View Full Version : Filled The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5)

2024-03-31, 11:42 PM
Zipnog's Letter

To My Dear Readers

My name is Zipnog, Wendell
Cartographer, Ornithologist, Author
I write this report with the sincere hope it need not be read
Certainly not by someone investigating the fate of our ship

The Beast
While majestic and serene, was colossal
Colliding not attacking
Did tear apart the bottom from our ship
Stranding us upon a narrow sandbar

The crew, able and sober
Did their best in difficult circumstances to ensure all survived
Though many could not escape injury
Upon the violent impact of running aground

Sailing these forbidden passages
Lessens our chance of being found by passing ships
Those who make this cursed voyage are often motivated
By desperation, greed, or desire
Or like I, by all three

My assessment of our surroundings
Barren tundra runs along a narrow coast
Overshadowed by mountains, pushing toward the sea
Frigid waters isolate distant islands and shorelines
Fleeting light barely breaks the horizon
Disappearing into darkness a few hours later

Fear not! Repair work has already begun
I have faith in our craftsmen and professionals
To rescue us from this peril
Should they be provided with sufficient materials

To that end
A party is being formed to reconnoiter the shoreline
And return with the needed supplies
Of their success, I am well assured

W. Zipnog
Learned Society of the Supreme Qorrashi
Mithril Academy
Fairhorn Expedition

Clouds of breath reveal the depth of cold. Those bunking in the forecastle have mostly made their way to the galley. Gathering round an old iron stove in hope of staying warm. Drawing from his rapidly diminishing bag, Tobias the ship’s cook tosses another coal onto the fire. Releasing a burst of energy within the glowing orange belly of the furnace.

Tobias, a human of less than thirty years, blonde and hale does look about nervously as he stirs a bubbling pot. His companion, a white cat vocalizes a proud trill as she drops a wet scrawny rat onto the deck. A quick glance around the cramped L-shaped kitchen reveals gnawed ropes and canvas bags torn open at the corners. Hinting at the extent of the infestation. From the floor, on to the butcher’s block, only the quartermaster knows how long the stores will last. Into the pot it goes.

To the rear of the galley is a doorframe leading to the lower deck. Ladders run up (to the main deck) and down (to the shattered hold). Among the tightly stacked sacks and barrels narrowing a narrow passageway, walks the quartermaster. Stern and greying, a robust man of distant orcish blood insists on being addressed by his rank.

Pressing his generous body between crates of provisions to count the barrels stacked behind, the quartermaster seethes.

“Scarcity by any measure. Even at half rations the supplies will last little more than a month. It was foolhardy to undertake this endeavor on such a light load. All involved knew it. Greed would not allow us to act otherwise. To leave behind our prize occurred to none. How much more valuable is a sack of gold compared to a sack of grain? Ample supplies were left stacked upon a far off beach a fortnight or more behind by sail. Our precious treasure, now strewn upon the bottom, lost to the depths.

Cursed is our endeavor. What hope have we, when our fortunes are opposed by those above. Every sailor has heard the tales of the tragedy which flavors voyages made through these waters. Now we too have looked up into the sky and have seen the shimmering lights. An indefinite stay, locked away within the ice an all too real possibility. What a cruel fate.”

His lamentation is interrupted by a commotion in the mess hall, a deck ape breaking apart tables with her bare hands. A stunned member of the crew stands in the corner with a bowl of pottage in hand, watching the scene unfold.

“Move! The only way we’re getting out of here is if we repair the damage to the hold.”

Charging past everyone with an armload of planks, Gilda Harmonyspirit descends the ladder to the shattered hold. No voice can be heard over the symphony of ripping saws and hammer falls. The hollow cavern is alive with activity. Gripping on to the ceiling beams with both hand and foot, Gilda shimmies and swings across the hold. Delivering much needed wood to a group of Hadozee perched at every imaginable angle, working diligently to repair the damage.

Gargantuan holes framed by splintered and shattered wood tear through multiple sections. Leaving more of the ship open to the elements than enclosed. Sea water floods the bottom of the hold, churning with each incoming wave. Some of the timbers are salvageable while others will need to be replaced. Several tall trees are needed to be felled for material, if there be any hope of making her seaworthy.

