View Full Version : Recruiting The Shackles [PF2e Remaster]

2024-03-28, 10:59 AM
Shackles: Become a legend by diving to the depths of the sea! The treacherous waters of the Shackles house countless treasures, and among the islands and ports lie some of the most brazen challenges a Firebrand can attempt. Sail in the Shackles and gain a mark! Recommended for fearless Firebrands pursuing survey missions.

The campaign takes place in the Shackles, as you are part of the Firebrand, a rebellious organization known for its members daredevil acts and their works fighting oppression. It uses the remaster version of 2e and you can read more about the errata and changes online on paizo website. You start in Port Peril.

If you have a question, ask me.

System: Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster
Player Count: Four or Five
Style of Play: Action and Revolutionary
Allowed Content: Anything available on AoN but note the changes for the Remaster when applicable double check on the Paizo site. As usual ask for rarity stuff.

Character Creation: Mythweavers or anything you can use to present a good character sheet
Backstory: You are a firebrand, coming or local to the Shackles, tell me your story , why did you become a firebrand first mark?
Experience: Level 1
Wealth: 15gp
Ability Scores: As standard
Hitpoints/Health: As standard
Other Notes: Free Archetype and Gradual Ability Boosts variant rules are in effect.
If a character option has been reprinted with the same name, use the new version as if it were errata. Some options have changed names like magic missile is force barrage now.

Infernally Clay
2024-03-28, 11:59 AM
I'm definitely interested. I have to admit the concept is making me want to create a character that's a cross between Brook from One Piece and Barbossa from Pirates of the Carribbean, a skeleton bard with Swashbuckler as the free archetype.

The idea of a pile of skeletons waking up one day and inspiring allies and supporting them while trying to find out more about who they were when they were alive and why they aren't dead yet (this is probably due to some cursed treasure of somekind)... that's pretty dang unique and fun.

Skeleton is a rare heritage, though, so it's up to you.

2024-03-28, 12:22 PM
I'm definitely interested. I have to admit the concept is making me want to create a character that's a cross between Brook from One Piece and Barbossa from Pirates of the Carribbean, a skeleton bard with Swashbuckler as the free archetype.

The idea of a pile of skeletons waking up one day and inspiring allies and supporting them while trying to find out more about who they were when they were alive and why they aren't dead yet (this is probably due to some cursed treasure of somekind)... that's pretty dang unique and fun.

Skeleton is a rare heritage, though, so it's up to you.

The concept is fine just a few things to keep in mind:
-There might not be a lot of support in the party for all the other quirks (like negative healing and treat wounds), so take this into consideration when making your character.
-There are undead worshipers of Besmara around but beside that, the Shackles isn't exactly undead friendly but hanging out with adventurers will at least have people not panic too much.

If you are okay with the elements above, then sure go ahead.

2024-03-28, 01:21 PM
my ideas are necromancer, gunslinger, demolitionist, or inventor.

Infernally Clay
2024-03-28, 02:33 PM
The concept is fine just a few things to keep in mind:
-There might not be a lot of support in the party for all the other quirks (like negative healing and treat wounds), so take this into consideration when making your character.
-There are undead worshipers of Besmara around but beside that, the Shackles isn't exactly undead friendly but hanging out with adventurers will at least have people not panic too much.

If you are okay with the elements above, then sure go ahead.

As cool as a skeleton bard would be, I wouldn't want to make a character that would be inconvenient so I'll make an Orc Barbarian instead. A solid frontline damage dealer, simple but effective. Probably a Rainfall Orc for the bonus to swim, given the campaign in question.

2024-03-28, 03:12 PM
my ideas are necromancer, gunslinger, demolitionist, or inventor.

-Necromancy and all classic arcane schools of magic are not a thing anymore, so something to keep in mind. It's still possible to build a necromancer but just saying there is no necromancy school anymore.
-Firearms are relatively popular in the Shackles, so the gunslinger would feel right at home.
-The Shackles is on clockwork technology land trade routes, so some opportunity for ingenious inventor.

As cool as a skeleton bard would be, I wouldn't want to make a character that would be inconvenient so I'll make an Orc Barbarian instead. A solid frontline damage dealer, simple but effective. Probably a Rainfall Orc for the bonus to swim, given the campaign in question.

Sounds better, Book of the Dead has some cool options, its just that it need the right kind of game/setup to work well.

