View Full Version : Recruiting The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Stories (3.5, Discord)

2024-04-14, 12:33 PM
Hello! In an attempt to expand my horizons and get more gaming into my life, I would like to get a game going based on the Legend of Zelda series. Please, feel free to read over the 16 and if you have any questions, I'm more than happy to answer.

Included also is my google doc, here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1daEYIQaeqhXAZUJ-FcSwFcXj5ftRhgYwWdPOQfHCKrE/edit?usp=sharing). It, I think, is pretty comprehensive and covers most of the info you might need.

1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)?

Dungeons and Dragons, 3.5 edition

2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)?

There are a few variants in play, mostly how races and magic will work. The game will take place during the time known as the Golden Era, which is the result of the banishing of the Demon King, and Hyrule entering a long period of prosperity and peace.

3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?

4-5. Might take an alternate, or a 6th if I really like all the entries included.

4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)?

I have a dedicated Discord server for this. That said, it will be a play-by-post format, with the hopes that you will be able to check in at least daily and post/message when appropriate.

5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?

3rd level, appropriate WBL (do keep in mind Goron have a level adjustment of +1). Not a fan of flaws. At most 2 traits, but make them thematic and flavorful.

6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?

As above. I think it is 2700 gp.

7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?

I have rules in place for all PHB1 classes. If you want a class that is outside of that, please let me know and we can try to make it work. Please ask about any prestige classes: thematically, many might not fit into the world as is.

8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?

My document has the available list of races.

9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?

Let's do a 28 point buy. Make sure you are using the 3.5 and not PF buyer.

For hit points, roll the appropriate hit die, round up to the average if lower than.

10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?

Don't be that guy. Alignments are used and enforced, but regardless of who you play, make sure they can work in and with a party.

11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?

Multiclassing is just fine. I'm not imposing any penalty for such.

12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?

The discord server has a dice bot. Feel free to get familiar with it when you get in. It mostly works off of /r (insert dice here). You can even add descriptors to the dice, for bookkeeping and flavor!

13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is the magic point system, and the simplified/combined skill list (both in the document above).

14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?

You feel free to give as much of a background as you feel like to make a level 3 character. I would like at least a decent paragraph.

15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?

I foresee the game having plenty of action, combat, social interactions, potentially some peace keeping (depending on the party), but overall I plan to leave it up to the party. The world is vast, with many races, factions, monsters, and much more; it is also your oyster. Have at it. But I will provide hooks and ideas where appropriate.

16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?

Let's keep it to PHB1, PHB2, and the complete series. If there is something special and specific you want to ask for, let it be known and we can talk about it.

2024-04-14, 01:42 PM
I went through your document out of curiosity, and you don't actually spell out how Mana Points are spent...?

2024-04-14, 02:31 PM
I went through your document out of curiosity, and you don't actually spell out how Mana Points are spent...?

Did I not? Well damn. I always feel like I finish something and then find out something is missing.

The long and short is a spell costs a number of points equal to the spell level. This includes reproducing a spell through means of an item. Doing it this way, it more front loads magic while also enabling more than mages and rogues to use all the fancy toys.

2024-04-20, 09:04 AM
Highly exciting prospect. I thoroughly enjoy the idea of a Sheikah swordsage, if you're amenable to it, as I think the class blends very naturally with the style of combat displayed by the Sheikah. Would maneuvers become dependent on the mana system you are introducing? If so, that would require some brainstorming as the class is pretty dependent on maneuvers.

Alternatively, a druid or summoning wizard in search of the legendary Wind Fish seems like good fun.

2024-04-20, 09:17 AM
Actually, a Picori artificer or wizard sounds pretty fun, I like the idea of being highly intelligent but diminutive, and an artificer may provide a cool opportunity to make some interesting gear for the party similar to the BOTW ancient technology. Would you be open to statting out the Picori race?

2024-04-20, 09:10 PM
I confess I'm more interested in this Zelda theme than the Amonkhet theme from the new thread. I'm trying to think of a character idea that's ambitious enough to make a story happen when there's no particular threat or plot to deal with. I'll need to get more comfortable with looking for trouble and/or causing problems on purpose!


