View Full Version : Zodi Streams: Princess Peach Showtime! (Shin Super Princess Peach)

2024-04-11, 09:53 PM
God it's been awhile since I actually made a new thread, instead of using my current thread to hold onto stuff.

Anyway hey, Princess Peach Showtime! is a game Nintendo released recently. It's a second shot at an actual game staring one of the primary main characters of ye olde Martin o. Brothers, and this time it isn't a reductive mess of emotions and vibrator allusions. Instead Peach decides to go to a cool theatre to see some plays, and because a bad bitch can't go anywhere without drawing trouble, a wine mom shows up with her sour little kids and decides to ruin the fun. Time to suit up and save the girl, girl power style.

Except not really since this game doesn't really indulge in that sorta stuff but I digress

This stream is special guesting my good friends Yza and Robin. We'll be streaming every Thursday; be there or be some kind of shape.

Zodi Streams: Princess Peach Showtime! [1.1] Curtain Call (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxUm4qvTDds)

Video Length: 3:09:21

... then the stream broke, so here's Showtime! [1.2] Princess Peach Investigations (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltXWMloEwK0)

We start this off with a bang, getting introduced to the basic premise of the gameplay- Peach pacifying enemies and curing stage objects with her new friend Stella, then gaining the power of the leading role and slashing, baking, or assassinating her way through the rest of the baddies, all to collect the ever important Sparkle Gems cookies that Stella needs to unlock the boss door. Along the way we can collect coins to buy dresses and ribbons, and fashion bows that give us ANOTHER dress for good ol' Princess Peach. A game about dress up having clothes as your rewards for most tasks makes a lot of sense, but if we get every cookie we also receive a glamour photo of the action, and I'll be doing my best to get any we miss off screen.

The first floor introduces us to the following;

Swordfighter, which is a classic Utena/Rose of Versaille like get up and incredibly fun and fluid. The dodge roll is a bit finicky but also very forgiving, so it all works out in the end.

Ninja, a stealth expert that can use the classic Hedge Ninja (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/709202493594402846/1228173375109726288/ninjahedgethumb.jpg?ex=662b1496&is=66189f96&hm=1af6101ccabea4a1d5cd931e26dd4eac51e10f7a7a740aa b2930d67dc501e6fd&) technique, camouflage blanket, and various other ninja techniques to avoid detection. She can also use her kunai to make short work of unsuspecting baddies, wall jump, and just generally be one of the coolest looking ninjas I've ever seen. She's even given Secret Agent Sae a run for her money...

Passtiere, a leather-booted, apron-clad wizard of the kitchen- literally as evidenced by the magic whisking she gets up to. This is the weakest of the first floor's offerings, though still enjoyable in its own right. Despite the somewhat basic gameplay of mashing B, or the shockingly complicated icing of cakes, this still feels pretty good, though as Yza says it's fairly Mario Party esque.

Cowgirl, another leather clad Peach, though this time she's traded in those stompin' boots for chaps! With her lasso she can whip enemies into space, grab barrels to throw at things, and also she gets a cool channel based horse riding auto-run segment (somewhat like the ninjas auto-run segment, which was also rad). Like Swordfighter, this one gets a boss, and I think it's perhaps a bit better executed than the thorned rose monster?

After that, we're faced with the dastardly DISCO WING, the first of the Grape Witch's horrid... underlings? Minions? Magical corruptions of the stage environments? Either way, it's a cool disco ball bird that is surprisingly more complex than you'd expect from a first boss, with similar vibes to a DKC boss. I like it, and look forward to what else we get... though I wish we'd gotten a Disco Peach to fight it, just for the fun of having the outfit.

We then step into the second floor, where we see only two of the three new plays on review;

Dashing Thief, high-flying and high-strung, the Dashing Thief is a little too fast for her own good, her grappling hook is a little tricky to aim and a little sticky on the targets it wants to hit vs what you're asking it to do. Some sort of time slow mechanic would be appreciate because holy crap I lose track of things quick as her. She's also able of doing some hacking, either by grappling the right node or just slapping down some control panels. This is ultimately very fun a concept, but feels a touch too loose in this first outing!

Detective, who is perhaps the exact polar opposite of the Dashing Thief... in more ways than one. Slow, plodding, and somewhat silly, it's time to make some basic deductions to solve some dastardly mysteries... and maybe get fooled by a red herring or two along the way. I really have no excuse for that bit at the end to be honest. This is definitely my least favorite of the bunch we've encountered. Which is praising with faint damnation, because all of these have honestly felt really fun and excellent. This is a great example of how Nintendo is really good at getting the game feel right like, 90% of the time. And the 10% they don't, it's still pretty good.

With all that being said and done... hope you enjoyed! Sunday will be back to Ar Tonelico 2, which gets posted in the old Majora's Mask thread, but then next Thursday we'll be back at the theatre for some figure skating, and further delving into the world of swordsplay! Thanks for watching, and take care!

2024-04-11, 10:05 PM
What I have seen so far has left me to conclude that his game is further evidence for my theory that Peach is secretly a badass who lets Bowser kidnap her to alleviate her boredom and/or because Mario rescuing her gets her hot.

Edit: "Theet" is obviously a pun on theatre.

Swordfigeter Peach is slashing with a rapier, a sword meant primarily for thrusting. You can slash with it, but it's not very good at it. So that's how good she is, he's using the wrong sword for what she's doing and it still works.

