View Full Version : Optimization Junkyard Wars XLVIII: Cloaked Dancer + Companion Creature - Bard

2024-05-11, 07:14 AM
Welcome to Junkyard Stadium! It is in this hallowed pile of miscellaneous parts that we will hold a competition of Practical Optimization with three components. The catch? Competitors may not use the third item in their builds! I'm your host, Inevitability: may I have this dance?

Goal: Create a build that showcases the selected ingredients while steering clear of the Forbidden Ingredient.

This competition has two Necessary Components and one Forbidden Component. This round's components are...

Necessary: the Cloaked Dancer PrC, from Complete Scoundrel!
Necessary: a Companion Creature!
Forbidden: The Bard class!


It's been a while since we last had a round focusing on a 5-level PrC. Cloaked Dancer is a peculiar class with a strong flavor that's not too hard to enter, and you've got fifteen other levels to present along it - how will you make this ingredient shine? Obtaining a companion creature for the secondary ingredient shouldn't be hard: so the question is how you're going to work it into your overall presentation. I'm very curious to see what people will come up with!

Creation: 32 point-buy is the presumed creation method. You may assume that you will have enough exp to reach ECL 20, and that the occasional bit of crafting, use of spells with exp components, or the like won't prevent you from doing so. However, LA buyoff is an alternate rule which is not in play.
Workshop: Competitors will be free to use any official 3.5 rulebook in constructing their builds. Dragon Magazine is disallowed, and Unearthed Arcana is allowed; but see below. Web-exclusive 3.0 or 3.5 materials by WotC are expressly allowed, but take care to verify that an updated version did not appear in print elsewhere as this may cause an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion. If you use web material, please link it. Dragon Magazine Compendium is allowed, as are Oriental Adventures (and its 3.5 updates in Dragon Magazine) and the Dragonlance Campaign Setting. Alternate rule systems from UA such as generic classes, spontaneous divine casters, gestalt and fractional saves and BAB are not allowed, as they create a different playing field.
Multiple Submissions: Entrants may submit up to two entries per round. 'Paired' entries are allowed (see below), but for convenience, please submit your entries in different PMs.
Leadership is banned: We're creating one thing, not all of the things. If your entry includes a prestige class or ACF that grants Leadership or a Leadership-like ability as a bonus feat, the feat should be ignored and is not eligible to be traded away for another feat or ACF through any means. If your entry includes a prestige class that requires Leadership, you still need to qualify, but the feat should thereafter be ignored. Wild Cohort is explicitly allowed.
Speculation: Please don't post or speculate on possible builds until after the reveal in order to avoid spoiling the surprise if a particular competitor is producing a build along those lines. Speculation and stub posting is to be avoided until the reveal is completed.
Disputes: Any scoring disputes should be sent to the Chair via PM. Valid disputes include RAW misreadings, arithmetic errors, things missed that are present in the entry, and inconsistently applied criteria. Invalid disputes include disagreements on matters of opinion, a judge not catching something not explicitly presented in the entry, and the like. Invalid disputes will be responded to via PM by the Chair, but valid disputes will be posted in-thread for the judge to review. When disputing, please indicate the judge the dispute is intended for and provide a quote of the disputed comment or comments. Note: the Chair may edit or paraphrase any disputes in presenting them to the judges.
Presentation: You will need to present a write-up of your build at at least one of the following points: 5th level, 10th level, 15th, 20th, and a "sweet spot" that you feel is the high point of the build, as well as presenting a fully-fleshed out 20-level build in the table below. Please give a rundown of the build's abilities and playability throughout its life. Builds will be posted anonymously, in order to avoid the potential of bias towards a particular competitor. For this reason, please don't put your name in the build as I'm likely to miss it when reviewing the entries. Also for this reason, PLEASE do not include any material that may or may not grossly offend any potential viewers/judges/competitors OR break forum rules. Any builds which violate forum rules WILL be withheld from posting.
Anonymity: if you are submitting multiple entries, please try not to have entries reference each other, or have other obvious "tells" that they are from the same competitor. If it is essential for your concept that entries are somehow linked, that is fine, but otherwise, please try to limit info that will give away who competitors are.

Due to concerns about standardizing entry format, please use the following table for their entry.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

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New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Code immediately below (spoiler).

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

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New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

For entries with spellcasting, use the following table for Spells per day and Spells Known. (Spells Known only if necessary, i.e. Sorcerer or Bard, but not Wizard or Warmage)
Spells per Day/Spells Known






















Code immediately below (spoiler)Spells per Day/Spells Known






















For other systems (Psionics, ToB, Incarnum, etc.) keep track of PP/maneuvers/essentia separately, preferably in a nice neat list.

mattie_p has also kindly made a Google Document that greatly assists with creating and formatting tables: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BG0-5sq4dL9Ooh7-QfXuyHzO4rXSz-CRcj29t6BeUVE/edit?usp=sharing

Scoring: Each judge is required to provide the criteria by which they are judging the builds. By "criteria," we mean a simple explanation of what the judge is looking for in each of the below categories and what kind of scoring we can expect. If a judge deems a build to be illegal, they may provide a 0 in Elegance but may not refuse to judge any build presented by the Chair.
The Categories: Judging will be based on the following criteria, with each build rated from 1 (very poor) to 5 (exemplary) in each area: Originality, Power, Elegance, Use of Components.

