View Full Version : Got a house rule document? Share it!

2024-04-22, 10:05 AM
Having just gotten back into DMing for the long haul again after a lot of years away I’ve been having fun looking at people’s house rule docs around the internet.

If you’ve got one and are willing to share a link or copy/paste it here please do so!

2024-04-22, 06:30 PM
Fizban had/has a tweak document linked in his sig that makes roughly 200 changes to the default system. Worth checking out.

2024-04-22, 06:43 PM
Campaign Information

Character Creation

Changes to existing classes: All classes must be either a class from the spheres of might, spheres of power or spheres of champions or the class must be using a archetype from the aforementioned books.
Other archetypes: other Archetypes may be used if they are compatible with the sphere archetypes.
Player may create their own Archetypes for their characters, subject to DM approval.
Banned Classes: Kineticist, Vigilante
Why?: The Kineticist is simply better done as the elementalist or any other class in spheres of power, combined with the fact it is so hard to make a competent kineticist... just no.
The Vigilante plays havoc with alignments and those are screwy enough as it is.

Changes to races:
Races that get magic spells as a racial feature must trade them out. They can either trade it out of for any of the alternate available racial features that do not grant spheres or they can get the basic magic training or extra magic talent feat. However the magic talent taken must make sense with the races spell ability
IE: a gnome may trade out his spell casting abilities for the illusion sphere or an aasimar may trade their ability to cast light for the light sphere. No more than two sphere talents may be gained in this fashion.

Attributes: you have a choice of either:

A: 24d6 spread throughout your 6 scores so that none before race modifiers are above 18 or below 6. you may use all 24d6.


B: you may spread 85 points throughout your 6 scores as you see fit as long as none are below 6 or above 18 before racial modifiers.
You may choose after rolling as to which you want.

Note that this does not include the appearance stat. To determine character appearance (if you want to use it) write in any number that you damn well feel like as long as it is 20 or less. Alternatively, if you so desire, you can derive appearance from first averaging your physical stats, and then taking that average and adding it to charisma and then dividing that by 2. player preference.

Banned Races:
Any race that:
Has a greater than +4 to any one attribute or greater than a net of +6 to all attributes.
Has a greater than +2 natural armor.
Has a spell resistance greater than 5 + class level.
Is larger than large size or smaller than tiny.
Is unable to use or learn spoken or written language.
Unable to use tools or weapons.
Has more than 2 racial hit dice.
I am not using level adjustments, ignore any and all level adjustment rules.
Magic changes:
Regular spell casting is being replaced with spheres of magic.

Magic Shops and magic items:
magic items are not automatically available. To determine the availability of any magic item, consult the following chart:
Magic Items
If total is positive, that item is available.
4d6-(4+caster level)
2d12- caster level
6d4 – caster level
6d4 – caster level
8d6 – (8+caster level)
5d8 – (10+caster level)
10d4 – (1.5*caster level)
8d4-(1.5*caster level)
5d4-(caster level)
Example: trying to get a sword with a caster level requirement of 12, roll 6d4 and subtract 12. if the total is positive, that sword is available in a quantity equal to the positive number.

Note: I plan on having magic items and crafting materials be in found treasures. I may include side quest to hunt for treasure.

New Materials:
Magicite: magic solidified into crystalline form. Comes in varying grades and is used in all magic item creation. Worth 1gp per intensity point per pound (IE 15 intensity points is worth 15gp per pound). This is the stuff you buy when you buy materials to enchant items. To determine the intensity of any given chunk of magicite, roll 1d10d100 (not a typo, 1d10d100)
magicite can be supplemented by various materials from magical plants and animals or other such beings. Yes I am ripping off final fantasy here.

On followers for characters: there are several ways to gain followers, from feats to class abilities to paying for th-+em from treasure. All options are open on a case by case basis. No follower is allowed to higher leveled, or have a higher CR than the character that it is following.
Approved methods of gaining followers: the leadership feat, sphere abilities, hired mercenaries, animal companion ability and familiar ability.

On alignment issues:
For purposes of this campaign slavery is considered evil. Mind control is situational evil (mind controlling someone for laughs, yes – evil, mind controlling someone to stop them from murdering someone, no – not evil).
The objective standard for good and evil will otherwise be this: actions that cause suffering, death and loss of freedom will be considered evil, unless done to prevent or stop an even greater evil. Actions taken to lessen suffering, death and loss of freedom will be considered good. I am ignoring the law, chaos spectrum.

2024-04-22, 08:14 PM
Fizban had/has a tweak document linked in his sig that makes roughly 200 changes to the default system. Worth checking out.

I found this and its insane.

2024-04-22, 10:04 PM
I thought you'd never ask...

https://docs.google.com/document/d/18TMYoakwcXTE14sVIffoaTB0_LVy5mCgvPNoLjp2-uo/edit?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3UE0iAaZPBvPnMcKw0 dZyW8b9uuotyDfgcsoTx2dXnjiZ93sj4qJI1ecI_aem_AbA5EU sDyL3aAsHY2SHy2lqpnrrgRsC5ks1NO_oANiO7PGNlQtsm98K1-XfCVaZ_KB3Tf8ks6UphCxS7S7FLqwlB#heading=h.yis3hhe9 t1wi

It takes quite a lot of stuff from PF but also some from 5E, 4E, various people on the internet, and stuff I've come up with myself. It's very long but still isn't all my house rules; at this point the game I'm playing is more like a new partial edition (like 3.5 or PF) than a list of house rules.

Quite a lot of it is intended to make the game work better at epic levels; changes which don't seem to make a lot of sense will often be for that purpose. One of the major changes in this respect is the almost complete removal of absolute effects (inspired by Sean K. Reynold's article); most immunities are now virtual immunities which give a huge defensive bonus instead of complete immunity for example. This is because at epic (and even high-nonepic) levels many PCs and NPCs have spells and items which render entire classes obsolete, and can leave all classes with only quite a narrow list of attack options which still work.

In case you don't feel like reading an entire 38-page document, here are some of the more interesting/original parts:

Monks gain Rapid Flurry: at level 4 can use Flurry of Blows as a standard action 1/day, then an additional time/day every 4 levels thereafter. They also gain Mobility as a bonus feat to make that increased speed a bit more useful.

Magic weapon cost is reduced 25% from 2,000GP x bonus squared to 1,500GP x bonus squared. This especially helps two-weapon fighters. Natural armor bonuses are likewise reduced 25% as they're objectively worse than other bonuses like Deflection and Insight as they don't apply to touch attacks.

You can now get Eternal Ironward Diamonds and Eternal Crystals of Life Drinking (both MIC) which do not stop working after 10 hits and cost 3x the normal amount. You could just buy three of the normal ones; this is mostly just to save the hassle of keeping track of how many times you've hit/been hit.

Craft and Profession skills now both use either Dex, Int or Wis as their key ability, as appropriate. In the standard rules quite a lot of them make no sense at all.

Disjunction is rewritten as Superior Dispel Magic, which works more like a souped-up Greater Dispel Magic but retains some of the features of Disjunction.

Mithral and adamantine pricing has been completely rewritten, as it makes no sense whatever in the standard rules.

The most fundamental change is inspired by 4E which has three tiers of feats, heroic, paragon and epic, available at levels 1, 11 and 21 respectively. A lot of 3E epic feats (and several of the epic prestige classes) are very weak at that level; these have now been made available at level 11 instead, and in some cases the epic versions are now significantly stronger. Some of the stronger nonepic feats have also been moved to "tier 2" (level 11+), so no more DMM:Persist at low levels for instance.

2024-04-22, 10:13 PM
I have a houserules document. It used to be longer and more complex, but I've found that simpler is generally better and less prone to unintended consequences, ie, stuff that needs to be fixed because of the house rules.

Note: You may choose to use the default rules for DnD 3.5 and ignore all changes here.

Levelling Changes
Starting characters get one stat at 18 for free. All other stats are 4d6 drop lowest.

Players get three ability score boosts every fourth level. These stat boosts must be spent on three different ability scores. If an ability score is below 16, the ability score is boosted by 2. If the ability score is 16 or more, it is boosted by 1.

General Feat Changes and Additions
Changes to existing feats are in addition to the rules the feats originally have.

Adept Learner (New Feat): You gain 1 extra skill point per level. You spend these skill points as normal. You cannot exceed the normal maximum point for your level in any skill. You cannot have both this feat and “Nymph’s Kiss”.

Alertness, etc (Changed Feat): If you have 13 or more ranks in one of the skills that are part of the feat, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes (Changed Feat): The bonus to saves is 2 and +1 for every five character levels (maximum of +6 at level 20).

Pounce (New Feat): When a character charges a foe, it can follow with a full attack. A fighter may select Pounce as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Skill Focus (Changed Feat): The bonus from Skill Focus increases to +6 when 13 ranks are invested in said skill.

Spellcaster Changes
There are no limits to the use of level 0 spells.

Lost Traditions (New feat) (modified from 3rd Party)
Choose one spellcasting class. You may change which ability score governs spellcasting (both the casting stat and the stat used for save DCs). You may only choose from INT, WIS, or CHA for your casting stat. You may take this feat multiple times, but each time it applies to a different spellcasting class.

Martial Changes
Unarmed Combat
Unarmed strikes get extra attacks due to a character’s base attack bonus

A Monk’s Flurry of Blows can be combined with Two-Weapon Fighting. The negative attack roll penalties for both are combined.

Martial Feat Changes

Ignored Feats
These feats are ignored should they be required for other feats, prestige classes, etc. These feats can still be taken should the player want the benefits of these feats.

Dodge, Point-Blank Shot, Toughness, Combat Expertise

Example – Rapid Shot normally requires the player to take Point-Blank shot as a feat beforehand. With this rule, the player can take Rapid Shot without taking Point-Blank Shot first.

Feat Changes
Two-Weapon Fighting:
A player with the Two-Weapon Fighting feat automatically receives the feats Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting and Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting. They need to meet BAB and ability score requirements for said feats before receiving them.

Two-Weapon Defense
A player with the Two-Weapon Defense feat automatically receives the feats Improved Two-Weapon Defense and Greater Two-Weapon Defense. They need to meet BAB and ability score requirements for said feats before receiving them.

Weapon Finesse
Weapon Finesse is a free option and doesn’t cost a feat. When Weapon Finesse is applied to a weapon, players calculate bonus damage using the dexterity stat instead of the strength stat (you cannot add both STR and DEX without the use of class features and/or feats). The bonus damage is halved for offhand weapons. Weapon Finesse only applies to light weapons, the rapier, whip, or spiked chain.

2024-04-22, 10:28 PM
Feat Changes
Two-Weapon Fighting:
A player with the Two-Weapon Fighting feat automatically receives the feats Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting and Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting. They need to meet BAB and ability score requirements for said feats before receiving them.

Two-Weapon Defense
A player with the Two-Weapon Defense feat automatically receives the feats Improved Two-Weapon Defense and Greater Two-Weapon Defense. They need to meet BAB and ability score requirements for said feats before receiving them.

Your 2WF rules are extremely similar to what I'd decided on. I hadn't thought of doing the same for 2WD though. That makes a lot of sense, I'll be borrowing that.

2024-04-22, 10:59 PM
I forgot that is not the updated version, due to using an unreliable magic mart and the spheres system, I am also using Feats Reforged so that other feats are still worth taking and to make up the potential loss of power in magic items.

2024-04-22, 11:09 PM
Your 2WF rules are extremely similar to what I'd decided on. I hadn't thought of doing the same for 2WD though. That makes a lot of sense, I'll be borrowing that.

Glad you liked the modification to 2WD.

So what does your houserule for 2WF look like?

2024-04-23, 01:35 AM
I thought you'd never ask...

https://docs.google.com/document/d/18TMYoakwcXTE14sVIffoaTB0_LVy5mCgvPNoLjp2-uo/edit?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3UE0iAaZPBvPnMcKw0 dZyW8b9uuotyDfgcsoTx2dXnjiZ93sj4qJI1ecI_aem_AbA5EU sDyL3aAsHY2SHy2lqpnrrgRsC5ks1NO_oANiO7PGNlQtsm98K1-XfCVaZ_KB3Tf8ks6UphCxS7S7FLqwlB#heading=h.yis3hhe9 t1wi

Mind making it public for a bit? Would like to read it.

2024-04-23, 01:59 AM
Fizban had/has a tweak document linked in his sig that makes roughly 200 changes to the default system. Worth checking out.
:smallredface: I'm flattered that you would plug my stuff, thanks! Though 200 changes. . . no idea what the precise count would be. I've labeled it as over 200 pages, 'cause out of the 300-some the document says it has, there's probably around a hundred which are more collected of 'indexes' and cutting floor ramblings, and the first 16 are discussing the published books themselves. But the bulk of it is plenty of feats and spells and class tweaks and general variants etc that can be used all on their own even if the reader isn't interested in the bigger picture I'm trying to paint.

I found this and its insane.
I will take that as a positive insane!

I've had DnD stuff on the backburner for a while so there haven't been any major updates to upload a new version for, just little editing bits. If/when I do I'll mention it in the sig and can send out PMs if anyone's interested.

(And here's the google drive link (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hsLuk88H_7FHi4PGkPyMvc93SLMM_-Dx?usp=sharing) for posterity, in case the sig is lost in the future for some reason).

2024-04-23, 09:25 AM
Mind making it public for a bit? Would like to read it.

Sorry, I'm not very tech-savvy, I wasn't sure if you could read it or not. I think I've made it public now, please let me know if you can read it.

Glad you liked the modification to 2WD.

So what does your houserule for 2WF look like?

Basically the same as yours, except that also when you meet the prerequisites for Improved 2WF the attack penalty drops from -2 to -1 (assuming you're using a light offhand weapon or have the Oversized 2WF feat) and when you meet the prerequisites for Greater 2WF it drops from -1 to 0.

Also, the Dual Strike feat (CAdv) has been made simpler and more useful:

Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting

Benefit: when you make an attack as a standard action, you can attack with two weapons. You take the standard penalties for two-weapon fighting.

On a slight tangent, this has reminded me of another change I've made which I don't think is mentioned in house rules document; when your BAB reaches +16, instead of your attacks becoming +16/11/6/1 they become +16/11/11. The idea is to speed up high-level combat (I'm currently DMing a game where the PCs are 24th level and none of them are especially good at math, so a round can take a long time) and also that it's more fun to make three attacks which all often hit than four of which two often miss. I ran the numbers and in most circumstances it doesn't change damage output very much; depending on the AC of your opponent relative to your attack bonus it may be somewhat better or worse, but not hugely so either way.

2024-04-23, 10:10 AM
I've had DnD stuff on the backburner for a while so there haven't been any major updates to upload a new version for, just little editing bits. If/when I do I'll mention it in the sig and can send out PMs if anyone's interested.

(And here's the google drive link (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hsLuk88H_7FHi4PGkPyMvc93SLMM_-Dx?usp=sharing) for posterity, in case the sig is lost in the future for some reason).

I'm loving this and have read a big chunk of it already (thought jumping all over the place). So much love, time and thought was put into the whole thing. Your view of the game and how you think it is best experienced is pretty in line with mine as well, and we appreciated 3.x for many of the same reasons. I've already plucked your fighter, ranger and sorcerer changes.

I have some surface level questions off the bat:

1. Your monk fix. I know monk sucks as is, and there have been a ton of attempts to fix it. I like that yours addresses AC more than anything else, but this feels like a lot. I'm curious what your thinking was going into all of these changes and what your experience has been with the class since implementing these changes. Also curious what others reading may think? I like all of the changes individually, as a whole it feels overboard when combined with this really big AC bonus. Also, full hit points for Wholeness of body?

