View Full Version : Adventures in Naval Architecture: The Bregalad

2024-03-29, 01:45 PM
Wanna go fast?

Conceived in a skunkworks project by a rogue group of human and elven shipwrights, the Bregalad was designed to push the concept of the traditional Elven ‘Wingship’ as far as it could go, paring away all did not service the singular goal of going very, very fast.

The Bregalad is a 70-foot Bermuda-rigged schooner, which people find odd as no one has ever heard of a place called ‘Bermuda’. Its soarwood construction, in combination with a pair of Everfull Sails (Stormwrack), facilitates rapid travel in almost all conditions. The sails were custom-commissioned and made with leaf weave to ensure the ship’s only means of defense would be as resilient as possible.

If you want to draw up a contract with Ruth Ralil (NE half-elf woman), you too can acquire a ride aboard her “legitimate salvage.”

Masterwork Colossal Vehicle
Space: 70 ft x 10 ft; 10 ft (Height); 10 ft (Draft)
Seaworthiness: +2
Shiphandling: +6
Speed: Wing x 90ft (good)
Overall AC: -3
Hull Sections - 14 (Sink 3)

AC: 3
HP: 120
Hardness: 5 [Soarwood, Heavy Hull]
Rigging Sections - 2

AC: 1
HP: 200
Hardness: 2 [Leafweave]
Ram: 4d6
Mounts -

2 Light (2 free)
1 Heavy (1 free)
1 Ram (1 ram fitted)
Crew: 25/4
Cargo: 30 tons (Speed wind x 70ft if 15 tons or more)
Cost: 208,800gp

See below for the ship plan and record sheet:


2024-03-29, 09:19 PM
This is beautifully old school and I love it <3

2024-03-31, 01:53 AM
Glad to hear you like it!

If anyone has any advice or has a background that could be useful I would love to do revisions.

Also forgot to mention that the record sheet it accurate to the naval combat rules as presented in Stormwrack insofar as i could decern. With the exception that the rules for targeting the 'overall AC' and hitting a "random section" were inconsistent, and if not inconsistent, bad. So I improved them.

The next vessel is a real dozy.

2024-04-05, 01:05 PM
Very nice! I love this sort of stuff.

As I understand it, this ship is built entirely using existing rules:
Elf wingship—40' speed, 40 000 gp—Stormwrack 100
Heavy hull—hull hardness 5 (the base wingship has hardness 6, despite being made of regular wood, so you could arguably use that)—Stormwrack 21
Masterwork vehicle—20 000 gp for a ship carrying 21-80 people, +5' speed—Arms and Equipment Guide 48
Masterwork controls—4800 gp for a Colossal ship, +2 on Profession (sailor) checks—Arms and Equipment Guide 49
Soarwood—when applied to ships, quadruple cost, double speed, hardness 5—Eberron Campaign Setting 127
Everfull sails—2 x 12 000 gp, always enjoy strong winds—Stormwrack 131

Taking a masterwork wingship (45' speed) and doubling that via soarwood makes the whole thing move at 90' (270' after taking into account the wind speed). That 27 mph is somewhat faster than what an Eberron airship can do, too. Then again, Eberron airships cost 92 000 gp and carry 30 tons (they are also a lot less awesome because they don't sail).

The cost is 40 000 base x 4 soarwood + 20 000 mwk ship + 2 x 12 000 everfull sails + 4800 mwk controls = 208 800.

The only tiny little criticism I could offer is that you are applying the soarwood speed and cost multipliers in different orders. But it's well enough within the rules for me, and I think the ship's expensive enough as-is, anyway.

Incidentally, Stormwrack has the power helmsman on page 127. For one hour/level, it increases a ship's speed by 10 feet, and it augments at 4 pp/10 additional feet of speed bonus. A reasonably capable psion—let's say a 15th-level one, because that's when you have 200 000 gp WBL and could maybe buy a ship like the Bregalad—could augment helmsman up to +40 feet, or +50 feet with Overchannel and another +1 (e.g. an ioun stone). I imagine that soarwood shouldn't multiply this bonus... but then again, why not? 57 mph sailing, let's go.

I mean, I don't know what campaign requires a ship that fast, but then I don't know what else a campaign needs but a ship that fast.