View Full Version : The Wreck of the Harmonious Spirit (D&D 3.5 IC)

2024-04-15, 02:46 AM
Location: Barren Shore

Sheer cliffs abut the shoreline in places before dramatically retreating back, leaving behind a mile wide beach. Cold desolate ground littered with a million tiny stones. A deep fjord cuts dramatically into the interior. A valley carved by retreating glaciers extends and elevates into the distance, flanked tightly by spiring mountains. Though which a river slices until it reaches the sea. Equally bisecting rolling fields of hearty grasses six miles across at their widest point. Bountiful schools of fish swarm the waters of the estuary returning to the streams from which they hatched.

Positioned prominently at the entrance to the valley is a gruesome sight. Far enough inland from the delta for the ground to harden, suspended from a set of chains arcing across the towering stones of a narrow canyon is the mutilated body of an orc. Slack metal pierces his frame as he dangles high overhead for all to see. His throat has been cut, staining the front of his leather armor. Ritualistic cuttings on his face and arms indicate his tribal allegiance.

Roll knowledge to find out what your character knows about skincutting.

Time Dusk
Moon New
Temp Cold
Aurora No
Precipitation None
Terrain Tundra

2024-04-15, 09:37 AM
Roll knowledge to find out what your character knows about skincutting.

Time Dusk
Moon New
Temp Cold
Aurora No
Precipitation None
Terrain Tundra

we should stick close to each other it may be easy to get lost. Keep an eye out for things we need or can use.

2024-04-15, 11:20 AM
Skar steps out onto the beach, feeling the wind brush by he fur-lined clothing, tickling the cold into his bones. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes briefly, listening for his old friend's voice, trusting to know where he should go. The clink of the chains holding the swaying Orc in place reminds him... there is danger here... be wary.

His eyes begin to scan and focus on the ground around their little group, and he whistles shrilly, holding up his leather-braced arm to the sky without taking his eyes off the ground. His faithful companion, Surreth swoops down from out of the marine dusk sky and alights smoothly on Skaruvus' arm.

Skar whispers several words in a language that sounds like a gentle summer breeze, then pushes his arm gently skyward as the eagle takes off once again.
"Seek people walking upright, then return."

He turns to the others as the one who he knew as Naomi spoke. "Yes...the air is...nervous? Surreth will be telling I if people be living here," he says, his words still slightly uncertain in the non-native tongue after all these years.

2024-04-15, 11:26 AM
A blue blur flips in the air and lands perfectly on his feet on the shore, revealing a dashing face with a scar running down one eye and cocky smile. His black hair is cropped, and he wears winter clothing colored blue with wool white fringes.

"Freedom! Man, I felt like a fish flopping on land in that cooped up compartment!"

The figure of Djin Mustafar dashes forward to absorb his surrounding like a sponge until he stops at the hanged orc.

"Very aggressive. I like a challenge. Time to crack open the anonymity behind the veil!"

2024-04-15, 02:07 PM
Utra Griivens is many things. A sponge, nevertheless, she isn't. No sharp edge to those, no clear point. For one such as Utra, there must be a method. Focus. This comes with certain… Limitations, naturally. But she can understand and accept as much. She'll let the warrior sorts worry abut safety and such; the Society needs her to learn more, and not distract herself with such petty concerns as the immediate safety of her own hide.

With the Orc coming into view, she, accordingly, bothers not to scan the horizon for flying men with sharp knives. Curious customs. she states bluntly, instead. Think we could go closer; take a look, mayhaps. she adds.1 Or not. Hm. This should attract scavengers. Wonderful chance to get some insight. All high up, hm. Birds, mayhaps. she narrows her eyes. Master Zipnog would be pleased.

1Anyone who has spent any ampount of time around Utra will likely be able to tell that this is probably a question.

2024-04-15, 09:01 PM
Time Dusk
Moon New
Temp Cold
Aurora No
Precipitation None
Terrain Tundra

we should stick close to each other it may be easy to get lost. Keep an eye out for things we need or can use.

Gather Information (18)
The corpse is immune to conversation.

Search (11)
Eyes closed, it dangles lifelessly swaying slightly in the gentle ocean breeze. The body has not been stripped of its equipment. New boots fur-lined and water tight adorn his feet. Hide bracers are tightly strapped to his forearms. His sheathed falchion appears to be of high quality.

The sky above is already starting to get dark. Even with less than ideal lighting it is obvious a great many humanoids have moved through this canyon recently. Distinct foot prints of a dozen medium-sized humanoids accompanied by a much larger set of footprints are stamped into the dry ground.

Spot (24) Listen (11)
The footprints lead to a narrow footpath ascending the canyon wall. Enclosed by shadow, to see beyond the entrance Naomi would have to advance further.

Cast Goodberry
A quartet of berries appear in Naomi’s hand, fresh and juicy with a deep purple skin.

Search for Quest Items
Dry land crunches underfoot as Naomi surveys her surroundings. Not a tree anywhere between here and the horizon. Patches of well adapted grasses intermingle with rock and snow. Clusters of woody shrubs dot the landscape.
Coal is typically mined underground
Ample fish swarm the estuary of the river. Upriver multiple prime fishing spots present themselves.
Naomi can see no obvious source of medicine

Knowledge Arcana (16)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses that spells can be stored in physical objects
DC 15 Research indicates, these cuttings are magical in nature

Knowledge Dungeoneering (23)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that orcs are dazzled by bright lights
DC 15 Research indicates, the few hours of daylight available offer only perpetual twilight, not enough to dazzle an orc
DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is that most orcs sleep during the hours of daylight, if for no other reason than tradition

Knowledge Geography (12)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that at this time of year, daylight will only last a few hours in the polar regions

Knowledge Nature (20)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overhead in taverns and public houses, birds and other scavengers will devour a body left in the open
DC 15 Observation indicates, little to no signs of scavenging
DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is time needed for a body to decompose when left in these conditions. Indicating the display was erected recently, perhaps no more than a few hours ago

Knowledge Religion (21)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overhead in taverns and public houses, Gruumsh is the head of the Orcish pantheon
DC 15 Research indicates, Gruumsh demands sacrifice of body parts from his worshipers, in this case skincutting
DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is Gruumsh promises power to those who are mutilated in his name

2024-04-15, 09:31 PM
A blue blur flips in the air and lands perfectly on his feet on the shore, revealing a dashing face with a scar running down one eye and cocky smile. His black hair is cropped, and he wears winter clothing colored blue with wool white fringes.

"Freedom! Man, I felt like a fish flopping on land in that cooped up compartment!"

The figure of Djin Mustafar dashes forward to absorb his surrounding like a sponge until he stops at the hanged orc.

"Very aggressive. I like a challenge. Time to crack open the anonymity behind the veil!"

Spot (26)
Away from the sea Djin advances, faster and further than most. Walking to the point directly under the swinging orc. Ambush positions abound, everywhere he looks are covered locations, seemingly perfect for launching an advantageous attack. Never fully exposed he keenly watches for any attackers but eventually concludes they are alone.

The sky above is already starting to get dark. Even with less than ideal lighting it is obvious a great many humanoids have moved through this canyon recently. Distinct foot prints of a dozen medium-sized humanoids accompanied by a much larger set of footprints are stamped into the dry ground. Leading to a narrow footpath ascending the canyon wall. Enclosed by shadow, to see beyond the entrance Djin would have to advance further.

Listen (18)
Any ambush able to threaten this group would not be able to maintain such absolute silence. In the silence all is revealed.

Survival (3)
Dry land crunches underfoot as Djin surveys his surroundings. Not a tree anywhere between here and the horizon. Patches of well adapted grasses intermingle with rock and snow. Clusters of woody shrubs dot the landscape. Bright red berries decorate a nearby shrub, standing out against the drab grey, brown, and pale green of the surrounding landscape. The berries look plump and ripe.

Djin Mustafar's local knowledge does not provide him with any useful insights in this situation.

2024-04-15, 10:24 PM
Skar steps out onto the beach, feeling the wind brush by he fur-lined clothing, tickling the cold into his bones. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes briefly, listening for his old friend's voice, trusting to know where he should go. The clink of the chains holding the swaying Orc in place reminds him... there is danger here... be wary.

His eyes begin to scan and focus on the ground around their little group, and he whistles shrilly, holding up his leather-braced arm to the sky without taking his eyes off the ground. His faithful companion, Surreth swoops down from out of the marine dusk sky and alights smoothly on Skaruvus' arm.

Skar whispers several words in a language that sounds like a gentle summer breeze, then pushes his arm gently skyward as the eagle takes off once again.
"Seek people walking upright, then return."

He turns to the others as the one who he knew as Naomi spoke. "Yes...the air is...nervous? Surreth will be telling I if people be living here," he says, his words still slightly uncertain in the non-native tongue after all these years.

Surreth takes off into the air. From an unassailable vantage point the eagle can survey the valley. Locating a structure outside of a cave high in the mountains. Perched upon a jagged rock the eagle watches diligently for anyone walking upright but does not see anything.

Taking off once again into the air. Surreth expands the circle, gaining sight of a settlement far in the distance. Too far away to accurately report details. Impassible summits pass beneath a pair of outstretched wings, one after another. Landing atop a yurt after a strenuous journey, Surreth sees many figures walking upright. Mighty wings push the bird into the sky, returning on its long journey back to Skaruvus.

Spot (23)
Skaruvus keeps pace with Djin and Naomi venturing out deeper into the valley. Walking to the point directly under the swinging orc. Ambush positions abound, everywhere he looks are covered locations, seemingly perfect for launching an advantageous attack. Never fully exposed he keenly watches for any attackers but eventually concludes they are alone.

The sky above is already starting to get dark. Even with less than ideal lighting it is obvious a great many humanoids have moved through this canyon recently. Distinct foot prints of a dozen medium-sized humanoids accompanied by a much larger set of footprints are stamped into the dry ground.

The footprints lead to a narrow footpath ascending the canyon wall. Enclosed by shadow to see beyond the entrance Skar would have to advance further.

Listen (36)
Every sound is carried on the wind to the open ear of Skaruvus. He can be quite certain there is no-one else in the immediate area.

Survival (22)
Dry land crunches underfoot as Skar surveys his surroundings. Not a tree anywhere between here and the horizon. Patches of well adapted grasses intermingle with rock and snow. Clusters of woody shrubs dot the landscape.

Skaruvus can confirm the berries sprouting from nearby bushes are edible. He also finds numerous roots and other edible plants. He also determines the water flowing through the river is pristine and safe to drink. If he wished to try his hand at fishing, he could easily snatch one out of the water with his bare hand. When finished gathering supplies he has enough food and drink to feed the entire party.

Knowledge Nature (29)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that birds and other scavengers will devour a body left in the open
DC 15 Observation indicates, little to no signs of scavenging
DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is time needed for a body to decompose when left in these conditions. Indicating the display was erected recently, perhaps no more than a few hours ago
DC 25 Secret knowledge was once shared with you, about a similar structure erected by giants on a remote island. It is unlikely orcs or any medium sized creature is responsible for this display.

2024-04-15, 11:12 PM
Utra Griivens is many things. A sponge, nevertheless, she isn't. No sharp edge to those, no clear point. For one such as Utra, there must be a method. Focus. This comes with certain… Limitations, naturally. But she can understand and accept as much. She'll let the warrior sorts worry abut safety and such; the Society needs her to learn more, and not distract herself with such petty concerns as the immediate safety of her own hide.

With the Orc coming into view, she, accordingly, bothers not to scan the horizon for flying men with sharp knives. Curious customs. she states bluntly, instead. Think we could go closer; take a look, mayhaps. she adds.1 Or not. Hm. This should attract scavengers. Wonderful chance to get some insight. All high up, hm. Birds, mayhaps. she narrows her eyes. Master Zipnog would be pleased.

1Anyone who has spent any ampount of time around Utra will likely be able to tell that this is probably a question.

Utra’s mind overflows with applicable knowledge. Facts and lore materialize rapidly, one after another, fighting to the forefront of her focus.

Knowledge Local (29)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that body modifications are used to indicate initiation or high status
DC15 Research indicates, that this tribe cut their skin in the fashion shown on the corpse, likely taking their name from the practice.
DC20 An obscure fact known to few is that the Skincutters live under the dominion of the Skullcrushers
DC 25 Secret knowledge was once revealed to you, that the Skullcrushers regularly demand workers be sent to toil on their megaprojects

Knowledge Arcana (23)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses that spells can be stored in physical objects
DC 15 Research indicates, these cuttings are magical in nature
DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is the orcish rune for enhanced strength appears in many places on the dead body

Knowledge History (14)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that tragedy has befallen many who have traversed the forbidden passages

Knowledge Nobility and Royalty (21)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that in many martial societies the strongest individual rules
DC 15 Research indicates, leadership can be influenced or even obtained by ritualistic single combat
DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is that a people without a champion must submit to the rule of another

Knowledge Religion (25)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, Gruumsh is the head of the Orcish pantheon
DC 15 Research indicates, Gruumsh demands sacrifice of body parts from his worshipers, in this case skincutting
DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is Gruumsh promises power to those who are mutilated in his name
DC 25 Secret knowledge was once revealed to you, that followers of Gruumsh compete to be the best at everything, becoming unbalanced and hostile when beaten or disgraced

Knowledge Architecture and Engineering (32)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that metal exposed to the elements will rust
DC 15 Observation indicates, no rust on the chains
DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is the rate at which rust forms, indicating this display was erected recently, perhaps no more than a few hours ago
DC 25 Secret knowledge was once revealed to you, about the suspension system used. With a little ingenuity the body can be gently lowered to the ground.

Paragnostic Lore (24)
DC 10 The Skincutters are a people united in their worship of Gruumsh through skincutting
DC 20 While most Skincutters are orcs, many other races follow their customs

2024-04-16, 08:03 AM
We should follow these tracks over towards that narrow footpath ascending the canyon wall.

Gruumsh demands sacrifice of body parts from his worshipers, in this case skincutting, he promises power to those who are mutilated in his name
these cuttings are magical in nature, the corpse was erected recently, perhaps no more than a few hours ago
orcs sleep during the hours of daylight

We need to get moving as it is getting dark.

Action: with party, double move (100ft) towards the foot path
track feat to follow the tracks

2024-04-16, 01:27 PM
Gozen let the others do most of the talking.

how rude it was to speak in Auran when not everybody does.

He thought as the others checked the scene.

