View Full Version : Healing Potion Cocktail - A new monster for D&D 3.5 [PEACH]

2024-05-01, 06:58 AM
Healing Potion Cocktail

Size/Type: Small Ooze (Incorporeal)
Hit Dice:10d10+80 (135 hp)
Initiative: -5
Speed: 5 ft. (1 square), fly 60 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 10 (+1 size, -5 Dex, +4 deflection), touch 10, flat-footed 10
Base Attack/Grapple:+7/+7
Attack: Incorporeal touch +3 melee touch (2d8)
Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +3 melee touch (2d8)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Healing potion absorption
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., explosion, ooze traits, positive adaptation, turn undead
Saves: Fort +11, Ref -2, Will -2
Abilities: Str —, Dex 1, Con 26, Int Ø, Wis 1, Cha 1
Skills: —
Feats: —
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: None.
Alignment: Always neutral

A healing potion cocktail comes to be when the content of a number of healing potions, a potion of fly, and a potion of magic weapon are abruptly mixed together. The mixture creates a barely sentient being that needs to feed on the life energy and souls of other beings or starve to death. The creature roams around fervently and is highly aggressive due to its thirst for energy. A healing potion cocktail dies unless it feeds on a living being (that is larger than small) each day. There are only two ways to end its ravenous killing spree: by sending it to the positive energy plane, where it will be satiated by its natural environment, or by killing it.

A healing potion cocktail is 'born' only under a very specific set of circumstances. So far, no sage has been able to figure out what these circumstances actually are. At any rate, virtually all the known cases have involved an adventurer carrying a large number of potions being crushed to death.

The name “cocktail” comes from an old legend, where a polyglot half-orc had the first known encounter with a healing potion cocktail. The panicked half-orc attempted to warn others, but his hurried speech was so confusingly multilingual that people only understood that a “cocktail” was about come and kill everyone. This name has been used in the literature ever since.

Explosion (Su): If a healing potion cocktail is reduced to 0 hit points, its body is instantaneously destroyed in an explosion of positive energy that deals 5d8+10 points of damage to everyone in a 40-foot radius burst (Fortitude save DC 23 half). The save DCs are Constitution-based.

Healing potion absorption (Su): Each character who has one or more healing potions in their possession and is within 20 ft. of the healing potion cocktail must attempt a reflex save DC 23 each round at the beginning of his turn. Failure means that a single randomly determined healing potion cracks open and the liquid immediately flies into the healing potion cocktail. This automatically heals the healing potion ooze as if it had consumed the potion. The save DCs are Constitution-based.

Turn Undead (Su): A healing potion cocktail is continuously surrounded by a 20-foot-radius area of positive energy. Within this area, it turns undead as a 5th-level cleric as a free action each round.

Positive Adaptation (Ex): A healing potion cocktail does not exceed their full normal hit points or need to make Fortitude saves due to being in a positive-dominant environment.

2024-05-01, 09:07 AM
Healing Potion Cocktail

Size/Type: Small Ooze (Outsider, Native)

Outsider's an odd subtype. Native too, on an Ooze.

Armor Class: 10 (+1 size, -5 Dex, +4 deflection), touch 10, flat-footed 10

Where's the deflection bonus coming from? The value itself appears kinda random as well.

Base Attack/Grapple:+7/+7
Attack: Incorporeal touch +7 melee (2d8)
Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +7 melee (2d8)

+8 to hit (size). Also, incorporeal? The thing isn't Incorporeal, so far as I can tell.

Challenge Rating: 9

Eh, it's a fun one, and has some rad stuff, but unless the party is mostly Undead, I'd see a case for decreasing that value.

by sending it to the positive energy plane, where it will be satiated by its natural environment

Good thinking there. (Does this mean it's immune to Explosive Fast Healing?)

A healing potion cocktail is 'born' only under a very specific set of circumstances. So far, no sage has been able to figure out what these circumstances actually are. At any rate, virtually all the known cases have involved an adventurer carrying a large number of potions being crushed to death.

