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View Full Version : Recruiting Doom of Daggerdale (3.5)

2024-03-01, 05:57 PM
Doom of Daggerdale


Hello everyone! I'm starting up a D&D 3.5 game based on the old 2nd edition adventure, Doom of Daggerdale. The adventure will be converted for D&D 3.5 and 6th level characters. This is my first time DMing on the forums, so go easy on me :smallsmile:.

For more than fifty years, Daggerdale has been battling to survive against hostile raiders, bandits, and monsters. Zhentarim spies and agents have infiltrated the dale, and the men of Daggerdale have been decimated by the attacks. They want nothing more than to be left alone. Located in the upper reaches of the Tesh valley, Daggerdale lies between the Desertsmouth mountains and the Dagger Hills, remote and hard to reach. Paths lead south to Shadowdale and east to Teshwave, but little traffic passes through the dale. Merchants of other lands have found the trip to Daggerdale to be dangerous and unprofitable. The Zhents are the most frequent visitors. The people of Daggerdale are hunters and farmers, but many homesteads are abandoned. Large areas of the dale are heavily wooded; the open farmlands and manors of the other dales are not found in Daggerdale. Instead, people huddle together in small stockaded settlements for protection. Small villages lie in isolated areas. The villagers farm the land nearby and send hunting parties into the dark forests and hills. The Dalesmen barely produce enough to keep themselves alive and have little to offer foreign traders.

The folk of the countryside band together in fortified villages, while the people of Dagger Falls, are protected by a Zhentarim-sponsored constable. Daggerdale's rightful ruler, a rebel named Randal Morn, leads a band of fighters against the invaders of the Dale. The largest community of Daggerdale is Dagger Falls, but it is ruled by a sheriff from Zhentil Keep. Randal Morn and the free Dalesmen keep moving their base to avoid the Zhentish forces. Randal's forces have been trying to recapture the town for years, but there are too few to risk a battle against the Zhentarim garrison.

As the adventure begins, the party has accepted a commission from a merchant in Cormyr, Brie Redwood, to check up on her brother, Ian. She has not heard from him in more than two months, and knows that Daggerdale is a dangerous place these days. Brie has offered the party 250 gold pieces apiece to find Ian, with the promise of a bonus if he's in trouble and they assist him.

Ian is a brewer who lives in the town of Dagger Falls. He is one of the few residents of the Dale in a position to export goods, though Brie mostly purchases his ale and cider in order to support him.

The party accepted Brie's offer and is traveling to Dagger Falls when the adventure begins.

1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)?
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5

2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)?
Forgotten Realms, the adventure Doom of Daggerdale converted for 3.5 and 6th level. I may run more adventures afterwards if the group is still interested, but I'm not committing at this time.

3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?
4-6 players, no alternates.

4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)?
OotS forums

5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?
6th level

6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
Standard (13,000 gp)

7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?
Any classes are okay, if there are a large number of applicants I will try to pick a balanced party. See #16 for allowed sources.

8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?
PHB races

9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?
32 Point Buy. Full hit points at 1st level, average rounded up after.

10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?
Good or light-ish shades of neutral, team player. Note that the Zhentarim forces in Dagger Falls are hundreds strong and backed by some high-level characters - attempting to walk up to the Constable and Smite Evil will result in a rapid and undignified end to your adventuring career.

11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?
Allowed with no experience penalty.

12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?
Players will roll on the forums. I will post combat rolls, other rolls may be made 'behind the scenes'

13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.
Animal Companions, familiars, and Paladin Mounts are okay, but anything else that gives you a long-term playable minion like Leadership, Planar Ally/Binding, or Animate Dead is banned.

14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?
Skirt length, you end up accepting Brie's offer and traveling to Daggerdale.

15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?
Some fighting, a little puzzling. We'll see how it goes.

16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?
Core+Complete and MIC.

Character submissions will last until Monday, March 25.

2024-03-01, 06:00 PM
Reserved for submission list and Q&A.

Rulings, FAQ, and Notes

Fractional BAB/saves and retroactive skill points are in play.

No flaws/traits

PHB2 is allowed.

Regional feats from PGtF are allowed. They must be purchased as normal and do not provided extra money/equipment.

FR variants of PHB races are allowed, provided they are LA +0.

Please use MythWeavers to manage character sheets

No further exceptions to the allowable sources will be made

Character Submissions


Darius Vibrtrar
Gwen Razorleaf (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2885156)
Halfling Druid 6

Delmuth Quibella (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885584)
Wild Elf Scout 3/Ranger 3

Ganzaya (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885608)
Human Ranger 3/Barb 2/Fighter 1

Kiltharael Watersong (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885570)
Wild Elf Duskblade 6

Doria Brightblade (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2886007)
Dwarf Cleric 6

Infernally Clay
Hamza Dawnbright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2886097)
Lesser Aasimar Favored Soul 6

Cuchillo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885352)
Human Spellthief 1/Wizard 4/Unseen Seer 1

Theo Kirman (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2886386)
Human Ranger 6

Samuel Arvandor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=358576)
Human Warlock 6

Jericho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2887935)
Half Orc Barbarian 2/Druid 4

Nanes-Il (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885260)
Half-elf Sorcerer 6

Faurgar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885719)
Human Hexblade 5/ Fighter 1

2024-03-01, 09:43 PM
Are traits & flaws allowed?

2024-03-01, 10:39 PM
Submitting Crusader 3/Cleric 1/Swordsage 1/Ruby Knight Vindicator 1, if that is all allowed. Likely Human.

2024-03-02, 01:01 AM
No and no. I would really prefer to keep things limited to Core+Complete+MIC. While I did make mention of possible exceptions, I was thinking more along the lines of a regional feat or something from the PGtF or similar. I have edited the OP to remove that language to keep things simple.

Infernally Clay
2024-03-02, 08:37 AM
I would very much like to play a Favoured Soul. It's a class in Complete Divine and it's basically the Sorcerer equivalent of a Cleric. There's a rather nice alternative class feature in PHB2 that swaps out the weapon stuff for a temporary hit point buff attached to your support spells, so I'll probably go with that.

I'm thinking something a little different in terms of character portrayal, though. She has divine power but it is believed she somehow stole it. Certain groups or even cultures may consider her a heretic for this, even though the rumours are unfounded, but it doesn't really bother her. She doesn't know who gave her this power or why but you can be sure she's going to use it. She never was the shy sort, nor did she ever really learn how to back down.

2024-03-02, 09:21 AM
Posting interest, warlock bc I never get to play in a game that lasts with one.

2024-03-02, 03:07 PM
Since this is FR, is this set in a specific time period?

2024-03-02, 05:55 PM
"The Magician"
True Neutral Half-Elven Sorcerer 6
Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885260)

When asked about her past, NANES-IL tells you that she was rraised by friends of her parents in the Dalelands. When her inborn magical aptitude came to light, she was "passed around like a pipe" until she made her way to a priestess of Azuth, who gave her a purpose in life.
Since then, she has assisted with problems plaguing "borderland keeps", and contended with "winded and worthless riddles" before her journey took her back to the Dalelands, where she and other adventurers have agreed to search for missing persons.

