View Full Version : (3.5 IC) End of Fate (B)

2024-03-07, 03:49 PM
You're in a fog you can see what's happening outside of you. Your body is running deep into the woods as the sky darkens. You no longer in control of your body. See as the sky turns dark but the wraith doesn't show any signs of leaving your body. You know your getting further and further away from the village and your chances of survival are dwindling at a rapid pace. (What do you do?)

IC thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?664586-(3-5-IC)-End-of-Fate&p=25965676#post25965676)

OOC thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?664580-(3-5-OOC)-End-of-Fate)

2024-03-07, 04:41 PM
Eria headed after Maynard, keeping enough of a distance that the wraith wouldn't feel menaced, and doing her best to stay out of sight initially. As darkness set in, and the agreed upon time for the wraith to possess Maynard, Eria moved up closer and called out. "That's quite far enough, wraith. Stick to the deal. Leave Maynard and go your own way."

2024-03-08, 10:44 AM
Until the agreed upon time passes, Maynard simply waits, wondering what the outcome will be.

Once it passes, Maynard starts trying to feel what he can and can't do, can he struggle for control? Can the demon hear his thoughts? At first he tries thinking hard to see if the demon responds
Ah, so you chose to take the risk of deal-breaking, you gain a body and hostage but they're more likely to chase you and seek revenge; and at this point they'd see no reason not to just kill you, since I'm lost anyways.

If the demon doesn't respond after a few minutes, Maynard will try the same statements by speaking; perhaps the demon can hear it if he mentally tries to take the act of 'speaking' even when he's not in control of the body, if it cannot hear the act of merely thinking in general.

2024-03-11, 05:26 PM
Maynard can struggle for control DC 25 Will. This is a mind altering effect so I believe you have a bonus to save. You can also talk to the wraith via mind and or mouth your choice.

In response to Maynards They slew my horde. You should feel honored to being the first to rejoin it. Those pathetic people wont come for you. You are not their kin or family. I made a mistake before trying to capture that girl. But you they already know your dead. You cant possibly survive the night anyway. Give up hope your body mind and soul are mine now. He chuckles using your own mouth to talk proving his point.

Then pausing upon hearing Eria's statement. Oh look someone came to rescue you. What a foolish little girl. Another sacrifice to my horde. Oh you have my thanks The dry raspy voice cackles in delight upon seeing extra prey as it starts to move towards Eria using Maynards body as a shield.

(What do you do?)

2024-03-12, 07:37 AM
Maynard replies mentally to the fiend (as far as he knows it's a fiend, but he hasn't really bothered to figure out anyways)

You should well know people sometimes take revenge for comrades or their own personal reasons, and the captain would still love to kill you. Your spiel is rather boring, you seem less intelligent than I gave you credit for, just give up hope? Why would I just give up hope rather than fight?

Maynard will then fight to try to take control, but won't quite manage to.

Then he thinks to the fiend again
If I manage to interfere at an inopportune moment I could still get you in serious trouble.

2024-03-13, 01:46 AM
Eria quietly moved into deeper shadows. It had gotten dark enough that the magic of her ring should have activated, but she couldn't rule out the wraith somehow being able to sense her. If so, she'd need to know before engaging with the monster.

Move silent: [roll0]
Hide(does not include +20 from invis): [roll1]

2024-03-13, 08:33 PM
The fiend lunges at Eria's position clearly not fazed by the dark but abruptly stops at Maynards attempt of control hindered its actions. Boy just give in. Let the sweet embrace of death comfort you. I've been told its very relaxing. Don't keep trying to fight me. It's pointless. You're too weak. It says to you a slight strain in its voice. Clearly still very injured from its battle with Gerald. It doesn't have as much strength as it would at full power.

(Due to Maynards interference its turn in combat was interrupted combat is officially started. No need for Init rolls. Everyone up)

2024-03-14, 10:14 AM
Seeing that the fiend is attacking something Maynard decides now is the time to try for whatever he can so he struggles more to try to regain control. He is not able to manage it though, his will remains, but the fiend is powerful and trying to force it out is very hard.

He continues to talk to the fiend.
I doubt anyone actually told you its very relaxing, and your speech remains uninspired and bland. I really expected more cunning from your words than that, you may be powerful, but you're still quite stupid as well. I don't think you even realized the possibility other demons or undead might've attacked you due to suspicion of our aura, and I doubt you even sense auras at all.