Originality: Is the build unique? Does it deviate from the obvious? Does it forge its own path, or does it fall back on common, established optimization tricks? Some judges score entries for the quality of their concept & backstory as well, though not all do. Providing at least some backstory or fluff is heavily encouraged, as it helps the judges figure out who the entry is. Note that the purpose of this category is not to penalize entries that independently came up with the same idea as another entry, but rather to reward entries that explore underutilized and non-obvious areas of optimization, so, judges, try not to base your judging in this category too heavily on what other builds are doing. Multiple entries using the same element may certainly be evidence that the element is unoriginal, but you shouldn't impose anything like a "-1 for each other build using the same class" penalty.
Power: Power represents your build's, well, power. Builds are not to be penalized for being 'too powerful', though judges are advised to have a standard where things other than tier 1 casters can acquire a perfect power score still.
Elegance: This category was formerly titled "Build Stability." Here, we're essentially measuring how skillfully you put your build together and how you balanced flavor with power. We're cooking here - if your dish doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter how well-presented it is. Use of flaws is an automatic loss of one point per flaw in this category. Multiclassing that results in an XP penalty is penalized here as well, though 'dips' that fall short of XP penalties should not be. Rule adherence and legality of sources is scored under this category; additionally, reliance on a questionable, controversial, or ambiguous ruling can and should result in a deduction. Neither the number of sources nor their relative obscurity should be penalized--contestants should feel free to use any books they like. Lastly, errors of build presentation are penalized here too.
Use of Components: Was the Forbidden Component avoided? Were the Necessary Components showcased, or simply used because they were necessary? Were the Necessary Components used mostly separately, or combined into a harmonious whole?

Note on scoring: if you are going to penalize an entry for something specific, it is strongly recommend that it only be penalized in one of the four categories for this - the one you feel is the most relevant. It is OK to put different penalties for different instances in their own category, but if, say, someone fails to qualify for a PrC, try not to ping them in Elegance and Power, for instance.
Disputes: Any scoring disputes will be posted by the Chair in-thread after reviewing them privately. Valid disputes include

RAW misreadings,
arithmetic errors,
things missed that are present in the entry,
and inconsistently applied criteria.

Note: only competitors are to raise disputes, and only on their own entry. If you, as a spectator, find an error in judging (or in an entry, for that matter), please hold off on comment until after the final reveal. Thank you.

Invalid disputes will be responded to via PM by the Chair, but valid disputes should be responded to by each individual judge. Judges are obligated to respond to disputes to ensure that everyone gets a fair shake. A judge's scores will only be recognized if they have recognized all disputes. In the absence of any other judges, the entries will be judged by the chair.

In the event that no suitable judge is found in a reasonable time, we will trial the alternate method:

Each contestant picks their three favourite entries that they did not submit. They will rank the three in order from first to third, and this will be submitted privately to The Chair.
Entries that are not rated by a contestant are presumed to rated at 4th place.
The score of each entry is averaged, and competition winners will be decided with the lowest number taking first place, second-lowest taking second and so forth.

Completion Time:

Contestants will have until 23:59 GMT Thursday 30th May to create their builds and PM them to the chair (note: you are free to submit builds up until I start posting entries, even if this deadline has passed).
Builds will then be posted simultaneously to avoid copying.
As the precedent has been set from Episode 2, should all prospective judges have posted their rulings in a neat, timely fashion and all disputes have been settled satisfactorily (to either judges, contestants, or the Chairperson), the judging period may end prematurely to give way to a new episode. No reason to keep working on a finished building and avoid moving onto the next one.
While I (Inevitability) am chair, judges can expect priority voting on the next round's theme and are encouraged to submit their own suggestions.

Looking for as many contestants and judges as feel like playing! We will award 1st through 3rd places, as well as a shout-out for honorable mention. The honorable mention prize is given to the most daring or unexpected build that doesn't gain a medal.. Everyone can vote in-thread. Ready? Set? Get to the junkyard and start building!

On the subject of messaging the chair (me), a few guidelines:
- I am not here to give critiques on your build or guess how the judges might score it!
- For entries, please keep the entry to no more than 2 messages, if at all possible.
- For entries, don't expect me to search through your entry and edit in or out material. Entries should be sent to me complete - if there is a later revision, re-submit the full build. PLEASE DON'T INCLUDE TEXT IN YOUR SUBMISSION YOU WANT ME TO EDIT OUT FOR THE POST - SUBMIT IT TO ME EXACTLY HOW I WILL POST THE FINISHED PRODUCT.
- Please make sure the name of your entry is clearly present in the message.
- Please make sure the title of your submission clearly connects your message to this contest. This makes it much easier for me to find your build in my inbox.

