

It's not hard to find the area the satyr indicated Mog is likely to be in, but most maps of that area seem to be years old. Make an Intelligence+Investigation roll, Liliana.

Fleshing out your contacts would help, but it's not urgent.

2024-04-12, 03:00 AM
After sending the email to coordinate the debriefing dinner, Julian shifts his focus to the names he collected at the party. He opens his laptop and begins researching each individual on social media platforms and through broader online searches. His objective is to identify any connections to the fraternity of interest, as well as any other affiliations that might inform their investigation.

Julian methodically reviews profiles, noting common friends, group memberships, and recent posts that might hint at deeper involvement in the matters concerning their investigation. He compiles the data, correlating each name with specific details such as educational backgrounds, places of employment, and their roles within the fraternity. Julian is particularly attentive to any mentions or indications of unusual activities that align with the behaviors typical of the 'goat men' they are investigating. While he is still looking for the fraternity alumni, after all somehow the operation needs to be funded.

With a comprehensive portfolio of information in hand, Julian prepares a detailed report to share with his colleagues. After that he and Zahir make their way to the meeting.

2024-04-12, 03:34 AM
Liliana compiled the results of her research into a report, stopping by a print-shop to get a map of the tenements printed out on a large sheet of paper. Her work done, she found some time to drop by Brand again. She had been impressed with the way he he had managed the crowd back at the party, and was eager to learn some of his tricks.

The drama lessons done, she grabbed a quick dinner at the hotel, then headed for the meeting.

2024-04-12, 12:07 PM
Whew, this teaching gig was harder than he'd expected! But surprisingly fun to watch his friends running through the communications and miscommunications at the heart of Twelfth Night. The play had always been his favorite of Shakespeare's works, probably because it featured a lady passing as a man to flirt with the male and female co-leads (the perfect wish fulfilment fantasy for the younger him). Twelfth Night would always have a special place in his heart for that, even if that wasn't the lesson he needed it to teach right now.

Reading and playing your opponent. Even more than that, reading and playing the crowd. Those skills had been a key part of his success in the cage; some of the audience would have been content simply to see him rise to the top as the most skilled fighter, but many more would have grown bored if he'd played every fight completely straight. Introducing narrative concepts like back-and-forth, rising stakes, and dramatic climaxes to his fights had been challenging, yes (taking unnecessary hits to sell the idea that he was an underdog was only slightly less dangerous when it was intentional), but it had kept the audiences on the edge of their seats. A happy audience was a returning audience, and a returning audience meant his cut of the profits was larger than ever.

Brand forcibly shook himself out of the nostalgic reverie. Shame on me, he thought. Those days were bad for me... not to mention for my opponents. The last thing I want to do is backslide into the person I was back then. Still, it was nice to see something pleasant come of the talents he had honed in those arenas.

He'd already told Julian he would be there for this dinner; now he was taking the stairs up to the correct floor. He'd been googling famous regional dishes to try, and hoped the catering would include seafood. Brand could absolutely go for some crab cakes right now.

2024-04-12, 10:19 PM
As the first team member arrives at Hotel Spice and Sky Atlanta Perimeter's meeting room B04.03, they find Julian preparing the space for the strategy session. A large oval table at the center is surrounded by comfortable chairs, with documents spread out and a laptop connected to a projector ready for presentations.

Zahir stands by, ready to take detailed minutes. The room is lit to balance clarity and comfort, with refreshments available on a side table.

Julian greets the first arrival with a welcoming smile, inviting them to get comfortable. "Glad you could make it. I hope there was no trouble?" As he looks around the room, Julian thinks to himself, *More satisfying than the last setup, still not quite the pantheon-worthy display of old.*

The hotel provided a well-curated catering service for the meeting. The spread included a variety of options to cater to diverse tastes and dietary requirements.

- A selection of gourmet cheeses paired with a variety of crackers and a fresh fruit platter.
- An assortment of fresh spring rolls filled with vegetables, shrimp, and vermicelli, served with peanut and hoisin dipping sauces.

**Main Courses:**
- Grilled salmon fillets, lightly seasoned and served with a dill and lemon butter sauce.
- Herb-roasted chicken breasts, accompanied by a rosemary and thyme jus.
- A vegetarian option of stuffed bell peppers filled with quinoa, black beans, corn, and topped with melted cheese.

- A mixed green salad with cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and a choice of vinaigrette or ranch dressing.
- Roasted mixed vegetables including carrots, broccoli, and sweet potatoes.
- Garlic mashed potatoes, creamy and garnished with chives.

- A dessert platter featuring mini cheesecakes, chocolate brownies, and macarons in various flavors.
- Freshly brewed coffee and a selection of teas.

- Sparkling and still mineral water.
- A selection of soft drinks and juices.

2024-04-13, 10:26 AM
Liliana gave a slightly bitter smile as she looked over the food available. That was what she got for only reading the where and when on the invitation, and assuming she'd need to get dinner beforehand. Still, she grabbed some options from the desert section, while waiting for everyone else to finish their meal so they could start the meeting.

2024-04-14, 06:14 AM
Cheerfully, Brand started loading up one of the plates with a little bit of everything... but the plate was oddly small, and he ran out of room too quickly. Looking at all the things he still wanted to try and doing some quick mental geometry, it was going to take at least four of these tiny plates, plus a glass or two.

The reasonable thing to do would be to make multiple trips as he finished each plate, but... I haven't practiced that skill in a while... and I kind of want to show it off.

So after filling his plates and pouring his drinks, he started loading them up on his body to carry them back to his seat. His hands, his forearms, the crooks of his elbows, his shoulders, atop his bright red hair; anywhere a plate or cup could go without stacking, he put one, even empty ones when he'd loaded up all of his.

He straightened carefully and walked back to his table, controlling the balance of his fragile load with precise manipulations of the tension in his muscles and the angling of his limbs to nudge items that were threatening to slip back to true. Reaching the table, he used his foot to pull out his chair, then sat down and carefully unburdened himself of all the plates and cups, setting the full ones in a neat arrangement in front of his seat and stacking the empty ones off to the side. Then he picked those up and carried them (normally) back to the serving table....

...And stopped to smack his head with his palm. The oddly tiny plates that had inspired this maneuver were at one end of the serving table, yes... and at the other end sat stacks of normally sized plates. He'd been struggling because he had been trying to serve a four-course meal onto plates intended for the crackers and cheeses.

This is the Omnidexterity knack in action, letting Brand use any part of his body with the dexterity of his hands. Also, Brand's incredibly poor perception coming back to bite him once again.

Can I get a stunt for this?

2024-04-14, 07:54 AM
Yes, I like the description, but in light of the current lack of stakes I'll call that a one-die stunt.

2024-04-15, 03:08 AM
As the group settled into the meeting room for dinner, Julian and Zahir made their way to the buffet table, opting to start their meal with fresh spring rolls and grilled salmon.

While enjoying their plates, Julian and Zahir engaged in light conversation, weaving in elements of their time in Alexandria which apparently also contained a few drinks. „ I am very glad that dads side of the family is so effective at preventing hangovers," Julian remarked, appreciating the benefits of extraordinary drinking capabilities backgrounds. Zahir chuckled in agreement, „Yeah sadly that doesn’t prevent the lightweights among recruits from making a mess.“

After enjoying the food and conversation, the pair shifted focus to the task at hand. Zahir, ever the meticulous one, prepared his notepad and pen to capture detailed minutes of the meeting. Julian, meanwhile, began sorting through his notes, organizing his thoughts and information. He aligned documents, checked his digital files on the laptop, and laid out his notes.

2024-04-15, 05:28 PM
Max, being a college kid, will never turn down free food. He sets up his laptop at one of the places arranged for the group and then helps himself to as much of the buffet as he can carry.

2024-04-16, 04:09 AM
Mateusz was quite busy, trying to learn basic medicine, applied psychology and being presentable all at once, but it worked quite well. Probably being a Scion helped him with that a lot, being honest.

He sat down with all the others, a little plate filled with sweets and a cup of hot tea with sugar by his side. He was so busy with his own education, that he didn't really had time to check on satyrs or the dude that they mentioned (besides basic googling and social media checking). But, telling the truth, he had no idea where he should have started.

2024-04-16, 09:29 AM
"So. Let's review our last operation."

Brand had finished the last of his salmon, and politely dabbed his lips with his napkin. But then he spotted a stray chunk of gouda on his plate, and couldn't resist popping it into his mouth. So good, he thought, chewing the smoky cheese happily.