Here is the full list of changes:


AC bonus is 2+1/2 level
Monk's Flurry of Blows (or PHB2 Decisve Strike) can be used on standard action attacks
Slow Fall includes Wall Walker and Water Step (from Dungeonscape and Stormwrack) for free
Wholeness of Body is equal to your full normal hit point total.
Add bonus feats at 10th, 14th, and 18th
Abundant Step can be divided into 40' increments.
Quivering Palm is usable 1/day.
All Monk bonus feats can be chosen from any feat associated with the class or otherwise deemed reasonable.
Monks can use gauntlets or handwraps enhanced as weapons, and either Bracers of Armor or robes/martial arts uniforms enhanced as armor.
Feats which allow Monk AC progression via other classes may be nerfed.

Second, this has clearly been a labor of love from 22+ years of playing this edition. I'm curious, is 3.5 still your favorite edition and the one you play? What were your experiences with 4e and 5e if you gave them a shot?

Lastly, there are a lot of nods to 3.0 in here, but nothing from Pathfinder. Why did you not make the move to Pathfinder (I didn't, and have several reasons that mostly revolve around tone and aesthetic of the game, art and setting)? While I didn't make the move, there are a handful of small Pathfinder changes that did make it into my 3.5 game. Nothing there influenced you?

Thanks again for this awesome work, looking forward to reading and pillaging more of it.

2024-04-23, 10:42 AM
I don't have a document per se, but I do have two common rules I use from game to game as they've become a staple. The first of which is from a RAW perspective without the perspective of D&D literacy. Basically, touch spells allow you to hold the charge and the combat rules allow you to touch up to six friends as part of a full-round action. As nothing says only the first touched gets the benefit of the spell, upto all six are capable of benefiting from the spell. The second is that if you use standard or full-round action to make attacks with a weapon then they are attack or full attack actions.

A previous rule we had was that you could overrun on a charge (we use a pre-errata PHB), but recently we've moved to using the 3.0 charge rules which inherently allow an overrun with the chimera rules. On that note we've also adopted the 3.0 version of power attack (just remove the special text from the 3.5 version of the feat).

A rule that I thought would be common, but actually turns out isn't from my interactions on this board, would be that rules that can conflict only in part do so only in so far as they have to conflict. An example would be that you can't cast spells of a certain level unless you reach a level in the class that would allow you to cast the spell. The versatile spellcaster feat allows you to cast spells of a higher level. The way this rule would work is versatile spellcaster can fully function without violating the first rule and does not specifically mention it does. Therefore it does not violate the rule. Versatile spellcaster cannot let you cast spells of a higher level than your class level allows.

2024-04-23, 10:44 AM
1. Your monk fix. I know monk sucks as is, and there have been a ton of attempts to fix it. I like that yours addresses AC more than anything else, but this feels like a lot. I'm curious what your thinking was going into all of these changes and what your experience has been with the class since implementing these changes. Also curious what others reading may think? I like all of the changes individually, as a whole it feels overboard when combined with this really big AC bonus. Also, full hit points for Wholeness of body? Quivering palm every day?

I've made completely different changes to Fizban (other than changing Quivering Palm to 1/day) but the Monk is one of the most heavily upgraded classes in my house rules also. The AC bonus seems a little high (I'd probably go with 2 + 1/3 levels if I was going to improve it) but apart from that his version looks reasonable.

A rule that I thought would be common, but actually turns out isn't from my interactions on this board, would be that rules that can conflict only in part do so only in so far as they have to conflict. An example would be that you can't cast spells of a certain level unless you reach a level in the class that would allow you to cast the spell. The versatile spellcaster feat allows you to cast spells of a higher level. The way this rule would work is versatile spellcaster can fully function without violating the first rule and does not specifically mention it does. Therefore it does not violate the rule. Versatile spellcaster cannot let you cast spells of a higher level than your class level allows.

I'm bit confused by this. Versatile Spellcaster says it allows you to "cast a spell you know that is one level higher". You don't know any spells of higher level than your class level allows, so how could it allow you to cast them?

2024-04-23, 02:56 PM
I have to agree, Fizban's monk edits are awesome.

2024-04-23, 03:32 PM
I'm loving this and have read a big chunk of it already (thought jumping all over the place). So much love, time and thought was put into the whole thing. Your view of the game and how you think it is best experienced is pretty in line with mine as well, and we appreciated 3.x for many of the same reasons. I've already plucked your fighter, ranger and sorcerer changes.
And that makes it all worth it.

1. Your monk fix. I know monk sucks as is, and there have been a ton of attempts to fix it. I like that yours addresses AC more than anything else, but this feels like a lot. I'm curious what your thinking was going into all of these changes and what your experience has been with the class since implementing these changes. Also curious what others reading may think? I like all of the changes individually, as a whole it feels overboard when combined with this really big AC bonus. Also, full hit points for Wholeness of body?
And then comes the dirty little secret, which is of course that I haven't really got to playtest. . . anything? Haven't had a game in ages, everyone worth playing with around here is too busy to actually game (I could probably scrape some people together if I really tried hard, but they'd all be strangers, probably coming from different editions, and certainly end up with some that are incompatible with my desired game leading to cuts and further searching or the whole thing falling apart in a waste of time). Though this is hardly uncommon, basically any huge homebrew project (and likely huge chunks of actual books) is guaranteed to have little or no actual playtesting. And many of the changes were made with specific respect to things I did learn from the games I had back when I had a group. So you can generally assume the answer to any "seems like a bit much" question is that if it turns out I went too far, I'll just fix it when it happens. Particularly when you add the caveat that there's stuff for multiple power levels written across years. There are definitely some class tweaks where I go back and think that might be too much, or not enough (I'm getting pretty close to just going full 5e on the animal companion, and if you think Monk has a lot of text check out the Soulknife), it basically depends on what I've been thinking about at the time and how it compares to whatever I wander towards next. That said, upon review, yeah I'm still good with where I left the Monk:

The AC bonus fixes the main problem that martial arts masters are always shows as dodging attacks constantly, which in DnD means AC, so they need AC equivalent to heavy armor *and* shield, plus enhancement. Wis bonus can roughly be the shield while the base goes up to +12, which is only +4 full plate. How cheesy their AC ends up being thus depends on how much extra Dex and how over the top their Wis gets, which is limited by stats, which I limit to Standard or Elite arrays and normal races. So the AC rather than being huge, is basically just where it should be.

The Flurry as standard action is fairly common, fixing their speed vs full attack conflict without running into all the problems of easy "pounce" abilities. These first two are the most important.

The extra movement abilities aren't all really extra: Slow Fall is rarely useful but if you can Wall Walk then it makes no sense to not slow fall, so the only real extra is the Water Step, which is extremely situational. You could easily fit them all into one ability text and they just let you do the thing you should already be able to do just from the speed bonus, run circles around people.

Wholeness of Body as full hit points: yup, it's big. It's also based on the Guardinal version of Lay on Hands, and is repeated in the Paladin changes*. But hit point pools based on tertiary stats or a flat 2 x Level are terrible and simply do not evoke the proper response of "oh no they just healed up/bah I can just heal up" because they can barely handle chip damage. I will admit, if the other changes have sufficiently refocused the game to AC and the enemies in play are not doing big chunks of damage and the Cleric is ending up with tons of spells laying around because they never have to heal, this could become a problem, but I'd rather try it this way first (and in a game where the Clerics aren't "supposed" to heal, it becomes a more necessary fix). At high levels enemy damage output can reach insta-kill on occasion, so any healing ability which can't do your full bar doesn't matter anymore.

*(The Paladin gets full hit points at 2nd level, within dipping range, and that doesn't go away if they multiclass as long as they keep up the code. Now *that* feels pretty extreme even to me, but I'm considering it a reward for actually being the good guy. I want Paladins to be a little OP, and it also helps keep some Paladin oomph distinction going into mounted PrCs compared to non-Paladin entries.)

Abundant Step division: this is another very small set of words to cram into the original text, and the 40' increments keeps it pretty limited. It's a 12th level ability so you're not going into some crazy PrC and I want it to be better than the very lackluster Shadow Jump abilities, with some potential distance to it, meanwhile there are short range teleportation spells that I've not banned (even if the Anklets of Borked are mega-banned), so it has to compete with those. At 12th you have a maximum of 16 uses, which sounds huge on paper, but you have to know exactly where you're going and be able to get there in 40' to actually use it that many times, while during combat it still costs a standard action and there are foes with massive speeds or much better at-will teleportation of their own. If you need to move even 50' each of those times, it drops to 8/day. In the end I think it should be fine next to the two full casters of the party, and since the melee role is tank with a side of damage, teleporting is actually a trap.

That leaves Quivering Palm 1/day, and bonus feat and equipment guidelines, which should all be common and self-explanatory.

Second, this has clearly been a labor of love from 22+ years of playing this edition. I'm curious, is 3.5 still your favorite edition and the one you play? What were your experiences with 4e and 5e if you gave them a shot?
I was willing to try 4e on the "any game is better than no game" principle, but that game only got one session, it was clearly a lark rather than a commitment for the rest of them. But I did not like the system, everything's all the same as far as I'm concerned. Probably very good at what it does and some people loved it, but I did not want.

I'd be willing to play 5e more on its own terms, with some caveats. I hate how they've removed the tactics from their tactical combat game by making everything move+full attack, the skill system isn't a skill system- it's a vague list of competencies that cause the DM to make you roll for things and then fail at what you're supposed to be competent at because a system without standard DCs is not a system, and the "feats" take the complaint about 3.x where you supposedly need a feat to do anything and actually make it real. That said, it's a very hit-point based almost video-game like RPG, makes me think Final Fantasy quite a bit, where both sides just attack every turn, and they completely excised some major problems like "animal companions." It could be a very comfortable resource management game where everybody has some resources, assuming the DM has planned things appropriately (except the very first module they put out immediately broke their own encounter pacing and redlines the party into the ground and most groups I've seen seem to run it even more casually as 1-2 encounter days when the DMG actually increased it to a "6 encounter day"). So sure I'm willing to give it a try, but not run it, 'cause that's not what I'm here for.

Because I am of course 3.x for life, writing stuff down was just a response to having too much stuff and no game to narrow the focus or stop me from writing them down. I've played a little . . . was it World of Darkness, not the New one? Anyway, other games are good at other things if someone's running one, but DnD is 3.x.

Lastly, there are a lot of nods to 3.0 in here, but nothing from Pathfinder. Why did you not make the move to Pathfinder (I didn't, and have several reasons that mostly revolve around tone and aesthetic of the game, art and setting)? While I didn't make the move, there are a handful of small Pathfinder changes that did make it into my 3.5 game. Nothing there influenced you?
There are a very few, very tiny nods to Pathfinder: if you pop all the way down to alchemical items table you'll find a couple items from there, and there might be a feat, or a feat that took some inspiration (there are also some references to/inspiration from Dragon Mag content, which is still Paizo). But mostly no, I never considered a switch to Pathfinder because I didn't like any of its most vaunted changes: simplifying skills so that seeing and hearing are the same thing, simplifying combat maneuvers so they're nearly all the same thing, and feats that make two-handing even more favored. Add on top of that, every class has extra menu feature lists even when they didn't need them and there are endless ACF "archetypes" swapping and/or upgrading everything with everything and then base classes doing the same while also having yet more "archetypes", meanwhile they did things like turn smite into not-smite and even rage is potentially more fiddly than a barbarian should be fiddling and yup there's the usual bloodline nonsense sorcerers of course just to grate on me personally. They made some decent nerfs to a few problem spells, but left others alone, and printed plenty more. I've noticed some changes to monsters, but nothing crazy enough to shift my entire pre-existing knowledge base.

Basically, Pathfinder actually has the bloat that 3.x was accused of, all right there online even. It starts out as a giant house-rules document (so, no better or worse than anything I or others could produce) edited into the PHB for publish as a new edition, and then just keeps getting heavier and heavier, more and more char-op that has to be arranged starting at 1st level to do anything, ugh. Mutliclassing worked, PrCs worked, even 1/2 ranks for out-of-class skills worked, and too much too interconnected stuff turns the game into a soup. The game needs some crisp lines, a skeleton for definition, but Pathfinder just looks like mush to me, and when I do zoom in far enough to pick something out there's almost always something in the fundamental design I don't like. Addition is not the solution to everything, and aside from a couple simulation destroying simplifications, addition is how Pathfinder wants to fix everything.

It's a very surface level understanding with surface level fixes, in my opinion, which ends up just as broken and difficult to use. Perfectly understandable given the time-frame and fact that they were actually publishing a product for money. But yes, with an extra decade or more with no external pressures and a different "target audience" as it were, well clearly I prefer my own work. There are sometimes very small things like an alchemical item, or stuff like the witch's familiars and spells, or the concept of the Aegis class, which I find interesting, but only the rarest I would use as written.

That said, I do have one of the Pathfinder video games, and may eventually play it some day since there won't be any more 3.x based games. . . though I'll probably try Baldur's Gate 3 first.

Thanks again for this awesome work, looking forward to reading and pillaging more of it.
And thank you for appreciating it! I've had some people like bits that have gone into it here and there, but you're the first to take a larger interest :smallbiggrin:

2024-04-23, 04:18 PM
And then comes the dirty little secret, which is of course that I haven't really got to playtest. . . anything? Haven't had a game in ages, everyone worth playing with around here is too busy to actually game. Though this is hardly uncommon, basically any huge homebrew project (and likely huge chunks of actual books) is guaranteed to have little or no actual playtesting.

I had a quick scan of the document. While I think there's some good changes in there, and it is better than vanilla 3e, you would have a problem with people buying into your house rules. There's nearly three hundred pages of rules that you want people to understand and agree with to play the version of the game you want.

I think the saying, "don't let perfect be the enemy of great", is applicable here.

2024-04-23, 04:30 PM
Here's mine. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11LTxnol6FWCvYZdxZ-epELiYCo3PxAzGt5cr2ub716s/edit?usp=sharing

2024-04-23, 04:32 PM
I had a quick scan of the document. While I think there's some good changes in there, and it is better than vanilla 3e, you would have a problem with people buying into your house rules. There's nearly three hundred pages of rules that you want people to understand and agree with to play the version of the game you want.

I think the saying, "don't let perfect be the enemy of great", is applicable here.

The document reads more as a thought experiment, a long-term project, theorizing, advice on picking and choosing what you will from the document, philosophy on the history of the game and where 3.x sits in that context, as well as how it was shaped over the course of its lifespan and what those implications are. From reading the document, I don't get the idea that the author would hand this to a new group and ask them to read it over and adhere to it all. It is so well thought out and written that I imagine that Fizban would be able to bring most of these changes up on the fly during play, making it easy for the group. Many of the changes are individual changes to how classes work, so a player would only need to know what the document says about their class. I also imagine this document would be approached differently between a long term group that Fizban was playing with for years vs some newer people who may be strangers.

King of Nowhere
2024-04-23, 04:33 PM
i did not try to fix the classes. the build is a lot more important than the class anyway, so i try to work with builds. my monk has AC 53 and saving throws close to 30 without any houserule.

i have a bunch of houserules, but the main ones are 2: one for build balance and one for world balance.

1) you can't reliably one-shot a foe of your level without giving them adequate counterplay. you can kill on a crit, you can kill on a failed saving throw. you can definitely kill if you team up two versus one. but i don't want the kind of rocket tag where the first to act ends the combat.

