View Full Version : [IC] [PF 1e/FR] Classics Megaplex, Part I – The Sunless Citadel

2024-03-15, 11:15 AM
Oakhurst was a small town in the middle of nowhere. Since some time, however, interesting things had been happening in there.

Local goblins, living in the Sunless Citadel, an ancient dungeon a few hours of traveling from the town, have been appearing there two times per year – on the Summer and Winter Solstice. Always, they had a fruit with them – during summer, an apple red as blood, during winter, an apple white as snow. The red apple was able to heal any injury and illness, but the white one, whom people never wanted, was causing many medical troubles to the ones who would want to eat it.

A month ago, a local adventuring group went into the Citadel, looking for answers about the apples. Until now, they had not returned. Among them there were siblings, Talgen and Sharwyn. Now, Kerowyn Hucrele, a matriarch of the family, wanted her grandchildren back. She was offering money for anybody who would be helping with that problem.

Thus, a band of adventurers gathered in the local tavern, just ready for the new adventure.

That band of adventurers are you, just getting drinks and sitting comfortably.

What are you doing?

2024-03-15, 01:20 PM
Bella has her blue and green cloak laid carefully on her chair. She has one leg crossed over the other as she enjoys her brew. Her light blue hair was kept normally in a pony tailed, but today was more on the frizz and flowling everwhere. She had a nice local drink, the Oakhurst Experience, it was fruity with a bit of a kick. She swirls one strand of hair with one finger while holding the mug with the other.

It had been a hot afternoon, but she really needed this. She hadn't found much work lately. She spent sometime proselytizing about Lathander, and his grandness, but no go on any major jobs.

Adventuring was supposed to make her rich and famous. Not just a steady thing.
(I'm assuming Hamza is here)

"Eh, Hamza, have you 'eard anything right about any jobs? We got a major cash flow situation here. We can't just find lost kittens for a few coppers. We need a big one."

2024-03-15, 03:25 PM
Shyra is stuffing her mouth with mashed potatoes, in between swigs of her ale.
"Drinking on an empty stomach makes me dizzy, and ditzy" had been her explanation, accompanied by a wink.
She has ordered the cheapest dish; she is close to broke.

"Very odd, this apple business. If the little buggers - excuse my mouth, Krick-Krack -" (she apparently confuses kobolds with goblins) "have dem magical apples, why go parading them everywhere?

Anyway, we don't need to care about none of that. Get the siblings, get out, collect the pay.
Avoid stepping on little bugger toes if we can. They could probably swarm us."
Bits of food sometimes fly out of her mouth while she speaks; she definitely has not had a refined upbringing.

"Anybody got some info about their nest?"

Perhaps her dreams of fame and fortune will start coming true with her discovering the cure-all apple, but she's not holding her breath.

If someone can gather info (Diplomacy) about the Sunless Citadel... this is not Shyra's forte.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-15, 08:52 PM
Krick-Krack wore a red overcoat and a red cap as he sits and glares at shyra.

"Goblins, are not, kobold. Might as well compare horses and llamas."

He pulls out a soft cloth and begins shining the barrel of his pistol.

"Well. It's the sunless citadel, I'm willing to bet its dark inside."

2024-03-15, 11:33 PM
"The goblins are selling them I think, bet they fetch a grand price" Bella says., "So are we stealing apples or looking for the lost people?"
"I could ask around the bar for information, if you want"

With that she hops up and tries to butter up other patrons around the bar.

I didn't take it, maybe next level, I'm asking about the Sunless Citadel, goblins, or lost people,

2024-03-16, 07:47 PM
The people in the tavern were friendly indeed, and a good source of information. They started talking, one over the other:

- So you are those adventurers who gonna help poor old Kerywyn? - was their first question – Good to know! We truly hope you will find her grandchildreqn. She’s such a mess right now, gods forgive…

- The Sunless Citadel is by and Old Road, next to the plain desolated long ago by a dragon. Even though the dragon is no more, still nothing grows there.

- Yeah! And the Citadel was hosting a cult of this Dragon!

- Yes! Very wicked, that’s why it is now underground. It was a divine punishment for that!

- And the goblins? We have no idea from where they have this fruits – and why always during solstices! Who know what they are doing? It seems like a magic to me, alchemy, maybe.

