View Full Version : (open) Heavens Above - Submission Thread (5e subclass contest)

Just to Browse
2024-05-05, 04:46 PM
Welcome to the 5e Subclass Contest 42!

Congratulations to the winner of our last contest, Vogie with the The Serial Arsonist Rogue (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25980230&postcount=9)!

Our voted theme for this next contest is...

Heavens Above: Look far above to read omens, see celestials, or just move straight up.

The subclass you homebrew should fit the theme. You can interpret the theme as broadly as you like without risk of disqualification, but doing so may reduce your chances of earning votes during the voting period.
You may only create one subclass. If you create more than one subclass then you must choose which one to enter and remove all the others from this thread and the contest (making them invalid). If you do not specify which one you favor by the time voting begins, all of your content is invalid.
When you submit your subclass you must create a post on this thread which either has the content or holds a link to it. You may also optionally create one other individual thread for your class on the homebrew design sub-forum. If it is found that you have revealed your class on another site or on another thread than one on the homebrew design sub-forum, your entry will be considered invalid. If you do make a specific thread for your class, please mention its involvement to the competition in that thread. If you use external formatting resources such as Homebrewery, or GMBinder it is recommended that you also create a PDF of the content and share it here.
You may use other homebrew content (such as feats, spells, magical items, monsters, and base class) or even features to supplement your subclass, provided you have permission from the original creator and provide links to the source. Failure to receive permission from the original creation will disqualify you from entry in the current contest.
Your subclass must have fully completed mechanics and descriptions for it to be valid. Entries are due by 11:59 PM Central Time on the deadline. Any submissions after this point are invalid. No changes can be made to your class while voting is taking place. Failure to comply with the previous rule will result in disqualification.
Any content which has been declared invalid by the rules above cannot be voted for, but you may decide to remove it from the contest and create another subclass instead. If you are disqualified then you are not allowed to enter any more homebrew for this competition, though you may still vote and later enter the next competition.
Please note that misunderstandings occur, if you break a rule which results in disqualification it might be excused if you can convince the group that it was a result of confusion over the rules.
As a brewer, you may include non-homebrew content alongside your submission, like design rationales or the math you used to determine certain features. However, please keep this extraneous content separate from the main content, such as in a spoiler or a separate post. Reviewers aren't obligated to read these notes before voting.

Contests stay up for 6 weeks unless an extension is requested by participants. Voting threads then go up for 2 weeks before the next contest begins.

Subclass Contest Discussion Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?622798-D-amp-D-Subclass-Contest-Chat-Thread-2-Joke-Entries-Win-with-Alarming-Frequency)

Deadline: June 9th will be the deadline for this contest. The voting thread will open the following day and stay open for 2 weeks.

2024-05-06, 07:12 PM

Not sure where to go with this, but a provisional placeholder for the Skystreak Acrobat, fighter subclass.

Lets add in the scaffolding as I build this thing.

A fighter subclass with exeptional mobility and the ability to use that to its advantage.

OK, so the big issue here is avoiding stepping on the toes of the monk and to a cetain extent rogue. Mobile martial with dexterity focus is pretty close so ALL the other features need to set it appart.

Monk has wisdom as a secondary stat - this will be purely physical
Monk has some defensive features: evasion, buffs to saves, deflect arrows and of course unarmoured defence. This will be a bit less multi-layered in defence
Monk suffers for damage due to not working with the weapons that get the best feat support - this will therefore get some damage boosts naturally by being a fighter but will need to offer something a bit extra
Monk has stunning strike, one of the best control abilities on a martial - I can't totally forgo control or the won't be anything left to the class, but I can make it spread a little more thinly.

If an issue is sailing through the air, how does tis stand out against a caster that can cast fly?

The Skystreak acrobat is often associated with elemental cults of Air, and simply for those with a love of the open sky. It is a path of joy, of freedom and unadulterated delight in soaring through the heavens.

Physical Prowess
At level 3 the skysreak acrobat becomes adept at making powerful and eleant jumps with exraordinary physical control. Whenever they would take a strength (athletics) check other than to make a grapple they may instead make a dexterity (acrobatics) check instead. In additon dexterity not strength is used to determine their maximum jump distance. Their movement speed and jump distances increase by 5ft whilst not wearing medium or heavy armor. These increase by a futher 5ft at levels 7, 10 and 15.