2024-03-16, 04:52 AM
The wraith still being able to track her posed a problem for Eria. She wasn't quite ready to give up on Maynard yet, but she was also rapidly running out of options. She tried changing to her spider form, but the stress of the situation meant she couldn't concentrate hard enough to make the change quickly, and she let the attempt go, for now. Instead she backed away, trying to keep as many obstacles and as much distance as possible between her and the wraith.

2024-03-19, 04:23 AM
Maynards words make it pause briefly before a sinister scowl dones his face as he charges towards the woman trying to aid him. Getting closer Eria is able to see Maynards eyes one crazed while the other seemingly struggling for control. He is getting closer to you. Even with the distance you are trying to put in between you two he is closing it.

(He is moving faster than a normal persons movement speed. At the determent of Maynards body.)

You should have just ran away when you had the chance. Little girl you are unable to save this boy A ghostly red face materializes over Maynard's with a wicked grin staring you down. Clearly it knows where you are and you feel like you cant escape it. Boy if you stop fighting for control I'll let the girl live and freely go. How about it. This is just like our last deal he finishes saying with a cackle.

(everyone is up and what do you do?)

Due to it materializing and maynard fighting its control it says materialized for this many rounds.

2024-03-20, 01:14 AM
Eria's body finally stopped resisting her, and she assumed her spider form. She quickly dashed up a nearby tree, letting out a pained screech as the monster landed a solid blow on her body as she broke away again. Yet she considered it a worthwhile trade. The monster would have a difficult time following her up, at least as long as it used Maynard's body.

2024-03-21, 08:45 AM
Maynard continues struggling to regain control, and just barely manages to, still struggling with it and exhausted from the effort.

He think to the demon -
Just like our last deal, meaning you won't hold to it. That's an offer I can refuse very easily.

2024-03-22, 07:28 AM
Maynard will repels the monster out revealing his true form. An 8-foot-tall red apparition appears. Its body heavily damaged missing an entire arm with deep slashes on its spectral form. Clearly the Gerald inflicted a lot of damage on it. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you you disgusting creatures! Clearly enraged about losing his shield. Your not worth my time. Ill find better prey. You wont end up surviving the night anyways hahaha Clearly slightly pleased with that thought he turns away and starts to escape no longer interested in trying to fight you two.

(He moves 60 feet away)

(What do you choose to do?)

2024-03-22, 05:59 PM
Maynard draws his blade and looks up at his ally while slowly backing away from the fiend and assessing the situation.

Are you ok enough? I'm thinking withdraw rather than try to finish off the thing. It may be weak, but we've little backup, trying to reach town seems like a better bet.

2024-03-23, 10:05 AM
"I'm fine enough, let's get out of here!" Eria replied. Or tried to reply anyway. Her mandibles in spider form were not made for human speech, so what came out was something like "Skree-kree. Skreeee!" She accompanied the screech with a gesture from one of her forelegs, away from the retreating wraith.

2024-03-25, 05:45 AM
Letting the red phantom escape to retreat you begin heading out of the forest the sky darkening further you soon realize that the night is about to be fully on you but your still a few hours away from the village.

(What shall you do?)

2024-03-25, 01:12 PM
"Talk about being between a rock and a hard place." Eria sighed, then looked over at Maynard. She'd turned back to her human form sometime during their walk. "Still think our odds are better keeping going than trying to bunker down though." She rummaged through her pockets, then offered Maynard a bottle. "Potion of invisibility. I picked it up after the battle in the cave. Don't know how long it'll last, but it might allow you to get out of an ambush once." She looked ahead again. "Once true darkness sets in I'll range ahead, try to get you advance warning of any monsters. I'll do that in spider form though, so won't be able to talk much. If a spider suddenly comes rushing at you and starts gesturing at you, just follow it, okay?" She sighed. She honestly didn't like their odds of both getting back. She'd hoped the noisy way he had moved around while possessed was a consequence of the wraith's possession, but the man clearly had little practice with moving quietly. "Unless you have a better idea?"

adaptive style to reset maneuvers

maneuvers prepared
counter charge
mighty throw
shadow jaunt
cloak of deception
sudden leap

2024-03-25, 08:16 PM
Maynard looks at his companion grimly and nods. He will then resume hustling as best he can.

Understood and will do. I've no better idea. If we get overwhelmed by some foes then I'll try to cover your escape, as you've a better chance of running than I do.

2024-03-27, 10:38 AM
Eria leading the way forward navigating the terrain while guiding Maynard heads back towards the town. An hour passes as the undead and demons seem to start materializing more and more. The roars and groans fill the night. Silence is long gone as you hear monsters all around you. Eria quickly realizing that now its almost impossible to go forward without running into anymore. Now it's time to make a decision.