Oh right, the review. He hastily swallowed. "The good first. We made it in and out, retrieved valuable intel, and all without resorting to violence. On the other hand, we're essentially back to where we started: a lead to where the dagger is and who possesses it, albeit one that is hopefully more correct than our first one." And how had their client's intel been so inaccurate? It at least made it unlikely that she was working for Forsen, who knew the satyrs didn't have the prize. Though perhaps she had been spying on the titanspawn(?) and only knew that he had reached out to the satyrs after the dagger was stolen, drawing the obvious conclusion that they were the ones who had taken it?

"Also, several of us had our cover blown, and we clearly underestimated the powers of the satyrs; had they wanted a fight, things could have gotten ugly very quickly. This can probably be written off as an inherent risk when dealing with the supernatural, but obviously I'd prefer to be better informed about our next opponents' capabilities."

2024-04-16, 10:57 PM
„An identity leaked to titanspawn is, to say the least, problematic," Julian began, his tone reflecting concern. He paused, unsure if his next words would reveal too much, yet feeling the necessity of being transparent. "The truth is, I don't have a foolproof solution for this issue. But..." Julian hesitated again, hoping he wasn't about to share something embarrassing. It felt right, though, to be open with the team.

"Back home, I believe we have the means to provide those concerned with new options concerning official documentation—formal name, origin, address, and so on. This could be useful in case someone is worried they might be located by unwanted parties.If someone wants to I can ask if we can arrange it?“

As he said it he realized he himself was not 100% as cautious as he would have liked.

2024-04-17, 12:17 PM
"I didn't let anything slip that I would be worried about anyone else knowing." Liliana shot Brand a meaningful look. "I do have to caution about the risks inherent to false identities though. Using one for a short while has its own issues, but if you want to assume an entirely new identity.... well, you'll end up with at least one, most likely multiple, people holding a pretty big secret over you for the rest of your life. That's not to say I don't trust you, Julian, but can you say that the people you'd ask to arrange this are completely selfless and free from angles from which they could be blackmailed?" Liliana let that hang for a moment. "'Either way, we need to chase down the dagger first. If anyone decides they need to disappear after that, I might have some advice as well."

"I have some worries of my own about how our client got so mistaken, but for now the main problem is the dagger. We can do our due diligence on her once we've secured it." She opened a folder and handed out several handouts containing the information she had found out about Forsen, before spreading out a large printed map of the Vine City tenements. "You can read those at your own pace, but to summarize, Forson seems to know what he's doing. He isn't on any watchlists as far as I could find, and though he is known to stray into the greyer areas of the law he hasn't done so to the extend that anyone felt like going through the trouble of getting him arrested for it. His company's products have passed muster, but if anyone here feels like doing their own analyses on his company's products I'd welcome it."

"Forson is not our target though." Liliana flipped to the back of the handout. It contained a short profile, but it consisted mostly of fields marked 'unknown' and best guesses. "A former employee of his named 'Mog Raznosgolar' is, but this individual is a ghost. No online presence whatsoever, and nothing that my contacts could dig up either. All we know is the location the Satyrs gave us." She gestured at the map she had put down. "Though Forson might be worth looking into, for now this is the puzzle we need to solve."

2024-04-17, 01:33 PM
Brandon shrugged. "Sharing my identity was a calculated risk, and a minor one at that. I have no mortal family for it to be traced back to, and research into my former acquaintances will provide only enemies. In fact, thanks to my efforts and machinations, most of them are currently in jail." The most prominent one who'd slipped his net was her, and they'd never catch her unless she let them. He certainly hadn't been able to... though it was possible his emotions had clouded his efficacy on that one.

"One of the advantages of having turned over a new leaf," Brand continued. "That's why I gave the satyrs my phone number, instead of letting one of our members with an actual business card do the honors."

Brandon is perhaps underestimating his vulnerability; people trying to manipulate him could conceivably go after his professors (though that might lead to them ambushing the god Ogma's mortal guise, which would be hilarious) and a couple of ex-boyfriends/-girlfriends from the university before his Visitation. If they make the connection to the vigilante and the 'anonymous sources' that helped the police take down the fighting rings, then his contact on the force and several of the vulnerable children/teens that he personally rescued become possible targets as well, though that would require a lot more legwork to figure out.

Researching him through Dublin's criminal element, though, will turn up exactly the dead end he described. Looking into his birth/orphanage records would be even worse, since Brandon isn't his birth name, variations of "Flynn" are fairly common last names, and he has no positive emotional connections with any of the foster families or orphanages he stayed at over the years (rather the opposite, in most cases) even if they did manage to find those records.

Of course, thanks to his geas, if anyone (well, anyone weaker than Brand) was threatened in an effort to put pressure on him, he would have to help. But Brigid is the only one who knows about that geas, so he should be safe on that front for now.

2024-04-17, 08:39 PM
"Liliana, your caution regarding the use of false identities is well-founded," Julian began, his tone measured. "The risks of assuming a new identity are significant.“ He paused for a moment, reflecting on the trust and confidentiality required to manage such a delicate situation. "It's true, the people involved in arranging these identities might also not be immune to titanspawn threats or circumstances.
Turning to address Brand's comments, Julian nodded in understanding. "Brand, your approach to sharing your identity was indeed a calculated risk, and it seems you’ve managed the potential repercussions well.„

"As for the dagger and our current leads," Julian continued, glancing at the information Liliana had spread out, " Mog Raznosgolar’s elusive nature certainly complicates the task." He gestured towards the map and the profiles laid out on the table. "We must strategize carefully, ensuring we understand potential traps we might encounter. Not that I … know much about our employer.“

„Forson could be investigated by maybe getting a job at the company. For Mog hmm do they have apartments for rent in the area?“

2024-04-19, 02:11 PM
Max quickly reads through the reports, one detail niggling at his brain, "The information and marketing on Slam! sounds strangely familiar. I'm not sure the ingredients count as natural, more like supernatural. I'd love to do some magical testing on it before we get too deep into planning our next move. If my suspicions are anywhere close we'll need some Slam! and an unbound mortal to test it on. I don't suppose the hotel stocks any Slam!?"

2024-04-19, 04:43 PM
„I can find that out. And if you want one of us can pose as a slam representative handing out free drinks?“

Julian would try to order some Slam! from room service.

2024-04-20, 07:09 PM
After room service comes. Julian returns with a can of Slam! .

„As for an unbound mortal we will probably have to take a look around.“

2024-04-21, 03:33 AM
Brand didn't like the idea of experimenting on a mortal. But this was something that hundreds - possibly thousands - of people drank daily, with no apparent adverse effects. In this case, his protective instinct was probably an overreaction. Still, I'll keep an eye on the situation, he thought.

2024-04-21, 12:45 PM
"How unethical would it be to just offer a waiter 100 bucks to drink it?" Max grips one of the cans of Slam!, seeing if he can sense a fatebond on the drink already. He pulls out his magic book and a set of occult tools, setting up a ritual to analyze the thaumaturgic resonance of the drink. "If this works I should be able to separate any magical ingredients out from the natural ones and we won't need them to drink it." Max begins chanting as he pours some of the soda into the improvised ritual circle. The Natural elements should be pulled towards the iron on one side and the Supernatural pulled towards the crystal on the other for 'easy' identification.

2024-04-21, 02:36 PM
Max's efforts detect no supernatural quality to the drink which can be detected through examination. Max does sense the presence of a Fatebond with the passive effect of his Knack--but he realizes that he has been experiencing that sensation when around his companions for some time. He could spend a Legend point for more details, including whether the energy drink is Fatebound to someone, or he could try taking it away from his companions or asking them all to leave the room.

You remember the satyr suggesting you hurry to get the dagger (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?665067-Scion-Hero-(IC)/page4). If he's right about the situation--which, of course, he may not be--renting an apartment to set up extended surveillance might mean leaving Gunnar Forson time to reclaim the dagger.

2024-04-21, 03:24 PM
"The energy drink angle is interesting, but it is not our main purpose here." Liliana was eager to bring her companions back on track. "Forson is actively looking for the dagger, so we need to focus on getting it first. Any suggestions for tracking down this Mog person quickly? Worst case, we could just move in, and see what our presence can shake loose, but I'd prefer a more solid plan."

2024-04-21, 03:47 PM
"The energy drink angle is interesting, but it is not our main purpose here." Liliana was eager to bring her companions back on track. "Forson is actively looking for the dagger, so we need to focus on getting it first. Any suggestions for tracking down this Mog person quickly? Worst case, we could just move in, and see what our presence can shake loose, but I'd prefer a more solid plan."

