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brian 333
2024-03-03, 08:19 AM
Binder and Unbinder
In 1st Ed days I introduced a simple +1 quarterstaff I called Binder And Unbinder. It had Knock and Wizard Lock spells, each costing 1 charge. Innocent enough, right?

Have you met my brother?

Sometime later he convinced me that Dispell Magic was a form of Unbinding. Okay, so after the appropriate price was paid, it Dispelled also.

Remember my brother?

Dismissal was certainly an unbinding, he argued. Along the way we upgraded it to +2 and added in Curse and Remove Curse. That's when I ruled the charges required went up at every even spell level, so 1 charge up to level 2, 2 charges to level 4, 3 charges to level 6, etc.

Eventually, every spell remotely related to binding and unbinding were on that staff, which was upgraded to +3. The joke was that there were more spells on the staff than charges.

It taught me two lessons:
1) plan out magic items before turning them loose,
2) never let my brother play magic-users.

Tricky Rope
Rope Trick was a decent spell when in deep dungeons where safe rest areas were difficult to find. In the OG Descent Into The Depths, DM Tom awarded us an Animated Rope. I think it was out of frustration that he made it sentient, so it could show us which way to go.

My monk had to replace the party wizard, (Monk 6/Magic-User 6+ is a very survivable combination in AD&D, and because of Exp Progression, she was never more than 1 MU level behind the rest of the party.) However, early on I had to stop for rest quite often.

I used Rope Trick.

On an Animated Rope.

On a sentient Animated Rope.

The rope learned how to do the Rope Trick by itself.

Years later, Disney's Alladin had an animated sentient carpet, and I knew they stole the idea from DM Tom.

Demon Skin Gloves and Boots
These were inspired by the Vecina artifacts in the DMG, (which kind of grossed me out,) and originated as cursed Gloves of Spider Climb and Boots of Water Walking. They were Evil, but it was too late by the time anyone got around to using the spell.

Each pair is a separate item, but they work well together.

The gloves grant a continuous Spider Climb effect. Fortunately, this also makes it impossible for the wearer to drop an item. Unfortunately, it makes it difficult to release any item. Papers shred, rolls for thief abilities that rely on hands are penalized by 10%, and items accidentally brushed against cling to the fingers and hands. Letting go of something once grasped either requires the help of someone else or requires a D20 roll equal to or lower than the character's Dex score. (Each attempt requires one minute, but any number of tries can be made.)

The boots grant a continuous Water Walking effect which allows the wearer to cross still or raging water at will. Fortunately, this makes it impossible for the wearer to drown. Unfortunately, this makes it impossible to bathe. Any body of water larger than a drinking cup will attract the boots, which will strongly desire to walk on it. If the character wants to walk on water the boots obey, but if there is a body of water within 100 yards, the boots will rush over and start walking on it. To avoid this effect, the character must make a D20 roll equal to or lower than his Wisdom score. As with the gloves, an attempt can be made once per minute. Success allows the character to assert control for an hour before the boots try to walk off again

Both pairs are crafted from the flayed extremities of a demon, and grant the wearer a +2 unarmed attack which inflicts 1D8+2 damage. However, as Chaotic and Evil items, they tend to try to perform malicious and capricious acts, even if these acts will get their wearer killed. Such acts range from inappropriate touching of items and people to random violence like destruction of property or harming small animals.

The items do not immediately confer alignment change, but the wearer bears responsibility for all acts committed while they are worn, which might cumulatively result in an effect on that character's alignment.

This sentient short sword appeared one night when a new to D&D player showed up and rolled up a fighter.

Teacher can communicate telepathically with its weilder, (mine was female,) but only advises and never compels. Tactics and teamwork are her primary lessons, but she also teaches how different gear combines for effect, such as carrying a javelin to throw before drawing the sword, which still allows use of a shield and gives the character a stick to poke at suspicious things that might be traps. But as the character gets better, Teacher has less to teach, and slowly weans the character.

At Fighter Level 1 Teacher is a +5 short sword. At Level 3 she is a +3 short sword. At Level 5 she performs as a +1 short sword, and seldom gives advice any more.

At Fighter Level 6 Teacher will refuse to be wielded, claiming that her student has learned all she can teach.

Rangers and Paladin's can use Teacher, but her True Neutral alignment might be an issue. Barbarians and Cavaliers didn't exist, yet, but they may have benefitted from Teacher as well.

Monks, Magic-Users, and Thieves gain nothing from using Teacher, and Clerics are prohibited for other reasons.

Soup Bone
This magic item was made from the humerus of a cow, (though potentially, goat, sheep, pig, or any number of game animals could provide the magical component.)

It is typically a dry, rather ordinary-looking bone. It radiates Alteration magic. When placed over heat for one hour with at least one cubic foot of water, it creates a nutritious broth which can be a bit bland, but which will sustain life for many people so long as there is a quart of water per person.

Adding herbs, vegetables, and even meat to the broth creates a variety of tastes which helps to postpone boredom while still insuring proper nutrition. If toxins are added to the broth, intentionally or not, the Soup Bone can Neutralize them if it makes a Saving Throw versus Poison. Failure to make the save causes the Soup Bone to shatter and lose all magic properties. Success allows the bone to continue being used.

Electric Spider

As the party passes through the dense overgrowth of the forest, they encounter a strand of rope about two inches in diameter, attached to the base of a small bush. There is a greasy-looking slime coating the rope, and it is suspended from small tree-trunks by filaments of the rope fibers which keep it one to three feet above the ground. Touching the strand will reveal the greasy substance to be a powerful glue. It requires vigorous pulling to get anything unstuck, and it's slimy nature ensures the glue will transfer to whatever touches it.

Following the strand, the party discovers other strands coming together and crossing one another. As the strands become more numerous, smaller strands criss-cross the larger ones in what can only be described as a pattern. The pattern gets denser until it becomes obvious that the party is within a giant spider's web. If the party has interacted with the web, this is where they will meet it's maker.

The Electric Spider is black with pulsing, multicolored lights which glow from within. It moves easily along its web, biting everyone stuck in its web for 2d4+poison.

It has a special attack that involves spraying strands of its web, (as Web spell cast by a level 8 Magic-User,) then pulsing electricity through it, inflicting 4d6 electrical damage. This attack can be used every fourth round. The spider must turn its rear toward the target to make this attack, but because it has 360° vision, it cannot be subjected to sneak attacks.

Its poison is a paralytic, forcing the victim to save vs. paralysis or become rigid and incapable of moving for 8 hours. During this time the spider will bind the victim and suspend it from the web-roof of its larder.

The Electric Spider is a huge, 16', creature with 12HD and 10' reach for its bite attack. It has an AC of 2, Speed 30', (Web 30'), and immunity to electricity.

If a storm is in the area, lightning bolts may repeatedly strike the web.