- A cartographer mapping out the edge of Hylian territory. Maps are a subtheme of the games and are considered valuable treasure, so making one on this scale feels like a good long-term quest.
- A historian/archaeologist documenting the writing and artifacts of ancient sites, piecing together the events of the various past Ages.
- A greedy settler who never learned that colonialism is bad and is hoping to discover some long-lost city to loot, move into, and/or lord over.
- A cleric trying to resolve some theological dispute by... finding... every temple in the world? Not so sure about this one
- A Zora bard or rogue who wants to be a ninja-detective-rock star.

2024-04-20, 09:27 PM
Oh I’m very interested in a Legend of Zelda theme!

2024-04-20, 10:12 PM
What is your feeling on the Animal Companion Bard from Unearthed Arcana? A Gerudo and her pony wandering the Wilds with their Ocarina might be fun.

2024-04-21, 12:25 PM
Well, I'm glad to see this pick of some attention. Thanks for responding, all!

I don't recall if I linked it. Please, have a look over the setting booklet I've made, and let me know if you have any questions! It is still under construction, so if something seems a bit off, that might be why.


Highly exciting prospect. I thoroughly enjoy the idea of a Sheikah swordsage, if you're amenable to it, as I think the class blends very naturally with the style of combat displayed by the Sheikah. Would maneuvers become dependent on the mana system you are introducing? If so, that would require some brainstorming as the class is pretty dependent on maneuvers.

Alternatively, a druid or summoning wizard in search of the legendary Wind Fish seems like good fun.

I could work with swordsage, something similar to the arcane conversion in ToB, and making it similar to a caster and 1 to 1 on mana/spell level.

At this time I have no intention of brewing up a race that is smaller than small.

I confess I'm more interested in this Zelda theme than the Amonkhet theme from the new thread. I'm trying to think of a character idea that's ambitious enough to make a story happen when there's no particular threat or plot to deal with. I'll need to get more comfortable with looking for trouble and/or causing problems on purpose!


- A cartographer mapping out the edge of Hylian territory. Maps are a subtheme of the games and are considered valuable treasure, so making one on this scale feels like a good long-term quest.
- A historian/archaeologist documenting the writing and artifacts of ancient sites, piecing together the events of the various past Ages.
- A greedy settler who never learned that colonialism is bad and is hoping to discover some long-lost city to loot, move into, and/or lord over.
- A cleric trying to resolve some theological dispute by... finding... every temple in the world? Not so sure about this one
- A Zora bard or rogue who wants to be a ninja-detective-rock star.

I honestly love the cartography idea. Actually gives some driving force behind the sandbox.

What is your feeling on the Animal Companion Bard from Unearthed Arcana? A Gerudo and her pony wandering the Wilds with their Ocarina might be fun.

I'm having trouble finding that. Would be be able to link me?

2024-04-21, 12:50 PM
I'm having trouble finding that. Would be be able to link me?

Sure thing. "Nature Bard" from UA 58, described here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=19852971&postcount=2)

2024-04-22, 01:09 PM
So if I am reading it right, you maintain the ability Bardic Music, but you lose all of the different types of music listed. Is that correct?

I don't suppose I would take any issue with that.

2024-04-22, 01:35 PM
This sounds really interesting! I’d love to join if you’ll have me. I do have a few questions:

First, how beginner-friendly would the game be? I’ve only played one session of 3/3.5, so I’m not super familiar with the ins and outs of the system, but I’m willing to learn if you guys are okay with the occasional newbie mistake.

Second, regarding a character, I’d love to play either an Archivist or a Warblade. Again, newbie to 3.5, not planning to do anything incredibly broken with them. I thought, if wizards are not trustworthy in Hyrule, the archivist would be more acceptable. Plus I like the divine scholar flavor. As for the Warblade, the Nine Swords classes all sound awesome, and Warblade seems the most accessible. I’d have the same question as above though: how do maneuvers and the Mana Die interact?

2024-04-22, 01:56 PM
So if I am reading it right, you maintain the ability Bardic Music, but you lose all of the different types of music listed. Is that correct?

I don't suppose I would take any issue with that.

Actually, I still get fascinate and suggestion, but I lose most of them.

Here (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2900091) is what I have so far

2024-04-23, 01:02 AM
Okay, so I've pretty much settled on making Tabella a mapmaker-rogue. I'm guessing that Complete Champion counts as being part of the Complete series, which would make Knowledge devotion okay. Is the Education feat also okay? It looks like it appears in three different campaign settings with the same, "+1 to two knowledge skills and all knowledge skills are class skills for you," effect. I decided against Wilderness Rogue because I already decided Tabella was born and raised in the Hylian capital, so I imagine she'd qualify for this setting's version of Education.