On the Pop Culture Ninja vs Real Nija debate, there's a third category you're leaving out: Folkloric/literary ninjas, the type that would appear in tall tales or the Japanese equivalent of pulp novels, who were... clans or villages of magic-using mercenaries who would do battle with each other using a mixture of martial arts and fantastical powers and selectively bred themselves to develop and maintain unique powers in their bodies, including special abilities only usable through the eyes.

Naruto was almost directly aping that. Lots of references to that ****: The Sanin were lifted directly from The Tale of The Gallant Young Thunder and with the comment about Sasuke having been named after the Third Hokage's father, that means that the Third Hokage's father would have been Sarutobi Sasuke. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarutobi_Sasuke)

A thing I've noticed is that while all the horses in the cowgirl level are marionettes, the "good" horse has natural movement while the bad ones very much don't. Almost as if the puppeteers on Peach's side, being the actual performers she's helping, are dedicated professionals while the ones on the sour bunch's side have no idea what they're doing and thus can't make the movements convincingly as if they have only just begun to work with puppetry.

Pokemon Uranium was such an interesting concept but... I remember Team Four Star did a stream of it back in the heyday of their gaming channel, back when they were doing Nuzlocks, and they commented on how the narrative depicts the Rival trainer as a whiney brat, and in particular how you can talk to a mentor figure after beating him for the first time and the mentor says "oh, he's upset that you chose the stronger Pokemon?" and I wanna say it was Lani who said "and that's how you know it's a fan game."

Tuxedo Mask's relative uselessness in the orignal Sailor Moon Anime was a deviation from the manga. Dude had powers, he just was as strong. Endymion, his original incarnation, was the Prince of the Earth the same way Senshi's previous selves were the Princesses of the Moon and various planets. He wasn't as powerful as the Senshi, because only a girl could access the full power of a Sailor Planet Crystal, but he was still there, contributing. The Anime basically downplayed his role and also kind of crapped on him in general.

The OG Anime also downplayed the crap out of the power level of the Senshi compared to the manga. The Sailor Senshi were basically low-key Gods.

I remember Metabots.

Lord Raziere
2024-04-13, 06:56 PM
And finally finished watching. Most of my thoughs have been edited into the post there but... I want these powers.

Replying to this here to keep this on topic, Peach's costume powers does remind me of the Referential Cosplay Style I made from the Dragonball roleplay we did, just more general archetypes rather than specific things referenced like mine. so yeah I'd want these powers to, if only because I made a power system much like it before. Probably the only time a DB fan character powered up by putting on Asriel Dreamurr cosplay.

2024-04-13, 07:46 PM
Though if I'm being honest, iffin I got these powers I'd want the default "purifying/healing ribbon" power to be frillier.

If I've got to wear a dress then I'mma commit to the bit. Needs more ribbons and the skirt needs to be a little more spinny.

But yeah. Zodi you comment of feeling lie the lead Grape is a kirby boss and I agree. This game kind of feels like it started life as a Kirby game but then they decided "but what if Peach?"

2024-04-13, 07:58 PM
Swordfigeter Peach is slashing with a rapier, a sword meant primarily for thrusting. You can slash with it, but it's not very good at it. So that's how good she is, he's using the wrong sword for what she's doing and it still works.

On the Pop Culture Ninja vs Real Nija debate, there's a third category you're leaving out: Folkloric/literary ninjas, the type that would appear in tall tales or the Japanese equivalent of pulp novels, who were... clans or villages of magic-using mercenaries who would do battle with each other using a mixture of martial arts and fantastical powers and selectively bred themselves to develop and maintain unique powers in their bodies, including special abilities only usable through the eyes.

Naruto was almost directly aping that. Lots of references to that ****: The Sanin were lifted directly from The Tale of The Gallant Young Thunder and with the comment about Sasuke having been named after the Third Hokage's father, that means that the Third Hokage's father would have been Sarutobi Sasuke. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarutobi_Sasuke)

A thing I've noticed is that while all the horses in the cowgirl level are marionettes, the "good" horse has natural movement while the bad ones very much don't. Almost as if the puppeteers on Peach's side, being the actual performers she's helping, are dedicated professionals while the ones on the sour bunch's side have no idea what they're doing and thus can't make the movements convincingly as if they have only just begun to work with puppetry.

Pokemon Uranium was such an interesting concept but... I remember Team Four Star did a stream of it back in the heyday of their gaming channel, back when they were doing Nuzlocks, and they commented on how the narrative depicts the Rival trainer as a whiney brat, and in particular how you can talk to a mentor figure after beating him for the first time and the mentor says "oh, he's upset that you chose the stronger Pokemon?" and I wanna say it was Lani who said "and that's how you know it's a fan game."

Tuxedo Mask's relative uselessness in the orignal Sailor Moon Anime was a deviation from the manga. Dude had powers, he just was as strong. Endymion, his original incarnation, was the Prince of the Earth the same way Senshi's previous selves were the Princesses of the Moon and various planets. He wasn't as powerful as the Senshi, because only a girl could access the full power of a Sailor Planet Crystal, but he was still there, contributing. The Anime basically downplayed his role and also kind of crapped on him in general.

The OG Anime also downplayed the crap out of the power level of the Senshi compared to the manga. The Sailor Senshi were basically low-key Gods.

I remember Metabots.

While Swordfighter Peach's sword has a basket hilt like an epee, the blade itself looks more like a saber style than the sort of fencing saber that'd excel at thrusts over slashes. It's still a testament to how good Peach is at this, but I don't think it's AS uncommonly powerful a skill as it appears- she's still using a slashing sword.