"In theory Mortal help is only a few dollars away. Hiring one or two detectives to check out any people that moved in lately should not cost this world. Beyond that we could again try to split up in a surveillance and a diversion team?
An alternative is of course to attempt to not look for the dagger first but to look for Forson first and assume he will find it and when he does we can act.
In theory a CEOs shedule is something that should be written down and accessible."

2024-04-22, 11:30 AM
Mateusz was strangery quited the whole time. But, actually, he was deeply considering something.

- You know... - he finally muttered, very slowly, more to himself that to the others - I know computer, right? And... maybe I shall hack him? You know, email, social media accounts, such things. I mean... this is technically illegal... - he started making circles with his thumbs - But... if just to have accesss to some info... and not enter into his systems any kind of virus or anything... I mean... hm...

He wasn't really sure if he wanted that. But the dagger seemed to be important, and just breaking into his accounts to just have some "passive" data, instead of pretending to be him... that wasn't, like, a great sin... right?

2024-04-22, 01:26 PM
"Unfortunately, he has no such online presence, or I would have beaten you to the punch." Liliana replied. "Hiring a private investigator or two would be an option if we had more time, but in that case I'd simply do all the legwork myself." She looked over the map again.

"Does anyone have access to some muscle on short notice? Mercenaries or the like." She gestured at several points on the map. "Main access to the area is here, her and here. If we can get those watched we could go in, try to spook our target and nab him when he tries to run. We could do something similar to what Brand did during the party, make it obvious we know for our target to provoke a response."

2024-04-22, 07:40 PM
Julian looked at Mateusz, surprised but pleased to see him willing to contribute in an area where Julian himself lacked significant expertise.

"Does Forsen have any social media or online accounts? He's not our primary target, but in a worst-case scenario, he could lead us to the dagger. I assume he must have access to at least one company email account, right?"

When the conversation shifted to the topic of mercenaries, Julian was somewhat taken aback—not because he opposed the idea, but because he had not yet succeeded in recruiting mundane support for the impending war, a feat his father would have undoubtedly accomplished.

"I have to admit, I can't offer trustworthy mercenaries. However, would paid lookouts, like private eyes who are unaware of the full extent of what's happening, suffice for your plan?"

2024-04-23, 05:34 PM
Mateusz sighed with relief. So he won't have to hack into some accounts... not in this very second, at least.

- The offer is still on the table, you know? Maybe I cannot hack this particular person, but I can do some hacking, if an opportunity will arise. It's not something I take lightly, but I also do realize that the dagger is important, and it's way better if we put our hands on it than third parties.

2024-04-25, 03:25 PM
"Does anyone have access to some muscle on short notice? Mercenaries or the like." She gestured at several points on the map. "Main access to the area is here, her and here. If we can get those watched we could go in, try to spook our target and nab him when he tries to run. We could do something similar to what Brand did during the party, make it obvious we know for our target to provoke a response."

„Private security companies are not that expensive but I doubt they will actively engage in arresting someone without some form of explanation. I have to cultivate some contacts on that area. Would people on the lookout be enough for your plan to work,Liliana?“

2024-04-26, 01:36 AM
"That depends on who and what Mog is, exactly." Liliana replied. "Which is one of our known unknowns. "If he is just your average guy it would be sufficient, but if he's a titanspawn we need some rough people who won't panic if things get weird. It's also why I asked if anyone already knew someone. Hiring an unknown has all kinds of problems."

Liliana sighed. "We just don't know enough about Mog then. I'll head there first thing tomorrow morning to get the lay of the land. Brand, I'd appreciate if you could be nearby in case trouble finds me. If anyone else feels comfortable with this kind of legwork, feel free to join me. The goal is to find out more about Mog, such as who and what he is and where he lives."

2024-04-26, 11:41 AM
"But of course," Brand said, his pleasant smile widening slightly. "I love field-trips."

2024-04-26, 09:00 PM
"I thought I was here as the muscle."

2024-04-27, 03:01 AM
"I haven't seen what you can do yet in that regard." Liliana replied to Max. "While I have had a taste if Brand's skills from his training session. By all means though, come along if you believe thus situation calls for your skills."

2024-04-27, 02:10 PM
"You make a valid point, Liliana. If Mog turns out to be a titanspawn, then indeed, we’ll need individuals who can handle themselves in unpredictable and possibly supernatural situations without panicking.

What will be your cover? I was thinking maybe survey employee?"

2024-04-28, 03:10 PM
"That could work, depending on the exact situation we find at the tenements." Liliana shrugged. "I'd like to have it planned out into detail, but we don't really have the time for that, so I'll simply bring a clipboard and wear a nondescript jacket and take it from there."

Liliana would head to the tenements the next day, wearing a nondescript jacket, a fake namecard on a keycord with the company name 'Atlantis outreach' on it, and a clipboard in her hand, a simple disguise intended to make it easy for her to go up to people and aks some questions. Depending on the situation she might find the tenements in she would adjust her initial questions, but int eh end the goal would be to get an idea of whether any strange events or people had been spotted.

2024-04-28, 11:21 PM
Julian shows up later then Liliana but invested the time in his cover identity.

Julian aiming to blend seamlessly into a less affluent neighborhood. He opts for a very cheap, new suit that appears affordable and somewhat ill-fitting, creating the impression of a low-budget corporate issue rather than a personal choice. This attire helps him embody the role of a junior employee, perhaps one who is new to the job and assigned to less desirable neighborhoods. Complementing his outfit, Julian wears old, non-brand sneakers that add a touch of realism and practicality.

For his equipment, Julian carries a clipboard filled with both blank and several pre-filled survey forms, a basic pen, and sports a fake employee ID badge "Eric Oaten" prominently displayed on his suit. He also carries a small, worn bag.

The survey Julian conducts focuses on local transportation needs and infrastructure evaluation. The fact that he asks a few additional questions about the neighborhood should not really be that distracting.

Additionally, Julian rehearses a simple backstory to support his survey activities: he is a temporary worker hired by a city contractor tasked with gathering community input that will supposedly influence future city planning decisions. This narrative equips him with a believable explanation for his presence in the neighborhood, enabling him to navigate interactions smoothly while collecting the needed information without drawing undue attention. He stays away from the bigger streets and obvious commercial areas. His survey is happening in residential buildings. While he has the chance looking out windows and trying to get the lay of the land.

2024-04-29, 11:27 AM
Mateusz really wasn’t prepared to make any suitable clothing on such a short notice. He just put in jeans, t-shirt and a lab coat over it, of course also wearing his glasses. The “disguise” was finished with a name tag that read “Dr. Adam Nowak”.

He would be soooo happy if that would work! He was prepared to be a scientist, not a spy! “Oh my, so many things can go wrong!” he thought to himself, but still went along with the kinda “plan”.

2024-04-30, 03:12 PM
Max's is used to being in the poor area of town so his disguise is not dressing up at all, one more poor brown boy is going to be completely invisible. If anything he's dressing down for the occasion.

2024-04-30, 04:59 PM
The day is sunny as you set out, but overcast by the time you reach the address you found. The surrounding buildings are in very poor repair, the one you arrive at the worst you've seen yet. It has a lot of windows, all boarded up. Eyes watch you from the alleys as you approach, some human, at least two belonging to a very large rat.

The door has no doorbell but does have a rusty knocker. Knocking on it produces a booming noise, but there is no response.

You do hear multiple voices inside after knocking, but you can't make out what they're saying. None of them seem to be moving toward the door in any event.

2024-05-03, 10:10 AM
Brand stared up at the decrepit structure. By pure coincidence, the one jacket he'd brought from Ireland looked fairly similar in style and coloring to what Liliana and Julian were wearing, giving a sense of cohesion to their outfits. With Mateusz as a scientific or legal type and Max as a curious local tagging along, the group might even pass as a real corporate outing, perhaps for a development company looking to snap up the cheap land. This had driven home two points for Brand. First, that sometimes it really was better to be lucky than good. And second, that he desperately needed some snappier clothes, if all he had fit so effortlessly into a mission trying to look bland and nondescript.

He turned to his companions.

"There's a risk our target will make a run for it. We should have someone covering the front and back doors just in case. I can take one of those positions, since I'll probably know instantly if you guys get into trouble inside. Or I could try to cover all entrances from the roof; effective, but not very subtle, and it'll slow me down if I need to come to the rescue within the house."

2024-05-03, 04:44 PM
- Okay, so how do we excactly divide our positions? Who goes where? - Mateusz could stay in the back and just "wait" for something to happen, but he would like for everyone to have discuss it first - Do our supernatural talents have meaning in this context, or should we just draw straws? Maybe I am overthinking it, but if we will do things at random, consequences could be grevious. At any rate I believe we should put our really fast runners in the back, so if somebody will try to escape, we will be able to catch them without much problem. The issue is... I am not the fastest. Is any of us? - he looked at his companions.