2) you can't permanently create something from nothing without paying a cost of some sort. no workarounds. all spells that imply otherwise are revised accordingly.
this is something akin to energy conservation, and it avoids all "infinite X" exploits and everyting that breaks the economuy and worldbuilding too badly

i have a list detaling some specific interactions, and a few other houserules made mostly for streamlining and simplicity (like dodge giving a flat +1 dodge to AC, or needing only 1 feat for two weapon fivhting) but those two principle are the fundation of most of it

2024-04-23, 05:33 PM
I had a quick scan of the document. While I think there's some good changes in there, and it is better than vanilla 3e, you would have a problem with people buying into your house rules. There's nearly three hundred pages of rules that you want people to understand and agree with to play the version of the game you want.

I think the saying, "don't let perfect be the enemy of great", is applicable here.
And yet, if you read it, the very first thing is says is that you don't have to read the whole thing. Pre-Edit: okay it's the second thing, after the introduction, but very clearly labeled as "How to Use This Book." No one expects anyone to read every single 1st party book to play the game, why would you need to read my entire "update" book? That's what I'm for, I know what in there. Or you can just search for whatever you're doing and ignore the rest. The only reason to even provide it to players is because well yeah, being blindsided is no fun, but more importantly if you want people to try your homebrew stuff you have to actually give it to them, and I've got quite a bit of homebrew stuff. But even then, I can just hand feats to the feat people, spells to the casters, etc.

The initial bits were even intentionally truncated so that this or that section could be printed on a single page*, though eventually I decided I'd rather have clarity and let them start creeping larger: The entire core base class tweaks list minus the Paladin fit on a single page, and most of the remaining base classes fit on a single page -and those that don't fit are themselves only a single page, aside from spell lists because those take up a ton of space. Every change individually can be described in only a few sentences.

*Of course I'm cheating and have it set to A4 paper rather than American Letter for better formatting/bit more space.

But eventually, if you bring everything together, yeah instead of having two dozen shorter documents I've just combined most of it into one. Though if you want to be combative, I could also say it is in some way a direct refutation of char-op claims that "you can't just nerf everything, the only way to fix the broken is to make everyone broken!" Sure I can- this doesn't even include my list of tweaks to every single spell from all the rest of the books- sure I got burned out a couple books before finishing, but yes, obviously, it is 100% possible to go through every broken thing in the game and judge it as fine, removed, or make a change. It's exhausting and not even necessarily worth it if you have a bunch of time to kill, but you can, if you want. Except that's not really what this is either, because huge swathes of problems are instead covered by "I'm a DM and I will in fact do my job," with discussion of what that job is and why I'm doing it the way I do- the "every spell change" list is emphatically not part of this document, just the important ones (which were written one at a time, long before I got bored and decided to try going through every spell at once), nor is the "every magic item change" list here either (which was also unfinished and out of date). Some 20 pages are tweaked and new feats, mostly new because those take more space, and about 50 are new spells and invocations, around another 10 for items, etc. Pretty sure that's a comparable ratio to most splatbooks actually.

The document reads more as a thought experiment, a long-term project, theorizing, advice on picking and choosing what you will from the document, philosophy on the history of the game and where 3.x sits in that context, as well as how it was shaped over the course of its lifespan and what those implications are.
What use is it presenting a pile of rules without context? Even the published books had little "Behind the Curtain" sidebars on occasion, I just think one of the major problems was not enough of them. If I'm sending a tweaks and brew doc out into the void, do I want people to read and then immediately disregard it because they don't already understand and agree? Of course not. One of the biggest, if not the biggest, problem with discussion on these boards is a failure to adequately communicate such context, leading to whole threads of shouting back and forth before someone finally provides the one missing sentence that makes it clear why they shouldn't have been arguing in the first place.

So naturally, I've gone and summarized a bunch of my thoughts and have tons of notes all over everything (to the point where the older minimalist stuff looks weirdly out of place at times).

I don't get the idea that the author would hand this to a new group and ask them to read it over and adhere to it all. It is so well thought out and written that I imagine that Fizban would be able to bring most of these changes up on the fly during play, making it easy for the group. Many of the changes are individual changes to how classes work, so a player would only need to know what the document says about their class. I also imagine this document would be approached differently between a long term group that Fizban was playing with for years vs some newer people who may be strangers.
Exactly. And while my old group trusted me enough to take the (very limited) changes I'd been working on at the time without question even as a player, or let me use homebrew (to some somewhat negative learning experiences), running a group again I could just slip most of it in as it came up without them even knowing I had anything other than some homebrew I printed off to hand them. The most onerous stuff comes up in character creation and some particular spell nerfs that can be got out of the way quickly.

And since we're a couple posts past I'll add this here instead of editing: regarding looking at stuff as too much or too little, it can be further noted that when I started I was still aiming for a boosted power level (I'm traditionally inclined to Sorcery), and the stuff I was working on was buffs. Buff the Monk, Hexblade, Sohei, Paladin, and even give the Warmage a few more options, tons of new invocations including overall buffs for high level Warlocks, cram a bunch of stuff into "LA +1" for Manaketes, etc. Meanwhile the biggest nerfs for Sor/Wiz are in the spells themselves, with some stuff applied to base Cleric and Druid. But as time has gone on and I've built up the document and moved even further away from char-op mentality, I've trended to aiming lower than that- moving from just nerfing the Beguiler to "soft-banning" it entirely, for example, or how I'm thinking the best fix for "animal companions" now is to just 5e them and export the non-mount HD-based companions to a Bonded-Summoner style PrC entirely. I've not abandoned the old slightly more powerful stuff, but I'm also ever increasingly just over the idea of dealing with char-op problems, while also acknowledging that, especially with the DnD of today, random and new players are just not going to be a "GitP" levels of optimization. Even getting people to read the PHB is a challenge much of the time, just getting them to read the homebrew is likely to be daunting enough.

At the end of the day, I'll only know what power level the game is going to be when I have a group of players submitting characters, and even if I've been making "blander" stuff more recently on the assumption of tamer players, that doesn't mean I don't want to see the cool stuff in action if that's what they want.

2024-04-23, 05:36 PM
I have quite a few, I enjoy playing around with the classes and feats as a fun thing to do, feel free to use what you want and give suggestions.

Adjusted and new Feats (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pFwSVo331SLpKZRV_1utDb_IBKt4lwNtXlPgEgpjX8w/edit?usp=drive_link)

Barbarian (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nPAEzoIT8kPypdmG61iv-xTVnE-cYA3z8ACzB0EJ7j0/edit?usp=drive_link)

dusk blade additional spells (https://docs.google.com/document/d/193QeMOs4xX-zrEMxLNiNRN0kE0rw6fXsYz8zXWkwQyw/edit?usp=sharing)

Fighter (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BTsHU6ABZcdx3wZbCln6DDeoZh4PpZopZ8WhXxrFZoY/edit?usp=sharing)

Hexblade (https://docs.google.com/document/d/11iILDH03wZD6dyOt77Dj50pAxmlfsCgL6uHfDaeYv9E/edit?usp=sharing)

Inquisitor (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pFFENqyVsMllM2uVeVibRtzEKhTH09P00byAQUIVhpE/edit?usp=sharing)

Marshal Knight (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JQ0ASlof3lsjwbeZEy0FM4mWyEeXelcji0x0Ju-oKSo/edit?usp=sharing)

Martial Monk

Ninja (https://docs.google.com/document/d/17WbdwwNj3Lpf1e-VAh3ycIWpM2ppsrT_3tUtb-EVwcY/edit?usp=sharing)

Nobleman (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16sTkuEY27L9bedJ32u6sMiaZuGJ5gKqEy7PorTHNo2A/edit?usp=sharing)

Orlesian Bard

Paladin (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e4ab17su_rojoA4XyQiQz1oLzVx28tyL6JtkdllXQ74/edit?usp=sharing)

PRCs Revamped (still working on and adding many) (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MEEHyBeZo2j4xmeWrIhOI0j7kCFOS1EkRXOpilWydbo/edit?usp=sharing)

Psionic Monk

Ranger (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rXAztJ3CRC60yxfl0eoBOz38YZx2hPa_IcHON5lhjZI/edit?usp=sharing)

Ranger ToB Variant (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eWO5e3Ml4R8oKmr8ePDm1QV4_9t4KpM6AxaWO3XM6nk/edit?usp=sharing)

Rogue (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l82QPb4V7oZ_ScQXfpfdGH9KxCajRhtG-lmQb-zRWvo/edit?usp=sharing)

Samurai (work in progress) (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CgQKGH11iXq3N-Y93b7Wcrh1bvTSSwrJv4q8ztaruho/edit?usp=sharing)

Soulborn (https://docs.google.com/document/d/12pRnlqeuBFlC8owuIGpoddXdtp_2bM4rlnXq9cNWvvk/edit?usp=sharing)

Soulknife (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uWgc-kUdEFflQlnVO1IC4iXGXSmRtjjipFhCEY2KTu4/edit?usp=sharing)

Spellthief (work in progress) (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bfH2mxig7fcz6WcdWpYZtep0UjYhh0sK8Jd5Rs7A_4Y/edit?usp=sharing)

Swashbuckler (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wS5zvvhSu-9J2SdbCMVPqr9o-g7OB6--4474dTbwKBY/edit?usp=sharing)

Witch Expanded Spell List

Thoughts on making weres/lycans more playable (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VUMHQiPLvONP2yt_uFvtOHDgST8-nvzPkmCB1e0L3To/edit?usp=sharing)

House Rules (don't use all of these all the time and some are random things I am playing around with) (https://docs.google.com/document/d/12dLVHpJPajteMu2dW9zJc_spUCROeuXPAyMjjwX8iuY/edit?usp=sharing)

2024-04-23, 07:13 PM
I've made completely different changes to Fizban (other than changing Quivering Palm to 1/day) but the Monk is one of the most heavily upgraded classes in my house rules also. The AC bonus seems a little high (I'd probably go with 2 + 1/3 levels if I was going to improve it) but apart from that his version looks reasonable.

I'm bit confused by this. Versatile Spellcaster says it allows you to "cast a spell you know that is one level higher". You don't know any spells of higher level than your class level allows, so how could it allow you to cast them?

A wizard knows the spells they have in their spellbook. They can copy spells whose level higher than they can actually cast into their spellbook. They can also gain access to spontaneous spellcasting to qualify for versatile spellcaster. Thus the theory goes that you can use versatile spellcaster to cast those spells you know.

Personally, I'm not sold on monks needing more armor. Access to mage armor puts them at or above the average heavy armor user using just the elite array and eventually they get access to shield AC with animated shield. They also have an advantage in that they get to keep their AC bonus while polymorphed so on occasion they can easily outpace normal armor wearers when the situation demands it. If I gave my players Fizban's level of AC bonus, it would just get ridiculous incredibly quickly. Even your 2 + 1/3 feels like too much and is easily exploited by druid dips/monk belts. I'm also of the opinion that gauntlet attacks are UAS attacks and you can use UAS for TWF. 3.5 has several places where the legacy off-hand mechanic from 3.0 was assumed to exist, but was actually removed by the update (monk UAS and shield bashing for example).

2024-04-23, 07:51 PM
Personally, I'm not sold on monks needing more armor. Access to mage armor puts them at or above the average heavy armor user using just the elite array and eventually they get access to shield AC with animated shield. They also have an advantage in that they get to keep their AC bonus while polymorphed so on occasion they can easily outpace normal armor wearers when the situation demands it. If I gave my players Fizban's level of AC bonus, it would just get ridiculous incredibly quickly. Even your 2 + 1/3 feels like too much and is easily exploited by druid dips/monk belts. I'm also of the opinion that gauntlet attacks are UAS attacks and you can use UAS for TWF. 3.5 has several places where the legacy off-hand mechanic from 3.0 was assumed to exist, but was actually removed by the update (monk UAS and shield bashing for example).

I am still stuck on this as well. My group has a monk for the first time in more years than I can remember. We are early in the campaign so I can't make any serious calls on issues yet, but I'm well aware enough of the issues that do crop up around monk. My group have been playing for many years but never got into any level of optimization, rarely multi-class and still find enjoyment out of all the options in the PHB, so I am trying to keep this in mind when making any changes that scale power up. The only complaint the monk has had so far is that their play feels a little plain (this is someone who usually plays casters), and many of Fizbans fixes would remedy this. It is the AC that I am stuck on. I'm of the opinion that they probably need more, but not sold on how much. But I love much of the rest of his document and opinions so much that I am convinced he must be right about this too :smallbiggrin:

2024-04-23, 08:31 PM
At one point I tried fixing 3.5 to.. I recently decided to just switch and make PF1E the base and 3.5 the allowable content to go on top. My only real modification is I just hard ban Artificers. I just don't want to deal with people trying to spend 24/7 crafting. Pass, loot is my job as DM. I throw challenges and giant treasure piles. If ya want something just buy it and I can make sure everyone is roughly around the proper WBL standards.

2024-04-23, 10:26 PM
I am still stuck on this as well. My group has a monk for the first time in more years than I can remember. We are early in the campaign so I can't make any serious calls on issues yet, but I'm well aware enough of the issues that do crop up around monk. My group have been playing for many years but never got into any level of optimization, rarely multi-class and still find enjoyment out of all the options in the PHB, so I am trying to keep this in mind when making any changes that scale power up. The only complaint the monk has had so far is that their play feels a little plain (this is someone who usually plays casters), and many of Fizbans fixes would remedy this. It is the AC that I am stuck on. I'm of the opinion that they probably need more, but not sold on how much. But I love much of the rest of his document and opinions so much that I am convinced he must be right about this too :smallbiggrin:

Monks are kind of in a strange place base monk out of the gate is pretty bad and yet some super unoptimized groups will swear its the most broken class and not allow it in their games. Yet in a group with decent optimization standard monk tends to fall behind pretty quick. With that said even in the standard game, gishing with kung fu genius wizard enlightened fist and abjurant champion is pretty powerful, so is tashalatora into psychic warrior or other psionic classes, going cleric/monk/sacred fist or fist of the forest are other good choices, the real issue is base monk is a bit derpy and dysfunctional.

If you are wanting to play around with more AC I would suggest using the defense bonus (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/defenseBonus.htm) and armor to DR (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/armorAsDamageReduction.htm) alternate rules. across the board I think that is a better system than standard armor.

2024-04-24, 01:58 AM
Personally, I'm not sold on monks needing more armor. Access to mage armor puts them at or above the average heavy armor user using just the elite array and eventually they get access to shield AC with animated shield. They also have an advantage in that they get to keep their AC bonus while polymorphed so on occasion they can easily outpace normal armor wearers when the situation demands it. If I gave my players Fizban's level of AC bonus, it would just get ridiculous incredibly quickly. Even your 2 + 1/3 feels like too much and is easily exploited by druid dips/monk belts. I'm also of the opinion that gauntlet attacks are UAS attacks and you can use UAS for TWF. 3.5 has several places where the legacy off-hand mechanic from 3.0 was assumed to exist, but was actually removed by the update (monk UAS and shield bashing for example).
I suppose I could try to add a note regarding that to the Monk section, since I have nerfed both Mage Armor and Shield (by a mere -1 or 2 each but oh boy did people rage in the thread where I brought it up), and Animated Shields are mega-banned for violating the entire concept of shields. Wording the Monk's AC bonus to explicitly never stack with any sort of armor or AC bonus is easy enough, I don't recall if I avoided doing so to keep it short, or because I thought that was a bit extreme and wanted to allow some cross-play.

As for Monk+Polymorph, I'd put that under Polymorph problems to deal with as needed. I'm entirely cool with ruling that your humanoid kung-fu does not in fact work in bodies outside of your own, the fact that it doesn't is really a massive oversight (for that matter, another option would be shutting down feats!). I can add that to the Polymorph section.

2024-04-24, 05:46 AM
I don't really have a document per-se, but more like just a collection of verbally communicated rules that we all just keep track of mentally.

