View Full Version : Filled Curse of the Crimson Throne [PF1]

2024-05-06, 03:16 PM
Seeing a request and finding myself in possession of the books, and also having never run it to the end, I figured I could give it a shot.

Character creation rules:
-Point-buy 20.
-Common and featured races are all allowed. More exotic races under 15 RP can be considered upon request
Races that have listed RP of 8 or fewer can take a bonus Racial Feat (as opposed to the Racial Bonus Feat granted by humans) or Skill Focus, or a Feat that requires being taken at level 1.
Human ethnicities play a role in this campaign, so any human or half-human (non-outsider) should list their human ethnicity. I'll expand a bit below.
*Chelaxian - The original settlers of Korvosa are of Chelaxian descent. By far the most common in Korvosa. Commonly have fair skin, and dark hair and eyes
*Varisian - The locals of Varisia, the area where Korvosa is located, make up the largest minority in the city. Commonly have olive or tan skin and lithe frames, with great variety in eye and hair colors
*Shoanti - The other minority in the region, largely nomadic, with a history of war with Korvosans that paints interactions between them.
*Others, such as Taldan, Tian, Kele****e, Kellid, Ulfen, Garundi and more fantasy counterpart cultures can be found in the wiki
-For classes, first party classes are all on the table. Unchained classes are preferred over their older counterparts.
-Two traits, one of which should be a campaign trait. A third trait can be taken in exchange for a drawback.
-Feat Taxes:
*Weapon Finesse is given for free. Classes that grant Weapon Finesse as a bonus Feat or grant it's benefits instead grant Weapon Focus.
*Weapon Focus and other Feats that apply to all weapons in a Fighter Weapon Group rather than a single weapon.
*Improved Maneuver Feats automatically grant their Greater version when other prerequisites are met.
*Two-Weapon Fighting also grants Improved and Greater versions as the character meets prerequisites.
*Point-Blank Shot and Precise Shot are merged into a single Feat.
*Dodge and Mobility are merged into a single Feat
*Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim and Power Attack are merged into a single Feat, requiring the character to meet any of the prerequisites.
(I'm going this route to make rebuilding NPC's a bit easier than Elephant in the Room, but I can use that if it's preferred.)
-Background skills are in use.
-Wealth can be average or you can roll (roll sticks)
-Hp is full at first level, and high average thereafter (d10 becomes 6)
-Backstory and description don't need to be long, but preference is given to characters that have them.
-No alternate rules systems (Path of War, Psionics, Spheres in their various incarnations...)

I will be looking for 4-5 players, and potential alternates to account for attrition.
Also, I'd like to keep the game rolling with posts every 1-3 days. Even saying 'move along' should be fine.
I'll likely make a discord server once the selections are done. If the selected players want the whole game can jump there, but I like the formatting options of the forum.
I'm probably forgetting some stuff, let me know.

(On the subject of forum, I can't seem to make links and it's very slow, which may be related)

2024-05-06, 04:26 PM
I would love to play

Currently, I'm considering two character concepts. Ones is a bit DM reliant, as thier main tool is deception, namely an ability to make a spell appear as a different spell. Another one would be focused on a shield bash, with some combat maneuvers whenever she hit.

Regardless of the mechanical side, I would like to lean on punk culture and give them a general vibe going against authority and social norms. The spell caster would superficial be well suited for that as she could use prestidigitation for tagging.

2024-05-06, 05:07 PM
How do you feel about multiclassing?
Also, I can’t use Discord, is that a problem?

2024-05-06, 05:34 PM
Might give this a shot, myself. The premise sounds interesting, and there are a lot of PF classes I haven’t tried, like Ninja.

2024-05-06, 05:49 PM
Throwing my hat into the ring.

Tom Foolery
2024-05-06, 06:36 PM
Well isn't this convenient. I'm in. Do you have anything against a Brawler War Dancer?

2024-05-07, 05:39 AM
I would love to play

Currently, I'm considering two character concepts. Ones is a bit DM reliant, as thier main tool is deception, namely an ability to make a spell appear as a different spell. Another one would be focused on a shield bash, with some combat maneuvers whenever she hit.

Regardless of the mechanical side, I would like to lean on punk culture and give them a general vibe going against authority and social norms. The spell caster would superficial be well suited for that as she could use prestidigitation for tagging.

There are rules (Feats and class features) for the kind of deceptive spellcasting.
A punk aesthetic of sorts is among stranger ideas, but not out of the question by any means. I think there is at least Trifler (https://www.aonprd.com/TraitDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Trifler) trait that gets you access to prestidigitation (3/day rather than at will though)

How do you feel about multiclassing?
Also, I can’t use Discord, is that a problem?

Multiclassing is fine, normal rules are in use.
In other games I run, I've used Discord as an OOC chat, and share map and keep notes (Using an OOC thread here isn't out of the question though)

Well isn't this convenient. I'm in. Do you have anything against a Brawler War Dancer?
A clear and total coincidence, naturally. I found an archetype listed as Battle Dancer in the archives of Nethys. It appears fine to me.

Tom Foolery
2024-05-07, 06:56 AM
A clear and total coincidence, naturally. I found an archetype listed as Battle Dancer in the archives of Nethys. It appears fine to me.

Yep that's the one. Thanks for taking up this request. This AP has been a bit of a white whale for me. My two Ideas are a street kid who's grown up and be come an up and comer bare fist prize fighter. The other is a Robin Hood like gentlewoman thief out to put down Lamb, (that is the right name, right)

2024-05-07, 07:11 AM
I already have the mechanical side thought for the mage. Speficically Rakshasas Bloodline that is the core of disguising magic. Then there is Magic Trick (prestigitatsion) that allows the tagging with spefic images, increases spellcraft DC, and add even more coltrol over spells apirance, finally magic fair trait for +2 spellcraft DC in spefic shool and some more ways for observes to fail spellcraft.

Still and silent, meta-magic I will probably leave to rods, for the rare cases I want to spell to happen without showing casting

Optionally using Conseal Spell, since it sometimes replace sill and silent spell, but it might not be universally usable

Finally, I might grab false focus and holy symbol tattoo, but odds are eschew materials still be more than enough in that department

Infernally Clay
2024-05-07, 07:32 AM
Would a Tiefling Unchained Rogue be okay?