Danger is the point of life. To those who make this their motto, no tears are shed when a malicious wave crashes down upon an unsuspecting hadozee worker. Thrown backwards from his post headfirst into one beam and then another, before plunging into the icy water with a splash.
Healers robed in grey attend to the sick and injured among the bunks of the forecastle, now converted into an infirmary. Sea sores and hypothermia along with a plethora of concussions and broken bones have left much of the crew incapacitated. At a time when all hands are needed, another injured worker is unwelcome news..

His bulky frame is supported by two strong sailors dripping with water. Their teeth chattering, their bodies involuntarily shaking. Both feeling the effects of their efforts to rescue their shipmate. Who drifts in and out of consciousness, a bloody head wound along with hypothermic shock. Hoisted on to the table, arms swinging in confusion, all hands are needed to hold down their convulsing companion. The ship’s surgeon assesses his patient’s condition, pouring a concoction into the open mouth of the struggling Hadozee. The entirety of what remains in the green glass bottle is needed to cease the turmoil.

Unfolding the correct optic lens from his multifaceted eye-piece allows Oskar Coalvern a dwarf of exceptional skill to see the most minute detail. Reaching for his specialized tools he begins to work on repairing the fractured skull. Long moments hold the balance of life and death. Complex machines, living things, ever so delicate. The mechanism is laid out before him. Intricate but not alien, everything having place and function.

Wiping blood from his hands and sweat from his brow, Oskar Coalvern’s efforts saved a life tonight. Figures in grey shaded robes patrol up and down the bunks in silence. Illuminated by candles or lantern, attending to those in need. Chaos has given way to order, and afforded the surgeon time to attend to other matters.
A chart lay overlapping another, its corners falling off the round table around which the senior staff have gathered. Mr Zipnog, scientific attaché to the expedition speaks, standing upon a chair due to his gnomish stature. Pointing to a detailed chart of his own design, he puts forward a plan. The frozen passage, every hazard in the water has been dutifully marked. While the shape of the shoreline is a fairly accurate approximation, little detail is given of the interior. Pointing to an area of shoreline well ahead of their position, he indicates there should be a river. Tapping the approximate area with his wooden rod. Intentionally projecting more confidence than he truly possesses.

A strong wind pulls against the heavy wood door leading out on to the open air of the main deck. Forced open by the hand of one of their own. Papers fly off the table much to the annoyance of Mr. Zipnog.

“Take a seat Mr. Coalvern, we’ve already begun.” Orders Captain Fairhorn of the Harmonious Spirit, a human well advanced in years, bound to his wheelchair.

Seating himself between the Master-At-Arms, a mammoth of a man, and she of the helm, as slippery as they come, the meeting can continue.

“A party of four volunteers, equipped as best we can provide. I frankly don’t think we can spare anymore.” Mr Zipnog recommends, gathering back together his notes.
“We are in need of timber for repairs and fuel for warmth. Locating a reliable source of food.” Mr. Zipnog stops speaking when he is interrupted by Mr. Coalvern.

“And medicine, I used the last of several bottles these passing hours.”

“If I may continue.” snips the learned scientist, yearning for the formality of the academy.

A rat peeks its head out of the darkness, squeezing between two warped planks to continue on its way. Hermann Thatchoder, Master-At-Arms, physically taking up more room than any other at the table, scrunches his face into a look of disgust, declaring “Something needs to be done about the rats”

“Honestly now, this is no simple endeavor. Detailed planning is needed.” Mr Zipnog insists, but throwing his diminutive hands in the air, takes his seat when the conversation moves on without him.

“There’s a tangled knot of them somewhere onboard, growing larger by the day.” Cautions Melody Longacre, Helmsman, seated to the right of the captain.

Silent until now the old sea dog speaks, calmly with a baritone commanding respect.
“I have every confidence in all of your steadfast determination to relieve us from this predicament. I Intend to see home again, I hope each and every soul onboard shares that sentiment. Despite losing our bounty, upon our safe return I will pay bonuses and danger pay from my personal fortune to every member of the crew. Spread the word, we have before us many challenges, return when you have found useful volunteers.”
1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)?
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5

2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)?
Homebrewed Frostfell Map

3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?
4 players

4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)?
OotS forums

5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?
7th level

6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
Standard (19,000 gp)

7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?
Any class or prestige class from the approved sourcebooks.

