View Full Version : Aurangh's Savage Tide IC: There's no Honor

2024-03-03, 06:02 AM
Savage Tides:

Earlier today everyone of you recieved this note:

"Greetings, and I trust this missive finds you well.
My name is Lavinia Vanderboren and I humbly request your attendance at dinner at my state on Festival Street and Blue Skink Lane tomorrow evening. I think that I can present you with an opportunity uniquely suited to your skills. Please inform the carrier of this note of ou response to this invitations, and I hope to be speaking to you soon.


* * *

**Aron and Brannick:**

Inside Aron Meravanchi's Cauldron of Suplies, an alley in the Merchant District.

**Aron Meravanchi:**
Your family bought this shaggy shop for you, you know they hope you fail at this endeavour and fall in line. But it is also a good if you suceeed and leave your brother in charge of the administration of the family lands.

There's no small amount of talk about the demise of the Vandenboren patriarchs, Larissa and Verik. Burnt alive on board of their ship under suspicious circumstances.
Lavinia came back to Sasserine after their parents death not a month ago. She came from the free city of Greyhawk where she had been living for the past four years. Rumors say her younger brother, Vanthus, hasn't been seen since she came back.
Now, you receive this little note. Why you? Why would a Vanderborren call on a Merivanchi for help? And, ultimately, why not your older brother, Avner, who is roughly the same age as Lavinia?

**Brannick the Bold**
Since you came to Sasserine under the employment of Aron Meravanchi, you have been mostly idle. Other than dealing with smugglers whose manners had to be corrected, Sasserine has not delivered the expected excitement.
But earlier this morning a halfling came with a note for your employer and Aron has been visibly tinkering with the note. He called you to his shop office.

* * *

Walking towards Eli's tavern

Shortly after leaving town for Cauldron a couple days ago your long-time friend Tolin Kentai, a member of the Jade Ravens, asked you to keep an eye on the smuggling activity in port. He mentioned the fire that killed the Vanderboren was bad news, the Jade Ravens had long been employees of the family, and things were about to change.
Now, only two days later, you get this note summoning to the Vandenboren Mansion.

* * *

Leaving the Whirling Fury Church


This evening communion had been special. You couldn't take your eyes off the beautiful face of Lady Silvermane as she spoke deliriously.

Then, as you came back to your tavern, this halfling was waiting for you at the door with a note from no other than Lavinia Vanderboren. Though luck what happened to her parents.

Besides the well known facts, you have heard about Vanthus having some dark deals with the Lotus Dragon. Bad news those folks who had been slowly gaining power in Sasserine's underworld

* * *

You have confirmed assistance and have around 16 hours to the appointment.

2024-03-03, 01:55 PM

Tefkros had been feeling restless the last few weeks. The jobs have been menial and beneath his skills. Even the recent trip to Cauldron did not do much to calm him. The smuggling, now this would be a fitting job! Hunting outlaws, stalking through land and water, it would be glorious.

And now an important family is reaching to him. He would meet with them, of course. It would be good for them to see what an elven hunter can do.

Walking straight, his face stoic and proud. Tefkros walks in the tavern of Eli. He scans the crowd for Eli. It would be good to exchange news about the Vanderboren. He takes his pipe out, sits and orders a biter ale.

Not sure if he finds Eli. If he does, assume that he is sitting next to him and greets him with the elven greeting "Mae Govannen"

2024-03-03, 03:33 PM

Aron fiddled with the note, hands rubbing the smooth writing as he paced up and down the tiny shop space. "She is wealthy, a young lady a few years older than myself, more of an age with Avner really. But I wonder if its to do with her parents' death, they burned in accident a season ago." He offers the note to Brannick to read as well, "I assume you can read Brannick? You can accompany me, if thee is ay trouble I'll need you arm to help deal with it."

Glancing around he looks out at the busting streetm "Shall we close up early, business is slow today ahead of the Wormfall Festival. Lets be having a drink and a lizard on a stick before we meet Lady Vanderboren?

2024-03-03, 06:02 PM
Eli gives the halfling messenger a quick — if a bit confused — acceptance of the invitation, then rereads the letter twice as he heads into the Silverlode. He makes Emma, an elderly woman who spends most of every morning in the bar, read it, too, in case he'd misunderstood something. Eli had just learned his letters recently; there hadn't been much call for it as a fisherman, but his uncle insisted he learn how to handle orders and accounts. "Last thing I need is somebody taking delivery of six barrels of grout 'cause they don't know any better."

He spends the next few hours trading ideas with the regulars as to what a Vanderboren would want with him. The leading theory was a proposal of marriage. The leading sober theory was she just needed a strong back to move furniture around as she settles into her role as head of the estate. But you don't usually ask someone to dinner for that.

One customer quietly warns him not to go, telling of the Vandorboren's possible link to the Lotus Dragons; Eli doesn't share that with the other customers, but it is a bit worrying.

"Mae Govannen." The language is easy to recognize among the usual chatter. Eli soon spies Tefkros, the mariner he'd known since he was a boy, at a table with an ale, pipe … and a familiar-looking letter. Eli tilts his head curiously, and instead of a wave holds up his own copy of the letter in greeting.

"Something to talk about over your drink?"

2024-03-04, 11:29 AM
Brannick was in the back toying with one of his daggers, he was bored, the famous city 'Sasserine' was not living up to it's namesake, but that may have just changed as he watched the halfling deliver his missive to his new master, eyebrow raised, he stood up and entered the front of the shop, taking the note with a grin "Read, oh no, I forgot last night sometime between all the drinks...." he paused when he saw Aron was not in fact in the mood for jokes, with both eyebrows furrowed now, he reads the note.

He nods at the trouble part "Aye, I can do that, do you think there will be trouble with another noble-person like yourself? I would have thought any trouble like that would be a dagger in the back in some lone alley way." he stopped when he realized the Noble he was talking to had an alley just like it.

He smiles though at the mention of food, slapping his hands together he nods in agreement "Which one though, Varrick's stand has been closed down ever since the town guard busted his shop up."

2024-03-04, 03:24 PM

Tefkros watches as Eli quickly catches up on things. He was always quick that way. His father, too. Though the letter was a surprise.

"You are in the truth, shaalafi." Tefkros even now regresses to mistranslated elven expressions, but shaalafi means friend, and he has called Eli that for some time now.

"And I see you got a letter, too. This perhaps explains why you are serving so many questions to your customers. I would have said less, myself.

But you know best. For me, I am content. I will go and see what the lady wants. But some conversation among shipmates, I think that would be a good thing. I have heard the name Vandorboren mentioned in the same sentence with smuggling. That the fire made things worse. Some friends are afraid of losing work.

And you? Will you be going?"