I'm thinking she'll be someone smart and calculating, seeking to use the chaos to climb the ladder, as it were, and doing a favour for the Queen will be a big rung on that ladder.

2024-05-07, 10:11 AM
Yep that's the one. Thanks for taking up this request. This AP has been a bit of a white whale for me. My two Ideas are a street kid who's grown up and be come an up and comer bare fist prize fighter. The other is a Robin Hood like gentlewoman thief out to put down Lamb, (that is the right name, right)

Lamm, but otherwise right. Either one works.

I already have the mechanical side thought for the mage. Speficically Rakshasas Bloodline that is the core of disguising magic. Then there is Magic Trick (prestigitatsion) that allows the tagging with spefic images, increases spellcraft DC, and add even more coltrol over spells apirance, finally magic fair trait for +2 spellcraft DC in spefic shool and some more ways for observes to fail spellcraft.

Still and silent, meta-magic I will probably leave to rods, for the rare cases I want to spell to happen without showing casting

Optionally using Conseal Spell, since it sometimes replace sill and silent spell, but it might not be universally usable

Finally, I might grab false focus and holy symbol tattoo, but odds are eschew materials still be more than enough in that department

That all sounds good.

Would a Tiefling Unchained Rogue be okay?

I'm thinking she'll be someone smart and calculating, seeking to use the chaos to climb the ladder, as it were, and doing a favour for the Queen will be a big rung on that ladder.

Tiefling unchained rogue is fine.

Infernally Clay
2024-05-07, 11:16 AM
Tiefling unchained rogue is fine.

Sweet. I'm nearly done.

Looking at the campaign traits, I'm leaning towards the Addict one. I'm thinking due to her unique physiology, being a Tiefling an' all, she was convinced to test out a drug that would help others sleep. They would have tested all sorts of doses on her but it wasn't until she herself started to feel the effects of addiction that she realised what was going on, so now she's going to take the crime lord down and burn his drug lab to the ground.

2024-05-07, 11:39 AM
I have two character concepts I’m weighing. They’re both Vigilantes, but I wanted to reflavor the Dual Identities as they are running from their old life, and assuming a new identity, rather than assuming two identities at different times. Would that be ok?

2024-05-07, 12:00 PM
I have two character concepts I’m weighing. They’re both Vigilantes, but I wanted to reflavor the Dual Identities as they are running from their old life, and assuming a new identity, rather than assuming two identities at different times. Would that be ok?

It seems fine to me. It's not like you
A) Can't use your Social abilities in your Vigilante guise
B) Get great penalties for folks knowing your identities. (Other than social ones of your life following you.

That said, there might be an opportunity to assume a second identity during the course of the campaign should you choose.
Equally, if your character is trying to run away from past life, the Dual Identity could be framed such that people related to that past would be on the lookout for social cues of the Vigilante, rather than Vigilante cues in the ordinary guise.
"Say, that gruff mercenary speaks with the cadence of a poet."

2024-05-07, 12:09 PM
While we’re talking about Campaign Traits, are they open to…refluffing (for lack of a better word)? I was thinking of taking Love Lost to represent someone who was an apprentice to the same swordmaster as my PC. There is actually no love lost between them, my character believes Lamm sent him down the dark path he took to his death. He deserved better, or at least the chance to be better.

2024-05-07, 01:29 PM
I am going with a suspended Korvosan guard for flavor. Mechanics is done. Doing fluff atm. Here is his sheet (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2904285).

2024-05-07, 02:36 PM
While we’re talking about Campaign Traits, are they open to…refluffing (for lack of a better word)? I was thinking of taking Love Lost to represent someone who was an apprentice to the same swordmaster as my PC. There is actually no love lost between them, my character believes Lamm sent him down the dark path he took to his death. He deserved better, or at least the chance to be better.

So rather than lover it would have been a rival type knifed? One that perhaps abandoned the path of the blade to become just another small-time thug, ultimately dead at an alley? I think that could work. It might motivate your character to be better than the other student, or their teacher set them to learn more. And get to the bottom of how he died.
The meta point of the campaign traits is to put the PC's on a warpath at Lamm. So long as that happens, I don't mind some details being changed.

2024-05-07, 03:20 PM
Seeing a lack of healers. I’m thinking a Desnan Oracle.

Tom Foolery
2024-05-07, 10:16 PM
Now do I risk rolling for gold to get my chain shirt or do I settle for studded leather for now and grab a chain shirt first chance I get? Anyway here's Lily (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2904381)'s sheet.

And here's her Background
Lily Rush was born and raised on the unforgiving streets of Korvosa, along with her younger sister Rose. After losing their parents at a tender age, it was Lily who took upon herself to protect and provide for the two of them. Growing up fast and hard under harsh conditions, Lily developed a tough exterior, hiding her soft heart beneath layers of sarcasm, rudeness, and impatience. Those fortunate enough to break through this rough façade found her to possess a sharp wit, genuine care towards others, and fierce loyalty to her friends. There was no question about it; Lily Rush was as far from a delicate lady as one could imagine – she was a true tomboy.

Life had not been kind to the sisters, yet they managed to survive against all odds. While Lily honed her fists into deadly weapons, defending them from danger lurking around every corner, Rose displayed extraordinary talent in singing and painting. Recognizing her gift, the Temple of Shelyn offered her shelter and a chance to learn music and artistry within its sacred walls. Although torn between staying together and providing a better future for her sister, Lily eventually accepted the offer, knowing that life inside the temple would give Rose opportunities she never could. With a heavy heart, Lily watched her little sister walk away, praying that someday they might reunite.

