View Full Version : More character concepts, represented by Spheres

2024-03-18, 12:53 AM
Rather than waiting to find some new interesting concepts from players, I am instead asking ChatGPT to make a bunch, and seeing where we go from there. Feel free to ask for any of yours to be done. They can be as out there as you wish, as long as the concept isn't gated by power level. I won't be able to give you a playable-level character that can throw the multiverse. Well, I mean, I could, with some creative reinterpretation of what exactly you are saying by that, but you get the point.

1. Echo of Time: A character who is a sentient echo from a future that never happened. They have vague memories of events that might occur and can occasionally cause time distortions. Their goal is to ensure the timeline remains intact, but they struggle with existential questions about their own reality.

OK, That's actually a kinda cool character concept.
Time Sphere (duh): Pretty much the whole thing works, but of particular note are Second Chance, Retroactive Preparation (your character, not yourself, saw your need for this item coming), Rapid Response (seeing the future... at least clear enough to react to how it's different), Retry (because I really like it)

As far as everything else... it's not really tied to any particular expression of abilities, outside of Time sphere. So I'd actually make it a Mageknight (with maybe a dip to Incanter for bonus talents). Invisibility, Imbue Weapon, Enchanted Touch, and Penetrating Blow are all reasonably useful Mystic Combat selections. Unfortunately, not much that's particularly timey wimey.
I'd take Martial Mageknight archetype, so that we can get Scout, Barrage spheres for really rapid strikes. Probably use a longbow. (And aim where they'll be, not where they are.) You'll probably be pretty strapped for talents, since this was early on in Spheres, so that should do you for all that you really want to go for.

But if you really find yourself in need of yet more talents to take, somehow, then you could look to the Fate sphere.

2. Living Constellation: A celestial being made of starlight, trapped in a humanoid form. They have a deep connection to the cosmos and can draw upon cosmic energy, but they are constantly homesick for the stars. Their body glimmers like a night sky, and they have control over gravity.

...Alright. That's pretty out there. But plenty doable. Also what did I just say about throwing the multiverse?
Take Eternal Transformation as a human.

So, with that feat, we can select 2 options: Elemental, or Anthropomorphic. Either would really work, but let's go with Anthropomorphic, and select the Cosmic Body talent, taking the Cosmic Form and Spirit's Reach traits. Not exactly the most powerful option you could take, but the talent's name fits so perfectly that we just had to. If we went Air Elemental, you'd get that control over gravity with inbuilt flight, and the traits would be less coded towards a physical attacker. You would then take Incanter, and use my adapted-from-5e version of the Telekinesis sphere, and just be a bit of a nightmare to deal with.

But as is, we are going to take the Vector archetype of the Symbiat, and focus on the Brute sphere. And also use the adaptation of the Telekinesis sphere.
Of particular note from the Brute sphere: Hammer (damage), Quick Force (speed), Humiliate (entangle), Drop (free trip attempt, and use Hammer against the ground).
This handles our gravity powers.
It makes admittedly minimal use out of the bonuses granted by our choice of Alteration Traits. But if they try and close the distance on you, you can attempt a bull rush, with the bonus reach. I initially was thinking about a much more physical version, but this simply...happened, and does work reasonably well.

We will then take the Minor Bioluminescence racial trait for that glowing effect. Alternatively, we could take the light sphere, and it really would work with some dancing light action, as a living constellation.
Also, "It's written in the stars," is a phrase used to refer to fate. You are literally a walking horoscope. I would take the Fate sphere.

3. Dream Weaver: A character who exists simultaneously in the dream world and the real world. They can manipulate dreams, enter others' dreams, and bring elements of dreams into reality.

For class, we take Hedgewitch, taking Dreamwalker as one of the paths. This gives us Dreamspace for free. This lets us transport things to and from our dreamspace, and share it with friends.. If we were boring, we'd leave it at that.
We take Spiritualism as the second paths. It gives flexibility, and lends itself to the unpredictability of dreams.

For spheres, I'd recommend the Conjuration, Creation, and Illusion spheres. The mind sphere can also work, but unless you are manipulating "day dreams," maybe not so much. Besides, you only get 3/4 talents per level, it's fine to limit your scope.

For the Illusion sphere, Sight and Sound are the primary senses you want to get. Distracting Phantoms, Decoy, Complex Illusions, Lingering Illusions, Illusionary, and Inspire Doubt are all rather appropriate.
From Conjuration, just pick 3 creatures. 2 fighters, and 1 scout. If any of them need to be adjusted on the fly, that's what spiritualism is for. Read my review for any particular talents. It's still perfectly relevant.
For Creation, you want to focus on creating things, rather than altering them. But otherwise, just taking this generically, so read my review on the sphere.

3 out of the 10 suggestions it gave were quite workable (as in... interesting, beyond, "Yeah that's handled by exactly one sphere, with no real need to think further on it." And 1/10 was the reincarnated deity... which would have just been a repeat build of the first idea)
Not a bad rate, given that it took the machine about 30 seconds to produce it all. Have to say.

Could definitely do with some more human ideas though.