I always forget to factor in folklore style ninja into the discussion on real ninja vs kabuki-play ninja, and I really ought to do remedy that. Because like, that is an important aspect of the discussion that begs conversation. Especially because a lot of shonen absolutely takes inspiration from that and Journey to the West. Practically every shonen battle manga is some mixture of Journey to the West and Gallant Young Thunder, but the latter gets kind of ignored.

That's a really good catch with the horses. I love the attention to detail this game puts in little things like that.

Yeah that is... 100% the attitude of a bad fan-game. Anyway here's the link to TieTuesday's Uranium Highlights (https://youtu.be/Ei2nr4Rq_Pg). Do enjoy!

Yeah most people- me included- are mostly familiar with Tuxedo Mask being kinda useless in the anime. Also I WAS trying to say that he's effectively the male Sailor Earth but I kept on getting distracted by the hell that is trying to wrangle the Dashing Thief.

Medabots ****ing rules.

Replying to this here to keep this on topic, Peach's costume powers does remind me of the Referential Cosplay Style I made from the Dragonball roleplay we did, just more general archetypes rather than specific things referenced like mine. so yeah I'd want these powers to, if only because I made a power system much like it before. Probably the only time a DB fan character powered up by putting on Asriel Dreamurr cosplay.

Oh that reminds me, I forgot to share the link to The Cursed Memory (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH2P_rngn18) I referenced awhile ago. Please enjoy as well!

2024-04-13, 08:33 PM
Medabots ****ing rules.For Aprilfools a few years ago, Bandai-Namco had a collap between the Digimon and Mdabot teams wherein they relased lore data for Omedamon, an Omnimon variatn who'se digizoit Armor was based on the regenerating nanomachine metal as Medabot parts and whose arms were based on Medabee and Rokusho instead of MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon, as well as a GreyWar, GaruruMetal, and OmegaKnight Medabots based respectively on WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon, and Omnimon a year later... then they decided "**** it" and had them each appear in games in their respective series as well as an offical crossover V-Pet.

(Medabee and Rokusho also appeared as "Digimon" in the game where one can get Omedamon.)https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/7/76/Omedamon_b.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210401011900

Oh that reminds me, I forgot to share the link to The Cursed Memory (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH2P_rngn18) I referenced awhile ago. Please enjoy as well!
...I liked Fighting Foodon's. It's an interesting, if goofy, premise and the idea that th e quality of the food has a direct effect on the power of the Mon adds an interesting wrickle whin your ability to win competatively correlates directly to a skill that isn't directly related to training or raisning monsters.

2024-04-13, 10:41 PM
For Aprilfools a few years ago, Bandai-Namco had a collap between the Digimon and Mdabot teams wherein they relased lore data for Omedamon, an Omnimon variatn who'se digizoit Armor was based on the regenerating nanomachine metal as Medabot parts and whose arms were based on Medabee and Rokusho instead of MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon, as well as a GreyWar, GaruruMetal, and OmegaKnight Medabots based respectively on WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon, and Omnimon a year later... then they decided "**** it" and had them each appear in games in their respective series as well as an offical crossover V-Pet.

(Medabee and Rokusho also appeared as "Digimon" in the game where one can get Omedamon.)https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/7/76/Omedamon_b.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210401011900

...I liked Fighting Foodon's. It's an interesting, if goofy, premise and the idea that th e quality of the food has a direct effect on the power of the Mon adds an interesting wrickle whin your ability to win competatively correlates directly to a skill that isn't directly related to training or raisning monsters.

God I ****ing love all of those.

I also liked Fighting Foodons! It's just also a delightfully cursed sleeper-agent tune for me, where whenever I heard that symphony instead of something like, moving and meaningful, I think "... that furry really needs to wear a hair net get hervout of the kitchen"

Lord Raziere
2024-04-14, 01:04 AM
......oh yeah that is definitely cursed memory I hated the very concept of fighting foodons so I decided to never watch it upon hearing the name alone.

as for this Tietuesday guy....the beginning of the highlight is rough, but his presentation is getting better as I go along. I don't agree with his opinion on pokemon not having a story which kinda soured me on him immediately, and while he probably right about Uranium, he seems like someone trying to be an internet funnyman but is bad at it, or doesn't have the charisma for it.

mid part of the highlights:
okay, level 100 pokemon is still being beat by the npc pokemon, I guess thats bad but I've seen high level pokemon battles, at a certain point levels stop really mattering past 50 or 60, its not too crazy for a level 100 to get beaten by something far lower, though it probably shouldn't be THAT easy maybe? like I don't see it being talked about but my experience across my entire life of playing pokemon, is that 1-50, levels matter a lot, but past 50 or 60 so, the levels don't matter because by then your pokemon are strong and have their strategies hashed out so well that you just an answer for every situation.

late part of the highlights:
.....so is Tracton the horrible dragon/steel pseudo-legendary? how is it supposedly on the first route if you have to win it in the casino?

okaya puzzle lagging the game hard is definitely bad

.......oh.....oh those designs....Curie and Urayne do not look good.....

......I guess Uranium's bad, I'll take your word for it, but this highlight honestly doesn't help me see it all that well??? TieTuesday ain't exactly the best streamer/youtuber I've seen, he improved in his presentation over the course of the highlight, but I got distracted by his jokes not landing with me. I wasn't able to tell what was the plot and what just their jokes, I guess you can say the pokemon designs are bad and such, maybe I just control myself too much to have opinions or feelings about things but I didn't see what they were seeing or why they were laughing or feeling so hard about it. or maybe my all my comedy brain stuff was spent watching Team Four Star stuff and now my sense of humor is just ruined for everything else, I don't know, it just wasn't clicking with me.