Also at level 3 the Acrobat learns the secrets of incorporating their great leaps and vaults into their combat style. When taking the attack action an acrobat may replace an attack with a leap of up to their normal jumping distance. This leap does not use any of their movement allowance and does not trigger an attack of opportunity. If this leap is of greater than 10ft and if it ends next to a hostile creature you may attept to knock it off balance as if you had shoved that creature.

Stick the Landing
Your focus on acrobatics pays off with . At level 3 whenever the acrobat makes an ability check modified by proficiency in acrobatics they may add double their proficiency bonus to the roll instead. As a reaction, whenever you would take falling damage you may reduce the number of dice rolled by an amount equal to half your number of levels in this class rounded up.

So this is... not complicated, but coming under a lot of headings.

There are a few things I want to establish here.
1) flavor. You are an acrobat. Expertise in acrobatics seems a must. Likewise the ability to fall better than other characters.
2) An action or a choice. Something active to do. I fault the champion for being uninspiringly passive at this level. Vault gives a bit of extra mobility to close the distance on turns you are out of reach.
3) Setting the role as a mobile fighter. Some boost to movement speed helps show this.

Despite coming under 3 headings I don't think its as cognitively demanding as a rune knght, batte master or eldritch knight with the choices to make. I think at this level the overall power is OK as a lot of the benefits are niche and somewhat in for flavor.

I think Vault is of note being on a fighter chassis. Giving up one attack to get advantage on the others is generally not a great trade but fighter in tier 3 gets 3 attacks and it starts to look a lot better. Add in action surge and it looks better still. Of course its a small upgrade as you can, by default, still sacrifice an attack to shove an enemy and it just adds some extra mobility at this level.

At level 7 you are lifeted aloft by the air itself. You may expend a use of your Second Wind ability to gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for one minute. You may not use this ability if wearing meadium or heavy armor.

Reflexive Grace
Your shoves and kicks lead naturally to landing attacks in the openings they generate. At level 7 whenever you knowck an enemy prone as part of your action, you may make a single attack agains that enemy as a bonus action.

Well arcane casters have been flying for a couple of levels now if they wanted it (though with a not inconsiderable cost), so I don't feel bad about adding some limited flight. Its not free and as its tied to second wind you can only ever do it as once per short rest.

Reflexive grace is kind of important. The class has abilities around closing with enemies and a dex theme (things not working with heavier armours for example). The good close combat weapons in terms of feat support are strength based. Ranged weapons are less good for knocking enemies down. Basically, your bonus actions are going to be free without GWM or PAM and this helps (slightly) keep your damage up a bit.

Another level with two abilities, but they didn't seem to fit under one heading.

Spring to Action
Tappng into your physical reserves gives you an extra burst of speed. At level 10, whenever you expend a use of Action Surge, Indombitable or Second wind you may make a leap up to your maximum jump distance as part of using that resource. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Fighter level 10 abilities are not usually earth-shatteringly powerful (though some are cool). This isn't a big deal either. Its a set of small mobility boosts to help you bounce in and out of combat. Of possible note is using things like indobitable to move out of spell areas of effect as a reaction which may occasionally be useful

Fleet of Foot
At level 15 you have mastered being light on your feet. You may take the dodge action as a bonus action.

his is a big one. Of course with the lack of heavy (or medium) armor and given the level its at, you wil hardly be unhittable and a bonus action is a real cost... still I think this is still going to see some use.

Elemental Attunement
You harness the deeper connection you have with the elemental plane of air. You may cast each of the following spells once per day and then may not cast it again till you complete a long rest. Each requires verbal components only:
Zephyr Strike
Thunderous Smite
Gust of Wind
Warding Wind
Gasious Form
Wind Wall

I find spells carry a lot of flavor. A smattering of air themed spells feels like it should enhance the feel of the elemental connection. At this level a thunderous smite or Zephyr strike probably won't feel that special, but there are a selction of spells that are sometimes useful and other characters ae less likey to have. The once per day casting also encourges thier use - there are no spell slots to keep to use for something else. In terms of spell level you are behind Eldritch knight. In terms of freedom to chose good spells you are even further behind (as it should be)