2024-03-04, 10:23 PM
"I think I should," Eli replies, and waggles a finger toward the bar crowd behind them. "They've got a … pool going. But if you've been invited, too, that's going to disappoint some of them."

He glances over his shoulder, and sure enough, the "marriage proposal" bettors were looking glum, with one trying to hedge their bets on "hired muscle."

Eli turns serious as Tefkros mentions the blaze that killed the Vandorborens. "Bad way to go, fire," he murmurs. His father had died the year before; it wasn't clear exactly how, his boat had been found smashed against the rocks a half-day out from port. Regardless, the sea had his body and would keep it. But to be burned? Who knows where you'd go?

He lowers his voice. "Her brother, name of Vanthus, I heard something about him and a gang called the Lotus Dragon, if you know of them. Don't know why a noble would want to be mixed up in that."

2024-03-05, 01:32 PM

Tefkros needs a moment to understand what the pool is about. A brief smile crosses his face which he hides behind his pipe. But he then pays special attention.

"I had not heard that, about the Lotus Dragon. So rumors fly, it seems.

But it is a good thing that you are going to be there tomorrow. I value a crewmate I can trust more than ten I do not know."

Tefkros cheers Eli and buys him a round, making small talk and reminiscing about old days. he takes the opportunity to have food served. He usually avoids eating out, since a hunter should be able to provide for himself. This is a special occasion, though. Unless something happens, he retires early to get ready for the next day.

2024-03-06, 05:27 AM
Brannick was in the back toying with one of his daggers, he was bored, the famous city 'Sasserine' was not living up to it's namesake, but that may have just changed as he watched the halfling deliver his missive to his new master, eyebrow raised, he stood up and entered the front of the shop, taking the note with a grin "Read, oh no, I forgot last night sometime between all the drinks...." he paused when he saw Aron was not in fact in the mood for jokes, with both eyebrows furrowed now, he reads the note.

He nods at the trouble part "Aye, I can do that, do you think there will be trouble with another noble-person like yourself? I would have thought any trouble like that would be a dagger in the back in some lone alley way." he stopped when he realized the Noble he was talking to had an alley just like it.

He smiles though at the mention of food, slapping his hands together he nods in agreement "Which one though, Varrick's stand has been closed down ever since the town guard busted his shop up."


Aron shrugs as he straightens his cloak and arranges the fall neatly. "I don't know here well, she is more of an age with Avner than with me. She had a brother as well, although I did not know him well. I'm not sure what she needs aid with although with her parents a month dead from a blaze she has my sympathy." He heads to the door and locks up as they leave, "I was thinking the little pie shop down Stinkgutter Lane, the one with that red head, she was all smiles last time and the food I think was even meat rather than the usual rat or water grunter."

If Brannick agrees they'll head down to the pie stall then onto the Vandboren manor

2024-03-11, 04:22 PM
Brannick and Aron.
The subtropical evening brings a soft breeze from the port while you walk to the pie stall. The warm smell of Cresilda's meat and figs pie is unmistakable, and as you approach, the wench throws a smile at Brannick and stares with her intense black eyes as she displays a hefty slice of pie.

Sirs, sris. What does the tide bring. Care for some pie.

Some folks standing around and eating with their hands, look at the both of you. They clearly know the heir of the Meravanchi. One of them whispers something to the other's ear.
Then he rises and speaks out so you can hear him.
Oh Lads, have I told ye about the time I whipped Avner's around because he lost a game of three dragons? Ye can't trust a Meravanchi, those fellows will lay with a hag, but they never pay their gambling


Eli, Tefkros offers to buy you supper in your tavern, to what one of the busboys reacts by looking at you as if waiting for permission.

2024-03-11, 04:55 PM
Brannick nods and follows at Aron's suggestion, walking next to the man, but slightly behind as to not raise eyebrows, and the minimal amount of deferment to his noble heritage. Brannick was of noble blood after all, and no one cared.

He smiled broadly at Cresilda, about to return a flavorful welcome, but then his eyebrows raised in surprise at the sudden provocation. He turned around, hand resting on the weapons at his belt in an obvious yet subtle move, signaling his readiness while maintaining the facade of calm.

"Ah, well met, friend," Brannick began, his voice dripping with a honeyed venom, as he addressed the loudmouth with a sly grin. "Your words, they dance like fireflies in the dusk, full of sound, yet signifying nothing. But let's indulge in your little farce, shall we?"

Taking a casual step closer, Brannick's presence commanded the silent attention of the onlookers. "You speak of dragons and debts, of hags and follies, yet here you stand, casting stones from a house of cards. Tell me, when last did you wager against fate and win, hmm? For while you jest at my ward's expense, know this - it is under his banner that I stand, a shield against the tide, a whisper in the shadow that keeps the likes of you at bay."

His smile widened, but his eyes hardened, a stark contrast to his jovial tone. "And as for laying with hags, I'd wager careful where you tread, for in this city, one man's hag is another's queen. And as for debts," he paused, letting the silence hang heavy, "well, let's just say, in the game of dragons, it's wise to know whom you're playing against. For while you jest about three dragons, remember, even a single dragon, when cornered, is more than a match for a hundred jesters."

He finished with a polite nod, turning slightly to acknowledge Aron with a respectful gesture, "Now, if you'll excuse us, the tide brings hunger, and we've pies to attend to. Good evening to you." With that, Brannick turned back to Cresilda, his dismissal of the heckler as smooth as silk, leaving the man with food for thought as surely as the pies provided sustenance.


2024-03-11, 10:44 PM
Brannick and Aron.
Eli, Tefkros offers to buy you supper in your tavern, to what one of the busboys reacts by looking at you as if waiting for permission.

Generally staff doesn't eat until much later in the day, but it's still fairly quiet. Eli doesn't want to offend an old friend of his father's, plus he guesses that the regulars would be fascinated with Tefkros, who knows stories older than any of them.

So he shrugs at the busboy and eats — but standing up, so he can keep serving, and trading jokes, and deflecting drunken questions on whether this Lavinia would be prettier than the women at that church he's always hanging around.

"You know, the swirly one," said Jonah, one of the evening regulars, pirouetting a dainty finger in the air.

"No, the furry one," said his drinking buddy, the dwarf Luki, running his hands through his long, braided beard.

They both knew the real name, though nothing more — for that matter, even Eli didn't know much more than that — and they both knew how far they could good-naturedly push him on the subject.

2024-03-15, 04:27 PM
The group loses some of it's bravado. They are not really up to a fight with a Meravanchi nor with his bodyguard, they part laughing and throwing some more veiled references to the Meravanchi's reputation as sour losers.

Griselda serves you some pie and throws another smile to Brannick.

The subtropical night is fully upon you, short evenings in these latitudes.


The patrons leave the tavern in a constant drip, there's some unusual activity with the festivities coming in the next weeks, but still, fishermen have to get back to their homes and get a few hours rest before dawn.