2024-04-14, 07:23 AM
......oh yeah that is definitely cursed memory I hated the very concept of fighting foodons so I decided to never watch it upon hearing the name alone.

as for this Tietuesday guy....the beginning of the highlight is rough, but his presentation is getting better as I go along. I don't agree with his opinion on pokemon not having a story which kinda soured me on him immediately, and while he probably right about Uranium, he seems like someone trying to be an internet funnyman but is bad at it, or doesn't have the charisma for it.

mid part of the highlights:
okay, level 100 pokemon is still being beat by the npc pokemon, I guess thats bad but I've seen high level pokemon battles, at a certain point levels stop really mattering past 50 or 60, its not too crazy for a level 100 to get beaten by something far lower, though it probably shouldn't be THAT easy maybe? like I don't see it being talked about but my experience across my entire life of playing pokemon, is that 1-50, levels matter a lot, but past 50 or 60 so, the levels don't matter because by then your pokemon are strong and have their strategies hashed out so well that you just an answer for every situation.

late part of the highlights:
.....so is Tracton the horrible dragon/steel pseudo-legendary? how is it supposedly on the first route if you have to win it in the casino?

okaya puzzle lagging the game hard is definitely bad

.......oh.....oh those designs....Curie and Urayne do not look good.....

......I guess Uranium's bad, I'll take your word for it, but this highlight honestly doesn't help me see it all that well??? TieTuesday ain't exactly the best streamer/youtuber I've seen, he improved in his presentation over the course of the highlight, but I got distracted by his jokes not landing with me. I wasn't able to tell what was the plot and what just their jokes, I guess you can say the pokemon designs are bad and such, maybe I just control myself too much to have opinions or feelings about things but I didn't see what they were seeing or why they were laughing or feeling so hard about it. or maybe my all my comedy brain stuff was spent watching Team Four Star stuff and now my sense of humor is just ruined for everything else, I don't know, it just wasn't clicking with me.

Yeah Uranium is... a very old playthrough, and it took him a bit to get up steam and confidence. He definitely does have the charisma for it, he was just shy during this bit. I watched the full streams not just the highlight reel someone else made. And to clarify his point; it's not that Pokemon doesn't need a story, it's that it doesn't need some kind of big sweeping save the world plot.

So as it turns out the game had a glitch that any pokemon holding an item took double damage.

Tracton is the horrible steel/dragon pseudo-legendary that is the boss of the fourth gym- but there is a different pokemon, not seen in this highlight, that is a common route monster that is steel type before you'd have anything to really deal with it. I tried to make it clear these were two different pokemon I was talking about.

Yeah, maybe the badness doesn't quite click into place if you haven't seen the whole stream series. It's just a bunch of edgy nonsense plot wise, and the mechanics are really bad. At any rate, it's fine! Not everything is for everyone.

Lord Raziere
2024-04-17, 09:20 PM
just letting you know Zodi, got to do a real life thing tomorrow, so I won't be viewing the stream live unfortunately. hope you have a good time.

2024-04-18, 10:47 PM
Cosplay Crystal Powers, Ma~ake up!

Okay, seriously though: whenever Peach is playable in a game she's a complete badass. Even Super Princess Peach where her powers are the, aforementioned, reductive emotion powers those are still some pretty damn powerful abilities but like, in all the sports games she's a super athlete. In Smash Bro's she's a solid fighter, in Paper Mario she's basically Solid Snake, in Mario RPG she can and will slap your ****..

DC Comics Trivia: Bruce Wayne was once introduced to a woman named "Rei Hino," the Japanese civilian name of Sailor Mars, and immediately pegged her as being J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Man-Hunter, in disguise because the name was a dead giveaway.

Conclusion: Batman read Sailor Moon.

...Coidzer is making a reference with the "secrets of ice and now as a lullaby since she was zodilittle" thing but I don't know what.

...You styled on him so hard that he just straight-up ****ing died.

It took me a second to get the Thousand Year Door reference, too.

So the bad guys are basically a bunch of sour grapes, eh?

Rude. You unlocked an outfit for ribbon friend but then the game threw you into another level before you could check it out.

...Did that snake just use 「The World」?

If there's a Jamaican crab, we're walking out right now.

T'was me who mentioned the horses, of courses of courses.

...This is literally the opposite of what happened to Ariel.

Oh my God. Mermaid Peach is Aquaman.

2024-04-19, 12:01 AM

Zodi Plays: Princess Peach Showtime! [2] Legendary Dragon Kick (https://youtu.be/wgpCFdnqPxQ)

Video Length: 3:37:59

In this episode, we kick and punch and ice-skate our way through the next two and a bit floors of the Starlight Theatre. Lets take a lot at what we've got in store...

First off, the new costumes!

Figure Skater, a lovely ensemble made of ice and snow- literally it seems, based on the splotches of frost going up Peach's arms. It's a beautiful look to me, but then I am a sucker for this exact aesthetic (guess how much I liked the film Frozen and win a fabulous prize!). Mechanically this is a pretty simple one, gliding around the ice jumping and dodging various obstacles, as well as spinning a triple axle through enemies to send them flying or allies to add them to her synchronized crew of skaters. She's also got a minigame of sorts, where you must jump and spin on the appropriate spotlights to gain points and prestige. Hilariously they manage to put a boss in this one, and while it isn't particularly difficult it DOES absolutely rule. Also go read Two On Ice (https://www.viz.com/shonenjump/chapters/two-on-ice) if you want to understand what the **** I was talking about when I was bringing up evil snake ice skater man.