As time passed, Lily fell in with a retired mercenary named Aldous Stonehand, an Orc from Mwangi, whose battle scars bore testament to his storied past. Sensing potential in the fiery street urchin, Aldous decided to take Lily under his wing, teaching her various combat styles. Under his tutelage, she blossomed into a formidable fighter, specializing in brutal bare-knuckle boxing matches. To make ends meet, Lily resorted to participating in underground fights, quickly earning a reputation as an up-and-coming force in Korvosa's seedy underbelly. Her combative prowess did more than just pay the bills; it brought her attention from unexpected corners, including the occasional admiration of highborn men like William Highcastle, the charming (if somewhat roguish) illegitimate son of a local noble family. Their tumultuous romantic escapades became something of a legend among Korvosan society, though neither ever truly committed to each other.

Just when things seemed to settle down for Lily, she received shattering news: Rose had vanished without a trace from the Temple of Shelyn. Panicked, Lily sought answers, learning that a gang of child thieves calling themselves "Lamm's Lambs" may have played a part in her disappearance. Desperate to save her sister from whatever fate befell her, Lily set out on a dangerous journey to track down these mysterious children. Armed with nothing but her quick mind, fearsome fists, and steadfast determination, Lily vowed to bring Rose home safely - no matter the cost.

2024-05-08, 06:41 AM
Vincent Foundling (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904479) is finished and ready for review. Unlucky street rat turned unlicensed doctor for the poor and destitute of the slums.

2024-05-08, 02:58 PM
So rather than lover it would have been a rival type knifed? One that perhaps abandoned the path of the blade to become just another small-time thug, ultimately dead at an alley? I think that could work. It might motivate your character to be better than the other student, or their teacher set them to learn more. And get to the bottom of how he died.
The meta point of the campaign traits is to put the PC's on a warpath at Lamm. So long as that happens, I don't mind some details being changed.

Cool. I will go into more detail in my character’s (I’m thinking his name will be Banagher Tengille) backstory.

On another note, I have to ask. Are we encouraged to have optimized builds, or is it okay to make a couple choices that sound like fun?

Infernally Clay
2024-05-08, 03:13 PM
Not finished just yet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904275), gotta pick her skills and spend a little more gold but it gives an idea what she'll be like. Her damage probably won't be particularly impressive until she hits third level, but still...

2024-05-08, 03:15 PM
Cool. I will go into more detail in my character’s (I’m thinking his name will be Banagher Tengille) backstory.

On another note, I have to ask. Are we encouraged to have optimized builds, or is it okay to make a couple choices that sound like fun?

My intent at this point is to run the Adventure Path fairly straight, accounting for player characters of course, but I'll try to scale things up or down if encounters seem too trivial or impossible. (That said, some encounters are easy and others hard, and the dice will be dice). Being super optimal is unnecessary.

2024-05-09, 07:38 AM
Hmmm, Telekineticist or Busker Bard?
I'm leaning more towards Telekineticist and building him for a lot of interesting utility and combat maneuvers.

2024-05-09, 12:59 PM
Here's Banagher's (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904793) character sheet so far. I'm thinking about taking a Drawback and third Trait (maybe Draconic Destiny, to reflect that his education has gotten him involved with forces he hasn't even considered). He also needs equipment.

2024-05-09, 01:01 PM
WIP sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904590)

I have a question. How worried we should be about tracking food and ammunition?

2024-05-09, 01:46 PM
I have my sheet ready, still working on the backstory.

2024-05-09, 03:13 PM
I have a question. How worried we should be about tracking food and ammunition?

I'm going to say not very. The cost of such things starts to become fairly trivial, so as long as you are in the city I can assume you restock. Masterwork, special material and such projectiles need to be kept track of, and in case you run into extended bouts in the wilderness for food or a gauntlet/dungeon type thing, I'll ask you to keep track.

2024-05-09, 10:00 PM
I think I'm ready to call my character sheet done. I'll update this post with my PC's backstory, and maybe some kind of visual reference.

2024-05-11, 11:37 AM
Are gnolls possible? I can't find any racial feats to go with but I have some ideas, at least.

2024-05-11, 12:49 PM
I am thinking of a character. just a heads up.

Are gnolls possible? I can't find any racial feats to go with but I have some ideas, at least.

There is Snapping Jaws. Gains a natural bite attack. Opens to Blood Feast that gives a +1 on bite till the end of next turn.

2024-05-11, 03:23 PM
Are gnolls possible? I can't find any racial feats to go with but I have some ideas, at least.
I don't think they're well supported. Or common in civilization. You might not be the only gnoll in the city, but expect to have trouble blending into crowds. Or not dispersing crowds (Or alternatively gathering the wrong kind of crowds). That said, it could be interesting to have a heroic monster type, so it's not out of the question.
I don't think gnolls are a well-supported race when it comes to Feats. Picking a Feat that requires being taken at level 1 or Skill Focus are options. (I suppose one of the Feats that gives +2 to two skills would also be available in lieu of those)

I have my sheet ready, still working on the backstory.
Sheet appears to be in order, waiting on backstory.

WIP sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904590)

I have a question. How worried we should be about tracking food and ammunition?
Mechanics seem to be fine, at least what's there. Waiting for equipment and backstory, but the concept you mentioned before sounds interesting.

Here's Banagher's (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904793) character sheet so far. I'm thinking about taking a Drawback and third Trait (maybe Draconic Destiny, to reflect that his education has gotten him involved with forces he hasn't even considered). He also needs equipment.
I think there's a mistake with your ability scores. 16, 14(16 racial), 10, 10, 14, 12 comes to 22 Point Buy. Curious to see the backstory on how a ninja came to be in Korvosa. (Perhaps there is an old master, or ancient texts, or a mixup of monk and rogue training?)

Not finished just yet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904275), gotta pick her skills and spend a little more gold but it gives an idea what she'll be like. Her damage probably won't be particularly impressive until she hits third level, but still...
Seems interesting. Are you planning to go for two-weapon feint route or count on flanking?

Vincent Foundling (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904479) is finished and ready for review. Unlucky street rat turned unlicensed doctor for the poor and destitute of the slums.
I like it.

Now do I risk rolling for gold to get my chain shirt or do I settle for studded leather for now and grab a chain shirt first chance I get? Anyway here's Lily (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2904381)'s sheet.