2024-05-03, 06:17 PM
As you consider your next move, the more alert among you hear footsteps and, looking toward them, see a skinny woman carrying a large grocery bag so that it obstructs her vision. Because of the bag, she doesn't seem to see you. She's hurrying toward the building you're standing in front of.

2024-05-04, 04:49 AM
Liliana approached the woman and gave her best non-threatening smile. "Good morning! I'm Evelyn, with Atlantis outreach. City hall asked us to perform a survey of the city to determine points of improvements. Do you have time to answer some questions?" She paused for a moment, just enough to seem polite, not long enough for someone not ready for it to actually refuse. "Wonderful! Do you live here in this building? How would you rate your overall living experience, on a scale of 1 to 7?"

2024-05-04, 06:27 AM
Just in case we are all together:

Julains thought to himself: "We are to many people. But well very little in possiblity to change that now."

Standing behind Liliana somewhat confused and meming the new hire while looking to her : "Do we help with bags?"

2024-05-04, 08:13 PM
The woman jumps and nearly drops the bag when Liliana addresses her. She hesitates, her eyes darting between you, and then her lips peel back from her teeth in a sudden expression of shocking hatred. "Get away from me!" she snarls, and then she barges forward toward the tenement.

And what happens then largely depends on your positioning. We're still in theatre of the mind for now. How hard is it for her to reach the door of the building?

2024-05-04, 11:34 PM
Max is standing directly in front of the door, she would have to go through him to get inside. "This seems like a bit of an overreaction, we would much rather just talk."

2024-05-05, 01:49 PM
Mateusz is a little bit in the back, not thingking too sharply - who would have expected this thing to happen? He moves aside, to let the lady go.

- We aren't your enemies? - he asked, still confused.

2024-05-05, 04:04 PM
The woman appears momentarily uncertain of what to do, though the hostility on her face is plain. You do not know for certain what she is going to do, but you can all act before she does and you are, now, in combat ticks.

Tick 0

Anyone other than Justanotherhero can post an action, but bear in mind that Julian will act first. Julian, you're up.

2024-05-05, 09:22 PM
Julian raises both hands a little bit showing he means no harm.
„So sorry for the confusion. We are currently surveying the neighborhood together instead of splitting up. There is not really a lot of foot traffic around here. I assure you we really are only here to do our job and ask our questions.

Eh can I help with that?“ After a bit he holds one hand over his heart and looks into the ladies eyes guaranteeing that he is not looking for conflict.


After using Charmer. If it is possible I would also use Gods Honest to convince her. But I do not remember if we could use two knacks at once.

2024-05-06, 05:20 AM
The woman looks calmer, but she still says, "I don't want to talk to you. Get out of my way!" to Max.

You can use multiple Knacks at once, but God's Honest will only have a noticeable effect here, with what Julian said, if her violent reaction is about believing you're not what you claim to be--it won't do anything if she thinks you're surveying the neighborhood and wants away from you anyway. Still want to use it?

Tick 1. Max is up.

2024-05-06, 07:04 AM
The woman looks calmer, but she still says, "I don't want to talk to you. Get out of my way!" to Max.

You can use multiple Knacks at once, but God's Honest will only have a noticeable effect here, with what Julian said, if her violent reaction is about believing you're not what you claim to be--it won't do anything if she thinks you're surveying the neighborhood and wants away from you anyway. Still want to use it?

Tick 1. Max is up.

I would like to maintain the cover identity so yes I will spend the Legend for God’s Honest.

2024-05-07, 10:03 AM
At first, Brand's thoughts are for the woman's safety. But there wasn't any reason yet to think that this mission would end in a fight at all, much less one big enough to sweep the locals up into the chaos. There was no need to discourage her from entering the tenement.

But then a though occurred to him, and only years of training and practice in acting for an audience kept his eyes unnarrowed and his body language relaxed. Why demand we get away from her? There were any number of reasons for hostility, but that was an odd request to make. Perhaps she was worried about being mugged, but that was an odd fear to be inspired by a group of corporate-looking types. Perhaps she had an untreated mental illness; possible but statistically unlikely that she would have one that provoked this response. Perhaps she bought that we were property developers, and thought we were intending to take her home, but then why demand we get away from her?

Or perhaps she hadn't bought their disguise at all. Perhaps she was expecting a mysterious group that was after her specifically. Perhaps she was, actually, the Mog that they were looking for, well aware that she was on the run from Forsen, and possibly aware that their own employer was after her as well.

In which case, the main reason she'd be trying to get inside the building would be to retrieve the dagger, and/or other items important for a clean escape.

No proof, not even any evidence yet, just a psychological profile match, but now Brand was on his guard.

2024-05-07, 03:30 PM
Max stays where he is, Guarding, he will interrupt to counterattack if she makes a hostile move on him, "You seem a little jumpy, been up to something dangerous out here?"

2024-05-07, 04:49 PM
Other than showing her teeth again, she doesn't respond to Max's question.

Tick 3: Liliana and Mateusz are up.

2024-05-07, 05:48 PM
Mateusz did the first thing he could think of - he looked the lady straight in the eye and paralyzed her with his Serpent's Gaze.

- Im so sorry, but this is for your own good - he explained calmnly.

- What do we do? She is dangerous to herself and others. We should do something for her... but I do not know exactly what - he said to his companions.

2024-05-08, 12:29 AM
Liliana sighed. She hoped it wouldn't have escalated like this, but now that it had...

"Here, let me." She stepped forward and caught the woman's eye. "We're not your enemies. Please answer our questions, and we'll get out of your hair." As she spoke, Liliana's eyes changed, her irises turning a molten orange, reflecting her father's fires. She didn't fully invoke her authority, as that might trigger some uncomfortable questions later, but what she did now should be sufficient for a simple mortal.

And if she wasn't mortal... Well, that would be worth knowing on its own.

Use knack: instant hypnosis
Command: answer our questions
Trigger: right now
If she has a legend rating things get complicated. Otherwise she gets to roll wits+integrity to resist, with a target value of 4.

2024-05-08, 04:45 PM
Liliana has to stick her head between the woman and Mateusz to catch her gaze. The woman's face smooths out and goes blank. She stands there, holding the bag of groceries.

Everyone can now ask her questions. Either I rolled somewhere hidden and she failed, or she didn't get a roll.

2024-05-09, 01:23 AM
"Well then. For starters, can you explain why you were so hostile to us?" Liliana started off her questioning by digging into the woman's strange reaction. She would ask about Mog in a moment, but it would make the cleanup easier if she could get there organically.

2024-05-09, 05:09 AM
"You are strangers," the woman says in a perfectly flat voice.

2024-05-09, 06:32 AM
Liliana suppressed a sigh. Unhelpful, but not entirely unexpected. She could pull this thread a little longer, but... "Do you know anyone by the name of Mog Raznosgolar, or did you see anyone around here with an ornate dagger in their possession?"

2024-05-09, 05:09 PM
"Yes, he is our master. Yes, he has a--" she blinks"--dagger." the woman says in the same flat voice.

Asking her more questions, you discover that her ability to connect things that seem obvious to you is strangely lacking, but you learn:

She lives in the tenement with Mog and his legion.
The other members of his legion are nearly as loyal to him as she is.
Mog is glorious, omnipotent, and huge. In fact, if her description is accurate, far too big to fit in the building in front of you.
He keeps a foot-long sword with a white hilt with him at all times.
He never leaves the building and usually stays in the basement. Sometimes one of his legion goes out for groceries for all of them, as she did this time.
The building has two normal floors, a basement, and an attic which no one goes into because it has a weak floor.
Once she is no longer feeling this compulsion to answer your questions she intends to kill all five of you. She anticipates neither practical nor moral problems doing this.
She has not killed anyone yet.

Everyone make an Intelligence+Occult roll, -2 penalty if you don't have Occult.

2024-05-12, 02:43 AM
Giant, huh? The ancient foes of Brandon's own land and family, the Fomorians, were giants as well, so he'd been taught a decent amount about that breed of Titanspawn.

"Does Mog feed you and the others his blood? Did he have your permission to change you like this? And what will happen to you if he perishes?" However, Brand didn't know what exactly thralldom entailed. If Mog was going around corrupting mortals against their will, Brand might be obligated to end him.

2024-05-12, 07:38 AM
"Yes, he does feed us his blood. He is Mog! He doesn't need permission for anything. Perish? He won't perish."

Her warped view of Mog prevents her from relating in a useful way to Brand's second and third questions, but it seems clear that whether Mog promised her power or simply forcefed her blood, she is being exploited.

