View Full Version : Optimization Guided Enchant for a druid? 3.5/PF1

2024-03-03, 08:26 PM
Hi, so I'm DMing a campaign and a player found an Enchant "Guided" (+1 Weapon enchant) for Wis to hit/dmg. He wants to know how he'd be able to get and use it as a druid while in an Animal form. I'm not concerned with the balance in question. I'm just happy to have my newer players finally start trying to optimize slightly more because I've been having to dumb down things a bit for the last year or so and with more optimized PCs.. I can stop making the enemies have self lobotomies.

But, off the top of my head I vaguely remember "offslot penalties" for moving an enchant to a slot it isn't intended for due to playing with someone who dabbled into that with an Artificer years ago, but past that incredibly vague memory I can't think of much else and haven't had much luck digging for a way to make it work.

2024-03-04, 01:41 AM
Easiest way: amulet of natural attacks from savage speciels. It can esplictily be enchanted with weapon properties. He can even skip the "+1" iirc. Might need a wilfling clasp to use it in wild shape (or just wildshape first equip the amulet second)

Kurald Galain
2024-03-04, 02:11 AM
Hi, so I'm DMing a campaign and a player found an Enchant "Guided" (+1 Weapon enchant) for Wis to hit/dmg. He wants to know how he'd be able to get and use it as a druid while in an Animal form.

Easy enough. PF's Amulet of Mighty Fists gives a bonus to all natural attacks, and weapon enchantments can be added to it. 4000 gp will give you a Guided AOMF, 16000 gp will give a +1 Guided, and so forth.

2024-03-04, 08:32 AM
A Mouthpick Weapon (+1 enchantment) allows you to do a weapon attack instead of a bite.

2024-03-07, 02:19 PM
Easiest way: amulet of natural attacks from savage speciels. It can esplictily be enchanted with weapon properties. He can even skip the "+1" iirc. Might need a wilfling clasp to use it in wild shape (or just wildshape first equip the amulet second)

Easy enough. PF's Amulet of Mighty Fists gives a bonus to all natural attacks, and weapon enchantments can be added to it. 4000 gp will give you a Guided AOMF, 16000 gp will give a +1 Guided, and so forth.

Considering I allow both a mix of 3.5/PF. Now the fun game of "which is better" comes into play. I didn't realize PFs version allowed weapon enhancement on it. Or that the 3.0 Savage Species book had that. I feel little odd bc years ago.. I made a char.. USING part of savage species that would've loved that amulet.... and it's just one of those moments. Wow this game is big. Ya think ya remember most things.. but still the best skill is still being able to figure out how to plunge into which book / resource to find things.

Now if I can just get my other 3 players to optimize as much as the Druid is. I had to help the Barbarian make their character. The Wizard isn't to bad they're going down the Rogue 1 into Arcane Trickster path. Covering the rogue and Arcane casting niche. Our cleric.... boggles my mind when I watch play though.

Appreciate the help guys.