Zero Prime
2024-03-28, 03:49 PM
Kephrin Seti, Firebrand Abolitionist
AC: 15 (17) | HP: 20 | Current: 20 | Hero Points: 1
Fortitude: +9 | Reflex: +6 | Will: +4 | Perception: +4
Active Effects: Kinetic Aura (Fire)
Conditions: None.
Kephren Seti cuts a striking figure, standing tall with a lanky frame that belies the strength and resilience hidden beneath his sun-kissed Garundi skin. His unruly, tightly curled hair frames a face marked by piercing brown eyes that seem to hold the intensity of a smoldering flame. Despite the remnants of his past etched into his narrow shoulders—thin lashes from a cruel master—he carries himself with a quiet dignity, his movements fluid yet purposeful. Brass and copper bracers adorn his wrists, concealing the scars of his enslavement, while medallions and fetishes hang from sashes and belts that drape loosely over his baggy pants, each trinket a testament to his journey from bondage to freedom. A wide, white cloak billows around him, stained with ash and soot, swirling with the elemental energies he wields as a Kineticist, marking him as both a guardian of the oppressed and a force to be reckoned with.

In his gaze burns the fervor of a man driven by a divine mission, his charisma evident in the way his eyes seem to flare with inner fire when he speaks of justice and liberation. Despite the weight of his past, there's a warmth to his presence, a sense of compassion and empathy that draws others to his cause. His strength lies not only in his physical prowess, but in the strength of his conviction and the bonds he forms with those who share his vision of a world free from chains and oppression. As he moves, ash and cinders dance around him, a testament to the primal power he commands, a reminder of the flames that once threatened to consume him but now serve as a beacon of hope to all who dare to dream of freedom.
In the sun-baked sands of Osirion, Kephren Seti was born into a small village nestled along the banks of the great river. His childhood was marked by the harsh realities of life under the yoke of an Osirion pharaoh—a ruler whose thirst for power knew no bounds. From an early age, Kephren witnessed the injustices of slavery, as his people toiled under the scorching sun, their spirits broken by the weight of their chains.

Raised by loving parents who themselves were ensnared in the cruel embrace of bondage, Kephren learned the value of resilience and the strength of the human spirit. His mother and father, their bodies bearing the scars of their servitude, instilled in him a fierce determination to defy their oppressors, to rise above their station, and to reclaim the freedom that had been stolen from them.

Tragedy struck when Kephren's parents perished under the pharaoh's lash, their bodies still bound by the cruel collars of their enslavement. In their final moments, they imparted to him a legacy of courage and defiance, urging him to never surrender to despair, to never forget the fire that burned within his soul.

It was on the darkest night of Kephren's despair, as he stood amidst the ruins of his village, that the sun itself seemed to reach out to him, its golden rays piercing the veil of darkness that shrouded his world. In that moment of revelation, Kephren felt a surge of power unlike anything he had ever known—the elemental gate within him flung wide open, connecting him to the primal forces of fire that roared at the heart of the universe.

With newfound purpose and strength, Kephren rallied his fellow villagers, leading them in a daring escape from their oppressors' grasp. Through cunning and courage, they evaded their pursuers, slipping like shadows through the desert sands until they reached the safety of distant lands. And though the scars of their past remained etched upon their bodies and souls, they carried with them the flame of hope—a beacon of defiance that burned bright against the darkness of tyranny.

The journey from Osirion to the Shackles would have been a perilous and arduous one, spanning vast distances across land and sea. While it's technically possible to travel overland from Osirion to the coast, the logistics and dangers involved would make it a daunting prospect, especially for a group of escaped slaves. Instead, the most feasible route would likely involve traversing the Great Inner Sea by boat.

For Kephren and his fellow villagers, securing passage aboard a ship bound for the Shackles would have been no small feat. Without resources or connections, they would have faced significant challenges in finding a captain willing to transport them across the sea. However, as you suggested, fate may have intervened in the form of a Firebrand captain sympathetic to their cause.

Encountering a Firebrand captain willing to offer them passage to Port Peril would have been a stroke of luck and a turning point in Kephren's journey. The Firebrands, known for their defiance of authority and commitment to freedom, may have seen kindred spirits in Kephren and his companions, recognizing their shared desire to challenge oppression and forge their own destiny.

In exchange for their passage, Kephren and his fellow villagers may have offered their skills and labor to the Firebrand crew, mending nets, repairing sails, and performing other tasks aboard the ship. This arrangement would not only have helped pay for their passage but also allowed them to earn their keep and contribute to the community of Port Peril upon their arrival.
Embrace the Flame: Honor the fiery spirit within you by using your powers to protect the oppressed and bring justice to the cruel.
Stand for Freedom: Never turn your back on those in need of liberation, and always finish what you start in the pursuit of freedom.
Defend the Innocent: Shield the innocent from harm and ensure that those who prey upon them face the consequences of their actions.
Cultivate Pride: Take pride in your heritage and your journey, and let it fuel your resolve to carve a path of liberation for yourself and others.