This needs quite a bit of work still.
1) Elemental attunement comes out of nowhere. The air/sky theme has been almost entirely non-magical till this point so it seems an odd pivot that cashes with the rest of the design. Whilst balance-wise some of these could come at an earlier level without an issue, it would be loading the class with a lot of features.
2) The abilities are, at present, too niche or of marginal value. Speed and mobility is good, but there are some diminishing returns to that... and you could still play an archer to the same effect most of the time. Furthermore, feats lke mobility and fey touched let other classes get similar mobility and a subclass on top.
3) Knocking people prone as part of an attack/leap is not great (given that only the leap element is a bonus). Between things that are too big, things immune to being knocked prone, things tha flat-up pass and things where the sacrificed attack would just kill them anyway its hardly a good core of the subclass.

Fixes considered:
1) When leaping, get a damage bonus for every 5ft Jumped for that turn. Scales naturally with both increased jump distance and number of attacks. Stipulate a light weapon for this. It would even make two weapon fighting good at higher levels.
2) I need to emphasise the "above" element. At the moment a lot of the day to day features will be leaping with little vertical component. Something to add some more soraing feelings and leaping over people would be good.
3) Want to rewrite some of the descriptions to play up the elemental air theme.

2024-05-10, 02:58 PM
Still generating ideas...

Placeholder for Heavenbolt Warrior. Fighter subclass.

Ideas: +Lightning damage vs. evil enemies.
Able to call down heavenly lightning

2024-05-21, 12:45 PM
Design notes:
The Blood Hunter (https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/blood-hunter) is a 3rd party class which functions mostly like an arcane ranger. They're themed around the "hunter's bane," which is a dark ritual binding them to dark powers, and a main mechanic is "Hemocraft," a type of magic powered by blood that sees the character taking damage to use and strengthen their powers. The subclasses are mostly themed around evil things; there's one with a modified form of lycanthropy and another based on ingesting mutagens with nasty side effects. Its all very edgy and "brooding in a dark corner," themed. The following subclass tries to dial that back.

Order of the Redresser
Said to trace back to a blood hunter who committed an atrocity in the search for a clever fiend and came to regret their actions, members of the Order of the Redresser take a modified form of the Hunter’s Bane which ties them to the powers of the light in addition to those of the darkness. While the details of the order’s founding change from telling to telling, blood hunters of the Order of the Redresser seek to keep their own focus and those of other blood hunters on protecting the good in the world more than destroying the evil. Even dour members of the order seek out moments of levity and happiness when they can, both to see the impact of their actions and to remind themselves of what they are fighting for.

Hunter’s Blessing
When you join this order at 3rd level, you gain access to the Hunter’s Blessing, a gift which makes it easier for you to protect yourself and others from harm, and to inflict curses on attackers.

You become wreathed in a shield of shimmering energy, which grants +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws to the creature it is assigned to follow. The shield only becomes visible when the creature it is following is targeted with an attack roll or makes a Dexterity saving throw.
As a reaction when you see a creature within 60 feet targeted with an attack or makes a dexterity saving throw you can transfer the shield to that creature, no matter what creature the shield is currently following. Once the shield has followed a creature other than you for 1 minute, it returns to you.
The range of your blood curses increases to 60 feet.

Touch of Darkness and Light
At 7th level, you learn to channel the combined forces of the hunter’s blessing and hunter’s bane. When you use your blood maledict feature, you can cause one creature you can see other than yourself within 10 feet of the target to gain temporary hit points equal to your Blood Hunter level. If you amplify the blood curse when using this feature, the creature also regains hit points equal to half the damage you take to amplify the curse (minimum of 1 hit point).

Purifying Rites
Also at 7th level, you have the opportunity to learn two crimson rites unavailable to Blood Hunters tied only to dark powers. You can choose either of these rites when you learn a rite at 7th or 14th level, rather than a crimson rite listed in the Blood Hunter class.

Rite of the Cleansed. Your rite damage is acid damage.
Rite of the Full Moon. Your rite damage is radiant damage.

Protective Branding
Beginning at 11th level, your Brand of Castigation feature creates bursts of guarding energy which protect others from the marked creature. When a creature marked by you deals damage to another creature, the damage is reduced by 1 or by your Hemocraft modifier, whichever is greater.