Junkyard Wars in the Playground I: Shadowdancer + Sneak Attack - Rogue (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?337864)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground II: Healing Spells + Ruby Knight Vindicator - Cleric (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?342896)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground III: Dragons + Theurges - Kobolds (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?347412)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground IV: BoED + Undead Type - Completes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?355278)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground V: Dread Witch + Reaping Mauler - Fighter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?360271)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground VI: Wonderworker + Profession Skill - Factotum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?369604)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground VII: Metamagic Feats + LA - Metamagic Reducers! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?374504)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground VIII: Pounce+Small Size-Barbarian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?388151)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground IX: Earth Dreamer + Ordained Champion - Cleric (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?395791)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground X: Meldshaping + Natural Attacks - Totemist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?403880)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XI: Magical Darkness + Improved Familiar - Wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?409650)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XII: Dragonmark Heirs + Touchstones - Martial Weapons (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?430214)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XIII: Mulhorandi Divine Minion + Monk - Any Other Wildshaping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?465901)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XIV: Racial Paragon Classes + Spellcasting - Base Classes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?479427)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XV: Ruathar + Stoneblessed - Human (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?497904)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XVI: Trapsmith + Combat Trapsmith - Rogue (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?540521)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XVII: Elemental Warrior + Jaunter - Fighter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?552569)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XVIII: Argent Savant + Holy Scourge - Wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?555404)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XIX: Incarnum Blade + Exotic Weapon Master - Spiked Chain (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?562523-Junkyard-Wars-XIX-IB-EWM-SC)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XX: Xorvintaal Exarch + The Pact-Bound Adept - Sorcerer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?568541-Junkyard-Wars-XX-XE-PBA(a)-S)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XXI: Rebuke Undead + Teamwork Benefits - [Divine] feats (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?572680-Junkyard-Wars-XXI-Halloween-Round!)
Junkyard Wars XXII: Battle Trickster + Magical Trickster - Uncanny Trickster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?577512-Junkyard-Wars-XXII-Show-Me-Your-Skillz)
Junkyard Wars XXIII: Spellwarp Sniper + Silver Pyromancer - Energy Substitution (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?581736-Junkyard-Wars-XXIII-Ready-Aim-Fire)
Junkyard Wars XXIV: Vow of Peace + Saint - Divine casting (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?585567-Junkyard-Wars-XXIV-VoPe-S-DC)
Junkyard Wars XXV: Silverwood Arcanist + Share Soulmeld - Soulcaster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?590622-Junkyard-Wars-XXV-SA-SS-S)
Junkyard Wars XXVI: RSL + ACF - PrCs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?593374-Junkyard-Wars-XXVI-RSL-ACF-PrCs)
Junkyard Wars XXVII: Unholy Scion + Mark - Affiliation (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?598151-Junkyard-Wars-XXVII-US-M-A)
Junkyard Wars XXVII: 1MF + CPA&A - T (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?603826-Junkyard-Wars-XXVIII-1MF-CPA-amp-A-T)
Junkyard Wars XXIX: Social Distancing Edition! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?610153-Junkyard-Wars-XXIX-Social-Distancing-Edition!)
Junkyard Wars XXX: Something a Little Spicy (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?631758-Junkyard-Wars-XXX-Something-a-Little-Spicy)
Junkyard Wars XXXI: Giddy-Up! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?633325)
Junkyard Wars XXXII: Theurge Without Theurge (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?634803)
Junkyard Wars XXXIII: LotD + AF - Necropolitan (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?636185)
Junkyard Wars XXXIV: SE + HoS - Soulmelds (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?637670)
Junkyard Wars XXXV: Complete Class + Complete PrC - PHB Classes (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?641168)
Junkyard Wars XXXVI: Vestige Binding + MWP - Binder (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?642413)
Junkyard Wars XXXVII: Bone Collector + Necropotent - ToB (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?644772)
Junkyard Wars XXXVIII: NPC Class + Prestige Class - Base Classes (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?645816)
Junkyard Wars XXXIX - Stunning Fist + Evasion - Monk (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?646976)
Junkyard Wars XL - Ninths + Metamagic - Prepared Spells (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?648718)
Junkyard Wars XLI - Spellcasting + Rage - Rage Mage (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?653216)
Junkyard Wars XLII - Smite + Mounted Combat - Paladin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?655908)
Junkyard Wars XLIII - Natural Weapons + Spellcasting - Druid (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?659277)
Junkyard Wars XLIV - Huge Size + Frostburn Weapons - Expansion (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?662629)
Junkyard Wars XLV - Healing + Serenity - Paladin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?664116)
Junkyard Wars XLVI - Weapon Specialization + Bonded Weapon - Fighter (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?665179)
Junkyard Wars XLVII: SLAs + Breath Weapon - Dragonfire Adept (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?666447)

2024-05-11, 07:17 AM
Contest Questions and Answers

Q1: What is a Companion Creature, exactly?
A1: Any single creature that semi-permanently accompanies your character as a result of a feat, class feature, or other ability, such as a familiar, animal companion, or similar being. If you're unsure whether a particular being counts, PM me.

Q2: Are the variant bards (bardic sage, savage bard, divine bard) from UA banned? What about the prestige bard?
A2: All of these are banned.

Q3: Can we make use of the cloaked dancer adaptation section?
A3: The adaptation section is poorly defined and little more than a suggestion; it would require DM involvement to work. Judges are allowed to penalize any build reliant on it in Elegance.

2024-05-11, 08:59 AM
I'm excited for this contest. I'm definitely in to cook.

Psycho Ban
2024-05-11, 10:13 AM
I'm in to cook too! I already have a few ideas.

2024-05-11, 03:18 PM
I have zero ideas...

2024-05-11, 10:17 PM
I'll probably try and cook on this one. There are just a lot of ways get this to working though so we'll see what I come up with.

2024-05-12, 02:57 AM
Y'know, when I saw a PM in my inbox, my first thought was a question... not an entire entry already submitted. My compliments to your speedy building, Chef - and good luck enduring the wait!

2024-05-12, 04:02 PM
Ok is this the ONE class that doesn't have the skills listed as prereq as its own class skill ? What in the hell ?

2024-05-12, 05:03 PM
Ok is this the ONE class that doesn't have the skills listed as prereq as its own class skill ? What in the hell ?

That's because cloaked is past tense. You were hidden once you enter the class you are no longer hidden.

Edit: to be fair you can get the ranks required as cross class skills since it only requires five ranks to the ten you need on perform.

2024-05-13, 12:06 PM
In to cook. I have a decent idea for presentation that'll mix it up from my usual.