He then followed Naomi's tracking with his own, just making sure the speed didn't hamper the finding of clues. More importantly, making sure the footprints didn't hide something more dangerous.

Roll spot and Survival +7 extra if a magical beast is involved:

2024-04-16, 01:53 PM
Do we, now. Utra muses on, her voice no less flat than earlier. The display is certainly recent. Not the best iron I have seen, and yet no rust. she gestures, reaching into her pack to retrieve a leather-bound book. But Skincutters we know of. Servants to Gruumsh, yes. Orcs, not neccessarily. Not all of them, by any means, no. Not all of htem sleep now. Not all of them wake with the night. she goes on, beginnig to scribble on the pages with a clumsy, gloved hand. So why the hurry. Can anyone get the body for me, actually. Just manipulate the mechanism… There. Should be easy to lower. she points a finger, barely looking up. The runes our Naomi mentioned. What I recognize bolster strength, I need a better look. Of the others too. I have some parchment, velum-thin… she trail of.

2024-04-16, 03:08 PM
"Too quiet. Boring!"

When the Shugenja requests help to lower the body, Djin waves at Utra.

"In a minute."

The acrobat searches the area for anything the party overlooked.

2024-04-16, 04:10 PM
Skar points out the relative sizes of the footprints as the others discuss next steps and Utra begins turning toward her mind of research. "There is being giants maybe. I am thinking they did making this structure, not the Orc who sways in wind. I have been hearing of such things in far places before."

Leaving the others to ponder the information he'd offered and to bring down the body, Skar collects several pouchfuls of berries and roots and tests the water in the clear river with the tips of his fingers. He takes a deep breath through his nose at the frigidness of the water, smelling its purity, and then plunges his hand in and deftly catches up a decently sized fish.

He calls out to the others, "This water is being very clean. I am filling up my waterskins for the goings ahead. And..." he pauses a moment to whisper a muttering of blessing in Auran to the fish before sharply cracking its skull against a rock. "I am catching dinner."

2024-04-16, 05:07 PM
"Too quiet. Boring!"

When the Shugenja requests help to lower the body, Djin waves at Utra.

"In a minute."

The acrobat searches the area for anything the party overlooked.

Djin Mustafar detects a magical trap

A spell scrolled in scar tissue extends from wrist to wrist of the displayed orc. A simple incantation known those with experience trespassing upon the magically inclined. Should anyone touch the chains they will be delivered a nasty electric shock. Djin knows not every material conducts electricity. By using the right tool the trap can be disabled and the body retrieved.

Disarm: The trap can be disarmed with a successful disable device check against a DC of 28 (25 + 3 for the 3rd-level spell effect)

2024-04-16, 05:37 PM
The party begins to fan out. Skaruvus at the water’s edge. Naomi and Gozen the Naturalist pushing on deeper into the canyon. While Utra and Djin ponder the dangers and the possibilities of retrieving the body. With Orion and Stylianos still working to bring the boat ashore.

2024-04-16, 06:23 PM
We should follow these tracks over towards that narrow footpath ascending the canyon wall.

Gruumsh demands sacrifice of body parts from his worshipers, in this case skincutting, he promises power to those who are mutilated in his name
these cuttings are magical in nature, the corpse was erected recently, perhaps no more than a few hours ago
orcs sleep during the hours of daylight

We need to get moving as it is getting dark.

Action: with party, double move (100ft) towards the foot path
track feat to follow the tracks

Gozen let the others do most of the talking.

how rude it was to speak in Auran when not everybody does.

He thought as the others checked the scene.

He then followed Naomi's tracking with his own, just making sure the speed didn't hamper the finding of clues. More importantly, making sure the footprints didn't hide something more dangerous.

Roll spot and Survival +7 extra if a magical beast is involved:

Cliffs of broken stones, having tumbled down the mountainside flank the waterway. Creating a ridge wide enough to be walked upon overlooking the valley. A steady climb from the water’s edge to the eventual plateau requires fortitude.

DC 12 Fortitude or take 1 hour to rest before reaching the top

Atop the ridge is a footpath traversing a considerable distance. 125 feet wide from the impassable mountain to the crumbling ledge. A straight vertical drop on to the rocks below.

Spot (15) Survival (7)
Gozen does not see anything unusual

2024-04-16, 07:25 PM
Do we, now. Utra muses on, her voice no less flat than earlier. The display is certainly recent. Not the best iron I have seen, and yet no rust. she gestures, reaching into her pack to retrieve a leather-bound book. But Skincutters we know of. Servants to Gruumsh, yes. Orcs, not neccessarily. Not all of them, by any means, no. Not all of htem sleep now. Not all of them wake with the night. she goes on, beginnig to scribble on the pages with a clumsy, gloved hand. So why the hurry. Can anyone get the body for me, actually. Just manipulate the mechanism… There. Should be easy to lower. she points a finger, barely looking up. The runes our Naomi mentioned. What I recognize bolster strength, I need a better look. Of the others too. I have some parchment, velum-thin… she trail of.

Awaiting Djin’s assistance, Utra notices a diminutive ice spider spinning a web over a vertical break in the rock face. Unbothered by Utra’s presence, the spider toils endlessly. Weaving frozen silk into an intricate trap.

2024-04-16, 08:20 PM
Skar points out the relative sizes of the footprints as the others discuss next steps and Utra begins turning toward her mind of research. "There is being giants maybe. I am thinking they did making this structure, not the Orc who sways in wind. I have been hearing of such things in far places before."

Leaving the others to ponder the information he'd offered and to bring down the body, Skar collects several pouchfuls of berries and roots and tests the water in the clear river with the tips of his fingers. He takes a deep breath through his nose at the frigidness of the water, smelling its purity, and then plunges his hand in and deftly catches up a decently sized fish.

He calls out to the others, "This water is being very clean. I am filling up my waterskins for the goings ahead. And..." he pauses a moment to whisper a muttering of blessing in Auran to the fish before sharply cracking its skull against a rock. "I am catching dinner."

A sparkle in the shallow water catches Skaruvus’ eye. An oval stone of brilliant deep blue, small enough to fit in one’s hand. It would take little effort to snatch it from the bottom.

2024-04-16, 08:37 PM
A sparkle in the shallow water catches Skaruvus’ eye. An oval stone of brilliant deep blue, small enough to fit in one’s hand. It would take little effort to snatch it from the bottom.

As he lays the dead fish aside and crouches, spotting for another fish to catch, the sparkling stone comes into gleaming view. Odd... he thinks, as he plucks it from the silty streambed, examining it closely, then calls to the others, "Anyone is knowing what this is?" as he holds the stone up for them to see.

2024-04-16, 08:58 PM
Djin holds one hand to stop Utra.

"Body is rigged. Someone did surgery and slapped some spellwork on his wrists. We touch the chains, we get a nasty shock. If you got any spells that boosts my skills before I work on this magical trap or deal with this spell, that would be helpful."

2024-04-17, 03:32 AM
As he lays the dead fish aside and crouches, spotting for another fish to catch, the sparkling stone comes into gleaming view. Odd... he thinks, as he plucks it from the silty streambed, examining it closely, then calls to the others, "Anyone is knowing what this is?" as he holds the stone up for them to see.

In Skaruvus’ hand is a gemstone, cut, shaped, and polished to resemble a humanoid eye. Complete with iris, sclera and a pupil drilled deep into the center of the stone.

Knowledge Nature (20)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overhead in taverns and public houses, that naturally occurring crystals can be cut into gemstones
DC 15 Research indicates this stone was made from a Blue Zoisite
DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is Blue Zoisite is a material component used in spells

2024-04-17, 08:35 AM
Presuming the Party is with or near Naomi.

Skill Checks for following the tracks up the path

Survival (1d20+9)[19] Varies Follow tracks (see the Track feat).

Fort save: (1d20+9)[25]

Skill Checks for at the top
Listen (1d20+10)[28]
Spot (1d20+10)[19]
Search (1d20+10)[21]

Following the tracks up the narrow path to the top where she will look around to see what can be seen

2024-04-17, 09:23 AM
Utra absently motions towards Skar to bring whatever he found closer; she doesn't bother to actually turn and see what it is. The spider is way too interesting a sight for that. Only in very minor ways. she addresses Djin's query in the meantime. Unless you would like it Dispelled; but I deem that would mayhaps be a waste of resources. her eyes, still fixed on the spider begin to shimmer with a strange glow. If you are much worried, I will be with you in a moment. Hm. Take a look. she offers.

Utra activates Magic Sensitive to gain the benefit of Detect Magic. She stares at the spider for now; if it isn't magical, she'll go over and stare at the Orc some too.

2024-04-17, 03:51 PM
Djin holds one hand to stop Utra.

"Body is rigged. Someone did surgery and slapped some spellwork on his wrists. We touch the chains, we get a nasty shock. If you got any spells that boosts my skills before I work on this magical trap or deal with this spell, that would be helpful."

Little assistance is offered to Djin in the difficult task of disarming a dangerous device. Even reaching the chains requires feats of precise acrobatic athleticism. A difficult climb up the cliff would have to be made in order to trigger any misfortune, and the party could easily bypass it on the ground below. What a strange trap.

2024-04-17, 03:52 PM
Presuming the Party is with or near Naomi.

Skill Checks for following the tracks up the path

Survival (1d20+9)[19] Varies Follow tracks (see the Track feat).

Fort save: (1d20+9)[25]

Skill Checks for at the top
Listen (1d20+10)[28]
Spot (1d20+10)[19]
Search (1d20+10)[21]

Following the tracks up the narrow path to the top where she will look around to see what can be seen

Tracks lead up the path, the canyon acting as a major thoroughfare from the mountains to the sea. The party lingers near the delta, except for Gozen who stands at Naomi’s side.

2024-04-17, 03:55 PM
Utra absently motions towards Skar to bring whatever he found closer; she doesn't bother to actually turn and see what it is. The spider is way too interesting a sight for that. Only in very minor ways. she addresses Djin's query in the meantime. Unless you would like it Dispelled; but I deem that would mayhaps be a waste of resources. her eyes, still fixed on the spider begin to shimmer with a strange glow. If you are much worried, I will be with you in a moment. Hm. Take a look. she offers.

Utra activates Magic Sensitive to gain the benefit of Detect Magic. She stares at the spider for now; if it isn't magical, she'll go over and stare at the Orc some too.

The spider is simply an animal, the only magic being in its natural adaptation to the harsh environment.

Knowledge Nature
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overhead in taverns and public houses, that species adapt to their environment
DC 15 Research indicates, this is an uncatalogued subspecies
DC 20 An obscure fact known to few is this species produces a weak Dex/paralysis poison capable of being harvested.

Spider Size Diminutive
Save DC 6
Initial and Secondary Damage 1d1 Dex/paralysis

2024-04-17, 05:47 PM
"Dispel will take away the fun. I need to scratch the itch. You might want to stand back away for this."

Djin takes out his tools and begin dismantling the trap after Utra detaches herself from the approximate proximity she can perceive.

2024-04-17, 10:01 PM
"Dispel will take away the fun. I need to scratch the itch. You might want to stand back away for this."

Djin takes out his tools and begin dismantling the trap after Utra detaches herself from the approximate proximity she can perceive.

Utra absently motions towards Skar to bring whatever he found closer; she doesn't bother to actually turn and see what it is. The spider is way too interesting a sight for that. Only in very minor ways. she addresses Djin's query in the meantime. Unless you would like it Dispelled; but I deem that would mayhaps be a waste of resources. her eyes, still fixed on the spider begin to shimmer with a strange glow. If you are much worried, I will be with you in a moment. Hm. Take a look. she offers.

Utra activates Magic Sensitive to gain the benefit of Detect Magic. She stares at the spider for now; if it isn't magical, she'll go over and stare at the Orc some too.

Turning her attention away from the spider’s intricate weaving Utra focuses her concentration on the orc, his body radiating a magical aura only she can see.

Rock climbing is all about finesse, which Djin Mustafar effortlessly displays on his way up the cliff wall. Which goes unnoticed as Utra maintains her concentration. The auras differentiate from each other their number and strength becoming clear. Four shimmering auras, the strongest showing fourth level magic radiating from the body itself.

Djin presses on further, nearing the top of the rock face, where chain is hammered into stone. With a nonconductive tool in hand, the mechanism is released. The body rapidly drops ten feet before the remaining chains prevent it from hitting the ground. Thirty feet from the canyon bottom Djin moves along the rock face towards the other trigger.

Maintaining concentration, Utra’s magic sensitivity comes into sharp relief. Faint auras emanate from his boots, bracers and the chains from which he is suspended. The final aura being the strongest surrounds his body.

Spellcraft: The school of magic involved in each aura can be determined with successful Spellcraft check against a DC of 16, 16, 17, 19. One check per aura.

Utra is able to make her determinations before the body falls. Crashing to the ground with a heap of heavy metal chains still piercing its flesh. An immediate change is obvious to all, the moment the lifeless corpse hit the dirt. Clouds encroach from all directions, quickly filling what was a clear sky. The wind picks up speed, playfully at first but quickly becoming much more serious. Lighting arcs across the sky, followed by a ground-shaking rumble. The body, once motionless rises to its feet, returned from death. All of the violence done upon it begins to regenerate, as the soul of the deceased returns to its vessel. A beating heart thunders in his chest. His eyes open wide, cloudy white.

To Be Continued…

2024-04-18, 02:18 PM
Of the fourth level, hm, quite impressive. Utra begins to muse aloud, as though anyone present had reason to understand what she's even making a reference to. But then, it really is quite impressive, and indeed beyond what she is capable of herself.

The body suddenly standing, nevertheless, alters the focus of her interest somewhat. …ah, well, a local. she pronounces dryly, the only indication of wariness or worry being her suddenly turning so that her minuscule form is somewhat interposed between the newly risen Orc and the newly found spider. It would be a pity to see the latter suffer for her curiosity. Its venom must be sampled and that web as well before they'd head on. A drawing would not be half-bad itself… Much is left to do here!

2024-04-18, 10:52 PM

















































































































































2024-04-19, 02:05 AM
Noticing the rest of the party was not following, Gozen called on Naomi to go back, the barrens were not a place to wander alone and risk the fate of that sacrificed orc.

Naomi! I'm going back to the others. They seem to have stalled. Fall back!

And he started to back track.