Blood Curse of Regret
Starting at 15th level, your blood curse can infuse a creature with horrifying regret over its past actions. You gain the Blood Curse of Regret for your Blood Maledict feature. This doesn’t count against your number of blood curses known.

Blood Curse of Regret
Prerequisite: 15th level, Order of the Redresser

As a bonus action, you choose one creature you can see within 60 feet to become wracked with guilt over its actions. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. A fiend automatically succeeds on this saving throw. On a failed save the target has disadvantage on attack rolls and is unable to maintain concentration on spells until the start of your next turn.

Amplify. If the target is a fiend, it not longer automatically succeeds on the saving throw. The target also has its movement speeds reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn.

Tide Turner
At 18th level, you can unleash a burst of power within yourself, mixing the effects of the hunter’s blessing and hunter’s bane to restore yourself and send your foes packing. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can choose to regain hit points equal to half your hit point maximum, can stand up, and can make a melee weapon attack against each creature within your reach (no action required).

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

2024-06-04, 08:25 PM
Way of the Divine Conduit

Some monastic practices foster a connection between the material world and the Upper Planes. Monks who nurture this connection within themselves are known as Divine Conduits.

Touched by the Divine
Upon choosing this subclass at level 3, add Celestial to your languages known, and learn the Thaumaturgy cantrip.

Channel Divinity: Celestial Guardians
Divine Conduits can channel divine power similarly to a cleric or paladin. Also at level 3, gain one use of Channel Divinity; it replenishes when you finish a short or long rest. In contrast to the standard multiclassing rules, Channel Divinity uses gained through this subclass are added to any uses gained through Cleric or Paladin levels. Clerics and Paladins have been known to join monastic orders to strengthen their connection to the divine, while monks often join the priesthood and even join knightly orders on occasion.

When you channel divinity to call Celestial Guardians, celestial beings work from the Upper Planes to strengthen your abilities and aid in your defense. Partially-real (some might call them spectral) images of your celestial guardians can appear near you while you are channeling them in this way, but they do not directly interact with your current plane.

You can use this Channel Divinity feature as a bonus action. When you use your Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense, or Step of the Wind features, you can use your channel divinity as part of the same bonus action you use for these features. You gain the following benefits for one minute:

Your guardians can carry the power of your attacks across distances. Your attacks using unarmed strikes and simple melee weapons can target any creatures within 30 feet of you. These are still considered melee attacks, and targets gain no benefit from cover. When attacking enemies outside of your normal reach, your strikes deal force damage instead of physical damage. In all cases, these strikes count as magical for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance and immunity.
When using Patient Defense to Dodge, you have advantage on all saving throws. Your celestial guardians are Guardians, after all.
When using Step of the Wind, your guardians give you a flying speed equal to your ground speed or add an additional 10 feet of movement to a pre-existing flying speed until the start of your next round.
When using the Deflect Missiles feature, your guardians add an additional 1d10 to the damage reduced. They also allow you to deflect and redirect damage from non-missile ranged attacks, such as an Eldritch Blast.

Manifest Guardian
At level 6, you gain a second use of Channel Divinity and your Celestial Guardians Channel Divinity option is enhanced. While Celestial Guardians is active, you may spend 2 ki to call one of your guardians to aid you directly. When you do this, choose a Celestial creature with a CR equal to or lower than half your Monk level (rounded down) or a Celestial Spirit that uses the stat block found in the Summon Celestial (http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:summon-celestial) spell. If the Celestial Spirit option is chosen, the "spell level" variable is equivalent to half your Monk level (rounded down).

Celestials with stat blocks in the free Basic Rules include:

Pegasus (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Pegasus#content)
Couatl (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Couatl#content)
Unicorn (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Unicorn#content)
Deva (Angel) (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Deva#content)

This creature (referred to here as a "Guardian") appears in an unoccupied space you designate within 10 feet of you. It may move and perform a single action of your choosing before returning to its home plane at the end of your turn. The guardian cannot cast spells while manifested.

While manifested, the Guardian will obey your mental commands as long as they are not explicitly forbidden by its moral code. For example, most celestials are incapable of lying or knowingly causing harm to innocents.

Prayer and Meditation
By level 11, you have formed deep connections with your guardians, and might even have formed some relationships with more powerful beings. You may cast the spell Commune once per long rest without components.

