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Fax Celestis
2007-12-15, 02:48 PM
The Isle of Mōlia
A land ruled by hatred, fear, and a strange curse...

Island Overview
Inhabitants of the Isle of Mōlia
Treasure of Mōlia
Secrets of Mōlia
New Spells and the Curse Subschool

Fax Celestis
2007-12-15, 02:50 PM
Island Overview
Mōlia is an isolated theocratic island, long forgotten and unexplored due to sharp reefs, violent recurring storms, and thick fog banks that persist around the island. Rumors abound whether the reefs, storms, and fog are are the result of spellcasters keeping people away from the island, or if they are natural phenomena that happen to make an incredible natural fortress.


Mōlia is a volcanic island, and a such has a large dormant volcano dominating the center of its land. In ages past, the people of Mōlia worshipped the volcano as a deity, but with the coming of Kānāwai, the worship of the old gods fell into disrepair.

There are several dense patches of forest over the island, though these are predominantly found in the southern reaches. The northern side of the island suffers more wind and storm, and as a result is a but more sparsely vegetated. This is not to say that it is a barren wasteland: far from it. Rather, the northern side of the island is home to the hardier breeds of wild boar and to a majority of the tigers.

The southern reaches of the island are home to the villagers and their hunter/gatherer community. Farming is just beginning to become prevalent, though the villagers' lack of access to viable farming equipment and pack animals makes this a less-than-profitable option.

There are four villages on the southern side of the island, though the most populated sits at the very southern tip of the island. It is here that the main temple to Kānāwai resides and here that Konani establishes her rule.

Storms rage southwards nearly incessantly, drenching the northern parts of the island. Occasionally, an especially violent storm either goes around the island or makes it over the central mountain and ravages the villages and forests to the south.

Mōlia is often surrounded by thick fogs, and it is for this reason that the people on the island do not venture asea, even for near-shore fishing. The ocean is considered a malign, greedy force who steals pieces of the island for itself. Not surprisingly, this bit of faith is a holdover from the old religion that has not fallen out of common knowledge. The reason for its initial ensconcement in religious law, however, is long forgotten.

Flora and Fauna
Since the volcano's last eruption hundreds of years ago, the mountainside has overgrown with lush forest, which has beocme repopulated with a variety of small mammals. There are really only two predators on the island: the villagers, and the tigers.

As far as wild prey animals, there are a number of breeds of wild boar, a startling number of avians, and several different kinds of rodent. Other creatures, such as horses or cattle, either have never been brought to the island or were killed off during the last volcanic eruption.

Fax Celestis
2007-12-15, 02:54 PM
Inhabitants of Mōlia
In theory, the four small towns on the island of Mōlia are run by an eight-person council of members, but in fact Konani Mele (see below) runs the show.

The people of Mōlia have access to the wheel and basic farming techniques. Their highest and most recent development of technology is the loom, which is still an expensive and rare piece of equipment to have. Woven clothing is starting to come into vogue, beginning with the priest-caste and some of the more influential hunter-caste. Those who cannot afford such clothing, or those who do not wish to have it, wear simple clothing made of boarskin (for the farmer-caste) or tigerskin (for the hunter- and priest-castes).

The theocratic society set up worships a variety of deities with Kānāwai at their fore. However, unknown to the populace of the island, there are no deities that they worship that are not Kānāwai: he takes the forms of many deities and plays both ends against the middle, all in a gambit to gain power for himself.

Despite being religious, the people of Mōlia are a superstitious lot and place a lot of value on the luckiness of actions, omens, and portents. Hexers and soothsayers are members of the priest-caste and are accorded a modicum of respect for their ability to both predict and modify the future.

Inhabitants of the island fall into three distinct castes: farmers, hunters, and priests. Farmers are the lowliest members of society and are not given a voice in the council--not that the council does any ruling anyway. They are required to provide food and shelter for hunters and priests without question or reservation at any time. They also provide for the majority of the populace themselves and get very little in compensation.

Hunters track the island, hunting game to bring home to feast upon. Primary prey for the hunters are wild boar, though they also hunt waterfowl, fish, and other small game. Their primary weapons for these hunts are shortbows and a variety of claw-class weaponry (see the Treasure section). Hunters are also tasked with protecting their villages from predation, mostly in the way of large jungle tigers. Hunters have two seats on the eight-person council and are required to have their own home. They are also required to provide shelter and food to anyone of the priest caste without question at any time.