According to prophecy, when darkness descends upon Hyrule, the person holding the triforce of wisdom will be the only child of a widower king. The current Hylian royal family understandably tries to avoid creating that situation. In addition to funding loads of research into preventing and treating the ever-present scourge of complications in childbirth, they maintain a system of nobility that includes an extended family with multiple cousins and siblings, many of them adopted.

Tabella Z. Hyland is the child of one such adopted cousin. She's a member of that peculiar class that claims nobility, but has no actual land under their custody, meaning they must find something else to do to justify their existence. For most of her noble classmates, this amounted to joining the knighthood or working for a living alongside the commoners, not that doing so ever stops one's title from going to one's head. Their work often turns to creating leadership positions for themselves among various guilds, guard chapters, and schools of the arts.

While Tabella does not really have a knack for leadership, nor even for arts and crafts, struggling with potions and pottery and the like, the art of mapmaking has enthralled her attention since she was a child. She would go out and fill pages with grid lines and icons and illustrations. Her mother, a knight, once came home to find one of Tabella's creations proudly hung on the wall, and was forced to confiscate it as a risk to Castle Town security because it revealed too much about their access points and defenses. Nonetheless, she kept at it, looking at every resource she could find for maps of the country and the world. To her disappointment, most extant maps are at least a hundred years old. Hyrule doesn't really have a guild of cartography or anything to update them. Most towns these days were founded since the last map of Hyrule was made, and those towns don't even have maps of their own when you do find them!

"What does a little town need a map for?" you might ask. "Everyone there knows where everything is. You can just ask them." To which Tabella would look away and make some noncommital noises because she really doesn't want to talk to a stranger if she can help it, even as an adult. She'll make the town map for you and post it by the road so that people like her can know where everything is. And the postal service! Everyone loves the postal service. What happens when they hire a new Rito guy who has never seen most of Hyrule before, huh? Don't you want him to have an accurate map to go on? Of course you do.

So, this is Tabella's noble mission: to set out to every corner of Hylian territory, map it out, and file it back home in the house of her newly-established guild of cartography. She and the party are currently the guild's only members. Leadership doesn't come easily to her.

2024-04-23, 08:46 AM
I see I should have read the 16 more carefully…I missed the rulebooks restriction. With that in mind, I’d still like to request a Warblade, but if that’s not available, I may create a beguiler or duskblade (both from Player’s Handbook 2). Would that be acceptable?

2024-04-23, 11:10 AM
This sounds really interesting! I’d love to join if you’ll have me. I do have a few questions:

First, how beginner-friendly would the game be? I’ve only played one session of 3/3.5, so I’m not super familiar with the ins and outs of the system, but I’m willing to learn if you guys are okay with the occasional newbie mistake.

New players are always welcome, just be aware some classes have more complexity to them than others, so if you are fairly new to tabletop rpgs in general, you may want to start with something more simple while you are starting out.

Otherwise, we can always help talk you through some things until you get a general feel for it. The simplest rule is when in doubt, roll a d20 and add a number from your sheet.

Actually, I still get fascinate and suggestion, but I lose most of them.

Here (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2900091) is what I have so far

Yes. My wording was that the ones listed in the ACF were to be removed.

I will look at the sheet when I get to a pc. For some reason they don't want to open on my mobile anymore.

Okay, so I've pretty much settled on making Tabella a mapmaker-rogue. I'm guessing that Complete Champion counts as being part of the Complete series, which would make Knowledge devotion okay. Is the Education feat also okay? It looks like it appears in three different campaign settings with the same, "+1 to two knowledge skills and all knowledge skills are class skills for you," effect. I decided against Wilderness Rogue because I already decided Tabella was born and raised in the Hylian capital, so I imagine she'd qualify for this setting's version of Education.

Complete champion does qualify. Can you get me a source for Education?

I see I should have read the 16 more carefully…I missed the rulebooks restriction. With that in mind, I’d still like to request a Warblade, but if that’s not available, I may create a beguiler or duskblade (both from Player’s Handbook 2). Would that be acceptable?

Beguiler and duskblade might need some reflavoring, but otherwise I don't see a major issue for them, mechanically. Do again note my forewarning on complexity for newer players.

2024-04-23, 11:44 AM
Thank you! I have a lot of experience with D&D 4e, 5e, and 13th Age, so I’m definitely familiar with tabletop RPGs in general. I have only played one session of 3.5 though, and that was…maybe 10 years ago? So my knowledge of that system is not the best, but I’m sure I can figure it out.