Go past a giant smashing a tree into a glowing blue rock leaving glowing gems lying all along the ground. Or go past an old decrepit umbrella resting along a tree. A pack of undead roaming the woods (7 of them) or lasting a try to transverse a marsh with bubbles foaming out of the muck.

(Which course of action do you chose? OOC answers can be accepted.)

2024-03-27, 03:00 PM
Eria spent a moment trying to determine which route to take. The woods were right out. Maynard would likely have too much trouble evading a pack of undead. The swamp was out too. If anything was lurking in there it would prove troublesome to escape.

That left the route past that giant or... Whatever was going on with that umbrella. The giant was occupied, so sneaking past was a real option. But if it did spot them it would be a lot of trouble. The other option was a seemingly safe path past a tree. But the seemingly discarded umbrella gave her a bad feeling.

She considered for a moment more, then headed back to Maynard. She gestured for him to follow her, and mimed being very quiet, before leading them down the path that would take them past the umbrella.

2024-03-27, 04:17 PM
With a loud and audible Shiiisssshhhh A tendril arm pulls out a blade in the umbrella and strikes at Maynard with lighting speed. You see a blood red eye poking through the tears in the umbrella. Indicating the umbrella is a cursed object. The loud noise was enough for Maynard to dodge its powerful swings. That left small craters in the ground as it does an eerie laugh.


(Roll for init ooc)

2024-03-27, 04:52 PM
Eria never even considered standing and fighting against a monster capable of leaving craters in the ground with its strikes. Yet she knew Maynard would have a lot of trouble escaping if this monster could see through the invisibility potion's magic. She only felt torn for a moment, and then leapt into action.

She shrouded herself in shadows, then spun strands of web which she launched at the monster, tying it down. Then she broke away, using every trick she new to make it more difficult for the creature to track where she'd gone.

swift action: cloak of deception to become invisible as per greater invisibility until the end of my turn.
standard action: fine web ability at the monster to pin it in place.
move action: move 30 feet away from the monster, keeping cover between me and it if possible to ensure it won't see where I ended up when the invis runs out at the end of my turn.

2024-03-28, 06:45 PM
Erias web only hindering it slightly it breaks through. The razor-sharp web cut the fabric slightly but wasn't enough to hold it back as it tries to strikes towards Maynard. Its first strike failing due to being restricted. Causing another small crater from its blade. As the webs fall to the ground it fully able to function once more.

(Everyone up)

2024-03-29, 09:01 AM
Maynard will cautiously back away from the demon trying to make some distance to enable fleeing. [withdraw action to move 60']

2024-03-29, 09:13 AM
Maynard was backing away, but it did not look like it would be enough yet. Eria hesitated for a moment, then moved closer again, launching another web at the creature to keep it in place just a little longer.

Move: close till I'm just within range to web
Action: shoot web at the demon
Swift action: sudden leap to back off again: [roll0] (jump distance is half of the roll result)

2024-03-30, 03:34 PM
Erias web held true. The demonic umbrella unable to move gets further damaged as you start to retreat. It being unable to follow you lets you escape for now.

(everyone up)

2024-03-31, 10:29 AM
Maynard will keep withdrawing trying to put distance between them and the demon, while keeping an eye out in case other foes are lurking or came to the sound of battle.

2024-03-31, 10:44 AM
Eria dashed away from the stuck demon as fast as her eight legs could carry her, following in Maynard's trail.

2024-04-02, 05:33 AM
Before successfully escaping you see the umbrella fall over the webs fully entangling it. As it further gets damaged. A groaning noise coming from the umbrella due to the strain as the eyeball looks worriedly towards you.

Maynards alertness tells him that they are enemies around you but for some reason they are keeping they're distance. You can successfully escape the umbrella demon. The way to town seems to be gathering more monsters and beasts. You remember that monsters attack the village at night, and it also gathers larger numbers of monsters. You're heading straight for the enemy.

(What shall you do?)

2024-04-02, 01:43 PM
Maynard will keep hustling, and once out of range of the umbrella demon (or if it starts breaking free) will take out and drink the invisibility potion while quietly informing his companion.

Whew, that was dangerously close, and it seems we've got more foes coming near, not sure why they aren't attacking. I'm going to try out that invisibility potion, hopefully at least it lasts long enuogh to sneak past the foes near us. Just keep moving at the same pace we've been at and I'll follow as best I can.

