View Full Version : The Hunt for the Holy Grail IC

2024-04-29, 08:40 AM
Please refence this map

Link to OOC (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?666979-The-Hunt-for-the-Holy-Grail-OOC&p=26003307)

Brother Maynard and his band of devout followers gathered at the sacred stone monastery. The night was heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the rustle of leaves and distant howls. Brother Maynard, a man of unwavering faith and strength, addressed his companions with a grave tone.

"My brethren," he began, his voice carrying the weight of conviction, "we stand on the precipice of a great battle. The undead scourge that plagues these lands must be vanquished, lest it spread its darkness further."

His followers, a mix of holy warriors, mystics and priests, nodded solemnly, their faces set with determination. Among them was King Arthur, a skilled warrior with a fierce spirit, and Lancelot, a veteran whose blade had tasted the blood of many foes.

Brother Maynard outlined their plan, a daring assault on the undead. They would strike at daylight, using the element of surprise to their advantage. Their goal: to destroy the undead horde, with a weapon so powerful known only as the holy hand grenade.

Unbeknownst to Brother Maynard and his followers, the undead forces had sensed their intentions through dark sorcery, and had already set out to stop the church.

It is currently 5 am Brother Maynard and his followers plan to leave at daybreak 6 am you have only but an hour to succeed at your task to turn Brother Maynard and or destroy the living in the sacred stone monastery. The only problem you do not know which of them is Brother Maynard.

2024-05-03, 01:14 PM
As Tyrion and the others assembled some 250' from the main gate (M1 area) he looks to the others, "So far the best plan of attack I have heard is for the ghosts to remain somewhat hidden undergound as we assault the church head on. I do not know which one is Maynard but I believe that will become apparent during the battle. If you have any preparation to do beforehand I would do that now.

Psycho Ban
2024-05-03, 02:01 PM
Garg readies his hammer. Alright, I'm all prepared. My fellow dead, it's been an honor.

2024-05-03, 02:19 PM
The church bell tolls 5 times, the monastery starts to gain light through its windows

2024-05-03, 05:42 PM
"Does anyone have a way to draw them out?"

2024-05-03, 06:37 PM
Echoing out from the helmet tinly, the Black Knight points out, "If we just kill everything that oughta do the trick... right? Just point me in a direction chief."

Psycho Ban
2024-05-03, 08:32 PM
"My kinda fighter! Any way, me and Sir Anger over here could go in, scare'm a bit, and flush them out for all of you to" Garg swings his hammer "bring the hammer down!"

2024-05-04, 05:47 AM
"For some reason I feel if you go in you aren't coming out. I could summon a devil to wreak havoc on the outside to see if that drew them out."

Tyrion summons a Lemure (summon monster 2) and mentally tells it to go to the church and kill anything it finds.

2024-05-04, 02:57 PM
It had taken some doing to rouse Sir Anger from his usual midweek routine — roving the battlements of the local fort and dropping stones on the guards below — but the others had finally convinced him of the serious of the situation.

Now he stands with the others, coldly seething, as he watches the demon move toward the building. He raises his eyes, seeking to see if there was a similar perch on the upper floors of the church.

Stance: Crushing Weight of the Mountain

2024-05-05, 01:46 PM
Tyrion summons a Lemure (summon monster 2) and mentally tells it to [COLOR="#800000"]go to the church and kill anything it finds.

The Lemure (Devil) Follows its instructions and enters the temple at M1 and disappears from sight.
You feel the essence of the summoned creature fade from existence.

The Lemure (Devil) is dead.

you do not need to make any checks there is a loud call to arms being raised within the temple

2024-05-06, 06:43 PM
"Well then!" the Black Knight echoes out of the helmet "Let's get cracking!"

2024-05-07, 05:07 AM
”If they are just going to hide inside then burn it down around them.”

2024-05-11, 03:36 PM
Within the Monastery through the many small windows the lights are growing ever brighter. occasionally you can see movement pass by several windows. No one has ventured out the front door that you are aware of.

Dusk Raven
2024-05-13, 12:35 AM
Merideath rolls her eyes - an impressive feat given that the eyes are entirely illusory, part of the visage of a black-haired, petite young woman she chooses to put on. Perhaps unnecessarily so in this case, but a lady always finds time to look presentable. "Well, of course they're not going to come out like idiots, when they've got a perfectly defensible place to be. Never assume your foes are idiots until they make it obvious!" She turns her gaze to the monastery. "This is a simple puzzle, really - we must go to them. I can either teleport us or..." she glances at the ghosts. "Actually, I've never tried to teleport a ghost before... no matter, I have just the spell for this! Once the spell is cast, we must immediately advance to the front entrance before they can dispel the effect or recover from the effect!" She almost begins the spell, then coughs (very drily), and then says, "...But first, something to speed us up and help get there faster." She takes out her metamagic rod, though she doesn't use it this casting - she just wants it handy. Then, she casts a spell of Haste on the entire group.