Breaking Promises: Never betray your word or abandon your commitments, for to do so is to betray the trust of those who rely on you.
Inflicting Cruelty: Refrain from causing harm or suffering to the innocent, for your powers are meant to be a force for protection and justice.
Prejudice and Bias: Reject any notions of superiority or disdain based on someone's homeland or origins, for all deserve respect and dignity.
Abandoning the Cause: Do not forsake the fight for freedom and justice, for to do so is to betray the sacrifices of those who came before you and those who depend on you for hope and liberation.

Still a work in progress, but I thought I would try a change from Barbarians, Champions and Fighters ... going with a Kineticist this time. I will get the mechanics and the details sorted out later today, or tomorrow at some point.

2024-03-28, 08:19 PM
Kephrin Seti, Firebrand Abolitionist
AC: 15 (17) | HP: 20 | Current: 20 | Hero Points: 1
Fortitude: +9 | Reflex: +6 | Will: +4 | Perception: +4
Active Effects: Kinetic Aura (Fire)
Conditions: None.
Kephren Seti cuts a striking figure, standing tall with a lanky frame that belies the strength and resilience hidden beneath his sun-kissed Garundi skin. His unruly, tightly curled hair frames a face marked by piercing brown eyes that seem to hold the intensity of a smoldering flame. Despite the remnants of his past etched into his narrow shoulders—thin lashes from a cruel master—he carries himself with a quiet dignity, his movements fluid yet purposeful. Brass and copper bracers adorn his wrists, concealing the scars of his enslavement, while medallions and fetishes hang from sashes and belts that drape loosely over his baggy pants, each trinket a testament to his journey from bondage to freedom. A wide, white cloak billows around him, stained with ash and soot, swirling with the elemental energies he wields as a Kineticist, marking him as both a guardian of the oppressed and a force to be reckoned with.

In his gaze burns the fervor of a man driven by a divine mission, his charisma evident in the way his eyes seem to flare with inner fire when he speaks of justice and liberation. Despite the weight of his past, there's a warmth to his presence, a sense of compassion and empathy that draws others to his cause. His strength lies not only in his physical prowess, but in the strength of his conviction and the bonds he forms with those who share his vision of a world free from chains and oppression. As he moves, ash and cinders dance around him, a testament to the primal power he commands, a reminder of the flames that once threatened to consume him but now serve as a beacon of hope to all who dare to dream of freedom.
Work in Progress ...
Work in Progress ...

Still a work in progress, but I thought I would try a change from Barbarians, Champions and Fighters ... going with a Kineticist this time. I will get the mechanics and the details sorted out later today, or tomorrow at some point.

Kineticist are nice and thread opened today, so got time.

2024-03-29, 09:44 PM
Would you be ok with a PF2e newbie? I've played the beginner adventure, but not more. Looking to see how the game is with someone more experienced at the head.

2024-03-30, 02:17 AM
Would you be ok with a PF2e newbie? I've played the beginner adventure, but not more. Looking to see how the game is with someone more experienced at the head.

Newbies are ok of course and the remaster edition is a good time to jump in.
I would recommend so you don't get too confused for now to stick to the following, since those options have been remastered: (other options technically have a remastered edit/option on Paizo website but it might get confusing for a beginner reading the errata for the remaster)

for Ancestries: Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Human, Leshy, Orc and Versatile heritages (Changeling, Nephilim and Mixed Ancestry like Aivaurin or Dromaars or even a custom one all combos valid)
for classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Witch and Wizard, (Kineticist is compatible with the Remaster edition but one player is already applying for it)

Don't worry about the Free archetype for now, as it will be relevant next level. Player Core 2 will cover more classes but it won't be out until this summer.

The isles of the Shackles are essentially pirates zone, there are many different cultures there.

The Firebrands
Not all factions have central bases of operation or organized hierarchies of command. The loosely affiliated freedom fighters, swashbuckling heroes, and
entertainers known as the Firebrands are one such group. They are united by a desire to fight oppression, oppose tyrannical regimes, rescue the wrongfully accused, and engage in jolly cooperation with like-minded heroes—all while building their own individual reputations and wealth. This group of defenders has proven surprisingly difficult for oppressive governments and cruel religions to defeat.

Regional Language:
For regional language that you have access to, Mwangi beside common (Taldane) is the most spoken language if you are a local of the Shackles.

About Alignments:
The remaster edition has removed alignments just something to keep in mind.

Infernally Clay
2024-03-30, 06:52 AM
Well I'm getting there with that Orc. Here is what I have so far (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2892384).

I can't imagine it'll come up in the campaign but it doesn't really need to since it's just backstory to justify the Barbarian instinct I chose, but a white dragon attacked the fishing village my character grew up in and killed everyone except them. For reasons beyond their understanding, the white dragon let them live and forced upon them a small measure of its power but it only ever manifests during moments of great anger. It's almost as if the white dragon wants them to lose themselves to their rage.

Can I be cheeky and ask if you can add the gradual boost rules? Normally I wouldn't ask but I was considering the Fighter for the free archetype at 2nd level but I'd need 14 dexterity and only have 12 currently.