Tefkros and Eli have supper.


I know this is stalling, lets put some tempo. I truly want this adventure to work.

2024-03-16, 03:16 AM

Aron enjoyed the pie and beer, as the locals make comments on his family name, he feels a tension in his hand as he grasps at the hilt o the blade then relaxes as Brannick manages diffuse the situation. Leaving the pies with a nod and a blown kiss to Cressida he'll nod to Brannick, "My thanks. It would have been rude to have a scuffle over a pie. Also... I guess he's true. My brother would indeed lay with a hag if the money were right and does not pay his debts."

Looking into the night he suggests that they head home and prepare for the meeting with Lavinia the next day

2024-03-16, 09:10 AM

Eli looks at the two regulars and shakes his head in mock sadness. ”I know the two of you are just jossin’, don’t mean nothing by it,” he begins.

”But if the Lady were to overhear you, I’d have to knock you both on your asses and throw you out, and I wouldn’t mean nothing by that, either.”

He turns back to Tefkros. ”And really they should thank me for doing it. Lady Silvermane would be a lot less gentle, I’d think. She’s got a temper — never seen it, but I know it’s there.”

“She’s Elven too, though not sure where from. She’s been in the city a lot shorter time than you, I’m sure.”

They spend the rest of the evening chatting about sailing and Eli’s father, and whether the coastline had changed any in the past few years.

Sorry for lack of color text; on mobile device and not seeing the buttons for that for some reason.

Am happy to post IC for trip to estate as well.

2024-03-18, 07:21 PM
Vanderboren Manor is located in the eastern section of the Merchant District; the seven-foot-high stone wall that surrounds the estate is impossible to miss, as is the towering, gothic, three-story house that dominates the grounds within. Leering gargoyles and capering nymphs festoon the eaves of the manor's roof, and several trees give the manor grounds a nice buffer from the bustle of the city. The front gates have been left open and unguarded for you. Immediately this draws you attention, there are no visible servants, no guards, and the garden looks as if it had seen better times.

When you reach the double doors across the pink marble stoop you can admire the wealth of one of Sasserine's most powerful families, but the house itself announces the decay. Before you can knock, the same halfling that delivered the notes yesterday opens the heavy doors tugging with some trouble.

Excuse me, I was locking the dogs away, they get nervous with visitors these days. Please, follow me.

The halfling takes you into the house. Aron, you have been here before, during times of thrift, the magnificent hall that opens to the double grandstair, and the windowed wall that leads to the patio, the true mark of a noble house in Sasserine: the inner patio with exotic plants and animals. Korra, the halfling takes you to the private dinning room, a more modest room but still impressive.

The private dining hall is comfortable and cozy, softly lit by wall-mounted lanterns. A window overlooks the manor's central courtyard and the carpet is thick and soft. A large portrait hangs on the wall, a fine work depicting a handsome young man with a short beard. Aron recognizes him as Vanthus Vanderboren, looking healthier and sharper than the last time you saw him.

Lady Vanderboren will be here presently. Please, help yourselves, I left some food and beverages on the side table under the window.

Here you are, the four of you finally reunited. What do you do?

2024-03-19, 08:40 AM

Tefkros has taken care to groom and tie his hair, and he has washed and mended his clothes. He still looks ready to hunt something, but it is obvious he is here to talk business.

He knows many of the people here. Eli, he expected, and he nods his head to him. The others, he knew less. Aron ;s presence was a surprise. Straightening his archer's gloves, he offers the shady, but powerful, human a courteous greeting.

"Well met, Aron. It is good to see you again. I was not expecting to see you here. This has become an even more interesting meeting"

He also gives a slight nod to the other human accompanying Aron.

2024-03-19, 05:02 PM

Eli sat in one of the studier-looking chairs, dressed simply with a leather vest over a tunic, an Olman-made club resting on his lap. The club, about the size of a long walking stick but considerably stouter, was perhaps the nicest thing he owned. It was of bronzewood, with four rows of riverstones cunningly inlaid lengthwise along the barrel. It had come to the tavern by way of an Amedio logger who used it to pay his tab; Eli had won it a few months ago in a barback contest.

It made for an impressive threat when confronting rowdies, but it was most often used on music nights: The bronzewood gave a sonorous thonk when struck, while the stones made for an effective rasp when scraped with a wooden stick.

Though he’d scarcely even visited the Noble District before, he’d been a bit underwhelmed by the condition of the Vanderboren Manor. “Land’s the only real wealth,” a customer once told him. “Oerth’s not getting any bigger.” It had made sense, but in this case land seemed to be all the Vanderborens had.

For a moment he considered that Lavinia might simply be looking to hire a new servant staff — but that thought was dispelled by a look at the others as they walked in. Tefkros was no gardener, nor was the gray-haired man. Eli doesn’t know Aron, but can recognize money when he sees it.

He stands and greets Tefkros as the Elf enters, and turns to the others. “I'm Eli Sarcern,” he introduces himself, smiling. “Tefkros, I know -- he knows almost everyone in Sasserine, I'm sure -- but I'm happy to meet the two of you … for whatever this turns out to be.”

note that this assumes Aron is dressed as a noble, rather than for his role as a magic-shop owner. Seemed like a good bet, though it'd be easy to replace "magic" for "money" in the text above."

2024-03-20, 02:07 AM

Garbed in a short blue top, long trousers with a shirt furred cape hanging from a shoulder her looks every inch the young Merivanchi. As he arrives and waits with Brannick. As Tefkros arrives he offers a short bow, ”Days blessing upon you Tefkros, I’ve not clapped eyes on you for a while.”

Helping himself to a glass of light beer he looks about the patio, “Good to see Lady Lavinia is doing well, I was worried her tragedy would sink such a noble house.”

2024-03-20, 05:10 PM

As you are doing some small talk, the dinning room opens and an attractive human woman wearing a long, flowing blue dress, comes in, her beauty overshadowed by apparent concerns. She smiles at you.

Aron, Eli, Tefkros, and Brannick, was it? Her charm is fascinating, she walks firmly as one that understands her position but also one that has seen the world. The education of the Sasserine aristocracy only Aron fully understands. She takes her seat at the head of the table and grabs as the halfling Korra hurriedly pours her some cold white wine.

Aron, you have not seen Lavinia since she was 17 and ready to leave overseas. You were around 14.
Tefkros, you saw her once or twice with her parents when she was barely an infant.

I made you come all the way over here, so I'll be straight and direct, as I see no other way around it. You can see the situation my family house is plainly.

As you may have heard, I recently inherited my parents estate She pauses to collect herself. . Along with this fine
house. But there's also a an acrued owed to the Dawn Cou ncit, the harbormaster, and qüite a few guild hals. It seems
for all their success and adventures they were not as skilled at finance as one might expect. In order to pay this debt, I need access to my parents patrimony at Castle Teraknian.

