View Full Version : Recruiting Cataclysm of Kang [Marvels Multiverse RPG, seeking players]

2024-05-01, 02:53 PM
I recently got Cataclysm of Kang with the intent of playing with my kids, and thought this would be a great place to figure out the system properly as i've never played it, or ran it.

So, any playgrounders want to play a game of Marvels Multiverse RPG utilizing the Cataclysm of Kang campaign book?

We can figure out the system together, though it's pretty dang simple.

PC creation is pretty simple:
Power Level 1

2024-05-01, 09:12 PM
I used to be pretty big into superhero stories, especially Marvel. Not so much anymore. And I'm not familiar at all with this system.

Still... I tentatively would like to voice my interest?

2024-05-01, 09:27 PM
This is the newest Marvel RPG, yeah? I'd love to do a symbiote-based character.

2024-05-01, 10:04 PM
I could potentially be interested, assuming that I'm allowed to make my own character. For some reason most superhero games lately insist on pre-gens.

2024-05-01, 11:17 PM
I used to be pretty big into superhero stories, especially Marvel. Not so much anymore. And I'm not familiar at all with this system.

Still... I tentatively would like to voice my interest?
Sounds good!

This is the newest Marvel RPG, yeah? I'd love to do a symbiote-based character.
Yep! Sounds awesome! I love Agent venom!

I could potentially be interested, assuming that I'm allowed to make my own character. For some reason most superhero games lately insist on pre-gens.
Absolutely, it was your comment in another thread that gave me the idea for this game

2024-05-01, 11:20 PM
Absolutely, it was your comment in another thread that gave me the idea for this game

Oh no! Now I'm worried that I won't live up to my own hype. =P

2024-05-02, 06:08 AM
I’m interested I have a lot of ideas

2024-05-02, 09:40 AM
I'd be up to play, probably a mutant.

2024-05-02, 09:57 AM
In theory I am thinking of playing a cyborg cat-transgirl surgeon with four robotic arms. I have a lot of character concepts I would like to play but I'm not sure how many of them make sense at power level one which, as best as I can tell, is just barely a notch up from a civilian.

2024-05-02, 12:25 PM
I had been led to think this system was almost geared more towards playing established Marvel characters. And ordinarily I'd be more into making my own character, I kind of got sold on the idea of playing some of my favorites. Like the Black Knight or one of the Thunderbolts.

2024-05-04, 07:07 AM
I'm interested, I've been wanting to give this system a try.

2024-05-07, 08:46 AM
Would it be inappropriate to request a status update?

2024-05-07, 09:20 AM
still waiting for everyone to make their characters.

2024-05-07, 10:03 AM
still waiting for everyone to make their characters.

Whoa, what? You haven't even said which players you've accepted into the game yet.

Are there any character creation guidelines beyond "level one?" Where should we discuss the game; is there a thread, Discord server, etc.? How do we know if we got picked or not? Should we put in a formal application, and if so what are you looking for in such a submission? I am very confused!

2024-05-07, 10:15 AM
Superhero Name: Baron
Name: Etienne Lacroix
Origin: Inhuman
Rank: 1
Tags: Heroic, Inhuman Gene, Black Market Access
Occupation: Adventurer
Traits: Fearless, Connections: Superheroes (The Inhumans), Surprising Power (Shape Shift, ignore rank requirement)

Melee 1 (Defense 11)
Agility 0 (Defense 10)
Resilience 2 (Defense 12)
Vigilance 1 (Defense 11)
Ego 1 (Defense 11)
Logic 0 (Defense 10)

Health: 60 (Health Damage Reduction 1 from Sturdy)
Focus: 30
Damage Multipliers: 2 in Melee and 1 in all others.


-Shape Shift
-Sturdy 1
-Mighty 1


Etienne Delacroix was born and raised in the French Quarters of New Orleans, living in the rich environment of mysticism, music and traditions. As a bright kid in New Orleans, Etienne spent a good amount of time getting into troubles and watching too many Indiana Jones movies thinking of action and adventures. When the Assassin Guild was running an operation in New Orleans vs X-Force, they were willing to use all kinds of weapons to take down X-Force. It is during that time, that Etienne ended up being on the scene, when an explosion took him out. This explosion was made with some terrigen mist, which triggered his inhuman genes and revealed his powers. He was able to survive and discover that he could change shape and take difference appearances.

It didn't take long after the incident to get in contact with the Inhumans who welcome him to their world, still for now Etienne prefers to live in the human world and doesn't know, if he will go live with the other inhumans later in life.

Note: Kept it simple, since we start at Rank 1 which from my understanding its basically close to origin stories. While I don't know the overall plot of Cataclysm of Kang for people who are worried, I know at least, there are basically a lot of ranking up between each chapter, so yeah we start low but pretty much by the end, we are on par with the some of the strongest characters in marvel.

2024-05-07, 10:44 AM
Whoa, what? You haven't even said which players you've accepted into the game yet.