Crack theory: there's soul chunks trapped in the thing. Not quite dead enough to pass on or become Deathless, these sad remains desperately try to reconstitute themselves using positive energy, but only do more harm in the process and never achieve true corporeal coherence.

The name “cocktail” comes from an old legend, where a polyglot half-orc had the first known encounter with a healing potion cocktail. The panicked half-orc attempted to warn others, but his hurried speech was so confusingly multilingual that people only understood that a “cocktail” was about come and kill everyone. This name has been used in the literature ever since.


Explosion (Su): If a healing potion cocktail is reduced to 0 hit points, its body is instantaneously destroyed in an explosion of positive energy that deals 5d8+10

What's the +10 based off of? HD?

points of damage to everyone in a 40-foot radius burst (Fortitude save DC 22 half). The save DCs are Constitution-based.

DC 23.

Healing potion absorption (Su): Each character who has one or more healing potions in their possession and is within 20 ft. of the healing potion cocktail must attempt a saving a reflex save DC 22

Also DC 23.

each round at the beginning of his turn. Failure means that a single randomly determined healing potion cracks open and the liquid immediately flies into the healing potion cocktail. This automatically heals the healing potion ooze as if it had consumed the potion.

This doesn't count against the whole "recommended number of creatures to kill for their life energy per day", then?

2024-05-01, 10:22 AM
Thank you very much, Metastachydium, for your great comments.

Outsider's an odd subtype. Native too, on an Ooze.

They are "at least partially composed of the essence (but not necessarily the material) of" the positive energy which is roughly as the same thing as being more or less comprised of the positive energy plane. They are also native to the prime material plane, since they are "born" there.
The whole idea behind this that they are supposed to be in the positive energy plane, but they aren't, which is a very lethal problem to sentient creatures near their habitat.

Where's the deflection bonus coming from? The value itself appears kinda random as well.

The deflection bonus is sort of like the "tough hide" of this creature. It represent the protection that the positive energy grants to the ooze. +4 is simply a number that is fairly high, but not very high, and this has to do with the CR.
According to the rules, the simmering positive energy is like a "magic effect that makes attacks veer off harmlessly." https://www.d20srd.org/srd/theBasics.htm#deflectionBonus
In short, it is simply its positive energy that can deflect attacks.

+8 to hit (size). Also, incorporeal? The thing isn't Incorporeal, so far as I can tell.

Thank you. I was sloppy.

Eh, it's a fun one, and has some rad stuff, but unless the party is mostly Undead, I'd see a case for decreasing that value.

The save DCs that are 23 are quite high, and lower level parties would lose their potions almost automatically, and the meat shields need some hp to withstand the explosion. I assume that 9th-level characters can make the save almost half of the time and that 9th-level meat shields can take the explosion without dropping to -10 hp.

Good thinking there. (Does this mean it's immune to Explosive Fast Healing?)

Yes, but it is not mentioned. It is implied (also see the outside type).

Crack theory: there's soul chunks trapped in the thing. Not quite dead enough to pass on or become Deathless, these sad remains desperately try to reconstitute themselves using positive energy, but only do more harm in the process and never achieve true corporeal coherence.

Ohhh, I like it!

What's the +10 based off of? HD?


DC 23.

Also DC 23.

Thank you. I was sloppy again, thrice in total.

This doesn't count against the whole "recommended number of creatures to kill for their life energy per day", then?

Correct. It is a voracious creature.

Morphic tide
2024-05-01, 01:58 PM
I think you're missing the "Augmented" subtype, and the damage type of Draining Touch is unspecified. Should also have something like Positive Adaptation from the Vivacious Creature template from Planar Handbook to not explode when sent to the Positive Energy Plane.

2024-05-02, 05:06 AM
I think you're missing the "Augmented" subtype, and the damage type of Draining Touch is unspecified. Should also have something like Positive Adaptation from the Vivacious Creature template from Planar Handbook to not explode when sent to the Positive Energy Plane.