2024-04-19, 03:33 AM
precombat action if allowed
Cast Disrupt Undead into blade

1st Battle:
Initiative: [roll0]

Noticing the rest of the party was not following, Gozen called on Naomi to go back, the barrens were not a place to wander alone and risk the fate of that sacrificed orc.

Naomi! I'm going back to the others. They seem to have stalled. Fall back!

And he started to back track.


Gozen and Naomi both possess the fortitude to ascend to the plateau before them, but are yet to do so. Their party lags far behind. With the weather quickly turning foul, both sense something isn't right. Deciding the tracks can wait, Gozen turns back. Advising Naomi to do the same, as she prepares her blade to deal with the unnatural.

2024-04-19, 03:50 AM
Of the fourth level, hm, quite impressive. Utra begins to muse aloud, as though anyone present had reason to understand what she's even making a reference to. But then, it really is quite impressive, and indeed beyond what she is capable of herself.

The body suddenly standing, nevertheless, alters the focus of her interest somewhat. …ah, well, a local. she pronounces dryly, the only indication of wariness or worry being her suddenly turning so that her minuscule form is somewhat interposed between the newly risen Orc and the newly found spider. It would be a pity to see the latter suffer for her curiosity. Its venom must be sampled and that web as well before they'd head on. A drawing would not be half-bad itself… Much is left to do here!

Much speculation can be made about the nature of the dead returning to life. Any number of known phenomenon could be at play. A thorough investigation would certainly yield valuable insights, unfortunately circumstances demand action.

Utra won initiative with a roll of 23
She is first to act this round

2024-04-19, 09:38 AM
I agree lets get back to them
Turning back with gozen proceeding back to the party

2024-04-20, 04:04 PM

Lightning surges through the reanimated skincutter’s body. Which rises from the ground, still impaled on a set of vicious barbed chains. His wounds heal over, visibly closing in seconds. New flesh forming around the metal links. Powerful regenerative magic incorporating the chains into his body. Disorientated he steps forward to regain his balance. With each step forward the heavens discharge an electric bolt.

The hermit’s plan had worked, the storm forming as prescribed. Boosting the power innate within. But wait, the cursed sphere still burns in the sky. Alien faces surround him. Where are his allies? More importantly where is the vile Nok-Korosh?

What perverse trickery is this? By what draconic magic does his confusion emanate? Is what he sees real or all an elaborate illusion? With the lives of so many at stake there can be no room for doubt. With fingers spread he thrusts his open hand upwards towards the sky.

2024-04-20, 04:32 PM
Realizing that the party has walked ahead while Orion was daydreaming about a warm bed he quickly shakes his head and gets back into swing of things Got to work on that as he says this another voice pips up Indeed you do. Keep this up and it will be the death of you and then I would have to tell your mother and I don't want to deal with that. I like my hide where it's at thank you very much He quickly rushes forward followed by a what appears to be a giant rodent that was a bright blonde color but is now turning white and a shadowed mouse like creature that makes people feel ill looking at it.


Double move to catch up with party (60)

2024-04-20, 04:41 PM
Djin looks down from where he perches and waits to see what his companions are doing before he acts.

Delays to coordinate with allies at the same time.

2024-04-21, 09:25 AM
Seeing the impaled orc start moving He frowns and cursesGod damnit I hate undead. They aways stink and always leave a damn mess He holds out his hand it begins to start glowing a malicious black. Orc:Die again and leave us be

Move Dark Companion close to Orc. While close to orc It has a -2 to ac and saves.

Cast Curse dc 17 will save (if successful it has a -2 penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls)

2024-04-22, 01:01 AM
Seeing the impaled orc start moving He frowns and cursesGod damnit I hate undead. They aways stink and always leave a damn mess He holds out his hand it begins to start glowing a malicious black. Orc:Die again and leave us be

Move Dark Companion close to Orc. While close to orc It has a -2 to ac and saves.

Cast Curse dc 17 will save (if successful it has a -2 penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls)

Only a fool would volunteer to be killed and strung up as bait. A fool or perhaps a very wise man no longer afraid of death. The hexblade’s curse is a a powerful instrument of torment but its effects on the orc appear negated. Made irrelevant by the iron will behind those cloudy eyes.

Orion can see the orc is armored lightly in leather with bare arms and legs exposed. He carries no shield and wears no metal. Rose’s proximity further exposes the orc’s already inadequate defense to physical attack. Strangely, clouds of breath escape from flared nostrils and from between jutting tusks. A healthy constitution rushes blood across a pounding heart to feed hungry muscles. Adrenaline surges through the skincutter's body, heightening his senses for combat. Orion realizes his opponent is very much alive.

2024-04-22, 01:09 AM
Djin looks down from where he perches and waits to see what his companions are doing before he acts.

Delays to coordinate with allies at the same time.

From an advantageous height Djin Mustafar can watch Orion Moonshadow's action play out.

Djin Mustafar's local knowledge does not provide him with any useful insights in this situation.

2024-04-22, 05:49 AM
With the spider apparently safe for now and the rest of the party ashore with her beginning to slowly congregate in the general proximity of the Skincutter, Utra slowly closes her book and keeping but one eye on the web of the little weaver, focuses her mind. Not on the slow pulsing of power building up in her empty hand, nevertheless; that is for later, if it is coming to play at all – but rather at the Orc. If you'll speak, speak now. the words radiate from mind to mind.

2024-04-22, 01:47 PM
With the spider apparently safe for now and the rest of the party ashore with her beginning to slowly congregate in the general proximity of the Skincutter, Utra slowly closes her book and keeping but one eye on the web of the little weaver, focuses her mind. Not on the slow pulsing of power building up in her empty hand, nevertheless; that is for later, if it is coming to play at all – but rather at the Orc. If you'll speak, speak now. the words radiate from mind to mind.

Into the Skincutter’s mind a voice sneaks, speaking to him in his native tongue. Although in a manner far more academic than colloquial. Vaguely familiar with the practice of speaking the unspoken tongue, the orc does respond. Though his outwardly hostile stance remains unchanged. Responding telepathically in Orc, he says.

“Confuse me not vile creature, I know of your kind’s magic. My mind and body are shielded with unbreakable wards. I am he who commands the storm, bow down or be destroyed.”

Though his focus is enhanced, the wise man is alarmed by his inability to see through this persistent illusion. Seemingly eager to boast, he openly taunts his opponent, taking advantage of their telepathic connection to claim.

“I will drag your boiled skull back to the circle. Show all that I have done what they could not. My victory will force them to acknowledge my greatness. Rejoice, you gluttonous abomination. Your death will bring about the end of my exile and my ascension to leadership. Your name will echo forever in my song. Now, enough of this, face me openly, to the death, as it should be.”

2024-04-22, 08:15 PM
Djin still waits for Stylianos and Skarunus to act. His actions are either flank or attack from where he is depending on the two's actions. If both of them reach the orc, he slides down the walls of the mountain, pick himself up and flips through craggy ground as if they are flat ground to flank. If not, he will fling force bolts at the orc.

Slow Fall 20 ft (Ignore 20 ft falling distance damage)

Tumble roll succeeded so ignore the remaining 10 ft falling distance damage.

Stands from Prone as free action (Thief Acrobats Kip Up Class Feature)

Sure footed maneuver roll succeeded so he can ignore 4 difficult terrain squares while moving to flank.

2024-04-24, 09:46 AM
As Skaruvus holds the gem up to the light to examine it more closely, and then begins to move closer to Utra for her to get a look at his find, he senses the air palpably change, and frowns looking windward.

As the lightning flashes and the wind screams, the body of the Orc begins to rise once more, Skar pockets the gem and listens momentarily, to the danger...

He hadn't sensed this coming...

Quick as he can, Skar crouches and begins prowling forward like cat, smoothly shifting muscles and skin and bone as he does so, until with the same grace as water flowing rapidly over a riverstone, a massive cat continues the forward advance, powerful muscles rippling under orange and black stripes, the druid's sharkskin armor somehow miraculously maintaining its fit over the new body.

Skar advances toward the newly risen Orc, tail swishing lazily, and allows a rumbling growl to emit from his throat, speaking in an even tone, "I am feeling cautious in this moment. I am not wishing to feel more..." He lets the last syllable trail off into a continuing low growl.

Skar will use a Standard Action and 2 uses of Wildshape to turn into a Tiger and keep his armor on him.

Move a little bit forward, so that I am about 20 feet from the Orc and in a position to charge. I'll be honest I am having a really hard time interpreting some parts of that map. Some things are clear, but I don't know what the numbers on the left are supposed to be, and I can't tell where Utra is either.

2024-04-24, 01:23 PM
Dispossessed of his mind Stylianos Saggio wanders aimlessly up and down the beach.

2024-04-24, 03:22 PM
As Skaruvus holds the gem up to the light to examine it more closely, and then begins to move closer to Utra for her to get a look at his find, he senses the air palpably change, and frowns looking windward.

As the lightning flashes and the wind screams, the body of the Orc begins to rise once more, Skar pockets the gem and listens momentarily, to the danger...

He hadn't sensed this coming...

Quick as he can, Skar crouches and begins prowling forward like cat, smoothly shifting muscles and skin and bone as he does so, until with the same grace as water flowing rapidly over a riverstone, a massive cat continues the forward advance, powerful muscles rippling under orange and black stripes, the druid's sharkskin armor somehow miraculously maintaining its fit over the new body.

Skar advances toward the newly risen Orc, tail swishing lazily, and allows a rumbling growl to emit from his throat, speaking in an even tone, "I am feeling cautious in this moment. I am not wishing to feel more..." He lets the last syllable trail off into a continuing low growl.

Skar will use a Standard Action and 2 uses of Wildshape to turn into a Tiger and keep his armor on him.

Move a little bit forward, so that I am about 20 feet from the Orc and in a position to charge. I'll be honest I am having a really hard time interpreting some parts of that map. Some things are clear, but I don't know what the numbers on the left are supposed to be, and I can't tell where Utra is either.

Djin still waits for Stylianos and Skarunus to act. His actions are either flank or attack from where he is depending on the two's actions. If both of them reach the orc, he slides down the walls of the mountain, pick himself up and flips through craggy ground as if they are flat ground to flank. If not, he will fling force bolts at the orc.

Slow Fall 20 ft (Ignore 20 ft falling distance damage)

Tumble roll succeeded so ignore the remaining 10 ft falling distance damage.

Stands from Prone as free action (Thief Acrobats Kip Up Class Feature)

Sure footed maneuver roll succeeded so he can ignore 4 difficult terrain squares while moving to flank.

With the spider apparently safe for now and the rest of the party ashore with her beginning to slowly congregate in the general proximity of the Skincutter, Utra slowly closes her book and keeping but one eye on the web of the little weaver, focuses her mind. Not on the slow pulsing of power building up in her empty hand, nevertheless; that is for later, if it is coming to play at all – but rather at the Orc. If you'll speak, speak now. the words radiate from mind to mind.

Seeing the impaled orc start moving He frowns and cursesGod damnit I hate undead. They aways stink and always leave a damn mess He holds out his hand it begins to start glowing a malicious black. Orc:Die again and leave us be

Move Dark Companion close to Orc. While close to orc It has a -2 to ac and saves.

Cast Curse dc 17 will save (if successful it has a -2 penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls)

Strange illusion, disorientating in its absurdity. A man approaches, but no, he is in fact a tiger. A ghost white body outlined in striking black stripes. A magician materializes before his eyes, casting curses and dark emanations. A miniature telepath implores him to speak, her circling hands a blur.

Two bolts are hurled at the son of the storm from an elevated position high in the surrounding cliffs. No attempt is made to avoid being hit by the resurrected champion. Who defiantly stands and absorbs the hits, though taking significant damage.

Taknorogan (Skincutter Orc) takes 11 Force damage
Health 87%

Returning fire with a bolt of his own, Taknorogan lifts his eyes towards the sky. A swirling maelstrom building within. Down from the heavens he does Call Lightning on Djin.

Dark clouds flash and tremble with a reverberating sound as a direct lightning strike is only seconds away.

2024-04-24, 05:23 PM
Naomi takes a double move towards the orc.

N31 to K19

2024-04-24, 06:24 PM
Naomi takes a double move towards the orc.

N31 to M18 and that should put naomi adjacent to the orc, giving Flanking to Ro

Drawing Taknorogan’s attention temporarily away from his target on the cliffside is the rapid advancement of Naomi. Who quickly turns the corner, marching forward ready for a face to face confrontation. Her sudden arrival further reinforcing her party’s ranks while threatening to place the orc in an untenable position.

2024-04-25, 07:14 AM
As the warriors begin to trade blows, the transmuting power of Haste finally radiates forth from Utra's closed fist. It would appear that our gracious host here is somewhat specialized in weather-based offensive magic, hm. He claims to command the storm, which the little display Master Djin suffered seems to corroborate. she reports, in addition to that, and almost as an aside what she gleaned from the short mental conversation with the Skincutter. Under different circumstances I would mayhaps propose we capture the man; he seems to know much of local customs, but there is a lesson to learn here. she goes on, her tone as flat as ever. He further claims he is an exile; there seems to have been some turmoil here, a leadership dispute. He saw himself as a viable leader. That might be telling as to the general power level of the higher echelons in, hm, what he terms as his circle. Let us test this power level, shall we. the Halfling suggests, carefully putting her book away. She'll have need of it later; boiled skulls and the immediate associations to the notion of gluttony deserve noting. Perhaps there is something to glean from Gnomish parallels…

But that's not a thing to know quite just now. She glimpses at the white landscape past her shoulder and with a flick of a finger, she screens herself from the Orc's eyes instead.

Move action stash away book;
standard action cast Silent Image to put the image of the landcape without her in front of herself (discount Invisibility!); Will DC 15 to disbelieve.

2024-04-26, 02:17 AM
Though out of sight, the party can expect the sudden appearance of Gozen the Naturalist at any moment.

2024-04-26, 02:21 AM
As the warriors begin to trade blows, the transmuting power of Haste finally radiates forth from Utra's closed fist. It would appear that our gracious host here is somewhat specialized in weather-based offensive magic, hm. He claims to command the storm, which the little display Master Djin suffered seems to corroborate. she reports, in addition to that, and almost as an aside what she gleaned from the short mental conversation with the Skincutter. Under different circumstances I would mayhaps propose we capture the man; he seems to know much of local customs, but there is a lesson to learn here. she goes on, her tone as flat as ever. He further claims he is an exile; there seems to have been some turmoil here, a leadership dispute. He saw himself as a viable leader. That might be telling as to the general power level of the higher echelons in, hm, what he terms as his circle. Let us test this power level, shall we. the Halfling suggests, carefully putting her book away. She'll have need of it later; boiled skulls and the immediate associations to the notion of gluttony deserve noting. Perhaps there is something to glean from Gnomish parallels…

But that's not a thing to know quite just now. She glimpses at the white landscape past her shoulder and with a flick of a finger, she screens herself from the Orc's eyes instead.