2024-05-12, 10:15 AM
Whispering so nobody except the group hears him Julian says:

"She cannot re-enter the building because she might tell on us. Initiating a conflict here is not advisable. I will retrieve the car and pick her up as soon as I return. Does anyone have a better suggestion?"

2024-05-12, 12:19 PM
"I can wipe her memory of this encounter, which should ensure Mog remains in the dark." Liliana replied to Julian, quietly. "Though it will mean she will be an obstacle for when we go after him."

Louder, she asked the woman. "How many of you are there with Mog? As for Mog himself, can you give me a description of his appearance?"

2024-05-12, 12:37 PM
"Mog's legion is beyond number!" she tells you, but asking her for specific names and estimating from how often someone goes out for groceries, you arrive at the conclusion that there are probably eleven other people in there, plus Mog. About Mog's appearance, she continues to make implausible statements about Mog's beauty and power, with nothing likely to be accurate.

2024-05-13, 02:17 AM
"So I guess the question is: do we go in immediately, while we're guaranteed to have the element of surprise, have already eliminated one combatant, and our intel is still fresh... or do we try to pick them off one by one, reducing their numbers but almost certainly tipping them off to our opposition?"

The band could capture this unfortunate soul easily enough, and then perhaps whomever was sent to look for her. After that, Mog would have to be an idiot not to realize someone had found him. Though they could turn that to their advantage as well, ambushing him in the open while he tried to flee instead of challenging him in the heart of his domain.

"Alternatively, we could wait for Forson to find Mog, and try to take advantage of the chaos to seize the dagger. I like that plan least of all; it relies on far too many unknowns turning out our way."

The fourth option, a peaceful resolution to this mess, was no longer on the table for Brand. Mog was preying upon the weak, and needed to be stopped. It really was as simple as that, but even if he hadn't been morally bound to act, he'd still have to step in for the sake of his geas.

Turning back to the thrall, Brandon quizzed her for the locations in the house of Mog and her fellow victims, as much as she could remember.

2024-05-13, 08:29 AM
Julian considers the situation and addresses the group:

"I suggest we take a few minutes to retrieve my gear from the car. Immediately after, I propose we enter from above and hope for the best."

If the group agrees to a brief delay:

Julian then takes out his cellphone and calls Zahir to arrange a halfway meeting point.

In Arabic, Julian speaks to Zahir:

"This operation looks significant, with at least a dozen onlookers and one spawn. If anything goes awry and you don't hear from me, head back home and pass on the details."

Zahir, concerned, responds: "Are you sure you want to go alone?"

Julian replies „I’m not keen on it, but someone has to and Dad hasn't provided clearer instructions. So, it is what it is and someone has to be there to report to home. „

Originally, Julian had prepared a large bag for breaking into the fraternity house, but circumstances change. Now, equipped with everything a would-be cat burglar might need, he makes his way back to rejoin the group.

2024-05-13, 07:32 PM
Turning back to the thrall, Brandon quizzed her for the locations in the house of Mog and her fellow victims, as much as she could remember.
"Mog stays in the basement most of the time," she says to one question, and to others, she replies that the others move between floors, beyond that Mog is usually alone in the basement. Half of them sleep on the first floor, half on the second.

2024-05-14, 06:41 AM
- I have other problem, actually - spoke Mateusz after listening to all the stuff the woman was telling - I believe his... worshippers to be just victims. I do not wanna hurt them, and I totally do not wanna kill them. Is anything we can do to... uh... break the curse that has been put on them?

2024-05-14, 07:34 AM
Liliana shook her head. "Nothing short of killing the giant and providing these guys with a couple months of therapy comes to mind. My father or one of the other Aesir might manage it, but I don't have any of them on call."

"Either way, we shouldn't dither about for too much longer here." She turned back to the captive woman. "I'd like to confirm some final things about Mog. How many eyes does he have? Think carefully before answering. And what about the air near him? Does it feel oddly cold or warm?"

2024-05-14, 08:18 AM
"Eyes? He has...two eyes." She sounds confused. "It is cold around him."

2024-05-15, 02:31 PM
Brand twisted his head around as Julian returned, with...

"Is that climbing gear?" he asked, in his melodic voice. "Nice! She said the third floor is unstable, but I bet we could use that to get in through a window by the stairs; there's nobody on that floor, so we might be able to maintain the element of surprise a bit longer without as much risk of a collapse. I can get you up to the roof."

Speaking of surprise, though, a thought occurs....

Brand turned to face Max, standing between the rest of them and the front door. "Don't move just yet, please. I didn't notice if that door had a peephole or not, but if it does, with the way you've been positioned they won't have been able to tell what's happening out here. Well, not unless their hearing is a lot better than mine," he allowed. "As long as you stay there, I bet they won't realize if the rest of us start breaking in from above."

Also, IIRC, Max has the knack for breaking objects and Strength/Epic Str on par with Brand's, so he should be able to bust down the door and join the fray pretty easily.

On the other hand, he's also much better at stealth than Brandon, so maybe he should take the top floors and Brand (or someone else, just thinking as I type here) should wait below blocking the peephole and creating the illusion that we're all still outside talking.

2024-05-15, 06:20 PM
- So, basically, a few of us should stand here as a... passive diversion? - asked Mateusz - And then you can enter incognito, right? Hm... it's my sight that can paralyze her, but also, I believe I can stand my ground when fighting. Just... I would like not to hurt some forced mental zombies? - he made a sad face - Would you like me up there, or down here? I will try my best whatever you will say.

2024-05-15, 10:36 PM
Max addresses the group as if the lady isn't there, "I could try to choke out this old lady so she doesn't cause problems for the strike, even if she is drinking giant blood I think I can take her. I could just knock her out if we're going to try to rescue them, but that might take more time. We don't know how they got involved with the giant but benefit of the doubt they're likely mostly innocent."

2024-05-16, 12:36 AM
"If you need someone to stay out here, I'm not as much use in a dragged out fight." Liliana admitted. "I have a sucker punch or two, but that's it."

2024-05-16, 02:31 AM
Brand twisted his head around as Julian returned, with...

"Is that climbing gear?" he asked, in his melodic voice. "Nice! She said the third floor is unstable, but I bet we could use that to get in through a window by the stairs; there's nobody on that floor, so we might be able to maintain the element of surprise a bit longer without as much risk of a collapse. I can get you up to the roof.

After putting down the big bag. „Climbing gear yes and a mask and gloves for everyone that wants one. Since I did not have hand sizes I went with size L for everyone. My apologies if they don’t fit. “

2024-05-17, 03:34 PM
Max addresses the group as if the lady isn't there, "I could try to choke out this old lady so she doesn't cause problems for the strike, even if she is drinking giant blood I think I can take her. I could just knock her out if we're going to try to rescue them, but that might take more time. We don't know how they got involved with the giant but benefit of the doubt they're likely mostly innocent."

We have a few blankets in the car in case you need to make some people comfortable. I would prefer to atleast try to safe them.

I will be going with you upstairs.

2024-05-19, 10:03 AM
Brand rolled his neck back and forth, producing a series of loud pops and cracks, and smiled cheerfully.

"All right, let's get this party started."

He looked over the climbing gear. "Alas, those gloves look too small for me. Luckily, I always have another trick up my sleeve. Almost literally, in this case." With his left hand, Brand reached over to his right forearm... and used a single fingernail to tear a small gash into the skin. Instead of blood, though, a drop of some golden liquid welled to the surface... and suddenly spread, covering his skin in an impossibly thin, metallic-looking coating. In seconds, every bit of skin visible to observers was protected by the golden substance, and Brand knew that the miraculous armor extended under his clothing as well.

Ichor: divinity made solid. It wasn't as protective as the armor his mother had gifted him, but crucially, it also didn't add over 20 kilograms to his weight.

Crucial for his next stunt, anyway. Kicking off his socks and shoes (he might need the extra grip quite soon), he scooped up a coil of rope and some related climbing gear. He talked as he prepared, his melodic Irish accent filling the air; unlike a stage magician, he was under no obligation to refuse to explain his trick.

"Superhuman strength, of the kind seen in comics and some Scions, defies the laws of physics. Specifically, it appears to be exploiting some loophole in Newton's Third Law, that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The opposite reaction still occurs, but it's no longer equal. When I shove a car or punch a villain, they feel much more force than I do with the arm that does it, in a way that would probably make my physics professors cry. The applications of this are near limitless in potential... but I've only really mastered one of them. That one is, however - as you Americans say - a doozy."