Thank you. I read the description of the Augmented subtype and I'm afraid that I don't agree with you. I have changed the Draining Touch to Slam touch. Please compare: https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/ravid.htm However, I think that it could be "Slam" instead of "Slam touch".
Energons do not have any specific ability to survive in the positive energy plane. However, I have now added that feature to the Healing Potion Cocktail.

2024-05-02, 05:39 AM
I changed my mind and I decided to make it incorporeal. Now its attack it very poor, but I also lowered its CR.

2024-05-02, 06:29 AM
Healing Potion Cocktail
A healing potion cocktail comes to be when the content of a number of healing potions, a potion of fly, and a potion of magic weapon are abruptly mixed together. The mixture creates a barely sentient being that needs to feed on the life energy and souls of other beings or starve to death.
The concept is really cool. Looks like a weird living spell, but the whole potion and positive energy thing gives it much more personality.

damage reduction 5/evil
The link between positive energy and Good exists, but it is not tangible enough in my opinion to warrant DR /Evil. Even creatures who live on the PEP are generally neutral, and do not have that kind of DR. I think DR 5/- would be better.

Size/Type: Small Ooze (Outsider, Native)

They are "at least partially composed of the essence (but not necessarily the material) of" the positive energy which is roughly as the same thing as being more or less comprised of the positive energy plane. They are also native to the prime material plane, since they are "born" there.
The whole idea behind this that they are supposed to be in the positive energy plane, but they aren't, which is a very lethal problem to sentient creatures near their habitat.
I see what you're doing here, but Outsider is simply not a subtype in 3.x. In edge cases like this, the creature generally has one type, but the traits of the other (for example Construct with Plant traits, or Outsider with Construct traits like the modrons). In your case, your creature has both traits and features of an Ooze, and there is no reason for it to have a whole new subtype like "Outsider". And Native just means that an Outsider has a strong connection with the Material Plane and has to eat and sleep. Your Ooze cannot sleep, so the subtype does not make sense on it, and it could not be applied to it since its type is not "Outsider". A strong link with another plane is generally represented by the Extraplanar subtype so that it is sent back there with Dismissal (see the Void Ooze from Planar Handbook, it is an Ooze made from the material of the Negative Energy Plane). Though your Ooze is mainly composed of Material Plane stuff, I can see it being composed of enough Positive Energy to be Extraplanar of the PEP.

I think you're missing the "Augmented" subtype, and the damage type of Draining Touch is unspecified. Should also have something like Positive Adaptation from the Vivacious Creature template from Planar Handbook to not explode when sent to the Positive Energy Plane.
The Augmented subtype just means that it was once an Outsider that was changed into an Ooze. This is not the case, and is thus not a subtype that should be there. Also, this Ooze does not have Outsider features, which the Augmented subtype gives.

Fully agree on the Positive Adaptation. It is a good way to show it being very Positive-coded.

The deflection bonus is sort of like the "tough hide" of this creature. It represent the protection that the positive energy grants to the ooze. +4 is simply a number that is fairly high, but not very high, and this has to do with the CR.
According to the rules, the simmering positive energy is like a "magic effect that makes attacks veer off harmlessly." https://www.d20srd.org/srd/theBasics.htm#deflectionBonus
In short, it is simply its positive energy that can deflect attacks.
I think this deserves to be its own (Ex) special quality, with an entry to explicitate it.

The save DCs that are 23 are quite high, and lower level parties would lose their potions almost automatically, and the meat shields need some hp to withstand the explosion. I assume that 9th-level characters can make the save almost half of the time and that 9th-level meat shields can take the explosion without dropping to -10 hp.
5th-level meat shields can take those 32 points of damage with no problem. It is a strong death throes, but not strong enough to make it worth more than CR 6. And it has no other relevant ability. Few adventurers carry more than one or two potions. Plus, it is a stupid ooze, there are so many ways to not have to approach it.