8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?
Players should be one of the seven standard races. Players are traveling through the Frostfell, they should not be native to it.

9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?
36 Point Buy. Full hit points at 1st level, roll hit points after.
No traits or flaws.

10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?
Players shouldn’t be so chaotic as to be unable to function aboard a ship, nor so evil as to have been outcast long ago.

11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?
Standard multi-classing penalties.

12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?
Players roll their own rolls.

13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules

14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?
Who you are is more important than who you were.
A well defined character is more important than a detailed backstory.

15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?
Ideally a good mix of all three

16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?
The world has be made with the following sourcebooks:
Player’s Handbook
Monster Manual 1 & 3
Dungeon Master’s Guide
All 3.5 Completes

2024-04-01, 11:24 PM
Posting interest as a Druid-->Master of Many Forms. I should be able to put together a mostly complete character some time tomorrow.

For now I'll roll some hit dice:


Edit: Ugh, you hate to see that below average, but hey! Someone has to be below average, otherwise average wouldn't be average would it?

2024-04-02, 08:05 AM
Posting interest as a hexblade with the suggested fixes to bring it up to par. If that's not allowed i'll switch to being a monk.

2024-04-02, 08:12 AM
Oh right forgot to roll stats

Hexblade: [roll0]

Monk: [roll1]

2024-04-02, 08:49 AM
Are we crew on The Beast or are we on an expedition to find said ship?

2024-04-02, 11:38 AM
Posting interest as a Druid-->Master of Many Forms. I should be able to put together a mostly complete character some time tomorrow.

For now I'll roll some hit dice:

Edit: Ugh, you hate to see that below average, but hey! Someone has to be below average, otherwise average wouldn't be average would it?

Welcome, a Druid - Master of Many Forms will play well in this campaign. I look forward to seeing your character.

2024-04-02, 11:49 AM
Posting interest as a hexblade with the suggested fixes to bring it up to par. If that's not allowed i'll switch to being a monk.

Welcome, A fixed hexblade is acceptable, the class will play well in this adventure. Your character would have been offered an opportunity for great wealth and power by embarking on this expedition.

2024-04-02, 11:54 AM
Are we crew on The Beast or are we on an expedition to find said ship?

The beast is a literal colossal beast, this ship is the Harmonious Spirit. Volunteers are needed to venture out for supplies. Why your character is onboard is up to you. It is logical to assume your character would be crew, adventurers (hired or paid passengers) or part of the scientific expedition.

2024-04-02, 07:56 PM
Sailor? Expedition? A beast?

I’m going with a Leviathan Hunter! Most likely a Dwarf!

2024-04-02, 08:06 PM
Sailor? Expedition? A beast?

I’m going with a Leviathan Hunter! Most likely a Dwarf!

Welcome, Leviathan Hunter will play well in this story. I look forward to seeing your character.

2024-04-02, 08:39 PM
Interested. Player Handbook II available?

2024-04-02, 08:43 PM
Interested. Player Handbook II available?

What did you have in mind?

2024-04-02, 08:44 PM
What did you have in mind?

I either go swashbuckler or dragon shaman (PHB II).

2024-04-02, 08:45 PM
I either go swashbuckler or dragon shaman (PHB II).

Yeah you're good to go with either of those.

2024-04-02, 08:59 PM
I'm posting interest as a human bard, no bells/whistles, just a bard. I wanted to play a caster but keep it somewhat simple. I'm more used to pathfinder 1e than 3.5.

Work in progress sheet:

2024-04-02, 09:10 PM
I'm posting interest as a human bard, no bells/whistles, just a bard. I wanted to play a caster but keep it somewhat simple. I'm more used to pathfinder 1e than 3.5.

Welcome, every party can use a bard.

2024-04-02, 09:47 PM
What pantheon exists in this world, for a divine caster?
I’m thinking about some kind of weather or seafaring magic user, maybe a chance to play something overlooked from one of the environment books. Though I might change my mind.

You’ve said we could have many reasons for being on the ship, but can you tell us where it came from, where it was going before the crash, or the purpose of the expedition? I’m trying to find some inspiration for why a character would be on the voyage.

Are either of the MIC or the spell compendium allowed?
Any idea of how many levels we might obtain during this adventure?