Are there any character creation guidelines beyond "level one?" Where should we discuss the game; is there a thread, Discord server, etc.? How do we know if we got picked or not? Should we put in a formal application, and if so what are you looking for in such a submission? I am very confused!

right here is perfectly fine, just like every other game in recruitment I've seen on these boards, players usually create characters and then are chosen. I do have a discord server, link is in my sig. feel free to jump on and ask questions there as well.

Anything level 1 is good for me, watermargin's character is a great example (though i have yet to review it)

2024-05-07, 11:00 AM
I'm new here, so I don't know the standard procedure! ^^; Let me know how this looks.

Height: 5' 5" (165 cm)
Weight: 145 lb. (66 kg)
Gender: Transfemme
Eyes: Usually Blue
Hair: Usually Blue

Rank: 1
Origin: High Tech (cybernetics)
Occupation: Health Care Worker

Health: 10
Focus: 30

Abilities (5/5)
- Melee 0
- Agility 0
- Resilience 0
- Vigilance 1
- Ego 1
- Logic 3

Tags (unlimited)
- Black Market Access
- Extreme Appearance (origin)
- Headquarters
- Lab Access
- Streetwise

Traits (1/1)
- Clinician (occupation)
- Connections: criminal
- First Aid (occupation)
- Tech Reliance (origin)

Powers [4/4]
- Additional Limbs
- Disguise
- Flexible Fingers
- Heightened Senses

Power Wishlist
- Brilliance
- Invisibility
- Machine Telepathy
- Wallcrawling

Katey is an eccentric, bombastic weirdo whose unusual appearance provokes double-takes in nearly all situations. She is of approximately average height and weight, five feet five inches tall and about a hundred and forty pounds, but in virtually all other aspects she veers wildly from the norm. When presenting as "herself" she has softly-glowing sky-blue hair arranged in a pair of giant curly ponytails, matching eyes, and slightly-reflective snow-white skin decorated all over with glowing Japanese-style tattoos that she changes depending on her mood. She has a secondary pair of cat-like ears atop her head with a matching prehensile tail. Most notably of all, she has four hydraulic spider-like metal limbs with replaceable tool heads attached to a control unit just above her hips and connected directly to her spine. The tool limbs and much of the control unit can be removed and her prosthetic hair, skin, and inflatable subdermal pockets allow her to change her appearance on a whim, allowing her to disguise or "enhance" herself in a matter of moments. She typically wears a sleeveless PVC French maid outfit with neon glow-piping and, oddly, an antique mechanical watch with a red leather strap.

Despite her bizarre appearance, Katey is highly intelligent and a consummate professional who knows how to move unnoticed when it really matters. She is most well-known in the underworld for her peerless medical skills and her ability to design bespoke prosthetic replacements and enhancements decades more advanced than anything legally available. She willingly treats both villains and heroes, and her place of business is considered neutral ground where anyone can go to receive surgery with no records or questions asked. She is even prone to bouts of minor heroism herself whenever things start getting a little too dangerous in her neighborhood.

What is less well known is that Katey is a Cyber Raver -- a gang of underground hackivists, tech thieves, and corporate terrorists who operate out of a cyberpunk-themed nightclub set up in the city's abandoned subway system. Although only rarely a direct participant in the organization's anti-corporate activities, much of the money she makes as a street surgeon goes towards supporting them and she frequently hangs out at the AI Core to dance, consume fruity cocktails, and shoot the breeze with her fellow antiestablishmentarians.

2024-05-12, 09:27 PM
Hope this looks good

Superhero Name: Traveler
Name: Samuel Wagner
Origin: mutant
Height: 5’ 9
Weight: 195 lbs
Gender: Cis Male
Hair: blue
Eyes: Yellow
Skin: pink fur
Rank: 1
Tags: Hounded, Krakoan, X-Gene, extreme appearance, heroic, linguist: German, Latin, Japanese, Public Identity
Occupation: Adventurer
Traits: Connections: Outsiders, fresh eyes, stranger, surprising power

Melee 0 (Defense 12)
Agility 2 (Defense 12)
Resilience 1 (Defense 11)
Vigilance 1 (Defense 11)
Ego 1 (Defense 11)
Logic 0 (Defense 10)

Health: 30
Focus: 30
Damage Multipliers: 1
Initiative Mod: 1
Size/ average
Speed: 5
Karma: 1

Teleport 1


Samuel is form a dark future where most of earths heroes died when Thanatos won. He grew up with his parents ina underground mutant community. He wants to be a great hero like his dad nightcrawler and his mom Blink who has saved many demensions. Unfortunately one time just a few weeks ago he sneezed when teleporting and he ended up on earth 616. using his powers since he is trying to fine his place in this world and try to meet his “father”

