View Full Version : Knight Class (Yacht Club Games)

2024-03-09, 10:20 AM
So, I remember a while back when Yacht Club Games published a D&D class rlated to their Shovel Knighte game release. I have the pdf for it, Shovels and Shields.

I've been here before asking about a seperate 3rd party class, so I wanted to ask a similar question about this one. Is it playable, is it a good player class option in comparison to the others??

The of for Shovels and Shields can be found here. https://old.yachtclubgames.com/wp-content/uploads/boardGameCameos/Shovels_And_Shields_V1.1.pdf

Update: Yeah idk how I got the wrong URL on that one.^

2024-03-09, 10:47 AM
So, I remember a while back when Yacht Club Games published a D&D class rlated to their Shovel Knighte game release. I have the pdf for it, Shovels and Shields.

I've been here before asking about a seperate 3rd party class, so I wanted to ask a similar question about this one. Is it playable, is it a good player class option in comparison to the others??

The of for Shovels and Shields can be found here. https://tapas.io/episode/1082559

That link leads to a monstergirl webcomic.

2024-03-09, 11:02 AM
Here’s the link: https://old.yachtclubgames.com/wp-content/uploads/boardGameCameos/Shovels_And_Shields_V1.1.pdf

I haven’t played it or even looked at it yet, but I thought this would be a helpful start…

2024-03-09, 12:05 PM
It appears to be a martial class that... doesn't get Extra Attack, unless I'm missing something.

2024-03-09, 12:31 PM
It appears to be a martial class that... doesn't get Extra Attack, unless I'm missing something.

No, you're not, it seems more like a marital controller to me. I was surprised too.

2024-03-09, 01:13 PM
No, you're not, it seems more like a marital controller to me. I was surprised too.

Marital (https://g.co/kgs/5tD6tSu) Controller sounds so wrong. I hope you meant martial?

2024-03-09, 01:38 PM
So, I remember a while back when Yacht Club Games published a D&D class rlated to their Shovel Knighte game release. I have the pdf for it, Shovels and Shields.

I've been here before asking about a seperate 3rd party class, so I wanted to ask a similar question about this one. Is it playable, is it a good player class option in comparison to the others??

The of for Shovels and Shields can be found here. https://old.yachtclubgames.com/wp-content/uploads/boardGameCameos/Shovels_And_Shields_V1.1.pdf

Update: Yeah idk how I got the wrong URL on that one.^

Well first thing I notice is that the various features encourage a DEX + WIS build.

As others have noted, it also doesn't get standard Extra attacks, but special attacks with the subclasses.

2024-03-09, 02:16 PM
Well first thing I notice is that the various features encourage a DEX + WIS build.

As others have noted, it also doesn't get standard Extra attacks, but special attacks with the subclasses.

For which it needs to spend that weird resource it gets.

I'd pass. But then, I haven't actually gotten around to playing Shovel Knight yet, so maybe there's a flavor beat that's going over my head.

2024-03-09, 05:27 PM
I've been here before asking about a seperate 3rd party class, so I wanted to ask a similar question about this one. Is it playable, is it a good player class option in comparison to the others??

It's certainly playable, but IMO it sorta blows. The power level of it just seems a bit underwhelming, though it is heavy with flavor and unique identity, which would certainly be a bonus for people interested in replicating the game's characters.

The relic system seems sorta cool, but paired with ichor and the sheer amount of class features it gets a bit much. Plus, the relics themselves aren't very powerful, or at least not enough to justify them replacing another potentially useful feature, like Spellcasting. Like, look at:

Guardian’s Locket
1 Relic Point

As an action you may use this locket to stabilize one ally within 5 feet. You may also spend up to 3 Ichor to heal the target 1d6 per Ichor spent. You must take a long rest before using this ability again.

Like, be for real. Spare the Dying (with some healing, that you also pay resources for) once per long rest? There's more examples, for sure, but it seems as though they were too worried about making it overpowered that they went they opposite direction and made it way too wimpy. Like dollar tree Second Wind as the 5th level feature. Also, four dead levels? Really?

I don't think it'll break any games, but I worry that a player might get a bit bored or feel overshadowed if they try and pick it up. Though, who knows, maybe there's an interesting combo with some multiclassing, like Barbarian Rage + Reckless Attack + Shovel Drop.

2024-03-09, 07:51 PM
I'm not expecting too much, but if this class is underwhelming, what would be a good way to fix it. Personally, I'd start by giving it starndard ability score increases at the proper levels (rather than skipping the one at 16th). If Extra Attack is something it should receive add it, perhaps at 5th like every other martial class. I want to retool the ichor/relix system but that willt ake work.

What general suggestions would you have that make the class more balanced?

2024-03-09, 11:01 PM
I'm not expecting too much, but if this class is underwhelming, what would be a good way to fix it. Personally, I'd start by giving it starndard ability score increases at the proper levels (rather than skipping the one at 16th). If Extra Attack is something it should receive add it, perhaps at 5th like every other martial class. I want to retool the ichor/relix system but that willt ake work.

What general suggestions would you have that make the class more balanced?

I don't even wanna touch the subclasses right now since they're so bloated with features. Here are some of my thoughts going just from the main class stuff:

Move Ichor/Relics to 1st level, maybe switch with Knight's Code? Though the initial 2 sets of subclass features might need to be squished/moved.
Move Hopeful Soul to 2nd level
Remove the Code of the Adventurer - it just seems a bit bland and unfocused
Extra Attack at 5th, as mentioned
Campfire Craftsman shouldn't be gated by a roll, it should just happen. Maybe swap the dice values for HP/temp HP.
Unwavering Spirit is strange. It's not a ribbon feature, per se, but it's not really that impactful, either. Maybe just change it to proficiency in Wisdom saving throws, to be honest.
Treasure Tracker has too little impact, especially when preceded by a dead level, and certainly by level 14+. Honestly it's something you'd get at around level 5, or earlier.
Oh, the dead levels, how many there are. Honestly unsure of what to do with them. Certainly I think there should be more support abilities, but also something for increased mobility - like jump height. Maybe paring down the relics and gating their selection to certain levels might work best (Say, 1st, 6th, 10th, 14th, 18th?). Would help keep the power level in check and simplify the relic system a bit.

2024-03-09, 11:31 PM
The whole thing is mostly focused on being fan-service (you're supposed to look at the different Relics and go "ooh, like in the video game!") before actually being usable, I'm afraid, and appears to have been designed by someone who wasn't used to working with 5e's rules. Most of the class is pretty lackluster, but then you have stuff that breaks core system math, like how a high level Code of Shovelry character gets a +5 to hit with Shovel Blades at all times, or how a Code of Aegis character can pick up a (cheap!) Relic that makes shields give them +5 AC in exchange for losing 10ft of movement speed.

2024-03-10, 07:39 AM
I feel like this could definitely be interesting to play with, you could certainly have fun with it, and I don't think it's the worst thing. I'd be down to try playing as these if I get the chance