2024-03-30, 08:34 AM
I can't imagine it'll come up in the campaign but it doesn't really need to since it's just backstory to justify the Barbarian instinct I chose, but a white dragon attacked the fishing village my character grew up in and killed everyone except them. For reasons beyond their understanding, the white dragon let them live and forced upon them a small measure of its power but it only ever manifests during moments of great anger. It's almost as if the white dragon wants them to lose themselves to their rage.

Can I be cheeky and ask if you can add the gradual boost rules? Normally I wouldn't ask but I was considering the Fighter for the free archetype at 2nd level but I'd need 14 dexterity and only have 12 currently.

The White Dragon is unlikely to come up but there is a trio of isles in the Shackles ruled by a dragon for a potential storyhook.

Gradual Ability Boosts, sure why not, will add to the first post.

Zero Prime
2024-03-30, 08:44 AM
I love Gradual ability boost, it gives a real sense of progression when leveling up is slow (given the nature of PbP), so good call there!

Which format would you prefer our builds? Pathbuilder, or a Mythweaver sheet? I prefer the Builder since it allows you to see feats easier, but whichever you prefer.

2024-03-30, 09:24 AM
I love Gradual ability boost, it gives a real sense of progression when leveling up is slow (given the nature of PbP), so good call there!

Which format would you prefer our builds? Pathbuilder, or a Mythweaver sheet? I prefer the Builder since it allows you to see feats easier, but whichever you prefer.

I don't have a huge preference to be honest, pathbuilder is fine. It seems like mythweaver sheet are what most people used here but personally, doesn't matter to me.

2024-03-30, 01:47 PM
A few questions from character creation:

I've got two versions of the same character, since you recommended certain classes. One a ranger, the other a ranged Magus I had mostly built before for a game that I didn't get in. I did search for errata and couldn't find it though, but hit the "convert to remaster" button on Pathbuilder. Understand if Magus is disallowed anyway.
Was looking at Elf and its heritages. How does "Ancient Elf" interact with the free archetype at level 2? If it's better not used, would you be ok with the Sylph heritage?
For backgrounds, should we only be picking from "General," or are "Regional" and "Campaign" backgrounds allowed?

2024-03-30, 08:27 PM
A few questions from character creation:

I've got two versions of the same character, since you recommended certain classes. One a ranger, the other a ranged Magus I had mostly built before for a game that I didn't get in. I did search for errata and couldn't find it though, but hit the "convert to remaster" button on Pathbuilder. Understand if Magus is disallowed anyway.
Was looking at Elf and its heritages. How does "Ancient Elf" interact with the free archetype at level 2? If it's better not used, would you be ok with the Sylph heritage?
For backgrounds, should we only be picking from "General," or are "Regional" and "Campaign" backgrounds allowed?

Most of the game is the same about 98% or so, its just there are some differences that I think would be confusing if you don't know what you are looking for:

-Focus has been changed (its a change all across the board for every classes with focus), now ignore anything that gives a focus spell and tell you how many points you get, now you have a maximum number of focus points equal to the number of focus spells that you know or 3 whichever is lower, only counting focus spells that require focus points to cast.
-Refocus action is less limited and you can refocus multiple times to regain up to your pool's maximum. Each class specifies which deeds are necessary for Refocus.
-Cantrips and spells got changed, usually recommend to check the remaster arcane list and the remaster faq errata for secrets of magic on the Paizo website.
-the classic spell schools have been removed so something to keep in mind but the Paizo Remaster FAQ briefly mention the changes.

-For the Ancient Elf, there is no official ruling but I tend to go with Rules Lawyer houserule, you get the Free Archetype and a bonus class feat at level 2.

-for Backgrounds, general are fine, legacy don't believe anybody want one, regional backgrounds are fine. For AP/campaign backgrounds, very unlikely any of them fit and they tend to be focused on the AP so don't believe any of them is relevant for the Shackles. If you are interested in a rare background simply consult with me and the few uncommon backgrounds in general just require access in some way.

2024-03-31, 06:18 PM
Before I continue, does this have "legs" aka would it work decently well?

Halfling "scholar" bard (https://i.imgur.com/aCBk8jn.png)

If I wanted some adventurer type that supported but had a few arcane spells for damage and control, as well as basic "rogue" type stuff (traps, scouting), would that be it?

I feel Dex should be a bit higher for that utility, but spell attack and DC seems important, though I feel I can get spells that largely ignore my Charisma bonus.

2024-03-31, 07:28 PM
Before I continue, does this have "legs" aka would it work decently well?

Halfling "scholar" bard (https://i.imgur.com/aCBk8jn.png)

If I wanted some adventurer type that supported but had a few arcane spells for damage and control, as well as basic "rogue" type stuff (traps, scouting), would that be it?

