View Full Version : Mine dungeon crawl

Winds of Nagual
2024-03-09, 11:36 AM
Hello friends and colleagues,

My PCs are considering exploring an old abandoned Dwarven mine. Does anyone have a suggestion for an adventure or module that I could reskin to be all about gnolls, ghouls, and the cosmic punishment for mining too greedily? Happy to purchase whatever is needed. Doesn't have to be a megadungeon. But could be.

2024-03-09, 01:40 PM
Hello friends and colleagues,

My PCs are considering exploring an old abandoned Dwarven mine. Does anyone have a suggestion for an adventure or module that I could reskin to be all about gnolls, ghouls, and the cosmic punishment for mining too greedily? Happy to purchase whatever is needed. Doesn't have to be a megadungeon. But could be.

Lost Mines of Phandelver are a classic, although I can't comment on how great the mine part is.

Rime of the Frostmaiden has a mine dungeon for the early game. IIRC Dungeon of the Mad Mage has a mine level (at least) but it's much higher level.

2024-03-09, 02:15 PM
Hello friends and colleagues,

My PCs are considering exploring an old abandoned Dwarven mine. Does anyone have a suggestion for an adventure or module that I could reskin to be all about gnolls, ghouls, and the cosmic punishment for mining too greedily? Happy to purchase whatever is needed. Doesn't have to be a megadungeon. But could be.

If you want to do a megadungeon, there is Dwarrowdeep (https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/384269/Dwarrowdeep-OSR?affiliate_id=379088) by OSR Publishing. This is Questing Beast's review of it. (https://youtu.be/S5rTtVjoH1U?si=uloLhCL4wEYH8X3F)