Yes, but it is not mentioned. It is implied (also see the outside type).
That's not what the outsider type does, and it is an Ooze, not an Outsider. The way you wrote it, Outsider is a subtype, which it should not be. A creature can only ever have one single type (and any number of subtypes).

2024-05-02, 10:44 AM
The concept is really cool. Looks like a weird living spell, but the whole potion and positive energy thing gives it much more personality.

The link between positive energy and Good exists, but it is not tangible enough in my opinion to warrant DR /Evil. Even creatures who live on the PEP are generally neutral, and do not have that kind of DR. I think DR 5/- would be better.

I see what you're doing here, but Outsider is simply not a subtype in 3.x. In edge cases like this, the creature generally has one type, but the traits of the other (for example Construct with Plant traits, or Outsider with Construct traits like the modrons). In your case, your creature has both traits and features of an Ooze, and there is no reason for it to have a whole new subtype like "Outsider". And Native just means that an Outsider has a strong connection with the Material Plane and has to eat and sleep. Your Ooze cannot sleep, so the subtype does not make sense on it, and it could not be applied to it since its type is not "Outsider". A strong link with another plane is generally represented by the Extraplanar subtype so that it is sent back there with Dismissal (see the Void Ooze from Planar Handbook, it is an Ooze made from the material of the Negative Energy Plane). Though your Ooze is mainly composed of Material Plane stuff, I can see it being composed of enough Positive Energy to be Extraplanar of the PEP.

The Augmented subtype just means that it was once an Outsider that was changed into an Ooze. This is not the case, and is thus not a subtype that should be there. Also, this Ooze does not have Outsider features, which the Augmented subtype gives.

Fully agree on the Positive Adaptation. It is a good way to show it being very Positive-coded.

I think this deserves to be its own (Ex) special quality, with an entry to explicitate it.

5th-level meat shields can take those 32 points of damage with no problem. It is a strong death throes, but not strong enough to make it worth more than CR 6. And it has no other relevant ability. Few adventurers carry more than one or two potions. Plus, it is a stupid ooze, there are so many ways to not have to approach it.

That's not what the outsider type does, and it is an Ooze, not an Outsider. The way you wrote it, Outsider is a subtype, which it should not be. A creature can only ever have one single type (and any number of subtypes).

Thank you. You're right. I removed Outside and Native. It took me a while to get it.

2024-05-02, 01:15 PM
I changed my mind and I decided to make it incorporeal.

I'm not sure I love that, but it's a sensible call, especially insofar as it does help wave away the issue of no-source deflection to AC (I mean, it is Incorporeal for natural, the "assign a value and keep walking away" bonus). Still, don't forget that as a rule, Incorporeal creatures never have a STR score, which also affects the Grapple bonus. (Low-Dex incorporeality is a valid, if odd choice.)

Now its attack it very poor, but I also lowered its CR.

Some of its attacks don't rely on attack rolls (and those that do are of the touch sort which mitigates the issue on that front), and incorporeality basically supercharges defense, especially for something that doesn't have Undead vulnerabilities which offset that so often. Still, the CR of this thing always needed some lowering in my opiniuon, so I'm not gonna complain.

2024-05-02, 03:01 PM
I'm not sure I love that, but it's a sensible call, especially insofar as it does help wave away the issue of no-source deflection to AC (I mean, it is Incorporeal for natural, the "assign a value and keep walking away" bonus). Still, don't forget that as a rule, Incorporeal creatures never have a STR score, which also affects the Grapple bonus. (Low-Dex incorporeality is a valid, if odd choice.)

Some of its attacks don't rely on attack rolls (and those that do are of the touch sort which mitigates the issue on that front), and incorporeality basically supercharges defense, especially for something that doesn't have Undead vulnerabilities which offset that so often. Still, the CR of this thing always needed some lowering in my opiniuon, so I'm not gonna complain.

Thank you mentioning the STR score! Fixed.
I will consider the CR issue. At the moment, I would like to keep it at 8.