I feel Dex should be a bit higher for that utility, but spell attack and DC seems important, though I feel I can get spells that largely ignore my Charisma bonus.

It can work.

You should consider also by level 2, you will be able to pick a free archetype so worth checking if you qualify for the archetype you want to take (which might requires a higher attribute depending on your choice)

2024-04-01, 08:50 PM
Hello! I have a vision to share that requires approval.
A Sprite Swashbuckler called to the open ocean chasing freedom. In combat they would be darting in and out of opponents squares parrying blows and shouting insults. Archetype could be bard, or maybe a cleric of Cayden Calean. Will try to drink the party under the table.

2024-04-01, 09:39 PM
Hello! I have a vision to share that requires approval.
A Sprite Swashbuckler called to the open ocean chasing freedom. In combat they would be darting in and out of opponents squares parrying blows and shouting insults. Archetype could be bard, or maybe a cleric of Cayden Calean. Will try to drink the party under the table.

Yeah why not, a Sprite Swashbuckler kind of curious to see it.

2024-04-03, 04:46 PM
If you're still taking applicants, I'd love to have a chance to join. I have a few questions about the game though. You mention that the game will include under the sea stuff a few times. Do we, as players, need to be building our characters with some way to overcome breathing underwater and having a swim speed, or will there be story-related access to those necessities? I only ask because constantly having to do endurance checks to hold breath and athletics to just tread water will be a big slow-down, so I wanted to know if I need to build around that, or if it will be dealt with in-story, or if it was just flavor text and underwater exploration and combat is going to be less prevalent than implied?

Either way I would love to join, I just want to make sure I'm not building a character that ends up dead in the water.

Also, would you allow any homebrew/playtest content (with discussion of course!) in this game? I have a few that I'd be interested in maybe working into the game based on party needs, and I just wanted to know if there was any tolerance for that at all? If not, I can make due, I just have been wanting to playtest my homebrews for a while now.

Hope to hear back soon!

Edit: I figured I may as well post the specific Homebrew things I'm wanting to playtest. I would like to play a Skald (https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/O22bmjBRyV5V) Barbarian who takes the Battle Dancer (https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/_TCDxZ_RkYnl) archetype. They would be a performance-based battle-dancing song-singing encouraging melee bruiser freedom fighter! I haven't narrowed down the ancestry yet, but that's the basic idea. I would also consider doing a regular Bard Battle Dancer, but I envision this character as not having magic, so I'd really prefer them to be the Skald Barbarian Instinct instead if you're ok with that.

Also, some information about me as a player, I pretty much always check the forums Monday-Friday between 3-11 p.m. CST and can make several posts each day during that window. Outside of that window and on weekends, I am a bit less active on the forums, but I have forum notifications set to my phone, so whenever something is posted I can reply quickly assuming I'm awake. I'll do my best not to slow things down, and I'd be glad to help out with anything you might need me to do!

2024-04-03, 09:08 PM
Trying to learn PF2 so am kicking around an idea a remastered Witch, perhaps the estranged daughter of a Free Captain looking to make her own name.

Initial thought was a Resentment or Mosquito Witch debuffer with a chip on her shoulder, but both seem a bit too sour for freedom-loving Firebrands, so maybe Spinner of Threads with Fortune Teller background.

2024-04-03, 09:38 PM
As cool as a skeleton bard would be, I wouldn't want to make a character that would be inconvenient so I'll make an Orc Barbarian instead. A solid frontline damage dealer, simple but effective. Probably a Rainfall Orc for the bonus to swim, given the campaign in question.

With the other person potentially wanting to do a necromancy focused character, they'd likely have ways to heal you as the bard, so might be worth looking into still! Plus, there's ways you can heal yourself as well.

2024-04-03, 11:14 PM
If you're still taking applicants, I'd love to have a chance to join. I have a few questions about the game though. You mention that the game will include under the sea stuff a few times. Do we, as players, need to be building our characters with some way to overcome breathing underwater and having a swim speed, or will there be story-related access to those necessities? I only ask because constantly having to do endurance checks to hold breath and athletics to just tread water will be a big slow-down, so I wanted to know if I need to build around that, or if it will be dealt with in-story, or if it was just flavor text and underwater exploration and combat is going to be less prevalent than implied?

Either way I would love to join, I just want to make sure I'm not building a character that ends up dead in the water.

Also, would you allow any homebrew/playtest content (with discussion of course!) in this game? I have a few that I'd be interested in maybe working into the game based on party needs, and I just wanted to know if there was any tolerance for that at all? If not, I can make due, I just have been wanting to playtest my homebrews for a while now.

Hope to hear back soon!

