View Full Version : Recruiting Adventures beckoning call

2024-04-08, 05:49 AM
You find yourself taking a job from an aspiring mage in a big city. Her name is Lexara and her quest a garden bag. An old and mysterious verlan of an bag of holding that could support plant life. She reached it's history and believes it got lost somewhere in the abandoned mines not too far from the town. However, the caves run deep and could be dangerous. She will pay a good coin to anyone why can protect her on the way down and back to town

System: Sandbox
Player Count: 4~6
Style of Play: Sandbox
Allowed Content:
Dungeon World (https://www.dungeonworldsrd.com/)
Uncommon World PDF (https://troypress.itch.io/uncommon-world)
My homebrew (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gzEKG8gsJ4B6nh5ahUveqXADW8e4oguw17urkxEt_o8/edit?usp=drivesdk)

*other 3pp / homebrew on case by case bases. Such as playbooks form https://exposit.github.io/dw-ccs/

Character Creation: Up to the player, srd has nice google sheet for it
Backstory: I would like at lest two paragraphs
Experience: lv 1
Wealth: by playbook
Ability Scores: +2, =+1, +1, +0, +0, and -1.
Hitpoints/Health: 10 + (2 x CON) + base (from handbook)
Alignment: Driver are used instead
Other Notes: I already have 2 players. We are rather queer folk, so there will be zero tolerance bigotry. We will use discord to play (it's still php)

This will be a relatively light hearted campaign. That doesn't mean you can avoid difficult decisions, but we shan't dwell on the heartless and the cruel.

I'm also more of a sandbox DM. Meaning a lot of challenges might not have one correct answer, rather be an open ended questions awaiting clever solutions.

I'm specifically not using the alignment system so that there can be more nuisance to some decision, and some grey-grey morality

In terms of RP/Combat/Puzzles. Puzzles will be all over, but many of them will be mysteries that are easier to ignore then solve. There will be plenty of situation easily solved with violence, many of them will have alternative approaches. I would consider it a good table etiquette people attempt them before rushing into combat. In terms of RP, I do encourage pc on pc roleplay, but npcs might be a bit limited given just how taxing it can be to control multiple characters in a scene

2024-04-25, 07:52 AM
Is there anything specific I should know about the setting before I decide on a backstory? And do you know what classes the other players are playing? This looks fun!

2024-04-25, 08:51 AM
I don't believe there is any inflexible deitalts you need to know about. Should you want I can generate some lore around any area or you can introduce some ideas to the world with your character.

We got a ranger, wizard and one undecided leaning cleric

2024-04-25, 04:59 PM
I don't believe there is any inflexible deitalts you need to know about. Should you want I can generate some lore around any area or you can introduce some ideas to the world with your character.

Some lore to work with would be really helpful, thank you :smallsmile:
I have some vague backstory ideas and more information would help solidify them

2024-04-25, 10:23 PM
Any specific area that intrasts you? I'm justing baseing the setting on d&d and pf lore, with a heavy dose of himebrew.

2024-04-25, 10:57 PM
Any specific area that intrasts you? I'm justing baseing the setting on d&d and pf lore, with a heavy dose of himebrew.

Maybe some stuff about the area where the game starts

2024-04-26, 06:09 AM
Maybe some stuff about the area where the game starts

Alright at mentioned it's a big city.

The Welicomiaystie city. Largest city in it's region. Originally build on mining, now the riches of the earth have ran dry and the city is mostly know for it's craftsman and culture. City can broadly can be divided server regions. Old town, located in the center and full of tightly packed stone buildings. It is home to some of the oldest and greatest craftsman and renown collage of celecta'o'bista, but also more shady figures such as landers. New town, mostly wooden area spreading from old town center in all directions other then north, where the mountains are. It's rapid growth of slowed only be the dense forest surrounding the town. This area is full of newer developments, largely focused on culture side of thing. Many artists travel hear in search of fame, but it is also home to places such as famed Lavender Bakery. Lastly there is less glamorous slum up north. Wooden buildings leaning and climbing the mountains. People of all races find themselves making a way to and living in the city.

Venturing away from the city, the flair of fanciful architecture and music quickly disappears, giving way to forests and pastures. Villagers largely filled with goliaths who been long before Welicomiaystie, ever-present humans. However dwarfs aren't uncommon sight either. Mostly coming form mining days of Welicomiaystie, they have found conferrable comes in surrounding mountains and hills. Given the rocky nature of surrounding terrain, local agriculture is mostly focused on livestock, specifically goats.

2024-04-26, 05:33 PM
Thanks :smallsmile:
I have a better idea of what to do for backstory now, I should have a couple of paragraphs done soonish

2024-05-09, 03:01 AM
Undecided player ended up dropping out. Are you still interested?

2024-05-09, 07:03 PM
Undecided player ended up dropping out. Are you still interested?

I am, I’ve just been really busy lately. Sorry. Hopefully I’ll be able to get back to you soon

2024-06-05, 07:20 AM
My apologies for the wait. I finished my backstory and character sheet. The forum won’t let me link them because I haven’t posted enough yet, what should I do?

2024-06-05, 08:45 AM
Alright! Others almost ready to start. I will message you with link to the server