2024-04-02, 03:05 PM
Eria let out a quiet, affirming screech, then set out towards the village once more, keeping her body low and her eight eyes constantly scanning the surroundings for danger.

2024-04-03, 07:19 AM
The web holds true. Holding the demonic umbrella in place as Maynard drinks the potion. His body turning completely transparent no longer able to be seen. As you and Eria escape from the umbrella you see more creatures about. Flying ghostly skulls. Chained demons. Wailing women with blood red claws. Strange giants with white eyes standing motionless. More of the undead you fought trying to rescue the captain. The closer you get to the village the numbers start picking up further.

Ten minutes pass. Then twenty, thirty as the potion still holds strong. When almost an hour elapses Maynard realizes the potions, effect is quickly running out. You also notice the grounds around you.

Eria navigating for the both of you sees the situation clearly due to her Darkvision. Maynards fingers slowly begin to flicker indicating the potions time is almost up. Looking around she sees the monsters growing. You know your roughly two hours away from the village. But midnight is quickly approaching. Bunkering down for a few hours might be the better option instead of trying to sneak past all of the creatures. You know you can always leave Maynard behind and make it to the village yourself...but then he will be all alone...

As you look around you do notice a rundown looking hunter's lodge. The roof is shoddy, but it can be enough for some protection. You can also see some larger stones. Maybe you can make a stand there and try holding off your foes. Lastly you can try to run to the village you just know combat can't be avoided with your noticeable companion who isn't the greatest at hiding.

2024-04-03, 07:28 AM
Eria tugged on Maynard's trouser leg, then guided him towards the lodge. She wasn't settled on a course of action yet, but to discuss the matter she'd need to assume her human form, and she'd prefer doing so somewhere safe.

2024-04-03, 10:19 AM
Maynard follows to the lodge and stands guard as his companion transforms. He will also carefully look over the lodge from the outside to assess options for fortifying it or concealment, in particular number of entrances and how hard they'd be to cover, and the structural soundness of the lodge, including the possibility of partly caving it in in order to make it more defensible.

It doesn't seem feasible for me to make it into town, nor to get close enough to send up a signal for help, not that I have anything notable to signal with. You're still quite wounded I believe from that things claws earlier. Its a tough call though, while the odds of sneaking are poor, they do say that trying to hide out for the night seldom works either. I've got a small amount of healing I can do, but channeling such energies would attract attention, so its best avoided except for a last ditch attempt to run or avoid death. Not sure what the best odds for your own survival are, your stealth would let you get close to town, but making it all the way would still be some risk, as there's few places to hide in the final stretch. If we both hunker down around here I suspect you'd be better off hiding nearby rather than in here, that way I can aid you if they somehow notice you, but if they only see me you can stay hidden and at least ensure my body makes it back tomorrow. Whereas if you were inside the shack as well they'd surely notice you. Though there are advantages to the hut in terms of shelter and avoiding being surrounded.


2024-04-03, 10:57 AM
Peeking into the lodge you can see that there is a hatch in the floor leading downwards to a potential basement or cellar. The lodge itself isn't in as bad shape as it might have seemed from further away. There are two small windows that let you peek in on both sides. In total of 4 small windows. With some work you can either easily block it off or widen it should you choose. The front door is slightly ajar looking like the hinges need to be replaced. Lastly the shingles of the roof might need repair but should still be strong enough to hold out the rain.

(From what you can see from outside. A tiny metal stove with a small chimney. A table with only two chairs. A small collection of books. Titles you are unable to read. A pot on the stove a small bed in the corner with a few blankets and pillows tossed on it. Lastly some herbs dried by the fireplace. Looks dusty like someone hasn't been there in a while. But you can make out a cellar that's partly covered by the rug.

2024-04-03, 12:12 PM
After taking a moment to transform back, Eria looked around the hut. She quickly found the hidden cellar, and started working on opening it up. "Staying down there might be a good option, but the main issue is that if we are found, you'll have a lot of trouble getting out."

2024-04-03, 03:43 PM
Maynard will carefully look over the area and help open the cellar door, keeping wary in case something dangerous is lurking in there. He will also try to avoid disturbing the area as much as possible, though some will of course be necessary, and he's not trained to avoid leaving signs.