Mermaid, a rather unique stage to perform upon given it has you swimming around the world, and is fully 2D unlike the others which are a mixture of 3D and 2D segments, changing where appropriate. Mermaid's main gimmick is puzzle solving through use of her fish controlling songs, and while they aren't too bad that blowfish one was a little tricky to accomplish! The fun thing about this one is in the flavour- as described the outfit only makes you good at swimming, cause this voice is all Peachy baby! It's also, as Yza and I so delightfully point out, coincidentally and beautifully trans-flag coloured, and given it's a mermaid outfit it just fits so good, so it gets extra points from me. It also features Birdo seahorses, which is just such a fun idea.

MIGHTY, our superhero outfit! With the mighty technology of Doctor Theet, Princess Peach can chaaaaange into a powerhouse of electricity and strength! She can lift large buses, smash aliens to pieces, and when it is time to take to the skies she can don the hyper-power jetpack to do some aerial combat action! While the simplest of the combat based costumes, this one makes up for it in style, reminiscent of works like Space Adventure Cobra (https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nw6e0p8RgGY/maxresdefault.jpg) and Birdy the Mighty (https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/1635/118380.jpg), all of which I recommend you watch (especially the last one if you're trans or trans-adjacent). I don't know why I've decided to start recommending manga and anime I like but I'm doing that now I guess. Notably, this is the only costume not called an ensemble, implying that it may just actually be a real power suit she's using that is just CHARGED with star power. Incredible.

And, last but certainly not least...

Martial Arts, the fiery and fearsome kung-fu wuxia style combatant. The most complicated of the combat costumes, in so far as this game can be complicated, with spire jumps and flying kicks and combo strings that actually require some degree of thought, and boss fights that aren't as simple as Swordfighter's indefatigable counter blow. This is ultimately still a game for children so it's not TOO difficult, but the absolute rush one gets from swinging across multiple poles to send legions of sour grape fighters flying is something that no one can deny the joy of. Destroying the Grape Shifu with a combo-string super move was also super rad. Can't wait to see what happens next in this one.

We also face a number of bosses this time- two, in fact!

LIGHT FANG, the spotlights given form, is a horrendously cool snake with the power of time stop and time reversal, so long as you're caught within its green glare. This is more of a level boss then a straight up combat boss, but it more than proves just how cool these kinds of fights can be.

PURRJECTOR..., okay so I forgot what was after Purrjector. I think it was cat. I don't recall and for some reason don't want to check. Long story short, this Garfield meets Catbus from Totoro monstrosity is honestly VERY sick. The boss itself is simply- avoid or smack the claws, dodge the tail swipes, and make sure you've positioned the mouse-bombs properly so that when its projected double slam knocks the bomb up, it gets a face full of it. Do this three times and you win. Easy as pie!

Finally, we get to see what's up with the basement! Turns out, once you've completed the second level of each costume, you unlock a third omni-challenge level testing every skill you learned across that costume's journey, all in our quest to save the leading ladies of each of these plays that we've been understudying for. The starla's also help us out during them, which is quite fun! Swordfighter was a massive duel against powerful ghosts, the more generic soldiers, and ending with a brutal king-knight. Cowgirl had us chasing a demon-train across the planes, flinging barrels at it and tearing it apart piece by piece. Pattisiere somehow manages to have a genuinely compelling series of cooking based Iron Chef challenges against a spectral chef! It's all really fun, and while that's all of the ones we saw this time... next time, we're more than on track to see the rest of these, and probably beat the game to boot. Hope to see you there!


Cosplay Crystal Powers, Ma~ake up!

Okay, seriously though: whenever Peach is playable in a game she's a complete badass. Even Super Princess Peach where her powers are the, aforementioned, reductive emotion powers those are still some pretty damn powerful abilities but like, in all the sports games she's a super athlete. In Smash Bro's she's a solid fighter, in Paper Mario she's basically Solid Snake, in Mario RPG she can and will slap your ****..

DC Comics Trivia: Bruce Wayne was once introduced to a woman named "Rei Hino," the Japanese civilian name of Sailor Mars, and immediately pegged her as being J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Man-Hunter, in disguise because the name was a dead giveaway.

Conclusion: Batman read Sailor Moon.

...Coidzer is making a reference with the "secrets of ice and now as a lullaby since she was zodilittle" thing but I don't know what.

...You styled on him so hard that he just straight-up ****ing died.

It took me a second to get the Thousand Year Door reference, too.

So the bad guys are basically a bunch of sour grapes, eh?

Rude. You unlocked an outfit for ribbon friend but then the game threw you into another level before you could check it out.

...Did that snake just use 「The World」?

If there's a Jamaican crab, we're walking out right now.

T'was me who mentioned the horses, of courses of courses.

...This is literally the opposite of what happened to Ariel.

Oh my God. Mermaid Peach is Aquaman.

While some of it can be attributed to the costumes she gets, the fact of the matter is Peach clearly has to have the chops to do these roles in the first place. She kicks ass in this game, and deserves it.

J'onn ALSO reads Sailor Moon in this example, and felt it was necessary to one; disguise himself as a girl, and two; disguise himself in a comedically funny way. This is why Martian Manhunter is one of my favorites.

Coidzor has advised that this was a reference to a line the Ice King says in Adventure Time.

Yup! Sour, jealous, unruly Grapes that Peach is... definitely straight up killing with these stage powers. Though of course given this IS all happening on the stage, it's likely the minions are just being knocked off screen and returning to their bunch to recover.

Not QUITE The World, but close enough!

God it really is the EXACT opposite of Little Mermaid. I do love that. Also yeah, she commands all the creatures of the sea! I wonder if they'll take that to the natural conclusion Aquaman does on occasion...