Steady and confident Nanes-Il is an unforgettable person. She is one to ask for the fishing pole and not the fish, and also one to analyze a problem from different angles just as often as tackle it head-on. Her hair is golden-red, and she wears very loud and flamboyant clothing.

Legacy Text
Sorcerer in Progress

Legacy Text
Reserving Space...

Also Hello Burning Spear (If you're the same one who I used to game with on Myth), Scary Wizard pointed me here :)


Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-02, 07:57 PM
Gwen Razorleaf (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2885156)

Halfling on a Mount with a Lance! and Spells!

Halfling druid. sillness

2024-03-02, 08:55 PM
Reserving Space

Question: What kind of application are you looking for beyond Character concept?

Background, personality, description etc? Or are you just taking flat Statblock and mechanics.

I would like some character decription/backstory/personality. I don't have a strict formula for what is or isn't interesting, just tell me why your character would be cool to have in the group. Demonstrating decent writing skills would be a plus.

Finally, since this is Daggerdale, is it ok if we use any of the FR races Moon Elf, Shield dwarves etc.

I saw mention of the Regional feat, does that include bonus starting equipment?

LA+0 variants of PHB races may be used. No bonus cash - by this point it's assumed to be folded into the 13k starting gold for 6th level characters.

Since this is FR, is this set in a specific time period?
1367 DR, after the Time of Troubles but five years before the 3.0 FRCS. The most important bit is that the Zhentarim have been occupying Daggerdale for the last thirty years and Randal Morn is leading a resistance against them. Also, Bane is Comic Book Dead, so the Zhents worship Cyric right now.

2024-03-03, 11:12 AM
Thanks for the reply.
What are your thoughts on allowing the fighter Dungeoncrasher ACF from Dungeonscape and the Zhentarim Soldier ACF.

Thought is, the Zhentarim command pissed him off and he's now working for Lord Morn for revenge purposes. Thinking they killed his family as punishment for a failed mission. They would have killed him too, if he wasn't away from his home at the time they burned his home down.

No to Dungeoncrasher, yes to Zhentarim Fighter.

Note though that the PCs haven't met Morn at the start of the adventure. They've been hired to look into things in Daggerdale. I would be okay with an ex-Zhentarim otherwise.

2024-03-03, 11:25 AM
I'm thinking about building a ranger focusing on ranged combat but I'm away from my books at the moment. Probably going to be something close to ranger/scout swift hunter. Something simple. Is there a favored enemy I should take, or could I do organization like was introduced in one of the books as an acf?

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-03, 11:28 AM
Don't forget lance is 1d6 small, and it's a martial weapon that druids do not have proficiency with.
If the DM allows, Strongheart halfling for the extra bonus feat.

Thanks for the stronghart for proficiency idea.

I'll keep a medium sized Lance as a secret tactic though. Thanks.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-03, 02:58 PM
Unless I wild shape into a medium animal with hands with a much better strength score. Then all the numbers will have to change.

Burning Spear
2024-03-03, 04:04 PM
Reserving Space

Question: What kind of application are you looking for beyond Character concept?

Background, personality, description etc? Or are you just taking flat Statblock and mechanics.

Finally, since this is Daggerdale, is it ok if we use any of the FR races Moon Elf, Shield dwarves etc.

I saw mention of the Regional feat, does that include bonus starting equipment?

Also Hello Burning Spear (If you're the same one who I used to game with on Myth), Scary Wizard pointed me here :)

Yes Ascaroth, the same one :smallbiggrin::smallwink: Thanks for remembering me, lol.
How are you doing? long time no see/ speak :smallcool:

Thanks Scary Wizard for reffering me.

At Dm:
I'd be interested in playing a corpse creature, or is that to far out? :smallconfused::smallbiggrin:
(it's like a fancier Zombie, not braindead, but also not special like Vampires and Litches, most people I have asked this question, agreed roughly that this template is worth of +1 LA, as it has no special abiilities other then undead, and it's stats arent special either +4 str/ -2 dex, +2 Nat. Armour)

Also; are Bab and saves fractional?

Burning Spear
2024-03-03, 04:18 PM
Since this is FR, is this set in a specific time period?

Should be, yes.. can't remember the exact date though, google is our friend! (And a Dm that already answered it!, lolz)

Are skillpoints retroactive with permanent Int increase? (this greatly benefits non-wizards moreso then any other classes that work on Intelligence.

Are regional feats bonus feats? or we pay for them with our own normal allotment?

Burning Spear
2024-03-03, 05:38 PM
No to Dungeoncrasher, yes to Zhentarim Fighter.

Note though that the PCs haven't met Morn at the start of the adventure. They've been hired to look into things in Daggerdale. I would be okay with an ex-Zhentarim otherwise.

Ex-Zhent, could that also be a Ex-Zhent that was allowed to become an Ex- for reasons the Zenth know/ allow, (so I could still get a prestige class? 9) Zhentarim Sky Mage 1, we could even refluff it to Hillsfarian Sky Mage)

Burning Spear
2024-03-03, 06:04 PM
Yeah, but then you have to add the -2 penalty for Inappropriately Sized Weapons. You're attack bonus would be +2 not +4, while charging it would go back up to +4 though.

Although, a 1 handed weapon (which a lance is whilst mounted, if I am correct) can be wielded one size bigger with 2 hands :smalltongue:

2024-03-03, 06:07 PM
1-2 Flaws ok? Traits?

He said "no" earlier to flaws & traits when I asked.

Burning Spear
2024-03-03, 06:12 PM
He said "no" earlier to flaws & traits when I asked.

Yea, I skimmed past your question/ his answer, and realized it later after copy pasting my concept into my post, O well.. But what about Regional feats?

Gwen Razorleaf (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2885156)

Halfling on a Mount with a Lance! and Spells!

Halfling druid. sillness

And spelling! :smallbiggrin:

2024-03-03, 06:35 PM

It might be useful if you could detail which books you see as part of Core. Is it just the PHB as far as PCs are concerned, or does it also include the PHB II?

Also, will characters level up at all, or will they begin and end the adventure as lvl 6 characters?

2024-03-03, 09:27 PM
Ok, final question and thanks for the reply.
An alternative to dungeoncrasher, since it's not allowed, if I can compliment the Zhentarim Fighter with the UA Thug variant. Trading medium and heavy armor for 4xint skills, and trade bonus feats for sneak attack progression.

No, I'd prefer to avoid bringing in too much UA content.

I'm thinking about building a ranger focusing on ranged combat but I'm away from my books at the moment. Probably going to be something close to ranger/scout swift hunter. Something simple. Is there a favored enemy I should take, or could I do organization like was introduced in one of the books as an acf?

I'm not sure if there's a clear choice for Favored Enemy. There's a lot of different enemy types to encounter, and even the Zhents aren't really the primary enemy. You will fight them a bit though, and I will allow Favored Enemy (Zhentarim), but not the rest of Urban Ranger. And just to clarify, if you also take FA(human), the bonuses do not stack.

Yes Ascaroth, the same one :smallbiggrin::smallwink: Thanks for remembering me, lol.
How are you doing? long time no see/ speak :smallcool:

Thanks Scary Wizard for reffering me.

