View Full Version : 5e-Psionic Druid Subclass-Help

2024-04-24, 10:58 AM
Circle of the Divine Mind

While most Druids focus on the external natural world alone, Druids of the Divine Mind look inward for wisdom. The concept of the Divine Mind philosophy is that all of nature is one vast consciousness, and all living things are shards of that consciousness. With this understanding, even novice initiates can fracture their own consciousness and focus on multiple objectives at a time. Some do not even realize that this is one cohesive circle, because each practitioner can be greatly different in their approaches to mental mastery. Initiates are the staunchest defenders of nature, for they know that the natural world encompasses all life, even those that are fooled into thinking they are separate from nature.

-Circle Discipline: Once you gain access to the deeper mysteries of this circle you gain access to one of the following disciplines detailed below. Each discipline provides you with one type of damage resistance, one bonus cantrip, bonus spells, and the ability to convert the damage of any of your cantrips or spells into the type specified by the discipline that you choose. You may only ever gain access to one discipline.
Any cantrip that you gain is considered a Druid cantrip for you, and does not count against the number of cantrips that you know.
Any spell that you gain from your discipline need not be prepared ahead of time to use, and does not count against the number of spells that you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that does not appear on the Druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a Druid spell for you.

Resistance: Psychic
Conversion: Psychic
Cantrip: Guidance
Druid Level Spells
2nd Detect Magic, Identify
3rd Augury, Detect Thoughts
5th Clairvoyance, Tongues
7th Divination, Arcane Eye
9th Scrying, Contact Other Plane

Resistance: Psychic
Conversion: Psychic
Cantrip: Friends
Druid Level Spells
2nd Charm Person, Command
3rd Hold Person, Zone of Truth
5th Fear, Hypnotic Pattern
7th Charm Monster, Dominate Beast
9th Dominate Person, Hold Monster

Resistance: Fire
Conversion: Fire
Cantrip: Control Flames
Druid Level Spells
2nd Burning Hands, Hellish Rebuke
3rd Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray
5th Fireball, Melf’s Minute Meteors
7th Fire Shield, Wall of Fire
9th Flame Strike, Immolation

Resistance: Cold
Conversion: Cold
Cantrip: Shape Water
Druid Level Spells
2nd Frost Fingers, Ice Knife
3rd Rime’s Binding Ice, Snilloc’s Snowball Storm
5th Sleet Storm, Water Walk
7th Ice Storm, Control Water
9th Maelstrom, Control Winds

Resistance: Lightning
Conversion: Lightning
Cantrip: Thunderclap
Druid Level Spells
2nd Witch Bolt, Thunderwave
3rd Shatter, Dragon’s Breath*
5th Lightning Bolt, Thunder Step
7th Storm Sphere, Elemental Bane
9th Synaptic Static, Destructive Wave
*Lightning Damage

Resistance: Force
Conversion: Force
Cantrip: Mage Hand
Druid Level Spells
2nd Magic Missile, Shield
3rd Kinetic Jaunt, Levitate
5th Pulse Wave, Fly
7th Gravity Sinkhole, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere
9th Wall of Force, Telekinesis

Resistance: Necrotic
Conversion: Psychic
Cantrip: Spare the Dying
Druid Level Spells
2nd Cure Wounds, Healing Word
3rd Lesser Restoration, Gentle Repose
5th Mass Healing Word, Revivify
7th Aura of Life, Aura of Purity
9th Mass Cure Wounds, Greater Restoration

Resistance: Radiant
Conversion: Radiant
Cantrip: Light
Druid Level Spells
2nd Color Spray, Guiding Bolt
3rd Blur, Invisibility
5th Daylight, Blinding Smite
7th Guardian of Faith, Sickening Radiance
9th Dawn, Wall of Light

Resistance: Necrotic
Conversion: Necrotic
Cantrip: Chill Touch
Druid Level Spells
2nd Inflict Wounds, Ray of Sickness
3rd Darkness, Blindness/Deafness
5th Vampiric Touch, Animate Dead
7th Blight, Evard’s Black Tentacles
9th Antilife Shell, Contagion