She puses a minute to let the information sink, and takes a sip of her wine.

And that is the problem. As you know, Aron, the gates are magically locked keyed to special isignet rings. Both of my parents had these rings, until very recently, my mother lost hers a few.months ågo. She arranged for replacehent, but be done for another fornight, too late for me. Which leaves my father's ring. He never wore it. He kept it hidden Somewhere on his ship, the Blue Nixie. The problem there is that the harbor master's seized the ship until some one paysfor the last four months of mooring. i've paid the fines to the man ther harbormaster's put in charge of my ship, a brute named Soller Vark. Yet when I went to claim my ship, Vark's me
wouldn't let me board, claiming that I hadn't yet paid the fines. I spoke to Vark again and he denied ever receiving my payment. My complaints to the harbormaster have fallen on dead ears.

Where do you fit, and why? Well, I need to take a different approach, and I have heard you may be the ones to help me. Tolin Kentai personally recomended you Tefkros, and he mentioned the nephew of the tavernkeeper, that is you right Eli as someone who coul have the skills and interest. Then there's you Aron, I heard you are venturing in business as your own man, away from family money. I respect that, I would have loved to continue my on career as a scholar in Greyhawk, but my parents tragic demise brought me back. I also heard you and your bodyguard here understand a few things of how people like Vark operate.

Woul you help me?

Vrak is widely known in the low-lifes of Sasserine, a smuggler of exotic animals and substances and a man of rude manners.
Someone overheard Vrak was prepraing a shipment of exotic creatures and other goods and ready to leave Sasserine
It is rumored Vrak has connections with the Lotus Dragon, a dangerous organization.

2024-03-20, 09:37 PM

Eli nearly spits in disgust as Lavinia details Vark's brazen theft, but remembers where he is. Stealing from an orphan! He thought. A rich orphan, and one beautiful enough to marry her way out of a real jam, but still. Even pirates had better scruples than that, or so the story (https://youtu.be/yu5WjoHd_7U?feature=shared&t=69) went.

He knew what the crowd at the Lodestone would say. She was stupid to let her gold out of her sight before she got what she was paying for. But he remembered his mother after his father was lost; she could scarcely feed herself for weeks. She'd have been an easy mark, too.

"I'm sorry for your parents, Lady Vanderboren," he says. "The sea took my father last year. It's a hard thing, putting things together after. It's cruel these louts are making it harder."

He looks around at the others. "I don't know this Vark, but I've met plenty like him. A hundred faces and a hundred names, and one black heart between them. And they understand only one thing."

2024-03-21, 11:11 AM

Even after all those years, Tefkros is sometimes taken aback by how quickly humans mature. It is easy when he sees them day by day, but when if a decade or two have passed, Tefkros gets surprised.

So it was with Lavinia. The years have treated her very kindly. The names she mentions mean little to him, though he should have known some of them. He knew Tolin, for sure. But a hunter never rushes. He takes a deep breath and tries to see if there are signs of stress or duplicity in Lavinia's stance. Without making obvious his scrutiny, Tefkros gets up and replies. This is how elves speak important business, standing up.

"Thank you, Lady, for the invitation. Excuse this hunter's bluntness, but I am an uncomplicated man. You seek for us to go into the ship, regardless of who guards it and why, and find your father's ring, whatever that takes. Am I correct? Or do you also need Soller Vark to be taught a lesson?

Also. What kind of payment are we to receive?"

With a bow, he sits down.

2024-03-22, 10:27 AM
Brannick nods to Aron as he complements on his crowd dissuading abilities, he smiled for a second, the thought of a street brawl playing out in his mind for a moment, shame. "Definitely, you don't fight over pie." he smirked as he besmudged his brother, but didn't say another word and merely enjoyed his pie in piece as he eyed the crowd for any retaliation, egress routes, and other potential threats.

Once at the manor, he regards the house in a silent calculating demeanor, not surprised but merely passive, he nodded to the halfling host and thanked them as he eyed the food, looking to Aron to make sure he wasn't breaking some kind of verboten protocol of the local nobility. Once done, he finds a chair in the corner, so he can watch everything unfold, keeping as close to Aron as possible, he nods in return to the hunter who entered the room as well as Eli once he introduces himself to Aron.

As Lady Lavinia walked in, Brannick almost dropped his food, and forgot himself, he was not expecting such a radiantly beautiful woman to be in his presence, he hadn't even bathed recently! He smiles at her with his most winsomeness smile, a small flirtatious wink as she sits down.

He was obviously in for the request, but officially, that would be up to his current Master Aron, but he thought he knew the answer well, and nodded at the comments being made, he had one himself, but waited for the others and leaned into Aron whispering "If the payment was official, documentation would make this easier if the anyone comes running."


Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None

2024-03-23, 07:35 AM

Aron looks at Brannick with a grin as Lavinia enters, although he thinks much the same. He leans in to whisper to Brannick, “A rare beauty, and if rumours are true the brains to match it.” Listening to Lavinia’s problems she nods.

“we grieved for your loss dear Lady. Now to have this indignity and brazen theft by a villain like Vark added to that insult is unacceptable. I shall help in whatever way I can. As will Brannick here.” He adds a gentle push to Brannick’s back to push him a step closer to Lavinia.

”Ive heard of Vark, he is known as a low life scum and also a peddler of exotics beasts. Some for the houses of the nobility, my own father probably included, some for the arena. So I would be not surprised if the Nixie is being used as a cover for this. One that shall we take away from him.”

2024-03-24, 04:12 AM
Lavinia keeps silence for a minute, nodding at your words, especially at Aron's comment about her parents death.

Tefkros, I appreciate your direct approach. I need that ring, It is my most immediate concern. But the Blue Nixie is a fine ship and part of my family wealth, I would hate to lose it to scum like Vrak. The less I know about how you got it, the better, but it would also serve my purpose if people understood that I have resources even with Tolin and the Jade Ravens running errands away from Sasserine. And yes, Aron, this involves you too. I can be blunt about it, I must blunt about it. My parents had businesses with your family, and I need to bring some of the families to fold.

She takes a small leather bag from under a fold in her garments and places it on the table.

I was saving these for a rainy day. But the wealth of the family is in the vault. Take this and you can also keep any treasure you may find on the Blue Nixie, including the money I already paid to Vrak. Once the ring is back with me, I'll see that you are properly rewarded.

There's 300 gp in gems of different sizes and shapes. Roughly, you could split the value into 75gps bunches

There's some urgency in this. And a dark night like tonight's would aid any adventurers.

Aron, a word in private.

She opens the glass door to the private garden and motions Aron to follow her.