Move action stash away book;
standard action cast Silent Image to put the image of the landcape without her in front of herself (discount Invisibility!); Will DC 15 to disbelieve.

The ethereal smallfolk disappears out of view. Perhaps engaging in concealment magic, or perhaps she was never real to begin with. Illusion or madness, hardly an appealing choice. Taknorogan remembers vividly the moment of his defeat. Hoisted into the air and eviscerated before the screaming multitudes. His journey back through the underworld remains fragments of haunting images and unforgettable sounds locked away within his mind. The telepath must be real, he concludes, as real as the canyon stretched out before his eyes, or the ground beneath his feet. His attention however is drawn back to his opponents who are actively engaged in combat. Leaving the mystery unsolved.

2024-04-26, 05:08 AM
Djin sidesteps the lightning strike casted by the orc, unscathed.

"Feisty, aren't you? And you dare use lightning against me? Pfft! I could dodge one hundred of those with my eyes close. Oi, Orion, Skar, let's flank the spell nut."

Depending on whether Orion or Skarvurus heeds his words and accedes to them, the acrobat slides down the wall and falls the last 10 ft. He kips up, flips over the craggy ground as they are flat ground, drawing a silver dagger to flank with either Orion, Rose or Skarvurus, aiming a slash at the orc's vitals. His foot slips, messing with his swinging momentum, missing the orc by a wide mile causing Djin to curse.

Evasion and succeeded reflex save so call lightning does nil against him.

Fall as free action with slow fall 20 ft and succeeded tumble check negating fall damage.

Kip Up to stand from prone as free action.

Succeeded balance check to use Sure Footed Maneuver to treat 4 difficult terrain squares as normal squares. He will flip/detours around the orc to avoid Attack of Opportunity to reach M18 if no one provides the square for flanking.

Rolled a Natural 1 on attack so an automatic miss.

2024-04-26, 03:13 PM
Djin sidesteps the lightning strike casted by the orc, unscathed.

"Feisty, aren't you? And you dare use lightning against me? Pfft! I could dodge one hundred of those with my eyes close. Oi, Orion, Skar, let's flank the spell nut."

Depending on whether Orion or Skarvurus heeds his words and accedes to them, the acrobat slides down the wall and falls the last 10 ft. He kips up, flips over the craggy ground as they are flat ground, drawing a silver dagger to flank with either Orion, Rose or Skarvurus, aiming a slash at the orc's vitals. His foot slips, messing with his swinging momentum, missing the orc by a wide mile causing Djin to curse.

Evasion and succeeded reflex save so call lightning does nil against him.

Fall as free action with slow fall 20 ft and succeeded tumble check negating fall damage.

Kip Up to stand from prone as free action.

Succeeded balance check to use Sure Footed Maneuver to treat 4 difficult terrain squares as normal squares. He will flip/detours around the orc to avoid Attack of Opportunity to reach M18 if no one provides the square for flanking.

Rolled a Natural 1 on attack so an automatic miss.

From above, a destructive line of electrical energy arcs towards the ground. Unnatural in its direction and timing. For not a moment after Djin released his grip from the rock face did the bolt strike exactly where he was. Exploding rocks rain down from the top of the cliff. The exposed stone, cracked and broken reveals rich deposits of Blue Zoisite.

Though unable to understand the human’s taunt, the orc might hyperbolically boast that he has 100 bolts to give. An exaggeration of course but above the clouds darken further. Fortunately, Djin’s blade speaks a universal language. A narrow miss, due only to his opponent’s clumsy actions does not provoke a defense from the orc. Instead the storm caller lifts both hands to the heavens, leaving his vital joints and organs, unarmored and exposed. He stands defiantly, seemingly unconcerned with his own well being.

2024-04-26, 03:41 PM
"I was warning you..." Skaruvus growls as the fighting begins in earnest, and roars as he takes running leap forward on the powerful legs of a predator, pouncing upon the orc and beginning to tear into him with claws and teeth.

Charge and Pounce on the Orc as a Tiger
Attacks get +2 for charge, AC is currently 16

Claw 1 [roll0] +2 = 21 (confirm crit [roll1])
Damage [roll2] (if crit +[roll]1d6+6])

Claw 2 [roll3] +2 = 29 (confirm crit [roll4])
Damage [roll5] (if crit +[roll]1d6+6])

Bite [roll6] +2 = 9 (confirm crit [roll7])
Damage [roll8] (if crit +[roll]1d8+3])

Rake 1 [roll9] +2 = 29 (confirm crit [roll10])
Damage [roll11] (if crit +[roll]1d8+3])

Rake 2 [roll12] +2 = 28 (confirm crit [roll13])
Damage [roll14] (if crit +[roll]1d8+3])

Improved Grab means free attempt to Grapple on both claws and bite:

Grapple from Claw 1 [roll15]
Grapple from Claw 2 [roll16]
Grapple from Bite [roll17]

2024-04-27, 07:25 AM
"I was warning you..." Skaruvus growls as the fighting begins in earnest, and roars as he takes running leap forward on the powerful legs of a predator, pouncing upon the orc and beginning to tear into him with claws and teeth.

Before he could react, the tiger was upon him. Claws tearing into the orc’s body, raking across his abdominal region. A grimace, gritting of teeth, and a quick inhale act as outward expressions of his pain.

Taknorogan (Skincutter Orc) takes 36 slashing damage
Health 44%

Pivoting with the animal, Taknorogan is able to avoid a vicious bite. Hands lowered to grip firmly the tiger’s forearms, a contest begins. As Skaruvus attempts to latch on and rake. Immense strength divinely granted to the orc, allows him to resists the grapple. Throwing his opponent back, maintaining distance between them.

2024-04-27, 02:44 PM
The bounty of crystals revealed by the Orc, accidental as the helpful act might have been, earns a reflexive nod of appreciation from Utra, still hidden from view. And the lightning itself, it might just tell her something about their foe as well, a thought that reminds her that the stones are not what they are after here. Whatever the Skincutter knows, might be.

We are many. You are alone. You looked dead, but live now. Not for long if you fight. So why, I'm thinking. Why fight us. her words seep into the Orc's mind as he grapples Skar. You are of no use to us fighting. You are of no use to you dead. This can change if you yield.

2024-04-29, 01:58 PM
The bounty of crystals revealed by the Orc, accidental as the helpful act might have been, earns a reflexive nod of appreciation from Utra, still hidden from view. And the lightning itself, it might just tell her something about their foe as well, a thought that reminds her that the stones are not what they are after here. Whatever the Skincutter knows, might be.

We are many. You are alone. You looked dead, but live now. Not for long if you fight. So why, I'm thinking. Why fight us. her words seep into the Orc's mind as he grapples Skar. You are of no use to us fighting. You are of no use to you dead. This can change if you yield.

Taknorogan possesses an unshakable faith. Despite his confusion and difficult odds he fights on. To do otherwise would be a fate worse than true death.

“Know me inquisitive sprite, I am Taknorogan, The Storm Caller. Greatest of All! I can not be defeated, only endured. Join me or die.”

Is his less than encouraging reply, spat mentally in Orc at his unseen foe.

Spellcraft (23)
Utra is able to identify the spell cast by Taknorogan as Call Lightning
A divine incantation of the third circle known to druids.

2024-04-30, 07:12 AM
Taknorogan, Caller of Storms, understand this: how I speak to you now, is but a birthright, and I learned much since my birth. And yet: of those you stand against, I might be the least. Utra cautions the Skincutter matter-of-factly. But then, hm. Join you? How does one join Taknorogan the Storm Caller?
Perhaps there might be ways to ease this task. Or glean some further insight. Neither prospect is unappealing to the scholar. Still, until then, se better aid her own in how they'd handle this. An interesting detail, mayhaps. she addresses them. Our Orc here; the bolt of lightning he used is of a telling sort. Divine magic, but of the… More primitive traditions, as we would call them. Druidic mayhaps, hm. How much do you happen to know about the concept of a spell level. she asks, absently drawing her own sword as she speaks; she may as well, after all. It is of the third; roughly on par or slightly below of what one of you could use, at most, if of the same rite.

2024-04-30, 01:56 PM
Utra's words were enough to give Skaruvus pause, and as he landed gracefully back on his paws from the Orc's defense of his grapple, he let his weight settle back slightly, raising his head to show a slightly more diplomatic posture.

And then he speaks in a language that very few, if any could recognize, something that feels more primal and rooted in the earth.

"You who has become my opponent, I listen to the wind and sky when they speak... As arbiter of beast and grove, would you become my fellow, my predator, or my prey?"
If anyone can speak Druidic, this is immediately recognizable as a highly formal entreatment offering truce and warning of deadly conflict should the truce be broken without prior agreement.

2024-04-30, 02:05 PM
…if of the same rite.

[Is a Druid.]

…such as yourself, Master Windspeaker, as the case may be. Utra appends to her previous string of utterances missing only the one beat. Mayhaps primitive was a rather strong word to use – if entirely accurate.

2024-04-30, 04:08 PM
Hearing the party speak to the orc and hom seemingly being receptive Orion holds his action but keeps himself primed to fire off another hex just in case.

Hold action to cast hex again to cast hex again. If orc moves forward.

2024-05-01, 01:00 PM
Hearing the party speak to the orc and hom seemingly being receptive Orion holds his action but keeps himself primed to fire off another hex just in case.

Hold action to cast hex again to cast hex again. If orc moves forward.

Utra's words were enough to give Skaruvus pause, and as he landed gracefully back on his paws from the Orc's defense of his grapple, he let his weight settle back slightly, raising his head to show a slightly more diplomatic posture.

And then he speaks in a language that very few, if any could recognize, something that feels more primal and rooted in the earth.

"You who has become my opponent, I listen to the wind and sky when they speak... As arbiter of beast and grove, would you become my fellow, my predator, or my prey?"
If anyone can speak Druidic, this is immediately recognizable as a highly formal entreatment offering truce and warning of deadly conflict should the truce be broken without prior agreement.

Taknorogan, Caller of Storms, understand this: how I speak to you now, is but a birthright, and I learned much since my birth. And yet: of those you stand against, I might be the least. Utra cautions the Skincutter matter-of-factly. But then, hm. Join you? How does one join Taknorogan the Storm Caller?
Perhaps there might be ways to ease this task. Or glean some further insight. Neither prospect is unappealing to the scholar. Still, until then, se better aid her own in how they'd handle this. An interesting detail, mayhaps. she addresses them. Our Orc here; the bolt of lightning he used is of a telling sort. Divine magic, but of the… More primitive traditions, as we would call them. Druidic mayhaps, hm. How much do you happen to know about the concept of a spell level. she asks, absently drawing her own sword as she speaks; she may as well, after all. It is of the third; roughly on par or slightly below of what one of you could use, at most, if of the same rite.

“Acknowledge me as your champion. Declare aloud that I have bested you and I will offer my protection and leadership.”

These words are spoken telepathically to Utra while uttered aloud in Druidic. Without waiting for a reply Taknorogan shifts his position ever so slightly, turning his back on the shapechanger in tiger form. His hands circling, extended to their maximum

First comes the lightning then comes the thunder.

Activating his Boots of Stomping he does raise a foot high off the ground, before bringing it down with great force. Coinciding with a tremendous thunderclap which echoes through the canyon. A cone of psychokinetic sonic energy rushes forward threatening to knock down anyone in its path.

Taking in each hand, the chain which once bound him, now merged into his flesh, he begins to swing it around his body. Creating arcs of twisted metal. Threatening all those within his reach. Sparks of electricity surge with every strike of metal against stone.
Taknorogan takes a five foot step to N17

Taknorogan activates Boots of Stomping 15 foot cone covering O18 O19 O20 P18 Q18 and P19
Djin and Rose make DC 13 reflex or fall prone.

Taknorogan draws the spiked chain upon which he was impaled as a weapon.

Possessing a strong will, Taknorogan once again negates the impact of Orion’s curse.

2024-05-01, 05:52 PM
Djin jumps over the shockwave, does a handstand and flips over to his feet.

"What is the orc yapping about? Is he self-aggrandizing again, Utra?"

2024-05-01, 08:08 PM
Naomi sees an opening and moves to M16 pouncing in for an attack
attack 1 to hit 16, attack 2 to hit 18, total damage if they hit a possible 32

2024-05-01, 10:14 PM
Naomi sees an opening and moves to M16 pouncing in for an attack
attack 1 to hit 16, attack 2 to hit 18, total damage if they hit a possible 32

A keen sense alerts Taknorogan when Naomi begins to move. Though facing away, he does track her in his periphery, never allowing her to leave his vision. Trusting his instinct, the storm caller hurls his weapon behind his back, allowing the cruel barbed chain to fly over the head of Skaruvus’s tiger form. Striking Naomi directly upon her sternum piercing flesh and delivering a solid impact, followed by a searing jolt of electricity.

Undetered Naomi closes the distance. Landing a pair of devastating slashes to the orc’s lightly armored body. Opening deep wounds, splattering burgundy blood. Nearly dead, only a madman would fight on, and fight on he does.

Taknorogan (Skincutter Orc) takes 32 slashing damage
Health 6%

Taknorogan’s Attack of Opportunity deals 11 damage and 11 electricity damage.

2024-05-01, 10:28 PM
"Hey guys. He is bloodied. Aren't we supposed to keep him alive? I'll try to see if I can chip the last bit of that rebel in him. Skar, Orion, anyone, flank with me. We need all the advantages we get. If I can't knock em down and out, you will have to."

He tiptoes to the flanking spot to not have a chain to his face and flanks with the transformed tiger. After seeing his ally opposite of him, Djin flashes his silver dagger at the orc.

Requests Skarvarus to flank with him.

5 ft step diagonal to N18 if Skaruvus 5 ft step diagonal to N16 to full-attack orc. Will retract his other attack if orc is unconscious from his first attack.

2024-05-02, 02:01 PM
“Acknowledge me as your champion. Declare aloud that I have bested you and I will offer my protection and leadership.”[/B]

These words are spoken telepathically to Utra while uttered aloud in Druidic.