Priests maintain the four temples on the island, and all of them report to the High Priestess. Anyone who shows magical talents is brought before Konani Mele and blessed before being brought into the priesthood and formally trained.

Caste is marked by anklets that the people wear. Farmers anklets are brown, hunters wear red, and priests wear blue. Those proud of their caste occasionally adorn their anklet or work their color into their other clothing, but this is not necessary.

Classes in Mōlia
The people of Mōlia make no distinction between arcane and divine magics, instead choosing to see all magic as gifts from the divine. Most spellcasters in their society, then, multiclass between spellcasting classes, the most common of these being cleric and sorceror. The mystic theurge prestige class is also frequently used and represents a mastery over a greater breadth of magic than most; as such, those with levels in it are often ensconced in authoritative or honorific positions.

Hunters most frequently take levels in the Ranger, Monk, or Rogue classes, as heavy armors have not been yet developed by the Mōlians and they prefer to defeat their prey with a single, decisive strike from the shadows.

Those of the farmer-caste are most frequently members of the Expert class, with the more prominent and tactful entering the Exemplar prestige class.

Konani Mele, the High Priestess
LE Human Female Sorceror 8/Cleric 3/Mystic Theurge 8

Konani Mele ("Bright Song") is the High Priestess of Kānāwai, the God of Law and Justice, and as such is the de facto leader of the Isle of Mōlia.

Konani is present at a large number of events, regardless of their frequency or importance. This is partially due to her desire to be faithful to her god, and partially due to her nigh-obsessive desire for law to be strictly followed.

Konani uses her spells in what can be considered a questionably-moral way. Infants are brought to her to be blessed, but her "blessings" are actually masked castings of silver scimitar, set to trigger if the target ever murders anyone. For years this has been going on, and it has become something of a social legend that those who raise their hands against their fellows in anger are inexplicably struck dead or dying after the act. This has noticeably cut down upon murder and violence, but not to the point where it is completely eradicated.

Konani is also wary of any other spellcasters within the populace. Whenever a citizen starts showing magical inclinations, she marks them with a censure spell. She and any other clerics of Kānāwai--which make up 90% of the spellcasting population on the island--are able to see these marks nearly at will. Spellcasters that show further promise--those that meet 5th or 6th level--have a private meeting arranged with Konani where she lavishes them with food, drink, and occasionally vestal virgins before concluding the night with another "blessing"--this one is in fact the block advancement spell, which prevents other spellcasters from nearing her incredible magical powers. Despite knowing about conquer self and even possessing two scrolls of it, Konani does not possess the capability to either cast the spell or the desire to use it.

Konani also punishes severe violations of standing law with judicious applications of stone curse. The resultant statue is broken up and cast into the sea soon after, so that the criminal will be forgotten. Unbeknownst to most of the populace, not all of those stricken this way are criminals: some have merely found out about Konani's questionable tactics for keeping order or have attempted to journey off of the island--a crime punishable by death.

Fax Celestis
2007-12-15, 02:55 PM
Treasure of Mōlia
The Akualima
This small orb of black obsidian, created by a goddess of fire and trickery, allows a deity to channel their divine power through it, at any range and across planar boundaries. Despite being deity-crafted, there is only one in existence, and any attempt to copy it or its affects--even by other deities--has failed. The Akualima currently rests in a small cave created during the last volcanic eruption--and in truth, it's placement there was the cause of the volcano's violent detonation.

Kānāwai does not know of the orb's presence, otherwise he would possess it and bend it to his own ends.

Claw-Class Weaponry
All claw-class weapons share a few similar traits: they are difficult to disarm from their wielders, granting a +2 bonus to resist disarm checks (unless otherwise noted). They also are designed to be fought with in pairs (see the Claw Weapon Proficiency feat for details). Lastly, it is impossible to wield any claw-class weapon in two hands: they are designed for single-hand use and do not have much--if any--spare room on their grips.
{table=head]Light Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight | Type
Mānea | 10 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | 19-20/x2 | - | 1 lb. | Slashing
Bladed Cestus | 4 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | 19-20/x2 | - | 1 lb | Slashing/Bludgeoning
Blade Talons | 15 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | 20/x3 | - | 1 lb. | Slashing
Kuʻipāhoa| 12 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | 20/x3 | - | 1 lb. | Slashing/Piercing
Pu'u Pahi Kaua | 12 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | 18-20/x2 | - | 1 lb. | Slashing/Piercing[/table]