And here's her Background
Lily Rush was born and raised on the unforgiving streets of Korvosa, along with her younger sister Rose. After losing their parents at a tender age, it was Lily who took upon herself to protect and provide for the two of them. Growing up fast and hard under harsh conditions, Lily developed a tough exterior, hiding her soft heart beneath layers of sarcasm, rudeness, and impatience. Those fortunate enough to break through this rough façade found her to possess a sharp wit, genuine care towards others, and fierce loyalty to her friends. There was no question about it; Lily Rush was as far from a delicate lady as one could imagine – she was a true tomboy.

Life had not been kind to the sisters, yet they managed to survive against all odds. While Lily honed her fists into deadly weapons, defending them from danger lurking around every corner, Rose displayed extraordinary talent in singing and painting. Recognizing her gift, the Temple of Shelyn offered her shelter and a chance to learn music and artistry within its sacred walls. Although torn between staying together and providing a better future for her sister, Lily eventually accepted the offer, knowing that life inside the temple would give Rose opportunities she never could. With a heavy heart, Lily watched her little sister walk away, praying that someday they might reunite.

As time passed, Lily fell in with a retired mercenary named Aldous Stonehand, an Orc from Mwangi, whose battle scars bore testament to his storied past. Sensing potential in the fiery street urchin, Aldous decided to take Lily under his wing, teaching her various combat styles. Under his tutelage, she blossomed into a formidable fighter, specializing in brutal bare-knuckle boxing matches. To make ends meet, Lily resorted to participating in underground fights, quickly earning a reputation as an up-and-coming force in Korvosa's seedy underbelly. Her combative prowess did more than just pay the bills; it brought her attention from unexpected corners, including the occasional admiration of highborn men like William Highcastle, the charming (if somewhat roguish) illegitimate son of a local noble family. Their tumultuous romantic escapades became something of a legend among Korvosan society, though neither ever truly committed to each other.

Just when things seemed to settle down for Lily, she received shattering news: Rose had vanished without a trace from the Temple of Shelyn. Panicked, Lily sought answers, learning that a gang of child thieves calling themselves "Lamm's Lambs" may have played a part in her disappearance. Desperate to save her sister from whatever fate befell her, Lily set out on a dangerous journey to track down these mysterious children. Armed with nothing but her quick mind, fearsome fists, and steadfast determination, Lily vowed to bring Rose home safely - no matter the cost.
Sheet and backstory look good. If I could ask, please put the backstory to the sheet as well.

I am going with a suspended Korvosan guard for flavor. Mechanics is done. Doing fluff atm. Here is his sheet (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2904285).
Looks good sheet-wise. I appreciate the Adopted>Helpful trait, I've tried combining it with bodyguard myself. (didn't get to play though)

Edit: I'm planning to make the selections and getting the game started by next weekend, unless folks need more time.

2024-05-11, 08:48 PM
Hypothetically, could I get the scent ability instead of a free feat? If not, I may settle for an EWP feat of some sort. I'd go with that snapping jaws feat or a monster feat like improved natural armor if that's okay...

2024-05-11, 10:39 PM
My finals are next week, so I should be able to get it done after that. Just a heads up on the time frame.

Paddywagon Man
2024-05-12, 03:52 AM
I'm certainly interested! Looking at making an Undine Warpriest

2024-05-12, 07:07 AM
Alright the sheet is done. Backstory is a bit short for my liking, so perhaps I can expand in later

sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904590)

Embers childhood was hard, as any child in an under-funded orphanage. From there, it got worse when she was sold to Gaedren. The living agreement was pretty much the same, but now she had to do hard labour. Not an easy task for someone as small or as weak as her.

This meant repeated failures, punishments and eventual. Eventually, her injuries added up, and she was left for dead. Through a twist of fate, she survived. On her own, it was not easy, but keeping all the profit help, not to mention new found freedom. It was in that freedom that awaken her magic. With, magic... surviving got easier.

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1076925808926527498/1239152598125248553/AP1GczPr0gTCKQsVW92rHC9K0LhrDlbHWf4CH4a19Y0bSmAmbH LsWbV2UNegphdQPtyHdvHNqMdAbu8ClYrXLa1OEPfUDHo3vD26 pdDSpk6mpUgZN8NOIyiy5FJ5JKztxTBJQ6ZMfLaIz8leF3BMjG x0REonkQw686-h998-s-no.png?ex=6641e249&is=664090c9&hm=201eacc8a91df55bd84572cf998cb8c83660f4bd7347070 bb13d3c294b248edc&

Infernally Clay
2024-05-12, 09:51 AM
Seems interesting. Are you planning to go for two-weapon feint route or count on flanking?

Two-Weapon Feinting does seem to be the way to go, although it is quite feat intensive. Since you’re using Elephant in the Room to get rid of feat taxes, can get the Acrobatic feat for free? It’s a pretty terrible feat but I need both it and Combat Expertise to pick up Slayer’s Feint, which allows me to use acrobatics instead of bluff for feinting. For feinting to work, though, I’m probably going to need all of these…

Two Weapon Fighting
Combat Expertise (second level?)
Slayer’s Feint (third level?) (use acrobatics instead of bluff)
Improved Feint (fourth level?) (feint as a move action)
Two Weapon Feint (fifth level?) (forgo first attack to feint)
Greater Feint (eighth level?) (target loses dex bonus until start of my next turn, good for allies)
Improved Two Weapon Fighting (ninth level?) (get a second off-hand attack at -5)
Improved Two Weapon Feint (tenth level?) (same as greater feint, actually)

If I use the second level Rogue talent to pick up Combat Expertise and you allow me to skip Acrobatic, I will be eligible to pick up Slayer’s Feint at third level, but now I’m looking at it there may be redundancies. Do I really need both Improved/Greater Feint and Two Weapon Feint/Improved Two Weapon Feint? Seems like I can just pick one or the other.