For feats, i remove 90% of the "expected" feats and just make them standard options. Things like power attack, combat expertise, two weapon fighting, are all unlocked for free as long as you meet the prerequisites. So anyone with 13 strength can power attack, anyone with 15 dex has reduced twf penalties, anyone with 6 bab and 17 dex gets a second offhand attack, anyone with 13 int can get 1:1 AC to attack penalty up to their bab or 5.

Things like improved sunder/trip etc are still feats, as they improve the thing you can already do.

Prerequisites for prestige classes are largely removed, but instead are entered into entirely by RP and in character decision making. The more you work with the DM on this, the better it will work out. I have and will design entire prestige classes for a campaign, just for one player, that may never see use again, but is tailored directly to your character's story. I'm usually quite generous on this front too, so you can probably expect said prestige class to be stronger than most others, but I need you to work with me narratively for this to succeed.

Players can still take prestige classes normally if they wish, unless it's inappropriate for the campaign in question. You probably won't be going incanter if the campaign is set in the dark ages, where magic is a crime punishable by death, and mages rarely ever get past level 3 for example.

I use an optiona gestalt system that players can engage in. For e6 it allows players to begin gestalting at 6 instead of taking feats, but once they begin gestalting they must continue to gestalt until 6//6, and once they reach 6//6 they become permanently considered ECL7, meaning they will forevermore gain less xp than their level 6 counterparts.

Generally speaking, I will allow users to use either the pathfinder or the 3.5 version of something, but they cannot mix and match. For example, you cannot use the pathfinder unchained rogue in combination with a 3.5 ACF, nor can you use a pathfinder archetype with a 3.5 base class, even if the class has all the class features replaced by said ACF/archetype.

Campaigns may have limitations or subsystems included or enforced on a per campaign basis, I may for example, do a words of power campaign, or a spheres of power campaign, where all casters, player or npc, must utilize that system, but outside of those circumstances, generally speaking anything goes.

Druids are almost universally not an acceptable choice as a player class, as they are bound by duty to protect their territory in my setting. They only really work if a campaign is largely stationary. Deal with it.

There's probably a tonne more, I didn't bother with the specifics of character creation, as that's not really house rules, just cherry picked optional rules usually.

2024-04-24, 12:33 PM
Martial Changes
Unarmed Combat
Unarmed strikes get extra attacks due to a character’s base attack bonus

A Monk’s Flurry of Blows can be combined with Two-Weapon Fighting. The negative attack roll penalties for both are combined.

Are you sure this is house rules? I think it's standard rules.

2024-04-24, 01:15 PM
Are you sure this is house rules? I think it's standard rules.

I've always thought the rules here were not clear. For the sake of a couple of lines I was happy to clarify those two points.

2024-04-24, 01:30 PM
The only complaint the monk has had so far is that their play feels a little plain (this is someone who usually plays casters), and many of Fizbans fixes would remedy this.

Oh, this reminded me of another houserule I implemented to fix this issue. Disarm, grapple, and trip attempts on failure do not give the opponent a free attempt in return; however that effect was added to the improved feats for them. Makes these special attacks much less dangerous to attempt and players are much more likely to make use of them. Grapple monk is really fearsome, disarming with a staff or tripping is an incredible debuff. Personally I think there is a lot to do as a martial, the game just makes them hard to take advantage of.

Monks are kind of in a strange place base monk out of the gate is pretty bad and yet some super unoptimized groups will swear its the most broken class and not allow it in their games. Yet in a group with decent optimization standard monk tends to fall behind pretty quick. With that said even in the standard game, gishing with kung fu genius wizard enlightened fist and abjurant champion is pretty powerful, so is tashalatora into psychic warrior or other psionic classes, going cleric/monk/sacred fist or fist of the forest are other good choices, the real issue is base monk is a bit derpy and dysfunctional.

I think it's really that monk is different from the other martials. It relies a lot on party support and consumables to really shine and making use of its many attacks is also a bit harder to take advantage of. Monk is just not as intuitive and so seems weak in comparison to other classes. At levels 1 and 2 especially so. After that though it starts scaling exceptionally well. In my opinion it's a lot like the wizard of martials. You need to think outside of the box to really leverage your strengths. When you do, monk starts feeling overpowered compared to the other martials because they have so many avenues of scaling.

If you are wanting to play around with more AC I would suggest using the defense bonus (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/defenseBonus.htm) and armor to DR (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/armorAsDamageReduction.htm) alternate rules. across the board I think that is a better system than standard armor.

I really like the armor as damage reduction rules. It baseline allows DR/- to stack and it also provides provides a mechanical expression of monk being more "dodgey."

I suppose I could try to add a note regarding that to the Monk section, since I have nerfed both Mage Armor and Shield (by a mere -1 or 2 each but oh boy did people rage in the thread where I brought it up), and Animated Shields are mega-banned for violating the entire concept of shields. Wording the Monk's AC bonus to explicitly never stack with any sort of armor or AC bonus is easy enough, I don't recall if I avoided doing so to keep it short, or because I thought that was a bit extreme and wanted to allow some cross-play.

As for Monk+Polymorph, I'd put that under Polymorph problems to deal with as needed. I'm entirely cool with ruling that your humanoid kung-fu does not in fact work in bodies outside of your own, the fact that it doesn't is really a massive oversight (for that matter, another option would be shutting down feats!). I can add that to the Polymorph section.

The numbers assume that characters eventually gain access to shield AC. While bucklers are an option for non-monks, monks need the animated quality or their consumption of consumables can get a little out of hand. Maybe a feature that lets them use their UAS as a shield to represent their ability to deflect blows with their body. They already get access to deflect arrows. Give it the ability to be considered a shield for spells and effects. Level 7 seems like a good time for a +1 shield AC bonus.

Polymorph is definitely something that can get out of hand. However at the same time it's an enabler for some cool combos and one of the only ways a martial can keep ahead of a permissive planar binding. It's basically the not selfish version of divine power. It is weird that a creature would be proficient in the new "random" form, but I look at it similarly to how tensor's transformation can grant proficiency with weapons. "Magic" explains all the loopholes away. Then again, outside of pounce, increased base speed, natural armor, and the ability to get to huge size I guess it really isn't necessary if you could get access to these another way.

Jay R
2024-04-24, 06:31 PM
Most of my "Rules for DMs" document isn't house rules; it's just my approach. But the rule for wishes certainly is. I've honed it for decades, starting with original D&D in the 1970s. It's general enough to apply to any edition, and it's the document my players have on how wishes work in my world.

53. Wishes ought to be a social contract between the players and the DM. Don’t try to screw up the game, and I won’t try to screw up your character.

a. If a game system has clear, unambiguous limits for wishes, and a wish falls within the limits, then it should work as intended.

b. Wishes should rarely go wrong.

i. The best way for a wish to fail is to have no meaningful effect at all. Wasting a wish is well-attested in fantasy literature. It doesn’t hurt the game or the PC.
ii. When a wish actually goes bad, it should not cripple or destroy the PC, but at worst put the character in a difficult and threatening situation. Difficult and threatening situations are a DM’s stock in trade.
iii. When a wish has an actual negative effect on a PC, it should be a challenging obstacle, not a character-destroying tragedy. And it should end before it stops being challenging and becomes merely a boring weakness.

c. There is no sentient entity processing the wish (other than the DM). It is a pure magical effect – akin to programming a computer. There is neither benevolence nor malevolence involved. The risk of a wish is the same as the risk of a car or a power saw; it goes where you steer it, not where you intended to steer it.

i. If somebody else is phrasing the wish for you, there could be malevolence (or benevolence) in that action. Efreeti can be malevolent because they are phrasing the actual wish.
ii. But after the wish has been phrased, it remains a pure magical effect with no sentient entity processing the wish.

d. Unless it will screw up the game, the DM should follow the exact wording of the wish. This is usually, but not always, the same as the intent.

i. Following the exact wording of the wish does not mean abusing homonyms. If they ask for an extra feat, they don’t get extra feet.
ii. Following the exact meaning of the wish does not mean a bizarre, unlikely meaning. It means the most reasonable meaning of those exact words.
iii. If it took the DM more than a few seconds to come up with that interpretation, then it isn’t the obvious meaning of those words.

e. A wish will be fulfilled in the simplest manner possible. If a player wishes to have the only sword in the world, it is easier for the magic to put him and his sword on a separate world than to find and destroy every other sword on the primary gameworld.

f. An unselfish wish is always much safer. Wish for bumper crops near the village, or for the plague to end, and the magic flows much more smoothly.

g. A wish grants one effect. If the PC wishes for a sword and a shield, then he gets a sword. The shield is another wish. If he has two wishes, he gets the first two effects requested. If he wishes to travel to another continent to be introduced to the king and marry the princess, then he gets the travel and to meet the king, and his wishes are done.

i. Among other things, this means that long contract-like texts of legalese won’t work. Only the first clause is enacted.

h. The primary principle remains this: Don’t try to screw up the game, and I won’t try to screw up your character.

2024-04-25, 01:51 PM
Dammit, I got the threats all mixed up. Here is my stuff:

This is for Pathfinder 1E primarily, but it is also basically a list of allowed material combined with house rules.

Allowed Races:
Core races,
Aasimar (variant aasimar heritages allowed)
Drow (care for reactions from surface-dwellers)
Ifrit (known as fire genasi in the Realms, same rules)
Oread (earth genasi)
Sylph (air genasi)
Tiefling (variant tiefling heritages allowed)
Undine (water genasi)

Concerning Hit Dice /Attributes:
First level HD max as standard, second HD maximum, after that it's rolling normally. No Point buy buydown below 8.

Allowed Material:
Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Advanced Players Guide
DSP Path of War and Path of War Expanded. Use only the errata parts which benefit you. But no extra material through web enhancements or articles.
The Magus Class, its feats, spells and archetypes from Ultimate Magic (not from other sources). The rest of Ultimate Magic is not allowed.
Tome of Battle from 3.5. For the usual suspects, my rulings apply (no IHS on the sun...). If in doubt, ask. See house rules. If a feat or other object is very similar to a PoW-object, use the PoW object instead.
Psion and Psychic Warrior from Dreamscarred Press with their psionic feats and powers from Ultimate Psionics
The book restrictions apply to races (The Alternate Racial Traits are allowed for all allowed races, though.)
Firearms do not exist in Faerûn
No traits, no drawbacks.

House rules:

XP is only given for treasure found and brought back to civilization (not for killing, but rewards for jobs done in the wilderness or dungeon give XP, too). 1 GP = 1 XP. Loot items which are worth less than 1GP do not give XP.
Leadership is not allowed.
The only allowed item creation feats are:
Brew Potion
Craft Wand
Scribe Scroll
If your character would get another item creation feat, substitute with a normal bonus feat instead.
All classes without spell progression, extract progression or psionic power progression get +2 skill points per level
All full BAB classes get knowledge(martial lore) as class skill
All classes with knowledge(arcana) get knowledge(psionics) as class skill and vice versa
Most (not the big 6, rather the more useless) magic items have their prices reduced.

Use PoW errata.
Crusader: HD are d12. Crusader gets new stances on the same levels like a Warder.
Warblade: Has heavy armor proficiency.
All three ToB base classes can freely add one discipline from all three books (ToB, PoW, PoWE) to their disciplines known at first level.
For more details regarding ToB porting, ask me.
If it comes up: no off-screen crafting before campaign start. Crafting in downtime is fine, obviously.

Feat Tax rules apply: http://michaeliantorno.com/feat-taxes-in-pathfinder/ Only use the blog post, that should be reasonably simple and effective.

Fighter: At level 1, gets weapon aptitude like a warblade. This can only be used to change feats gained while taking fighter levels, but it can also be used to change weapon groups of the fighters' class features.

Every character gets one of my fate points at creation. This fate point can be spent to either change one saving throw into a natural 20 after rolling, or stave off death once (the character ends up at -1 and stable and is unconscious from the trauma for several minutes instead of dying. This unconsciousness cannot be prematurely ended by any means. You almost died, received horrible trauma and are out for ~5 Minutes flat.)

You can have a maximum of 2 fate points, and you only get them at DM's discretion (usually after a major achievement).
If you, for whatever reason, run into the XP cutoff (if you would get 2 levelups or more at once, you stay 1 XP short of the second level up and all extra XP is discarded), you get a fate point. Because that is a major achievement.

Martial Traditions are changed: They do not exist. All initiating classes can, on their first level, trade one of their disciplines known for another from PoW or PoWE. This choice is permanent for this character and class and can not be changed. Basically, you can still do the same school switching, but it is permanent.

Expect homebrew, and ported 3.5 material if it catches my fancy. You may or may not be able to use that material for yourself (depends on your ability to loot it). I reserve the right to change stuff like switch from normal summoner to unchained summoner, or allow unchained rogues etc. If it starts breaking the game, I need to change it. If that happens to one of your characters, you can rebuild, of course. I consider it improbable to come up, however.

I will be using AngryDMs Tension Pool mechanic.

2024-04-26, 02:09 AM
I have a houserules document. It used to be longer and more complex, but I've found that simpler is generally better and less prone to unintended consequences, ie, stuff that needs to be fixed because of the house rules.

Note: You may choose to use the default rules for DnD 3.5 and ignore all changes here.

Levelling Changes
Starting characters get one stat at 18 for free. All other stats are 4d6 drop lowest.

Players get three ability score boosts every fourth level. These stat boosts must be spent on three different ability scores. If an ability score is below 16, the ability score is boosted by 2. If the ability score is 16 or more, it is boosted by 1.

General Feat Changes and Additions
Changes to existing feats are in addition to the rules the feats originally have.

Adept Learner (New Feat): You gain 1 extra skill point per level. You spend these skill points as normal. You cannot exceed the normal maximum point for your level in any skill. You cannot have both this feat and “Nymph’s Kiss”.

Alertness, etc (Changed Feat): If you have 13 or more ranks in one of the skills that are part of the feat, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes (Changed Feat): The bonus to saves is 2 and +1 for every five character levels (maximum of +6 at level 20).

Pounce (New Feat): When a character charges a foe, it can follow with a full attack. A fighter may select Pounce as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Skill Focus (Changed Feat): The bonus from Skill Focus increases to +6 when 13 ranks are invested in said skill.

Spellcaster Changes
There are no limits to the use of level 0 spells.

Lost Traditions (New feat) (modified from 3rd Party)
Choose one spellcasting class. You may change which ability score governs spellcasting (both the casting stat and the stat used for save DCs). You may only choose from INT, WIS, or CHA for your casting stat. You may take this feat multiple times, but each time it applies to a different spellcasting class.

Martial Changes
Unarmed Combat
Unarmed strikes get extra attacks due to a character’s base attack bonus

A Monk’s Flurry of Blows can be combined with Two-Weapon Fighting. The negative attack roll penalties for both are combined.

Martial Feat Changes

Ignored Feats
These feats are ignored should they be required for other feats, prestige classes, etc. These feats can still be taken should the player want the benefits of these feats.

Dodge, Point-Blank Shot, Toughness, Combat Expertise

Example – Rapid Shot normally requires the player to take Point-Blank shot as a feat beforehand. With this rule, the player can take Rapid Shot without taking Point-Blank Shot first.

Feat Changes
Two-Weapon Fighting:
A player with the Two-Weapon Fighting feat automatically receives the feats Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting and Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting. They need to meet BAB and ability score requirements for said feats before receiving them.

Two-Weapon Defense
A player with the Two-Weapon Defense feat automatically receives the feats Improved Two-Weapon Defense and Greater Two-Weapon Defense. They need to meet BAB and ability score requirements for said feats before receiving them.