Lord Raziere
2024-04-19, 12:35 AM
The skater peach outfit looks beautiful to me.

So if Madam Grape is a Kirby villain, does that mean Peach, by being the hero is now potentially as powerful as Kirby now? :P

well of course Peach gets a mermaid outfit, that just makes sense. and I didn't know mermaids was associated with trans stuff, I just thought I liked them because they were mermaids.

as for the martial arts costume.....going DBZ with it right off the bat are we? who will she be fighting this time on......Dragon Ball Peach! No.....Peachen Rider! Megapeach! Peach Ranger! The Great Saiyapeach!

I watched MLP:FiM up to season 5 or 6, but it wasn't sold to me as a action series at all. I don't remember anyone selling me on it, I just got interested in it because what everyone was talking about and got curious. I might someday view the latter seasons to see how it turned out. I liked it, but yeah Steven Universe is better, though I didn't expect you to not like MLP Zodi. I'm all about edgy and dark stuff and even I liked it. I feel the pony most likely to say ACAB would be Fluttershy because 1: she's friends with Discord and 2: its always the quiet ones that like cute little animals that are most anti-police, just like all the internet people I've seen. 3. every time Fluttershy gets a measure of assertiveness she wreaks havoc on everything around her in her rage. .....Zodi you have made some unbelievable guesses but I'm not going to believe you on this, it was NOT that obvious, there were no clues or indication for Twilight becoming that.

...its not tailor peach its the karate peach you've been talking about.

Legendary Dragon Kick IS pretty good music.

2024-04-19, 07:34 AM
The skater peach outfit looks beautiful to me.

So if Madam Grape is a Kirby villain, does that mean Peach, by being the hero is now potentially as powerful as Kirby now? :P

well of course Peach gets a mermaid outfit, that just makes sense. and I didn't know mermaids was associated with trans stuff, I just thought I liked them because they were mermaids.

as for the martial arts costume.....going DBZ with it right off the bat are we? who will she be fighting this time on......Dragon Ball Peach! No.....Peachen Rider! Megapeach! Peach Ranger! The Great Saiyapeach!

I watched MLP:FiM up to season 5 or 6, but it wasn't sold to me as a action series at all. I don't remember anyone selling me on it, I just got interested in it because what everyone was talking about and got curious. I might someday view the latter seasons to see how it turned out. I liked it, but yeah Steven Universe is better, though I didn't expect you to not like MLP Zodi. I'm all about edgy and dark stuff and even I liked it. I feel the pony most likely to say ACAB would be Fluttershy because 1: she's friends with Discord and 2: its always the quiet ones that like cute little animals that are most anti-police, just like all the internet people I've seen. 3. every time Fluttershy gets a measure of assertiveness she wreaks havoc on everything around her in her rage. .....Zodi you have made some unbelievable guesses but I'm not going to believe you on this, it was NOT that obvious, there were no clues or indication for Twilight becoming that.

...its not tailor peach its the karate peach you've been talking about.

Legendary Dragon Kick IS pretty good music.

I would say no, because typically in Kirby games the antagonist gains some degree of eldritch power due to their plans allowing them some fragment of power from the world. Nightmare is an evil wizard Kirby boss who literally became a living nightmare due to taking over the Fountain of Dreams, as an example. This is perhaps the lowest of them, because by contrast we get Drawcia, a regular sorceress who gets a sliver of power due to ****ing with the color of the world, and in doing so when she is finally killed her paint-haunted spirit takes over for a rather cool phase two with really ****ing rad music. Madame Grape is likely not going to find any source of power that makes it so that when we blow her up, a twisted monster version of her own soul rips itself free from her carcass and starts blasting spells everywhere... probably anyway.

Yeah! Admitidly a lot of the association of mermaids with trans folk comes from the UK, specifically because there is a trans support org over there called Mermaids, but it still tracks as symbolism. Now, I personally find moths and butterflies to be more personally affirming as trans symbols, but that's just me- and mermaids are definitely still extremely cool and enjoyable to look at.

The ****ing twist of Mighty Peach having a symbol that makes me think it is Martial Artist Peach was delightful, yeah.

To be clear, I did find the show good, it just wasn't my exact style... and again this is because it was sold to me as being more action oriented and more sequential than the "lesson of the week" format it provided. Not to say that episodic shows are bad, they're just not what I was told to expect going in and it soured my opinion of the show.

It is entirely fine not to believe me about guessing that was Celestia's plan. I may be wrong about it being in season 1 when I figured it out, the show is a bit of a blur to me at this point. But I did definitely figure it out before it became a directly stated plot point that she was intending for Twilight to ascend.

Yeah Yza was calling it tailor peach as a joke, since I had fallen for the ol' "oh this icon is a fist that must be the monk" trick. Clearly this symbol being a shirt means it's tailor peach, right Zodi?

All the music is fantastic but Assassin Disco and Legendary Dragon Kick are probably my favorite so far.

2024-04-20, 08:06 PM
MLP FIM was really ommitd to the "forgiveness and redemption" bit.

Like, there's an exchange in one of the Equestria Girls specials that perfectly sums it up

Starlight: Manipulated an entire town into giving up their talents so they wouldn't think they were special.
Twilight: Overpowered by magic I couldn't control and created a rift between two worlds, almost destroying both of them in the process.
Sunset: Turned an entire school into my own personal zombie army in hopes of conquering a distant pony world.
[Juniper stares in stunned silence]
Pinkie Pie: Wow. We are a reeeaaally forgiving group.Like, there are only four major antagonists who aren't eventually redeemed and of the four only the one who was literally made of evil, corrupted inside and out, was killed. The other three got the same treatment Discord did the first time around meaning they could in theory be released from their stone prisons and rehabilitated in the future.