Edit: I figured I may as well post the specific Homebrew things I'm wanting to playtest. I would like to play a Skald (https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/O22bmjBRyV5V) Barbarian who takes the Battle Dancer (https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/_TCDxZ_RkYnl) archetype. They would be a performance-based battle-dancing song-singing encouraging melee bruiser freedom fighter! I haven't narrowed down the ancestry yet, but that's the basic idea. I would also consider doing a regular Bard Battle Dancer, but I envision this character as not having magic, so I'd really prefer them to be the Skald Barbarian Instinct instead if you're ok with that.

Also, some information about me as a player, I pretty much always check the forums Monday-Friday between 3-11 p.m. CST and can make several posts each day during that window. Outside of that window and on weekends, I am a bit less active on the forums, but I have forum notifications set to my phone, so whenever something is posted I can reply quickly assuming I'm awake. I'll do my best not to slow things down, and I'd be glad to help out with anything you might need me to do!

Still taking applicants
Underwater in general would be relevant tools/aids to help with that when relevant.
As for homebrew, in general no but if someone wanted to play a class from War of the Immortals playtest is fine.

Trying to learn PF2 so am kicking around an idea a remastered Witch, perhaps the estranged daughter of a Free Captain looking to make her own name.

Initial thought was a Resentment or Mosquito Witch debuffer with a chip on her shoulder, but both seem a bit too sour for freedom-loving Firebrands, so maybe Spinner of Threads with Fortune Teller background.

They are freedom loving but there are all kinds of people in the firebrand.

2024-04-04, 05:48 AM
Still taking applicants
As for homebrew, in general no but if someone wanted to play a class from War of the Immortals playtest is fine.

Would you be willing to let me test out the Skald Battle Dancer, and if it proves to be obtrusive, I can swap to something fully published? I just think the idea of a Firebrand Follower background character telling the stories of the people they want to be like, then growing into being one and performing their tales in and out of combat would be really fun. And, if it ends up being an issue for balancing, I have no issues retuning it, or just swapping. I would just like the chance to try it out first if you'd allow it.

To clarify it a bit, the Skald Barbarian is pretty much just a barbarian with access to select bard composition spells that replace some of the effects of the barbarian's rage. So, instead of the barbarian getting a lot of bonus damage, the group gets a smaller bonus to damage for example. And, for the Battle Dancer, it pretty much ends up granting 2 things by level 4. First, you can make attack rolls with one weapon group using Performance instead of your melee weapon proficiency (you still have to be proficient though), but you still use strength for damage (similar to finesse, but using charisma instead of dexterity to attack rolls), and then at level 4 they get a 2-action activity to move across the battlefield and make a single attack, dealing minor damage in an aoe as they twirl around.

Overall though, both of the homebrews are built around existing things in pf2e, just repackaged to work outside of their normal housing (bard+barbarian normally is impossible since spells+rage don't work, so I made compositions have the rage trait).

Edit: We're starting at level one, but using the Free Archetype rules. Are we getting access to the archetypes at level 1, or still at the normal level 2 for free archetypes? Just want to clarify.

Edit 2: Here's a link to the current build of the character. (https://pathbuilder2e.com/launch.html?build=714784) Short backstory is in the details tab. The instinct and level 1 class feat are empty because they would be the skald instinct and a bard feat from the instinct. I built them out to level 4, level 2 dedication and level 4 archetype are empty as well, but would be the battle dancer and then the Twirling Advance feat from it.

2024-04-04, 06:29 AM
Had been thinking of going a tengu, with the produce flame feat, but there isn't any primal casting class that seems to be all that good. Most of the more on theme ones do things just like the tengu ancestry does.

2024-04-05, 02:43 PM
Would you be willing to let me test out the Skald Battle Dancer, and if it proves to be obtrusive, I can swap to something fully published? I just think the idea of a Firebrand Follower background character telling the stories of the people they want to be like, then growing into being one and performing their tales in and out of combat would be really fun. And, if it ends up being an issue for balancing, I have no issues retuning it, or just swapping. I would just like the chance to try it out first if you'd allow it.

To clarify it a bit, the Skald Barbarian is pretty much just a barbarian with access to select bard composition spells that replace some of the effects of the barbarian's rage. So, instead of the barbarian getting a lot of bonus damage, the group gets a smaller bonus to damage for example. And, for the Battle Dancer, it pretty much ends up granting 2 things by level 4. First, you can make attack rolls with one weapon group using Performance instead of your melee weapon proficiency (you still have to be proficient though), but you still use strength for damage (similar to finesse, but using charisma instead of dexterity to attack rolls), and then at level 4 they get a 2-action activity to move across the battlefield and make a single attack, dealing minor damage in an aoe as they twirl around.

Overall though, both of the homebrews are built around existing things in pf2e, just repackaged to work outside of their normal housing (bard+barbarian normally is impossible since spells+rage don't work, so I made compositions have the rage trait).