- Yes! Must be so! We have tried to plan the seeds of the red apple. It was growing, rather rickety and weedy, and then, during the night, them goblins are uprooting our plants! They certainly wanna keep their monopoly over the fruits!

-Yeah! It’s so unfair! Why won’t they share?! We are buying the apples, we have the right to do whatever we see fit with its parts!

- And we would be so grateful if you could get rid of all the goblins! They are so nasty, even though they trade with us. You will get the job done, right? Will ya?

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-16, 08:13 PM
Krick-Kracks eyes wiggle when dragons are mentioned.

"Dragons you say? Yea I'm down. We can find these gobbos, red ones, white ones, heck, green ones."

He swivels left then right.

"Oh... grandkids too."

2024-03-18, 06:05 PM
Shyra's eyes bulge when she hears about a dragon... but then she deflates when she hears it passed from the mortal realm.

"You know, some day I'll defeat a dragon!
...but I don't know when; probably not tomorrow."

She thanks the villagers for their precious, if chaotic and unsubstantiated, stories information.
"Imagination is part of the adventure!"

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-18, 06:27 PM
Krick-Krack hops down from the stool, sliding their gun into a holster, and fanning out their outfit.

"time to go then! follow me!"

Krick-Krack begins to journey towards the sunless Citadel

2024-03-19, 08:30 AM
HP:6 AC:16

Cygnus has been scribing furiously this whole time. Nothing in his training had told him anything about these kinds of apples, and the locals were also very interesting specimens of homo humanis. He has barely touched his expensive food and wine, which he ordered without noticing that his purse was nearly empty.

After. he has made sure that he has parsed anything he might know on the subject, he addresses his companions.

"Yes, my dear fellows. I am ready too."

Knowledge checks
Local [roll0]
Nature [roll1]
Arcana [roll2]
Geography [roll3]

Infernally Clay
2024-03-19, 11:27 AM
Hamza Stonehammer (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2884574)
Dwarf Barbarian 1
AC: 18 | HP: 18/18
Fortitude: +6 | Reflex: +2 | Will: +1
Initiative: +2

Rage: 8/8
Active Effects: None
Conditions: None

"I'll be right there with you, Shyra," Hamza laughs, "I've always wanted to mount the head of such a fantastic beast above a fire place."

She is eager to learn more of this treachery of the goblins and the apples they covet, so as soon as the group is ready she will go with them.

2024-03-20, 12:52 PM
Preshi's pointed ears perk up. A dungeon quest! Another mark on her bucket list!
"Hey, I can help!"

2024-03-20, 05:51 PM
The adventurers went out of the tavern and into the unknown. It was morning in the middle of summer – a week or so till the goblins would normally bring the apple – and quite hot, too. The sky was the clear, deep periwinkle color, and there was not a single cloud in sight.

The adventurers went, through forests and field of wheat, meeting from time to time a single household on their way. The path was long and dusty. The bees were buzzing, flying from a flower to flower, and sometimes, a gentle wind was blowing in their hair.

Finally, then entered the area destroyed long time ago by the powerful dragon, some time after the midday. Fields of earth, where nothing could glow, were expanding before their eyes. And just there, there was a ravine leading to the underground citadel.

There was a rope, that the adventurers could use to climb down.

Please, gimme Search Rolls.

2024-03-20, 06:05 PM
Throughout the walk, Shyra steals glances at Hamza.
So she wants to take my dragon trophy away from me!! She looks mighty strong too, not sure I could stop her.
She then comes to the inevitable conclusion, and sidles up to the dwarf to share it:
"I want a dragon's head myself, too, so we'll need to vanquish two!"

As the initial excitement of adventure fades away, Shyra starts to mutter:
"Gotta get myself a horse. A good-natured one. Or a pony. These feet are not made for walking over miles of country roads."

When at last they reach their destination, her eagerness returns.
"Let's take a quick look around. And make sure that rope can actually hold our weight."
She puts on goggles, and adjusts the contrast-enhancing lenses of her own making to help her notice details.

Perception: [roll0]
I think you meant Perception, which covers Search in PF.

2024-03-20, 07:17 PM
Preshi incorporates Shyra, Hamza, and Bella into her collective network and maintains psionic focus as she looks around carefully.

I choose the three most likely to get into melee based on class. Feel free to correct me if your build is ranged.


Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-21, 02:02 PM
Krick-Krack rushes to keep up, heaving breathes as the party has stopped to look around.

"I.... *gasp* ... do not.... *gasp* .... like overland.... *gasp* ... travel"

Perception: [roll0]

2024-03-21, 05:06 PM
The adventurers found 2 additional things near the ravine.

The first was a series of glyphs written in Dwarven alphabet, but not in Dwarven language.

The signs mark the terrain as goblins' territory and are a warning for everybody who would like to go deep below.

The second thing was an old fire, maybe a month old. Some people had their stop here, and tried to hide its track after they went further, Gods only know where.

2024-03-21, 05:32 PM
Bella while getting ready to leave the bar, tied her hair back in preparation. Well, time to get out there to get paid.

Bella was glad she was a cleric, every few minutes she made it rain just a few drops so it was less hot, like a mist in the air. The satisfaction didn't last long, but it was enough to please her.

She carried her longspear in her hands just in case of trouble, she was never one for close combat.

After a while the road was getting to her, "I am not an athlete, we should have hired a horse. *groans* Next time, please, or a donkey, who is going to carry the kidnapped people if they are unconcious? They must be hurt or something if they haven't returned."

Probably found everything but search check

After team finds glyphs...
"I can't read this, I've never learned any foriegn languages, never seemed needed when younger"

After finding fire remains:
"Someone has been here, we got to be close..."

2024-03-22, 08:59 AM
"Can't read it either" Shyra shrugs.

She tests the rope for solidity, eager to rappel down when they're all ready.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-23, 12:47 PM
Krick-Krack kneels down and reads.

"This is Goblin territory, they are warning us to stay away."

Krick-krack makes sure his pistol is loaded and ready.

"So, we should be ready"

Infernally Clay
2024-03-24, 09:47 AM
Hamza Stonehammer (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2884574)
Dwarf Barbarian 1
AC: 18 | HP: 18/18
Fortitude: +6 | Reflex: +2 | Will: +1
Initiative: +2

Rage: 8/8
Active Effects: None
Conditions: None

"It’s practically an invitation,” Hamza laughs, “So let’s go have a taste of goblin hospitality.”

2024-03-24, 05:47 PM
"Lathander give us your holy warmth, Light!" Bella casts light on the rope so the rope is lit up like a torch.

"Well then, let's go team, that should let us see in the darkness", Bella said as she started climbing down 3rd (let another go first in case of danger).

2024-03-25, 06:33 PM
Hamza went down as the first one. Below, there was a lot of broken stones. Suddenly, from behind of some of the boulders, there came 3 dire rats. Possibly, they wanted some food that could fall from above, but because of lack of it, they turned against the barbarian.

Please, roll Initiative in OOC

2024-03-26, 10:09 AM
(I got Initiative 9 so I'll probably act near end of everyone's turn, I'm assuming I'm within 30 feet of a rat)
"Let's see those rats like losing their water!" Bella shoots a grey beam at one of Dire Rats. Wilting Glare Fort Save DC 13 vs fatigued until next turn if fail save but nonlethal damage regardless

[roll0] Nonlethal

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-03-27, 10:32 AM
Krick-Krack holds their action until they can get a better view of the rats.

2024-04-02, 06:48 AM
The 3 dire rats rushed at the dwarven barbarian, apparently hungry for fresh meat.

The first had bitten her on the hand, the attack's of the second Hamza did elude, but the third has bitten her on the leg. The wound were deep and painful, even thought she was heavily armed and protected by armor.

The two out of 3 dire rats hit. Both deal 4 damages, so 8 in total.

I rolled with my dice set physically, it was kinda faster than writing another post in OOC.

2024-04-02, 04:13 PM
Shyra slides down the rope quickly, then activates the springs in her shoes - one of her favourite inventions! - to jump into position to flank one of the rats with Hamza, and she stabs it as deftly as she can manage.

"How." stab
"did." parry a claw
"you." step away

As the blow finds purchase, Hamza is briefly limned in white light that seems to ease her injuries.
Shyra grins at her and waves a kukri in salute before returning to her target.

If flanking is not possible without her getting an AoO, subtract 2 from her attack roll and the 1d6 SA from the damage.
But if she needed she can use Crane Step or Leaping Dragon to reposition as a swift action, so it should be possible.