-Ectoplasmic Shaping: Starting at 2nd level, you learn to manifest a semi-solid psychoactive force from the ethereal known as ectoplasm. As an action, you may expand one use of your Wild Shape feature to create an ectoplasmic copy of a beast that you would normally Wild Shape into, and invest into it a portion of your consciousness.
The ectoplasmic beast appears within 30ft of you, and appears to be made out of colorful, quickly crystallizing, energy. The creature is identical to it’s mundane counterpart with the exception that it is considered a construct, and all of it’s attacks deal Force damage.
You are telepathically linked with your construct, and may command it mentally without using an action. With this link you share all of it’s senses. The construct shares your initiative, but it takes it’s turn immediately after yours. It cannot act without your instruction.
This construct ceases to be if it is reduced to 0 hit points, you dismiss it early as a bonus action, it moves more than a number of miles from you equal to half your Druid level (rounded down), you are knocked unconscious, you are killed, or you use your Wild Shape feature to summon a new construct.
Your construct persists for a number of hours equal to half your Druid level (rounded down).

-Psicrystal Companion: At 2nd level, you learn the Find Familiar ritual spell. Casting the ritual in this manner extracts a portion of your psyche to form a construct known as a Psicrystal. This spell is considered a Druid spell for you, and does not count against the number of spells that you can prepare each day.

Tiny Construct, True Neutral
Armor Class: 13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points: 10 (3d4-1)
Speed: 0ft, Fly 30ft (Hover)
1 14 9 15 16 12
(-5) (+2) (-1) (+2) (+3) (+1)
Condition Immunities: Petrified, Poisoned, Prone
Resistances: Psychic, Force
Skills: Arcana +5, Nature +5
Senses: Passive Perception 13
Languages: Telepathy 120ft
Challenge: ——-
Magic Resistance: The Psicrystal has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Invisibility: The Psicrystal can become invisible until its concentration ends.

-Wild Telepathy: At 6th level, your deepening knowledge of the natural world’s collective consciousness allows you to project your thoughts into the environment. You can telepathically communicate to any creature capable of language within 60 feet.
Additionally, you may cast Speak with Animals and Speak with Plants a number of times per day equal to your Proficiency Bonus. When cast in this way your communication is telepathic in nature. This ability does not count against the number of spells that you can prepare each day, and you regain all uses of these spells when you finish a short or long rest.

-Divided Consciousness: At 10th level, you have become adept at partitioning your mind, with regards to your Psicrystal and Ectoplasmic Construct, and dividing your attention amongst multiple subjects. This ability to divide your focus grants you the ability to maintain concentration on two spells at a time, as opposed to just one. If you take damage while concentrating on two spells, you roll a Constitution saving throw for each spell separately.

-Enlightened Vision: At 14th level, your eyes are opened, and you begin to see the world for what it is free from allusion. You gain Truesight to a range of 120 feet. This ability manifests in some as a change in the appearance of one eye, both eyes, or the opening of a third eye in the forehead.

2024-05-23, 04:10 PM
I think Wild Telepathy would be nicer in lower levels. Spells like Speak with Animals and Speak with Plants are wildly fun and even though they can be very useful for information most of the times are a make your GM do funny voice and have table fun situation. Giving this for free is also incentivizing such situations to happen more often.

On the same vein Psicrystal Companion could be bumped up in power and given at higher levels. With Ectoplasmic Shaping the player already has 2 units to control in a turn. adding a third immediately, even a familiar one, can become overwhelming or slow down battle turns enough to be an issue with a lot of tables. But giving the 3rd Unit later also makes it feel like a nicer power bump.

Considering spells like summon fey can be available too, as a DM I wouldn't be opposed to a druid controlling a few beast-like entities that fight in a psionic vortex around them as they retain their concentration. That image is incredibly cool to me. I'd love to see more of this!