2024-04-02, 11:26 PM
Here's the start of Orion Moonshadow (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2864975)

Skill points are now allocated. Working on everything else

2024-04-02, 11:46 PM
Not sure about classes yet but wanted to see if Google sheet was okay , then I'll toss down the hp rolls

2024-04-03, 03:08 AM
@CircleNavigator I think I am likely to go rogue. Are PHB II feats and UA martial rogue fine with you?

2024-04-03, 03:53 AM
Still a WIP but taking shape Ranger 2, fighter 4, Leviathan hunter 1. Human.

rolling health [roll0]


Gonna be hard to put up a fight vs Leviathans with that health. I think I need to pump up my constitution.

2024-04-03, 04:01 AM
HP for rogue: [roll0]

2024-04-03, 09:44 AM
Question: does "one of the seven standard races" mean strictly just the PHB subraces of these or are other variant, say, Halflings or Elves or whatnot from the allowed sources also allowed, so long as they are not the native-to-Frostfell Frostburn ones?

2024-04-03, 09:54 AM
My skill ranks and feats are allocated, now I'm going to think up my backstory and spell selection. I speak common and 3 bonus languages. What bonus languages do you recommend?

2024-04-03, 10:42 AM
Alright, I have a character sheet in progress here: Skar Windspeaker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2893771)

Gotta spend all my gold still and put together a fleshed out backstory. Figured Skar would be a sort of spiritualist who "follows the wind," and this is where it took him this time.

2024-04-03, 10:55 AM
Because im trying to pick something that would fit with the theme What type of Familiar would you recommend?

2024-04-03, 01:35 PM
What pantheon exists in this world, for a divine caster?
I’m thinking about some kind of weather or seafaring magic user, maybe a chance to play something overlooked from one of the environment books. Though I might change my mind.

You’ve said we could have many reasons for being on the ship, but can you tell us where it came from, where it was going before the crash, or the purpose of the expedition? I’m trying to find some inspiration for why a character would be on the voyage.

Are either of the MIC or the spell compendium allowed?
Any idea of how many levels we might obtain during this adventure?

Where did the Harmonious Spirit come from?

Captain Fairhorn and his ship set sail from a vast archipelago reaching from temperate latitudes to the tropics. The islands are home to all the standard races, sometimes in isolated settlements, elsewhere in cosmopolitan cities. The militarized port from which the Harmonious Spirit departed, known as Penseao was once an open center of trade. After decades of bloody war with forces from the mountains mainland the city’s character has changed, with each district walled off from the rest. A highly regimented order is imposed on the citizens. Captain Fairhorn is a prominent figure in the city.

Where was the Harmonious Spirit going before the crash?

The Harmonious Spirit was sailing the forbidden polar passages. Far from home, its official mission involved charting a navigational path to a far off dwarven empire in hopes of forging an alliance. Zipnog has his own research to be done on the nesting of sea birds. Captain Fairhorn’s true motivation has been shared with a select few. Thus far the crew successfully liberated gold from the lair of a long dead dragon and were run aground by a colossal sea beast.

What pantheon exists in this world

Every god one has ever read about is worshiped by someone somewhere. (With the exception of real world religions ~ No Zeus or Thor please). The dominant religion acknowledges the power of all these deities and attempts to understand their power in our realm and their relationship to each other.

Is the Magic Item Compendium / Spell Compendium / Any other book allowed?

It would be madness to green light those two books in their entirety. If there is a particular spell/feat/item/class a player would like to use they should ask directly. There are however certain books which do not fit well into this adventure (Necromancy, Pscionics)

How many levels might we obtain during this adventure?

There is a four level adventure within a larger adventure up to level twenty. Which players could choose to opt into once the smaller adventure is complete. There is a yet unwritten epic level adventure which can be added if there is interest at the end.

2024-04-03, 01:48 PM
Because im trying to pick something that would fit with the theme What type of Familiar would you recommend?

Orion Moonshadow is a good fit for this adventure. I recommend a familiar that can fly or be carried with you. A raven or a rat would certainly fit the theme.

2024-04-03, 01:49 PM
Not sure about classes yet but wanted to see if Google sheet was okay , then I'll toss down the hp rolls

Welcome, google sheet is fine.

2024-04-03, 01:50 PM
@CircleNavigator I think I am likely to go rogue. Are PHB II feats and UA martial rogue fine with you?