Move: climb down

Swift: Leaping Dragon (roll OOC: 35), she moves 35ft.

Standard: Enduring Crane Strike
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]* Sneak Attack [roll2]

Healing for Hamza if she hits [roll3]

* 1d6 comes from her stance

2024-04-09, 08:29 PM
Seeing the barbarian swarmed by vermin, Preshi thinks about toughening dwarfism skin against the fangs if the rats!

Preshi uses Toughen as a network power on Hamza!

2024-04-17, 05:31 PM
The attack of Shyra hit the dire rat in the head, making it a bloody mass. The brain and blood erupted everywhere, when the body of a monster has falled down, moving in post-mortem shock.

The other rats looked around, fear mingled with hunger in their animal eyes. Still, they didn’t escape. They were too hungry, or maybe too stupid, to know better.

Okay, so!

1. One rat down.

2. I cannot find anywhere the power Toughten for Vitalists :-( Can somebody link it for me in OOC on some kinda SRD? Pretty please? ;-)

2024-04-18, 10:03 AM
Shyra lets out a hoot of victory when the rat falls to her blows.
Today a rat, tomorrow... a newborn dragon?

She moves on to the next one, still aiming for a pincer maneuver with Hamza and bringing her second blade to bear as she goes. Her blades flash as they rise and fall.
The first stab is a disaster and she almost loses an eye to her own blade as she becomes unbalanced. But luck intervenes and she falls blade first onto the second rat, impaling it with a solid thunk.

Move: Move to flank another rat

Standard: Swift Claws, 1 attack with each weapon at no penalty
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Sneak Attack [roll2]

Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4] Sneak Attack [roll5] made a mistake with the 1st roll: it's 2d6+2 only, so 10 damage
Shyra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2885305)
F CG Half-Elf Stalker (Vigilante), Level 1, Init 4, HP 10/10, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 12, Flat-footed 10, CMD 12, Fort 1, Ref 4, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Kukri +4 (1d6+4, 18-20/x2)
Kukri TWF +2/+2 (1d6+4 / 1d6+2, 18-20/x2)
Leather (+2 Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition None
2/2 Inspiration (free for Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive)

[] SC1 Crane Step: swift, 5ft step
[X] SC1 Enduring Crane Strike: cure 1d6+Int dmg if successful to ally within 30ft
[] ST1 Red Zephyr's Strike: attack; if successful, move 10ft without AoO
[X] TD1 Leaping Dragon: swift jump with running start and +10 to Acrobatics
[X] TD1 Swift Claws: attack with 2 weapons

[X] PF1 Stance of Aggression: -2 AC, +1d6 damage

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-04-20, 07:59 PM
Krick-Krack shouts from the back.

"Are they dead yet?!"

2024-04-23, 05:24 PM
Both dire rats again attacked Hamza, but now that one of their own has been dead, their spirits were rather low and both of the unpassionate bites missed her.

2024-04-25, 04:48 PM
Preshi readies her crossbow, but refrains from shooting into a meee.

2024-04-26, 08:50 AM
Bella climbs down the rest of the way, she could probably help, better than staying up there.

Then she prays for a miracle.

How much movement required?
If I have any actions left over, I'll Channel energy healing Hamza and all allies within 30 feet for [roll0] hp, due to selective channel feat, no rats are healed.

Also one rat is set on fire for [roll1] damage and dazzled 1 rd, Will Save for partial, DC 13 (success half damage and negate dazzle)

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-04-28, 12:03 PM
Krick-Krick watches with interest as he pulls out his pistol and takes aim. He whispers over the chamber filled with alchemical components packed behind a bullet he made himself and scribed arcane words upon.

"Die in fire you diseased pest."

[roll0] vs touch Ac

[roll1] bullet damage
[roll2] bomb damage

The bullet explodes if it enters the rats body, a small gout of flame to cook its diseased flesh.

2024-04-29, 11:40 AM
Sadly, the bullet missed the attacked creature. Luckily for the adventurers, both rats again missed on their attacks - the first again attacked Hamza, and the second focused their attention on Bella.

2024-04-30, 11:04 AM
Preshi helps Bella by using Toughen through her network...

2024-05-08, 08:56 AM
Bella 5 ft steps back then slashes remaining rat that lounged for her with her longspear
"This is for the Light!"