One-Handed Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight | Type
Greater Talons | 18 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | 19-20/x3 | - | 4 lbs. | Slashing
Kuʻipāhoaʻūpā | 20 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | 20/x4 | - | 2 lbs. | Slashing/Piercing

Blade Talons
Blade talons are held in the grip of one's hand, with the blades sticking out between the fingers. The three blades make entangling a foe's blade very easy, and so a wielder receives a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if such an attempt fails).

Bladed Cestus
The bladed cestus is held so that the blade is jutting downwards from the bottom of one's hand. It is very difficult to wrest from a foe's grasp and therefore a wielder of a bladed cestus receives a +4 bonus to resist disarm checks.

A mānea is a small dagger held out between the third and fourth fingers of one's fist. They are very small and easily concealable, and as such they provide a +4 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal one.

The kuʻipāhoa is a larger version of the mānea. The larger size, while making them able to deal more damage, does not bode well when trying to conceal one on one's person.

Pu'u Pahi Kaua
The pu'u pahi kaua is essentially a kuʻipāhoa with a split blade and a wrist-bind. This setup allows one to easily disarm or break the weapons of an opponent, and so the wielder of a pu'u pahi kaua receives a +2 bonus to disarm checks, and also for sunder checks made to sunder an opponent's weapon.

Greater Talons
Developed on the same principles as blade talons, these larger and heavier claws are endowed with wicked hooks on the tips of the blades. These hooks make latching onto an opponent easier. As a result, wielders of greater talons enjoy a +2 bonus on trip and disarm attempts.

A larger version of the kuʻipāhoa, these feature blades that are slightly farther apart. This provides greater damage possiblity for the wielder while still allowing for the advantages of the smaller version.

Claw Weapon Proficiency
Prerequisites: Proficiency with at least three martial melee weapons
Benefit: You are proficient with claw-class weaponry. Since claws are made to be wielded two at once, you reduce penalties for fighting with two weapons while fighting with them by 1. However, you take a -1 penalty to attack rolls whenever you attack with just one. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you may attack once with each claw as a standard action.
Normal: You take a -4 penalty when wielding a weapon with which you are not proficient.
Special: A fighter may select Claw Weapon Proficiency as a fighter bonus feat.

Tiger Fang Style
Prerequisites: Claw Weapon Proficiency, Monk Level 1
Benefit: You may use claw-class weapons as special monk weapons.
Normal: Claw-class weapons are regular weapons for you.
Special: A monk may select Claw Weapon Proficiency as their first or second level bonus feat.

Other Magical Items
Black Prism Ioun Stone: This crystalline stone always floats in the air and must be within 3 feet of its owner to be of any use. When a character first acquires a stone, she must hold it and then release it, whereupon it takes up a circling orbit 1d3 feet from her head. Thereafter, a stone must be grasped or netted to separate it from its owner. The owner may voluntarily seize and stow a stone (to keep it safe while she is sleeping, for example), but she loses the benefits of the stone during that time. Ioun stones have AC 24, 10 hit points, and hardness 5.

A black prism ioun stone provides +1 caster level to spells of the Curse subschool.

Moderate transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be 12th level; Price 20,000 gp.

Blightstone: A blightstone is a piece of pumice that has been magically augmented to radiate a blighted earth effect. A blightstone is activated by being buried in soil and watered, as if it were a seed or bulb. Once watered, it radiates a blighted earth effect, though it is limited to a 50' radius.

These stones are most commonly buried in crossroads or similar high-traffic areas to prevent growth of plants within them, though larger and more powerful versions have been used in martial fashion, to disrupt the supplies of the enemy.

Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, blighted earth; Price 1000 gp

Boartusk Ward: A boartusk ward is a pendant made of a boar's tooth, worn around the neck on a leather thong. The pendant absorbs spells of the Curse subschool of third or less level into itself, negating their effects on the wearer. A boartusk ward can absorb three levels of spells before turning black and nonmagical.

Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, remove curse; Price 250 gp

Fax Celestis
2007-12-15, 02:56 PM
Secrets of Mōlia
False God of Law and Justice
Lesser Deity
Alignment: LE
Portfolio: Order, Curses, Seclusion, Ocean
Domains: Law, Hex, Magic, Water

Kānāwai, despite being Lawful Evil and carrying many traits of being a deity of law, is actually a deity of subversion, exploitation, and bad luck. This is unknown even to his most devout followers.

Since Kānāwai makes his home in the ocean, those slain and cast into the ocean become part of his retinue, including those punished by Konani's magics and cast into the ocean. It is through this subtle means that Kānāwai is amassing himself an army of slain creatures. He plots to use these servants as a means towards disrupting trading routes from nearby islands and bring their business to Mōlia.

The Plague
Before Kānāwai's arrival to Mōlia, there wsa a widespread epidemic of mindfire (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#mindfire). The survivors of the plague became immune, but they also became carriers. Now virtually everything on the island that lives is a carrier for mindfire, and Kānāwai's plan to disrupt trade routes and bring stolen prosperity to Mōlia to the detriment of others has a secondary, sinister aspect: Mōlians journeying outwards will carry the plague with them, spreading the disease to the rest of the islands and potentially causing an epidemic. Kānāwai is aware of the plague and that the Mōlians carry it: he finds it to be a circumstancial boon to his already-dastardly plans.

The Storms and The Tigers
By all rights, the tigers should not be present in this tropical paradise--and in truth they never really were. The tigers of the island are not tigers in any but the most loose sense; rather, they are creations by the old gods of the island, used to keep faith in Kānāwai in check.

The storms are a similar influence: they are influenced by the gods of other islands to prevent the people of Mōlia from considering venturing asea. Despite this being Kānāwai's domain, external deities are capable of evincing their influence on the island through a small orb known as the Akualima (see the Treasure section), buried in the heart of the volcano.

Fax Celestis
2007-12-15, 02:57 PM
The Curse Subschool
Spells of the Curse subschool, unlike most spells, are permanent effects that cannot be dispelled through such means as dispel magic. Instead, they must be broken with remove curse, a specific reversal spell, or a similar means of overcoming the curse. Occasionally, spells of the Curse subschool have alternative means of removal, though these vary from case to case and are annotated in each spell's description.

Despite their permanent durations, some spells of the Curse subschool do not have immediate effect, instead requiring a specific set of circumstances to come about before the spell takes effect. Most spells have these set actions delineated in them specifically, but some more powerful curses allow the caster to set the required action at the time of casting.

The Curse Subschool and Existing Spells
The Curse subschool should be added to several existing spells as follows: Core spells:
arcane mark, baleful polymorph, bestow curse, binding, blindness/deafness, cause fear, contagion, doom, dominate animal, dominate monster, dominate person, energy drain, enervation, feeblemind, flesh to stone, geas/quest, geas, lesser, imprisonment, insanity, magic jar, mark of justice, rage, sequester, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, unholy blight.

Non-core spells:
To be added.

Spells of Mōlia
Hex Domain
Granted Power: Your caster level for spells of the Curse subschool increases by 1.
Bestow Curse
Stone Curse
Baleful Polymorph
Silver Scimitar
Flesh to Stone
Temporal Stasis
Block Advancement
Blighted Earth
Transmutation (Curse) [Death]
Level: Druid 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 0'
Area: 1 mile radius
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Upon completion of this spell, the area surrounding the caster becomes blighted and has difficulty providing nourishment to vegetation within the area. Crops and farmlands within the area wither and die over the next few days from this lack of nutrition.

This spell effectively makes it twice as difficult to successfully farm, hunt, or fish with the Profession skill, gather food with the Survival skill, or similar tasks. Halve the results of all checks for these skills (round down) while this spell is in effect. A skilled--or lucky--farmer or gatherer may still be able to harvest, but it will be far more difficult to bring in any sort of meaningful amount of food.

This spell can only be overcome by a plant growth spell followed immediately by a remove curse spell, or by limited wish, wish, or miracle spell.

Block Advancement
Enchantment (Curse)
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 8, Hex 9
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Permanent until dispelled
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

When a block advancement spell is successfully cast upon an individual, the character is instantly stripped of the ability to advance in levels of spellcasting ability until the recipient successfully survives the ordeal induced by a conquer self spell. This spell will only affect a spellcaster of no less than 5th level and no greater than 15th, and of an alignment within one step of the caster. Block advancement cannot be removed otherwise except through a wish or miracle spell.