2024-05-12, 10:59 AM
Two-Weapon Feinting does seem to be the way to go, although it is quite feat intensive. Since you’re using Elephant in the Room to get rid of feat taxes, can get the Acrobatic feat for free? It’s a pretty terrible feat but I need both it and Combat Expertise to pick up Slayer’s Feint, which allows me to use acrobatics instead of bluff for feinting. For feinting to work, though, I’m probably going to need all of these…

Two Weapon Fighting
Combat Expertise (second level?)
Slayer’s Feint (third level?) (use acrobatics instead of bluff)
Improved Feint (fourth level?) (feint as a move action)
Two Weapon Feint (fifth level?) (forgo first attack to feint)
Greater Feint (eighth level?) (target loses dex bonus until start of my next turn, good for allies)
Improved Two Weapon Fighting (ninth level?) (get a second off-hand attack at -5)
Improved Two Weapon Feint (tenth level?) (same as greater feint, actually)

If I use the second level Rogue talent to pick up Combat Expertise and you allow me to skip Acrobatic, I will be eligible to pick up Slayer’s Feint at third level, but now I’m looking at it there may be redundancies. Do I really need both Improved/Greater Feint and Two Weapon Feint/Improved Two Weapon Feint? Seems like I can just pick one or the other.

I think I might merge Improved Feint and Improved Two-weapon Feint. Though I'm not entirely sure why you would go for the non two-handed versions. If it's move and standard, you'll need essentially a full-round action in either case, no?
I'll need to think about the Acrobatic, since I think you want it for Slayer's Feint alone to switch up the skill and ability. That's not necessarily worth two Feats, though.

2024-05-12, 11:50 AM

Here's Rudy the gnoll with a backstory I hope works.

Paddywagon Man
2024-05-12, 12:23 PM

Rolling for Warpriest starting gold

Also, is crafting items with the craft skill for discounts pre-game allowed?

Infernally Clay
2024-05-12, 12:28 PM
I think I might merge Improved Feint and Improved Two-weapon Feint. Though I'm not entirely sure why you would go for the non two-handed versions. If it's move and standard, you'll need essentially a full-round action in either case, no?
I'll need to think about the Acrobatic, since I think you want it for Slayer's Feint alone to switch up the skill and ability. That's not necessarily worth two Feats, though.

Honestly I had forgotten how needlessly restrictive two weapon fighting is. Must have been playing 5E too much or something. :P

Thankfully there are already discussions about this particular topic online and it seems the general consensus is Greater Feint is better than Improved Two-Weapon Feint so what I would ask is that, in line with the Elephant in the Room thingy, if I pick up Improved Feint, a feat I have no use for at all due to Two Weapon Feint, it becomes Greater Feint when I hit eighth level.

I'll then end up with...

Two Weapon Fighting (already have this)
Acrobatic (free?)
2nd - Combat Expertise (via rogue talent)
3rd - Slayer’s Feint (use acrobatics instead of bluff)
4th - Two Weapon Feint (forgo first attack to feint, via rogue talent)
5th - Improved Feint (becomes Greater Feint at eighth level?)
9th - Improved Two Weapon Fighting (get a second off-hand attack at -5)

...which frees up my rogue talents at sixth and eighth level for something other than feats and lets me use my seventh level feat for something else too.

Paddywagon Man
2024-05-12, 01:09 PM
Yangrit (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2905617) should be about done mechanically, backstory soon, ended up going with Duergar instead of Undine.

Duergar... apparently are only 8 RP according to d20pfsrd? Beats me, they get a lot of stuff, but I've tentatively taken the free racial feat.

2024-05-12, 01:17 PM
Can I request a kitsune? have a couple ideas about an omdura VMC oracle.

2024-05-12, 01:38 PM
Honestly I had forgotten how needlessly restrictive two weapon fighting is. Must have been playing 5E too much or something. :P

Thankfully there are already discussions about this particular topic online and it seems the general consensus is Greater Feint is better than Improved Two-Weapon Feint so what I would ask is that, in line with the Elephant in the Room thingy, if I pick up Improved Feint, a feat I have no use for at all due to Two Weapon Feint, it becomes Greater Feint when I hit eighth level.

I'll then end up with...

Two Weapon Fighting (already have this)
Acrobatic (free?)
2nd - Combat Expertise (via rogue talent)
3rd - Slayer’s Feint (use acrobatics instead of bluff)
4th - Two Weapon Feint (forgo first attack to feint, via rogue talent)
5th - Improved Feint (becomes Greater Feint at eighth level?)
9th - Improved Two Weapon Fighting (get a second off-hand attack at -5)

...which frees up my rogue talents at sixth and eighth level for something other than feats and lets me use my seventh level feat for something else too.

I forgot that Feint isn't a combat manoeuvre. Consider it included in the Improved>Greater. Pretty sure Greater Feint doesn't go with two-weapon fighting though.

Yangrit (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2905617) should be about done mechanically, backstory soon, ended up going with Duergar instead of Undine.

Duergar... apparently are only 8 RP according to d20pfsrd? Beats me, they get a lot of stuff, but I've tentatively taken the free racial feat.

Amazingly, it is right. I think they have enough penalties to bring it down.

Infernally Clay
2024-05-12, 01:54 PM
I forgot that Feint isn't a combat manoeuvre. Consider it included in the Improved>Greater. Pretty sure Greater Feint doesn't go with two-weapon fighting though.

Two Weapon Feint says "While using Two-Weapon Fighting to make melee attacks, you can forgo your first primary-hand melee attack to make a Bluff check to feint an opponent."

Greater Feint says "Whenever you use a feint to cause an opponent to lose his Dexterity bonus, he loses that bonus until the beginning of your next turn, in addition to losing his Dexterity bonus against your next attack."

It doesn't seem to specify any limitations on how you feint, only that you do so, so it should still work but that's entirely up to you.

2024-05-12, 03:19 PM
Can I request a kitsune? have a couple ideas about an omdura VMC oracle.

Kitsune exist and are fine. I don't think Omdura is quite official, but it doesn't look too overpowered at a glance.

Two Weapon Feint says "While using Two-Weapon Fighting to make melee attacks, you can forgo your first primary-hand melee attack to make a Bluff check to feint an opponent."

Greater Feint says "Whenever you use a feint to cause an opponent to lose his Dexterity bonus, he loses that bonus until the beginning of your next turn, in addition to losing his Dexterity bonus against your next attack."