Extend Manifestation
Also at Level 11, you gain an additional use of Channel Divinity and the ability to extend guardians' manifestations. To do this, spend 2 ki at any time during your turn before the guardian returns to its plane. This extends the manifestation until the end of your next turn. This option can be used until you have no ki remaining.
If the manifestation is extended, the Guardian shares your initiative and takes its actions as a part of your turn. The restriction on spellcasting outlined in the Manifest Guardian feature still applies.
If the Guardian has access to Legendary Actions, you can use your reaction on the end of a creature's turn (other than the Guardian's turn) to have the guardian use a Legendary Action available to it. The Guardian can't use Legendary Actions otherwise.

By level 17, your connections to the celestial plane are intensely strong, and easily channeled. Channel Divinity is always a free action for you, you can manifest Guardians using an action or a bonus action, and Guardians may cast spells while manifested.

Just to Browse
2024-06-05, 10:37 AM
Circle of Sky
Unlike most druids who revere tangible things, druids of the circle of sky find their calling in a more ephemeral force, the very air itself. They worship the twisting dance of the winds, the ever-shifting shapes of clouds above, and the rage of the untameable storm. Druids of sky draw magic from the hidden spirits of the air, and the creatures that call the sky their home, their spells that are delicate yet unyielding, graceful yet forceful.

Druids in this circle are most at home under the open sky, on windswept plains, high in the mountaintops, or out on tempestuous seas. They cultivate deep bonds with creatures of the air, acting as messengers, guardians, and and cultivators. Many find comfort only in movement, appearing one day to tend to a nest or call on gentle rains, only to disappear the next with the passing wind.

Winged Companion
At 2nd level when you gain this subclass, you learn the spell find familiar. This spell is a druid spell for you, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. When you cast find familiar as a druid spell, you must choose a familiar with a flying speed, such as a bat, hawk, owl, or raven.

Soaring Wild Shape
At 2nd level, the rites of your circle grant you the ability to move through the skies with ease. Your Wild Shape feature gains the following benefits:
You can use your wild shape as a bonus action, instead of an action.
You ignore the limitation on transforming into a beast with a flying speed.
When you transform into a beast with a flying speed, your new form's hit points are equal to the beast's hit points or 3 times your druid level, whichever is higher.
Beasts with a flying speed can understand your speech, and can decipher their noises and motions. Most beasts lack the intelligence to convey or understand sophisticated concepts, but a friendly beast could relay what it has seen or heard in the recent past. This ability doesn't grant you friendship with flying beasts, though you can combine this ability with gifts to curry favor with them as you would with any nonplayer character.
At 6th level, the space you leave is filled with a magical wind that lasts until the start of your next turn. When an allied creature starts their turn in this space or enters it for the first time on their turn, they gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus for 1 round. All other creatures treat the area as difficult terrain.

Because the tailwind appears as you leave a space, you don't automatically benefit from it, but you can generate a tailwind and then enter it to get the benefits.

Guardian Zephyrs
At 10th level, minor spirits of air float around you, protecting you in quiet ways, even while you are unconscious. These spirits create minor beneficial effects, such as dissipating foul smells, generate a pleasant breeze, or allow your clothes to billow dramatically. This is only a light movement of air, so the spirits can't avoid the effects of spells like stinking cloud, nor can they mitigate the effects of extreme weather.

When you or a creature within 30 feet of you or your familiar would be dealt bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you can use a reaction to call upon these spirits to protect that creature, granting it resistance to the damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

On Twisting Winds
At 12th level, you can move with preternatural agility, guided by flowing air and primal instinct. Your Wild Shape feature improves further:
If your form has a flying speed, that speed is increased by 10 feet.
The hit points from Soaring Wild Shape improve to 5 times your druid level.
While transformed by Wild Shape, you can use the Help action as a bonus action to aid an ally in attacking a creature. You still must be within 5 feet of your target to take this action.
This comes out of two ideas:
[insert merry and pippin clip] Yes we have a support druid subclass, but what about another support druid subclass? Preferably one that doesn't just stand in the back and shoot magic lasers all the time.
How do we make Wild Shape a combat-relevant feature without going the way of Moon Druid?
The druid starts at low levels, combat benefits mostly come from the familiar. As the levels get higher and close-quarters combat becomes more dangerous, the features increasingly encourage sticking close to the danger rather than hiding in the fringes.