Aye. In the cellar is less likely to be seen, but harder to escape from. In the shack would still be tricky to escape from though. I think if the cellar seems suitable I'll choose to hide there, because if I am found I suspect I either must kill the foes or die myself, or stall until morning. Even if I could slip past them and get away, I would then be outside and running, more likely to attract further attention from which I could ill-survive. I also want to minimize the look that anyone has even touched this place, as any monsters looking in would then be more likely to pass it over if it looks long disused. Either the cellar or the shack itself features a single main point of entry, though the windows might allow some small fiend or its tendrils to sneak in. The lack of light in the cellar would be harsher, but the walls harder for anything to break through swiftly. Of course we'd need to verify the cellar has no other exits.

2024-04-04, 09:31 AM
As you both enter the lodge. Maynard feels an odd feeling. When trying to open the cellar door. Upon casting detect evil you feel a slight evil all around you and the cellar feels almost as powerful as the caves you ventured in earlier but not as strong.

Looking around you. You notice that the door leading out of the hut has vanished as the room starts to warp and change. Seemingly expanding rapidly. Revealing a now very lavish hallway with a door on both of the ends of the hallway. Towards the left side of the hallway there is a set of stairs going up towards the large 15ft door. on the other side its flat leading towards a smaller door. The cellar is still in front of you. But now it's no longer as worn down. It's now made of strong dark wood. Looking especially appealing. Alongside the hallway corridors you see picture frames. Each of the same hallway you are in but in the frames are different people. All whom look half-starved and exhausted basically on the brink of death. On the other side of the hallway directly across from the corresponding picture frame shows their corpses mummified with all the essence drawn from their bodies. Their dead eyes ominous.

Maynards detect evil feels slight evil all around him. It feels like the entire building is alive but stronger evil is still detected in the basement.

Erias wounds are still present.

Lastly you do notice 4 stained windows placed roughly as they were in the lodge but upon looking out you notice a grey landscape with evil creatures in the distance.

(What will you do?)

2024-04-04, 01:31 PM
Maynard will stand his ground and keep watching around in all directions to see if anything changes.
He'll also toss a couple rocks to see what happens to them, one towards where the door used to be, the other toward the other newly appeared door.

Bleh, another trap, how tiring. Well, the cellar looks too dangerous, the evil coming from it is strong. I'm not sure how much of this is space-warping and how much is illusion. The real question is to what extent we're still in our world; if we are, then waiting for daybreak may be the best plan, as long as this place doesn't attack us directly or seem to be draining us of power swiftly.

2024-04-04, 02:28 PM
"Maybe..." Eria inwardly cursed herself. This was the second time she'd led them into a trap, even though she was supposed to be the one leading them to safety. "We should still explore this place though, and find a way out." She glanced towards the two doors, as the cellar was out, for now at least. "The large door seems like it leads further in, while the smaller door might lead out? But it could also be the other way around. Do you sense anything from either direction?"

2024-04-04, 05:04 PM
Maynard ponders thoughtfully, while carefully scanning each direction for any additional info.
Perhaps, exploration carries risks of finding threats though. Given how this thing is changing I suspect finding a way out to be unreliable as it may just be another trick, compared to waiting for daybreak when its magics should fade. I'd guess trying to break out through a window would be our best bet to actually work.

2024-04-05, 03:10 AM
Eria was pacing back and forth now. She couldn't deny that what Maynard said made sense, but she couldn't help but feel like she should be doing something. "So you're suggesting we just rest here for a bit and hope nothing happens?" She tried her best to keep the tension she felt out of her voice.

2024-04-05, 09:42 AM
When the two stones collide with the objects you hear a solid thud. They seem to be solid and not an illusion. So far nothing has happened to either of you.

A few hours can pass with nothing changing if you want to explore, search or talk go for it. As currently you as safe as possible lol.

2024-04-05, 10:03 AM
Maynard will elaborate on his thinking while keeping a watchful eye on the area.

It wouldn't really be 'resting' so much as waiting and watching. I'd want to stay on alert the whole time. It's not really about hoping, though I certainly do hope nothing bad happens. I just suspect that exploring this place is likely to yield a worse outcome than waiting. I assume it's full of traps meant to draw people in, and with its space warping it seems likely that it's very hard to get out of and that any path we follow or explore will result in us being further from an actual means of exit. The one thing I'd really consider trying to do here is to break out through the windows, as those still look to access the real outside. Even if we do manage to escape this thing though, what then? I'll help you escape of course if that's what you want, but I don't like my odds surviving the rest of the night with whats out there. I can't hide that well and there are many foes, nor do I like my odds at reaching town. Whatever this thing is, it seems to want to kill us itself to eat somehow rather than calling in others to do so, and it does not seem to kill fast. As such it seems like waiting here is less likely to result in us having to face more demons beyond our power. I don't know if this thing can distort time, but if it can't then waiting for daybreak should work, or at least weaken it enough that we can escape easier.