2024-03-24, 06:29 AM

Aron nods at the gems to Brannick, before looking out the window, "As you say m'lady. A good night for mischief, though now probably not what Brannick here and I had planned initially." As she opens the doors ad heads out to the private garden Aron follows, pausing only to refresh his glass and bringing another one for her.

As he joins her he offers her the glass, "Please Lavinia, I'm never a fan of drinking alone." As he looks around the garden he smiles, "Its a beautiful manor here. Your parents have a more restrained style than my Father. What is it that you wish from me Lavinia. I will help with the Nixie of course, even if it were not for you I would do it to stop this Vark getting above hi station."

2024-03-24, 11:05 AM

Tefkros waits until the hostess leaves the room with Aron. He edges closer to Eli and makes a nod of inclusion towards the man Brannick. He then says in a voice close to a whisper.

"I do not know this lady very well. However, you all seem ready to believe her. You know her to be trustworthy?

I do not like to rush any hunt, of man or beast. And yet, we are asked to do this tonight. Do we have time to verify her story or will we walk into a ship rightfully seized, and then get denounced by our employer? Stranger things have happened.

Finally, it was not exactly a secret that we were summoned here, by a known associate of the Lady. Perhaps we were being shadowed here. Perhaps we will be expected, tonight.

If you all agree to do this, I will too. But I suggest we do not blindly trust the Lady. I will certainly leave here unseen. And if one of you can learn more about Soller Vark, any associates he may have or any resources he may command, that would be far better. As for me, I can keep watch on the ship until we meet to climb aboard it.

You agree?"

2024-03-24, 08:24 PM

"Even if the if the Harbormaster was right to seize the Nixie, it makes no sense to keep the owner off if what she needs to pay the fine is on the ship," Eli replies. "My father said Keltar was too old for that job, and that was five years ago."

"Still, I suppose it's good to be wary," he continues. "A pretty face and a sad story — well, that's a recipe for trouble, isn't it? And who knows, she could be in the same line as her brother."

Eli motions to the garden where Lavinia and Aron were speaking. "Maybe the Meravanchi would have a better idea of her character. He knows her after all, and those families all make it a point to learn each other's business. I'll see if I can learn anything about Vark."

2024-03-25, 06:02 AM
Once outside, the tropical night brings the smells of exotic flowers. Your words are not empty, the Vanderboren's taste is truly impressive.

Lavinia accepts the glass, but doesn't drink.

You were only a kid last I saw you Aron. And I don't want to insult you pretending that you would do this work for a petty coin when your family's wealth cannot be measured. But I also know your path and your family has not been the same. You'll forgive me, but I did my due diligence before calling you in.
You must also believe me, I understand what it is to try and become something else instead of just a noble born. If it weren't for the tragedy, I'd leave everything for Vanthus and remained at Greyhawk. My future there was bright.

If I called on you is because I trust the adventuring spirit spurs you more than simple gems.

2024-03-25, 09:51 AM
Brannick nods at Aron's gesture and stands to take the bag of gems, not to quick mind, just slow enough that the other folk would be ok with it. He hefts the bag as he reviews the contents with a cluck of his tongue "Oh Aye, not bad." he says quietly doing the mental math.

Hearing the others speak as Aron leaves with the lovely Lady Livinia, he nodded at the points of logic "Tefkros has the way of it, but I trust Master Aron with my life, not only his coin. If he trusts this Lady, " he nods to them as they walk off "Which I'm thinkin he does right now, and she just dumped a bunch of gems for our pay, I don't think this is a scam." he says pointedly "You lot should join us and see." he says with a grin.

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None

2024-03-25, 03:30 PM

Tefkros listens to the others, absent-mindedly tagging his archer gloves in place.

"So be it. I sense the Lady is holding something close, and that she is stronger than she leads to us to believe. But I have a suggestion, then. When our business here is done, let's leave separately. I will go scout out the ship, and you perhaps learn a bit more from people in the harbor. Let's meet back at Eli's tavern two hours after dark, and exchange information and plans. What do you say?"

2024-03-26, 03:23 AM
Once outside, the tropical night brings the smells of exotic flowers. Your words are not empty, the Vanderboren's taste is truly impressive.

Lavinia accepts the glass, but doesn't drink.

You were only a kid last I saw you Aron. And I don't want to insult you pretending that you would do this work for a petty coin when your family's wealth cannot be measured. But I also know your path and your family has not been the same. You'll forgive me, but I did my due diligence before calling you in.
You must also believe me, I understand what it is to try and become something else instead of just a noble born. If it weren't for the tragedy, I'd leave everything for Vanthus and remained at Greyhawk. My future there was bright.

If I called on you is because I trust the adventuring spirit spurs you more than simple gems.

Aron pauses looking at Lavinia and nods. "It is not the coin you are correct. My family is wealthy, but does nothing with it. They offer nothing to the masses of the city and do nothing with their power beynd sating their own desires. You are right Lavinina, its not something I want. I want to break free of that toxic cycle. I, and I hope Brannick, will help you. Not just because I trust you, but because its the right thing to do. He has more muscles than I do but I have some skills that we hope will be useful."

As he speaks he takes her hand offers a low bow kissing the back of her hand lightly. "We are at the Lady's command."

2024-03-26, 12:05 PM
Lavinia does not seem impressed by your chivalrous attempts. But she nods gently and allows you to kiss her hand lightly.

Let's go inside then.

Once in the dinning room, she has some words for the others.

Words cannot express my appreciation. My father's ring must be somewhere in the captain quarters in the Blue Nixie. I need to see about a few other business if you may excuse me.

Korra, please, escort them outside when they have finished supper.

She leaves you and slips through a smaller door at the other end of the dinning room.

2024-03-26, 12:44 PM
After seeing the lady come back in, he nodded to Tefkros "Seems like a plan to me." he exclaims, "Who wants to join me in the docks to see what people have been sayin?" standing up and checking himself for everything he bought, which was nothing except what was on his person, and perhaps a bag of gemstones.

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None

2024-03-27, 01:40 PM

Eli drains his wineglass and nods at Brannick’s suggestion. “I haven’t been down there in a time; be nice to see who’s still around. Tekfros, will see you at the Lodestone later.”

He makes a motion of glancing around as he leaves, but he doesn’t have the ranger’s talent for observation … or stealth, so he’s unsure if he’s doing it right.

[roll0] spot
[roll1] hide
[roll2] gather info

2024-03-28, 05:53 AM

A brief scowl flashes across his face at her lack of appreciation before he follows her in. Once she leaves he’ll enjoy the food and to Brannick. “Aye a night out at the docks sounds like a fine plan.”

2024-03-29, 06:53 AM
You part ways after supper.


You make your way through the crates of a port that still is busy, and there are known faces of sailors that you know. But you are not a stranger here, so it is not conspicuous to see you around. Then, moored in the enclosed part of the port, you see three ships of adequate size to be the Blue Nixie. Two are moored close to the docks and there's no light in them, but a third one is moored some 300' into the water and from where you are, you can see the oil lamps burning in deck and inside the captain's quarters.