Steven Universe was cut from the same cloth to the point that they even redeemed a character who might as well have been Space Hitler... But at the very least in the epilog season the fact that Steven still has some repressed resentment of the Diamonds due to their crimes is addressed and part of the overall "you know, that was some ****ed up **** he went through" theme of the season.

Meanwhile, it's a Disney show of all things that eventually comes out and tempers the "kindness and forgiveness" lesson with "Yeah, no, some people are just straight-up monsters. You can't reason with them, they will never feel remorse, and they may need to be stopped by force. Sometimes violence is in fact the correct answer and dealing with someone like this is one of those times so go and kick his ass already."

Edit: The canon crests in Digimon are Courage, Friendship, Love, Knowledge, Faith/Reliability, Purity/Sincerity, Hope, Light, Kindness, Miracles, and Destiny, though in the case of the last two we only ever see the digimentals ("digi-eggs") rather than actual crests.

2024-04-20, 09:26 PM
MLP FIM was really ommitd to the "forgiveness and redemption" bit.

Like, there's an exchange in one of the Equestria Girls specials that perfectly sums it up
Like, there are only four major antagonists who aren't eventually redeemed and of the four only the one who was literally made of evil, corrupted inside and out, was killed. The other three got the same treatment Discord did the first time around meaning they could in theory be released from their stone prisons and rehabilitated in the future.

Steven Universe was cut from the same cloth to the point that they even redeemed a character who might as well have been Space Hitler... But at the very least in the epilog season the fact that Steven still has some repressed resentment of the Diamonds due to their crimes is addressed and part of the overall "you know, that was some ****ed up **** he went through" theme of the season.

Meanwhile, it's a Disney show of all things that eventually comes out and tempers the "kindness and forgiveness" lesson with "Yeah, no, some people are just straight-up monsters. You can't reason with them, they will never feel remorse, and they may need to be stopped by force. Sometimes violence is in fact the correct answer and dealing with someone like this is one of those times so go and kick his ass already."

Edit: The canon crests in Digimon are Courage, Friendship, Love, Knowledge, Faith/Reliability, Purity/Sincerity, Hope, Light, Kindness, Miracles, and Destiny, though in the case of the last two we only ever see the digimentals ("digi-eggs") rather than actual crests.

Which is hilarious because the villain of Rainbow Rocks gets ****ing turbo killed from what I've heard?

Steven Universe is allowed to have this because while, in-universe (heh) the fact that the Diamonds are horrific monsters is a very clear and present thing... the thematic resonance of the show is "what if we lived in a world where I could make up with my bigoted parents as a queer person, get them out of that head space, still admonish them for the bad they did, all while still loving myself" and like sometimes? Sometimes I want that. Also yeah Future's more realistic epilogue makes it settle a lot better- they ARE doing their best, the atonement ISN'T easy, and Steven has to face the fact that loving himself and reconciling with ****ty family means sometimes letting go and moving on for awhile. It's very... relatable, for me.

Although also yes the Owl House method of "you take the people responsible for the bad and you grind them under foot till their bones are feeding tomorrow's flowers" is also very, very cathartic and good as well.

Okay that's actually enough for all of Peach's costumes! I'll leave you to figuring out which is which yourself because I'm tired right now. Also this post reminded me of "Submarimon, the Submarine of Sincerity!" and I'll always love that.

Also also; Qwerty is in fact going to be far too busy with pesach to stream tomorrow, so we'll be returning to Showtime! Hope to see you all there.

2024-04-22, 07:48 AM
Peach is a Badass Evidence

Super Mario Bros 2: Peach has the long jump and floaty power that makes platforming a breeze.

Assorted Sports Games: Is shown being a super athlete on par with everyone else.

Mario RPG: Can slap people's ****.

Paper Mario: Is basically Solid Snake.

Smash Bros: Actually a decently high-tier brawler.

Mario Kart series: Very clearly conquered Isle Delfino and transformed its capital into her own private raceway in revenge for the miscarriage of justice that occurred in Super Mario Sunshine.

Super Princess Peach: While reductive, the emotional powers are still pretty strong.

This game: Even before getting the power of Sparkle Peach immediately jumps in to try and deal with the problem. Adapts to each role and master their powers immediately.

2024-04-22, 08:16 AM
Peach is a Badass Evidence

Super Mario Bros 2: Peach has the long jump and floaty power that makes platforming a breeze.

Assorted Sports Games: Is shown being a super athlete on par with everyone else.

Mario RPG: Can slap people's ****.

Paper Mario: Is basically Solid Snake.

Smash Bros: Actually a decently high-tier brawler.

Mario Kart series: Very clearly conquered Isle Delfino and transformed its capital into her own private raceway in revenge for the miscarriage of justice that occurred in Super Mario Sunshine.

Super Princess Peach: While reductive, the emotional powers are still pretty strong.

This game: Even before getting the power of Sparkle Peach immediately jumps in to try and deal with the problem. Adapts to each role and master their powers immediately.

To be fair some of that skill comes from my execution, but yeah; I don't deny Peach kicks ass.

Now then, yesterday's stream, today!

Zodi Streams: Princess Peach Showtime! [3] Radiance (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFo20xRdOhY)

Video Length: 4:27:36

With all of our costumes taken care of, all that really remains ahead of us is to complete the stages and bring the fight to Madame Grape herself! So lets do that!