2024-05-08, 09:00 AM
Ooh, Crit confirm


If a Crit: [roll1]

If a Crit, Bella slices the rat up into thin little slices like stir fry

2024-05-10, 03:47 PM
Shyra shouts cheerful congratulations at Bella as she dispatches the last of their enemies. Wiping her blades on the fur of the rats, she sets to resetting her apparatuses.

Then she goes back to her job as scout, checking where they should head next.

2024-05-14, 06:28 AM
All the rats have been dead. The adventuters had their fistr ever taste of a victory!

Below, there were stars, leading into the darkness, down and down.

When they went below, they have seen the Sunless CItadel rising from the ground. The sight been impressive, but the building looked long-forgotten by now. They have found themselves in a court-yard. There have been a remaining of a tower in front of them, with a wooden door leading to the Citadel.

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-05-16, 07:02 AM
"woohoo! You guys did great-great!"

Krick-Krack maneuvers and reloads his gun so he is prepared for the next obstacles that await them.

"do we have a door checker?"

2024-05-16, 08:32 AM
"Oh, I'll happily check it for you, love.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if it had intricate mechanisms behind it? Even if those propelled deadly darts, I could still learn something."

Shyra sets to work, with her eyes first, then with light touches in various places, and finally some more pressure, stopping short of trying to open the door.

Perception 26 (taking 10, +5 rolled OOC from Inspiration)
Shyra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2885305)
F CG Half-Elf Stalker (Vigilante), Level 1, Init 4, HP 10/10, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 12, Flat-footed 10, CMD 12, Fort 1, Ref 4, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Kukri +4 (1d6+4, 18-20/x2)
Kukri TWF +2/+2 (1d6+4 / 1d6+2, 18-20/x2)
Leather (+2 Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition None
2/2 Inspiration (free for Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive)

[] SC1 Crane Step: swift, 5ft step
[X] SC1 Enduring Crane Strike: cure 1d6+Int dmg if successful to ally within 30ft
[] ST1 Red Zephyr's Strike: attack; if successful, move 10ft without AoO
[X] TD1 Leaping Dragon: swift jump with running start and +10 to Acrobatics
[X] TD1 Swift Claws: attack with 2 weapons

[X] PF1 Stance of Aggression: -2 AC, +1d6 damage

2024-05-16, 04:54 PM
Shyra stopped suddenly, looking down, at the floor in the courtyard. There was a trap set, she just realized! If she would move straight for the doors, it would activate. There seemed to be an easy way to go around it - literally, it was covering only the most central part of the courtyard - but it also would not be a bad idea to try and break it apart, so it would not hurt anyone by accident.

2024-05-16, 05:07 PM
"Don't set foot over there! In fact, keep your distance."

After warning them, Shyra extracts her most prized possession from her pouch, the set of tools that allow to pursue slightly-less-than-legal endeavours.
Muttering to herself, she sets about disarming the trap.
She makes a mistake along the way, but realizes it just in time to try and stabilize the mechanism.

[roll0] + 3 from Inspiration = 16

2024-05-17, 08:04 AM
The trapdoor was not locked in place. Luckily, Shyra could try to disable the mechanism again, since she did not mess up too much in her not-so-lucky attempt.

2024-05-17, 10:39 AM
Not taking any chances, Shyra proceeds methodically and meticulously this time.

OOC: taking 10 for 21 in Disable Device

2024-05-17, 10:22 PM
"You got this Shyra!"

2024-05-18, 05:46 PM
Shyra was able to block the trap this time.

When the adventurers went into the tower that was an antrance to the Citadel, they found themselves in a circular room. There were 4 doead goblins there, one with a spear from his back hanging from a wall. There were 3 doors here - one on the very left, left-straight and right-straight.

2024-05-22, 02:40 AM
Shyra sets to work checking the room for more traps, or secret doors. Or any indication about where each door leads, really.

Once done, she suggests that the others search the bodies.
"I wonder who or what killed them."

OOC: Perception 21 (taking 10) + [roll0] = 27

2024-05-22, 09:02 AM
"Hmm. I'm no friend to most goblins, and it was definitely a "who" and not a "what." Beasts don't use spears. Maybe they can be reasonable." says the middle aged gnome.