At Dm:
I'd be interested in playing a corpse creature, or is that to far out? :smallconfused::smallbiggrin:
(it's like a fancier Zombie, not braindead, but also not special like Vampires and Litches, most people I have asked this question, agreed roughly that this template is worth of +1 LA, as it has no special abiilities other then undead, and it's stats arent special either +4 str/ -2 dex, +2 Nat. Armour)

Also; are Bab and saves fractional?

Not sure where corpse creature is from, but per my previous ruling, races are limited to PHB races or FR variants with LA +0.

Fractional BAB/saves is fine.

Should be, yes.. can't remember the exact date though, google is our friend! (And a Dm that already answered it!, lolz)

Are skillpoints retroactive with permanent Int increase? (this greatly benefits non-wizards moreso then any other classes that work on Intelligence.

Are regional feats bonus feats? or we pay for them with our own normal allotment?

Skill points are retroactive. You have to buy regional feats as normal.

Ex-Zhent, could that also be a Ex-Zhent that was allowed to become an Ex- for reasons the Zenth know/ allow, (so I could still get a prestige class? 9) Zhentarim Sky Mage 1, we could even refluff it to Hillsfarian Sky Mage)

No. As mentioned in the alignment section, characters should be "Good or light-ish shades of neutral". I would also prefer to avoid bringing in PrC's outside of my initial allowed sources.

Although, a 1 handed weapon (which a lance is whilst mounted, if I am correct) can be wielded one size bigger with 2 hands :smalltongue:

Not quite. You can wield a shield in addition to your lance when mounted. So you can't use a larger lance or do something other than hold a shield with your off hand, but you can get two-handed Strength and PA bonuses your shield, which is pretty nice.


It might be useful if you could detail which books you see as part of Core. Is it just the PHB as far as PCs are concerned, or does it also include the PHB II?

Also, will characters level up at all, or will they begin and end the adventure as lvl 6 characters?

At this point, I will allow PHB2 material as well.

In this adventure, you might or might not hit level 7. A lot of these older adventures are a bit more open, so it depends on what path the party takes. I might see about extending this to lead into the Return of Randal Morn questline if things go well, so it might be worth thinking about what you'd do in a few more levels, but no promises.

Burning Spear
2024-03-03, 10:27 PM
No, I'd prefer to avoid bringing in too much UA content.
SRD contains all the UA stuff, why if it's so easily accessible, are you against too much of it?

Not sure where corpse creature is from, but per my previous ruling, races are limited to PHB races or FR variants with LA +0.
Corpse Creature isn't a race, but O well..

Fractional BAB/saves is fine.

Skill points are retroactive. You have to buy regional feats as normal.

No. As mentioned in the alignment section, characters should be "Good or light-ish shades of neutral". I would also prefer to avoid bringing in PrC's outside of my initial allowed sources.
Crap, your killing my concept. :smallconfused: Zhentarim Sky-Mage hasn't got any alignment restrictions, all you have to have is "good standing" with the mother organisation.

Not quite. You can wield a shield in addition to your lance when mounted. So you can't use a larger lance or do something other than hold a shield with your off hand, but you can get two-handed Strength and PA bonuses your shield, which is pretty nice.
That's weird, why can't you use the second hand to hold the 1 size larger lance, together with the main hand?

One generic question about the game; (and not to come accross as argumentative, but...)
Why won't you allow setting books specifically Forgotten Realmsy when we are starting a game in Faeruhn?
I do get the "keeping it somewhat simple" idea, but more restictions seem kinda needless imo, and I am having
a hard time trying to figure out my concept but staying within the Complete "only" series...
Corpse is not from Complete, I know that, lol. its from BoVD.
Lirbis Mortis is also not on the table coz it's not "complete", meh.
And none of the "Races" books? :biggrin:
Also; Regional Feats are in Races of Faeruhn/ or the Campaign Setting, not any complete series book.

And note, I am building a L.N character.

2024-03-04, 01:47 AM
My mistake on the lance rules, I was thinking of the PF version.

To be honest, I think you need to revisit your character concept. For one thing, it doesn't fit into the beginning-of-2e timeline of the adventure. Bane is dead, the Zhentarim mostly follow Cyric, who's only been a god for a few years, and the Shadovar are still on the plane of Shadow. For another, the idea of a character who is a member of the Zhentarim really just doesn't fit in with the adventure as written. An adventure, I hasten to add, which you requested by name.

As far as books go, I'm pretty familiar with Core+Complete+MIC so that's what I allowed. I made an explicit exception for regional feats and FR versions of races because I felt they were small and flavorful enough to be a nice add. I wouldn't have bothered writing out an allowed list of books if I was just going to approve everything anyway.

2024-03-04, 04:56 AM
My mistake on the lance rules, I was thinking of the PF version.

To be honest, I think you need to revisit your character concept. For one thing, it doesn't fit into the beginning-of-2e timeline of the adventure. Bane is dead, the Zhentarim mostly follow Cyric, who's only been a god for a few years, and the Shadovar are still on the plane of Shadow. For another, the idea of a character who is a member of the Zhentarim really just doesn't fit in with the adventure as written. An adventure, I hasten to add, which you requested by name.

As far as books go, I'm pretty familiar with Core+Complete+MIC so that's what I allowed. I made an explicit exception for regional feats and FR versions of races because I felt they were small and flavorful enough to be a nice add. I wouldn't have bothered writing out an allowed list of books if I was just going to approve everything anyway.

I just think when Burning Spear made the request for a GM to run this game, his request included UA Content, Traits/Flaws etc. Guessing he had assumed that it should have been permitted.
At least asking on a case by case doesn't hurt

anybody interested in hosting a 3.5,
6th lvl party in Daggerdale around the
Doom of Daggerdale's adv-timeline? :)
Elephant in the room feats-rules,
2 Flaws/ 2 Traits,
40 point buy, Game?.

I'd like to play through the Doom of Daggerdale's
adventure, set around 1358, then continuing on into
the other classic Adv surrounding Zhentil Keep 2nd Ed.
I just don't want to start as a lvl 1 mook, raising the
starting lvl to 6 as play by post is slow in progression.

2024-03-04, 10:32 AM
Here is Delmuth Quibella (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885584), a wild elf from the Yuri. It's not complete as of this moment, but I wanted something to be posted so it was known that I am working on the character. My idea for Delmuth is that he will be an archer that stays hidden at the beginning of combat and will constantly be on the move, taking shots at enemies and then moving away from where he did so, trying to stay hidden to keep on having concealment while the front line fighters do their thing. He is merely their to support them. If we level up again I will be taking another level of Ranger to get an animal companion, I am not going to do anything crazy however and am instead thinking of just the elven dog from RoW if that is okay. It would be more of a pet as I would not be going out of my way to have it in combat when it could die, think of it like a hunting dog and that would basically be how I used it. I do understand though that RoW is not in the allowed sources and if you say no I plan on taking a Hawk or eagle instead and having it carry a lantern for us to light the way when it becomes dark.

