View Full Version : making Storm the Character with spheres of power, and Akasha Storm Veils ?

2024-04-23, 11:49 PM
So how would one make Storm the mutant?

with Spheres of Power and the Elderstorm Bloodline which gives you 5 to 10 different Stormbound Veils, but only 1 storm veil active at a time, but you can swap the veil as a swift action as part of reallocating essence


the Akashic Part here

the bloodline for sorcerers https://metzo.miraheze.org/wiki/Elderstorm_Bloodline_(Sorcerer)
list of the storm veils https://metzo.miraheze.org/wiki/Storm_Chakra_Slot

that is 4 dozens veils to choose from. Yet I will only be able to access 5 to 10 of them (based off Charisma Mod)
Will get a total of 7 free essence, 3 expanded capacity for the storm veil, 5 to 10 Storm Veils, the Chakra Bind, the ability to shift which storm veil, can use the robe of arcane heritage for faster advancement of the bloodline, and the +1 to +3 item for storm veils quarterstaff (Stormbinder's Crook, aka a shepherded staff)


For the spheres part it will be Inheritor Sorcerer 1 level (for the martial and casting tradition),
followed by 19 levels of Frostweaver-Inheritor.
The DM will be okay with making this archetype power Weather as its Specialization instead of Nature.
The 2 remaining Inheritor Spec points will go to the Sorcerer Bloodline so it is a 20 level advancement for Elderstorm Bloodline.

Thus 2 Casting Talents Tradition, 4 Martial Talents Tradition, and then 20 more Casting Talents, plus Feats
3 Weather Talents for Frostweaver, plus other FW benefits. Likely going to flavor Frostweaver as clouds and lightning (cloudspinner)

currently this is play as a theoretical concept, not for paper yet