View Full Version : dojo of the sublime way

master ranger
2007-12-15, 12:10 PM
hello this is the new dojo of the sublime way people you'll meet here sir willium the red sage and SIR BATTERLY CURSADER OF THOR!! sorry about him he's got a big ego

2007-12-20, 10:00 AM
(OOC: what does the dojo do?
Why would people (pcs) want to visit it?)

master ranger
2007-12-21, 03:26 PM
teaches the sublime way to anyone who wants to learn it.
plus you can pratist at anytime you want.

2007-12-21, 03:29 PM
((and the sublime way is... what exactly?))

master ranger
2007-12-22, 11:45 AM
the way that swordmen can rivel mages. use varies menuvers and stances

2007-12-22, 12:33 PM
((sword users can rival mages in a vast number of ways, what makes the "sublime way" stand out? seriously, you'll need these kind of details if you want it used))

master ranger
2007-12-23, 07:53 PM
well for one the white raven style give speatial menvurvers when working as a team, the sadow hand style uses the power of shadow or negitive enrgy to weaken you oppent and make you a harder target to hit, the tiger claw uses the primal furry of the animals to distory your oppent,i can't remember off the top of my what the rest do. i'll be back.
[edit] ok i've got the book of nine sword with me so here's the rest, the dessert wind uses speed and the heat of the dessert, the devoted spirit path uses the power of faith to crush your opponent, the diamond mind is a very power way if your intelliganes is high, the iron heart use the power skill pure skill, the stetting sun turn weakness into strength and folly into wisdom, the stone dragon uses the power of the earth to obilterat your opponent, and that it.