2024-05-13, 02:40 PM
In to cook. Hopefully this time I won't place last. lol.

2024-05-13, 03:29 PM
In to cook. Hopefully this time I won't place last. lol.

If it's any consolation, my own first Junkyard Wars, I placed second last. Everyone improves with practice!

...though my second Junkyard Wars submission never placed for lack of judging, so lets hope yours goes better.

2024-05-14, 08:57 PM
In to cook. Hopefully this time I won't place last. lol.

The field in that one was particularly tough. It's also important to remember that it is a judged competition there's no way to remove a judge's personal taste or perspective and you wouldn't actually want that. So it's possible to have a good build score more poorly (or a bad one score better). And cause it's in fun it doesn't really matter. And judged competitions always have that aspect. Like the last one I judged, I tried to be objective... but it's definitely something where my preferences influenced how I judged, and that's always going to be true.

2024-05-17, 04:53 PM
Entry sent ! Was a lot of fun once I decided to go all in haha

2024-05-18, 08:46 AM
In to cook! Have a cool idea or two already, just need to figure out the technicalities and write it all down... It's not as easy as I thought it would be, heh.

2024-05-22, 09:43 PM
I just wish the Cloaked Dancer gave like Sneak Attack or, like, Avenging Strike (a la Outcast Champion or Cyran Avenger), instead of the shockingly limited Surprise Strike. It scales terribly and is pretty weak when you could get it at earliest. Like, I've got a couple ideas but I feel pretty pigeonholed in an effort to make use of it.

2024-05-23, 07:30 AM
How about:
Great Fortitude + Iron Will + Lightning Reflexes - Forsaker.

It's more joke than real suggestion, but...

2024-05-23, 08:15 AM
How about:
Great Fortitude + Iron Will + Lightning Reflexes - Forsaker.

It's more joke than real suggestion, but...

I like where your head's at, but I also feel like anyone who actually has an idea making good use of forsaker should get to submit it.

...no more serious a suggestion, but how about 'PHB save feats + PHB skill feats - other PHB feats'? Where 'save feats' are the three you listed, and skill feats are skill focus and all those feats that give +2 to 2 skills.

2024-05-23, 08:26 AM
I like where your head's at, but I also feel like anyone who actually has an idea making good use of forsaker should get to submit it.

...no more serious a suggestion, but how about 'PHB save feats + PHB skill feats - other PHB feats'? Where 'save feats' are the three you listed, and skill feats are skill focus and all those feats that give +2 to 2 skills.

Hmm... I see possible issues in "other PHB feats" part. Excluding them also exclude big part of content - many PrCs and feats have them as prereqs. And what to do if PrC gives some of them as bonus feat? But this maybe ok, can't decide right now.

UPD: ... and I see no problems if we let non-PHB skill feats.

2024-05-24, 11:13 AM
I'm super excited to cook for this! I'm a long-time lurker on the competitions, first-time submitter!

2024-05-27, 07:29 AM
The deadline is coming up: does anyone still have a build to get in? Now is the time to ask for an extension if one is needed.

2024-05-27, 08:49 AM
Could I request 2 nights? I'm traveling and having issues finishing up my build's write up.

2024-05-27, 09:12 AM
Could I request 2 nights? I'm traveling and having issues finishing up my build's write up.

Certainly! Safe travels.

New Deadline: 30th of May 23:59 GMT

2024-05-27, 01:35 PM
I'm still cooking as well, but will get it in by the deadline.

2024-05-27, 07:02 PM
Barely finished cooking my character. lol. Submitted my entry.

2024-05-27, 11:33 PM
Ended up with some down time and got mine in!

2024-05-28, 02:35 AM
Does that mean we get our reveal today as planned ?!

2024-05-28, 03:04 AM
Does that mean we get our reveal today as planned ?!

I do believe Factual is also working on an entry still.

2024-05-28, 05:05 AM
Indeed. I should be able to get mine in in the next twelve hours or so.

2024-05-28, 12:28 PM
Can't wait to see all the awesome builds y'all prepared! The first-timer hype is getting to me, and I'm not complaining :smallbiggrin: Don't care if I get the last places, I'm just happy to be here :smallbiggrin:

2024-05-28, 12:47 PM
Can't wait to see all the awesome builds y'all prepared! The first-timer hype is getting to me, and I'm not complaining :smallbiggrin: Don't care if I get the last places, I'm just happy to be here :smallbiggrin:

Excited to have you here! I caught the bug last year and I love to see how infectious this is with people!

2024-05-28, 04:05 PM
My entry is in. I can't wait for the reveal!

2024-05-29, 08:07 AM
My entry is in. I can't wait for the reveal!

Same here haha

2024-05-29, 07:08 PM
Apologies for causing the delay, but it did give me the opportunity to submit an add-on. I appreciate you all giving me that time.

2024-05-30, 01:54 PM
I'm looking forward to this.

2024-05-30, 03:48 PM
Alright, I don't believe we have any other entries coming, so I'll post slightly early. Get ready for the reveal, and please don't post until I've finished.

2024-05-30, 03:51 PM
Do the robot!

Kiris Emin and friends

NG Elf Rogue 1/Artificer 5/Spymaster 1/Cloaked Dancer 5/Spymaster +6/Rogue+2

Str 8
Dex 12+2
Con 14-2
Int 16
Wis 10
Cha 16

+1 to charisma at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th

NG Arbalester 18HD

Str 8
Dex 19
Con -
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 7

+1 to dex at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th hit dice. +2 at 3rd hit die.