Thinking about it more, I think I would like to play a Beguiler. As far as reflavoring, let me throw out an idea. Keeping this clause in mind:

For the most part, “good” arcane casters are going to be sheltered, family-secret sorcerers. For wizards to exist, they need to be well studied, and without mage colleges truly existing within the borders of Hyrule, they are incredibly rare and generally are self taught by found scrolls or tomes, absorbing any arcane secrets they can manage to find along the way.

I always liked Majora’s Mask, and the idea of masks and hidden secrets sounds fitting for a Beguiler’s illusion and enchantment spells. What if my character came from Termina to Hyrule, and had to learn to hide his magical powers? This assumes that Termina would have a more tolerant view of arcane magic, considering the more ambiguous nature of their magical powers (at least as far as I know, the masks and magical items don’t have an explicit origin like the Triforce’s divine connection). Essentially, he’d be flavored as a wizard, but one who needs a broader skill set than a traditional wizard to hide the fact that he knows some non-Hyrule magic.

Does this sound appropriate for the game you have in mind?

2024-04-23, 07:10 PM
@Feathersnow, looked it over, everything seems fine. Double check the mana system, it will vaguely alter your spells/day.

Thank you! I have a lot of experience with D&D 4e, 5e, and 13th Age, so I’m definitely familiar with tabletop RPGs in general. I have only played one session of 3.5 though, and that was…maybe 10 years ago? So my knowledge of that system is not the best, but I’m sure I can figure it out.

Glad to know you have experience! Should be a walk in the park then, just hop back on the bike as they say. Someone has said that before. I'm sure of it.

Thinking about it more, I think I would like to play a Beguiler. As far as reflavoring, let me throw out an idea. Keeping this clause in mind:

I always liked Majora’s Mask, and the idea of masks and hidden secrets sounds fitting for a Beguiler’s illusion and enchantment spells. What if my character came from Termina to Hyrule, and had to learn to hide his magical powers? This assumes that Termina would have a more tolerant view of arcane magic, considering the more ambiguous nature of their magical powers (at least as far as I know, the masks and magical items don’t have an explicit origin like the Triforce’s divine connection). Essentially, he’d be flavored as a wizard, but one who needs a broader skill set than a traditional wizard to hide the fact that he knows some non-Hyrule magic.

Does this sound appropriate for the game you have in mind?

I am all for reflavoring Beguiler as "flavor of wizard" but I would like to avoid Termina as much as possible. Majora's Mask might actually be my favorite game in the series, but dimension hopping can make things messy. Yes, I want this to be fairly sandbox, but that does need some sort of frame at a minimum, ya know?

2024-04-23, 08:44 PM
Complete champion does qualify. Can you get me a source for Education?

Sure? It was reportedly in Forgotten Realms and Ghostwalk first, but I first found it in the Eberron campaign setting book back when I had that. Someone on Fandom Wiki copied it down here. (https://world-walker-chronicles.fandom.com/wiki/Eberron_Campaign_Setting_Feats#Education)

Just in case, here is Tabella without it (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2900176). She gets Wilderness Rogue for Knowledge(Geography) in this case. I could theoretically let craft(maps) carry her background and motivation on its own, but being a cartographer without geography feels wrong, somehow.

Then again, knowing that everyone else is already playing skills-focused classes, part of me wants to just make her a knightly fighter and let the rest of you take care of the actual scouting and observation. Even fighters get Craft as a class skill. :smalltongue:

2024-04-23, 09:50 PM
Oh, I didn't mean to make dimension-hopping a major portion of the character, although I can see where it would be a problem. I was thinking he'd be stuck in Hyrule and kind of given up on finding a way home. But, if you want to avoid Termina, then I'll respect that and re-work the character's backstory. If there's a Terminan version of the character, there's an alternate Hyrule version, right? :smalltongue:

I'll get a character written up soon, along with a background. I'm definitely thinking of building a Beguiler as a party face, so @Dr.Gunsforhands, you still have plenty of skills for scouting and other roguery! Don't want to step on anyone's toes, especially if their character's already built.

2024-04-24, 02:30 PM
I’ve changed my mind after reviewing the thread: we have a Bard and a Rogue, so I’ll back off from a skill-focused class. Instead I’ll go Duskblade to provide a melee fighter and sacrificial meat shield.