It doesn't seem to specify any limitations on how you feint, only that you do so, so it should still work but that's entirely up to you.

Fair enough, I did not think of that. It appears to work as you say.

2024-05-13, 06:24 AM
I have never try'd out an oracle and think I have found a good charakter to represent it. Xartan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904251)

I may have screwed myself a bit on taking standard wealth and going with the equipment choices I took, but it just seemed too fitting for the background.

Background: As many kids, Xartan has been taken in by Gaedren Lamm. Xartan did the usual. Begging, some stealing, or other "light work". It all changed when he found a battered old lyre. Even with a damaged instrument the little boy could procure acceptable tones from the instrument and him playing some old-time favorites would always draw some coins. It then was his fate to almost play everyday in different places or make some "background music" when Mr. Lamm had a shady meeting or two.

Xartan did get an unusual patron one day, who just listened to his songs from him starting to ending. He was gifted a wonderfully carved, masterfully crafted harp that day. Xartan hid the beautiful instrument who would probably just get taken by Lamm, but soon the old man found out, that one of his lambs had gotten a valuable gift.

Gaedren questioned and tortured Xartan, who was adamant in not telling the crimelord where the instrument was, in frustration Gaedren put Xartan's hands into a fire.

After the child just stopped screaming Gaedren threw the almost dead boy out. Xartan miraculously survived, numerous revelations filling his head.

After his ordeal, Xartan reclaimed his harp, but his damaged fingers weren't able to play quite right. The boy stole a drum and has lived kinda the same way as before, now with a different instrument and using his newfound abilities to help the disfavored and downtrodden for a roof above his head and something to eat.

Revenge never quite left his mind.

2024-05-13, 07:30 AM
Two-Weapon Feinting does seem to be the way to go, although it is quite feat intensive. Since you’re using Elephant in the Room to get rid of feat taxes, can get the Acrobatic feat for free? It’s a pretty terrible feat but I need both it and Combat Expertise to pick up Slayer’s Feint, which allows me to use acrobatics instead of bluff for feinting. For feinting to work, though, I’m probably going to need all of these…

Two Weapon Fighting
Combat Expertise (second level?)
Slayer’s Feint (third level?) (use acrobatics instead of bluff)
Improved Feint (fourth level?) (feint as a move action)
Two Weapon Feint (fifth level?) (forgo first attack to feint)
Greater Feint (eighth level?) (target loses dex bonus until start of my next turn, good for allies)
Improved Two Weapon Fighting (ninth level?) (get a second off-hand attack at -5)
Improved Two Weapon Feint (tenth level?) (same as greater feint, actually)

If I use the second level Rogue talent to pick up Combat Expertise and you allow me to skip Acrobatic, I will be eligible to pick up Slayer’s Feint at third level, but now I’m looking at it there may be redundancies. Do I really need both Improved/Greater Feint and Two Weapon Feint/Improved Two Weapon Feint? Seems like I can just pick one or the other.
Don't know if you're aware of them but Canny Tumble (https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Canny%20Tumble) or Circling Mongoose (https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Circling%20Mongoose) might bring your build online sooner. It would cut the need for Acrobatic and the feint feat tree

2024-05-13, 09:58 AM
Looks good sheet-wise. I appreciate the Adopted>Helpful trait, I've tried combining it with bodyguard myself. (didn't get to play though)

It is also for the flavor.

Fluff completed. I hope my wordy fluff does not bother you. I felt the need to link everything in my backstory.

2024-05-13, 12:38 PM
I've got the basics for Hugo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904526) sorted out for the moment. Will work up a backstory soonish. Current plan is a punk with a heart of gold, a former member of Lamm's Lambs that aged out and pushed his luck too many times. Lamm did his level best to beat him to death but Hugo managed to live.

2024-05-13, 12:43 PM
I've got the basics for Hugo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904526) sorted out for the moment. Will work up a backstory soonish. Current plan is a punk with a heart of gold, a former member of Lamm's Lambs that aged out and pushed his luck too many times. Lamm did his level best to beat him to death but Hugo managed to live.
oh, hey... I kinda made something similar... I might want to put more of that punk in background.

2024-05-13, 04:28 PM
Lamm has a disturbing tendency towards almost killing his charges, given how many of us have chosen that background.

How the party meets? Support group for ex-Lambs.

2024-05-13, 07:42 PM
Unofficial, but I think that is the expected plot hook for most characters starting this plotline.

I think there's a mistake with your ability scores. 16, 14(16 racial), 10, 10, 14, 12 comes to 22 Point Buy. Curious to see the backstory on how a ninja came to be in Korvosa. (Perhaps there is an old master, or ancient texts, or a mixup of monk and rogue training?)

Shouldn't have done the math in my head. I'll just drop Cha to 10. I don't need it immediately. As for my character's training, it was kind of all three.

2024-05-13, 09:26 PM
I might make a PC for this.

If you're close to selections, though, don't wait up. :)

2024-05-13, 11:29 PM
Akira Kudo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2905764), eldest brother of a family of six from Tian-xia. The son of blacksmiths, he had made the decision to become a paladin to help protect his family from the dangers that lurk in the night.
He didn't show much talent in wearing heavy armor but he kept training despite that. He never managed to make Abadar listen to his pleas. Things got worse and she ended up calling him a false half-elf when it was discovered that he could see in the dark. Feeling that it was pain in the eyes, some of his companions, feeling that he did not belong with them, decided to spread the word and managed to incriminate him. Things will turn from bad to worse for him.
The simple fact of being framed cost him his place in the temple, by the time he was able to leave thanks to a friend of his, his family had moved out of shame without saying where they were going. Frustrated and despondent he wandered around Tian-xia, taking caravan trips wherever he could. One night the caravan was attacked and he fell to the ground with a blow, feeling miserable. It was so painful that the assailants ignored it with disdain. Things would have ended there if it weren't for him almost being decapitated by a knife. He became so startled that he checked his neck in case he was bleeding when he spied the gun out of the corner of his eye. Mesmerized, he stared at it for an eternity, a starknife worn out, dented and almost dull from so much abuse to which it had been subjected, but for him it was like finding an epiphany. Not wanting to stay on the floor and continue feeling miserable, he grabbed the knife at the same time he could feel his body recovering little by little. And he was not the only one since it happened around that people who were even down showed signs of recovery. That night, he did not achieve a large number of victories, but neither did the bandits win. At the end, the unbridled laughter of a young man was heard, who somehow had finally received something of what he had wanted.