NG Arbalester 18HD

Str 8
Dex 19
Con -
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 7

+1 to dex at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th hit dice. +2 at 3rd hit die.

NG Furtive Filcher 18HD

Str 8
Dex 19
Con -
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 7

+1 to int at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th hit dice.

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Rogue 1 0 0 2 0 Bluff 4 (+4), Diplomacy 4 (+4), Disguise 4 (+4), Forgery 4 (+4), Gather Information 4 (+4), Sense Motive 4 (+4), Hide 4 (+4), Perform (dance) 4 (+4), Sleight of Hand 4 (+4), Craft (sculpting) 4 (+4), Use Magic Device 4 (+4) Least Dragonmark of Shadow (Minor Image) Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding
2nd Artificer 1 1 0 2 2 Bluff 5 (+1) CC, Diplomacy 4, Disguise 5 (+1) CC, Forgery 4, Gather Information 4, Sense Motive 4, Hide 4, Perform (dance) 5 (+1) CC, Sleight of Hand 4, Craft (sculpting) 4, Use Magic Device 5 (+1) Scribe Scroll (B) Artificer knowledge, artisan bonus, disable trap, item creation
3rd Artificer 2 2 0 2 3 Bluff 6 (+1) CC, Diplomacy 4, Disguise 6 (+1) CC, Forgery 4, Gather Information 4, Sense Motive 4, Hide 4, Perform (dance) 6 (+1) CC, Sleight of Hand 4, Craft (sculpting) 4, Use Magic Device 6 (+1) Skill Focus (Bluff), Brew Potion (B)
4th Artificer 3 3 1 3 3 Bluff 7 (+1) CC, Diplomacy 4, Disguise 7 (+1) CC, Forgery 4, Gather Information 4, Sense Motive 4, Hide 4, Perform (dance) 7 (+1) CC, Sleight of Hand 4, Craft (sculpting) 4, Use Magic Device 7 (+1) Craft Wonderous Item (B)
5th Artificer 4 3 1 3 4 Bluff 8 (+1) CC, Diplomacy 4, Disguise 8 (+1) CC, Forgery 4, Gather Information 4, Sense Motive 4, Hide 4, Perform (dance) 8 (+1) CC, Sleight of Hand 4, Craft (sculpting) 4, Use Magic Device 8 (+1) Legendary Artisan (B) Craft Homunculus
6th Artificer 5 3 1 3 4 Bluff 8, Diplomacy 4, Disguise 8, Forgery 4, Gather Information 4, Sense Motive 4, Hide 4, Perform (dance) 9 (+1) CC, Sleight of Hand 4, Craft (sculpting) 8 (+4), Use Magic Device 9 (+1) Improved Homunculus, Craft Magic Arms and Armor (B) Retain Essence
7th Spymaster 1 3 1 5 4 Bluff 8, Diplomacy 4, Disguise 8, Forgery 4, Gather Information 5 (+1), Sense Motive 4, Hide 5 (+1), Perform (dance) 10 (+1) CC, Sleight of Hand 5 (+1), Craft (sculpting) 8, Use Magic Device 10 (+1), Disable Device 1 (+1) Cover Identity, Undetectable Alignment
8th Cloaked Dancer 1 3 1 7 4 Bluff 8, Diplomacy 4, Disguise 11 (+3), Forgery 4, Gather Information 5, Sense Motive 4, Hide 5, Perform (dance) 11 (+1), Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 11 (+3), Use Magic Device 11 (+1), Disable Device 1 Enchanting Dance (Beguiling Dance)
9th Cloaked Dancer 2 4 1 8 4 Bluff 12 (+4), Diplomacy 4, Disguise 12 (+1), Forgery 4, Gather Information 5, Sense Motive 5 (+1), Hide 5, Perform (dance) 12 (+1), Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 12 (+1), Use Magic Device 12 (+1), Disable Device 1 Lesser Dragonmark of Shadow (Scrying) Surprise Strike +1d6
10th Cloaked Dancer 3 5 2 8 5 Bluff 13 (+1), Diplomacy 4, Disguise 13 (+1), Forgery 4, Gather Information 8 (+3), Sense Motive 5, Hide 5, Perform (dance) 13 (+1), Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 13 (+1), Use Magic Device 13 (+1), Disable Device 1 Enchanting Dance (Wearying Dance)
11th Cloaked Dancer 4 6 2 9 5 Bluff 14 (+1), Diplomacy 4, Disguise 14 (+1), Forgery 4, Gather Information 11 (+3), Sense Motive 5, Hide 5, Perform (dance) 14 (+1), Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 14 (+1), Use Magic Device 14 (+1), Disable Device 1 Surprise Strike +2d6
12th Cloaked Dancer 5 6 2 9 5 Bluff 15 (+1), Diplomacy 4, Disguise 15 (+1), Forgery 4, Gather Information 14 (+3), Sense Motive 5, Hide 5, Perform (dance) 15 (+1), Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 15 (+1), Use Magic Device 15 (+1), Disable Device 1 Greater Dragonmark of Shadow (Prying Eyes) Enchanting Dance (Frightful Dance)
13th Spymaster 2 7 2 10 5 Bluff 16 (+1), Diplomacy 4, Disguise 16 (+1), Forgery 4, Gather Information 16 (+2), Sense Motive 5, Hide 5, Perform (dance) 15, Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 15, Use Magic Device 16 (+1), Disable Device 2 (+1), Assume Quirk Quick Change, Scrying Defense
14th Spymaster 3 8 3 10 6 Bluff 17 (+1), Diplomacy 4, Disguise 17 (+1), Forgery 4, Gather Information 17 (+1), Sense Motive 5, Hide 5, Perform (dance) 15, Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 15, Use Magic Device 17 (+1), Disable Device 4 (+2), Assume Quirk, Second Impression Magic Aura, Sneak Attack +2d6
15th Spymaster 4 9 3 11 6 Bluff 18 (+1), Diplomacy 4, Disguise 18 (+1), Forgery 4, Gather Information 18 (+1), Sense Motive 5, Hide 5, Perform (dance) 15, Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 15, Use Magic Device 18 (+1), Disable Device 8 (+4), Assume Quirk, Second Impression Dragonmark Visionary (Shadow Form) Cover Identity, Slippery Mind
16th Spymaster 5 9 3 11 6 Bluff 19 (+1), Diplomacy 4, Disguise 19 (+1), Forgery 4, Gather Information 19 (+1), Sense Motive 5, Hide 5, Perform (dance) 15, Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 15, Use Magic Device 19 (+1), Disable Device 12 (+4), Assume Quirk, Second Impression Dispel Scrying
17th Spymaster 6 10 4 12 7 Bluff 20 (+1), Diplomacy 4, Disguise 20 (+1), Forgery 4, Gather Information 20 (+1), Sense Motive 5, Hide 5, Perform (dance) 15, Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 15, Use Magic Device 20 (+1), Disable Device 16 (+4), Assume Quirk, Second Impression Sneak Attack +3d6
18th Spymaster 7 11 4 12 7 Bluff 21 (+1), Diplomacy 4, Disguise 21 (+1), Forgery 4, Gather Information 21 (+1), Sense Motive 5, Hide 5, Perform (dance) 15, Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 15, Use Magic Device 21 (+1), Disable Device 20 (+4), Assume Quirk, Second Impression Dragonmark Adept (Blindsight) Cover Identity, Deep Cover
19th Rogue 2 12 4 13 7 Bluff 22 (+1), Diplomacy 4, Disguise 22 (+1), Forgery 4, Gather Information 22 (+1), Sense Motive 5, Hide 5, Perform (dance) 15, Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 15, Use Magic Device 22 (+1), Disable Device 22 (+2), Search 4 (+4), Assume Quirk, Second Impression Evasion
20th Rogue 3 13 5 13 8 Bluff 23 (+1), Diplomacy 4, Disguise 23 (+1), Forgery 4, Gather Information 23 (+1), Sense Motive 5, Hide 5, Perform (dance) 15, Sleight of Hand 5, Craft (sculpting) 15, Use Magic Device 23 (+1), Disable Device 23 (+1), Search 9 (+5), Assume Quirk, Second Impression Sneak Attack +4d6, Trap Sense +1