Brandon crouched down slightly, swinging his arms back, as though about to hop over a puddle in the road. And then did precisely that... only instead of travelling a few feet, he rocketed upwards with a whoosh of wind, a golden streak already most of the way to the roof of the dilapidated house that was the giant's lair. To have accelerated that fast should have shattered the pavement, along with every bone in Brand's legs - but as he'd noted, physics was playing favorites today, and the force required to launch him dissipated harmlessly back into the same nothingness it had originated from.

As soon as he left the ground, ordinary physics was back into play on Brand. Despite his astounding initial velocity, gravity and drag were slowing him down just like any jump. And if he'd judged it right, at the apex of his jump, when his vertical speed was zero, he'd reach the roof with no more impact than if he'd casually stepped onto it from some midair platform.

2024-05-19, 02:37 PM
- Very nice - was all Mateusz had to say. Since it was apparently time for some special effects, he did it as well. With a little help from his divinity, he made himself float above the ground, and then floated up at a gentle pace, finally reaching the place when his Irish buddy already was.

- I believe that I don't have to explain? - he smiled kindly, looking around for potential dangerous people and situations.

2024-05-20, 05:05 AM
Brand and then Mateusz land on the roof of the tenement. No one seems to have noticed them yet.

2024-05-20, 07:03 AM
"My, you are just full of useful tricks today," Brand told the normally timid Scion, smiling. "Could you lend me a hand with this next bit?"

Brand tied off his rope to the chimney, securing it with a quick bowline. He then lowered himself back over the edge of the roof, taking his best guess as to which window would be closest to the stairs leading down from the third floor. Holding the rope with his toes like a monkey, he tied it off around his waist so he could use all four limbs to tease the boards off of the window.

What should I roll to attempt this as quietly as possible?

2024-05-20, 01:38 PM
"I suppose that's my cue to take care of the old lady." Max slips one muscular arm around the woman's neck and begins to squeeze, trying to knock the woman out...non-lethally for now. "Sshh, it'll all be alright, this nightmare will be over by the time you wake up."

2024-05-20, 05:34 PM
You hear bones crack as Max squeezes, and life and rage return to the woman's eyes.

Liliana and Julian can act before she does, as can Brand and Mateusz if they want to notice what's going on and come back, though coming back is all they can do before she acts(and will cost Mateusz another 1 Willpower and 1 Legend if he wants to fly back down) ignore that part! I neglected to check first, Wind's Freedom is active for the duration of the scene.

2024-05-20, 06:17 PM
Julian equipped the mask and gloves to ensure anonymity.

Standing in front of the building and realizing he did not have specific wall climbing experience to offer. Until he saw that the civilian was about to scream.

With careful consideration for her well-being, he gently as possible places one of his gloves in her mouth to muffle any noise. Doing he best not to restrict air flow to much.

2024-05-21, 05:52 AM
Liliana stepped back to let Julian and Max handle the situation. If it came down to it she could deal with the woman, but it would be either very final and loud, or expend more of her otherwordly power than she'd like in this situation.

2024-05-21, 05:02 PM
The woman barely seems to notice Julian gagging her as she grabs Max's arms.

Grapple check: [roll0]

Now's the time for the opposed roll, Max.

2024-05-21, 05:26 PM
Max manages to keep control of the squirming woman and give her a much weaker squeeze, "She's stronger than she looks, must have had a double helping of that giant blood, She's helpless as long as I'm holding her though, mind helping roughing her up a bit?" He is still trying to deal with her non-lethally

2024-05-21, 05:36 PM
The wrestling comes to nothing immediately.

Everyone can act again; should nothing interfere with the wrestling, this is her next roll. [roll0]

2024-05-21, 08:02 PM
It is genuinely not the divine picture Julian wanted to give of himself and unto others but for the continuation of the world sacrifices in style apparently must be made.

So wearing a ski mask and leather gloves like a questionable side character in a 90s B Crime movie. Julian tries to gently close her nose and waits until the lady passes out from lack of oxygen the second he touches the nose he starts silently counting to make sure he does not do permanent damage.

2024-05-25, 02:07 PM
While Max struggles with the woman, Brand carefully pulls the boards off the window and is pleased to see there's no glass, just an opening into the dark room beyond. Some noise is unavoidable, but no one seems to be responding to it.

2024-05-26, 03:27 PM
With the sound of more bones breaking, the woman is finally too badly injured to keep struggling, even with her supernatural rage driving her.

2024-05-26, 11:45 PM
Liliana kept an eye on the environment while Max and Julian dealt with the woman. "Julian, do you still want to take her with you?" She asked. "Given how much trouble subduing her seemed to be. Either way, we might want to move her out of sight quickly."

2024-05-27, 02:14 AM
Brand clambered through the newly open window, then winced as he looked down at what was happening below. Ouch. On the plus side, it didn't seem that these thralls were anywhere near as strong, tough, or skilled as a physically gifted Scion. On the downside, they seemed nearly as tenacious as him, continuing to fight and struggle through broken bones, severe oxygen deprivation, and a windpipe that was at least bruised and quite possibly crushed (which Brand knew from experience was absolutely agonizing). That would make rescuing them tougher than it strictly needed to be.

Still, on to the next step. Untying the rope from around his waist, he tossed the loose end down to his companions on the street. I could probably haul all three of them up at once... but I don't trust the floor to support all of that weight concentrated onto just my feet. Better to go one at a time, for however many want to come up.

2024-05-27, 07:44 PM
Mateusz was flying, behind the back of Brandon. The second man seemed much more interested - and courageous - to go into the building, and Mateusz wanted to keep his distance in case something would be happening - so he could rush to help as a secundant.

2024-05-28, 07:01 AM
After carefully positioning the elderly lady and her groceries behind a dumpster to shield her from view, Julian glances towards Liliana and speaks, ensuring his voice carries just enough to be heard by his team. "The car will be here in two minutes. We can't leave her exposed like this, so she'll be picked up and restrained."

While he speaks, Julian sends a quick text message, his fingers moving swiftly over his phone. Although texting during a conversation might seem rude, the urgency makes it necessary. "I've informed the driver about the necessary precautions," he continues, slipping the phone back into his pocket. "In the worst-case scenario, this buys us some time. She's seen our faces, which complicates the situation."

Julian then strides over to where the rope is coiled, ready for their next move. He gives Brand a thankful nod.

2024-05-28, 10:02 AM
Nodding back down to the well-prepared scion, Brandon gave the rope a slight tug to make sure that his friend had a good grip. Satisfied, he smoothly reeled in the rope hand over hand. When Julian reached the window, he smiled and joked "When it comes to air travel, we realize you have no choice whatsoever, but thanks again for riding the Brandon Flynne express!"

That had sounded funnier in his head.

He tossed the end of the rope back down.

2024-05-30, 06:04 AM
Julian flashes a quick grin and retorts.
„Always a pleasure, worlds better then my last flight to Miami !"

He then texts Zahir: „Remove the cellphone and check for other communication devices.“

He then checks for any unexpected observers or security measures that could compromise their operation.

2024-05-30, 05:31 PM
Zahir removes the injured woman from the immediate area.

2024-05-31, 02:23 AM
Julian cautiously approaches the stairway, pausing to take in his surroundings. He stands still for a few moments, allowing the silence to settle around him as he listens intently for any sounds that might indicate movement or activity nearby.

After confirming the area is quiet, Julian carefully examines the stairway itself. He checks for stability, ensuring that the stairs are safe to traverse and won't betray their presence with unexpected creaks or groans underfoot. His eyes also scan for any security measures, such as cameras or traps.

If he finds nothing amiss, Julian gives a subtle nod to Brand and the rest of the team. With a silent gesture, he starts moving with light, careful steps towards the next door.

2024-05-31, 12:27 PM
After helping Zahir move the woman to the car, Liliana returned to keeping an eye on the front door and the tenement's surroundings. She would do a quick circuit of the building if local alleys allowed to check if there were any other exits or entrances.

2024-06-01, 12:54 PM
Max is blocking the door until he hears a commotion, at which point he'll bust through the door like the Kool-Aid man.

2024-06-01, 01:55 PM
Julian heads down into the occupied area of the tenement. The access stairway is closer to a ladder than a regular stairway, but unlike the floor of the attic itself, it seems quite solid. As the lower floor comes into view, he sees a man sitting in a chair. The man catches a glimpse of him as well and looks shocked.