Sheet just about done. Just need to add a thing or two.

2024-05-14, 12:12 AM
Lonnie (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YnU--y18KoMOqJIn8s5kTkTSczrdHtnEmUZNbyylyYU/edit?usp=sharing) is ready! Because screw that Gaedren!

2024-05-15, 02:33 PM
Bella Montero was born in Korvosa during 4620 AR. She was raised in the Midlands of the city, with all the benefits and drawbacks that such a crowded place comes with. Bella had an innate ability to talk to people, her honeyed words working in tandem with her subtle threats that she had no way of backing up. From the age of 29, she was helping her family, selling goods and getting deals. She was also very agile, and could be found running around the shingles of Korvosa.

Around 30 years later, Bella joined the city guard, and quickly started working, rooting out crime in the overpopulated streets of her home. She quickly became indispensable in both interrogations, and raids. Bella fell in love with another guard, Aiden Odallys, and they were married in 4676 AR. They lived a happy life together, in those few short years.

A few years later, in 4679 AR, Aiden was killed during a raid on an illicit deal. The man they were tracking was known as Gaedren Lamm, and he was selling some items that his group, Lamm’s Lambs had picked up. Aiden rushed in, and was shot by Lamm’s crossbow. Bella was called to the scene, and found Aidens body, facedown, and swore to find Lamm.

Bella quit the guard a few weeks later. She was too focused on Lamm, and finding him, to be of any use to the guards. Bella shed her identity, and went out to her childhood home, long since abandoned, and formulated a new identity: Velaria Coyt, a bounty hunter from Oprah, hired to find and kill Gaedren Lamm. And she tried. She sought out all of her dealers, and until now, hasn’t found a single trace of Lamm. Lately, she’s been seeking out others who might help, hoping they’ll lead Velaria to Lamm.
Bella Montero was born in Korvosa during 4620 AR. She was raised in the Midlands of the city, with all the benefits and drawbacks that such a crowded place comes with. Bella had an innate ability to talk to people, her honeyed words working in tandem with her subtle threats that she had no way of backing up. From the age of 29, she was helping her family, selling goods and getting deals. She was also very agile, and could be found running around the shingles of Korvosa.

Around 30 years later, Bella joined the city guard, and quickly started working, rooting out crime in the overpopulated streets of her home. She quickly became indispensable in both interrogations, and raids. Bella fell in love with another guard, Aiden Odallys, and they were married in 4676 AR. They lived a happy life together, in those few short years.

A few years later, in 4679 AR, Aiden was killed during a raid on an illicit deal. The man they were tracking was known as Gaedren Lamm, and he was selling some items that his group, Lamm’s Lambs had picked up. Aiden rushed in, and was shot by Lamm’s crossbow. Bella was called to the scene, and found Aidens body, facedown, and swore to find Lamm.

Bella quit the guard a few weeks later. She was too focused on Lamm, and finding him, to be of any use to the guards. Bella shed her identity, and went out to her childhood home, long since abandoned, and formulated a new identity: Velaria Coyt, a bounty hunter from Oprah, hired to find and kill Gaedren Lamm. And she tried. She sought out all of her dealers, and until now, hasn’t found a single trace of Lamm. Lately, she’s been seeking out others who might help, hoping they’ll lead Velaria to Lamm.

hand ax ranger
2024-05-16, 11:29 PM
Oh is this still recruiting? I just earlier today found all my Pathfinder 1e books and was cruising around here to see if anyone was running it still. I have a loose character archetype I am looking to play and with what I think I understand of the plot of "Curse of the Crimson Throne" I think it might work in my favor?

I'm wanting to play the part of a mercenary, and aspire to work up to becoming a captain of his/her own band of sell-sword. I haven't dove much in yet I want to see the likelihood of there even being a slot for me first LOL

2024-05-16, 11:33 PM
There is a fair bit of character already made, but that's the case for most games on here

As far as still recruiting, we haven't heard from a dm in a while, so who knows.

hand ax ranger
2024-05-16, 11:59 PM
There is a fair bit of character already made, but that's the case for most games on here

As far as still recruiting, we haven't heard from a dm in a while, so who knows.

Well then fingers crossed ^-^

2024-05-17, 12:45 AM
I apologize for my silence, I was hit with a case of Real Life Syndrome this week. Still in schedule to make selections this weekend and get rolling.

hand ax ranger
2024-05-17, 02:26 AM
I apologize for my silence, I was hit with a case of Real Life Syndrome this week. Still in schedule to make selections this weekend and get rolling.

Understood, though where does that leave me as far as possibly being admited?

2024-05-17, 04:32 AM
Understood, though where does that leave me as far as possibly being admited?

I will endeavor to make the selections this Saturday, all (mostly) completed sheets will be in consideration. Completed ones preferred.

hand ax ranger
2024-05-17, 12:04 PM
I will endeavor to make the selections this Saturday, all (mostly) completed sheets will be in consideration. Completed ones preferred.

Cool, that should give me some time to get things built.

Edti: So how do we feel about the Leadership feat? because that would certainly help with the "Mercenary Captain" thing. In Addition, the "Daring General" archetype for Cavalier seems well meant for this too :D

Paddywagon Man
2024-05-18, 02:36 AM
Yangrit's sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2905617)

Yangrit’s early memories are a blur of fire and steel. The age-old animosity of the Duergar of the deepest depths and their shallower Dwarven cousins has shattered countless lives and created countless corpses, but for those left alive in the wake of the periodic slave raids and counter-offensives, the years of peace can sometimes be just as harrowing.