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Construct 1 0 0 0 0 Spot 4 (+4), Listen 4 (+4), Balance 4 (+4) Point Blank Shot
2nd Construct 2 1 0 0 0 Spot 5 (+1), Listen 5 (+1), Balance 5 (+1)
3rd Construct 3 2 1 1 1 Spot 6 (+1), Listen 6 (+1), Balance 6 (+1) Precise Shot Dexterous
4th Construct 4 3 1 1 1 Spot 7 (+1), Listen 7 (+1), Balance 7 (+1)
5th Construct 5 3 1 1 1 Spot 8 (+1), Listen 8 (+1), Balance 8 (+1)
6th Construct 6 4 2 2 2 Spot 9 (+1), Listen 9 (+1), Balance 9 (+1) Far Shot Store Infusion
7th Construct 7 5 2 2 2 Spot 10 (+1), Listen 10 (+1), Balance 10 (+1)
8th Construct 8 6 2 2 2 Spot 11 (+1), Listen 11 (+1), Balance 11 (+1)
9th Construct 9 6 3 3 3 Spot 12 (+1), Listen 12 (+1), Balance 12 (+1) Weapon Focus (Light Crossbow) Telepathy Range
10th Construct 10 7 3 3 3 Spot 13 (+1), Listen 13 (+1), Balance 13 (+1)
11th Construct 11 8 3 3 3 Spot 14 (+1), Listen 14 (+1), Balance 14 (+1)
12th Construct 12 9 4 4 4 Spot 15 (+1), Listen 15 (+1), Balance 15 (+1) Crossbow Sniper Flyer
13th Construct 13 9 4 4 4 Spot 16 (+1), Listen 16 (+1), Balance 16 (+1)
14th Construct 14 10 4 4 4 Spot 17 (+1), Listen 17 (+1), Balance 17 (+1)
15th Construct 15 11 5 5 5 Spot 18 (+1), Listen 18 (+1), Balance 18 (+1) Rapid Reload Sneak Attack +1d6
16th Construct 16 12 5 5 5 Spot 19 (+1), Listen 19 (+1), Balance 19 (+1)
17th Construct 17 12 5 5 5 Spot 20 (+1), Listen 20 (+1), Balance 20 (+1)
18th Construct 18 13 6 6 6 Spot 21 (+1), Listen 21 (+1), Balance 21 (+1) Improved Precise Shot Sneak Attack +2d5