For flavor, I was thinking a squire of a knightly order who found a magic sword, and wants to imitate the great heroes he heard stories about and loved as a boy. I’d be flavoring the Duskblade magic as sword magic, like the sword beams from the games. Just a few questions as I build him:

1. If he uses a Greatsword, can he remove his hand from the sword and put it back as a free action for spellcasting purposes? If he needs a free hand all the time, I’ll get him a Longsword instead.

2. I want to pick the Collector of Stories skill trick (from Complete Scoundrel). Would you allow that to work with the Knowledge Devotion feat (from Complete Champion)? If I’m reading it right, Collector of Stories gives a +5 competence bonus to Knowledge checks to identify a creature. Knowledge Devotion requires a Knowledge check to identify a creature and give a bonus to damage against that creature type, all once per encounter. Would you allow the skill trick’s bonus to apply to the feat’s skill check? If that’s too munchkin-y, I’ll probably keep both the skill trick and the feat for flavor purposes and just not let them interact.

Sorry about the flurry of ideas: I’m excited about this game!

2024-04-25, 09:10 AM
I am not quite as familiar with 3.5 as I am with Pathfinder, but the thought of a Zelda based game has me wanting to dig up some old books and see what I can put together. I'm leaning towards a Hylian Paladin. Since Hylia has the Sun and Good domains, would the Shadowstriker PRC from Complete Champion be a valid choice for later? I love the idea of walking into a crowd of Re-Dead swinging a sword burning with the light of the Sun.

2024-04-25, 11:21 AM
General notes: Hey, I forgot (go figure) to include rules for HP. I fixed it in the 16, but I will repeat it here.

Roll hit dice, round up to average if lower than.

As an additional note, I would like to get this running sooner than later. Can we possibly have sheets done and submitted no later than next Friday? That is, May 3rd.

Just in case, here is Tabella without it (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2900176). She gets Wilderness Rogue for Knowledge(Geography) in this case. I could theoretically let craft(maps) carry her background and motivation on its own, but being a cartographer without geography feels wrong, somehow.

Then again, knowing that everyone else is already playing skills-focused classes, part of me wants to just make her a knightly fighter and let the rest of you take care of the actual scouting and observation. Even fighters get Craft as a class skill. :smalltongue:

Tabella looks fine as is. Just update HP and MP, and I think you seem good to go!

I’ve changed my mind after reviewing the thread: we have a Bard and a Rogue, so I’ll back off from a skill-focused class. Instead I’ll go Duskblade to provide a melee fighter and sacrificial meat shield.

For flavor, I was thinking a squire of a knightly order who found a magic sword, and wants to imitate the great heroes he heard stories about and loved as a boy. I’d be flavoring the Duskblade magic as sword magic, like the sword beams from the games. Just a few questions as I build him:

1. If he uses a Greatsword, can he remove his hand from the sword and put it back as a free action for spellcasting purposes? If he needs a free hand all the time, I’ll get him a Longsword instead.

2. I want to pick the Collector of Stories skill trick (from Complete Scoundrel). Would you allow that to work with the Knowledge Devotion feat (from Complete Champion)? If I’m reading it right, Collector of Stories gives a +5 competence bonus to Knowledge checks to identify a creature. Knowledge Devotion requires a Knowledge check to identify a creature and give a bonus to damage against that creature type, all once per encounter. Would you allow the skill trick’s bonus to apply to the feat’s skill check? If that’s too munchkin-y, I’ll probably keep both the skill trick and the feat for flavor purposes and just not let them interact.

Sorry about the flurry of ideas: I’m excited about this game!

Don't feel like you need to fill a role or change for anyone else. We are all here to have fun, and the game will have a mixture of concepts and ideas. Yes, there will likely be some combat moments, but it isn't my primary focus if it isn't the primary focus of the party.

1. I will go with the idea that your ability to "wield" counts for a full round. So no back and forth, IE if you choose to cast, you omit your ability to make opportunity attacks that round using your weapon, as well as any other function that would require the weapon to be wielded proper. This can also have effects on things such as disarm.

2. The interaction between the two seems fine, it will net you a +1 per round, nothing major. Just do keep in mind skill tricks are far more limited than knowledge devotion, so if fighting multiple enemy types, you have to pick which one you want to burn the trick on for that encounter.

