View Full Version : Recruiting Star Trek Adventures 2E Quickstart Adventure - The Celestial Algorithm

2024-05-11, 01:04 AM

Star Trek Adventures 2E Quickstart Adventure - The Celestial Algorithm

A couple of months back, Modiphius Entertainment made a lot of waves by announcing the overhaul of the Star Trek Adventures rules for a fresh edition. Recently, they've unveiled a complimentary Quickstart Guide (https://modiphius.us/collections/star-trek-adventures-tabletop-rpg/products/star-trek-adventures-the-roleplaying-game-second-edition-quickstart-guide-pdf), designed to showcase the game's fundamentals and aid newcomers in grasping the revamped system. I'm keen to gauge interest in delving into the Quickstart Adventure, with players taking on the roles of the pre-generated characters provided in the document. This playthrough should span roughly a month or two in a Play By Post format, coinciding nicely with the release of the new edition. Once it's out, we can transition smoothly into crafting our own characters and embarking on our very own campaign!

Like I said, the Quickstart guide is free and it comes with seven pre-generated characters of various species, departments and ranks. Definitely something for everyone to enjoy!

https://i.ibb.co/9bS2NpT/Star-Trek-Adventures-Crew.png https://i.ibb.co/z5Pp6c1/Star-Trek-Adventures-Ship.png

2024-05-11, 02:19 AM
I’m willing to give it a go.

I will give the QuickStart a read over, and go from there.

2024-05-11, 09:22 AM
This looks super fun either want to be the trill commander or the beteziod ensign

2024-05-11, 11:30 PM
This is the first I've heard of a second edition. Count me in!

2024-05-12, 06:45 PM
Burk the Tellarite engineer or Zoe the Human botanist both look interesting. (Or if others want to play both of those two, Dr. Voraal would be fun too.)

Infernally Clay
2024-05-14, 09:09 AM
I must admit, Xen does sound fun. I'm certainly willing to give it a go.

2024-05-15, 06:19 AM
I'd be interested, either Dr Voraal, or Lt Hernandez (well I'll have a go with any character). I have played a little of Star Trek Adventures (1e obvs.) in the past.

2024-05-17, 07:27 AM
Ooh, I'd be interested in trying out the 2nd edition, too! I've been playing 1st ed over on mythweavers for a while, now...

Looks like the interest so far is:

Interested Players

Commodore Nella Xen
Chronomancer79, Infernally Clay

Commander Xanthus th'Raviq
Dr. Gunsforhands

Dr Voraal

Lt Cmdr Burk Ven Jaxa

Lt Zoe Hernandez
mucat, spinningdice, whoiam

Lt JG Rashid Kemal

Ensign Laniyar Tennan

After staring at the table for a bit, I put myself down for either of the human officers. Mainly because I didn't want to play the Andorian (as I already play a former-security Andorian XO in another game...)

2024-05-20, 06:43 PM
After staring at the table for a bit, I put myself down for either of the human officers. Mainly because I didn't want to play the Andorian (as I already play a former-security Andorian XO in another game...)

I'll take on the security friend, then! Granted, I didn't see many of the episodes where Andorians were a big deal, but the guide tells me the broad strokes and it's fun to just roll with stuff sometimes.