Time for some Join Battle rolls (not all of which represent people who are aware of what's going on, but to save time):

Max: [roll0] 4 successes
Liliana: [roll1] 3 successes
Julian: [roll2] 1 success
Mateusz: [roll3] 3 successes
Brand: [roll4] 1 success

T1: [roll5] 0 successes
T2: [roll6] 1 success
T3: [roll7] 2 successes
T4: [roll8] 2 successes
T5: [roll9] Botch
T6: [roll10] 1 success
T7: [roll11] 3 successes
T8: [roll12] 1 success
T9: [roll13] 1 success
T10: [roll14] 2 successes
[roll15] 2 successes
[roll16] 3 successes

A rather crude but hopefully adequate-for-this map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z1TaUt2hPJDPNjQkuONouEKP8g6plq4IRk76XlGRqOw/edit?usp=sharing). Dotted lines are doors (all closed at the moment). The first letter of your name in blue is where you are. Brand and Mateusz, still in the attic and one hovering, aren't on the map but are within a few feet of Julian--up.

Max acts on tick 0, and presumably guards until something audible happens inside.

Liliana, Mateusz, and the guy Julian sees act on tick 1.

The man jumps out of his chair. Briefly hesitating, he pulls some kind of metal box out of his pocket and runs toward the east door, yelling, "There's someone--eh--intruder!"

No one who's aware of the situation is up on tick 2. Mateusz is up on tick 1, Julian on tick 3, both before any other NPCs do anything.

2024-06-01, 07:50 PM
As the situation rapidly unfolds, Julian's mind races. His initial plan is clearly compromised with the sudden recognition and alarmed reaction of the man. He quickly recalibrates, thinking, *Damn, damn, damn. Okay, plan B. If I look like a thug, I'll act like one.*

Keeping his composure but adopting a more menacing demeanor, Julian runs up behind the running man and kicks his left leg enduring that the man falls then grabs the running man and commands in a quiet and obviously fake and comically deep voice with a firm tone, "Stay calm," immediately followed by a sharp curse to emphasize his urgency and to intimidate. „Where do you keep the good stuff?“

2024-06-02, 02:47 AM
Julian easily lands a crippling kick to the man's leg and grabs him. He responds with a much louder scream.

Yells come from all over the building. Downstairs, Max smashes in the door.

Still tick 1. Max, Mateusz, and, if applicable, Liliana are up. Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z1TaUt2hPJDPNjQkuONouEKP8g6plq4IRk76XlGRqOw/edit?usp=sharing) is updated.

2024-06-02, 05:01 PM
Max spots two targets in the ridiculously large room and heads for the one to the North, sizing up the target for weaknesses as he charges towards him.

Taking the Aim action, Speed 3 interruptible, On T8. If he doesn't move I will reach him on tick 4 and interrupt, I will interrupt my Aim if he moves close enough to hit on tick 3 though, which I think can only happen if he is as fast as me(unlikely)

2024-06-02, 09:00 PM
Mateusz has sworn under his breath. So many thing could go wrong.

But, he had a plan, that appeared in his head for a very brief moment.

He had flown in front of the man and used his Palarysing Gaze on him.

Hm... I do not wanna be a party pooper, but... I am acting sooner than the guy, right? So i can use my Paralysing Gaze and he cannot run for others? Maybe? ;-)

But maybe it is too late now and I am interrupting something? ;-) Sorry, don't wanna be a bother... :-(

2024-06-03, 05:12 AM
Liliana, Mateusz, and the guy Julian sees act on tick 1.
No one who's aware of the situation is up on tick 2. Mateusz is up on tick 1, Julian on tick 3, both before any other NPCs do anything.

Mateusz has sworn under his breath. So many thing could go wrong.

But, he had a plan, that appeared in his head for a very brief moment.

He had flown in front of the man and used his Palarysing Gaze on him.

Hm... I do not wanna be a party pooper, but... I am acting sooner than the guy, right? So i can use my Paralysing Gaze and he cannot run for others? Maybe? ;-)

But maybe it is too late now and I am interrupting something? ;-) Sorry, don't wanna be a bother... :-(

You are acting on the same tick as the guy jumping out of the chair and running for the door, before Julian, which means I should have waited for your action before processing Julian's, sorry. But with a normal speed of 4, you can't get between the guy and the door unless your action is Dash, which will interfere with you also using Serpent's Gaze on the guy. That is, you're not so much faster than him that you can both cut him off and catch his gaze in one action.

2024-06-03, 04:37 PM
It looks like there used to be several more doors into the tenement, but they've been covered with boards as well. It still looks like anyone with Epic Strength could likely break in or out anywhere, though. The building is remarkably filthy and rundown.
Please clarify your action, Mateusz. You can't both get in front of the man you've seen and Serpent's Gaze him in one action, but if your action is to Dash in his direction, from where you start you could end anywhere between C-46 and M-50.

2024-06-03, 09:48 PM
Okay, so I am just moving more towards the front/place of action and I am trying to get ready for the fight that's incoming, if that's right.

Also, I completely forgot about the Speed stuff xD Usually I am not that much aware of the details of fighting mechanics, in every system xD sorry :-)

2024-06-04, 05:16 AM
Materusz soars across the filthy, rubble-strewn floor.

Tick 3, which is when Julian's action resolves and events proceed from it; Brand is up.

2024-06-04, 02:06 PM
Caught off guard by the sudden chaos, Brand lumbered into motion less quickly than he would have liked.

No time for ladders, he thought, and simply walked over the hole in the attic, plummeting to the floor below like a bowling ball. Graceless, but fast.

He sized up the situation as he fell.

Falling this far won't hurt Brand; his Bashing Soak is too high, even without his partial armor. However, looking at the Movement rules, I think I still have to roll Dex+Athletics to travel at full speed and not fall on my clumsy face.

Dex + Athletics
[roll0] + 1 Epic Dex

Not sure how far Brand must travel, but one success means he moves at 3 yards per Tick, 0 successes means 1.5 yards per Tick, and a botch means he falls on his clumsy face.

...which means he definitely makes it into the room without having to wait for the next Tick. I'll move on to his actual actions then....

One threat, a thrall, already had two Scions on him, and could be safely disregarded for now. No further threats in the room, so...

Onto the next, Brand thought, catapulting himself towards the nearest door almost before he hit the ground. It was important to keep the momentum on their side; the more enemies could be eliminated in isolation, the better of the ensuing fight would go once the other thralls joined the fray. The room wasn't quite large enough to necessitate a flying leap, so he just sprinted.

Dash, 3 ticks, takes Brand to the East door of the room Julian, Mateusz, and the Thrall are in.

I'm assuming opening the door will be a reflexive action and not take any real time. If not, I'd like to combine it with my Dash action. I don't think this has any negative effects beyond a -2 dice penalty to the Move roll (which I still automatically succeed at), and of course literally opening myself up to attack from foes on the far side.

I think that covers everything?

2024-06-04, 05:04 PM
Those thralls who can see any of you charge toward you, pulling out switchblades or crude clubs. The one Max is watching rushes up to him, switchblade ready. Brand, Julian, and Mateusz see a woman who looks about 20 run in, also holding a switchblade. All the humans you've seen have the same expression of unadulterated hate as the woman outside.

And you're up, Max; someone with a Dexterity of 3 can Dash 9 yards per tick without magic. Possibly you were assuming he'd only move normally rather than Dashing so as to be able to attack you on the same tick he reached you, but that's not what he's chosen to do.

2024-06-04, 07:49 PM
Max didn't expect the thrall to simply rush headlong at him, but that speed only means that Max's fist will only hit even faster. Now that there were multiple assailants and no witnesses, Max shifted to a more lethal strike, driving his palm into the thrall's unprotected throat with a quiet "Hi Yah!"

2024-06-04, 09:00 PM
Max breaks the luckless thrall's neck with one punch. His switchblade goes flying.

With Divine Wrath, Max does lethal damage, literally in this case.

Mateusz can be essentially anywhere in this room as his Dash completes, let me know...and Mateusz is up. Still on tick 4, at the same time as Max; I should have called for his action the same time as Max's just now, sorry.

To minimize the likelihood of my causing such delays again:

>> Mateusz: Tick 4
Liliana: Still examining the building outside, will be up immediately if anything comes to her attention
Julian: Tick 6
Brand: Tick 6
T7: Tick 7
Mog: Tick 7
T3: Tick 8
T4: Tick 8
T10: Tick 8
Max: Tick 9
T2: Tick 9
T6: Tick 9
T9: Tick 9
T1: Tick 10
T5: Tick 11

2024-06-05, 05:14 PM
Mateusz used his Untouchable Opponent Knack, since the whole encounter was just beginning. He was floating a few centimeters above the floor and waiting patiently for an opportunity to use his attacks.

2024-06-05, 05:45 PM
Mateusz takes no visible action for now.

Brand and Julian, you're up. Current map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z1TaUt2hPJDPNjQkuONouEKP8g6plq4IRk76XlGRqOw/edit?usp=sharing).