The recipient of the spell is allowed a Will save, and the spell does not come into effect if the saving throw is successful because the spell was designed to stop the advancement of any spellcaster deemed not worthy of power until such time as he proved himself.

Once block advancement comes into effect, the recipient cannot learn any new spells (though spellcasters with spellbooks can still transcribe spells from scrolls), nor can any spells be cast of a level above the highest level that the spellcaster was able to use before being blocked. He or she may, however, gain more spells of the levels currently held. Thus, if cast upon a 5th level wizard, block advancement would prohibit the wizard from casting 4th level spells until the spell was removed—but would not prevent the attainment of additional 3rd-level spells. A block advancement spell does not prevent the target from gaining experience or levels while it remains in effect. Advancement in level occurs as it normally would. Thus, the net effect of the spell is only to limit a spellcaster to the current level of spellcasting ability. Once the spell is removed, the recipient immediately gains all of the normal spellcasting abilities appropriate to his or her level.

A creature that has already been the successful target of a block advancement spell and who has succeeded in the trial of ordeals presented by a conquer self spell cannot be the target of another casting: any such attempt fails.

Focus: A small jade statue of the recipient of the spell, upon which a feeblemind spell has been cast prior to the casting of block advancement, worth 5000 gp

Abjuration (Curse) [Law]
Level: Cleric 3, Hex 2
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

To enact this spell, the priest must touch a target creature with HD equal to or less than the caster's Caster Level with his or holy symbol. If a successful melee touch attack indicates that the priest has done so, the priest, by word and gesture, "casts out" the target of the spell. The target creature is allowed a Will save, and if it fails, the creature is marked by the spell. The mark is visible only to the casting cleric and those of the same faith. Other priests of the same alignment who worship other deities instinctively react with fear, hatred, and aversion to a censured creature, and do neither trust nor willingly aid it.

Those faithful to the same deity able to see the mark refuse to aid or even approach the creature, and ignore it if it attempts to deal with them, or drive it away if it tries to enter a building, home, or even a territory controlled by one who can see the mark. The mark is invisible to the one bearing it, who may not even know of its existence if it was bestowed in a battle or while the victim was asleep or unconscious, and shines clearly through clothing or disguises.

Worshippers can thus readily spy upon and follow those marked as enemies, even in crowds or busy city streets. It will be revealed to others by detect magic, and can be removed by break enchantment. Clerics are warned that misuse of such a spell brings about divine misfavor.

Conquer Self
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One creature under the effects of a block advancement spell
Duration: 6 hours
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No

Upon the completion of this spell, the recipient of a block advancement spell begins a great personal ordeal which either results in death or in the removal of the block advancement spell and the gaining of an experience-point bonus--if the target is deemed worthy of the conquer self spell. The spell is useless for any other purpose.

Once cast, the recipient undergoes a six-hour ordeal during which he is rendered helpless by wrenching pains and powerful hallucinatory visions—hence the recipient is usually placed in a special area where he is relatively safe from attack. The outcome of the ordeal is dependent upon the actions of the recipient since he received the block advancement spell. Although the recipient is automatically affected by this spell if he meets the previous requirements, the final outcome of the spell is dependent upon a successful Will saving throw. This saving throw roll is modified by several conditions, most of which are dependent on the actions and performance of the recipient. No form of magic affects this saving throw, and all other saving throw modifiers from which the target would normally benefit—besides the bonuses gained from a high ability score and from class levels—are ineffective.

The modifiers apply only from the time of the application of the block advancement spell. They are as follows:

{table=head]Condition | Modifier
Per 10,000 XP gained | +1
Perfect alignment performance | +3
Average alignment performance | +1
Poor alignment performance | -1
Every successful major quest performed | +4
Each point of Intelligence or Charisma above 12 | +1
Evaluation of recipient by caster of conquer self spell based on ability, ambition, heroism, etc. | -3 to +3[/table]

If the recipient's save fails, he dies, and all efforts to raise him short of a miracle are fruitless. If the recipient's save is successful, the effects end after 6 hours. At this time, spellcasting abilities appropriate to the present level are regained and a 10% experience point bonus awarded for all experience earned since block advancement was cast upon the character.