We have our masters and our tasks, Taknorogan, Caller of Storms. We can aid you if you aid us. This is my best offer. Utra tells the Orc's mind, unfazed-

"What is the orc yapping about? Is he self-aggrandizing again, Utra?"

Behind her illusory screen, Utra nods as though Djin could see her. I am goiung to need Master Skar to confirm that was the meaning of the spoken words; but I received such boasts from the man, yes, Master Djin. Hm. the Halfling pauses I fact, he is offering his leadership for oaths of fealty and a declaration of defeat; mayhaps we could use this to locate his clan and settlement, as well as access to what he knows of the land, but, hm, I need no war with the natives just yet.

"Hey guys. He is bloodied. Aren't we supposed to keep him alive? I'll try to see if I can chip the last bit of that rebel in him. Skar, Orion, anyone, flank with me. We need all the advantages we get. If I can't knock em down and out, you will have to."

He tiptoes to the flanking spot to not have a chain to his face and flanks with the transformed tiger. After seeing his ally opposite of him, Djin flashes his silver dagger at the orc.

Alive would seem ideal, yes, but it is not neccesary. Utra points out, quite calmly, shiftin g her weight from one leg to the other. Seeing him react to a clear defeat could prove… Informative, but I am growing cautiouslt pessimistic as regards our chances of forcing his cooperation. Until then, you might want to mayhaps mind those chains; they are magically enhanced, and not as instruments of binding as I previously suspected.

2024-05-03, 12:33 AM
We have our masters and our tasks, Taknorogan, Caller of Storms. We can aid you if you aid us. This is my best offer. Utra tells the Orc's mind, unfazed-

Behind her illusory screen, Utra nods as though Djin could see her. I am goiung to need Master Skar to confirm that was the meaning of the spoken words; but I received such boasts from the man, yes, Master Djin. Hm. the Halfling pauses I fact, he is offering his leadership for oaths of fealty and a declaration of defeat; mayhaps we could use this to locate his clan and settlement, as well as access to what he knows of the land, but, hm, I need no war with the natives just yet.

Alive would seem ideal, yes, but it is not neccesary. Utra points out, quite calmly, shiftin g her weight from one leg to the other. Seeing him react to a clear defeat could prove… Informative, but I am growing cautiouslt pessimistic as regards our chances of forcing his cooperation. Until then, you might want to mayhaps mind those chains; they are magically enhanced, and not as instruments of binding as I previously suspected.

"Hey guys. He is bloodied. Aren't we supposed to keep him alive? I'll try to see if I can chip the last bit of that rebel in him. Skar, Orion, anyone, flank with me. We need all the advantages we get. If I can't knock em down and out, you will have to."

He tiptoes to the flanking spot to not have a chain to his face and flanks with the transformed tiger. After seeing his ally opposite of him, Djin flashes his silver dagger at the orc.

Requests Skarvarus to flank with him.

5 ft step diagonal to N18 if Skaruvus 5 ft step diagonal to N16 to full-attack orc. Will retract his other attack if orc is unconscious from his first attack.

When Djin’s first blade silently enters Taknorogan’s side, it misses vital points, doing nothing more than contributing to what is already an excessive amount of blood. When Djin’s second blade enters Taknorogan’s chest he falls at once to the ground. Alive but barely, quickly loosing blood, not breathing, without a pulse.

Taknorogan (Skincutter Orc) takes 8 slashing damage
Health -30% / dying / death at -100%

The storm dissipates as quickly and as unnaturally as it formed. The sky immediately clears, the clouds retreating to the horizon in mere seconds. On the horizon a star burns, barely illuminating the dusky surroundings. Long shadows climb canyon walls. The air is brisk, the wind light, conditions return to the way they were.

2024-05-03, 12:50 AM
A keen sense alerts Taknorogan when Naomi begins to move. Though facing away, he does track her in his periphery, never allowing her to leave his vision. Trusting his instinct, the storm caller hurls his weapon behind his back, allowing the cruel barbed chain to fly over the head of Skaruvus’s tiger form. Striking Naomi directly upon her sternum piercing flesh and delivering a solid impact, followed by a searing jolt of electricity.

Undetered Naomi closes the distance. Landing a pair of devastating slashes to the orc’s lightly armored body. Opening deep wounds, splattering burgundy blood. Nearly dead, only a madman would fight on, and fight on he does.

Taknorogan (Skincutter Orc) takes 32 slashing damage
Health 6%

Taknorogan’s Attack of Opportunity deals 11 damage and 11 electricity damage.

Naomi sees an opening and moves to M16 pouncing in for an attack
attack 1 to hit 16, attack 2 to hit 18, total damage if they hit a possible 32

The party emerges unscathed with the notable exception of Naomi. Who’s injury is not life threatening, but causes constant discomfort and bouts of acute pain. Hampering fluid movement with her upper body.

-1 to hit until healed

2024-05-03, 01:13 AM
The bounty of crystals revealed by the Orc, accidental as the helpful act might have been, earns a reflexive nod of appreciation from Utra, still hidden from view. And the lightning itself, it might just tell her something about their foe as well, a thought that reminds her that the stones are not what they are after here. Whatever the Skincutter knows, might be.

We are many. You are alone. You looked dead, but live now. Not for long if you fight. So why, I'm thinking. Why fight us. her words seep into the Orc's mind as he grapples Skar. You are of no use to us fighting. You are of no use to you dead. This can change if you yield.

A rich deposit of Blue Zoisite has been exposed on the cliff face struck by Taknorogan’s lightning. The deposit is located 25 feet above the ground on a vertical rocky canyon wall. If extracted with skill, the vein can yield gems valued at 926gp in the markets back home.

2024-05-03, 02:00 AM
Djin tries to treat the downed orc, applying pressure to the bleeding to staunch it with one hand but he fumbles, creating a larger gap that leaks more blood.

"Healer! I am not a healing expert!"

2024-05-03, 07:49 AM
Naomi walking up to the dying Orc, "Healer! Why do we need him to live ?, I could use some healing

Naomi Loots the orc taking the Spiked Chain, then eats a goodberry hoping one of her companions can render magical healing.

2024-05-03, 08:24 AM
"Information and he can lead us to his "friends" so we can talk and have them help us with our ship."

Djin, once more, tries first aid on the orc. This time, his hold is solid. He uses his other hand to support the hand that is applying strength on the bleeding part, to keep it from slipping, until the bleeding stops, and blood clotted. He wipes the sweat about to drop from his face like morning dew and smiles.

"One living orc, ready for a rude wake-up call for interrogation."

The acrobat then ties him up tight with consideration to not re-open the orc's sealed wounds.

2024-05-03, 02:16 PM
With one more side-glance to verify that the spider remains present, Utra sheathes the sword and steps through the illusory screen, already fading. Precisely, Master Djin, and an excellent work overall, hm. she circles her finger in the air to indicate she is including everyone else in the praise given. If you could muzzle him as well, mayhaps… He is awfully loud, and I can make do without his voice in terms of questioning. Still in motion, she steps closer to Naomi, and using both hands, she channels some heling power from her belt into the woman. It is the best she can do for now. In the meantime, may I request the assistance of our more, shall I say, survival-minded. she goes on. Above us she indicates the crystal vein we have some fine quality zoisite; I believe we are looking at roughly a 1000 gold pieces in worth, a good incentive for the crew if we can extract it, mayhaps. But that is time-consuming, and not very urgent; as such, I would gladly see it concealed and marked for now. I will further need someone to extract some venom from a spider, gently, if at all possible… she begins digging in her pack for a vial.

2024-05-03, 05:56 PM
Well I can try to extract some of that venom if you care to help

2024-05-03, 07:00 PM
Djin gags the orc with whatever rags he can find.

2024-05-04, 01:19 AM
Naomi walking up to the dying Orc, "Healer! Why do we need him to live ?, I could use some healing

Naomi Loots the orc taking the Spiked Chain, then eats a goodberry hoping one of her companions can render magical healing.

Elastic flesh pulls away from bloody metal, as Naomi claims Taknorogan’s spiked chain as her prize. A yellow diamond embedded in the metal flashes with an inner radiance. On the body is an unremarkable set of leather armor torn to shreds. Magically enchanted boots and gauntlets along with a Falchion made by a master in their craft.

2024-05-04, 01:21 AM
With one more side-glance to verify that the spider remains present, Utra sheathes the sword and steps through the illusory screen, already fading. Precisely, Master Djin, and an excellent work overall, hm. she circles her finger in the air to indicate she is including everyone else in the praise given. If you could muzzle him as well, mayhaps… He is awfully loud, and I can make do without his voice in terms of questioning. Still in motion, she steps closer to Naomi, and using both hands, she channels some heling power from her belt into the woman. It is the best she can do for now. In the meantime, may I request the assistance of our more, shall I say, survival-minded. she goes on. Above us she indicates the crystal vein we have some fine quality zoisite; I believe we are looking at roughly a 1000 gold pieces in worth, a good incentive for the crew if we can extract it, mayhaps. But that is time-consuming, and not very urgent; as such, I would gladly see it concealed and marked for now. I will further need someone to extract some venom from a spider, gently, if at all possible… she begins digging in her pack for a vial.

"Information and he can lead us to his "friends" so we can talk and have them help us with our ship."

Djin, once more, tries first aid on the orc. This time, his hold is solid. He uses his other hand to support the hand that is applying strength on the bleeding part, to keep it from slipping, until the bleeding stops, and blood clotted. He wipes the sweat about to drop from his face like morning dew and smiles.

"One living orc, ready for a rude wake-up call for interrogation."

The acrobat then ties him up tight with consideration to not re-open the orc's sealed wounds.

Djin gags the orc with whatever rags he can find.

One hour after battle Taknorogan awakens, remembering nothing of his journey back to the land of the living. Attempting to raise his arms, he finds them securely bound. Pain shoots through his wounded body, which feels to him as if it is being held together by the most delicate threads. Casting his gaze to the sky, he attempts to call down aiding magics but finds his mouth full of foul tasting rags.

It would appear the group which interfered with his ambush has taken him prisoner. For what unspeakable reason he can only imagine. Still not all is lost, noting several angles he intends to exploit when the time is right. Silently observing the victors, he puzzles at their purpose and motivation. Unable to understand their words but seeing unusual strength in each of them. Of course, he would easily defeat any one of them, in a one on one fight.

Time Night
Moon New
Temp Cold
Aurora No
Precipitation None
Terrain Tundra

2024-05-04, 01:47 AM
With one more side-glance to verify that the spider remains present, Utra sheathes the sword and steps through the illusory screen, already fading. Precisely, Master Djin, and an excellent work overall, hm. she circles her finger in the air to indicate she is including everyone else in the praise given. If you could muzzle him as well, mayhaps… He is awfully loud, and I can make do without his voice in terms of questioning. Still in motion, she steps closer to Naomi, and using both hands, she channels some heling power from her belt into the woman. It is the best she can do for now. In the meantime, may I request the assistance of our more, shall I say, survival-minded. she goes on. Above us she indicates the crystal vein we have some fine quality zoisite; I believe we are looking at roughly a 1000 gold pieces in worth, a good incentive for the crew if we can extract it, mayhaps. But that is time-consuming, and not very urgent; as such, I would gladly see it concealed and marked for now. I will further need someone to extract some venom from a spider, gently, if at all possible… she begins digging in her pack for a vial.

Well I can try to extract some of that venom if you care to help

Naomi is able to help Utra extract a single dose of poison from the diminutive ice spider. Which has begun to construct a delicate lace of frozen silk within its enclosure. A transparent odorless viscous liquid at the bottom of a vial. Only rarely known to cause paralysis it is not recommended one touch or drink the substance.

2024-05-04, 07:14 PM

The last of the day’s dim light falls beneath the horizon. Plunging the world into near total darkness. Clear skies allow for an unobstructed view of a vast starscape. It will become colder as the night goes on. Nocturnal predators awaken, emerging from their hiding places in their multitudes.

A comfortable camp can be established with a DC 15 survival check

The camp can be secured against predators with a DC 20 survival check

2024-05-04, 07:17 PM
"Skar, Utra, the floor is yours."

Djin strips any other weapon he can see on the orc and looks at the darken skies, taking his liquid sunlight neckie out to illuminate the surroundings.

"Light's gone out. Now, where do we set up camp? Maybe in a cavern if we are lucky."

2024-05-04, 07:23 PM

Grumbles From Below

The orcish day begins, with bells clanging in far off caves. Ashrog never got the prize, no one honors him. Lo, he has no deeds for which to boast. His skin remains intact, uncut. Least amongst his kind, he is seen to have earned his place deep in the mine. Toil he does, ripping coal from the rock. Where each cartload goes he does not know. Unlike Progen who pushes the cart, Ashrog has not seen the surface in years. Progen uses all his strength and stamina to keep the cart moving forward. For starting it again from a full stop is hellish labour. Up the spiraling ramps he slogs, tiny steps powered by muscular thighs.

Progen must face inspection when he reaches the surface, a cavernous fold of overlapping rock jutting from the base of a mountain. Both he and his load are interrogated, any imperfection scrutinized by a lumbering bare-chested ogre. Who wipes perspiration from his face and body despite the frigid temperature. The ogre Oo Tong Otal is surrounded by armed and armored orcs, who laugh when he laughs and sneer when he sneers. All finding Progen’s passivity a source of fun. Finally permitted to continue on his way, mockery is to be endured as all watch him press shoulder to cart, vessels in his neck and arms bulging under the strain. With enough effort the cart inches forward, plodding along its path.

Out into the open air of a cold still moonless night Progen advances towards a ring of six timbers rising twenty to thirty feet overhead, arranged 15 feet apart in a crude circle. Each pillar is as wide as a human’s wingspan, having been driven into the ground with tremendous force. Counting his steps as he cautiously enters the circle, Progen stops at a prescribed location. Giant silver rings crowning each timber look down upon him from all directions. Beginning a clockwise succession as each ring shines with a dazzling light. Silver rings crowning each timber glow in succession and then all at once. Turning night to day and then back into night. Progen and his cart, no where to be seen.

2024-05-04, 07:33 PM
"Skar, Utra, the floor is yours."

Djin strips any other weapon he can see on the orc and looks at the darken skies, taking his liquid sunlight neckie out to illuminate the surroundings.

"Light's gone out. Now, where do we set up camp? Maybe in a cavern if we are lucky."