It is a difficult night to sneak as the moon shines high and clear in the tropical night, casting lowing pale light that doubles your elven vision, but also means that anyone looking at you will have an easier time.

To access that part of the docks trhour land, you must move through two guards. To make it through the water undetected would be easier, but the only approach possible is across the dock.


You have a drink or two with some old sailors in the port while Tefkros does his thing. Carefully sliding some words here and there, you learn the Blue Nixie is on the secured dock. But you learn little else.

2024-03-29, 09:28 AM

Realizing that noticing anything from that distance would be impossible, Tefkros decides that he will approach by sea. His goal is to learn how many guards are on board, if any, and to see if there are ways to board the ship unseen.

300ft is not that much for a trained swimmer. Leaving his bow and armor at home, he only takes his dagger and boarding axe with him. He plunges in the water, and as silently and easily as possible, he swims around the ship. He approaches from the direction of the shadow of the ship.

2024-03-29, 09:56 AM
Nodding, he matches his lords stride as they leave the Manor, "Where are you thinking? it'll take several hours, and a few coins for drinks I'm sure." he says jingling the bag of gemstones they just acquired, he was slightly surprised only one of the new band asked for their share.


Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None

2024-04-02, 06:15 AM
Tefkros finds a hiding place for his weapons and then dives swiftly and silently into the waters sliding along the stone wall of the small fishing port and diving through to the safe pier, swimming underwater taking small pauses to peek over the surface, Tefkros covers the distance to the Blue Nixie undetected by both people onboard and the uninterested guards far on the port tower.

Finding a loose rope, is soon onboard the Blue Nixie's deck. Hiding then under an upside down raft, he scans the deck. Two sluggish thugs use a pulley to lower crates through an open hatch.


Back in the pier district, Brannick spends some gold mingling with sailors. He learns Vrack is preparing to sail tonight with a shipment of exotic creatures.

2024-04-02, 03:59 PM
Brannick was rotating the dark liquor in his cup with one hand, watching the liquid swish back and forth around and around. "Sounds like the ole' Cap Vark has a belly full, I'm guessin' we may have some issues with some exotics if we're not careful." he says to his Lord "I'm not hearing much else, want to head down now or wait?"

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None
Special: Suel Arcana aura: Senses (+1 Listen, Spot & Initiative)

2024-04-04, 11:58 AM

Tefkros remains hidden, trying to see and hear if anyone else is on board. Noises, voices, steps, silhouettes, anything he can hear. When he is sure he can hear nothing else, he will go back down the way he came.

2024-04-04, 04:01 PM

Aron after slowly sipping a couple of (weak) beers and mingling nods to Brannick. "Best head down now before he heads off. Would be awkward to explain to the lady about the ship heading off." He'll nod to Brannik and then head down to the docks winding slowly towards the docks and the Nixie. As they apparoach he'll start to head towards the shadows, pausing there to surveil the ship briefly

Hide [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2024-04-05, 06:10 AM
As Aron and Brannick try to be discrete and observe the ship from afar, the see there's some activity onboard indicated by lanterns and lights. But how to get there?


Tefkros opts to be still as a mouse. This is what he hears.

Frag: Avast, Kiril! Pass me another swig of that rum, will ye? This crate's giving me the shivers.

Kiril: Aye, Frag! Here's to the sea and all its mysteries! passes the rum bottle to Frag

Frag: takes a hearty swig Ahh, that's the good stuff. Now, let's get this crate lowered before those beasts decide to stir!

Kiril: Right you are, mate! But watch your step, lest you want to be their next meal! grins and takes a sip of rum

Frag: Ha! I've faced worse than a few scurvy beasts! starts operating the crane to lower the crate

Kiril: Easy there, Frag! We don't want to be waking those creatures too soon.

Frag: Aye, Kiril, but we can't be keeping them topside forever. Vrak wants them safely stowed away in the hull by dawn.

2024-04-05, 11:09 AM

Tefkros decides he has seen enough. Drunken sailors are his favorite kind of enemies, but this talk of sleeping beasts is interesting.

But hunters are not afraid of beasts. They can only respect them.

As silently as he came, he lowers himself back down to the sea and swims away from the ship, the same way he came.

2024-04-06, 11:33 AM

Eli returns to the Lodestone as the sun sets and stashes his pack behind the bar. It's a quiet night, fortunately; ducking out later wouldn't likely be a problem. He distracts himself cleaning an already-clean bartop as he waits for the others to arrive.

Tefkros would have an idea of how sharp the sentries are on the Nixie, but we could probably bribe somebody to cause a ruckus on dockside, then row out and climb up on the other side of the boat

2024-04-06, 01:51 PM
Tefkros makes it back through the calm moonlit waters with ease and soon is getting his gear back and moves to meet Eli at the Lodestone where he arrives shortly after Brannick and Aron do.

What do yo do?

2024-04-07, 03:01 AM

Aron nods to the other pair as they approach "So were there many guards on her?" he glances down the dock, "If not we could just approach directly? What are a couple of dock side thugs going to do about it?"

2024-04-08, 04:35 PM
Brannick nods, "Agreed, I say we just go direct, maybe have a few hiding and do the sleep thing on them if things go sour? Not sure what to do about the exotics, but maybe thats a bridge we jump when we get to it?"

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None
Special: Suel Arcana aura: Senses (+1 Listen, Spot & Initiative)

2024-04-08, 08:04 PM
Eli shrugs. "Maybe the dock guards will be reasonable," he says, with a grin to show he doesn't fully believe it. "I doubt they even really want to be there, and if we explain we're there to settle payment with Vark — and we are going to settle things — that's good for them."

Game to try basic diplomacy, along those lines, maybe with backup sleep if I roll badly? I think Eli's got the best diplomacy modifier

2024-04-09, 04:40 AM

Taking a seat, Tefkros takes a deep breath before partaking in the discussion.

"I have been aboard the ship. I saw only two guards, and those were already drinking. They mentioned beasts in the holds.

I believe we can take them. I can go and board again, perhaps with one of you, if you can be silent and you are a good swimmer. After the sailors are down, you can come aboard. There is no reason for guards to remember your face after the deed. The town is not so large that someone with our description will not find us. But if you are determined, I will board and wait for you."

2024-04-11, 10:13 PM
"But we're not doing anything wrong," Eli replies, and shrugs. "Not really wrong, at least. Vark and his cronies don't have any place on that ship, and the guards should know it."

He fishes behind the bar and fishes out an unopened bottle of Oldlaw whiskey — and dropping a handful of coins into the till in exchange. He holds it up and shakes it. "And if they don't, perhaps they'd like a drink." He shoots a look at Aron. "or a nap."

