View Full Version : MetaMagic Reducers and Prepared casters?

2024-04-14, 02:31 PM
I am sure this has been discussed somewhere, i just havent found it with my 45 seconds of searching.

How does metamagic work when you are using a spontaneous reduction in the cost of the metamagic on a prepared caster? For example:

lets say i have a cleric with divine meta magic and empower spell.

So when i was preparing my spells this morning i prepared Empowered Inflict Moderate Wounds in a second level slot, assuming i would spend my turning attempts on it to get that sweet empower spell for free.

I normally have enough turning attempts to fully fund it but today i actually had to use turning attempts on turning for some odd reason, and now i am left with only enough to cast it with a +1 bonus to the spell level.

So what happens now? Does that slot of inflict moderate wounds become uncastable completely? does it just become a metamagicless inflict moderate wounds? does it necessitate a 3rd lvl slot that is presumably already filled with something else? should i have left a slot open this morning just in case?

Maat Mons
2024-04-14, 03:30 PM
The way the Divine Metamagic feat works is that you prepare, to use your example, Inflict Moderate Wounds without Empower Spell, then at the time you cast Inflict Moderate Wounds, you can choose to spend Turn Undead attempts to upgrade it to Empowered Inflict Moderate Wounds.

2024-04-14, 06:08 PM
The way the Divine Metamagic feat works is that you prepare, to use your example, Inflict Moderate Wounds without Empower Spell, then at the time you cast Inflict Moderate Wounds, you can choose to spend Turn Undead attempts to upgrade it to Empowered Inflict Moderate Wounds.

So then how does that work if you can only pay for part of the meta through dmm?

2024-04-14, 06:29 PM
So then how does that work if you can only pay for part of the meta through dmm?

If you don't have enough turn attempts to use DMM, then you can't use DMM and can only cast the spell normally.