As a child, Yangrit was taken from a Duergar outpost leveled by vengeful dwarves bent on liberating some of their own captive children, and dropped in the care of a war orphanage after no ransom for the lower-class gray dwarf girl was forthcoming. She would have been unlikely to find a happy existence among the dwarven hold, marked as she was by pallid gray skin, but as the years of bullying toughened her - and spurred the development of her natural magical talents - she didn’t look down towards the deeper Duergar holds when she dreamed of release, but up towards the surface, where the snippets of tales the skalds told made her dream of wide-open empty spaces, and miles without another soul. Worship of Erastil, never a popular deity among dwarves, started with an illustration of a stag in a discarded children’s book but soon became a guide and a source of strength.

Eventually Yangrit saw at least some dreams become reality when she was fortunate enough to taken in by a family of traveling dwarven merchants, themselves almost outsiders to their own society, for whom the glimpses of the wider world had made the racial enmities seem a little bit smaller - and who hoped that the girl might find a different path away from the cycle of vengeance. Though on its face it was a simple job offer - a scouting assignment, one Yangrit’s keen perception and natural knack for invisibility made her perfect for - she was made from the beginning to feel a part of the family, and quickly accepted her ‘rescuers’ as parents and siblings.

Korvosa would shatter all that - in what should have been a safe city, she let her watchful gaze rest, only for thugs to kill the people who took her in and plunder their caravan. She’s not sure what they were looking for, or what bad tip they got to think a few dwarves scraping by town to town would be their ticket to riches. What she does know is that her two adopted younger siblings Jorun and Isolde weren’t dead among the wreckage. She has no connections in the unfamiliar city, few resources or leads, and little faith in the human guardsmen that have turned a blind eye to her plight so far, but she’s hunted elusive prey before, and she won’t surrender until either her siblings are free or she goes to meet Erastil.

hand ax ranger
2024-05-18, 12:12 PM
Ernest Moltenblood Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2907237)

Varisia is dotted with remains of Chelish occupation from so long ago. Not merely in it's cities and ruins but it's people and familes as well. The Moltenblood are such a family, with the lineage able to track back to before the delcine of The Chelish Empire. Whereas a few stragglers might still hold oaths to the Ruby Throne the vast majority of the now merchant family are happily citizens of the Varisian city-states.... or at worst indifferent. Unfortunately, it would seem Varisia itself shares the feeling towards them.

Mainly dealing in spices, with a little bit of everything on the side now, the reputation and affluence of the Moltenblood estate has waned with time and misfortune. Where once was an illustrious and wealthy family now had shriveled and splintered.... with many a member slowly drifting into other families or taking on much less reputable professions in a bid for the return to the glory days of old. But with every passing year, the House Moltenblood only manages to keep itself afloat enough to maintain what's left of it's image and opportunities.

Opportunities that were not enough for a young man of the estate, Ernest Corvus Moltenblood IV, the eldest of 5 sons and 3 daughters. While he wouldn't give into the temptation of black market dealings he could no longer abide the failing state of his home, fortune and reputation. Searching outside the mere trading of spices for a talent of his own he found quickly a knack for dealings of a more..... intense nature. As with many youths searching for wealth and glory he would take a sum of his own wealth and become a freelancer. Surprising many, his own family included, it would turn out he was practically born for the role, capable in battle and naturally gifted with a commanding presence.

It was this knack that brought him offers from shady people to work under their employ as hired muscle or worse. Despite not being a moral busy-body Ernest decided such offers were beneath him and walked along refusing to add yet another stain to the Moltenblood name by associating so fully with criminals. Be this as it may, it would be tragic yet unsurprising when he found out that one of his young brothers found himself tied into such rot and pinned with a heinous crime. Thankfully, Ernest was able to root out the lies and treachery and secure his brother's freedom.... even if the damage had been done the their families reputation yet again.

This was a personal transgression to Ernest, and has brought him to Korvosa as much to see this wrong made right as to find new work in his own career. How fortuitous then that the city seemed to have erupted into unrest and conspiracy. Will this be a further complication..... or a new opportunity?

Edit: Alright, finished and ready for inspection :D

Paddywagon Man
2024-05-18, 05:03 PM
It looks to me like you've got a free point of point buy left over! Could bump something up to a 13?

hand ax ranger
2024-05-18, 05:07 PM
It looks to me like you've got a free point of point buy left over! Could bump something up to a 13?

Odd when I checked the math on the point buy calculator it said i was at 20, but I will for sure still check.

Edit: Yep, Charisma, making it a 15 after racial stats :D

Edit: So how do we feel about the Leadership feat? because that would certainly help with the "Mercenary Captain" thing. In Addition, the "Daring General" archetype for Cavalier seems well meant for this too :D
But also what of this I wonder?

2024-05-18, 05:33 PM
Just letting know my sheet its been ready for a couple of days.

2024-05-19, 05:10 AM
Ugh. Things aren't exactly calm on my end, either. And I still have my final exam to get through. If you're planning on picking a party this weekend, don't wait for me.

2024-05-19, 10:02 AM
The selection is almost upon us

2024-05-19, 10:20 AM
I find myself (as always, it seems) swamped with many great submissions that I must prune somehow.

So my picks here are
Lily Rush (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2904381)
Asher Levin (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2904285)
Ember (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904590)
Vincent Foundling (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904479)
Rudy (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2905494)

Tough choices, both for which Oracle to take, and who to give the fifth slot to. If it's alright, I'd consider Lonnie (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YnU--y18KoMOqJIn8s5kTkTSczrdHtnEmUZNbyylyYU/edit) and Xartan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2904251) as main alternates.

My apologies to those who did not get chosen. There's enough characters to form an entire second party, but I don't think that I have the time.

Link to OOC (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?667668-Kallimakus-Curse-of-the-Crimson-Throne-PF1)

hand ax ranger
2024-05-19, 10:41 AM
Well darn, but my addition was pretty last minute comparatively. I guess I'll hang around in here in case there's a chance for my to get in later. Have fun everybody. If no one minds I might still spectate just to see this adventure path :D

2024-05-19, 11:32 AM
Have fun guys!

2024-05-19, 12:13 PM
Best of fun to y'all! Have luck!

2024-05-19, 01:35 PM
We could be 2 Desna believers; Oracle and Omduras. I think it couldn't be done this time. :(
Either way. Have fun.