I am not quite as familiar with 3.5 as I am with Pathfinder, but the thought of a Zelda based game has me wanting to dig up some old books and see what I can put together. I'm leaning towards a Hylian Paladin. Since Hylia has the Sun and Good domains, would the Shadowstriker PRC from Complete Champion be a valid choice for later? I love the idea of walking into a crowd of Re-Dead swinging a sword burning with the light of the Sun.

Sounds fine by me. Glad I could get your interest! Go be a holy nuke!

2024-04-25, 01:54 PM
1. I will go with the idea that your ability to "wield" counts for a full round. So no back and forth, IE if you choose to cast, you omit your ability to make opportunity attacks that round using your weapon, as well as any other function that would require the weapon to be wielded proper. This can also have effects on things such as disarm.

If I’m understanding this right, I’d need to choose whether I’m wielding or casting in a turn? Would that restriction apply just with the Greatsword? Also how would that interact with Arcane Channeling? I’ll get my character a Longsword so I have one hand reliably free for casting. If I understand the spellcasting rules correctly, all I need is one hand, so I won’t need to choose.

2. The interaction between the two seems fine, it will net you a +1 per round, nothing major. Just do keep in mind skill tricks are far more limited than knowledge devotion, so if fighting multiple enemy types, you have to pick which one you want to burn the trick on for that encounter.

Good to hear! That’s not a problem.

Here’s my character’s sheet and backstory:

Ruven, Level 3 Hylian Duskblade (Link) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets//?id=2900591)

“Growing up on a farm, you don’t see the world much. Hard work sunup to sundown, same fields, same familiar faces, same cows and pigs. The only escape you have is at night, when dinner’s done and the lights are dim, an’ someone starts up a story. The kids love stories. ‘Da, tell us about the Sleepy Goron!’ or ‘I wanna hear the Hero and the Angry Cuccos!’ They take you to a different world for a while, far away from the manure and the fields. In fact, lemme tell you a story now.

There was a little kid on a farm far from the city who loved hearing stories about the Hero. Always arriving in Hyrule’s greatest need, not sayin’ much, and banishing evil. That kid wanted to be just like the Hero when he grew up, and banish all the bad guys far from his home. He’d sneak off into the woods with his trusty Stick of Evil’s Bane, whacking evil trees and driving off evil squirrel-blins. Well, one day that kid got it in his head to join the Knights of Hyrule and protect the kingdom, just like the Hero did. The village sent him off, and he became a squire.

Wish I could say that’s the end of the story, but seems like that kid’s got a long road ahead of him. I reckon he’ll have a great story at the end of it.”

Just need to finish his gear and MP, I think. Would his MP scale off his Intelligence since that’s his spellcasting ability? Can’t access the Google doc for whatever reason.

2024-04-25, 09:14 PM
Tabella looks fine as is. Just update HP and MP, and I think you seem good to go!

Don't feel like you need to fill a role or change for anyone else. We are all here to have fun, and the game will have a mixture of concepts and ideas. Yes, there will likely be some combat moments, but it isn't my primary focus if it isn't the primary focus of the party.

Okay, cool! I'll try not to overthink it!

HP: [roll0] + 8 (1st) + 6 (Con Mod)
MP: [roll1] +4 (1st) + -3? (Cha Mod)

Come to think of it, do you get maximum MP at first level? And can you get 0, or even a negative amount, if you have a charisma penalty?

2024-04-26, 11:35 AM
If I’m understanding this right, I’d need to choose whether I’m wielding or casting in a turn? Would that restriction apply just with the Greatsword? Also how would that interact with Arcane Channeling? I’ll get my character a Longsword so I have one hand reliably free for casting. If I understand the spellcasting rules correctly, all I need is one hand, so I won’t need to choose.

Yes, I believe we were saying the same thing. The big issue with taking hand off of a 2handed weapon was you lose the ability to wield it. The issue shouldn't exist with the longsword.

Here’s my character’s sheet and backstory:

Ruven, Level 3 Hylian Duskblade (Link) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets//?id=2900591)

“Growing up on a farm, you don’t see the world much. Hard work sunup to sundown, same fields, same familiar faces, same cows and pigs. The only escape you have is at night, when dinner’s done and the lights are dim, an’ someone starts up a story. The kids love stories. ‘Da, tell us about the Sleepy Goron!’ or ‘I wanna hear the Hero and the Angry Cuccos!’ They take you to a different world for a while, far away from the manure and the fields. In fact, lemme tell you a story now.