Weapon Finesse
Weapon Finesse is a free option and doesn’t cost a feat. When Weapon Finesse is applied to a weapon, players calculate bonus damage using the dexterity stat instead of the strength stat (you cannot add both STR and DEX without the use of class features and/or feats). The bonus damage is halved for offhand weapons. Weapon Finesse only applies to light weapons, the rapier, whip, or spiked chain.

Why so many changes?
What is the point of so many ability score increases? Last campaign we started some people did points buy, some made up stat (between 8 and 16) and some just rolled. It doesn't really impact the game much.

With my group I don't think we have any written house rules. We don't use XP once in a while the DM says " you all gained a level" and then we level. If I want to play something custom or outside of the rules I discuss it with the DM f2f while drinking a beer or whisky.

2024-04-26, 09:56 AM
Why so many changes?

Dude, this is NOT a lot of changes. My houserule document is 38 pages long and still not finished, Fizban's is over 200 pages long. And the reason to make a lot of changes is that 3.5 has lots of stuff which is badly designed, PF is better but still has plenty.

What is the point of so many ability score increases? Last campaign we started some people did points buy, some made up stat (between 8 and 16) and some just rolled. It doesn't really impact the game much.

It can make a big difference if the scores are extreme enough. I played in a game with a Rogue who was unlucky enough to roll really bad stats (I calculated it at about the bottom 1% level) and the DM wouldn't let him reroll, and he sucked. Really struggled to keep up with the rest of the party.

As for the multiple increases, one benefit of giving multiple increases which must be for different stats is that it helps out MAD classes compared to SAD classes; the worst offenders who need 4 or 5 stats high to really shine can find it really difficult to keep them all where they need them to be.

2024-04-26, 10:48 AM
My houserule document is 38 pages long and still not finished, Fizban's is over 200 pages long. And the reason to make a lot of changes is that 3.5 has lots of stuff which is badly designed, PF is better but still has plenty.

Fizban's is actually over 300 :smalltongue:

However, it is worth noting that a lot of peoples house rules are also implemented not to fix design issues or balance etc, but to keep with a certain tone and aesthetic of game. I think a lot of Fizban's changes are in line with this and it is also why I often make house rules. In Fizban's case, he makes it clear that there is a cutoff point where 3.5 starts diverging from the design philosophy of 3.0 and many of his changes are an attempt to keep the game in line with playstyle and tone expectations of early 3e and 3.5.

I recommend everyone who makes house rules for similar reasons peruse his document as much as you can. I read around 100 pages of it (some parts just weren't relevant enough for me to read, but I skimmed those parts at least) and it is one of the more interesting 3.5 and D&D in general projects I've read in some time.

2024-04-26, 12:09 PM
I have a houserules document. It used to be longer and more complex, but I've found that simpler is generally better and less prone to unintended consequences, ie, stuff that needs to be fixed because of the house rules.Mine was more complicated, and then I decided it was too much and started over, and now it has grown to being pretty complicated again (although still probably less so than its peak).

Here's mine. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11LTxnol6FWCvYZdxZ-epELiYCo3PxAzGt5cr2ub716s/edit?usp=sharingInteresting stuff there, I like the way you think. Some things there are pretty similar to mine, and others I hadn't thought of but am now considering (although I start from PF1 as the base rather than 3.5).

Are you sure this is house rules? I think it's standard rules.Unarmed Strikes getting iteratives just is definitely not a houserule, but not a bad idea to add a clarifications if people are getting confused by it. TWF working with Flurry is a houserule IMO, but I have seen people argue otherwise - either way, best to indicate which way you come down on that also.

Why so many changes?I agree with Biggus; that's not a lot of changes in the grand scheme of things. Most of the people in the thread have more (including me).

My houserule document is 16 pages, although the format is fairly verbose, so it might not be as quite as many changes as that page count implies: Some things (for example, Knowledge Skill categories and their uses) are reproduced in full modified form instead of or as well as bullet point changes) - since the site I used to use became to add infested that include a full (modified) representation of the gestalt rules. There are a bunch of guidelines on adapting 3.0 and 3.5 stuff such that in most cases it can be done automatically (as mentioned above, we use PF1 as the main system, but we still use 3.5 content extensively). There is a ToC, and Introduction, a fairly extensive index, and a change log.

Obviously, I am not going to reproduce the whole thing here, but section 1 is the big ticket items: The things that effect all characters, or at least a significant majority.

1.1 There is no required randomness in character creation and advancement:

Starting gold is 150 gp for all characters (regardless of class) starting at first level (characters starting at higher level get wealth as per Table 12-4 on page 399 of the CRB).
Hit points after first level are the average for the hit die rounded up, not rolled randomly.
Players may roll for height and/or weight starting age if they wish, but are not bound by the results and may reroll or simply choose a result. However, the chosen height and weight must be within the range that could be rolled for their species.
Similarly, players may roll for starting age or simply choose. In this case, if they choose they must respect the minimum for their initial class, but otherwise may select any age below venerable for their species. However, if they are middle-aged or old, they must apply the appropriate ability-score modifiers.
This does not apply to skill checks (such as Spellcraft to learn spells), which must be rolled normally.

1.2 Ability score point buy depends on class (and possibly archetype, if it changes spellcasting):

9-level casters get 20 points.
6-level casters get 25 points.
4-level and non-casters get 30 points.

After first level, you can multiclass freely between classes at the same or higher point-buy value, but cannot multiclass into a class that would have given a lower point-buy total until you have at least three levels in appropriate classes. Classes that do not technically cast spells but have abilities that closely resemble them (such as Investigators and Alchemists) count as spellcasters for this purpose, as do manifesters (but not martial initiators or meldshapers/veilweavers, unless they also have casting).

1.3 As a partial exception to 1.2, a character who intends to multiclass can select a select a 6- or 9-level caster class at first level and still claim the higher point buy. However, if they do so they cannot take any further levels in that class until they have at least three levels in a suitable class, and until that point they gain no spellcasting from the first class other than cantrips (although they still have the spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items).

1.4 All classes that are not Int-based 9-level characters get a minimum of 4 skill ranks per level (before Int modifier, and favoured class bonus or species bonuses where applicable). If an archetype for such a class would increase skill ranks from 2 to 4, it instead increases them from 4 to 6. Archetypes which change the spellcasting ability score or progression may change whether a class qualifies for the 4-rank minimum (in either direction).

1.5 The essence, primal, and occult magical traditions exist (with occult being distinct from psychic, although some classes are assigned to both). Appropriate classes are assigned to one of more of these, and sometimes the player can choose – in that case the choice should be made when the first magical ability is received, and is thereafter treated as a class feature for the purposes of retraining. See Appendix 3 for class/tradition assignments.

1.6 The skill list is tweaked to better integrate certain variants, improve balance, and reflect actual play and common sense. In particular, the Appraise skill is deleted, the third-party Knowledge (Martial) and Knowledge (Psionics) skills are included (with the latter being renamed Occult), and other Knowledge skills are tweaked. See Skill Changes below for details.

1.7 Non-broken third-party & D&D 3.5/3.0 content is available, subject to GM approval - a “3.P” environment. See “Using D&D 3.5 & 3.0 Content”, below.

1.8 Using a swift action on your turn does not impact your ability to use immediate actions (and vice versa).

1.9 Creatures can charge as a standard action, even if they have a full round’s worth of actions available. They may move (or take a different move action) before, but not after the charge – only a swift action can be taken after the charge. Each space moved when charging must be closer to the target than the previous square, but otherwise chargers may move as they wish. They may stop in any square from which they can make an attack, as long as they can reach it without violating the above rule. Charging as a standard action never allows more than a single attack at the end, regardless of abilities such as pounce that would normally allow more.

1.10 The core monk and rogue are considered NPC classes and are not available to players. Use the unchained monk or legendary monk, and the unchained rogue, swashbuckler, investigator, slayer, ninja or legendary ninja respectively, instead.

Annoyingly, they don't quite fit on one A4 page. Section 2 is rather longer, but is reserved for things that don't affect many characters, or things that are how you'd expect it to work anyway if you weren't the sort of person who has spent the last 20 years talking about game rules on forums! Section 3 spells out in more details the Skill changes mentioned in item 1.6.

2024-04-26, 01:32 PM
Why so many changes?

As other people have said, it's not many changes at all, especially compared to what other people have done.

The intent of my quick list of house rules:
1) fix what I think are the worst problems and biggest deficiencies of the game at my table in a way that's simple and easy to communicate.
2) Steal some of the more fun improvements from later 3e-derived games

What is the point of so many ability score increases? Last campaign we started some people did points buy, some made up stat (between 8 and 16) and some just rolled. It doesn't really impact the game much.

That's some of the most popular changes.

Having one score automatically be 18 means that players don't feel so bad about bad ability score rolls. You feel good about having an 18 in your ability score set to allocate, even if that 18 is automatically included.

Using PF2e's ability score increase rules means that players will spend some time thinking about where to put ability score increases. I find 3e's way of doing ability score increases quite uninteresting by comparison, since very little changes every four levels.

Mechanically, there's not a major difference: besides boosting their preferred casting/combat stat, maybe a character gets a slight boost to stuff like CON, DEX, or WIS, etc. Still, I think it's a fun change, that's why it made it in and hasn't left the document.

2024-04-26, 03:11 PM
Fizban's is actually over 300 :smalltongue:

However, it is worth noting that a lot of peoples house rules are also implemented not to fix design issues or balance etc, but to keep with a certain tone and aesthetic of game. I think a lot of Fizban's changes are in line with this and it is also why I often make house rules. In Fizban's case, he makes it clear that there is a cutoff point where 3.5 starts diverging from the design philosophy of 3.0 and many of his changes are an attempt to keep the game in line with playstyle and tone expectations of early 3e and 3.5.

I recommend everyone who makes house rules for similar reasons peruse his document as much as you can. I read around 100 pages of it (some parts just weren't relevant enough for me to read, but I skimmed those parts at least) and it is one of the more interesting 3.5 and D&D in general projects I've read in some time.

I'd guess much of the "supplementary" section, the longer class overhauls, and warlock content are the most skippable as being both longer reads and easily parsed as relevant or not for a given game?

2024-04-26, 05:44 PM
I'd guess much of the "supplementary" section, the longer class overhauls, and warlock content are the most skippable as being both longer reads and easily parsed as relevant or not for a given game?

I actually read the supplementary section I believe. I did skip most of the classes but will be re-visiting them as they come in my game, also skipped most of the spell stuff but plan to keep referencing the whole document as my campaign progresses and these things come up.

Jay R
2024-04-29, 12:40 PM
My house rules are different in every game I've run. Giving you a specific set is probably meaningless. But here's how I approach house rules, as described in my "Rules for DMs" document. [Yes, there's some redundancy here. I wrote a couple of these this morning, after reading this thread. Editing will come later.]

11. The DM can change, annul, or overrule any rule in the rulebook. This is not a toy or free privilege to change the game at whim. It’s a heavy responsibility to make the game go right, and to be fair to the players, even when the rules aren’t right for a specific moment.

a. Printed rules should be the standard. Rules changes should be the exception.
b. Never ignore the rules. When you change or make exceptions to the rules you should be most focused on the written rule, its intent, and its effects.
c. Applying the published rules is like eating food. That should always happen. Changing the rules is like taking medicine; it's only a good idea if something is wrong, you know how it’s wrong, and you know how to fix it.
d. Never change a rule unless you know why it was written.

12. The more completely you know the rules, the better you can be at disregarding them when necessary.

a. "When necessary" means it should be rare, forced by an unusual situation, and non-intrusive. [And some people believe it should not happen even then.]

13. Do not confuse house rules with rulings that overrule the book. House rules are the conditions that make your world distinct. Overruling the rulebook is preventing a rule from messing up the game. They require different approaches.

a. House rules are conditions of the world. They should be planned in advance. You can do it just to explore a new idea, or to create a unique situation.
b. Overruling the rulebook is fixing an immediate problem. You should do it when the rules give an unfair or otherwise bad answer.

14. House rules are ways to create a new, exciting, unique world, with new concepts for the PCs to explore. They are not merely tools to stop standard tactics from working.

a. When you introduce a house rule, ask yourself “Why?” Will this make the game better for the players?
b. They should almost always be introduced before the game starts. It’s fine for your goblins to have deadly fangs; it’s not fine for your goblins to suddenly develop deadly fangs halfway through the game, after the PCs have faced them and learned about them.
c. Tell the players any house rule that is a generally well-known fact in the world. If necromancy is more powerful when the second moon is up, then anyone with necromancy spells will no that. But if hippogriffs can be tamed with their addiction to coffee beans, then maybe nobody has learned that yet.
d. Most especially, tell them any house rule that might affect character creation.

15. There must be enough rules consistency, and world consistency, that the players know what they can count on.

a. They should also know what they cannot count on. It’s OK for your goblins to be different from the goblins in the rules. It’s OK for them to not know what goblins are like. But it’s not OK for them to believe that goblins will be rules-goblins.

16. When you change rules, you don’t necessarily have to tell the players the new rules, if it is something that their characters wouldn’t know. But you should tell them not to assume all D&D rules apply.

a. If you changed dragons because most people in that world don’t know details about dragons, you don’t have to tell them those details. But you should tell them that dragons aren’t color-coded for their benefit.
b. Not knowing about the monster is a challenging adventure of discovery. Knowing things that are false is just a failure mode. No resemblance.
c. Changing rules has consequences elsewhere. Think them through in advance. If dragons aren’t color-coded, what does Tiamat look like?


56. No matter what the game rules say, no matter what this document says, don’t do nothin’ stupid.

a. Exceptions exist. They do not invalidate general rules; they modify and limit them.
b. Some of these rules obviously don’t apply to certain games, or certain tables. Don’t apply them in those games.

2024-04-29, 12:52 PM
I don't have a google document, but I have a forum page with various topics for Classes, Spells, etc...


2024-04-29, 01:50 PM
My HR are mostly on Russian. Do you need it?

2024-04-29, 11:42 PM
A rule that I thought would be common, but actually turns out isn't from my interactions on this board, would be that rules that can conflict only in part do so only in so far as they have to conflict. An example would be that you can't cast spells of a certain level unless you reach a level in the class that would allow you to cast the spell. The versatile spellcaster feat allows you to cast spells of a higher level. The way this rule would work is versatile spellcaster can fully function without violating the first rule and does not specifically mention it does. Therefore it does not violate the rule. Versatile spellcaster cannot let you cast spells of a higher level than your class level allows.

That's not a house rule. Page 7 of the PHB is quite explicit that spells of a certain level require a high enough class level in order to cast, and one is then referred to Chapter 3 for details.

For my part, while I *do* use some house rules, they're all very player-friendly, and can be printed out on one sheet of paper, which I hand out to my players during character creation, as all rule changes should be. For the most part, if the RAW cover it, I rule that way, because I want my players to be able to read the books on their own and have a reasonable expectation of how something will work.

Regrettably, my computer died, and the Geek Squad is currently attempting data retrieval on it, but I will post as many as I can remember.

Maximum HP at first AND second level. After that, a player may roll for HP, but take the average (rounded up) if they roll lower than that. HP are a metagame concept anyway, and it's not fun to have a 5th level fighter with under 30 HP. And yes, this means d4 HD classes will only ever get 3 or 4 plus CON modifier.

Healing a character in negative HP sets the target's HP to 0 and then applies healing (this was a 4e rule I adopted). So if the barbarian is at -7, and the cleric heals him for 5, the barbarian has 5 HP. This allows the downed player to act on their turn, and ensures the cleric player doesn't feel like their turn was wasted due to an unlucky roll.

Dodge is a flat +1 AC, and Toughness grants 3 HP, and one additional HP per Hit Die over 3 (so 1 HP per level if you take it over level 2). I also allow all Improved/Greater iterations of TWF for the cost of the one TWF feat.