What feats did you have in mind?

UA martial rogue is acceptable

2024-04-03, 01:53 PM
Question: does "one of the seven standard races" mean strictly just the PHB subraces of these or are other variant, say, Halflings or Elves or whatnot from the allowed sources also allowed, so long as they are not the native-to-Frostfell Frostburn ones?

What subraces did you have in mind, if they're not frostfell or aquatic that should be fine.

2024-04-03, 02:06 PM
My skill ranks and feats are allocated, now I'm going to think up my backstory and spell selection. I speak common and 3 bonus languages. What bonus languages do you recommend?

You will find many speakers of Orc and Giant within the Frostfell, a language like Draconic will have opportunities to be used. Having a shared language amongst the party that others can not speak might prove strategic (Dwarven or Elven). Outsider or Elemental languages will have limited opportunities to be used for conversation but may prove invaluable at one key moment

2024-04-03, 02:19 PM
Alright, I have a character sheet in progress here: Skar Windspeaker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2893771)

Gotta spend all my gold still and put together a fleshed out backstory. Figured Skar would be a sort of spiritualist who "follows the wind," and this is where it took him this time.

Because this is where Skar Windspeaker needed to be.

Wild shaping into a giant should be fun and interesting.

2024-04-03, 02:21 PM
Everyone who has already posted is in

Anyone posting for the first time after this post will have to wait for the next adventure.

2024-04-03, 02:44 PM
I'll take Orc, Giant, and Draconic as my 3 bonus languages.

When you say you want a backstory about who we are now, that means how we came to investigate the shipwreck, right? As a bard, I'm going to say I was sent there by the government due to my broad knowledge base, diplomatic abilities, and skill at oration.

Charm Person will be on my spell list, but I'm indecisive about the other spells. I'll probably have some cure/healing spells, too.

Also, another question besides backstory: Will it be a problem if my character is a gay guy?

2024-04-03, 02:51 PM
Character Portrait:


2024-04-03, 03:14 PM
Can I take the Beguiler from Shining south as a Familiar? It's a mouse with true seeing. If you need to check stating it's on page 60 of Shining south

2024-04-03, 03:31 PM
What feats did you have in mind?

UA martial rogue is acceptable

Combat Acrobat, Combat Focus/Combat Form Line, Combat Panache, Einhander, Fade to Violence, Hindering Opportunist, Keen Eared Scout, Cunning Evasion, Intimidating Strike, Melee Evasion, Short Haft, Tumbling Feint. Basically, acrobatic, tactical, and scouting feats from there.

Is MIC allowed for magic item purchases?

EDIT: Can I also take Darkstalkers feat from Lord of Madness?

2024-04-03, 04:04 PM
I'll take Orc, Giant, and Draconic as my 3 bonus languages.

When you say you want a backstory about who we are now, that means how we came to investigate the shipwreck, right? As a bard, I'm going to say I was sent there by the government due to my broad knowledge base, diplomatic abilities, and skill at oration.

Charm Person will be on my spell list, but I'm indecisive about the other spells. I'll probably have some cure/healing spells, too.

Also, another question besides backstory: Will it be a problem if my character is a gay guy?

I hate to break it to you but you’re not investigating the shipwreck. You're on the shipwreck, no one is coming to save you. Your skills are exactly why Captain Fairhorn or Mr. Zipnog would have invited you along.

As for spells Cause Fear Disguise / Alter Self, Feather Fall, Identify, Sleep, Unseen Servant, Any buffs, Invisibility, plus healing is always useful.

As for backstory you can make your character anyone you want them to be.

2024-04-03, 04:10 PM
Combat Acrobat, Combat Focus/Combat Form Line, Combat Panache, Einhander, Fade to Violence, Hindering Opportunist, Keen Eared Scout, Cunning Evasion, Intimidating Strike, Melee Evasion, Short Haft, Tumbling Feint. Basically, acrobatic, tactical, and scouting feats from there.

Is MIC allowed for magic item purchases?

EDIT: Can I also take Darkstalkers feat from Lord of Madness?

Darkstalker is acceptable.

Which item would you like to purchase from the MIC?

2024-04-03, 04:14 PM
Can I take the Beguiler from Shining south as a Familiar? It's a mouse with true seeing. If you need to check stating it's on page 60 of Shining south

Unfortunately I do not have a copy of Shining South.