Edit: We're starting at level one, but using the Free Archetype rules. Are we getting access to the archetypes at level 1, or still at the normal level 2 for free archetypes? Just want to clarify.

Edit 2: Here's a link to the current build of the character. (https://pathbuilder2e.com/launch.html?build=714784) Short backstory is in the details tab. The instinct and level 1 class feat are empty because they would be the skald instinct and a bard feat from the instinct. I built them out to level 4, level 2 dedication and level 4 archetype are empty as well, but would be the battle dancer and then the Twirling Advance feat from it.

Free archetype comes online at level 2.

Had been thinking of going a tengu, with the produce flame feat, but there isn't any primal casting class that seems to be all that good. Most of the more on theme ones do things just like the tengu ancestry does.

It depends what your class fantasy is, pretty much. If you know, you just want to be a caster, the witch is fine and if you want to keep your options open, the Druid. There are other options but would depend on your theme or goal.

2024-04-05, 09:39 PM
Free archetype comes online at level 2.

Sounds good, just wanted to make sure! I'm down to go if you decide to choose me!

2024-04-08, 08:43 PM
If you have a question, ask me.

Any idea when you're planning to do character selections and starting the game?

As for homebrew, in general no.

Would you be willing to let me test out the Skald Battle Dancer, and if it proves to be obtrusive, I can swap to something fully published? I just think the idea of a Firebrand Follower background character telling the stories of the people they want to be like, then growing into being one and performing their tales in and out of combat would be really fun. And, if it ends up being an issue for balancing, I have no issues retuning it, or just swapping. I would just like the chance to try it out first if you'd allow it.

For my main character idea, I'd like to play as Guz (https://pathbuilder2e.com/launch.html?build=719584), the Goblin Battle Dancer (https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/_TCDxZ_RkYnl) Skald (https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/O22bmjBRyV5V) who encourages their allies with a fierce dance on the battlefield. They are quick and nimble, acrobatic, somewhat stealthy, and owe their life to the Firebrands and hopes to pay it back in their honor, doing their best to keep doing good deeds to make up their life-debt.

If you still don't like the idea of the Skald Battle-Dancer, I have a rules legal back-up character primed and ready to go. I'd still rather stick with the Character I sent before, because it'd be more flavorful to the campaign, and I think I'd have more fun with it, but if not allowed This is the back-up character. And, it has the benefit of having some fun synergy with the guy who wants to play a Skeleton Bard Swashbuckler.

I'm definitely interested. I have to admit the concept is making me want to create a character that's a cross between Brook from One Piece and Barbossa from Pirates of the Carribbean, a skeleton bard with Swashbuckler as the free archetype.

I'd like to present my back-up character Vex Zeego (https://pathbuilder2e.com/launch.html?build=719577), the Kobold Rogue who has an interest in magic. At level 2 he will start dabbling in Magic and Necromancy. Currently he travels alone, but at level 2 he'll be accompanied by Mr. Bones, a Kobold Skeleton Servant who wears Leather Armor and some cool clothes (Light Barding) to make him less likely to get confused with bad undead. He's a cool guy, and Vex does his best to keep them both out of trouble as they go about their adventures.

Hopefully one of them meets your expectations! I'm excited to play and see how this game goes the other players!

2024-04-08, 09:24 PM
WIP for Shoaan Haabo, Witch (https://pathbuilder2e.com/launch.html?build=720367). Not sure yet about archetype, though possibly rogue or Investigator.

Even among pirates, the story of Captain Calais Haabo’s rise to power a quarter-century ago was a grim one. Marooned by the ship Stirge on the Cannibal Isles for some forgotten crime, he reappeared some weeks later commanding a group of lacedons. Within an hour, Calais was the Stirge’s new Captain, with his old crewmates either drowned or devoured.
Shoann was born some months later on the island where Calais had been left, daughter to the necromantic sorceress Lum, Daughter of Dust. Lum often took lost or abandoned sailors as lovers or partners, rewarding her favorites with summoned or commanded minions, and raising the resulting offspring that showed magical prowess (and eating the rest).
Shoann showed enough talent to avoid the cooking pot. But she proved less skilled at the necromancy magic Lum craved, and her mother eventually lost interest in her. She made her way off the island as her father arrived, courtesy of a passing pirate ship.
Since then she's made her way around the Shackles as a sometimes-sailor, sometimes-soothsayer. She's avoided her father as much as possible -- neither of them really wants a conflict, though that hasn't stopped her from using his surname on occasion, and her affiliation with the Firebrands began as a sort of thumb in his eye.
Knowing the Free Captains’ general dislike of the Firebrands, she declared herself one, making sure to use the Haabo name in doing so. That’s started more than one bar fight with members of her father’s crew, insulted that she’s scandalizing the name of a proper pirate. One of the brawls was settled, in part, by the participation of the actual Firebrands, who gave her first mark for audacity.