For items I am thinking a bow, some special tipped arrows as we don't know what we will be facing, simple magical chain shirt, and something that grants me spider climb so I have mobility with my arrows and thus can try to stay at a good range from enemies, even if that means above them.

2024-03-04, 03:42 PM

I'm bandying a few concepts about, all intended as some sort of front line melee type. Two are completely in line with the allowed sources as far as I can tell - one is all about beating up spellcasters and stacking bonuses to resist spells and spell-like abilities, the other is all about debuffing a single target and scaring enemies with fewer HD before beating them up.

The third would require approval of the following sources and adjustments:
- Allow the scout riposte ACF from the Cityscape web enhancement (replaces the skirmish class feature; I can PM you the text if you're not familiar with it)
- Allow the Elf ranger 1 substitute level from Races of the Wild (this isn't critical, but it boosts skill points and gives a small boost vs. certain favoured enemies)
- Allow the Swift Hunter feat from Complete Scoundrel to work with riposte instead of skirmish

Amusingly, this character has the same classes as dantiesilva's submission, but the aim is to make a melee buzzsaw instead of a sneaky ranged attacker.

I have a fourth character idea as well, but it's a lot more out there than any of the others, so I completely understand if it's not what you want brought into the game. It would require the following to work:
- Allow the marshal class from Miniatures Handbook
- Allow the aasimar heritage feats from Races of Faerun and/or the Godsight regional feat from Lost Empires of Faerun
- Allow the Acolyte of the Skin PrC from Complete Arcane (it's from an allowed source and doesn't require the character to be evil, but he'd be walking around in the skin of a demon, so...yeah)

This character would still be a front liner, but packed with a bunch of spell-like abilities to and resistances for protection and to help out the party.

Please let me know if either of last two concepts could be allowed. If not, I'll happily submit one of the first two.

2024-03-04, 04:40 PM

I'm bandying a few concepts about, all intended as some sort of front line melee type. Two are completely in line with the allowed sources as far as I can tell - one is all about beating up spellcasters and stacking bonuses to resist spells and spell-like abilities, the other is all about debuffing a single target and scaring enemies with fewer HD before beating them up.

The third would require approval of the following sources and adjustments:
- Allow the scout riposte ACF from the Cityscape web enhancement (replaces the skirmish class feature; I can PM you the text if you're not familiar with it)
- Allow the Elf ranger 1 substitute level from Races of the Wild (this isn't critical, but it boosts skill points and gives a small boost vs. certain favoured enemies)
- Allow the Swift Hunter feat from Complete Scoundrel to work with riposte instead of skirmish

Amusingly, this character has the same classes as dantiesilva's submission, but the aim is to make a melee buzzsaw instead of a sneaky ranged attacker.

I have a fourth character idea as well, but it's a lot more out there than any of the others, so I completely understand if it's not what you want brought into the game. It would require the following to work:
- Allow the marshal class from Miniatures Handbook
- Allow the aasimar heritage feats from Races of Faerun and/or the Godsight regional feat from Lost Empires of Faerun
- Allow the Acolyte of the Skin PrC from Complete Arcane (it's from an allowed source and doesn't require the character to be evil, but he'd be walking around in the skin of a demon, so...yeah)

This character would still be a front liner, but packed with a bunch of spell-like abilities to and resistances for protection and to help out the party.

Please let me know if either of last two concepts could be allowed. If not, I'll happily submit one of the first two.

To be honest, I think the DM really really wants us not to keep asking for stuff that is not on the approved list. I think the exception was being FR based things, since this is FR setting.
So technically the planetouched lesser aasimar should qualify, but not the normal Aasimar, because they are no longer Outsiders and guess we can wait and see what they say about the other FR content.

2024-03-04, 05:26 PM
The last character concept would indeed be a lesser aasimar. The things that would need to be approved are the ones I've listed, nothing else.

Burning Spear
2024-03-04, 06:23 PM
Would you allow a Revenant or Necropolitan? (Revenant is from the Monsters of Faeruhn book, not sure where Necropolitan is from, perhaps Libris Mortis?).
Revenant would fit the base concept of my scrub, seeing as he is a follower of Assuran/ Hoar + Velsharoon.

Revenant is Cr +1, which fits the build, Neutral Aligned in it's writeup, No con, +4 Str/ +2 Cha, + some more things.

Pm sent to you, @spectralphoenix

Onto my base concept;

Bane is dead, the Zhentarim mostly follow Cyric, who's only been a god for a few years, and the Shadovar are still on the plane of Shadow. For another, the idea of a character who is a member of the Zhentarim really just doesn't fit in with the adventure as written. An adventure, I hasten to add, which you requested by name.
-Bane is irrelevant to my scrub.
-Zhents following Cyric is good, as they were the ones who killed me in the first place.
If you mean Cyric hasn't existed when I died, I can come up with an time travelling Cyricist who was killing Nobles he thought were making issues later in time for his god, so managed to go back in time and kill several before dissapearing from my timeline. I then am slowly raised by Assuran as a Revenant, to go after the killer (and this could be a recurring villain if we decide to go further after this adventure)

-Shadowvar have existed eons regardless of them being back in Faeruhn or not, I can easily write up something to that effect, in 1372 Tilverton was obliterated, but there could have been other initial encounters with the Sadovar that will lead up to this event in the background.

You said; 1367 DR, after the Time of Troubles but five years before the 3.0 FRCS, I'll keep that in mind.

I could even combine the two issues, making the killer a Shadovar Cyricist recently converted and working towards obliterating Tilverton for his masters, some of my family being players hwo were working against him, and he killed them, and then went after me because he didn't want to leave lose ends?, needs a bit more work to sound plausible, but its a good theme as a basis to work off of.

I love it when a plan comes together, lolz.

2024-03-04, 07:11 PM
@Burning Spear just my two cents, and you don't need to take it, but the DM has said multiple times what is okay and what isn't, asking for a la +1 anything after they said no a few times now, throwing in time travel to force your character concept to work isn't exactly the best choice. Again just my opinion, but the more you try to force a square into a round hole the worse it normally becomes for everyone. Maybe just save that character idea for another game?

Burning Spear
2024-03-04, 08:02 PM
My ideas aren't round peg-square hole at all, I am having a blast coming up with a nice idea,
Just annoyed the DM doesn't heed my original prerequisites/ preferences on the thread I started looking for a DM in the first place, Dm's aren't the only ones imo that can set parameters of a game, although that seems to be artificially enforced by the online community.. :smallfrown::smallbiggrin:

2024-03-04, 09:09 PM
The original thread doesn't say anything about time-traveling undead Zhentarim skymages.

However, it doesn't matter. As you say, both players and DMs can set parameters for their games. I have explained the parameters for the game I am running. Furthermore, I am announcing that no further exceptions to the allowable sources will be made, for anyone. You can have your own parameters for the games you play in. If my game meets those parameters, I invite you to craft a submission within the bounds I have described. If my game doesn't meet those parameters, feel free to reopen your thread and look for a DM who will. My only suggestion is that you explain those parameters up front so potential DMs know what you're asking for.

