View Full Version : Pathfinder Dhampire/Vampire melee build

2024-03-28, 12:07 PM
Hi i want to make a pathfinder 1e build that is or resembles a Vampire with focus on melee fighting and self healing through drinking blood. We are using the Automatic Bonus Progression system. I am currently looking at the Dhampir race. I know that the templates for vampires exist but im not sure i would want to use it.

My plan so far is a bloodrager with arcane bloodline, metamagic rager and primalist archetypes. Maybe two lvls in vigilante for racial paragon for diverse palate 1 lvl in sorcerer for the Sanguine bloodline lvl 1 power or exotic eldritch Heritage. I think useing a vampiric weapon and taking the lesser Celestial Totem should provide a bit of heal. What could i add that would fit the vampire theme? Any ideas are welcome :)

rage powers:
strenght surge
lesser Celestial Totem

power attack
raging vitality
iron will
improved initiative

I would like to know what options are available. Here are the things i know about
dhampir racial feats
Blood Drinker
Blood Feaster
Blood Salvage
Diverse Palate
Life-Dominant Soul
Natural Charmer
fast healer

vampiric/greater vampiric weapons
magical fangs

vampiric touch

animal fury
beast totem rage powers
the spell Daywalker
Lenses of Darkness

naga bloodline
Exotic Heritage

items i would consider:
claok of fangs
pelt of the beast
magical tatoos
cord of stubborn resolve
ring of sustenance
Ring of Ancestral Blood Magic
blood thirsty armor
spell storing items

All info and advise is appreciated :)

Kurald Galain
2024-03-28, 03:52 PM
I would suggest sticking with bloodrager, and not trying to combine bloodrager and vigilante and sorc in one build; it doesn't synergize well.

Bloodragers don't really need Quicken, and Iron Will is not a very good feat; other than that, your selection is solid. Are you sure you can get a vampiric weapon at-need?

2024-03-29, 04:32 AM
Thanks for the tips. This char is gonna join a party at lvl 11 or maybe even higher sorry i should have mentioned that.

what would you take instead of quicken and iron will?

For healing i might take the Life-Dominant Soul feat. With the grater vampiric wepon and lesser Celestial Totem power the char can heal 70hp in combat. Between encounters he can heal with the Sanguine bloodline lvl 1 power.

2024-04-04, 07:31 AM
I had the idea of building my own race with the Creating New Races rules. Undead would be 16 RP -1RP for Light Sensitivity ans -2RP for Light Blindness. I really like this idea because its a true undead charakter then. My GM would be fine with it if i make it balanced. Maybe i could be lvl 9 instead of 10 like the other player or some thing. What do you think about the whole idea?