Both mother and father issues. Her mother cast her out, obviously, so there’s some bitterness there and a desire to prove herself. Her father denies she’s his. He’s sought to tamp down rumors of exactly how he came to command the Stirge, and the existence of an unexplained witch daughter raises questions he doesn’t want to answer.
Leans into the creepy-witch vibe, but it’s only partly sincere — she is her mother’s daughter when it comes to the dead, but she’s also aware how off-putting it is to others, which she feels gives her and advantage.
Feels like the world owes her something.

2024-04-08, 09:31 PM
WIP for Shoaan Haabo, Witch (https://pathbuilder2e.com/app.html?v=80a). Not sure yet about archetype, though possibly rogue or Investigator.

Even among pirates, the story of Captain Calais Haabo’s rise to power a quarter-century ago was a grim one. Marooned by the ship Stirge on the Cannibal Isles for some forgotten crime, he reappeared some weeks later commanding a group of lacedons. Within an hour, Calais was the Stirge’s new Captain, with his old crewmates either drowned or devoured.
Shoann was born some months later on the island where Calais had been left, daughter to the necromantic sorceress Lum, Daughter of Dust. Lum often took lost or abandoned sailors as lovers or partners, rewarding her favorites with summoned or commanded minions, and raising the resulting offspring that showed magical prowess (and eating the rest).
Shoann showed enough talent to avoid the cooking pot. But she proved less skilled at the necromancy magic Lum craved, and her mother eventually lost interest in her. She made her way off the island as her father arrived, courtesy of a passing pirate ship.
Since then she's made her way around the Shackles as a sometimes-sailor, sometimes-soothsayer. She's avoided her father as much as possible -- neither of them really wants a conflict, though that hasn't stopped her from using his surname on occasion, and her affiliation with the Firebrands began as a sort of thumb in his eye.
Knowing the Free Captains’ general dislike of the Firebrands, she declared herself one, making sure to use the Haabo name in doing so. That’s started more than one bar fight with members of her father’s crew, insulted that she’s scandalizing the name of a proper pirate. One of the brawls was settled, in part, by the participation of the actual Firebrands, who gave her first mark for audacity.

Both mother and father issues. Her mother cast her out, obviously, so there’s some bitterness there and a desire to prove herself. Her father denies she’s his. He’s sought to tamp down rumors of exactly how he came to command the Stirge, and the existence of an unexplained witch daughter raises questions he doesn’t want to answer.
Leans into the creepy-witch vibe, but it’s only partly sincere — she is her mother’s daughter when it comes to the dead, but she’s also aware how off-putting it is to others, which she feels gives her and advantage.
Feels like the world owes her something.

The link didn't work. It just opened the normal pf2e builder website. You have to select the menu in the top left, then select share copy of character build, then send that link instead.

2024-04-09, 06:10 PM
Thanks! Should be fixed now though eventually I'll just do a mythweavers sheet.

2024-04-09, 06:18 PM
I personally prefer the Pathbuilder links actually, just because it's an easy way to make sure someone is clearly accounting for all of their miscellaneous build options and staying legal. But, that's just me :P

Infernally Clay
2024-04-10, 07:35 AM
I decided to go Fighter with the Barbarian archetype instead of Barbarian with the Fighter archetype. It gives me more flexibility, especially since I can branch out into other archetypes later. I wrote down some of the stuff I'll probably pick up later too.

Morn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2896312) spent her life at sea, sailing and swimming in search of food and treasure both. It was all she ever needed or wanted out of life. She was content to spend her days working hard and her evenings at the Shark's Teeth listening to the stories of old sailors and travelling adventurers. One day, however, a passing adventurer boasted of stealing treasure from a dragon's hoard and escaping unnoticed - except they hadn't been unnoticed at all. All that's left of Morn's sleepy little fishing village are enormous spikes of ice. She doesn't know how she survived or if the dragon is merely toying with her and will one day finish the job, but Morn has sworn revenge on both the dragon and the adventurer that brought it to her home. They will both pay.

I did make her on the Pathbuilder app too (https://pathbuilder2e.com/launch.html?build=720806) but I don't know how to get it to open on the website version. It shouldn't really matter though since it's just to double check everything is right on the Mythweavers sheet.

2024-04-10, 03:30 PM
Seems to open up to Morn just fine to me! Looks like a fun character with an interesting history!

2024-04-14, 11:17 PM
Doing Rioghnach Medb



Going to take demolitionist archetype.

2024-04-30, 11:20 PM
Hopefully Mecha is doing alright. I was pretty excited for this game :P

2024-05-01, 02:10 AM
I'm thinking about playing Leshy Kineticist. One thing I noticed about them is Seaweed Leshy heritage should do really well underwater, but given that we will also have diving gear. Is worth putting resources towards that?