"All right, now for the real show!" She begins the somatic components, and finishes the casting with a silly-sounding groan as the verbal component. It sounds far less silly when a wall that appears to be made of tortured souls comes into being in front of the monastery, making the same sounds. "Quickly now!" The casting done, she confidently strides towards the redoubt of her foes.

1st Turn:
Move action: Get out that Quicken Metamagic rod, and hold it in the same arm as my buckler.
Standard Action: Cast Haste on everyone. That'll last for a good 15 turns.

2nd Turn:
Standard Action: Cast Spiritwall, from the Spell Compendium.
In short: Everyone within 60 feet of the other side of the wall must make a Will save (DC 24) or be frightened and flee for 1d4 rounds. In the meantime, the wall is both cover and concealment for all physical attacks, and blocks line of effect for magic. If living creatures go through the wall, they will not have a good time.
I'm a little unclear on how the area of the spell works, since the wording is different from, say, Wall of Fire. It's a "Swirling wall whose area is up to one 10-ft. square/level, or a sphere or hemisphere with a radius of up to 1 ft./level." I'm taking the former option, and I don't know if it conjures a number of "panels" that I can arrange as I like, or not, but if so I'm going to block as much of the front of the monastery as I can.
It'll last for 15 minutes, though we hardly need it that long.

Move action: Move with the aid of my new 60 foot movement speed towards the entrance.

2024-05-13, 10:38 AM
The Black Knight surges as the power flows over him, and draws his greatsword, turning toward the closest entrance of the monastery.

"LEEROOOOOOYYYY JENKINS!!!" he calls out and charges toward the gateway, intending to smash his way through whatever is standing in the way.

Psycho Ban
2024-05-13, 04:58 PM
Garg has a look of pure joy cross his face as he realizes combat is brewing. "About time!" Garg charges alongside the Black Knight.

2024-05-14, 09:33 AM
as the party plans their approach, and spells are cast, they soon discover that someone or something has dispelled part of their active spells. as this occurs Garg & Black Knight decide to charge the temple moving at a speed of 80ft, (garg 20ft x4 as if running) they are now at 170ft from the temple entrance.

Black Knight with the Mask of True Seeing can now see a figure standing near the entrance to the temple it is a rather large and imposing figure wearing what looks like full plate armor complete with shield and a rather hefty looking sword 4x to large for the figure. The figure is looking directly at you and in the direction of the party.

2024-05-16, 03:11 PM
The Black Knight echoes out a metallic battlecry and charges straight for the figure he sees, leaping across the intervening ground and coming down upon the armored presumed enemy with full ferocity.

Use a Swift Action to activate Raging Mongoose for 2 additional attacks at highest attack bonus
Use Full Round Action for Pouncing Charge to make full attack
Make a Jump Check for Leap Attack [roll0]
Power Attack and use Shock Trooper to transfer penalty to hit to AC (-15 to AC)
+60 to all damage on attacks this turn (+15 x2 from PA w/ 2h weapon, +100% from Leap Attack)

Attack 1 [roll1] (confirm crit [roll2])
Damage 1 [roll3] (crit [roll4])
Attack 2 [roll5] (confirm crit [roll6])
Damage 2 [roll7] (crit [roll8])
Attack 3 [roll9] (confirm crit [roll10])
Damage 3 [roll11] (crit [roll12])
Attack 4 [roll13] (confirm crit [roll14])
Damage 4 [roll15] (crit [roll16])
Attack 5 [roll17] (confirm crit [roll18])
Damage 5 [roll19] (crit [roll20])

Also note that this weapon is Ghost Touch and Shadowstriking, meaning no miss chance for incorporeality and no damage reduction applied.

Dusk Raven
2024-05-16, 07:48 PM
Merideath is quite irked at the failure of one of her spells - should have just went straight for the Spiritwall! - but alas, dispelling and preventing her own spells from being dispelled was never her forte. She considers teleporting in, but her allies are no longer in cohesion, and gathering them together would be too difficult. Besides, she might need her teleportation spell for a quick escape. So, she just runs towards the entrance, hoping she doesn't actually get there ahead of her allies.