So lets talk about the structure of this game. You've got one extra long level as the opening, including both regular Peach segments and the costumed segments. Then you have a second, shorter stage involving the costume, usually more challenging or utilizing different aspects of your costume. Then you have the third Sparkla stage, which is still short but is also very dense, taking all you've learned and putting it together... but also combining it with the addition of the Sparkla helping you out, changing the gameplay up because now there's two of you.

This is honestly a pretty fantastic gameplay loop. I'm honestly kind of at a loss for what to say about it, it's just a perfectly elegant three tiers structure to playing with these costumes. Some seem a little strained, and the point we've raised about the game being somewhat unfriendly to re-play stages to collect things you missed still holds true, but if once was to ask me what kind of structure a game like Showtime should have, it'd basically be this.

Now then... bosses.

SPOTLION, is a pretty cool looking boss, with the reflective mirror world he throws us into looking very pretty, and his laser attacks looking quite threatening, but of the bosses this may be one of the weaker ones. There's just a lot of waiting around, and unlike the other bosses it didn't quite "click" what I had to do right away. Disco Wing is still the least good in terms of how long one must wait to get an opportunity to attack, but still. That being said it's still a fun boss, and the aesthetic of all of these theater equipment bosses are super stylish.

MADAME GRAPE, is, as far as final bosses go, pretty basic- it is not a big surprise we get one final nod to Kirby as Peach power up into her RADIANT form to battle the witch. It's got that classic Kirby 64 battle arena (which we will see in the future one day... I've still got that Kirby bloodpact) layout, and the actual combat against the Madame is pretty slick. Peach fires her start blasts, Grape protects herself with her tengu dancers and fires off theatrical spells. It's pretty solid a final boss- and shockingly isn't a head-and-hands boss!

GRAPE THE GREAT, however, is... technically. It's sort of the inverse, where you CAN'T destroy the hands and must focus down the face. I think that's clever. SUPER RADIANT Peach has a more concentrated laser, though she can't hold it for too long before getting tired, and it's shockingly weak given it can't destroy Grape's meteorites. But it is also concentrated starlight power that slowly but surely shatters this witch's face, exposing her soul for some nice gentle purification, so it's strong enough I suppose.

With Madame Grape defeated, and the power of the sparkle cookies bringing the destroyed theatre back to working order, Peach finally regains her crown and celebrates the job well down with all her newfound friends/acting mentors. Huzzah!

... and then the game hits us with a "by the way you can upgrade the theater using your extra cookies" and, perhaps more shockingly, every single stage now has at most three ninja apprentices hiding in them! The bosses also have special challenges to get more cookies! And there's another rehearsal! Gah, so much stuff suddenly, I was not expecting there to be a post game like this! I'll likely do this in my own time because, as we say in stream, this is pretty blatantly a Green Star challenge, one that requires replaying the ENTIRE game to do, and god forbid you miss one since apparently they're pretty well hidden too...

But yeah. That was Princess Peach Showtime!. A wonderful little game that, dare I say, brought a sparkle to my heart. Sometimes you just need to kick back and relax with a simple, relaxing game for kids, and this is a perfect game for that purpose. It's short, sweet, to the point, and does everything it really needs to baring like, one or two minor missteps in the running of it. A good time was had by all, thank you for watching.

... next time, we fulfill one of my various bloodpacts. It's time for the game that doesn't exist; Sly 4: Thieves in Time.

2024-04-22, 09:24 AM
So yeah, Peach basically goes Super Saiyan in the end game.

I'm looking forward to the red flags paying off and also the reveal that the relationship founded on lies and manipulation wasn't healthy.

2024-04-22, 10:38 AM
What I have seen so far has left me to conclude that his game is further evidence for my theory that Peach is secretly a badass who lets Bowser kidnap her to alleviate her boredom and/or because Mario rescuing her gets her hot.

Only the first game actually happened. Every one since is a ceremonial reenactment.

2024-04-25, 06:44 PM
So yeah, Peach basically goes Super Saiyan in the end game.

I'm looking forward to the red flags paying off and also the reveal that the relationship founded on lies and manipulation wasn't healthy.

Unfortunately you'll have to wait a bit longer since I made a bit of an oopsiedoodle and forgot that Sly 4 is a PS3 game and I have a PS4 with me at my dads. Oops!

Instead be satiated by Metroid Prime Remastered. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?666899-Zodi-Streams-Metroid-Prime-Remastered-(That-s-Just-Prime-Again!)&p=26001913#post26001913)

2024-04-27, 06:54 PM
Finally finished the stream. It took me a bit becuase life happened.

1: When you guys started talking about Bower being a good dad I had a sudden flashback. The Owl House fanction thread on another forum I post on has had a sort of meme for the last few months of shipping Camila with single parents from other franchises and "Camila and Luz ended up in the koopa kingdom, lost their memory, went native, got their memories back, and then came back to tie off loose ends and that's when Owl House happens" involved CamilaxBowser and the general consensus of Luz with Bowser as a parental figure is "1: She'd be trying to conquer the isles but in a fun cartoony way" and "2: She's totally gonna try and kidnap Amity." The twist of course being that Amity is into it but we never say if it's because this is actually considered romantic in the demon realm, or because Amity is a dork who's into big cheesy gestures, or if it's because Luz beat up Odalia in the process.

2: I too await the day that Mario returns to Dolphin Island for revenge.

3: I'll have to go back in check, but I'm pretty sure that a Theet outside the swordfighter play was saying something about ushering you in soon before the plot happened so I assume that that's what Peach was there for.

Now, to go watch Metroid.