2024-05-13, 12:51 AM
Alright, finally settled on something. Decided to go with my Thunderbolt instincts - picked a D-List supercrook, make this be the story of their heroic redemption. So I'm going with this dork. :smalltongue:

https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/c/c3/Donald_Gill_%28Earth-8096%29_from_Avengers_Earth%27s_Mightiest_Heroes_% 28animated_series%29_Season_1_12.png/revision/latest?cb=20200118183216

Real Name: Donald "Donnie" Gill
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 170 lbs
Gender: Cis Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: White

Origin: High Tech
Rank: 1
Tags: Black Market Access, Convict, Hunted, Streetwise
Occupation: Criminal
Traits: Connections: Criminal, Surprising Power: Elemental Prison, Tech Reliance

Melee 0 (Defense 10)
Agility 2 (Defense 12)
Resilience 1 (Defense 11)
Vigilance 0 (Defense 10)
Ego 2 (Defense 12)
Logic 0 (Defense 10)

Health: 30
Focus: 30
Damage Multipliers: 2 in Agility and Ego, 1 in Melee and Logic


- Elemental Burst (Ice)
- Elemental Prison (Ice)
- Environmental Protection (Intense cold)
- Weather Chill


Donald Gill was a small-time crook working under the villainous entrepereneur Justin Hammer. Known in the criminal underworld for supplying his "employees" with advanced and experimental technology to carry out their assignments, Hammer bequeathed unto Donald a cryogenic suit once belonging to a former hired hand. With it he adopted the identity of Blizzard and proceeded to carry out whatever felonious tasks his employer demanded of him, working alongside other super-powered criminals like Blacklash and the Beetle. It wasn't long however before Donnie's prospective new job as a corporate agent came to an abrupt stop thanks to the interference of Iron Man.

Though it was just the start of Blizzard's criminal career; time and again he would manage to escape custody, only to fall in with a veritable rogues' gallery of supervillains, including the Masters of Evil. Inevitably his paths would once again cross the likes of his foe Iron Man, even doing battle with many of the armored Avenger's compatriots among Earth's mightiest heroes. And invariably these skirmishes would often result in his defeat, subsequent capture, and eventual escapes, only to repeat the process all over again.

Though this has not always been the case. Despite evidence to the contrary, Donald has made just as many tries to walk the straight and narrow. He's come under the brief mentorship of his adversary as Tony Stark once in the past, and even for time tried at playing hero with the Thunderbolts. However, every attempt seemed to meet with sudden failure, and the "heroic" Blizzard would revert back to his criminal ways.

Despite this, Donnie is far from being as cold-hearted as he might tell himself otherwise. Perhaps there is still a spark of goodness beneath his icy exterior? Still-burning embers of a noble spirit in need of rekindling to warm his heart and melt away the frostbitten winter that is his sordid past?

2024-05-16, 01:40 PM
Ok, i'll be looking at sheets by the end of this week, and selecting players, though, with the current count, we should be able to take everyone.

2024-05-28, 11:06 AM
who's still interested in this game?

2024-05-28, 11:23 AM
Bumping to voice my interest still.

2024-05-29, 02:58 PM
ok, heres the OOC: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?668020-Cataclysm-of-Kang-OOC

2024-05-30, 08:48 AM
If it's not too late, I'd like to maybe come along.

Hero Name: Quake
Real Name: TX-9917

Description: Quake is a mutated rhinoceros, standing 8 feet tall and broad enough to have difficulty getting through doors. His body is heavily armoured and his arms are long enough to reach almost to the ground.

Origin: Monstrous
Rank: 1
Tags: Large, Monstrous, Serene
Occupation: Outsider
Traits: Monster, Connections: Outsiders, Fresh Eyes, Stranger, Big (-1 Melee and Agility Defense, +1 Speed, +1 Reach)

Melee 4 (Defense 13, Damage x2)
Agility 0 (Defense 13)
Resilience 4 (Defense 14)
Vigilance 1 (Defense 11)
Ego -2 (Defense 8)
Logic -2 (Defense 8)

*Use Melee Defense for Agility

Health: 120
Focus: 30
Speed: 6

Banging Heads
Mighty 1
Sturdy 1

It's not very clear what the original experiment was. Something to do with time travel, it seems, but why that required a rhinoceros is a mystery, and why trying to send a rhino through time should morph it into a giant bipedal monstrosity anyone's guess.

But it did.

Sentience came hard to TX-9917 and his rage and fury and outbursts proved resistant to all forms of control. Drugs, electrical shocks, physical restraints, deprivation and reward, none of it stopped him from destroying prison after prison.

Eventually, it was philosophy that tamed the savage beast. A junior lab tech discovered that TX-9917 understood speed and had the capacity for empathy, and started teaching him metaphysics, aesthetics, logic and ethics.

The corporation went bankrupt (mostly due to the cost of housing and imprisoning TX-9917) and tried to burn the lab and destroy all of its samples and specimens. But he escaped out into the world. Taking the name Quake, he tries to take his knowledge of justice and virtue out into the messy world.

2024-05-30, 09:46 AM
Sure thing, anyone is welcome!