There was a little kid on a farm far from the city who loved hearing stories about the Hero. Always arriving in Hyrule’s greatest need, not sayin’ much, and banishing evil. That kid wanted to be just like the Hero when he grew up, and banish all the bad guys far from his home. He’d sneak off into the woods with his trusty Stick of Evil’s Bane, whacking evil trees and driving off evil squirrel-blins. Well, one day that kid got it in his head to join the Knights of Hyrule and protect the kingdom, just like the Hero did. The village sent him off, and he became a squire.

Wish I could say that’s the end of the story, but seems like that kid’s got a long road ahead of him. I reckon he’ll have a great story at the end of it.”

Just need to finish his gear and MP, I think. Would his MP scale off his Intelligence since that’s his spellcasting ability? Can’t access the Google doc for whatever reason.

I'm not so sure why it would be giving you issues. Permissions are set to be open to anyone who has a link. Maybe try opening it on a different device?

As written, all mana dice have a charisma mod, specifically for balance reasons. It is an incentive to not just super dump charisma. I am still working on adding PHB2 classes to the list, we will get you a die to roll shortly.

Okay, cool! I'll try not to overthink it!

HP: [roll0] + 8 (1st) + 6 (Con Mod)
MP: [roll1] +4 (1st) + -3? (Cha Mod)

Come to think of it, do you get maximum MP at first level? And can you get 0, or even a negative amount, if you have a charisma penalty?

I don't believe I put in a stipulation about either, although there definitely should at least be the memo similar to HD about minimum +1 hp/die. I will work that into the guide shortly. Please, do roll your mana die for 1st level. Scratch that. Max at 1st. Otherwise we run the risk of a sorc with 4 spells total. That would be sad.

2024-04-26, 03:15 PM
Thank you for the clarity!

I cleared my cache, and that resolved the document problem pretty quickly. Is it okay if I switch Ruven's Wisdom (10) and Charisma (8) scores so that he has a more decent MP pool?

2024-04-27, 09:23 PM
Thank you for the clarity!

I cleared my cache, and that resolved the document problem pretty quickly. Is it okay if I switch Ruven's Wisdom (10) and Charisma (8) scores so that he has a more decent MP pool?

Doesn't bother me, nothing is finalized until players get into the actual game. Also glad that the issue was resolved, because trust me on this, I am horrid at trouble shooting tech things.

@all, how we doing? Is this upcoming Friday still a realistic goal to finish sheets and potentially start?

2024-04-27, 09:51 PM
I can definitely finish anything else you need and adjust my spells to your system by Friday, sure.

2024-04-28, 09:13 PM
Friday should be good. I'm just trying to reteach myself 3.5 rules so I don't do anything terribly dumb and come up with a backstory.

2024-04-29, 09:38 AM
I'll be ready by Friday! Will fill in MP and gear this week as I have time.

2024-04-29, 08:34 PM
Yep! I'll call my sheet done. I'll just copy-paste the story paragraphs into it.

2024-05-02, 04:09 PM
I think all I needed to was note what my base MP was, I still get spells known as a bard, right? If there is anything I'm missing, let me know.

2024-05-02, 10:03 PM
Yes, spells known are as is. Also, definitely not looking for massive backstories as a requirement. Sure, your characters existed before the story, but they can just as well be changed and molded by it as well. So don't feel like you need to turn me in a book!

2024-05-02, 10:15 PM
Dalia comes from the desert. Her moms traveled to other kingdoms to find outsiders to sire her and her sister, as is the Gerudo way. Dalia thinks her life will eventually follow the same trajectory, finding a foreigner to give her a daughter, a wife to help raise her, and an eventual return to the welcoming sands to live with her foremothers. But, for now, she is on rumspringa, as is also the Gerudo way.

2024-05-03, 01:46 PM
Due to settings chosen, I can't DM the discord link to Gondolin. Otherwise, check your inboxes.

Edit: We also have full inboxes I see. Just uh... reply to that message I sent when you get a chance. And again, my bad, multitasking only works when you are good at it.

2024-05-03, 02:29 PM
Due to settings chosen, I can't DM the discord link to Gondolin. Otherwise, check your inboxes.

Edit: We also have full inboxes I see. Just uh... reply to that message I sent when you get a chance. And again, my bad, multitasking only works when you are good at it.

Sorry, I’m not sure what setting I need to change. I’ll try to update it when I get access to my computer later this evening!

Edit: feel free to get things started without me and I’ll jump in when I’m able.