Burning Spear
2024-03-04, 09:53 PM
The original thread doesn't say anything about time-traveling undead Zhentarim skymages.
I wasn't the time traveller, your convoluting two things that arent part of each other :smallbiggrin:
The NPC in my background would have been the time traveller, not my scrub.
Skymage could have been part of any oganisation, as I have been hinting, but hey ho, this game might not even go that far to get to a prestigeclass or two.
And being an undead isn't a big issue, just something oddball you didn't expect I guess.

However, it doesn't matter. As you say, both players and DMs can set parameters for their games. I have explained the parameters for the game I am running.

Furthermore, I am announcing that no further exceptions to the allowable sources will be made, for anyone.
Ok... are more things from UA/ SRD classed as "exceptions"? things like alternate class abilities and the racial paragon classes?

You can have your own parameters for the games you play in. If my game meets those parameters, I invite you to craft a submission within the bounds I have described.
Sure, I will try, but it's hard, I was hoping to build a contradictionary neutral character that battled with his own existance as a nonliving being, whilst still clearly NOT being evil.

If my game doesn't meet those parameters, feel free to reopen your thread and look for a DM who will.
It's what I thought I had done, which you seem to have ignored IMO, but no worries.

My only suggestion is that you explain those parameters up front so potential DMs know what you're asking for.
Apparently you didn't clearly read my post opening my thread then methinks. :smallsmile: See below.
Although I did not specify which books, I did post some parameters, but you chose to cut significantly in the options I did post.
No biggy.

Thanks for the reasonably quick replies so far anyway.

anybody interested in hosting a 3.5,
6th lvl party in Daggerdale around the
Doom of Daggerdale's adv-timeline? :)
Elephant in the room feats-rules,
2 Flaws/ 2 Traits,
40 point buy, Game?.
I've edited my original Post/ Thread with a list of books to keep this issue
from creeping up again after people start showing interest.

2024-03-05, 04:22 AM
Furthermore, I am announcing that no further exceptions to the allowable sources will be made, for anyone.. Great, thanks for clarifying. I'll get to work on the concepts that require no exceptions. :smallsmile:

2024-03-05, 05:17 AM
You know what, seeing 2 nature themed characters in the submission list has inspired me.

Posting interest as a Gnome 'Fey' Warlock.
Call of the Beast, Frightful Blast, Hideous Blow, Curse of Despair, Fey Heritage, Skin, Power.

Gnome con bonus plus DR means they can 'pretend' to be a frontliner, and small size helps with to hit. Doesn't go outside of initial sources.

Unfortunately a Melee build raises questions. I'll workshop it to see if I can make it go all right. Might just go different invocations/etc. Initial Thoughts are Human Fighter 2 for feats then Warlock.

I think it'd be hilarious if we had a all nature theme party, but I'm not going to push others to go for it.

2024-03-05, 07:02 AM
I would like to go with a Duskblade. Kiltharael. (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885570)

I took Improved Familiar to use a Worg should that be problematic in any way, I'll change it.

2024-03-05, 09:25 AM
You know what, seeing 2 nature themed characters in the submission list has inspired me.

Posting interest as a Gnome 'Fey' Warlock.
Call of the Beast, Frightful Blast, Hideous Blow, Curse of Despair, Fey Heritage, Skin, Power.

Gnome con bonus plus DR means they can 'pretend' to be a frontliner, and small size helps with to hit. Doesn't go outside of initial sources.

Unfortunately a Melee build raises questions. I'll workshop it to see if I can make it go all right. Might just go different invocations/etc. Initial Thoughts are Human Fighter 2 for feats then Warlock.

I think it'd be hilarious if we had a all nature theme party, but I'm not going to push others to go for it.

Ooh I'm going for a blasty warlock. Should we both be fey themed?

2024-03-05, 11:38 AM
GANZAYA~! (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885608)

It started with a joke -- and a rather tasteless one to boot.

Ganzaya! Mighty warrior (in training)! Ganzaya! Best friend to Borjigin, the eldest son of his chieftain. Ganzaya, loyal and strong! Ganzaya...

...who made a joke comparing Borjigin's grandmother to a sow in heat. In earshot of his chieftain. AND his chieftain's mother, the sow in question. This incident perhaps could have been brushed aside with the appropriate groveling/penance, if not for two things. 1. The Rashemi revere their women. And 2. A bad joke was not a one time thing for Ganzaya. Most of the time they just fell flat due to timing or having to explain his thought processes but sadly a few (like this time) they just weren't funny.

Borjigin's grandmother wanted Ganzaya's tongue for the insult. However, Borjigin managed to convince his father that perhaps an exile of ten years away from Rashemen would grant Ganzaya the strength and wisdom to finally curb his tiresome sense of humour...

"I see. I must make like the tree and leaf!"

...or maybe not.

Ganzaya (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2885608)
M CG Human (Rashemi) Ranger 3/Barb 2/Ftr1, Level 6, Init 2, HP 51/51, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 16, Fort 8, Ref 5, Will 5, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
2handed, Lesser Crystal of Energy Assault (Fire) Greatsword+1 +11/+6 (2d6+7, 1d6(fire), 19-20/x2)
Composite Longbow (40 arrows) +8/+3 (1d8+4, x3)
Mithral Shirt +1 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Deflect)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6

Role: Tank/melee DPS. Team Nature crew!

2024-03-05, 04:27 PM
I've got a half-baked, completely unoptimised face type build that might suit this.

Stanly Foole, a down on his luck entertainer turned adventurer

Dragon Shaman (Blue) 3/Beguiler X/Gnome Artificer Y

all complete X classes, or from magic of faerun

From a line of gnome fools, bards, and jesters, once performing for dragons on the island of Lantan and their descendants, but in recent generations usually taverns, or more often than not, on the street, Stanly wandered into this region in the hope that somebody, anybody, would enjoy his ventriloquism act...
But then somebody stole his puppet, and his horse got stolen due to being unlawfully parked in what seemed to be a public hitching post but was actually a reserved spot for some fancy pants offical person- in fact the person that he was trying to get work with, who wanted nothing to do with him when it turned out it was his horse.

Stanly is down on his luck, a bit miserable, and currently seeking any work that'll turn the eternal downturn of his entire line back into an upswing.

feats Planned

1: Lightning Reflexes
3: Skill Focus: Craft (Trapmaking)
6: Prone Attack

logic- first two are just PRC requirements, getting them out of the way, following up on that, I really like the idea of doing a pratfall in combat, firing off an attack, then getting up like it wasn't anything. With a bluff check, one could make the case that it appears as if we 'accidentally' fire gnome artificer devices as we gain levels. Not that I expect to get downtime to craft em, but eh, if that's not appropriate for the kind of adventure this is I'd switch the feats to diplomacy-boosting stuff and go into combat trapsmith for quickly built booby traps

Overall plans for the character

1. Rags to riches type adventure, using adventuring and saving the world from whatever calamity happens in this adventure (I've skimmed it before, there's a disease I think? Their dragon shaman heal to half hp is probably gonna be useful there) to fix what he sees as his family's curse.
2. Fire oversized Lantan magitech, because everyone loves it when the clown has a flamethrower
3. Not be a bard despite being somewhat charisma focused because I've been playing so many full spell casters and near-spell casters, it's nice to have a guy who's just whatever gear he can craft up over time if things take that long and abilities and none of that spellcasting muck (Beguiler is just there for spell prereqs, on account for dragon shaman's ventriloquism probably not counting for Gnome Artificer)

Final query: what kind of adventure is it, is it preferable to have characters who do stuff snappily and improvise as things are fast moving or is there likely to be a lot of downtime between encounters?