A nearby cavern is identified by Djin. Its elevated position will keep out all but the most determined predators. A narrow opening provides an excellent defensive position offering both cover and concealment.

2024-05-04, 07:40 PM
Djin relays his findings to his group. When it is the time to settle in for the night, he watches the group's back while they manhandle the orc into the cavern with his silver dagger still in hand.

2024-05-05, 12:47 AM
Djin relays his findings to his group. When it is the time to settle in for the night, he watches the group's back while they manhandle the orc into the cavern with his silver dagger still in hand.

Beyond the narrow passage, not five feet high nor wide, is a natural cavern. Forty feet across in both directions with enough headroom for all to stand. The room is divided equally into two distinct areas. The area nearest the entrance is dry, the ground is level and the ceiling is at its highest. The area deeper into the cave is wet, the ground is slippery and uneven and the ceiling is low with dripping stalactites. Falling water heated by geothermal activity warms the cavern to a comfortable temperature. A constant trickle runs ever down the slightly sloping rock, dropping off into a pit of unfathomable depth.

2024-05-05, 10:11 AM
Utra takes Naomi up on her offer with a quick, silent nod of appreciation, and lags behind the rest of the group to take a sample of the web itself as well in addition to jotting down a painstakingly detailed description of both the little creature and the structure, location and size of its web in her book, as a suitable campsite is secured and the Orc is carried off. She might as well make good use of the last light of the day.

Once both vials are sealed and stashed away, she rejoins the others, uite pleasantly surprised. Excellent find, Master Djin. he commends the man (she will have to remember and do the same in her report to Zipnog, certainly). The presence of natural heat might yet prove useful if we wish to establish an outpost later, hm, the governance would likely be amenable to the idea, if notified of the mineral deposits… she muses on. A good way to keep operations as covert as desired too, given the lack of smoke. We might want to explore how much of the expedition's manpower and gear we can fit in spaces so heated. Mayhaps if repairs should fail… But it is too early to entertain such scenarios, is it not. a mark is added to her crude map of the canyon, as well as to the legend – "hot springs; useful", she scribbles beside it.

And then, I see you are awake, Taknorogan, is that right. Seems like we endured you just fine. More willing to talk, now. she asks, her intonation flat as ever.

2024-05-05, 04:01 PM
Seeing the orc awaken he asks in OrcYou ready to talk like civilized folk and not idiots? There was no need for that nasty unpleasantness from the other day now was there. Nod if you're willing to now talk

2024-05-05, 05:37 PM
"I am going to take a dip once this orc is conked out again. Do we have any means to create a fire to warm us up without magic?"

Still armed, Djin alternates his pupils between the opening and the orc.

2024-05-06, 01:11 AM
Once inside the cave Naomi collects debris that might burn and starts a fire with her Flint n steel

2024-05-06, 01:28 AM
Once both vials are sealed and stashed away, she rejoins the others, uite pleasantly surprised. Excellent find, Master Djin. he commends the man (she will have to remember and do the same in her report to Zipnog, certainly). The presence of natural heat might yet prove useful if we wish to establish an outpost later, hm, the governance would likely be amenable to the idea, if notified of the mineral deposits… she muses on. A good way to keep operations as covert as desired too, given the lack of smoke. We might want to explore how much of the expedition's manpower and gear we can fit in spaces so heated. Mayhaps if repairs should fail… But it is too early to entertain such scenarios, is it not. a mark is added to her crude map of the canyon, as well as to the legend – "hot springs; useful", she scribbles beside it.

And then, I see you are awake, Taknorogan, is that right. Seems like we endured you just fine. More willing to talk, now. she asks, her intonation flat as ever.

Taknorogan again engages Utra in a telepathic conversation in orc, insisting.

“I am as calm as a gentle breeze. Our contest was hardly fair, five against one. Your survival proves nothing.” Wincing in pain as he adjusts his posture. “I would challenge any of you individually for leadership of this group of.” His words drift off, as he is unsure to the purpose and identity of his captors. “Who are you? What are you doing in this place? What reason have you for disarming a Nok-Korosh trap this far down river? Without a baited trap the Nok-Korosh will scour the ice for its prey. There are several villages on the move this very night, including my own. What have you done?” In this way, Utra is accused by the one in chains.

The word Nok-Korosh literally translates as Warrior’s Heart, a name given to any formidable creature revered by a clan. The honorific can refer to anything, from a fearsome wolf to a victorious warlord.

2024-05-06, 01:42 AM
Seeing the orc awaken he asks in OrcYou ready to talk like civilized folk and not idiots? There was no need for that nasty unpleasantness from the other day now was there. Nod if you're willing to now talk

Seemingly calm, bound, and disarmed, Taknorogan nods. When his native tongue is spoken aloud by Orion Moonshadow. If the gag is removed from his mouth, he speaks these unsettling words.

"There is a temple I visited as a boy, filled with the bones of your kind. I thought you were extinct."

2024-05-06, 02:03 AM
"I am going to take a dip once this orc is conked out again. Do we have any means to create a fire to warm us up without magic?"

Still armed, Djin alternates his pupils between the opening and the orc.

Once inside the cave Naomi collects debris that might burn and starts a fire with her Flint n steel

Abundant driftwood can be collected from the beach and the river’s edge. Unusable for repairs but suitable for fuel. With her flint and steel Naomi starts a small fire. A smoky odor dissipates away from the flames, while the pleasant aroma of sizzling fish and tubers fills the whole cavern. Each member of the party is able to obtain a full undisturbed rest. Djin stands watch at the only entrance, completely concealed but with an unobstructed view of the whole canyon.

2024-05-06, 02:25 AM
Utra's words were enough to give Skaruvus pause, and as he landed gracefully back on his paws from the Orc's defense of his grapple, he let his weight settle back slightly, raising his head to show a slightly more diplomatic posture.

And then he speaks in a language that very few, if any could recognize, something that feels more primal and rooted in the earth.

"You who has become my opponent, I listen to the wind and sky when they speak... As arbiter of beast and grove, would you become my fellow, my predator, or my prey?"
If anyone can speak Druidic, this is immediately recognizable as a highly formal entreatment offering truce and warning of deadly conflict should the truce be broken without prior agreement.

Surreth returns to the valley, having located people walking upright. Gripped within a muscular talon is a small branch from a shrub dwarfed by high elevations. The natural clue, seemingly nothing more than a stick with a triad of ripe orange berries, holds libraries of information. With this one token Skaruvus is able to know from where Surreth has come.

2024-05-06, 02:25 AM
Djin nods at Naomi for the fire and touches her to heal her with his healing belt.

2024-05-06, 03:11 PM
Djin nods at Naomi for the fire and touches her to heal her with his healing belt.

Magical moonstones bathe Naomi in healing light. Significantly lessening her injuries. Naomi’s range of motion returns to normal. Twisting motions no longer cause her any pain. Her breath comes easily, instead of being unsteady and laborious. It is clear to all, she is on the mend.

Naomi loses her injured status. She is no longer penalized with -1 to hit.

2024-05-06, 05:43 PM
Once his allies finished questioning and the orc is knocked out for the next 8-10 hours, he will bath in the hot spring before going to sleep.

2024-05-06, 06:40 PM
As the others tend to the Orc's bleeding wounds and bind him so that he will not be a threat going forward, Skaruvus considers all that they have experienced thus far. Something felt different about the Orc, who clearly valued strength above all else. He felt a kindred spirit within the Orc, though it felt less like a fellow member of a flock, and more like what a mother bear feels for a father wolf...

He stayed silent while helping to gather some firewood and beginning to cook the fish he'd caught earlier, listening intently as the others spoke and the wind whispered. After ensuring that everyone had enough to eat, his ears prick up for a moment, and he leaves the cave entrance and holds his arm aloft just in time for Surreth to land in perch on the leather brace.

Skar plucked the small branch from the bird and examined it, considering the implications of the item and the time it had taken Surreth to return. Finally, he spoke.

"I am having the report of Surreth; we may be finding peoples past the mountains of the distance." He holds up the branch with the orange berries. "We will be finding more berries of this where they are being."

As the day winds down, Skaruvus, after some deliberation, gently pulls the rag from the Orc's mouth, and speaks to him again in the language of their shared tradition.

"I see that you value strength, as is right. Without strength, how can anything live. And it would appear that you are of your own possessing great strength.
I hope that you recognize our strength, as the wolfpack; though any one of us may be bested by the elk, together we will bring it down.

If you would speak with me, I would ask questions, as the wind has taken me far from where I was born, and you have knowledge of this place that we do not."

2024-05-07, 09:52 AM
Utra feels a sudden, cold shock, as though she touched one of those rippling arcs of light dancing about a wet ground struck by lightning. If Taknorogan could see her tense up, he'd, perhaps, mistake that for fear. It isn't fear. It is excitement, barely though it may seep into the even expression on her face. I'd rather we silenced him as fast once more as it is possible, Master Skaruvus. she says quietly. He just revealed, hm, a fascinating little detail that shines some light on his recent predicament, so to say. she explains. There is a creature he calls a Nok-Korosh at large in the area. It would appear to be a predator of some sort, but he specified no further, hm. He was to serve as a bait, or, mayhaps, a sacrifice, to draw it into the canyon and away from local tribal communities, such as his own. As such she goes on we cannot exclude the possibility that he might try nd call out to it, given the chance, can we, now. And as much as I would like to observe what inspires such fear in one like him…

2024-05-07, 10:19 AM
As the others tend to the Orc's bleeding wounds and bind him so that he will not be a threat going forward, Skaruvus considers all that they have experienced thus far. Something felt different about the Orc, who clearly valued strength above all else. He felt a kindred spirit within the Orc, though it felt less like a fellow member of a flock, and more like what a mother bear feels for a father wolf...

He stayed silent while helping to gather some firewood and beginning to cook the fish he'd caught earlier, listening intently as the others spoke and the wind whispered. After ensuring that everyone had enough to eat, his ears prick up for a moment, and he leaves the cave entrance and holds his arm aloft just in time for Surreth to land in perch on the leather brace.

Skar plucked the small branch from the bird and examined it, considering the implications of the item and the time it had taken Surreth to return. Finally, he spoke.

"I am having the report of Surreth; we may be finding peoples past the mountains of the distance." He holds up the branch with the orange berries. "We will be finding more berries of this where they are being."

As the day winds down, Skaruvus, after some deliberation, gently pulls the rag from the Orc's mouth, and speaks to him again in the language of their shared tradition.

"I see that you value strength, as is right. Without strength, how can anything live. And it would appear that you are of your own possessing great strength.
I hope that you recognize our strength, as the wolfpack; though any one of us may be bested by the elk, together we will bring it down.

If you would speak with me, I would ask questions, as the wind has taken me far from where I was born, and you have knowledge of this place that we do not."

Skaruvus’ metaphor rings true to Taknorogan, his outward contempt lessens as he speaks freely in the poetic language of life. An unwritten melody, known only to those to whom it has been revealed. A common bond and understanding eases the conversation into one of helpful honesty.

Taknorogan has many friends in this valley and beyond. He knows the locations of all the circles and the layout of the tunnels. Furthermore he knows the location of strongholds and other points of interests held by the Skullcrushers. Martial overlords of the region, hostile to all outside their ranks. A hunting party of Skincutters approach this canyon though the tunnels this very night. They are not hostile, Skaruvus is told. They are here for the hunt, for glory, and strength. To kill the…

The druidic word used by Taknorgoan is far less ambiguous than its orcish counterpart. Dragon.

2024-05-07, 10:25 AM
Utra feels a sudden, cold shock, as though she touched one of those rippling arcs of light dancing about a wet ground struck by lightning. If Taknorogan could see her tense up, he'd, perhaps, mistake that for fear. It isn't fear. It is excitement, barely though it may seep into the even expression on her face. I'd rather we silenced him as fast once more as it is possible, Master Skaruvus. she says quietly. He just revealed, hm, a fascinating little detail that shines some light on his recent predicament, so to say. she explains. There is a creature he calls a Nok-Korosh at large in the area. It would appear to be a predator of some sort, but he specified no further, hm. He was to serve as a bait, or, mayhaps, a sacrifice, to draw it into the canyon and away from local tribal communities, such as his own. As such she goes on we cannot exclude the possibility that he might try nd call out to it, given the chance, can we, now. And as much as I would like to observe what inspires such fear in one like him…

Taknorogan attempts to puzzle out language spoken between the druid and the telepath, but it is beyond his comprehension.

Knowledge Religion (23)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that worshipers of Gruumsh are often nomadic
DC15 Research indicates, the orc pantheon demands routine pilgrimages to avoid being cursed
DC20 An obscure fact known to few is, that several overlapping pilgrimages are taking place at this time.

Knowledge local (19)
DC 10 It was confirmed by Taknorogan that he intends to challenge for leadership.
DC15 Research indicates, one may not challenge without a worthy deed.

Knowledge History (20)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that dangerous animals are hunted for prestige
DC15 Research indicates, the more dangerous the animal, the more prestige gained by felling it
DC20 An obscure fact known to few is the Nok-Korosh has a special significance across Orc cultures, allowing one to challenge for leadership.

Knowledge Nature (26)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, traps are baited with something attractive and digestible by the animal being trapped.
DC15 Research indicates, this trap was baited for a large or larger flying creature which eats humanoids.
DC20 An obscure fact known to few, allows the possibilities to be narrowed to only a few creatures. The most logical a white dragon.
DC 25 Secret knowledge was once revealed to you, that an adult white dragon is more animal than any of its kin. It possesses a breath weapon of cold and a frightful presence. Only magical weapons can effectively penetrate its hide. Immune to the cold but vulnerable to fire. It possesses the ability to ice walk and cast a fog cloud. Its tail can be used as a weapon and its wings are capable of creating a gust of wind able to carry away small creatures.

Paragnostic Lore (27)
DC 10 The dragon is revered in Skincutter lore above any other creature of the frostfell
DC 20 Epic heroes throughout history have defeated the dragon, making weapons and armor from its bones, hides and scales.
DC 25 Taknorogan’s namesake is famed for slaying a great white wyrm in the ancient sagas

2024-05-07, 10:37 AM
Once his allies finished questioning and the orc is knocked out for the next 8-10 hours, he will bath in the hot spring before going to sleep.

Soothing waters, so rich in minerals as to make the cloudy water opaque, surround Djin’s body. Around him a perpetual rainfall of dripping water splashes into the shallow pool. An overflow trickles over the side, falling then disappearing, presumably into a subterranean cavern far below.