Apologies for delay; lunch never happened. Assuming we head to the pier, this is his plan for approaching the guards. (I'm agnostic on whether Tefkros swims out to approach from other side or not.

With Brannick at his side, he strolls leisurely toward the secure area of the dock, softly singing a verse from "Sin With a Scarlet Sister." The song tells the story of a pirate who woos and beds a comely Brotherhood assassin sent to kill his captain. (She winds up poisoning them both; totally worth it, the expiring pirate concludes.)

Raising the bottle in greeting, he salutes the guards, and points to the Blue Nixie. “We’re here to see Vark about the fines for this ship. I imagine he’s probably deep into a bottle of rum at this point. Seems like they’ve started the party without you, though maybe this will help you catch up.”

He shakes his head sadly. “It doesn’t seem right, does it? “Not this, not whatever Vark’s playing at. It’s no way to run a harbor. Can’t imagine Keltar approving, the old Keltar at least. Anyway, I think we can clear things up pretty quickly, if you could give us a minute.”

paid 20 gp for whiskey

2024-04-17, 06:01 AM
[spoiler=apologies]I don't want to derail the game more so I'll speed this a little bit, and Eli's dialogue merits some good interactions plus that 20 gp bottle of whisky also helps.[/roll]

The port guards firs look you warily, but they know you from the tavern and they surely love a good night cap!

Aye, Eli, what are you doing paying some lady's fees? Be it that you got yourself enamored by that fine specimen of a woman? Eh you big fool! Don't mind if you check on old Vrack.

Don't make a fuss about it though. I don't think that smug bastard is going to let you get onboard.

A few minutes later, the guards are escorting you through the port waters with the small boat used to help passengers disembark. They are jolly and merry as they pass the whisky bottle and take good long drinks.

But as you approach the ship, you notice that there's only one light on, a lamp swinging slowly above the main deck and none answer when you call on the ship.

2024-04-17, 10:39 AM
Brannick was purely muscle a this point, well that and a handsome winsome smile. He played the part, usually he would maybe be needed for some back and forth banter, or to wear down the targets, but his new companion was well within their realm, and he merely was along for the ride.

He kept a wary out however, that was his job anyway, and it was hard to turn off, even if his ward wasn't present.

Which just felt odd

"Heyup, seems like something changed...want me to swim around and take a look?" he asks with a sly grin, as if it sounded fun to him,

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None
Special: Suel Arcana aura: Senses (+1 Listen, Spot & Initiative)

2024-04-20, 10:37 PM
Eli stares up at the darkened ship, looking for a ladder or similar way up to the deck. "Maybe you'll have to; if he's going to be a jerk about this."

Oops, my apologies; I'd assumed the ship was actually docked, rather than simply moored. Didn't realize we'd need the guards to row us out there. Oh well …

2024-04-23, 08:13 AM

Tefkros has remained silent during the recent interchange. His new companions were doing splendidly. But now, as they near the ship and get no answer, he frowns.

"I will go up. Follow me as you see best"

Nimbly, he goes up the boat, ready to send a rope down.

Climb check, I guess

2024-04-23, 09:34 AM
Tefkros climbs with some difficulties using a rope that hung from the side of the ship. Once on board, he notices the deck is empty and the hatch where the drunk sailors were working in open wide.

Thanks for jumping on the ship! Roll spot and Listen please.

2024-04-24, 11:32 AM
Brannick frowns, he looks at the ship and watches as his new companion shimmies his way up. "Well ok then." he says out loud.

Without further hesitation, he grabs a hold of what he can, and goes after his colleague.

Using lucky dice for +1 luck to skill checks

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None
Special: Suel Arcana aura: Senses (+1 Listen, Spot & Initiative)

2024-04-24, 08:17 PM
Eli seizes the rope and gives a friendly wave to the guards."Don't drink that too fast, it's the good stuff," he says.

[roll0] Climb
[roll1] spot (if needed)
[roll2] listen (if needed)

2024-04-25, 10:18 AM
Brannick gets on board with ease and helps Eli hop on.

You don't notice anything amiss on the deck on the side where you are, the latch is open. From where you are standing, you have a clear view of a quarter of the deck, the rest is in shadows and concealed by crates, ropes and material. The door of the captain's quarter is ajar.

There's an eerie silence.

2024-04-25, 01:51 PM
Getting on board he nods to Tef and climbs over the ships gunwale and straightens out his jacket. looking up he frowns and scans he deck, but only seeing shadows and nothing, he scowls.

"Dammit, I didn't bring anything for light, any of you?" he whispers.

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None
Special: Suel Arcana aura: Senses (+1 Listen, Spot & Initiative)

2024-04-25, 09:03 PM
"This might help." Eli swings his pack lower and plucks a sunrod from it, rapping it against the hardwood club with a slight ring. He tries to peer around the crates, looking for anyone skulking about.

1d20+2 botched the spot roll somehow, will try in doc

2024-05-09, 01:26 PM
With the light on the deck, Brannick takes his namesake literally, and steps forward carefully to search the deck for anything...peculiar

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None
Special: Suel Arcana aura: Senses (+1 Listen, Spot & Initiative)

2024-05-14, 01:26 AM
Brannick and Tefkros move around the main deck, the wood creaks under their steps, there's no other sound. The deck is empty, suspiciously empty, and there's a broken bottle of rum with rum still seeping through the wood into the deck below. The door of the captain's chamber under the aftcastle is locked and closed.

There are two ways down: through the stairs next to the aftcastle or climbing down the ropes in the hatch where the broken bottle drips ominously.

2024-05-14, 09:30 AM
Having successfully sleuthed the top deck, Brannick grows a little bolder.

Returning to his compatriots, he nods to the two areas and whispers "Looks like a few ways down, stairs or the ropes? seems something happened here, not keen on meeting what dealt with the crew, but we gotta figure it out, for the Lady an all." he says finishing with a wide grin, eyeing the ropes as the safest way down.

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None
Special: Suel Arcana aura: Senses (+1 Listen, Spot & Initiative)

2024-05-15, 04:28 AM

Aron had help back watching the others swarm over the ship. Not accustomed to violence he slowly advances as he watches Eli and Brannick cross the deck. A quick few paces down the pier and he vaults on the deck and scampers up after the others. Sneaking up he nods to his bodyguard, "Couldn't let you have all the fun eh? I'll follow you down my friends"

Looking about he is curious, "Strange there is no-one on deck eh?"

Hide M.Silent [roll1]
Spot [roll]120+5

2024-05-15, 10:50 PM
Eli nods, uncertainly. He had expected an argument, certainly; a fight, possibly, once they got on board. Being greeted with eerie silence instead was a bit unnerving.

"Don't relish dangling from a rope down there; too much like a worm on a hook," he replies to Brannick. "Maybe the stairs?"