What can you tell me about it?

2024-04-03, 05:23 PM
okay noticing some others with similar book requests

Duskblade d8 2+ (Player's Handbook II p19)

Gluttony Domain (Fearun)

and multiple magic items from (sources listed)

presuming duskblade is not an issue then these are the HP rolls


Gauntlets of Ghost Fighting (Mic 216)
Ring of adamantine (Mic 121)
Ring of Sustenance (DMG)
Mask of the Tiger (Mic 121)
Travel Cloak (Magic of Faerun)

2024-04-03, 05:30 PM
https://imgur.com/a/GzozcU9 I took a picture of my copy so here are its stats. Like I said it's giant mouse with true seeing.

2024-04-03, 05:55 PM
okay noticing some others with similar book requests

Duskblade d8 2+ (Player's Handbook II p19)

Gluttony Domain (Fearun)

and multiple items from the Magic Item Compendium

presuming duskblade is not as issue then these are the HP rolls


Duskblade and gluttony are acceptable.

What items from the Magic Item Compendium did you have in mind?

2024-04-03, 05:56 PM
Duskblade and gluttony are acceptable.

What items from the Magic Item Compendium did you have in mind?

please see edit above

2024-04-03, 06:02 PM
https://imgur.com/a/GzozcU9 I took a picture of my copy so here are its stats. Like I said it's giant mouse with true seeing.

Beguiler is good to go as a familiar.

2024-04-03, 06:15 PM

Gauntlets of Ghost Fighting (Mic 216)
Ring of adamantine (Mic 121)
Ring of Sustenance (DMG)
Mask of the Tiger (Mic 121)
Travel Cloak (Magic of Faerun)

please see edit above

this link should get you to my WIP sheet


2024-04-03, 06:25 PM
okay noticing some others with similar book requests

Duskblade d8 2+ (Player's Handbook II p19)

Gluttony Domain (Fearun)

and multiple magic items from (sources listed)

presuming duskblade is not an issue then these are the HP rolls


Gauntlets of Ghost Fighting (Mic 216)
Ring of adamantine (Mic 121)
Ring of Sustenance (DMG)
Mask of the Tiger (Mic 121)
Travel Cloak (Magic of Faerun)

Gauntlets of Ghost Fighting
Ring of Adamantine Touch
Mask of the Tiger

Ring of Sustenance
Travel Cloak

The environment is meant to be a challenge. To force this or that choices and prioritization. It makes perfect sense why these items would be great but having them negates much of the danger of starting in these conditions. We could have just as easily begun in a tavern next to a roaring fire.

2024-04-03, 06:28 PM
this link should get you to my WIP sheet


Your google docs character sheet works.

2024-04-03, 06:30 PM
Gauntlets of Ghost Fighting
Ring of Adamantine Touch
Mask of the Tiger

Ring of Sustenance
Travel Cloak

The environment is meant to be a challenge. To force this or that choices and prioritization. It makes perfect sense why these items would be great but having them negates much of the danger of starting in these conditions. We could have just as easily begun in a tavern next to a roaring fire.

hrm so any magic item that would grant some sort of food/water/shelter should not even be asked about - okay

2024-04-03, 06:33 PM
how about a Heward’s handy haversack Dmg 259

2024-04-03, 06:39 PM
how about a Heward’s handy haversack Dmg 259

Heward's Handy Haversack is approved.

2024-04-03, 06:41 PM
Darkstalker is acceptable.

Which item would you like to purchase from the MIC?

PHB2 feats approved?

MIC Items: Gloves of Endless Javelin, Weapon & Armor Augment Crystals that are not Crystal of Adaptations (Because of the above post of the items making survival in a hazardous environment a breeze), Healing Belt, Chronocharm of Horizon Walker, Amber Amulet of the Vermin, Anklet of Translocation, Hand of the Mage, Amulets of Tear. More requests once I think about it and update you later.