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Construct 1 0 0 0 0 Spot 4 (+4), Listen 4 (+4), Balance 4 (+4) Point Blank Shot
2nd Construct 2 1 0 0 0 Spot 4, Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 1 1/2 (+1 1/2) CC
3rd Construct 3 2 1 1 1 Spot 4, Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 3 (+1 1/2) CC Rapid Reload Dexterous
4th Construct 4 3 1 1 1 Spot 4, Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 3, Hide 1 1/2 (+1 1/2) CC
5th Construct 5 3 1 1 1 Spot 4, Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 3, Hide 3 (+1 1/2) CC
6th Construct 6 4 2 2 2 Spot 4, Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 3, Hide 4 1/2 (+1 1/2) CC Darkstalker Sneak Attack +1d6
7th Construct 7 5 2 2 2 Spot 4, Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 4 1/2 (+1 1/2) CC, Hide 4 1/2
8th Construct 8 6 2 2 2 Spot 5 (+1), Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 5 (+1/2) CC, Hide 5 (+1/2) CC
9th Construct 9 6 3 3 3 Spot 6 (+1), Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 5 1/2 (+1/2) CC, Hide 5 1/2 (+1/2) CC Precise Shot Sneak Attack +2d6
10th Construct 10 7 3 3 3 Spot 7 (+1), Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 6 (+1/2) CC, Hide 6 (+1/2) CC
11th Construct 11 8 3 3 3 Spot 8 (+1), Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 6 1/2 (+1/2) CC, Hide 6 1/2 (+1/2) CC
12th Construct 12 9 4 4 4 Spot 9 (+1), Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 7 (+1/2) CC, Hide 7 (+1/2) CC Rapid Shot Sneak Attack +3d6
13th Construct 13 9 4 4 4 Spot 10 (+1), Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 7 1/2 (+1/2) CC, Hide 7 1/2 (+1/2) CC
14th Construct 14 10 4 4 4 Spot 11 (+1), Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 8 (+1/2) CC, Hide 8 (+1/2) CC
15th Construct 15 11 5 5 5 Spot 12 (+1), Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 8 1/2 (+1/2) CC, Hide 8 1/2 (+1/2) CC Sickening Strike Sneak Attack +4d6
16th Construct 16 12 5 5 5 Spot 13 (+1), Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 9 (+1/2) CC, Hide 9 (+1/2) CC
17th Construct 17 12 5 5 5 Spot 14 (+1), Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 9 1/2 (+1/2) CC, Hide 9 1/2 (+1/2) CC
18th Construct 18 13 6 6 6 Spot 15 (+1), Listen 4, Balance 4, Move Silently 10 (+1/2) CC, Hide 10 (+1/2) CC Terrifying Strike Sneak Attack +5d6

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Construct 1 0 0 0 0 Hide 4 (+4), Move Silently 4 (+4), Sleight of Hand 4 (+4) Stealthy
2nd Construct 2 1 0 0 0 Hide 4, Move Silently 4, Sleight of Hand 4, Truespeak 1 1/2 (+1 1/2) CC
3rd Construct 3 2 1 1 1 Hide 4, Move Silently 4, Sleight of Hand 4, Truespeak 6 (+3) Truename Training Telepathy Range
4th Construct 4 3 1 1 1 Hide 5 (+1), Move Silently 5 (+1), Sleight of Hand 4, Truespeak 7 (+1)
5th Construct 5 3 1 1 1 Hide 6 (+1), Move Silently 6 (+1), Sleight of Hand 4, Truespeak 8 (+1)
6th Construct 6 4 2 2 2 Hide 7 (+1), Move Silently 7 (+1), Sleight of Hand 4, Truespeak 9 (+1) Minor Utterance of the Evolving Mind (Minor Word of Nurturing) Telepathy Range
7th Construct 7 5 2 2 2 Hide 8 (+1), Move Silently 8 (+1), Sleight of Hand 4, Truespeak 10 (+1)
8th Construct 8 6 2 2 2 Hide 10 (+2), Move Silently 9 (+1), Sleight of Hand 4, Truespeak 11 (+1)
9th Construct 9 6 3 3 3 Hide 12 (+2), Move Silently 10 (+1), Sleight of Hand 4, Truespeak 12 (+1) Darkstalker Flyer
10th Construct 10 7 3 3 3 Hide 13 (+1), Move Silently 12 (+2), Sleight of Hand 4, Truespeak 13 (+1)
11th Construct 11 8 3 3 3 Hide 14 (+1), Move Silently 14 (+2), Sleight of Hand 4, Truespeak 14 (+1)
12th Construct 12 9 4 4 4 Hide 15 (+1), Move Silently 15 (+1), Sleight of Hand 5 (+1), Truespeak 15 (+1) Minor Utterance of the Evolving Mind (Universal Aptitude) Flyer (Improved)
13th Construct 13 9 4 4 4 Hide 16 (+1), Move Silently 16 (+1), Sleight of Hand 6 (+1), Truespeak 16 (+1)
14th Construct 14 10 4 4 4 Hide 17 (+1), Move Silently 17 (+1), Sleight of Hand 7 (+1), Truespeak 17 (+1)
15th Construct 15 11 5 5 5 Hide 18 (+1), Move Silently 18 (+1), Sleight of Hand 8 (+1), Truespeak 18 (+1) Utterance of the Evolving Mind (Archer's Eye) Store Infusion
16th Construct 16 12 5 5 5 Hide 19 (+1), Move Silently 19 (+1), Sleight of Hand 10 (+2), Truespeak 19 (+1)
17th Construct 17 12 5 5 5 Hide 20 (+1), Move Silently 20 (+1), Sleight of Hand 12 (+2), Truespeak 20 (+1)
18th Construct 18 13 6 6 6 Hide 21 (+1), Move Silently 21(+1), Sleight of Hand 14 (+2), Truespeak 21 (+1) Utterance of the Evolving Mind (Strike of Might) Dexterous