If it's the former then yeah scrap everything in the above build but dragon shaman (that passive healing to half max hp is nice and at will ventriloquism is a handy tool to have) and then I'd be going towards combat trapsmith for full round action trapmaking

(also if the rest of the party is medium sized swap gnome for human)

2024-03-05, 10:05 PM
I’ve been thinking about this one, and looking for inspiration for a character journeying to Daggerdale.
As multiple other people have mentioned my first concept (Everyone loves a good swifthunter!), I have a new idea.

Doria Brightblade (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2886007), dwarven cleric of Haela Brightaxe.

In progress…
A minor member of the Brightblade clan that left the dale after the fall of Tethyamar, she’s willing to join an adventure to return to Dagger Falls and see the current state of the area.
Her clan holds a grudge against the Morn family, but she hates the Black Network even more, and would like to see the end of their puppet rule of Daggerdale.

Question, I’m fine with the allowed sources, but I didn’t see anything that includes the FR pantheon? I’m assuming the gods are allowed?
Also, can we use the Spell Compendium as the most updated source of spells, or only the versions in the Complete books?

Burning Spear
2024-03-05, 10:23 PM
Ok... are more things from UA/ SRD classed as "exceptions"? things like alternate class abilities and the racial paragon classes?

Could I please get a reaction on this?

2024-03-05, 10:42 PM
Hey Thundercracker, long time no see.

2024-03-05, 11:11 PM
Could I please get a reaction on this?

No more exceptions means no more exceptions.

At this point, it is very clear that I don't meet your parameters as a DM and you don't meet my parameters as a player. I think it would be best if you refrained from further posting on this thread so that you can focus on your Looking for DM thread and this thread can focus on potential players for my game.

2024-03-06, 12:41 AM
@spectralphoenix: Would you allow Warlock's Hideous Blow to be used with 2 handed weapons (Take hand off to cast, then put hand on to strike). RAW I don't think it works, purely looking for combining with a longspear.

If not I have a idea figured out that works by putting in a few levels of fighter which feels awkward but can work.

Ooh I'm going for a blasty warlock. Should we both be fey themed?
Works with me, and we can tie things together.

2024-03-06, 01:20 AM
@spectralphoenix: Would you allow Warlock's Hideous Blow to be used with 2 handed weapons (Take hand off to cast, then put hand on to strike). RAW I don't think it works, purely looking for combining with a longspear.

I will allow this.

Question, I’m fine with the allowed sources, but I didn’t see anything that includes the FR pantheon? I’m assuming the gods are allowed?
Also, can we use the Spell Compendium as the most updated source of spells, or only the versions in the Complete books?

Yes, please use the FR gods.

SC version of a spell that was also printed in an allowed books is fine.

2024-03-06, 02:41 AM
I'm brewing an unseen seer, assuming "Complete" includes complete Scoundrel for the "master spellthief" feat. if it doesn't I'll switch to Beguiler --> Wizard or a Rogue-->Wizard. I'll aim to make "guerrilla wizard" from Calimsham who has been making money as a mercenary in Cormyr for a while.


Still unsure about the spells and schools. But i'll have something finished by friday.

Infernally Clay
2024-03-06, 06:52 AM
Nowhere near finished yet but I'm linking it here for now.

Hamza Dawnbright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2886097), the Lesser Aasimar Favoured Soul 6.

You mentioned that Forgotten Realms' variants of PHB races are allowed as long as they have no level adjustment and the Player's Guide to Faerun has the Lesser Aasimar so I hope that's okay. I'm also using an alternative class feature from PHB2 to replace the weapon feats Favoured Souls normally get with a temporary hit point buff for allies when I cast spells on them.

2024-03-06, 08:28 AM
Hey Thundercracker, long time no see.

Hello there.

How's things, all good I hope?

2024-03-06, 08:29 AM
@spectralphoenix: Would you allow Warlock's Hideous Blow to be used with 2 handed weapons (Take hand off to cast, then put hand on to strike). RAW I don't think it works, purely looking for combining with a longspear.

If not I have a idea figured out that works by putting in a few levels of fighter which feels awkward but can work.

Works with me, and we can tie things together.

Nice, though I'll probably be going for human.

2024-03-06, 08:49 AM
If chosen/survives to lvl 8, I'm planning on Ganzaya going into Horizon Walker from the DMG. Just to be up front. :smallcool:

2024-03-06, 05:55 PM
Hello there.

How's things, all good I hope?

Things are good, been slow on the servers though, no games ATM. How about you?

2024-03-06, 10:56 PM
Nowhere near finished yet but I'm linking it here for now.

Hamza Dawnbright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2886097), the Lesser Aasimar Favoured Soul 6.

You mentioned that Forgotten Realms' variants of PHB races are allowed as long as they have no level adjustment and the Player's Guide to Faerun has the Lesser Aasimar so I hope that's okay. I'm also using an alternative class feature from PHB2 to replace the weapon feats Favoured Souls normally get with a temporary hit point buff for allies when I cast spells on them.

Lesser Aasimar is allowed. @Rax, that goes for you too if you still want to use it.

I'm brewing an unseen seer, assuming "Complete" includes complete Scoundrel for the "master spellthief" feat. if it doesn't I'll switch to Beguiler --> Wizard or a Rogue-->Wizard. I'll aim to make "guerrilla wizard" from Calimsham who has been making money as a mercenary in Cormyr for a while.


Still unsure about the spells and schools. But i'll have something finished by friday.

Complete Scoundrel is allowed.

2024-03-07, 07:48 AM
Making a pure ranger with a stronger connection to nature trained by a druid.

EDIT: Here is Theo Kirman (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2886386), Classic Archery Focused Ranger.

2024-03-07, 03:21 PM
Lesser Aasimar is allowed. @Rax, that goes for you too if you still want to use it. Thanks, but right now it looks like a human hexblade/fighter for me.

Oddly, I seem to find myself with a spare feat slot (never thought I'd be saying that!). I've been considering taking Trickery Devotion from Complete Champion, but its usefulness is a bit contingent on how often it can be activated if I only take it once. The Benefit section begins with "Once per day as a standard action, you can create an exact duplicate of yourself...", but the last sentence of the paragraph says "This ability is usable up to a maximum of 1 minute per level each day."

I assumed at first that one can actually only use the feat once per day (as per the first sentence), but the wording "up to a maximum" has me wondering if it's possible to activate the feat multiple times per day, as long as the total time doesn't exceed 1 minute per level today. How do you interpret the feat?

An equally important question is whether you want to allow the feat in this game in the first place? There's quite a few bits to keep track of when it comes to how it works, and though I'm not planning any RAW-legal abuse, I understand that it could be quite difficult to adjudicate. If you'd prefer I stick with something simpler, I'm okay with that.