Material component: The jade statue used in the block advancement spell, which shatters at the end of the 6 hours.

Mark of Fury
Transmutation (Curse) [Chaos]
Level: Cleric 3, Druid 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

By scribing a sigil on the target and imbuing it with magical energy, the spellcaster can force the target into performing actions in line with his alignment. When the mark is upon the target, any actions that do not coincide with the alignment of the caster automatically cause the target to fly into a wild fury. The target gains +4 to Strength and Constitution, gains a +2 bonus to Will saves, and takes a -2 penalty to AC. This fury lasts for a number of rounds equal to the spellcaster's Charisma modifier plus the target's improved Constitution modifier. At the end of this duration, the target becomes exhausted.

Each round the target is under the fury, it receives a Will save. A successful save will stave off the effects of the fury for one round, but causes the target to instead be sickened for one round.

Silver Scimitar
Evocation (Curse) [Force]
Level: Sorceror/Wizard 6, Hex 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25' + 5'/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: Permanent until activated
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell brings into being a shimmering, scimitar-shaped blade of force. This scimitar appears in the air directly above a target creature, hanging point downwards some 2 feet above the head of the target creature. Invisible to all but the caster and those employing detect magic, the scimitar has no physical existence, and cannot be attacked, magically repulsed, dispelled, or left behind by teleportation or travel to other planes.

It will fall (upon the target creature only, regardless of physical or magical barriers) upon the fulfillment of a single condition set verbally during casting of the scimitar, doing 1d10 points of damage per caster level. The unwitting target creature is allowed a Will saving throw at this time, and if successful, the scimitar dissipates harmlessly into nothingness, and the spell is wasted. Otherwise, it plummets downwards at the end of the next round, vanishing upon contact with the target's body and dealing its damage. This causes the target to collapse in a convulsion of wracking pain that momentarily affects movement, speech, spellcasting, and even posture--victims of a scimitar often fall, writhing, to the ground. This pain, should the target survive, causes the target to be dazed for 1d4 rounds.

Typical conditions include the target creature uttering a certain name or word, commencing spellcasting, drawing a weapon, or going to sleep. The condition cannot be tied to a specific time or location, and in some cases many years have passed between the casting of a scimitar and its strike.

A limited wish or similar powerful magic can destroy the scimitar--unless, of course, the casting of such a magic is the condition which will cause the scimitar to fall.

Material component: a miniature scimitar carved of diamond or clear sapphire of at least 3000 gp.

Stone Curse
Transmutation (Curse) [Earth]
Level: Druid 5, Hex 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25' + 5'/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial or negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell causes the target to slowly become a lifeless, stone statue. Upon the initial casting of this spell, the target must make a Fortitude save. A successful save prevents the rest of this spell's effects. On a failed initial save, the spell has continuing effects as follows:

At the beginning of each of the afflicted creature's turns, the target must make a Fortitude save or it is dealt 1d4 Dexterity damage and receives a cumulative -5' penalty to all forms of movement. Flight speeds are reduced one mobility category with each penalty as well, and flight becomes impossible if the target's mobility category becomes worse than Clumsy.

Should this Dexterity damage reduce the target's Dexterity to 0, the afflicted creature immediately turns into a lifeless, inert stone statue, as if affected by the flesh to stone spell.

Material component: a shard of granite.

Fax Celestis
2007-12-17, 04:18 PM
Okay! Pretty much done. I may add in some more items and spells, but the meat 'n potatoes of the entry is essentially complete. I'm pondering drawing up a sheet (or at least a stat block) for Konani, but I don't know if it's exactly necessary.

Questions? Comments?

Illiterate Scribe
2007-12-19, 10:20 AM
This is an excellent idea for a place - I like the way that you've captured the feel of a culture at a different level of technological and social advancement.

One or two things, though - they're just because I'm curious, really - did the M?lians get to the island, and then build up their culture, or was it the other way round? Did they bring animals with them, or are all of the animals indigenous?

Fax Celestis
2007-12-19, 12:02 PM
The animals--except the tigers--were brought over with the original immigration of the Mōlians ancestors. Plants probably arrived with sea-borne seeds or carried by far-venturing aviary. After the volcano and the plague, though, most of the knowledge concerning the Mōlians ancestry and the reasoning behind what was brought over was lost. That's the problem with oral traditions: people die.