2024-04-05, 01:31 PM
Eria finally stopped her pacing. "You're making sense." She sighed. "I just really dislike the feeling of being locked up, that's all."

2024-04-07, 04:29 AM
A few hours pass. Maynard notices Eria is getting thinner. It happened every time her injured side touched the wall. But looks like her cheeks are getting thinner. Upon inspecting the wound, you can see fresh blood dripping from it. Landing on the floor it vanishes. Looking like it was absorbed into the building. Not leaving a trace.

Your sure day break should have arrived by now. Looking out the windows you see hordes of demon's devils and undead roaming around. Alot more than a few hours ago. They aren't approaching the building you are in. Some of the more powerful ones are looking at it. A few meet your gaze sending chills down your spine, but they still don't approach just seem to be waiting.

2024-04-07, 09:02 AM
It should be well past daybreak by now I think, I've been trying to track the time carefully. If you agree then it's best we start trying to get out now, as further waiting doesn't seem to be doing any good. I'm suspicious of what we're seeing in the windows, while at the start it looked like it normally was, now it seems off compared to what it should really be like outside where we were. How are you feeling? I've still got my small pool of healing, and if you're getting weak it'd be best to restore. As to how to try getting out, hmm, the doors are bound to lead somewhere, but they feel like a trap. I'm inclined to try breaking out the windows, though they're hard to get to now. But first, since these walls seemed to absorb that blood, it stands to reason that they're connected to the fiend somehow, so perhaps we can wound it the same way. Once you're ready I'll start testing that.

Maynard will then wait until Eria is ready and try stabbing the walls in various places with his blade. If there's no response he'll then try to add a very tiny bit of blood to the walls and stab the area as the blood is absorbed.

2024-04-07, 11:07 AM
"It's mostly the.. whatever it was that that creature did to me that I'm suffering from." Eria replied. "If you can do something about that I'd really appreciate it. Otherwise a bit of help with these cuts would be nice at least."

2024-04-07, 01:05 PM
With Maynard's first stabs to the walls but at the mention of blood and blade made contact with the walls you feel the building rumble and then stop. If you try again the blood isn't absorbed as it seems like the building learned what happened. But you do hear the cellar door beginning to rattle as if it's trying to be opened.

2024-04-07, 01:08 PM
Maynard will apply healing point by point until Eria is topped off. Then begin his aforementioned plan.

2024-04-08, 03:58 AM
"Well, it didn't like that at least." Eria considered her situation for a moment, and what kind of moves she'd need if they got attacked. "We could try wrecking the place, but I doubt whatever is down in the basement will just sit down and take it. Trying to explore for an exit would only really work if there is one though."

Readied maneuvers
Shadow blade technique
Burning blade
Mountain hammer
Sudden leap
Counter charge

2024-04-08, 08:21 AM
Indeed. Though I do wonder what restrictions its under that limit its ability to exit that cellar on its own. It seems doubtful there's an exit that it would let us find, but perhaps it has some limits that require such to exist. The thing in the cellar would probably not be quite as strong if it had to break out of there than if we tried to fight it directly. So, to break through windows, try the doors, just keep breaking stuff, fight in the cellar, or wait and hope something changes. None seem like good prospects. I don't think we have enough leverage to try to force a deal out of this thing or to make it let us go. I am tempted to try wrecking all those picture frames of what are most likely prior victims.

2024-04-10, 08:05 AM
"I don't think it'll remain confined forever." Eria glanced around. "Let's put some distance between it and us at least." she started walking towards the painting depicting the remains of her and Maynard, and launched a quick jab at it, intent on wrecking the painting. After that she would continue on to the nearest door.

2024-04-10, 11:34 AM
Maynard will pile the paintings atop the cellar door, and then Maynard will join Eria and cautiously open the nearest door, after stabbing it a few times for good measure, and slashing any of the paintings he walks past, and stabbing the walls a few times.

2024-04-11, 10:10 PM
After so much pointless Vandalism you approach the big door. Opening it causiously it reveals a large library. You see books on nice wooden tables the room is brightly lit. A big book lies facing the door you just opened in every language you know you can make out certain lines.

Leave your will in the tomes provided and you may have a peaceful death. Resist and fight and you will have a violent one.