2024-03-07, 10:26 PM
Thanks, but right now it looks like a human hexblade/fighter for me.

Oddly, I seem to find myself with a spare feat slot (never thought I'd be saying that!). I've been considering taking Trickery Devotion from Complete Champion, but its usefulness is a bit contingent on how often it can be activated if I only take it once. The Benefit section begins with "Once per day as a standard action, you can create an exact duplicate of yourself...", but the last sentence of the paragraph says "This ability is usable up to a maximum of 1 minute per level each day."

I assumed at first that one can actually only use the feat once per day (as per the first sentence), but the wording "up to a maximum" has me wondering if it's possible to activate the feat multiple times per day, as long as the total time doesn't exceed 1 minute per level today. How do you interpret the feat?

An equally important question is whether you want to allow the feat in this game in the first place? There's quite a few bits to keep track of when it comes to how it works, and though I'm not planning any RAW-legal abuse, I understand that it could be quite difficult to adjudicate. If you'd prefer I stick with something simpler, I'm okay with that.

I think 'maximum' refers to the fact that you could get less time if it was destroyed. The Special sections both refer to uses per day, so I think you need to take it multiple times if you want it more than once per day.

Unseen servants disappear if they go beyond the spell's range, and the Trickery Devotion image has "all the same limitations" so I would say it disappears if it goes more than 30ft away from you. Unseen servants can only be destroyed by area attacks, but I would say that if someone tries to attack it in combat they waste their attack, but everyone who sees it knows it's an illusion thereafter.

If you are still interested with those caveats, I will allow it.

2024-03-08, 02:53 PM
Thanks, I'll give it some thought, though I might also go for something like Close-Quarters Fighting (simple and useful) or Obtain Familiar (also useful and can help with scouting).

Planning for a possible future of the game, there's a feat and a PrC that I'm interested in picking up for this character concept, but neither is in the presently approved sources. The feat is Netherese Battle Curse from Lost Empires of Faerun - since piling on the debuffs is the focus of this character, this feat fits well and will affect enemies who are otherwise immune to mind-affecting effects or conditions like sickened. The PrC is Dragon Devotee from Races of the Dragon, which is a nice 5-level class with a quick return on investment.

2024-03-08, 06:24 PM
I never understood the math of making Arrows in D&D so how much would it cost for 1 single Adamantine arrow? And how much would 1 cold iron cost? I have 969gp remaining and I want to spend some of it on special arrows that may be needed in the future but not immediately.

Updated Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885584)

Delmuth was never destined for anything great in his clan, he was not the strongest, or the fastest. He was simply average in most regards, even his loyalty was similar to that of many in his clan. What set him apart however was his family. Delmuth's family was one of the few that still kept close bonds with a few outsiders, that were not apart of their clan. And so when their friend's daughter Brie came seeking aid Delmuth was volunteered to help. Stating he was a capable hunter and as such he would be able to fit in more then likely with the people of this place and gather information with ease if he had people with him who had the gift of gab. Delmuth in their eyes could win over the hunters trust with his skills, allowing those with him to then do the talking and learn the information needed. Before leaving his clan he swore an oath to keep his tribe's location a secret, and to not return to his clan until the task was complete. As such much of the Journey to Daggerdale Delmuth has appeared sad and reserved.

2024-03-08, 06:49 PM
I never understood the math of making Arrows in D&D so how much would it cost for 1 single Adamantine arrow? And how much would 1 cold iron cost? I have 969gp remaining and I want to spend some of it on special arrows that may be needed in the future but not immediately.

Updated Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885584)

Delmuth was never destined for anything great in his clan, he was not the strongest, or the fastest. He was simply average in most regards, even his loyalty was similar to that of many in his clan. What set him apart however was his family. Delmuth's family was one of the few that still kept close bonds with a few outsiders, that were not apart of their clan. And so when their friend's daughter Brie came seeking aid Delmuth was volunteered to help. Stating he was a capable hunter and as such he would be able to fit in more then likely with the people of this place and gather information with ease if he had people with him who had the gift of gab. Delmuth in their eyes could win over the hunters trust with his skills, allowing those with him to then do the talking and learn the information needed. Before leaving his clan he swore an oath to keep his tribe's location a secret, and to not return to his clan until the task was complete. As such much of the Journey to Daggerdale Delmuth has appeared sad and reserved.

Adamantine: 60gp
Silver Arrow: 20gp
Cold Iron: 1sp, +40gp if enchanted
I don't require tracking ordinary ammunition.

2024-03-08, 06:58 PM
Adamantine: 60gp
Silver Arrow: 20gp
Cold Iron: 1sp, +40gp if enchanted
I don't require tracking ordinary ammunition.

Thank you for the quick reply. And good to know that if selected my craft arrow making will come in handy for that seemingly endless supply of arrows lol.

Infernally Clay
2024-03-09, 05:48 AM
Okay I'm mixing things up a little because dangit why not you only live once.

There's a feat called Precocious Apprentice in Complete Arcane that grants you a single second level spell slot but only if you pick it at first level as an arcane caster (and there are some limitations included in the feat too). Then four levels of Favoured Soul gets you second level divine spell slots, meaning you qualify for Mystic Theurge at sixth level.

So my character will have the spellcasting of a fifth level Divine Soul and a second level Sorcerer and every time they level up they'll increase both. This is all purely mechanical, though. She's still going to be that heretical figure others believe stole powers from the gods, when she herself says she doesn't really know where this power came from.

2024-03-09, 10:22 AM
Samuel Arvandor, Human Warlock 6. Crunch is done, still working on fluff.


This is a face & (kind of?) utility character (bluff 18, diplomacy 22, intimidate 17).
DR5 / cold iron gives him some durability, while Fell Flight plus wand of invisibility and summon swarm (invocation) should mean unlimited harrying of enemies.
Originally had an artificer's monocle, but dropped that in favor of wands of identify and lesser restoration (paladin). Also threw in a wand of lesser vigor to take the healing load off of whatever priestly character is in the party.

Had to drop any invocations that actually inflict a negative status so that he could see invisible and in the dark, but those are the tradeoffs of warlock. :(

Let me know if I've messed something up crunch wise.

2024-03-10, 09:21 PM
Samuel Arvandor, Human Warlock 6. Crunch is done, still working on fluff.


This is a face & (kind of?) utility character (bluff 18, diplomacy 22, intimidate 17).
DR5 / cold iron gives him some durability, while Fell Flight plus wand of invisibility and summon swarm (invocation) should mean unlimited harrying of enemies.
Originally had an artificer's monocle, but dropped that in favor of wands of identify and lesser restoration (paladin). Also threw in a wand of lesser vigor to take the healing load off of whatever priestly character is in the party.

Had to drop any invocations that actually inflict a negative status so that he could see invisible and in the dark, but those are the tradeoffs of warlock. :(

Let me know if I've messed something up crunch wise.

The only issue I see is that the level at the top of the sheet is 4, though everything else appears to be correct for 6th level.

2024-03-11, 11:16 AM

Bumping my earlier post (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25976857&postcount=59) in case you missed my questions there.