2024-05-18, 07:50 AM
as the two fearless companions charge towards the doorway.. seen is an ethereal man and just before they get to him a wave of Abyssal Blast covers the entire entrance just inside you hear several men cry out their last breath.

The ethereal man does not seem phased by the blast

2024-05-18, 07:59 AM
Tyrion chuckles as the death wails echo from inside the structure. He starts his approach towards the keep.

2024-05-18, 08:08 AM
Sir Anger glides silently alongside the Black Knight, his face contorted in a rictus. One ghostly arm thrusts out quickly and pulls back as he attempts to pull the gigantic sword from the armored man’s grasp.

”Are you him? he shouts. ”Answer us!”[/b]

Telekinetic Disarm attempt:
[roll0] (Includes deft maneuvers)

2024-05-18, 09:10 AM
The Ethereal man becomes physical as the attempt to disarm his greatsword fails. The large imposing figure of a man is now visible for the party to see.

He hefts up the mighty weapon from where it was resting point first in the ground with two hands. and is now preparing to use it against his attackers
as he utters the word


the would be charging men are assailed by a power.

Dusk Raven
2024-05-26, 09:10 PM
Merideath scowls a little, her illusory face managing to iminate the expression even though her real body is a little shorter on facial musculature than it once was. Regardless, she is a bit annoyed - abjuration magic was never her speciality. But that didn't mean there weren't things she could do to keep her magic from being countered. This time, she casts a simpler spell, targeting the foe she can see, and weakening their ability to evade attacks.

Move Action: move 30 feet forward.

Standard Action: Cast Curse of Impending Blades (from the Spell Compendium) at the visible figure with the large blade.
This spell gives them a -2 to their AC for... 15 minutes. There is no save, although spell resistance does apply. It can't be dispelled, although it can be removed with a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell. Why one would use some of these spells for that purpose, I don't know.

2024-06-03, 09:52 AM
Intent on the goal, the Black Knight runs straight toward the towering figure, showing no signs of slowing down, screaming wildly as he goes.

2024-06-03, 04:25 PM
The Party Moves within range of the tall man who is wielding a very large sword in two hands looking very defensive.

(Everyone is now 30ft away) Round 2 see ooc

2024-06-05, 05:59 AM
Tyrion will close the distance to attack next round.

2024-06-08, 09:47 AM
The Black Knight echoes out a metallic battlecry and charges straight for the figure he sees, leaping across the intervening ground and coming down upon the armored presumed enemy with full ferocity.

2024-06-09, 06:37 PM
Sir Anger drifts forward, brandishing a flail with a spiked ball as large as a human head. His mouth opens in a ghastly moan and his arms seem to dissolve into mist as the flail carries itself toward the guardian, the ball spinning faster until it crashes down at the figure.

Move forward 10 feet (to within 20)

Standard: Use Telekinetic Wielder to make single attack With +3 Ghost Touch Unholy Stunning Surge Heavy Flail.
The master of the unseen hand's base attack bonus on this attempt is equal to his caster level plus his Intelligence modifier (if a wizard) or Charisma modifier).

[roll0] Attack for [roll1] damage and [roll2] unholy damage

If Successful hit, Will Save DC 24 or Stunned for 1 round

Dusk Raven
2024-06-11, 02:53 AM
There is only one foe within view, and this disappoints Merideath. Still, she has her share of single-target spells. She's already used one of them, but that one just makes it easier to use this next one on the foe. She points at him, calling upon her Dread Necromancer knowledge, and fires a thin beam of black energy at him, aiming to drain his very life.

Standard Action: Cast Enervation on the giant with the blade.
Touch Attack Roll: [roll0]

On a hit, they gain [roll1] negative levels. No save, but spell resistance applies.
"Each negative level gives a creature a -1 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks, and effective level (for determining the power, duration, DC, and other details of spells or special abilities).
Additionally, a spellcaster loses one spell or spell slot from his or her highest available level."

Move Action: ...Don't really want to do anything, honestly, but move 10 feet back from the entrance.

2024-06-11, 07:48 AM
the mighty mountain of a man gets assaulted all at once overcoming most of his prepared defensive abilities.
After Merideath's attack the man no longer stand on his own two feet having fallen.

Merideath moves closer to the entrance now that the mighty man has fallen. The temple made entirely of a stone unknown to any of you. The entrance just wide enough to only allow a couple of you to enter side by side you now stand in M2.
(See map)

where do you want to go (Map Location please)