Hide and Move Silently are one skill, Stealth. Having different skills for each may be more accurate simulation, but this is a game, not a simulation, and a single roll makes play go smoother. Related to that, Spot and Listen are one skill, Perception. This is to make sure NPCs dont get 2 chances to notice a character attempting to Stealth. Search remains a distinct, INT-based skill, as it represents actively looking, as opposed to noticing something. This has cascading effects, so anything that provides a bonus to one of those skills boosts the merged skill instead. If something boosts BOTH of the "pre merge" skills (like Alertness), it grants a +3 to the merged skill (just like Skill Focus).

Piggybacking on that, a nat 20 or 1 on a Skill roll are treated as a "die roll" of 30 and -10, respectively. Then modifiers are applied. This allows characters with insanely high skill modifiers to still have a chance of success, even when they're at their worst (a rogue with a +28 to Stealth gets a nat 1, for a total of 18, still enough to bypass most guards' Perception mod of +2 at best). Contrary wise, a low level Ranger with a Survival mod of +7 wants to track a single goblin over hard terrain, 24 hours later, after 12 hours of rain, at full speed, at night. That's a DC of 40, and he's taking a -5 to the check. A natural 20 only gets him a 32. With his level of skill, such is quite simply beyond his ability, no matter what.

Some checks I make for the player, specifically searching for traps. This is to assist roleplaying. I've seen players react drastically different when they don't find traps if they saw the die roll was low vis a high die roll. I make the roll behind the screen and simply tell them if they did or didn't find traps.

Similar to that, is that I will always roll a Bluff check if players ask to make a Sense Motive roll. My hpuse rule is "Any character who believes they are telling the truth gets a +30 circumstance bonus to this roll". And if the NPC wins the contested roll (regardless if they're telling the truth or not), my verbal response to the players is "you trust him/her implicitly".

I think Read Magic is a stupid spell. It's gone, and its effects are folded into Detect Magic. Furthermore, the ability to detect magic is kind of key for the primary arcane spellcasters. Sorcerers get Detect Magic as a bonus cantrip known, but still must spend a 0 level slot to cast it. Wizards treat it like the spontaneous healing of clerics. A wizard can prepare other cantrips, and then spend one 0 level spell slot to cast Detect Magic instead. I figure wizards studied hard to learn magic, that most basic function should be the easiest to do. It also keeps the warlock's ability to do it at-will unique.

I allow my players to decide whether or not we use confirmation rolls for critical hits. But monsters will use the same rules. However, statistically, PCs have higher AC than monsters, and confirmation rolls mean the party receives less critical hits. If they vote to do away with them, they may, at any point in the campaign, return to using them if they unanimously agree. But once confirmation rolls are back, they stay.

Critical misses use confirmation rolls even if hits do not. If a nat 1 is rolled, a "confirmation roll" is made. If that is a "hit", then it's just a regular miss. Missing the confirmation roll means it's a critical failure. This allows for the fun of critical misses, but softens them a bit. Of note is that natural weapons and unarmed strikes cannot "critically" miss.

I've had people ask about the "healing from 0" rule and how it interacts with the Diehard feat and the Deathless Frenzy of the Frenzied Berserker. Diehard still works with the rule, and I've had a player play a FB with these rules in play. A FB must be healed through negative HP normally if below -10 until they get above that threshold before their frenzy ends, or they die. My player had no problem with this dynamic, and said it was entirely fair.

As with anything I post, I encourage people to cherry pick or yoink wholesale anything they like.

2024-04-30, 12:38 AM
Interesting to see so many changes to classes and similar home brew built directly into campaign house rules. Not how I normally do things.

Each game I run has its own house rule document. Some elements are common to all or most games I run, but each new campaign will have a custom ruleset constructed alongside the custom campaign setting.

Further, house rules tend to get added in response to what the players end up doing and how the campaign progresses.

Here are a few examples from my games.

From my current 3.5 campaign (narrative, mission focused, very custom setting):
Rules Document 2022 (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K351AeaiRCIJKtcet1q1ww97guDz9CJM-T4qSYcO6nk/edit?usp=sharing)

From a short lived campaign from 2017 (exploration and resource management focused):
Rules Document 2017 (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qH3VjboOSTkpOs5x957ACkrAjEXSV9LNUUWFVyWC-FU/edit?usp=sharing)

from a 2012 campaign (player driven, magic focused, sandbox):
Rules Document 2012 (https://docs.google.com/document/d/15tar7YDX3DWmkPLpb-ULAurhPZEni5YUyIV8gqDT_ZM/edit?usp=sharing)

from a 2009 campaign (high lethality, combat focused, ad hoc player formed parties)
Rules Document 2009 (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JqB0k32lJNY5SCmcJOi1AuWGyIc94PiK4N-W5xELSmI/edit?usp=sharing)

2024-05-02, 07:03 PM

2024-05-05, 10:21 AM
https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=22405664&postcount=1Having read what's at the other end of that link, a couple of questions if I may:

The revised Point Blank Shot seems to suggest that you have houseruled out the usual restriction of 1 AoO for movement, but I cannot see that directly stated. Am I missing something?
You mention "beastskin" a couple of times -what is that/where is it from?
What is the significance (if any) of the asterisk saying you can swap domains for Cold rather than just adding Cold to those lists?

2024-05-05, 02:13 PM
I've had DnD stuff on the backburner for a while so there haven't been any major updates to upload a new version for, just little editing bits. If/when I do I'll mention it in the sig and can send out PMs if anyone's interested.

(And here's the google drive link (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hsLuk88H_7FHi4PGkPyMvc93SLMM_-Dx?usp=sharing) for posterity, in case the sig is lost in the future for some reason).

I like your take on Briagandine Armor. I might want to borrow that if that's okay.

Also that document is rather large... you have made a lot of changes. I do have a query though; let's say someone tries to play a fighter/sorcerer/eldritch knight; is it assumed that they are using armor or no?

Level Drain is just a persistent negative level- I don't want to even chance a cycle of constantly falling behind so I'm removing the possibility. You will notice that this is from Pathfinder; yes I did.

In specific circumstances; ( I.E. weapon being hit with the Grease spell) ; a natural one on attack rolls will cause a DC 10 Dexterity check to avoid dropping your weapon (I will mention when it is relevant). In no other circumstances will it come up with any regularity.

I do allow rebuild requests; if a character isn't working the way you intended; talk to me (I will restrict rebuilding if you start rebuilding specifically to meet various encounters every session).

Track and Urban Tracking give their respective skills as permanent class skills.

All XP cost are multiplied by 5 and made into rare material components (you may have to quest in order find these).

Reroll 1's on hp; if you roll lower than half your potential max on even levels- you may reroll until you get a number above half.

I am doing a background skill variant; you may chose 3 skills to always be class skills; you gain (8+(2/level-1)) bonus skill points to spend on these three skills.

I do not have Favored Classes in my game.

Stabilization is a flat DC 10 Con check with a penalty equal to your negative hit point total

When your Intelligence modifier increases; you retroactively gain Skill points as if your score was always that amount.

I have the Catfolk writeup from Pathfinder 1st edition in my game; they have the Clever Cat Racial trait (which also applies to Gather Information).

I have locked certain classes behind Trainers; meaning that you must have met and had them teach you how to properly refine the techniques. This list is subject to change.

Master Specialist : 2-3 per Specialization (all unknown)
Abjurant Champion: 1 (unknown)

Rangers are proficient with Medium Armor and can wear it without losing any of their class features; They also gain improved evasion at level 16; and they can add their favored enemy bonus on attack rolls.

Marshal's Major Aura's bonus is now equal to the number of allies within 60' (Maximum bonus of one half of your Marshal Level; rounded down) or the normal Major Aura Bonus; whichever is higher.

True Strike is disallowed on permanent Rune stones and permanent Gem Stones.

Factotum is Banned.

1/2 caster's caster level is equal to Class Level minus three

The fighter alternate class features Elusive Attack; Counterattack; and Overpowering Attack are standard action attacks and not Full Round Attacks.

2024-05-05, 05:47 PM
I like your take on Briagandine Armor. I might want to borrow that if that's okay.
Of course, it wouldn't be out there if I didn't want people to use it. Though I would recommend using the rest of the armor table/section as well, since without the granularity putting brig at +3 would massively sell it short. Compared to standard dnd armor, Brigandine should basically be as good as "Breastplate", and indeed that's where it lies in Arms and Equipment guide. But standard medium armor sucks and caps at +5, and the whole system lacks the recognition that chest/torso armor can be worn alone, or with extra stuff on the arms and legs. I'm sort of hedging there already, letting the light breastplate have +4 over the brig's +3 (because a single piece is technically better than the brig's bands) even though the brig stipulates that it has a gambeson under it for arm/thigh coverage.

If all you want is to rename studded leather into brigandine, that works too, just remember that it's metal plate armor and the only reason "chain shirt" would have better AC is because the chain shirt must then be covering a lot more. I'd actually recommend using the brig as a replacement for standard chain shirt, with the shirt taking the old studded leather's stats. The only reason it's not basically that on my table is because I wanted the iconic breastplate with no accessories (which was plenty common), which has to be light, and has to be better than brig, and I cant' just delete chain shirt either. I believe at one point I actually had the light brig and breastplate equal in stats with the breastplate just being more expensive, but that didn't sit well with me either.

Fixing the 3.x armor table to make it both representative of a range of armors, across centuries of development, and make them all mechanically relevant, is always doomed to compromise somewhere.

Also that document is rather large... you have made a lot of changes. I do have a query though; let's say someone tries to play a fighter/sorcerer/eldritch knight; is it assumed that they are using armor or no?
They get to live in the grey area of the original ASF system. They have armor proficiency, so they can wear anything without attack penalties, but they don't have an Armored Mage ability. I would expect them to wear as much as they could offset the ASF of, which would generally be a +4 base light armor, with mithral and twilight, as well as a mithral targe or mithral twilight heavy shield (the kite shield is specifically out of range for 0% ASF, unless githcraft is allowed). You can go further stacking some armor templates and adjustments, which are on the tables, and I've placed the +6 base medium half-plate at 25% ASF, so mithral twilight feycraft is within range. Where exactly they would land on that spectrum would depend on how their gear is working out, which would depend on the game itself.

I will note that among the updates I've been pulling together (but haven't put out yet), I've settled on a ruling for Mage Armor/Shield: Mage Armor stays at +3, while I've decided that Shield acts like a Shield- a heavy shield giving +2 AC, which thus takes up your hand, though it's weightless and has no other penalties.

2024-05-05, 06:39 PM
Having read what's at the other end of that link, a couple of questions if I may:

The revised Point Blank Shot seems to suggest that you have houseruled out the usual restriction of 1 AoO for movement, but I cannot see that directly stated. Am I missing something?
You mention "beastskin" a couple of times -what is that/where is it from?
What is the significance (if any) of the asterisk saying you can swap domains for Cold rather than just adding Cold to those lists?

1. I don't know of that rule
2. I think its in complete adventurer
3. that's it, nothing else; you have to replace one of those domains with cold if you want cold

2024-05-05, 08:07 PM
1. I don't know of that rule

It's part of the Combat Reflexes feat.


When foes leave themselves open, you may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity equal to your Dexterity bonus. For example, a fighter with a Dexterity of 15 can make a total of three attacks of opportunity in 1 round—the one attack of opportunity any character is entitled to, plus two more because of his +2 Dexterity bonus. If four goblins move out of the character’s
threatened squares, he can make one attack of opportunity each against three of the four. You can still make only one attack of opportunity per opportunity.

With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.

The SRD leaves it out so some people don't realize it's there.

2024-05-05, 08:35 PM
1. I don't know of that rule

He's right. If you have a melee character with Combat Reflexes wielding a spiked chain (10 foot reach, all squares within reach), who gets enlarged (20 foot reach, all squares), an enemy who provoked an AoO from their first bit of movement is now free to dance all throughout the character's threatened area.

So your proposed change to PBS makes them able to take more than one AoO against the same enemy for the same move action, which melee characters do not get, even with Combat Reflexes.

2024-05-05, 09:30 PM
He's right. If you have a melee character with Combat Reflexes wielding a spiked chain (10 foot reach, all squares within reach), who gets enlarged (20 foot reach, all squares), an enemy who provoked an AoO from their first bit of movement is now free to dance all throughout the character's threatened area.

So your proposed change to PBS makes them able to take more than one AoO against the same enemy for the same move action, which melee characters do not get, even with Combat Reflexes.

I didn't know that, and I think it's stupid so I'm going to change the rule itself.

2024-05-05, 10:04 PM
I didn't know that, and I think it's stupid so I'm going to change the rule itself.

Well, this IS a thread about House Rules, so you do you.
For what it's worth, the intended benefit of Combat Reflexes by RAW is that a character can make AoOs against more than one creature that moves through their spaces. Also, note that it's one "per opportunity". So if there was a caster adjacent to that enlarged chain wielder I mentioned, he may back up 15 feet (provoking an AoO), but if he then casts a spell (without casting defensively), he provokes another AoO, even by RAW. Those are separate opportunities.

2024-05-06, 12:06 AM
I looked a bit more closely at some of Eladrinblade's and hey, a bunch of those are rather familiar. Also plenty I'm not interested in, and just skimming, but-

-you can be healed back up from -10* or lower, as long as it happens within a few minutes, but you will never do so naturally (however, a lost limb cannot be healed except with regeneration), you cannot stabilize until above that number, and fast healing stops working when you are below it
Another perfectly decent way to expand the death range. My first thought is 1 min/HD, and a note that healing resets the timer if needed.

armor table
Very nice and functional if you're willing to leave out lone breastplate. I have some disagreement with the scale mail- the big "upward stab ignores it" that makes it be rated lower in most discussions isn't necessarily true since the scales can be made to lock with those below them and prevent that (any more than you can just stab through mail), I suspect the main reason scale armors were mostly skipped is that level of scalework being even more annoying and they just went straight to bigger bands/plates instead. Except in Japan/etc where lamellar was made of little bits, notably without multidirectional interlocking scales.

But since you're also defining the setting rather than all possible armors, it makes sense to basically leave out the transition armors.

-Range increments past the first are halved, except against stationary targets
-Reach weapons are treated as one-handed weapons in regards to damage modifiers/offensive combat maneuvers
-You may use a reach weapon against adjacent enemies with a -2 penalty if there is at least 5ft of empty space on the other side of you from them, it is treated as a two-handed weapon while doing so (if held in both hands); you can change your grip on a weapon as a free action
. . .
-Animated shields and the bashing, dancing, keen, & merciful enhancements do not exist
. . .
-shortspears, spears, and longspears are considered the same weapon in terms of feats like weapon focus
-xbows can be fired in melee without provoking an AoO
-Reducing the effective direct fire range of projectile weapons seems plenty reasonable to me, though it cuts off later level ridiculous feats of heroism. A mass of archers can hit things when arcing out to maximum technical range, but that's not the range at which direct target fire was used.
-Nerfing reach weapons compared to 2-handed is also clever, forcing the choice between maximum damage and control/reach parity/etc. Gut response is that I want longspears and cool polearms to be good and if people are going to use 2-handed I'm rather them do something interesting rather than greatsword/axe (but not spiked chain :smallsigh:). Still, this does add more tradeoffs in damage vs defense vs reach vs monsters.
-I have my own rule for attacking inside your reach weapon's reach, no penalty but it's basically just a quarterstaff end- but if you're losing 2-hand damage it makes sense to at least keep your normal damage, and with this plus the one-handed damage status there's much less char-op push for the spiked chain.
-Ya know, if I want to get rid of the "shields are for bashing!" mentality, banning Bashing shields is a good idea. I should probably dump Merciful too since I hate prisoner problems, though I would expect its use more for NPCs than PCs.
-All spears as a focus/spec family is certainly one way to make them more attractive, or at least try.
-Hey, it's the gun rule! Yes, crossbows that are loaded and ready to fire are threatening and should not count as giving someone an AoO when you point them. It's the reloading that leaves you vulnerable.