2024-04-03, 06:58 PM
okay i think this is my last magic items request as the rest are mundane and theoretically should not be an issue

Least Truedeath Crystal (MIC p66)
Gwaeron's Boots (MIC p109)

mundane stuff
Mithral Chain Shirt

MW Longsword
MW Composite Longbow
20 arrows
Spell Component Pouch
Explorer’s Outfit
Collapsible Grappling Hook
100ft Silk Rope
Flint and Steel
Chalk (10)
Paper (10 sheets)
Ink (2 oz. vial)

2024-04-03, 07:26 PM
PHB2 feats approved?
Combat Acrobat, Combat Focus/Combat Form Line, Combat Panache, Einhander, Fade to Violence, Hindering Opportunist, Keen Eared Scout, Cunning Evasion, Intimidating Strike, Melee Evasion, Short Haft, Tumbling Feint.

MIC Items: Gloves of Endless Javelin, Weapon & Armor Augment Crystals that are not Crystal of Adaptations (Because of the above post of the items making survival in a hazardous environment a breeze), Healing Belt, Chronocharm of Horizon Walker, Amber Amulet of the Vermin, Anklet of Translocation, Hand of the Mage, Amulets of Tear. More requests once I think about it and update you later.

PHB2 feats approved.

Gloves of Endless Javelin
Weapon & Armour Augment Crystals (pending final approval)
Healing Belt
Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker
Anklet of Translocation
Hand of the Mage
Amulet of Tears

Amber Amulet of Vermin

I see the amulet of vermin as overpowered and under priced. Adding giant vermin to the fight without any real connection to a class flavors the combat in a way I find distasteful.

2024-04-03, 08:18 PM
okay i think this is my last magic items request as the rest are mundane and theoretically should not be an issue

Least Truedeath Crystal (MIC p66)
Gwaeron's Boots (MIC p109)

mundane stuff
Mithral Chain Shirt

MW Longsword
MW Composite Longbow
20 arrows
Spell Component Pouch
Explorer’s Outfit
Collapsible Grappling Hook
100ft Silk Rope
Flint and Steel
Chalk (10)
Paper (10 sheets)
Ink (2 oz. vial)

Least Truedeath Crystal
Gwaeron's Boots
Mundane items

Your approved magic items thus far add up to 23,000 gp

2024-04-03, 08:35 PM
Least Truedeath Crystal
Gwaeron's Boots
Mundane items

Your approved magic items thus far add up to 23,000 gp

but its okay I end up not using the Ring
mundane: 881.4
mask 4k
boots 6k
gauntlets 4k
crystal 1k
haversack 2k

Naomi, a determined frown creasing her brow. The once sleek vessel now lay damaged along the rugged coastline. She meticulously assessed the damage.
She knew she had to rely on her ingenuity and the resources nature provided. Setting out with some of her crewmates, they scoured the nearby forest for the perfect timber to replace splintered masts and cracked hulls. As they worked tirelessly under the open sky, the scent of fresh wood and saltwater mingled in the air, a testament to their determination to restore their ship to seaworthiness. With some gathering much needed supplies to survive the ordeal it would be to repair the ship.

2024-04-03, 09:02 PM
but its okay I end up not using the Ring
mundane: 881.4
mask 4k
boots 6k
gauntlets 4k
crystal 1k
haversack 2k

Naomi, a determined frown creasing her brow. The once sleek vessel now lay damaged along the rugged coastline. She meticulously assessed the damage.
She knew she had to rely on her ingenuity and the resources nature provided. Setting out with some of her crewmates, they scoured the nearby forest for the perfect timber to replace splintered masts and cracked hulls. As they worked tirelessly under the open sky, the scent of fresh wood and saltwater mingled in the air, a testament to their determination to restore their ship to seaworthiness. With some gathering much needed supplies to survive the ordeal it would be to repair the ship.

Thanks for the clarification of items.

Out into the darkness she peers, three tall masts reaching into the moonless night. A constant wind stripping all warmth from exposed flesh, while tormenting the psyche with its relentless howl. The ship's deck, slightly tilted towards the sea, rocks and shakes with each new gale.

Alone on the main deck Naomi looks out onto barren tundra and cascading mountains reaching into the sky like a natural wall. Not a tree in sight. Perhaps waiting for the brief hours of daylight will yield better results.

2024-04-03, 10:00 PM
Out of curiosity, since the first 3 Monster manuals are allowed, can we play as a lycanthrope as long as their base race is one of the standard 7?

2024-04-03, 10:34 PM
Out of curiosity, since the first 3 Monster manuals are allowed, can we play as a lycanthrope as long as their base race is one of the standard 7?