2024-03-11, 06:43 PM
Thanks, I'll give it some thought, though I might also go for something like Close-Quarters Fighting (simple and useful) or Obtain Familiar (also useful and can help with scouting).

These are fine.

Planning for a possible future of the game, there's a feat and a PrC that I'm interested in picking up for this character concept, but neither is in the presently approved sources. The feat is Netherese Battle Curse from Lost Empires of Faerun - since piling on the debuffs is the focus of this character, this feat fits well and will affect enemies who are otherwise immune to mind-affecting effects or conditions like sickened. The PrC is Dragon Devotee from Races of the Dragon, which is a nice 5-level class with a quick return on investment.

I would prefer not to bring in any further sources.

2024-03-12, 10:55 AM
Roger that. I may just stick with hexblade then (assuming my character gets picked and survives 😋 ).

2024-03-12, 02:32 PM
Jericho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2887935)
M NG Half-Orc, the Dalelands Barbarian 2/Druid 4, Level 6, Init 9, HP 51/51, Speed 40, 60 (in predator form)
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort 7, Ref 5, Will 6, Base Attack Bonus 5
Predator form only Bite Attack +12 (1d6+10, x20)
Wilding Clasp Bracers of Armor +2 (+2 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 6


Jericho, known among the Dalelands as the "Wolf of the Tesh," is a figure of both awe and mystery. Born under the shadowed canopies of the Daggerdale forests, he has always been more at home under the moonlit sky than beneath a thatched roof. From a young age, Jericho felt an inexplicable pull towards the wild, a call that resonated deep within his soul, leading him to the ancient druidic circles hidden among the hills.

Under the tutelage of a reclusive druid, Jericho learned to harness the primal energies of nature, to feel the heartbeat of the earth beneath his feet, and to listen to the whispers of the wind through the leaves. But it was his unique ability to shapeshift into a mountain wolf at will that set him apart, earning him his moniker and the wary respect of both friend and foe.

In the year 1367 DR, as Daggerdale reels under the oppressive grip of the Zhentarim and the land cries out for champions, Jericho finds himself torn between the solitary life he has always known and the unspoken duty to protect his homeland. The plight of the Dale's people, struggling to survive against the encroaching darkness, stirs something within him, a sense of responsibility he can no longer ignore.

Now, as the party journeys to Dagger Falls on a mission to find Ian Redwood, Jericho's paths converge with those of other brave souls. Though he is a man of few words, his actions speak of a fierce loyalty and a deep-seated resolve to fight for the freedom of Daggerdale. In the wilds, he is unmatched; his instincts, honed by years of living among the beasts, make him an invaluable guide and a formidable ally.

But even as he steps forward to join this new pack, Jericho carries with him the solitude of the wilderness, the silent strength of the mountain wolf, and the unyielding spirit of the Dalelands. In the battles to come, he will need all the cunning and power at his disposal, for the fate of Daggerdale, and perhaps his own soul, hangs in the balance.

2024-03-12, 06:46 PM
Annnd old post edited with new character sheet!

2024-03-17, 12:14 PM
Finally found the time to finish up my submission!

Faurgar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885719), a Hexblade 5/Fighter 1, focused on debuffing enemies before beating them up with his flail.

2024-03-17, 06:34 PM
Fluff finished.

2024-03-19, 09:48 AM
Udro is basically ready. He is a Cali****te wizard who despises illusionists as parlor tricksters, enchanters as manipulative scum, and necromancers as despicable necromancers (duh!) and has come to the Dale not only to find Ian, but attracted by reports of a rebellion brewing.
Adding a sortable table for other people to add themselves if they want to.

Realizes the DM already has one of those...


Udro, Falmboyant Flame of the South (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2885352)
Unseen Seer (Spellthief1/wizard4 entry)
Human, Calimsham
Adventurer and mercenary of fortune with a high concept of justice. Has been living in Cormyr for the past few years, aspired to be a War Wizard, but he doesn't have the martial discipline required.
90% Missinf some fluff and a detailed description of his spellbook

QUESTION I don't understand how People are calculating HP. I was doing Full at 1st + Average rounded up the rest of the way. + Con So I'd get 6+(3*4)+4+18=40 because average rounded up for 1d4 is 3 isn't it? But in that case other people's HP makes no sense to me.

2024-03-21, 07:07 PM
QUESTION I don't understand how People are calculating HP. I was doing Full at 1st + Average rounded up the rest of the way. + Con So I'd get 6+(3*4)+4+18=40 because average rounded up for 1d4 is 3 isn't it? But in that case other people's HP makes no sense to me.

This is correct, I think several people changed their characters without updating their hit point totals. These are the ones I think are off, please double check your numbers.

Darius/Gwen Razorleaf(35/45)
Dantiesilva/Delmuth Quibella(10/45)
SCARYWIZARD/Nanes Il(28/31)
Infernally Clay/Hamza Dawnbright(45/41)

On a more general note, this is the last weekend for submissions. Please finish everything up and get in any last minute changes or entries. Entrance will be closed midnight CST on Monday night. I will then make my decisions, contact the people I'm asking to join the game, and hopefully get things started a few days later.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-21, 08:01 PM
I won't say no to more hp!

2024-03-21, 09:23 PM
SCARYWIZARD/Nanes Il(28/31)

Hey-hey, cool! Thank you both for spotting that.
It's funny -- I had 31 entered, but miscalculated and ended up with that 28. Thank you!

2024-03-21, 09:47 PM
Updated hp, completely forgot to update hp after I finished the sheet. Thank you for pointing it out.

2024-03-22, 05:18 PM
Updated my PC a little once i saw Completes were allowed, removed 1 level of barb and took 1 level of warshaper so I can have the option of an extra attack. And it fits just so well with the shapechanger druid.

2024-03-23, 09:01 AM
Alright, I think I'm good with the fluff, ready to go.

2024-03-23, 09:22 AM
Good luck everyone and may the odds be in your favor.

2024-03-26, 08:11 AM
Alright, closing things up. I will start going through character sheets and making my decisions tonight after work.

Thanks to everyone who entered - I can't choose everyone but I appreciate you all taking the time to create a character.

2024-03-26, 12:07 PM
i don't envy you, the quality of characters is high. I like thematic-limited recruitments, they bring the best out of people.

2024-03-26, 04:24 PM
i don't envy you, the quality of characters is high. I like thematic-limited recruitments, they bring the best out of people.

I second this. I want to say the hardest part of DMing minus being the DM is picking the players.

2024-03-26, 11:38 PM
It is a challenge. I think I've just about made my decisions. Tomorrow I will announce the winners and set up the IC and OOC threads. Thanks again to everyone who applied.

2024-03-27, 06:01 PM
After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I have decided on the following entrants:

Dantiesilva/Delmuth Quibella

Thank you to everyone who participated, if I didn't choose you this time I hope we get a chance to play together someday.

IC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?666005-Doom-of-Daggerdale-3-5-(IC))
OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?666006-Doom-of-Daggerdale-3-5-(OOC))

2024-03-27, 06:07 PM
Cool beans!