On the tables you see some books with tear stains on the pages. The room seems to have countless thousands of books traveling up three floors. With multiple windows on each floor looking outside. No picture frames in this room though.

2024-04-12, 03:31 AM
"Nope." Eria cast a single glance at the book, then promptly turned around. "Let's try the other door."

2024-04-12, 09:03 AM
Agreed, this room shows no promise. Maynard joins Eria in going to try the other door; assuming the windows in this room are similar to the ones in the other room and don't show any links to our world in daytime.

2024-04-16, 06:56 AM
Maynard will keep hustling, and once out of range of the umbrella demon (or if it starts breaking free) will take out and drink the invisibility potion while quietly informing his companion.

Whew, that was dangerously close, and it seems we've got more foes coming near, not sure why they aren't attacking. I'm going to try out that invisibility potion, hopefully at least it lasts long enuogh to sneak past the foes near us. Just keep moving at the same pace we've been at and I'll follow as best I can.

Approaching and entering the other room there seems to be another door on the otherside the room has a slight raised circle platform in it. After you both step into the room the door behind you sinks into the ground as the ceiling opens up with a loud clank a metal humanoid figure drops to the ground slowly rising...

Roll for initiative

[roll0] enemy initiative.

2024-04-16, 07:13 AM
Maynard moves forward cautiously and engages the creature, striking it with the silvered blade, though whether that caused any real harm remains to be seen.

Let's assess how tough this creature is, if we can defeat it that's good; otherwise we may need to try to just get through the door on the other side without defeating it, risky though that be.

2024-04-16, 07:29 AM
Eria silently closes in on the creature, then in one flowing motion leapt up from the ground and landed a kick from above on her opponent, strengthened by her own weight as she came down from the apex of her jump.

2024-04-18, 05:41 AM
Your combined efforts flung the creature across the room it's metallic like figure scraps across the room. It slowly stands revealing its true height. Towering over you about 10 feet tall blades releases from its forearms as it prepares for combat you know you still have a little time left to act before he attacks.

(What shall you do?)

2024-04-19, 12:49 PM
Eria quickly ran after the creature, gathering energy in her hands as she did so. Once she'd closed the distance she landed two quick blows. Her hits connected, though an untimely bout of dizziness from her earlier wounds resulted in them not hitting as hard as they should have.

2024-04-20, 08:18 AM
Maynard will stay close to the creature and delivers a powerful strike to its mid-section, damaging it further; ever watchful for when its blades will start to hit them.

2024-04-22, 09:01 PM
The further damage clearly hurt it as it tries to swing at Eria but fails horribly falling back onto the ground. Still moving but honestly a pretty pathetic and underwhelming display.

2024-04-23, 07:37 AM
Maynard will try striking it again, though his stance is somewhat off so it may be ineffective.

This thing is oddly and suspiciously weak; but I'm not seeing any other foe in the vicinity. Is it some sort of trap? Will it explode when we stop it? For something of this size I expected far more powerful. Perhaps it's just a toy assembled by the local demons rather than a properly designed weapon.

2024-04-23, 02:45 PM
After Maynards final blow it crumbles and falls silent. You can tell its no longer a threat. As a strange color substance leaks from it. It causes the room to glow. Revealing a small bag in the center of the room where it dropped down from. The door has return and the other door in the room seems open to you as well.

2 platinum pieces 2 red rubies. A single bottle of clear liquid almost water like. Lastly a small shiny dagger of a rarer material.

2024-04-26, 02:58 AM
"That thing wasn't nearly as tough as it looked." Eria looked down at the broken construct and gave it a final kick for good measure. She then took a look at the bag. "Any idea what this liquid is?"

reset/refresh maneuvers:
Readied maneuvers
Shadow blade technique
Burning blade
Mountain hammer
Sudden leap
Counter charge

2024-04-26, 08:35 AM
Hmm, no idea, dangerous until identified. Best to keep moving I reckon.
Maynard will look through the door they came through quickly to see what, if anything, has broken through the cellar or otherwise changed, then move to go through the next door.

I'm meta-assuming the treasure is safe to take, otherwise I'd treat everything in the area as dangerous and cursed.

2024-04-28, 08:06 PM
Yep it is safe.
Maynard notices that the cellar door is still shaking but holding true right now.

Following into the next room you notice know that they are two circles on the floor. As you both haven't stepped in nothing activates yet. You further see another door across the way leading even further downwards.

(What will you do? Keep proceeding further downwards? Or retreat?)