2024-06-06, 03:10 AM
A thrall sprinted through the door Brand had been about to open, seemingly making a beeline for his squishier teammates.

Oh no you don't.

A switchblade was no threat to him in the hands of a (mostly) mortal, but... he didn't really know how tough these people would be to put down. Better to use overkill on defense than offense for now. Gripping his wrist, he twisted his bracelet just so, and the knotted band of cords (a gift from Ogma) called out to his armor, stowed safely in a storage unit back in Dublin, waiting for the moment he needed it.

With a mechanical clicking and clanking, each piece flowed out of his wrist, sliding over the existing pieces before slotting and locking into place. The process was fast; by the time his left hand reached the thrall's shoulder, the fingers were already surrounded by the interlocking solid metal plates and thick padded cloth gloves that made up his gauntlet; and his helmet (golden with white feather patterns, and a large T-shaped opening over his eyes, nose, and mouth/chin) had settled onto his head just in time for him to slam it into the thrall's temple. He left off the faceplate for now; he wasn't facing gunfire, so being able to breathe and speak more easily was higher value than completely protecting his face.

2024-06-07, 10:26 PM
It was time to temporarily finish this. With his opponent already on the ground Julian used one hand to manage the hands trying to grab him and used his right hand to lift the thralls head off the ground and smash his temple back on the ground hopefully knocking him unconscious.

2024-06-08, 04:58 AM
Brand grabs the woman who ran in, who drops her switchblade and hisses in pain. Julian slams the injured man's head into the floor with a disturbing crunching sound.

Another woman charges Max with a switchblade as two other men run up to him. From the room to Max's west, the flimsy wall next the door smashes in and the temperature drops noticeably as a huge, craggy figure, some fourteen feet tall, storms into the room with Max. He holds an archaic weapon, a foot-long blade with a white hilt, seemingly ready to cut someone.

Switchblade attack: [roll0] Damage to be rolled in OOC if applicable.

Liliana: Still examining the building outside, will be up immediately if anything comes to her attention
>> Mateusz: Tick 9
>> Max: Tick 9
T2: Tick 9
T6: Tick 9
T9: Tick 9
T1: Tick 10
T7: Tick 10
Mog: Tick 10
Julian: Tick 11
T4: Tick 11
T5: Tick 11
Brand: Tick 12
T3: Tick 12

Max and Mateusz are up.

2024-06-08, 10:23 PM
Mateusz panicked a little bit. It was his first time seeing a giant and he wasn't really sure whether he was strong enough to defeat it. But considering he had some training in the martial arts and his friends were with him, all should be okay. He hoped...

He rushed at the giant with the intent of attacking him as soon as he could.

I suppose Dash Action, and then unarmed attack?

2024-06-10, 04:54 PM
Max sees the giant heading his way and tries to dispatch some of the thralls as quickly as possible. His hands are as quick and deadly as vipers as he drives his fists into the chests of two of the thralls' chests.

2024-06-10, 06:34 PM
Max kills two more people as Mateusz flies down the stairs. Two thralls run up to Mateusz; one slashes at him with a switchblade. Two more humans close in around Max and the giant, with the brutal inevitability of a glacier, steps forward and swings the blade, which looks like a tiny dirk in his hand, down at Max.

Switchblade attack on Mateusz: [roll0]
Mog's attack on Max: [roll1]

Damage rolls will follow in OOC if applicable.

Liliana: Still examining the building outside, will be up immediately if anything comes to her attention
>> Julian: Tick 11
>> T4: Tick 11
>> T5: Tick 11
Brand: Tick 12
Mateusz: Tick 12
Max: Tick 12
T9: Tick 12
T6: Tick 12
T2: Tick 13
T1: Tick 13
Mog: Tick 14

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z1TaUt2hPJDPNjQkuONouEKP8g6plq4IRk76XlGRqOw/edit?usp=sharing) is updated. Julian is up.

2024-06-10, 07:55 PM
That was a strange sound.

Julian quickly checks the thrall's condition to assess the severity of the injury. He looks for signs of breathing.
He was absolutely sure that impact should have caused a concussion yes but more?
That's impossible.

2024-06-10, 08:27 PM
The man to Max's south attempts to stab him with his switchblade. The woman Brand is grappling wrestles with him.

Switchblade attack: [roll0]
Grapple: [roll1]

Liliana: Still examining the building outside, will be up immediately if anything comes to her attention
>> Brand: Tick 12
>> Mateusz: Tick 12
>> Max: Tick 12
T9: Tick 12
T6: Tick 12
T2: Tick 13
T1: Tick 13
Mog: Tick 14
Julian: Tick 11
T4: Tick 15
T5: Tick 17

Brand, Mateusz, and Max are up. Brand is still in a grapple, of course.

2024-06-11, 04:20 AM
Liliana circled around the building, using her excellent hearing to track the giant's position. She intended to place herself in the creature's likely path of escape, while looking for a way to get into building from behind, though no such places seemed apparent.

While getting into position she drew the pistol from the holster hidden under her left arm, and screwed a silencer onto the weapon. Sounds of a brawl were one thing after all, but gunshots would be quite another, and she would prefer not to get the cops involved.

2024-06-11, 07:32 PM
Mateusz sighed painfully. He wanted to not kill or hurt these people, but there was not going around that, it seemed to him. He took a martial artist battle stance and attacked the first opponent with his open fist.

Unarmed Light Attack. (at T1)

If I understand correctly, I am rolling Dex + Brawl (+ Accuracy) for determining hitting and then Str + Brawl for damages?

2024-06-12, 11:23 PM
This was the true enemy, not the the innocents that have been converted by his blood. Facing away from Mog, Max puts his hands back around the giant's neck, flipping over the giant and trying to twist off his head at the same time. "My father survived the time of real Giants and slew them all before the 5th Sun set. I will not be felled by the weakest of your species."

Fierce Blow Heavy Unarmed attack, Speed 4 action, +1 difficulty, tapping Conviction for 4 extra dice [roll0] +1 Epic success

Trying for a 2 die stunt, I have both a fun description AND a reference to Aztec mythology to support my action. [roll1]

2 strength, 2 Epic Strength, and 5 weapon damage

2024-06-13, 04:41 AM
Mateusz breaks the thrall's nose with his punch. Max thinks he hears icy bones crack as he strikes the giant; do giants have bones?

That does qualify as a two-die stunt.

Liliana: Still examining the building outside, will be up immediately if anything comes to her attention
>> Brand: Tick 12
T9: Tick 12
T6: Tick 12
T2: Tick 13
T1: Tick 13
Mog: Tick 14
T4: Tick 15
Julian: Tick 16
Mateusz: Tick 16
Max: Tick 16
T5: Tick 17

2024-06-14, 06:01 AM
Hmm. Second time's the charm, Brand thought, and slammed her into the ground. A dazing, nonlethal strike that should leave her catching her breath for quite some time. He was already looking for the next target.

Sorry I'm late, forgot to check this yesterday.

Contested grapple (Str + Ath -2 Multiple Actions):
[roll0] + 2 Epic Str + 2 Geas

I'm going to assume that connects and knocks her out, and move on to the next action. Will edit if that turns out not to be the case.

He could hear the faint sounds of chaos below his feet, and Mateusz had just whipped past him. Hopefully the other Scion had a good idea of where the stairs were; Brand followed him at a run.

2024-06-14, 05:57 PM
I am guessing that's meant to be pulling the blow, so she is unconscious and not dead. Your Dash can reach Mog, or stop short of his reach, or approach one of the remaining thralls on the first floor, as you see fit; for the moment I've put you on the map one yard from Mog.

Two thralls slash at Mateusz, and three slash at Max. Mog glares at Max.

You hear what sounds like several motorcycles approaching rapidly from the east.

Switchblade attacks on Mateusz:
Switchblade attacks on Max:

>> Liliana: Tick 15
>> Julian: Tick 16
>> Mateusz: Tick 16
>> Max: Tick 16
T9: Tick 16
T6: Tick 16
T2: Tick 17
T1: Tick 17
Mog: Tick 17
T4: Tick 19

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z1TaUt2hPJDPNjQkuONouEKP8g6plq4IRk76XlGRqOw/edit?usp=sharing) is updated; Liliana, Julian, Mateusz and Max are up.

2024-06-14, 10:17 PM
Mateusz just repeated the attack he made the first time. The bloody nose of his enemy gave him a little bit of satisfaction, to be sure, but he also was happy that he hadn't killen anybody. He also wanted to deal with the humans quickly, so he could attack the "main course" which was the giant.