View Full Version : Question about lesser drow

2024-03-11, 10:44 AM
I wanted to use in my game an character who is a drow, which was born with atrofied spell resistance . I am interested in lesser drow. Homever I am more interested in bonus to Intelligence than dexterity bonus. -2 to Con is stay

So...will that swapping bonuses could be used to creating that character?

2024-03-11, 02:26 PM
This is definitely going to be an ask your dm answer but the idea is that lesser drow were balanced to make it easier for people to play Drow without worrying about level advantage. This is definitely the angle I aould use to make my case to my DM if I presentef this to him and point out that one of the drow racials is intelligence. In fact the lesser Drow template along with the other "lesser templates" were presented as an example. So from my perspective as a permanent DM I'd allow this swap (since Drow do have an int bonus.) but with your own DM mileage may vary.

2024-03-11, 02:40 PM
There was an alternative LA-less drow posted in an online article (re-upload here (http://rpg.nobl.ca/archive.php?x=dnd/sp/20040213a), the wayback machine also works) that didn't have SR but did keep the +2 intelligence. You can spend two levels regaining all 'proper' drow traits, which might be an interesting option depending on how the character's arc goes, but you're by no means required to.

2024-03-11, 03:18 PM
Thank for your answer, Rhyltran. It really help me

To Inevitability: I readed about that, but I don't quite to understand it
So can you not take 'drow' levels and instead have character with +2 intelligence? (If you not take 2 drow levels you still play LA +0 character?)

2024-03-11, 03:25 PM
Thank for your answer, Rhyltran. It really help me

To Inevitability: I readed about that, but I don't quite to understand it
So can you not take 'drow' levels and instead have character with +2 intelligence? (If you not take 2 drow levels you still play LA +0 character?)

Yes: these classes follow the normal rules for savage progressions (http://rpg.nobl.ca/archive.php?x=dnd/sp/20030824a), which say:

Characters are not required to complete all the levels of a given template class in uninterrupted succession. For example, a character who takes a level of wereboar could then take a level of fighter and a level of rogue (or any other combination of other class levels) before taking another level of wereboar. A character must still take the first level of wereboar before taking the second, just as with a normal class.

So you can 100% start out with only the +0 LA base race given and never take a level in drow, or take one level but not the other, or wait a long while and then take the levels - whatever suits your build.

2024-03-11, 03:36 PM
Many thanks. It really help

(I always wanted to make drow wizard who on 5 level will really have 5 levels of wizard)

2024-03-11, 04:11 PM
How about to take Gray Elf (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/elf.htm#grayElf) (they got Int bonus) and apply Dark Creature template (thus - making them literally a Dark Elf)?
If you want them to look more "Drow-like", you may use the "Lingering Effects of Evil" from Book of Vile Darkness, level of Evil "A Great and Powerful Malevolence":

• Creature's hair turns white.
• Creature's eyes turn black or red.

2024-03-11, 04:41 PM
Thanks, but no. I prefer to keep it real drow. Beside I don't like 'evil drow' theme

2024-03-11, 07:42 PM
Thanks, but no. I prefer to keep it real drow. Beside I don't like 'evil drow' theme

Drow ARE evil though. They were literally created by an evil goddess, and she can punish them directly for failing her by turning them into driders, so practically all drow are compelled to be evil

2024-03-11, 09:27 PM
Are you playing an Int-based caster?
If so, the bonus to Int may be too good for +0 LA.
If not, I'd say it's fine.

As there's already an Elf subtype for Int for no LA it's probably fine, but elves get lots of favouritism in D&D.

2024-03-12, 11:09 AM
Crake: Transformation into drider require cleric or yohol which commit ritual required to turn drow into a drider. It's not like she can decided about transformation on whatever drow she want whenever she want
And it was confirmed that drow had no innate inclination toward evil (it is more that they are pressed by their society)

Homever each to their own. It mostly depend of DM/game creator/whoever else.

Alright, let's go back to the topic

Geoff: Thanks