-shield bash (bludgeoning) is a simple weapon, shield spikes are martial
Hmm. If I have haft strikes as simple I should probably have bashing as simple. Shield spikes I only leave in because tradition as all I ever hear is they never existed. . . so I should remove them.

Weapon Costs:
MW/enhancement bonuses/special materials costs for weapons differ:
-two-handed weapons stay the same
-one-handed weapons cost .75%
-light weapons cost .50%
-light throwing-only weapons cost .25%
I went through a whole trouble to make a Paired specific flat-cost property to help TWF without changing the weapon rules, but this does sound tempting. A bit of a discount for one-handers that can offset some shield cost, and 1/4 cost throwing weapons makes it easy to have 1-2 for emergencies while being a far cry from arrows (combine with my lethal shot/throw feats and four throwing weapons is enough for four rounds of big single throws). The problem comes up at higher values: early on the exponential bonuses mean that 1/2 price and +1 bonuses and such can all end up surprisingly close, but later on you get a +7 light for about the price of a +5 (2-handed in this system), or a +10 for the price of a +7. The difference between light and 2-hand is about 1d6, but eventually the available magic beats that out, but +10 is the max so the damage can swing back to 2-handed and one-handed weapons at 75% get weird (looks like they can afford about +1 more from +7 onward). It sounds like a potentially great idea, letting einhanders have more powerful magic or non-TWF rogues have more gadgets or just anyone have a better sidearm, but I'd have to see it in action. And most likely in action it would end up being fine, because the high levels where the costs diverge are the same levels where the table's dynamics start to eclipse base game mechanics.

Each +1 enhancement bonus on a magic weapon defeats 5 points of DR/magic (so +3 = DR 15/magic)
A fair compromise to the 3.0 but I'm fine with the new version.

Deflecting enhancement for shields, grants shield AC bonus to touch AC vs spells & spell-like abilities, is a +1 enhancement on its own and is included with the Reflecting enhancement
Is this published somewhere? Feels like it has to have been, though if it has I don't remember. Should probably add this to mine, though it does step on the toes of some feats.

(element) Burst weapons allow you to "throw" the elemental damage as a ranged-touch attack (20ft for light/40ft for one-handed/60ft for two-handed) instead of a melee attack, can't sneak attack/crit/no damage bonuses (except cha).
I feel like I commented on and/or suggested this at some point in the past. Not particularly gung-ho myself, would rather keep that sort of thing to Specific weapons.

I like specific potions. I'm not sure I like many of these, and I'd have to compare to the prices I've got set for similar things myself, but I definitely like the structure of the weaker effects with lower price and longer duration into the stronger ones with higher price and short duration. Four tiers of linked price+time is neat and tidy, and I might consider writing/modifying effects to fit into it.

As much as I hate the term "archetype," these are some nice low-key buffs to make Bards do things, though I would say the warrior goes a bit too far with full BAB and the mage rather needs a set of extra slots to cast their spells.

I like the notes on survival, swim, and tumble penalties, and mass-handling animals is a good point. Though I might have the mass handle apply to animals in order of choice or in order from closest to you with the penalty going up for each check after the first, so that some are more likely to obey than others rather than some just randomly listening and others not (it would also be appropriate to have a follow the leader trick if you're training packs of attack animals). Using Heal to mitigate the harsh 3.x level drain is a great idea, though I might fear this would make it a little too easy to power through (gotta keep some scary stuff in the arsenal).

-Quick Draw also lets you draw weapons without provoking an AoO
Drawing weapons already doesn't provoke AoOs- retrieving an item from a backback does though. See the tables for Actions in Combat here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm), drawing a weapon is on the Move action table halfway down.

-Continual Flame can only be cast on permanent fixtures
An interesting nerf (I have a higher level version that's meant to be stationary myself)- out of curiosity then, what is your expected lighting method?

2024-05-06, 01:34 AM
and a note that healing resets the timer if needed.
That's a good idea, but I still don't think I'd use it because they can never stabilize until above their threshold. I specifically left the time limit vague because I want to decide at the time if its too long or not and the players shouldnt know something like that anyway.

lone breastplate.
since the scales can be made to lock with those below them and prevent that
The armor names/"categories" aren't quite set in stone; if something would be basically equivalent you can have that instead. So like a breastplate + helm over a gambeson might be a "chain shirt", or maybe leatherplate or chainmail covering everything else would be the same as a brigandine-coat. I had to be sparse with explanations because the post runs right up against the word limit, but in general a heavier/more advanced armor incorporates the lighter/simpler armors. So like a brigandine-coat has chainmail or maybe leatherplate covering everything else (everything past leatherplate comes with a metal helm or helmet already). Platemail has chain to cover its gaps. A gambeson doesnt quite equal padded armor, but from chain-shirt up you probably have a gambeson under the armor.

Reducing the effective direct fire range of projectile weapons seems plenty reasonable to me, though it cuts off later level ridiculous feats of heroism. A mass of archers can hit things when arcing out to maximum technical range, but that's not the range at which direct target fire was used.
Indirect fire would count as a stationary target for me. The rule exists because I don't think the range penalties are enough. It's very easy to step out of the way of an incoming projectile past a certain point, and also it becomes impossible to predict where a target is going to be by the time the projectile gets to it if its moving erratically (like a bird flying in circles, but not perfect even circles). I almost removed the rule once or twice because of the added complication, but it just makes too much sense to me.

Ya know, if I want to get rid of the "shields are for bashing!" mentality, banning Bashing shields is a good idea.
I actually made shield-bashing an easier/better choice, but the bashing enhancement is just lazy and imo not even a good choice.

Shield spikes I only leave in because tradition as all I ever hear is they never existed. . .
Armor spikes too, but they're a fantasy staple imo so I'm keeping them. Now, armor spikes being used offensively but not defensively (harming those who grapple you) seems like a strange omission, but I haven't got around to homebrewing anything yet.

Is this published somewhere? (deflection)
I don't remember where I got the idea, but I did get it from somewhere.

I feel like I commented on and/or suggested this at some point in the past.
You probably did; I made a thread about it a year or two ago. Got the idea from the skyblivion videos where they show Goldbrand.

I like specific potions. I'm not sure I like many of these
I really liked baldurs gate 1 potions; I tried to replicate most of them (without being OP).

As much as I hate the term "archetype," these are some nice low-key buffs to make Bards do things, though I would say the warrior goes a bit too far with full BAB and the mage rather needs a set of extra slots to cast their spells.
Bard are advertised as a "step in and cover a role" class, but they're not. The idea here is you pick another role (besides what bard already does) and are good enough at it. A party with an adventurer rogue for instance can get by without a real rogue, in addition to having their "face"/"buffer"/whatever, or at least thats the idea. Warrior bards are probably going to stick with light armor and have to split up their stats too much to truly compete with a real fighter, so I don't worry about it. If a player thinks its too strong they are welcome to play one. The mage actually had bonus slots originally but people kept saying it was too good and I kinda agreed. Mage bard is the default/standard bard. I'm open to suggestions but I dont think they need much more.

Drawing weapons already doesn't provoke AoOs
That seems counterintuitive, but there it is.

An interesting nerf (I have a higher level version that's meant to be stationary myself)- out of curiosity then, what is your expected lighting method?
There's tons of choices. Lanterns (they have better reach than most sources), sunrods (the best, but expensive over time and kinda short-lived), the light spell (cheap and has a decent duration), enchanted glowing weapons (probably the standard past low levels), I've even homebrewed some new light spells (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?654835-New-Light-spells), but these are the kind you've have to find or make on your own rather than just pick as you level up.

I like the various options for lighting, such as one person using a hooded lantern for an aura of light around the party and another person using a bullseye to look down hallways or target things farther out, or leaving light sources in a specific spot while the party is somewhere else, or casting light on an arrow and firing it off into the distance; that kind of thing. I also like the players having to manage resources; continual flame is cheap and lazy imo, but I also don't mind dungeons or cities having some permanent magic light if they're willing to pay for it.

2024-05-06, 09:56 AM
1. I don't know of that rule

It's part of the Combat Reflexes feat.

I didn't know that, and I think it's stupid so I'm going to change the rule itself.Fair enough, like someone said, this is the thread for it!

FWIW, I am almost certain there is further text beyond what is in Combat Reflexes that specifies that any an all movement from a given creature on a given turn counts as one opportunity, although it is a bit vague on how exactly that works. My group plays it as "if an enemy leaves more than one of your threatened squares, you only get one AoO but you get to choose any of the squares they leave".

Of course, in practice it is almost always the first square since you rarely know at that point that they are going to give you another opportunity, but it feels more sensible. The only other options we could think of were mandating the first one or mandating the last one, neither of which made much sense.

12. I think its in complete adventurerSo it is. Weird how little fo that book I remember. I will try not to forget it next time I play a druid.

Now I've got the book out, I am almost certain there was something else I wanted to look up in it, but if so I have no idea what....

13. that's it, nothing else; you have to replace one of those domains with cold if you want coldFair enough. I guess the practical upshot is that Clerics of Abadar cannot take both Earth and Cold and Cleric of Gozreh cannot take both Air and Cold (and Clerics of Talos cannot take all three of Air, Water, and Cold although obviously that'll only matter if they get an extra Domain somehow).

BTW, I like the mix of (mostly?) FR, GH, and Golarion gods. Only one I cannot place is Zarus.

Drawing weapons already doesn't provoke AoOs- retrieving an item from a backback does though. See the tables for Actions in Combat here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm), drawing a weapon is on the Move action table halfway down.I knew there was something else I meant to mention....

2024-05-06, 12:15 PM
The SRD leaves it out so some people don't realize it's there.
The SRD has the rule under the AoO rules:

If you have the Combat Reflexes feat you can add your Dexterity modifier to the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round. This feat does not let you make more than one attack for a given opportunity, but if the same opponent provokes two attacks of opportunity from you, you could make two separate attacks of opportunity (since each one represents a different opportunity). Moving out of more than one square threatened by the same opponent in the same round doesn’t count as more than one opportunity for that opponent. All these attacks are at your full normal attack bonus.

2024-05-06, 12:28 PM
The SRD has the rule under the AoO rules:

There we go. Another rule people don't realize is that using the move action provokes AoOs. This is in addition to that of moving out of a threatened square. You can find this in the move action table (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#moveActions). Just one more reason spring attack is actually good.

2024-05-06, 01:17 PM
I came up with an overhaul of the Diplomacy skill meant to turn it into a means of conducting negotiations over an outcome while rewarding both outside research/legwork and higher skill checks, and trying to avoid absurd outcomes. Here is what I put together, with some examples of it in action:

The Diplomacy skill can be used as a full round action to convince a group to negotiate. The base DC is 40 for Hostile, 25 for Unfriendly, 10 for Indifferent, -5 for Friendly, and -20 for Helpful. The DC is increased by 10 if made on individuals currently fighting the party. Note that some individuals may refuse to negotiate on principle regardless of how high the check is. If the person using Diplomacy does not have a credible offer, any individual affected can make a Sense Motive check opposed by the negotiator’s Bluff check to immediately end the negotiations if it succeeds.

Diplomacy can be used to convince an individual or group to accept a deal. The check is modified by how favorable the deal is to the other party, and by external factors (such as the other parties’ attitude to you, cultural attitude, rushed negotiations, etc.) The level and Sense Motive modifier of the other party act as a scalar on the favorability modifier, but not the external factor modifier (so an insightful, high-level NPC is more likely to accept a favorable deal, but less likely to accept an unfavorable one.
The favorability modifiers are listed below. Note that, while the modifiers are determined purely by what the other party gets vs. what they give up, downsides include things like time spent implementing the deal, how other individuals might respond to the agreement being formed, and reputational damage from letting someone else gain a lot more from the deal than the NPC does. Ways that other individuals might respond also include consequences of refusing a deal: if an NPC is threatened with war if they refuse, that makes a deal more “favorable” by making the alternative worse.

Very Favorable (-45): This is an incredible bargain, and anyone would be overjoyed to have such an opportunity. Only an extreme personal animus could motivate someone to reject such a deal.
Favorable(-30): The benefits of this deal substantially outweigh the costs.
Slightly Favorable(-15): The benefits of this deal slightly outweigh the total investment needed.
Neutral(0): Factoring in implementation costs and external consequences, the benefits of this deal are roughly balanced with the downsides. Whether or not it is accepted will come down to other factors.
Slightly Unfavorable(+20): The downsides of this deal slightly outweigh the benefits. A favorable disposition or a persuasive argument will be needed to convince the other party to accept.
Unfavorable(+40): This is a bad deal that will leave the other party in a significantly worse position than they would otherwise be in. Only a very favorable predisposition or incredible persuasion can convince them to accept.
Very Unfavorable(+60): This deal would be regarded as disastrously bad by any impartial observer. It is nigh-impossible to convince any experienced negotiator to accept such a deal.
Unacceptable(No DC): If an offer goes against the other party’s core principles, no amount of persuasion can convince them to accept it. This only applies for absolute principles: if someone can be persuaded that the benefits could be used to counteract the downsides, then negotiation is still an option.

Favorability Multiplier: The DC adjustment for deal favorability is multiplied by (10 + HD + SMMod) / 20 in the final DC calculation, where HD is their total Hit Dice, and SMMod is their total Sense Motive modifier.

Altering Deal Favorability: The favorability modifier used to calculate DC is based on the factors that the NPC is aware of. If there is a factor that the NPC is not aware of that makes the deal better for them, it will not make the Diplomacy check any easier unless it is brought to their attention (and they are convinced it is true). It is also possible to engage in deception before or during the negotiation process to make a deal seem more favorable – of course, if the players are caught doing so, the other parties will react appropriately.

Awareness of Deal Favorablity: The players can be made aware of the favorability of an offer they’re considering based on what they know, or on what they think the NPC knows (if the NPC knows factors that the players don’t know they know, then the actual favorability of an offer might differ from what the PCs think). If the players disagree with your stated favorability rating, they can argue their case.

External Factors: The DC modifiers for external factors are ad-hoc, but one should bear in mind that minor considerations should have modifiers of 5 or less, major considerations should be around 10, and only massive, personality or culture-defining considerations should be over 20.

Final Calculation: The DC for persuading someone to accept a deal is:
10 + [(10 + HD + SMMod)/20] * FavorabilityMult + ExternalFactorsMod

Group Negotiation: Negotiation may be with more than one party. If one individual is the designated negotiator, than the other NPCs are limited to identifying deception or influencing the negotiator-perceived favorability of the deal (if the negotiator cares about their opinion). If multiple individuals must be convinced, then the same Diplomacy check is made for all of them, and is applied against separate DCs for each individual.

Handling Failure: If a Diplomacy check is unsuccessful, the same offer cannot be made again unless circumstances substantially change. If an offer is changed to be at least one step more favorable than the previous offer, the new offer can be made with a new Diplomacy check.

Efficient Implementation In Play: The caveat of more complex rule systems is that they can take longer to implement in play. One way to speed things up is to store the Favorability Multiplier for NPCs for quick reference (since it doesn’t change). The favorability of a deal and the external factors modifier are both based on ad-hoc DM judgements, but can generally be decided quickly for minor negotiations, and for major negotiations, consideration of the involved factors is part of the intended play experience.