2024-04-29, 08:38 AM
I'm leaning towards trying to keep pushing through these challenges. I don't see any alternate exits, I don't want to face the foes in the cellar, and this is not a defensible location that would support stalling for time in the hopes of some change.

2024-04-29, 08:48 AM
"Agreed." Eria nodded, then stepped out into the room. Whatever would happen, would happen.

2024-04-29, 01:24 PM
Stepping into the next a room a familar sense of deja vu hits you as two loud thunks hit the ground. These robots seem less sturdy than the other one but weapondry are different. One supporting a spear the other a black rod.

(Spear stun is [roll0] Rod stun is [roll1] Spear AC is 16 Rod Ac is 14)

2024-04-29, 02:26 PM
As soon as they appear, Maynard rushes forward and delivers a solid blow to the rod-wielding one damaging it in the middle with a straightforward sideways strike.

These things are similar enough to the last one that they probably also have a time before fully ready, so we should strike swiftly. I don't trust this black rod, so I'm going for this one; a spear is an obvious and useful weapon, but a black rod seems likelier to have some sort of dark magic on it, else you'd use a more straightforward weapon.

2024-04-29, 02:58 PM
Eria dashed after Maynard, attacking the rod wielding creature. She very much shared his suspicion, but didn't waste any words on it. Instead she landed a devastating combination of blows on the creature, the energy she'd gathered up in her body during her run discharging in gouts of flame and blooms of frost.

2024-04-29, 04:35 PM
Your combination of attacks left the rod wielding machine no chance of defending. Destroying it immediately its parts scattering around the room. The spear wielder is still booting up unable to move yet!

2024-04-29, 05:03 PM
After the first one falls Maynard moves swiftly onto the second, furiously trying to break it before it can activate, though even unmoving its armor remains tough enough for that to be difficult.

2024-04-30, 02:38 AM
Eria followed up with a set of attacks on the spear wielding machine, though it proved more difficult to land quite as solid a hit on the second creature.

2024-04-30, 12:17 PM
Your combined rapid attacks defeat the last mechanical creature right as it was about to be fully awakened...

After the second falls to the ground two bags fall

Bag 1 (Rod) loot
5 platinum pieces 1 onyx gem. A single bottle of clear liquid.

Bag2 (spear)
5 platinum pieces 1 emerald gem. A single bottle of clear liquid.

Lastly the door returning back opens as the stairway leading further down opens as well. Leading down you see the room has 4 circles placed around the room. With another doorway leading downwards. But that one is inlaid with gold.

(Do you enter? or flee?)

2024-04-30, 12:23 PM
"More of these bottles..." Eria gave them a dubious look. "And another room. That fancy door might lead to an exit, maybe. But four circles, that means we might face four of those creatures. WE could handle one or two without too much trouble, but four would be quite another matter." She turned to Maynard. "Do you have any tricks that could be used to even the odds?"

2024-05-06, 09:19 AM
No, I've nothing which would be helpful for that. 4 indeed seems very dangerous, especially if any of them activate faster. Do we have other choices? We could add our own weight to holding down the cellar door and stall for time in hopes of some sort of rescue; aside from that I'm not seeing anything which would lead us to safety.

2024-05-10, 02:24 AM
After gathering the coins, gems and vials, Eria gave the next room another look. "I'm going to try something" Eria announced. "Maynard, get ready to sprint for the door at the other side of the room the moment I get it open."

Eria took a deep breath and spent a moment to visualize what she would have to do. Then she began her plan.

She took a step forwards, seemingly disappearing in a pool of shadow as she did so, and reappearing across the room, right next to the gold-inlaid door. She immediately threw her weight against it, trying to open it before it could disappear.
Reset maneuvers:
Burning blade
Shadow blade technique
Mountain hammer
Sapphire nightmare blade
Shadow jaunt (used to teleport across the room)

2024-05-21, 06:25 PM
Erias strength not able to open the door you see a familiar site as 4 new metal humanoid figures drop from the ceiling. Two holding a shield while the others hold onto the black metal rods. Positioned opposite of each other not currently able to fit yet. But you knowing time is of the essence. Especially since now you are outnumbered by two to one

2024-05-22, 11:22 AM
Well, no choice but to fight and hope then.

Maynard rushes forward and solidly strikes one of the rod wielders across the mid-section.

2024-05-23, 09:43 AM
Eria sighed. "Well, It was a long shot anyway. Here we go again." She rushed at the staff wielding construct Maynard had already attacked, landing her trusty fire and ice combo on it with a quick flurry of punches and kicks.