Registration is closed for this adventure.

Thank you for your interest.

2024-04-04, 12:23 AM
Forgotten this one. Requesting Clever Opportunist Feat from Drow of the Underdark.

2024-04-04, 12:59 AM
Forgotten this one. Requesting Clever Opportunist Feat from Drow of the Underdark.

Clever opportunist is acceptable.

2024-04-04, 07:48 AM
I hate to break it to you but you’re not investigating the shipwreck. You're on the shipwreck, no one is coming to save you. Your skills are exactly why Captain Fairhorn or Mr. Zipnog would have invited you along.

As for spells Cause Fear Disguise / Alter Self, Feather Fall, Identify, Sleep, Unseen Servant, Any buffs, Invisibility, plus healing is always useful.

As for backstory you can make your character anyone you want them to be.

What was the nature of this expedition? Commercial, military, scientific, or religious?

Also, is the "open minded" feat available? I took it 4 times because I needed a few extra skillpoints to cover the breadth of knowledge my character has.

2024-04-04, 11:32 AM
Would the Bite of the ___ spell line from Spell Compendium be acceptable? They're all designed to give you stat boosts and natural attacks of a particular lycanthrope for the duration. Cool set of spells.

2024-04-04, 01:42 PM
What was the nature of this expedition? Commercial, military, scientific, or religious?

Also, is the "open minded" feat available? I took it 4 times because I needed a few extra skillpoints to cover the breadth of knowledge my character has.

The expedition is of an exploratory scientific nature. Captain Fairhorn has taken several detours along the way to investigate interesting locations. The vessel was built for speed and endurance, it is lightly armed and armored. These waters are mostly devoid of other ships.

The open-minded feat is acceptable.

2024-04-04, 01:43 PM
Would the Bite of the ___ spell line from Spell Compendium be acceptable? They're all designed to give you stat boosts and natural attacks of a particular lycanthrope for the duration. Cool set of spells.

Bite of the ____ is approved.

Powerful spells.

2024-04-04, 01:51 PM
How did your character come aboard?
I have discussed this with some
Who answers to the captain?
Do you receive pay from the quartermaster?
Or do you go where you please?
Do you yearn for home?
Or seek to escape?
Is anyone a stowaway?

2024-04-04, 02:07 PM
What subraces did you have in mind, if they're not frostfell or aquatic that should be fine.

Nothing in particular, I just like to know what toys I get to play with (and 3.5 races are som wonderful toys!). Still, if by-request stuff is on the table, could you be convinced to allow a Ghostwise HalflingRoF? I can live without, but I always wanted to try one.

2024-04-04, 02:13 PM
Nothing in particular, I just like to know what toys I get to play with (and 3.5 races are som wonderful toys!). Still, if by-request stuff is on the table, could you be convinced to allow a Ghostwise HalflingRoF? I can live without, but I always wanted to try one.

Telepathic Halflings are approved.

2024-04-04, 03:16 PM
The Time For Recruitment Has Ended
Everyone, Follow Me To Our New Home

The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit OOC (http://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?666329-The-Wreck-of-the-Harmonious-Spirit-(OOC-D-amp-D-3-5))

2024-04-04, 03:19 PM
How did your character come aboard?
I have discussed this with some
Who answers to the captain?
Do you receive pay from the quartermaster?
Or do you go where you please?
Do you yearn for home?
Or seek to escape?
Is anyone a stowaway?

Djin Mustafar (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2894520), ready for action.

How did your character come aboard?
Hired substitute assistant to the Sailsmaster when the crew lost their official one. An unofficial mate. He scouts from topmast and report back information to the Sailsmaster for his charts.

Who answers to the captain?
He does partially. He does when they need him to do his job. Other decisions, he operates from his heart.

Do you receive pay from the quartermaster?
As long as he did his job.

Or do you go where you please?
When his services are not needed, and he is free.

Do you yearn for home?
Or seek to escape?
He yearns for adventures and dangers.

Is anyone a stowaway?

2024-04-05, 01:45 PM
How did your character come aboard?
I have discussed this with some
Who answers to the captain?
Do you receive pay from the quartermaster?
Or do you go where you please?
Do you yearn for home?
Or seek to escape?
Is anyone a stowaway?

This will help me with my backstory.