Offering Future Coppers: Crazy Bill approaches Duke Feningston and offers him 6 copper coins to meet him two hours later. The Duke’s time is valuable, and agreeing with a mentally unstable man would greatly hurt his reputation, so the deal is Unfavorable. As a level 9 Aristocrat with 12 wisdom and 12 Sense Motive ranks (with +6 from feats and items), his Favorability Multiplier is 1.9. He also doesn’t like interacting with crazy people, adding another +12 to the DC. Thus, the total DC is 10 + 1.9 * 40 + 12 = 98. Crazy Bill rolls a 14 and adds 4, which falls far short of the DC.

Buying Mining Rights: The Brandt brothers discover a valuable diamond deposit on the Satrap’s land. Josiah Brandt offers the Satrap 5% of the proceeds in exchange for mining rights. Although the deal costs the Satrap nothing directly, giving them such a favorable deal would be an invitation for others to walk all over him, making the deal Unfavorable. With 12 levels and a Sense Motive modifier of 20, the Satrap has a favorability multiplier of 2.1. His dislike of greedy treasure seekers adds 5 to the DC. Thus, the total DC is 10 + 2.1 * 40 + 5 = 99. Josiah manages 46 on the Diplomacy check, which still falls far short.

Getting a Cookie from Granny: Little Timmy asks his Granny, a retired adventurer, for a cookie. Granny likes giving her grandson cookies, as long as he doesn’t eat too many, so the deal is Slightly Favorable. With 14 levels and a Sense Motive modifier of 5, Granny has a Favorability Multiplier of 1.45. She also likes her grandson, reducing the DC by 4. Thus, the total DC is 10 – 1.45 * 15 – 4 = -16. Timmy automatically succeeds.

Negotiating Trading Rights: The adventuring party has discovered that the local price of cinnamon is about to greatly spike, and negotiate with Lord Brock to take over the cinnamon trade from his family-owned vessels. Finding out that he has a weakness for fine wine, they procure a number of expensive vintages to offer. Since he is unaware of the price tip, they assess that he will find the deal Slightly Unfavorable, something they can get past with good negotiation skills. Unbeknownst to them, Brock’s wife, whom he loves, has been pushing him to ease up on the wine, so he actually finds the deal Unfavorable. Lord Brock’s favorability Multiplier is 2, and there are no significant external factors influencing his attitude, so the DC is 10 + 2 * 40 = 90. The negotiating PC manages a Diplomacy check of 66, which, due to the factor they were unaware of, still falls short.

Attempting Religious Conversion: Exarch Dranth, cleric of the evil god Balthion, offers Keeper Yvonne, cleric of the good goddess Sylmyra, one million gold pieces and a rich barony to convert to Balthion. Since Yvonne’s faith is part of her core goals in life, rather than just being an attitude, the deal offered would still be a major blow to the things she actually wants, and thus rates as Very Unfavorable. She also hates interacting with evil clerics, adding another +20 to the DC. With 16 levels and a Sense Motive modifier of 28, her Favorability Multiplier is 2.7. The total DC is thus 10 + 2.7 * 60 + 20 = 192. Dranth makes a check of 82, which, impressive though it is, still falls far short.

2024-05-06, 04:42 PM
Only one I cannot place is Zarus.

He's from complete divine I think; a LE human supremacist deity. I am using the name but only a vague inspiration from the rest.

2024-05-08, 01:27 PM
Dude, this is NOT a lot of changes. My houserule document is 38 pages long and still not finished, Fizban's is over 200 pages long. And the reason to make a lot of changes is that 3.5 has lots of stuff which is badly designed, PF is better but still has plenty.

It can make a big difference if the scores are extreme enough. I played in a game with a Rogue who was unlucky enough to roll really bad stats (I calculated it at about the bottom 1% level) and the DM wouldn't let him reroll, and he sucked. Really struggled to keep up with the rest of the party.

As for the multiple increases, one benefit of giving multiple increases which must be for different stats is that it helps out MAD classes compared to SAD classes; the worst offenders who need 4 or 5 stats high to really shine can find it really difficult to keep them all where they need them to be.

Having bad rolls can be resolved by using 32 points buy. I think 32 points is a good amount. It could be that in all my groups we tend to play rules light. Also a diference could be that in my games, the players even at high level don't expect to be super powerful. My level 18 fighter and my level 18 warlock are virtually unknown outside my party. Just regular "people".

2024-05-08, 02:18 PM
He's from complete divine I think; a LE human supremacist deity. I am using the name but only a vague inspiration from the rest.I did know there was a LE deity called Zarus (I can't remember if it was CDiv either and I cannot seem to find my copy to check), but the alignment and portfolio threw me off. Although TBF its not like the original Abadar is a LG god of mountains either.

2024-05-08, 03:39 PM
I did know there was a LE deity called Zarus (I can't remember if it was CDiv either and I cannot seem to find my copy to check), but the alignment and portfolio threw me off. Although TBF its not like the original Abadar is a LG god of mountains either.

Yeah, I changed some around a bit, or only used a name and the vague concept. Kord for instance is CN now and more like Tempus from forgotten realms. Cyric is basically marvel Loki. Talos is basically evil Poseidon, etc.

2024-05-08, 11:07 PM
At my tables, you get max hit points per hit die for determining your maximum hit points; if you level up in the middle of the dungeon, you add the die roll to your current hit point total (so the *die* still has some uses).

When I played 3.5, we ignored Favored Class as a ruleset. Now that we play Pathfinder, Favored Class bonuses are either specialized by race or the generic bonuses.

I have something called the 'open update policy' - that so long as you are using the most recent printed version of something - be it an ability, a class, a feat, weapon, etc., with Paizo/Dreamscarred Press taking precedent over 3.5 WotC sources. I'm also pretty lenient with third party material.

2024-05-14, 05:44 PM
It can make a big difference if the scores are extreme enough. I played in a game with a Rogue who was unlucky enough to roll really bad stats (I calculated it at about the bottom 1% level) and the DM wouldn't let him reroll, and he sucked. Really struggled to keep up with the rest of the party.

... Kinda odd the DM wouldn't let him RR cause the dude could solve that pretty easily by just being suicidal until he dies and bam new character because that one died. I don't think I'd ever force a player to play a character that's garbage. it's unfun for everyone unless you're a sadistic DM because they can't contribute equally to the other players and usually it makes combat balance wonkier than it already can get.

2024-05-14, 07:45 PM
... Kinda odd the DM wouldn't let him RR cause the dude could solve that pretty easily by just being suicidal until he dies and bam new character because that one died. I don't think I'd ever force a player to play a character that's garbage. it's unfun for everyone unless you're a sadistic DM because they can't contribute equally to the other players and usually it makes combat balance wonkier than it already can get.

It's really hard to be bad honestly. By default you're supposed to reroll when your modifiers add up to 0 or lower or if your highest score is 13. The lowest you can be using the rules in the PHB in your best stat is a +2 unmodified which is only 2 less than the best possible. On top of that, the chances of actually rolling bad AND not having to reroll is pretty low because rolling the average is a reroll. The worst roll you can have is a 14/10/10/10/10/8 with a +1 total modifier. Which tbh isn't that far from a point buy of 18/14/10/9/8/8 which has a total of +4. The most efficient point buy is a 14/14/14/14/9/8 with a +7. Your worst possible roll is +2 behind in two stats from the min/maxed point buy while being +1 ahead in one stat. In the efficient buy it's only +2 behind in 3 stats that aren't the important one while still having a +1 in at least one stat. While I can't actually comment on the commonality of rolling extremely high, I've only ever experienced or seen someone else experience a triple 15+ roll a handful of times where the other 3 scores don't cause a reroll. Most of the time I see rolls that are pretty close to a 25 point buy

2024-05-14, 09:32 PM
Building a character with rolled stats requires a slightly different approach than normal, especially if the rolling method isn't particularly reliable;

You have to start by rolling the stats and then build a character that can use the array you got.
If all stats are bad, go with something largely stay independent like warlock.
One usable stat, bump it up with a race pick and go with a SAD class.
A few +1's but nothing better, you might be able to try a MAD build.

You can't really show up with a ready build and hope you roll the right stats.

And dumping con is a better strategy than usual, since you don't really have the points to spare for the insurance con provides, and if you're character dies the next one will probably be better anyway.

2024-05-14, 09:35 PM
It's really hard to be bad honestly. By default you're supposed to reroll when your modifiers add up to 0 or lower or if your highest score is 13. The lowest you can be using the rules in the PHB in your best stat is a +2 unmodified which is only 2 less than the best possible. On top of that, the chances of actually rolling bad AND not having to reroll is pretty low because rolling the average is a reroll. The worst roll you can have is a 14/10/10/10/10/8 with a +1 total modifier. Which tbh isn't that far from a point buy of 18/14/10/9/8/8 which has a total of +4. The most efficient point buy is a 14/14/14/14/9/8 with a +7. Your worst possible roll is +2 behind in two stats from the min/maxed point buy while being +1 ahead in one stat. In the efficient buy it's only +2 behind in 3 stats that aren't the important one while still having a +1 in at least one stat. While I can't actually comment on the commonality of rolling extremely high, I've only ever experienced or seen someone else experience a triple 15+ roll a handful of times where the other 3 scores don't cause a reroll. Most of the time I see rolls that are pretty close to a 25 point buy

The only people I've heard play like that are on the internet, basically here. No other table I've played at does that. Below average characters are boring and the suggested total from the original comment would have to be raw 10s and less to be lower 1% from rolling stats not point buy. Which would be below a commoner in stat spread. As far as I'm concerned the guy with stats below a commoner that tried to adventure died immediately trash the rolled set go again. Get something usable. I let the players at the table I'm running actually have fun. I don't see a character with out stat modifiers as fun to even try to play.

I have people roll 3d6 and reroll 1s for stats. That way they get moderately good stats but usually nothing atrocious since the 1 is removed. I mean really the PCs are hero/villain the LEAD of your game/story. Stats alone don't define power but having them start the game as weak to the point of not even feeling like they're heroes? Nah.

2024-05-14, 09:44 PM
The only people I've heard play like that are on the internet, basically here. No other table I've played at does that. Below average characters are boring and the suggested total from the original comment would have to be raw 10s and less to be lower 1% from rolling stats not point buy. Which would be below a commoner in stat spread. As far as I'm concerned the guy with stats below a commoner that tried to adventure died immediately trash the rolled set go again. Get something usable. I let the players at the table I'm running actually have fun. I don't see a character with out stat modifiers as fun to even try to play.

I have people roll 3d6 and reroll 1s for stats. That way they get moderately good stats but usually nothing atrocious since the 1 is removed. I mean really the PCs are hero/villain the LEAD of your game/story. Stats alone don't define power but having them start the game as weak to the point of not even feeling like they're heroes? Nah.

So, something I do for 5E (which, for the most part, caps ability scores at 20 for PCs) for stat allocation is the following:

Ability Scores: Pick six numbers. These are your pre-racial stats. No number may be higher than 18 or less than 8. You may modify them freely up until the game starts, and may pick duplicate numbers.

It might not work as well in 3rd, where stats are unbounded, but it works well for 5E. Something to consider.

2024-05-14, 11:13 PM
If we're talking about point buy, I do Pathfinder 25 point buy for my campaigns. Random rolling makes it harder to plan on what your character is going to be if it's done 'old school' and all of the other variations just seem like unnecessary complication on what point buy offers - if I see one more 'roll 5d6, drop two lowest, but on a thursday, if the moon is full, spin counterclockwise three times and roll 4d6 drop one, but if Mercury is in retrograde-' that just doesn't want to admit they're overcomplicating character creation, I'm going to scream.

2024-05-14, 11:25 PM
In terms of creating base stats, I've found what worked for my table was 4d6 drop one, six times, and everyone gets a free 18 to add to that. Pick your six best numbers and place them how you want.

Tried the regular rolling rules, but seeing a lot of difference in stats didn't feel great for those with weak stats, and we had some power gamers want to keep rerolling stats because they didn't have an 18 or good enough rolls, and constantly rerolling wasn't fun.

Tried using point buy, but people didn't like point buy. "Too clinical, not organic, preferred the fun of rolling well in dice rolls" was the general consensus.

Getting the free 18 was what I found worked best for my table. Getting an 18 in a stat felt good, people weren't compelled to keep rolling, and people aren't particularly envious of other stats because even if you still had really ordinary rolls compared to someone else, you still had that 18 for yourself.

2024-05-15, 01:20 AM
In terms of creating base stats, I've found what worked for my table was 4d6 drop one, six times, and everyone gets a free 18 to add to that. Pick your six best numbers and place them how you want.

Tried the regular rolling rules, but seeing a lot of difference in stats didn't feel great for those with weak stats, and we had some power gamers want to keep rerolling stats because they didn't have an 18 or good enough rolls, and constantly rerolling wasn't fun.

Tried using point buy, but people didn't like point buy. "Too clinical, not organic, preferred the fun of rolling well in dice rolls" was the general consensus.

Getting the free 18 was what I found worked best for my table. Getting an 18 in a stat felt good, people weren't compelled to keep rolling, and people aren't particularly envious of other stats because even if you still had really ordinary rolls compared to someone else, you still had that 18 for yourself.

I'm glad I've a good group of people who don't feel the need to game dice rolls. 4d6 drop one is good enough for most games and lower stats gets players to maneuver and use tactics to overcome their weaknesses rather than trying to brute force encounters. The game has many avenues of increasing the odds in your favor that you can "discover" when you live in the 10-14 score range trying to make up for your "deficit". I find players are much less likely to correctly gauge the difficulty of an encounter when they have higher stats because stats can cover up a lot

2024-05-15, 01:46 AM
different methods I have used for character creation in games I ran:
A: Everyone gets free 18s.
B: roll 24d6, arrange so that you have attributes between 6 and 18 using all 24 before racial modifiers.
C: roll 2d6+6.
D: roll 4d6, reroll 1s, drop the low.
E: roll 5d6, drop the low 2.
F: 25 pathfinder point buy.
G: all stats start at 15, increase one by lowering another with a max of 18.
H: 32 3.5 point buy.

2024-05-15, 02:25 AM
I'm glad I've a good group of people who don't feel the need to game dice rolls. 4d6 drop one is good enough for most games and lower stats gets players to maneuver and use tactics to overcome their weaknesses rather than trying to brute force encounters. The game has many avenues of increasing the odds in your favor that you can "discover" when you live in the 10-14 score range trying to make up for your "deficit". I find players are much less likely to correctly gauge the difficulty of an encounter when they have higher stats because stats can cover up a lot

1) I'm the worst in my group for rerolling dice
2) The ability score array doesn't matter nearly as much as the behaviour of the people at the table, and no-one in my group plays in a way that takes the fun away from other players. I'm quite fine with the way they play.

2024-05-15, 02:38 AM
Some of the methods I've used in my own games are:

use an array to assign stats (e.g. 17, 15, 13, 11, 10, 9)

assign from array then add modifiers (e.g. subtract 1 from a stat then add 1 to a stat. do this up to 3 times; subtract 2 from a stat then add 1 to a stat. do this up to 2 times)

Pick one of several arrays and assign stats (e.g. 18, 13, 11, 9, 8, 8 OR 16, 15, 14, 11, 10, 9 OR 15, 14, 14, 14, 13, 12)

multiple arrays based on the tier of your build (e.g. anyone running a tier 1 build would probably get better stats rolling 3D6, anyone brave enough to run a tier 6 build probably doesn't have a single base stat less than 16)

point buy, all sorts of point values,

modified point buy (e.g. taking a stat from 16 to 17 costs 4 points not 3, taking a stat from 17 to 18 costs 6 points not 3)

point buy with different values depending on tier of build (see arrays based on tier above)