2024-05-16, 01:39 PM
Brannick nods to Aron as he comes aboard "Hey boss, thought we lost you there" he says with a toothy grin. And then quickly follows it up "Ain't it?".

Looking down the hole he nods, "I agree mate, down the stairs it is" as he heads to lead the small sortie down into the bilges of the ship.

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None
Special: Suel Arcana aura: Senses (+1 Listen, Spot & Initiative)

2024-05-17, 05:28 AM
As you descend the stairs, Brannick leading the group, you find yourselves in the first deck, the stairway bends and goes further down to another deck below. But you stand on the landing, a 10'x10' square with a double door right under the aftcastle and two walkways that follow the sides of the ship. Right in front of you there's cargo strapped and secured with nets and over it you see moonlight coming in through the hatch above. As your eyes shift to the light and you move towards the cargo, you see another hatch opening to the deck below and then next to it, one of the thugs you spoke before, inert and pale with his neck half cut by a cutlass. You can't see anything else in the darkness.

2024-05-18, 03:26 AM
Aron looks at the corpse, pales slightly before stepping behind the bulk of Brannick. A muttered few words as he clutches a strange pieces of leather drawn from the pouch and there is a slight shimmer around him as a strange breastplate of force appears around his chest. "Seems wise to protect myself if there is trouble eh?" he'll mutter to the others.

Then he'll look about cautiously waiting for one of the others to lead off

Cast Mage Armour

2024-05-18, 10:19 AM
As you cast your spell and the armor made of force protects you, you feel in the eye of your mind as if someone was observing

2024-05-22, 12:35 PM
Brannick nods to Aron with a smirk, he whispers to the others "unless a beast grew hands and picked up a cutlass..." he says pointing to the corpse and then holding his finger up to his lips, telling everyone to be quiet.

He moves toward the opening trying to be as stealthy as possible

lucky dice +1

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None
Special: Suel Arcana aura: Senses (+1 Listen, Spot & Initiative)

2024-05-22, 03:25 PM
Brannik moves with the sunrod around the body and under the opening. A voice from ahead says in a thin thread of voice.

Help, help. I'm hurt. He hurt us.

You see bloody steps leading to a heap of spare sails where one of the smugglers is leaning holding his abdomen in clear pain.

He went nuts and tried to kill us, then he ran to the lower deck with the woman.

2024-05-22, 07:16 PM
"Who? Vark?" Eli was ready to believe the worst of him, though like as not the bleeding man was no saint either and there could be a half-dozen others as bad or worse on board. He hefts the club, trying to peer into the gloom ahead.

I think Eli actually had the sunrod, though I'm fine with assuming he handed it off to Brannick.

2024-05-23, 03:30 AM
I think Eli actually had the sunrod, though I'm fine with assuming he handed it off to Brannick.

my bad

The man grimaces with pain and hesitates.

Yes, yes Vark.

his eyes glisten with anger.

He went down to the cargo hull not a minute ago.

He eyes you.

Do you have magic?

He does not seem surprised to see other people on board.

2024-05-23, 10:48 PM
Eli resists looking at Aron at the smuggler's question; no sense in giving away too much.

"Magic?" he replies. "Is he that tough, or are you that bad off?"

He looks at the man's wound, trying to gauge how serious it is.

Heal check, maybe? [roll0]

2024-05-25, 05:27 AM
Aron freezes and looks around before following the others, he looks at the injured man with neither care nor sympathy, he was a common thug and had chosen his sides poorly. At mention of the hood he’ll nod to the others, “Shall we follow him down? Lets end this quickly, something does not feel right here.”

2024-05-28, 10:01 AM
Seeing the injured man, he wanted to help the man, but he didn't know him, and well, he had nothing to assist in that regard currently.

Shrugging at the unanswered questions, for surely they were not directed at him, he moved further into the darkness, following the bloody steps, sword drawn.

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None
Special: Suel Arcana aura: Senses (+1 Listen, Spot & Initiative)

2024-06-09, 08:26 PM
Going to assume that natural 20 on the heal check will tell Eli if this guy's truly hurt. If so, he'll hand him one of his Cure light wounds flasks. (Still curious about whether the guy was talking about healing magic or something to hurt Vark with.)

"Take this; We'll take care of Vark," Eli tells the bleeding man. "We move on, we're not going to have any trouble with you, right?"

2024-06-10, 01:45 AM
Eli approaches the wounded smuggler noticing a gash under his ear and part of the right shoulder, but the guy is not interested in healing and backs off visibly bothered.

Hey, I'm fine. No need for healing. Let's get Vrak yes, let's get Vark. I'll go with you.

Brannick moves ahead, moving through the packed cargo.

I ow you a map and a better description, expect it tonight the latest.

2024-06-10, 01:06 PM
As Brannick searches the dark recesses of the ship, he pipes up:

"you guys ever hear the one about the time I got stuck in a treasure chest?"

"It all started in this dingy old tavern, I was enjoying a nice, quiet drink when this shady guy in the corner starts waving me over. You know the type—looks like he’s seen the inside of more jails than temples. Anyway, he offers me a job: open an old chest he’d found in some ancient ruin. Says it’s locked tight, but if I can crack it, I can keep half of whatever’s inside."

Brannick chuckles softly, shaking his head at the memory. "So, of course, I say yes. We head to his place, and there it is—this huge, ornately carved chest. I’m thinking, 'This is going to be easy money.' I get my tools out and start working on the lock."

"Just as I get the lock to click open, the lid flies up and smacks me in the face! I stumble backward, and before I know it, I’m lying on the floor with the chest’s contents spilling all over me. But here’s the kicker—it’s filled with nothing but old socks. Hundreds of them! Smelly, mismatched socks."

He pauses for a moment before continuing.

"But that’s not the end of it, as I’m lying there, covered in socks and wondering how my life choices led me to this moment, the shady guy bursts out laughing. Turns out, the whole thing was a setup! He and his buddies had a bet on how fast I could open the chest."

"So there I am, sock-covered and out of a job, when he tosses me a few gold coins for my trouble and says, 'Next time, check for traps and practical jokers.'"

Brannick the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2883730) M LN Human Suel Savant (dragon shaman)
Level 3, Init 3, HP 23/23, Speed 20
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15
Condition None
Special: Suel Arcana aura: Senses (+1 Listen, Spot & Initiative)

2024-06-14, 12:57 AM

Keeping his weapon close Aron lets Brannick's story flow past him, He's far more concerned with the immediate danger, his usual work being of a more thievery than violent basis. Nodding o the others he follows his bodyguard.

2024-06-20, 06:06 PM
You squeeze past the crates and under the low ceiling space of the lower deck.

There, that coward hid there!

Says the sailor pointing at a door to one of the officer's quarters that seems jammed from the inside.