2024-05-07, 11:40 AM
Skaruvus’ metaphor rings true to Taknorogan, his outward contempt lessens as he speaks freely in the poetic language of life. An unwritten melody, known only to those to whom it has been revealed. A common bond and understanding eases the conversation into one of helpful honesty.

Taknorogan has many friends in this valley and beyond. He knows the locations of all the circles and the layout of the tunnels. Furthermore he knows the location of strongholds and other points of interests held by the Skullcrushers. Martial overlords of the region, hostile to all outside their ranks. A hunting party of Skincutters approach this canyon though the tunnels this very night. They are not hostile, Skaruvus is told. They are here for the hunt, for glory, and strength. To kill the…

The druidic word used by Taknorgoan is far less ambiguous than its orcish counterpart. Dragon.

In the course of their conversation, Skar introduces himself to Taknorogan, as Skaruvus Windspeaker, and explains that Surreth, who is currently enjoying a well-deserved fish of his own indicates a settlement beyond the mountains. He shows the berries and explains his reasoning about them, and asks if that settlement is Skullcrusher or Skincutter, and further clarifies if Skincutters are commonly Orc, and what manner of being Skullcrushers are. After hearing and understanding that Skincutter hunters will be heading this way through the caves, and what their quarry is, Skar takes a minute to relay this to the others.

"We may be having the arrival of ones Who Cut Skin soonly.
Taknorogan," he gestures to the Orc, "is telling I they are being friendly, but I am believing this Nok-Korosh you are saying is a dragon. That is what they are hunting."

Putting into context what Utra had gleaned, Skar switches back to Druidic to ask about Taknorogan's trap for the dragon, wondering if this is common practice and how it works, if it would be possible to set a similar trap again and take down the dragon with the group's aid.

2024-05-07, 04:57 PM
In the course of their conversation, Skar introduces himself to Taknorogan, as Skaruvus Windspeaker, and explains that Surreth, who is currently enjoying a well-deserved fish of his own indicates a settlement beyond the mountains. He shows the berries and explains his reasoning about them, and asks if that settlement is Skullcrusher or Skincutter, and further clarifies if Skincutters are commonly Orc, and what manner of being Skullcrushers are. After hearing and understanding that Skincutter hunters will be heading this way through the caves, and what their quarry is, Skar takes a minute to relay this to the others.

"We may be having the arrival of ones Who Cut Skin soonly.
Taknorogan," he gestures to the Orc, "is telling I they are being friendly, but I am believing this Nok-Korosh you are saying is a dragon. That is what they are hunting."

Putting into context what Utra had gleaned, Skar switches back to Druidic to ask about Taknorogan's trap for the dragon, wondering if this is common practice and how it works, if it would be possible to set a similar trap again and take down the dragon with the group's aid.

Taknorogan knows the mountain where a particular orange berry ripens at this time. Word that there are people present brings joy to his thunderous heart. He describes it as a Skincutter lodge, a traveling market of makers and magicians. Taknorogan seems excited and fully engaged when speaking from his memories. Suggesting their arrival should not be taken for granted, they will depart on a whim.

“Skullcrushers are ogres.” Taknorogan informs Skaruvus. “Leftover soldiers from some war, who decided to conquer all they could for themselves. The skulls they crush are not their own. They break champions in the arena, ending the life of any who would stand against them. Skincutters are commonly orc, though not always so.”

Taknorogan offers an example, he was aided in setting up his trap by a giant with skin cut like his own. He explains the meticulous preparation that went into the first trap. With limited time, and only a handful of people available, it might be possible to set up another trap. But it won’t be easy.

2024-05-08, 07:37 AM
Utra feels a sudden, cold shock, as though she touched one of those rippling arcs of light dancing about a wet ground struck by lightning. If Taknorogan could see her tense up, he'd, perhaps, mistake that for fear. It isn't fear. It is excitement, barely though it may seep into the even expression on her face. I'd rather we silenced him as fast once more as it is possible, Master Skaruvus. she says quietly. He just revealed, hm, a fascinating little detail that shines some light on his recent predicament, so to say. she explains. There is a creature he calls a Nok-Korosh at large in the area. It would appear to be a predator of some sort, but he specified no further, hm. He was to serve as a bait, or, mayhaps, a sacrifice, to draw it into the canyon and away from local tribal communities, such as his own. As such she goes on we cannot exclude the possibility that he might try nd call out to it, given the chance, can we, now. And as much as I would like to observe what inspires such fear in one like him…


"I want to hear the whole story from all angles rather than jumping into conclusions. There might be some key nuggets we missed."

Djin gestures to the dark-skinned man and orc in deep conversation.

2024-05-09, 02:41 PM
Taknorogan knows the mountain where a particular orange berry ripens at this time. Word that there are people present brings joy to his thunderous heart. He describes it as a Skincutter lodge, a traveling market of makers and magicians. Taknorogan seems excited and fully engaged when speaking from his memories. Suggesting their arrival should not be taken for granted, they will depart on a whim.

“Skullcrushers are ogres.” Taknorogan informs Skaruvus. “Leftover soldiers from some war, who decided to conquer all they could for themselves. The skulls they crush are not their own. They break champions in the arena, ending the life of any who would stand against them. Skincutters are commonly orc, though not always so.”

Taknorogan offers an example, he was aided in setting up his trap by a giant with skin cut like his own. He explains the meticulous preparation that went into the first trap. With limited time, and only a handful of people available, it might be possible to set up another trap. But it won’t be easy.

Skar continues to explain their conversation for those who cannot speak Druidic:

"Taknorogan is saying that the people Surreth was finding into the place these berries are growing are living in a trading place, for exchanging and learning. This is being a good place to go I am thinking. We should be moving with caring about Skullcrushers. Taknorogan is saying they are being attackers and killers.

If we are wanting to be killing this dragon, the trap of Taknorogan is being a good idea, but is taking time to be setting up right."

2024-05-09, 04:14 PM
Location: Spiring Mountains
Ahead the passage opens to a swirling vortex of harsh weather. Blowing snow adds to plush blankets of white already covering the mountain pass. A crown of peaks adorn the majestic landscape. Across the unbroken pristine wilderness a column advances. Snowshoes allow even the giant to avoid sinking into the powdery depths. A line of orcs following behind like a loose string.

Both the heights and the valley are obscured by a snowy veil. Allowing the vile Nok-Korosh to descend unseen upon the exposed party. Panic results in a chaotic scattering, terrified hunters lose balance, disappearing beneath the snow. Those around the giant rally to her, following her across the open terrain towards an opening in the rock. Pursued by an encroaching dread, a looming white dragon, wings outstretched. As many as can be saved are helped into the cave, before a cone of ice overtakes the slowest. Sealing the narrow entrance from without, encasing the rock in thick layers of ice. With no way back, the brave Skincutters explore the unused cavern, seeking a passage to the surface.

Time Night
Moon New
Temp Severe Cold
Aurora No
Precipitation Light Snow
Terrain Mountains

2024-05-09, 04:19 PM

The broken English causes Djin to tilt his head, scratching the back of his head afterward, and move to a free space to somersault. As he completes the last part of the roll, he squats on one knee.

"Lemme get this straight. I get Nok-Korosh equals dragon and the recommendation we use the chains against the dragon but confused and not knowing about anything else. What are the Skullcrushers? The Skincutters are Taknorogan's people, my guess orcs since he is referring to them as friendly, and they are hunting the dragon? Surreth found civilization?"

2024-05-10, 03:06 PM
Skar nods along in agreement as Djin clarifies. "Yes! But Skincutters are not being just Orcs. Sometimes they are being Giants. A Giant was helping Taknorogan set the trap. Skullcrushers are being Ogres? I am thinking this is the word. They are being attackers and warriors in the past times. No one is fighting war, but they are still killing.

Yes" he gestures to the berries, "I was asking Surreth to be finding people, and the time he is taking to fly there and be coming back, and that these berries are growing small, the people are living up in the mountains and more far."

2024-05-10, 03:25 PM
A dragon, hm. Haven't seen one in ages; a peer once proposed they might be closer to bird than reptile, in some ways. Master Zipnog would be pleased to examine a specimen, particularly a dead one, I'd believe. Mayhaps… Utra begins, cintemplating the ceiling of the cave for a long moment. And there are more practical concerns at play, of course, hm. A predator of this size… Mayhaps not a threat to the ship as such, but operations to retrieve timber… A complication, certainly. she goes on. Now, that is a function of size as well, naturally; and age… The dragon's kind of course. Certainly not a Gold or Red at this climate, nor a Blue; that is a comfort… And still. Now, as for the nearby tribes, our host might not mean to deceive us, not in that regard. Literature… she waves an absent hand; listing authors would likely be a waste of her breath right now. The presence of Skincutters is well-documented in this area, and Taknorogan is certainly one. Their association with Giants, hm, and other kin as well, beyond Orcs, their subjugation to Skullcrushers is known to us. That much is true. she nods. But I ahould, mayhaps, veto putting too much trust in this man. A good source of understanding, yes, but I will not see him realeased into the canyon, no, not at night. Would not be wise, given the precedents. she reminds the others of the zeal the Orc kept fighting, despite attempts to communicate.

Trapping a Dragon, on the other hand… That idea intrigues her ever more with every pasing moment.

2024-05-11, 02:46 AM

Djin snorts.

"Yeah. The orc needs to earn that trust and has yet to earn it. Since he has a lot of pride, it is harder for him. He could trample us for it, but I am not a fan of might is right."

He turns to the druid.

"By the way, Skar, what color is that dragon?"

2024-05-11, 01:48 PM
A dragon, hm. Haven't seen one in ages; a peer once proposed they might be closer to bird than reptile, in some ways. Master Zipnog would be pleased to examine a specimen, particularly a dead one, I'd believe. Mayhaps… Utra begins, cintemplating the ceiling of the cave for a long moment. And there are more practical concerns at play, of course, hm. A predator of this size… Mayhaps not a threat to the ship as such, but operations to retrieve timber… A complication, certainly. she goes on. Now, that is a function of size as well, naturally; and age… The dragon's kind of course. Certainly not a Gold or Red at this climate, nor a Blue; that is a comfort… And still. Now, as for the nearby tribes, our host might not mean to deceive us, not in that regard. Literature… she waves an absent hand; listing authors would likely be a waste of her breath right now. The presence of Skincutters is well-documented in this area, and Taknorogan is certainly one. Their association with Giants, hm, and other kin as well, beyond Orcs, their subjugation to Skullcrushers is known to us. That much is true. she nods. But I ahould, mayhaps, veto putting too much trust in this man. A good source of understanding, yes, but I will not see him realeased into the canyon, no, not at night. Would not be wise, given the precedents. she reminds the others of the zeal the Orc kept fighting, despite attempts to communicate.

Trapping a Dragon, on the other hand… That idea intrigues her ever more with every pasing moment.

Bound to a sturdy stalagmite Taknorogan rests, his warnings come to not. Fate has decreed his inability to intervene, therefore all he can do is wait. A conspiracy evolves, as those around the fire discuss developments in an undecipherable tongue. Doubtlessly plotting his execution, unless he can finally prove himself useful. Is he to die in this place? Encased within the rock, no sky overhead, not even a whisper of wind to take his soul away. Thoughts drift to his dear wife, who would feel most at home tucked away snugly in the mother's embrace. This thought comforts Taknorogan as he departs into sleep.

Taknorogan's Dream
Taknorogan rides on the back of a white dragon, lighting crashing all around him. Through the clouds he soars, before being snatched out of the air by a braided frost giant of colossal proportion, who towers over the landscape striding miles with each step. The ground becomes unsteady, sinking, dragging them both beneath. Through the underworld they fall, being separated by the barrage of dirt and rocks. Until into a cavern surrounding a still pool of pristine water Taknorogan falls. The water glows with an otherworldly blue hue.

Seated at the water's edge, relaxed, splashing his feet is Mr Zipnog, Wendell, famed cartographer, ornithologist, and author. Perhaps a psychic remnant of their telepathic connection, or a manifestation of the Druidic bond, by whatever magic, the gnome speaks to Taknorogan. Sharing knowledge of the wreck of the Harmonious Spirit, the endeavour for supplies, and of additional hardship befalling the crew in the passing hours.

End of Dream

Awakening with the passing of time, Taknorogan remembers what he has learned. Being one to instinctively trust revelation, the druid speaks. Repeating his words in both Druidic and Orc.

“Your people are in great danger unless you return to them swiftly. All that you need is here in abundance. Let our enemies be the same.” His words echo through the cavern.

Knowledge Architecture and Engineering (18)
DC 10 It is fairly common knowledge often overheard in taverns and public houses, that a trap must be placed in an obvious accessible position
DC 15 Memory serves, to recall a set of complex chains suspended high above the entrance to the cavern, most of which are still in place. Perhaps designed to entangle a flying creature.

Paragnostic Lore (20)
DC 10 Outside of the epic sagas, dragons are never hunted alone. Groups coordinate to bring down large prey.
DC 20 Each dragon possesses known elemental vulnerabilities and opposing invulnerabilities. Traditional polar dragonhunting always involves the use of fire.

2024-05-11, 03:32 PM
White most likely; either that or, mayhaps, Silver, hm… That would be some easy talking, I believe. But then, the more unusual deserves some consideration… Utra replies, quick and blunt as ever, in the Druid's stead. The nature of the chain trap, high up, at any rate… Hm. I would expect something winged. We can, mayhaps, even repurpose the existing contraption. Some additions? We shall need fire, in abundance, and…

“Your people are in great danger unless you return to them swiftly. All that you need is here in abundance. Let our enemies be the same.” His words echo through the cavern.

Taknorogan suddenly snapping awake earns something vaguely resembling an expression of displeased annoyance on Utra's face. The words, nevertheless, ring uncannily true. Hm, what makes you think that. she asks the Orc in his own tongue. Put your mind at ease, then answer. she instructs him further mentally.

Through the link, intangible tendrils of diviner's magic begin to seep into Taknorogan's head, looking for little images, fragments of thoughts, words; and drag their shape back into the Halfling's own mind. A little hand is raised, demanding a few moments of silence.

Utra casts Detect Thoughts (DC 16, put she hopes to find Taknorogan's guards deliberately lowered).