2024-05-22, 02:54 PM
The goblin were dead for about a month. They had no valuables, but they had short swords with them.

More curious was the discovery of a secret door, that the folks hadn't seen previously. As to other doors, both* of them were leading further into the Sunless Citadel - it was hard to say something more without fully leaving the current space and exploring further.

*Sorry, the door most on the left was meant to be secret xD Let's pretend I did not write what I had written, okay? xD

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-05-23, 04:48 PM
"Gobbos you say? they are not welcome in kobold tribes with good reason. it looks like they turned on each other and killed one another. Good riddance! See that one was stabbed with a spear, likely in a gobbo on gobbo crime."

2024-05-29, 02:31 AM
"Let's take the secret corridor. Surely it must be the most interesting one."

2024-05-29, 11:12 AM
"I bet there is treasure, everyone always hides the good stuff behind hidden doors." Bella said with a grin 5 miles long. There were a few hiccups so far, but things are starting to get interesting.

2024-05-30, 08:53 AM
"I always wanted to go through a secret door!" Says Preshi, crossing something out on her mental bucket list....

2024-05-30, 03:53 PM
Shyra examines the door.
OOC: Perception 21 + [roll0]
"I didn't realize I would spend my time looking at the floor and doors. I hope my back doesn't hurt after being bent so much."

2024-05-30, 07:02 PM
Shyra was able to see a trap in the doors. It would sent a needle through the air to anybody who would have opened the door. Good thing she realized that sooner rather than later.

2024-05-31, 09:48 AM
"Anybody wants to open the door?" Shyra asks facetiously, not revealing right away she found a trap.
When no one steps up, she continues:
"Good thinking, coz it's trapped."

Grabbing her tools again, she proceeds to disabling the trap.
OOC: Disable Device 21, taking 10

Then she pushes the door open, and steps through, going first to keep an eye out.

OOC: you can assume Shyra is always on the lookout for traps - Perception 21+

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-06-02, 03:14 PM
Krick Krack moves up behind Shyra to get a better look as well. Peering through the doorway

2024-06-02, 09:04 PM
Beyond the door, there was a small room. ON the floor, there were skeletons of 3 long dead archers, bows and arrows still by the bodies.

When the doors did open, the skeletons moved. In their eye sockets appeared tongues of blue flames, as the undead has rised and prepared to attack the adventurers.

Roll Initiative in OOC

2024-06-04, 11:35 AM
(with a 17, I assume I'm close to first)

When it's Bellas turn to act, she moved close enough to hit all the undead with Channel Energy (30 ft) then said a prayer to Chanel the power of her God
"Oh, gracious Lathander, spare these damned souls with your radiant light, let them feel your glory"

Undead need to make a Will save for half damage DC 13

Should at least weaken them if not kills

2024-06-09, 05:36 PM
Shyra rushes in, drawing smoothly her second blade as she closes with the nearest enemy.
"Let's make minced meat, er, marrow out of them!"

She slashes with dexterity, but her blades do not seem to damage the skeletons as much as she expected.

Only then does she realize she's almost alone and exposed near the frontline.
Where did Hamza disappear to?

Move: get into melee

Standard: Swift Claws, 2 attacks
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2024-06-09, 09:47 PM
Preshi uses Toughen on Shyra to help protect her from retaliation!

2024-06-10, 07:34 PM
Both of attacks of Shyra sadly missed. Luckily, Balla had more luck and weakened the undead considerably. Then, the monsters attacked Shyra, being the closest. One of the undead hit, but the damage was minimal.

Skeleton 1 – 4 HP
Skeleton 2 – 4 HP
Skeleton 3 – 6 HP

Shyra - [-1 HP]

2024-06-15, 04:53 PM
"That was awesome, Bella, do that thing again!"
Shyra doesn't quite know happen, but she felt something wash over her harmlessly and ram into their enemies pretty fiercely.

Still, the immediate preoccupation is fighting on.
She keeps on slashing at the sack of bones near her.

Full attack (TWF):
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
edit: possible crit, but I assume it downs the skeleton either way

Darius Vibrtrar
2024-06-21, 11:31 AM
"Gah! Skele-boys!!! Grind them to dust-dust!!!"

[roll0] vs touch AC of closest skeleton

[roll1] piercing and explosive fire damage

Krick-Krack begins to reload.