2024-05-12, 01:35 PM
White most likely; either that or, mayhaps, Silver, hm… That would be some easy talking, I believe. But then, the more unusual deserves some consideration… Utra replies, quick and blunt as ever, in the Druid's stead. The nature of the chain trap, high up, at any rate… Hm. I would expect something winged. We can, mayhaps, even repurpose the existing contraption. Some additions? We shall need fire, in abundance, and…

Taknorogan suddenly snapping awake earns something vaguely resembling an expression of displeased annoyance on Utra's face. The words, nevertheless, ring uncannily true. Hm, what makes you think that. she asks the Orc in his own tongue. Put your mind at ease, then answer. she instructs him further mentally.

Through the link, intangible tendrils of diviner's magic begin to seep into Taknorogan's head, looking for little images, fragments of thoughts, words; and drag their shape back into the Halfling's own mind. A little hand is raised, demanding a few moments of silence.

Utra casts Detect Thoughts (DC 16, put she hopes to find Taknorogan's guards deliberately lowered).

A few seconds after drawing her focus to the tarnished copper coin squeezed between her fingers, Utra gains insight into the thoughts of Taknorogan. In the area of her study she detects the presence of a thinking mind, a single unremarkable intelligence (Intelligence Score 10). Probing further, Taknorogan's thoughts wash over Utra's mind as if they were her own. Wise enough to know how to shield his internal monologue from intrusion, he could sing an Orcish drinking song, the repetitive words drowning out any revealing information, but he does not. Taknorogan's thoughts become known to Utra. Sharing with her all the words and imagery contained within his dream. Of particular interest is Mr. Zipnog's report of severe cold consuming fuel at an accelerated rate, while also halting all repair work. The crew, cramped and squeezed together, with rations cut, have begun fighting among themselves, with whispers of covert plotting against the captain.

2024-05-13, 10:48 AM
Skar notices the Orc drifting into sleep as Utra answers for him. A logical assumption, certainly.

But with Taknorogan's exclamation upon waking, Skar bolts up from his seat and responds to the Orc in Druidic.

"You learn much in your sleep, then? Your dreams speak to you, as the wind to me?"

"I am believing we can be trusting this man. His sleeping wisdom is speaking well to I."

2024-05-13, 02:24 PM
Utra lowers her hand and stares at the ceiling for a few moments rather baffled. Oddly, I'm inclined to agree, hm. she says at last. I looked into his mind; he heard Master Zipnog speak, saw the ship… Too many faces I easily recognize, I might add. She sighs. Could it be a trick. Mayhaps a form of bending the mind, such that… she waves away the thought. I sensed no spell that could siphon my own thoughts, hm, and his not very clever, a rather mediocre intellect. I saw the shape of his mind, you see.

The Halfling likes the equation laid out in front of her ever less. It is against her vocation and nature to rush this little mission, and if all that were at stake was the life of a few ignorant sailors… But to jeopardize the whole expedition? To rob all findings so far of their due impact and purpose. Her lips press together tight, until there's little more to be seen than a waxen line, sharp as a blade. But if his truthful, that's pnly more cause for concern. He showed me things, hm… The weather out at sea is truning colder, mayhaps. Shortages seem to have worsened, repairs halted. An impending mutiny, even… she almost stands, but thinks better of it. I have the means to verify his account, through divination. Shall I do that. she asks, gears grinding almost audibly in her head. Or do we simply trust him and move faster. Either way, a warning to the captain would mayhaps be becoming, if any of you can quickly deliver one.

2024-05-13, 04:26 PM
Once his allies finished questioning and the orc is knocked out for the next 8-10 hours, he will bath in the hot spring before going to sleep.

Djin is now clean. His outwards appearance is impeccable.
He gains +2 to all Charisma based checks until further notice
This Bonus will fade with time
Strenuous or messy activity will more quickly degrade the bonus

2024-05-13, 04:35 PM
Once inside the cave Naomi collects debris that might burn and starts a fire with her Flint n steel

Pangs of hunger awaken the party one by one, the land outside still in the depths of night. A full eight hours have passed, those who partook in sleep are well rested. The morning light is still some hours away. Their hiding place remains undiscovered throughout the night. Taknorogan's allies have not yet made their appearance. Naomi's watch is quiet and uneventful. From the hidden entrance she can see chains crisscrossing the canyon overhead. Some anchored into canyon walls while other heavier chains appear to be hammered into sturdier stone atop the cliffs. Naomi remembers the tracks she found earlier. Leading to a footpath ascending the ridge.

2024-05-14, 09:35 AM

Djin waits for Skar to answer until he notices the druid being non-responsive from his hyper-vigilance on the captive orc and the Shugenja answering for him on behalf.

"White, huh? Not going to worry too much. We can beat it with a bit of brains, that's for sure."

When Skarvarus and Utra bring up trust and the divination about the conspiracy against the captain.

"This orc still needs to earn my trust. I am not putting my all in him. Only a little because you guys trust him. We should send Surreth to confirm the vision before we have one of us inform the Captain. No use wasting time going back and fro if it is not immediate."

2024-05-14, 12:50 PM
Pangs of hunger awaken the party one by one, the land outside still in the depths of night. A full eight hours have passed, those who partook in sleep are well rested. The morning light is still some hours away. Their hiding place remains undiscovered throughout the night. Taknorogan's allies have not yet made their appearance. Naomi's watch is quiet and uneventful. From the hidden entrance she can see chains crisscrossing the canyon overhead. Some anchored into canyon walls while other heavier chains appear to be hammered into sturdier stone atop the cliffs. Naomi remembers the tracks she found earlier. Leading to a footpath ascending the ridge.

















































2024-05-14, 12:57 PM
Pangs of hunger awaken the party one by one, the land outside still in the depths of night. A full eight hours have passed, those who partook in sleep are well rested. The morning light is still some hours away. Their hiding place remains undiscovered throughout the night. Taknorogan's allies have not yet made their appearance. Naomi's watch is quiet and uneventful. From the hidden entrance she can see chains crisscrossing the canyon overhead. Some anchored into canyon walls while other heavier chains appear to be hammered into sturdier stone atop the cliffs. Naomi remembers the tracks she found earlier. Leading to a footpath ascending the ridge.

Out into the cold darkness Naomi gazes, the same static scene enclosing her in a liminal space. Deep into her watch, a bellowing call breaks the monotony. From her elevated position, peering into the night, the party's scout sees a large shadow dart between the zigzaging cliffs to enter the canyon. A loud crash follows the sound of scattering rocks, from a failed attempt by the creature to climb to safety. Another haunting call reverberates off the encasing stone. This time much closer and more distinct, like a large deer or moose. Naomi hears the roars and snarls of a trio of predatory cats, closing the distance with their prey. A great snow elk, more than seven feet at the shoulder, with a span of pointed antlers twelve feet across, gallops into view. Pursued into a box canyon with nowhere to flee, a fight begins. The mighty creature tossing one of the pale white sabre-toothed tigers into the air. A pair of powerful cats, twice the size of a lion prepare to pounce on the trapped animal. Who calls desperately for help from the herd from which it has been separated.

Naomi has a surprise round. She is undetected, concealed, and has cover. The entrance to the cavern is a gradual slope to the canyon floor, Naomi may move normally across all squares.

Battle Map (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26011968&postcount=120)

2024-05-14, 01:28 PM
Skar notices the Orc drifting into sleep as Utra answers for him. A logical assumption, certainly.

But with Taknorogan's exclamation upon waking, Skar bolts up from his seat and responds to the Orc in Druidic.

"You learn much in your sleep, then? Your dreams speak to you, as the wind to me?"

"I am believing we can be trusting this man. His sleeping wisdom is speaking well to I."

“Making useful one's dreams is a skill like any other.” Taknorogan responds to Skaruvus in the primordial language of nature. “As is I imagine, listening to the wind.” Though it may seem there is much in common between them, further conversation reveals a shared point of balance on one axis, with a stark differentiation on the other. Taknorogan speaks of wielding nature as a weapon. Pondering using his control of the storms to enforce loyalty in his followers. The words of a tyrant flow naturally from his mouth.

2024-05-14, 06:21 PM
Grabbing her bow and arrows kicking some rocks at her comrads quietly urging them to look towards where the big cats have the great elk.
Taking aim at the closest of the big cats letting loose her arrows at the beast

2024-05-15, 08:38 AM

Djin's mouth open wide as his eyes, bring his index finger up as if a revelation falls upon him.

"By the way, Utra, forgot about divination. Use it. Scratch it, use all your spells if you have to before we recharge. It is the perfect timing, and we are safe here."

2024-05-15, 09:40 AM
Skar considers the Orc's words and demeanor, realizing that while they could be allies, they were likely to come at odds again at some point.

"It is being good to be knowing what happens at the ship.

I am thinking that the dragon is being a danger to them if it is not being trapped and Those Who Cut Skin are tracking it in this way."

2024-05-15, 10:58 AM
Grabbing her bow and arrows kicking some rocks at her comrads quietly urging them to look towards where the big cats have the great elk.
Taking aim at the closest of the big cats letting loose her arrows at the beast

Bright red feathers affixed to the end of a pair of well crafted arrows, streak across the night sky. One flying wide, while the other embeds itself deeply into the side of the attacking animal. Causing a howl of pain and surprise from the enormous cat. Aided by unseen allies the great elk is granted another chance at life. Lowering its head, muscles twitching beneath its leathery hide, a single hoof kicks back a swath of debris. Twin geysers of breath exhale from nostrils as big as a fist. Switching from offence to defence the predators circle and crouch. A low guttural growl is shared between the trio of hunters. Snouts raised into the air searching for scents.

Smilodon takes 6 Piercing damage
Health 91%

2024-05-15, 12:11 PM
Djin undresses and dips into the hot spring.

"Ya'll should dip in this pool. Makes you yummier and smooth. I already love the sound of my voice."

As his body half submerges, he cleans his body again.

"Skar, Utra, whatcha gonna do to check on caps and ship? Send Surreth or divine the future?"

2024-05-15, 02:07 PM
"It is being good to be knowing what happens at the ship.

I am thinking that the dragon is being a danger to them if it is not being trapped and Those Who Cut Skin are tracking it in this way."

A danger to us as well. Utra nods, all calm still. Do your rites have, mayhaps, some strong oaths. Binding ones, hm. she wonders on aloud. If we cannot trust the Orc, we may trust his vanity, so to say. Have him swear something he'd be loath to break.

Djin undresses and dips into the hot spring.

"Ya'll should dip in this pool. Makes you yummier and smooth. I already love the sound of my voice."

As his body half submerges, he cleans his body again.

"Skar, Utra, whatcha gonna do to check on caps and ship? Send Surreth or divine the future?"

As for other matters. she seems to inspect the ceiling again for a moment, once Djin has spoken. Divination is more versatile than you give credit for, Master Djin. Not fortune telling, there are, hm, approaches more dirtect… how far away they left the the ship, again? She tries to run a few quick calculations, falling suddenly silent, as she leisurely rises and approaches the back end of the cave, sliding wordlessly into the pool herself (it is a resource, with effects worth examining from up close indeed), evidently barely bothering to pay attention to her surroundings – but the numbers are not to her liking.

She could try to Levitate up, gain a vantage point. Throw the sensor out far away. With favourable weather, movement, at least, could be observed. Patterns. But then, her eyes are not an eagle's. However, she speaks up again, suddenly. we can, mayhaps, do both. A combined approach. Given an eagle's speed, she gestures along which I can enhance… Surreth can make the approach. Observe, return. A matter of hours, Master Skaruvus willing. she pauses, briefly, letting the heat of the water soak into her minute form. It certainly is pleasant. She'll have to take samples, to see what dry matter it has. I can talk to beasts, and read an eagle's mind for images as readily as Taknorogan's. she finishes her proposal for a course of action.

2024-05-15, 04:33 PM
She could try to Levitate up, gain a vantage point. Throw the sensor out far away. With favourable weather, movement, at least, could be observed. Patterns. But then, her eyes are not an eagle's. However, she speaks up again, suddenly. we can, mayhaps, do both. A combined approach. Given an eagle's speed, she gestures along which I can enhance… Surreth can make the approach. Observe, return. A matter of hours, Master Skaruvus willing. she pauses, briefly, letting the heat of the water soak into her minute form. It certainly is pleasant. She'll have to take samples, to see what dry matter it has. I can talk to beasts, and read an eagle's mind for images as readily as Taknorogan's. she finishes her proposal for a course of action.

Wet rocks underfoot are coated in a thin slime of organic material, mixed with water and dissolving stone. The ground's uneven spacing and slope make navigating into the pool potentially dangerous. One slip could send Utra down the narrow gap, off a precipice of unknown depth. Between she and her goal lay a vast array of natural spikes, ominous, like a lethal trap or the massive jaws of some great cave beast. Beneath even the farthest reaching stalactite she easily passes. Rewarded for her effort, into the water Utra slips. Echos amplify near the back of the cave, surrounding the halfling with a constant cacophony of drips and plops. Drowning out the sound of nocking arrows and baying animals.

2024-05-19, 11:46 AM
"I don't know about the knick-knacks of third eye and yadda yadda's. If speeding up Surreth and sending him to check the cap is the best option, might as well do it."

Djin cups his hands, dipping into the spring to get a handful of water. He erects his hands and upends the water, splashing the liquid down his face with a purr.

2024-05-23, 12:39 PM
Eyes half shut set on the fascinating arrangement of mortal dangers ahead, Utra lies back and relaxes. Clairvoyance does happen to involve creating what you could call a temporary organ for vision, albeit one external to the body. You could, mayhaps, call it a third eye, hm. she replies with a slow calm to her voice, low enough to barely echo. And the approval is surely welcome, Master Djin. the Halfling adds, the tone unchanging. How about you, Master Skaruvus. Surreth is key to this affair, after all.

2024-05-23, 01:57 PM
"I can be sending Surreth to the ship for the scouting. It is being a simple thing."

2024-05-24, 06:33 AM
Wonderful. Utra nods to the cave wall. We shall see to that much, then, once we are done with these, hm, ablutions. Until then, she figures, they might as well think ahead. If Taknorogan is to be released once Surreth returns, they should want to make sure he will not change his mind or priorities. Naomi seemed pleased with the idea of taking his weapons, but he might do as much harm, if not more, through spellwork. Whatever focus he has for casting must then be located and removed… That, and further: What do you think of what I said earlier, hm. she addresse the Druid once more. Do you, mayhaps, know of such oaths, as to bind the Orc to us.