Abandoned in Eston in 974 YK as a child of some thirty years, Kiris only had faint memories of his parents. The only thing he knew for sure was that one of them must have borne the mark of Shadow, because even from a young age he bore the mark. The mark was what brought him into Myreshall’s Wandering Mirabilia, a circus unaffiliated with either of the houses of Shadow. There, he was taught to perform and dance by Bervalt Silvertops, who also used Kiris to lend the circus an air of legitimacy with his mark. Kiris soon realized the less savory aspects of the circus. Bervalt was affiliated with several criminal gangs around Cyre. Kiris went along, helping smuggle goods in the circus. During this time, he discovered his skill with magic items. He had a knack for making things, which occasionally came in handy in more elaborate heists, and Bervalt let him develop this talent. Though still quite young for an elf, Kiris was an accomplished criminal.
Early in 994 YK, Bervalt let him in on his true business- smuggling weapons in and out of Cyre, often working for House Cannith. Kiris, who had often seen the horrors of war first hand by this point, was disgusted, and immediately decided to leave. Bervalt tried to convince him to stay, saying that he had one more weapon to deliver and then he intended to retire, but Kiris left and Bervalt didn’t have the heart to hunt him down. Kiris had barely crossed over into Thrane when Cyre was destroyed in the Mourning.
In the aftermath, Kiris heard the rumors and accusations. Was it caused by a new Cannith weapon? A terrorist attack? Kiris couldn’t shake the feeling that it had been related to Bervalt’s last job. Wracked with the guilt he felt at potentially having let it happen, Kiris swore that he would never allow another war to break out.

On the mechanics side, Kiris starts out as a 1st level rogue with less than ideal skills and a Dragonmark that gives him some utility. He’ll probably be plinking away with a shortbow for most of these levels, a strategy that Artificer makes better with access to Bane and energy damage via infusions. He also has pretty decent charisma and can use wands roughly half the time. So far, he’s mostly doing standard artificer tricks, though he can also be a decent face. Really, there’s not a ton going on here until later levels.

Away from home, Kiris found work as a dancer in the University District of Sharn. During the days, he anxiously followed the papers while he tried to work out a way to stop war from breaking out. He made his first progress a few months into his career as a dancer when he encountered a notorious arms dealer at a party after a performance. On a whim, he decided to follow the arms dealer out of the party. Flitting from alley to alley, he saw the dealer meet up with a cloaked figure. The cloaked person handed the arms dealer a pouch and Kiris heard them speak.
“Here’s half,” the person said. “I’ll bring the rest when you give me the contagion capsules.”
Contagion capsules wasn’t a word Kiris was familiar with, but it didn’t sound good. It reminded him of disease spreading weapons he had heard about Karrnathi warlords using in the papers. He watched the two figures part, and decided to follow the arms dealer. As he walked, Kiris weighed the outcomes. While he had been in fights before, he had never attacked someone unprovoked. But if the dealer was planning to sell weapons like that, then it would save more lives to kill now. Kiris made up his mind and took out a knife from his belt. He walked up behind the dealer without saying a word and stabbed him through the back. The dealer died without a sound. Kiris walked on, throwing the knife in an alleyway a few streets away.
When he reached his apartment, he sat down and thought. If killing those who threatened peace preserved it, then the killing was justified, at least until a better solution could be found. He decided on a course of action then and there. He would use his fame as a performer to get close to those who threatened the world and then kill them. But to do this properly, he would need help. He started to assemble materials, and after a few weeks of work between performances, he had a trio of Homunculi. One was of a kind called a Furtive Filcher, a small shadowy creature that excelled at slipping into places unnoticed. He named this one Trueseeker, as it would seek out the truth hidden in dark places. The other two were Arbalesters, magically animated crossbows. One he called Quickfire, as its purpose was to slay its foes in one fast volley of bolts. The other he called Magebreaker, as so many of those who threatened the peace were mages. With his tools complete, Kiris began to seek out the worst of those who attended the performances and hunt them down, distracting them with his dance while he went for the kill. While this happened, his fame as a dancer began to grow, and soon he toured between cities, allowing him a much greater range of targets. Throughout, he made sure to keep his mark, which was on his left hand, hidden, so as not to draw the ire of the Houses of Shadow.

Here, Kiris’ tactics get much more complex. He creates his Homunculi (his companions creatures) at 6th level, which costs him a lot of XP even with Legendary Artisan. While keeping them all at max hit dice will make him lag behind in XP, the benefits are well worth the cost. Magebreaker delivers single, powerful, shots which can be a serious annoyance for enemy casters, and Quickfire can deliver volleys of sneak attacks from hiding. He builds both of them as magic weapons from the start. Magebreaker is a +1 Dispelling Light Crossbow and Quickfire is a +1 Speed Light Crossbow. He can use infusions to add more properties when he needs to. He’ll commonly do bane when he knows what they’re going up against and shock when he doesn’t. Trueseeker is a little less straightforward than the archers. It’s very stealthy, but it can also do a little Truenaming on the side. It can’t actually use utterances until ECL 8, but for now it can serve as a forward link up for Kiris.
On the non artificer side, at level 7 Kiris becomes a spymaster. He gets a new cover identity to match his stage name; Verrith Traveris, mysterious and popular dancer. He has the skills necessary to back up the deception, making it easier for him to assassinate stuff. Levels 8-10 are in Cloaked Dancer, the other half of the secret ingredient. Beguiling Dance is a decent ability, even though it doesn't last super long. It’s not worded super clearly, but it seems to be a save or lose your turn every round, which is pretty solid. Surprise Strike is less solid for a Dancer as frail as Kiris, but with a feycraft weapon or fanged ring he can occasionally land a hit for decent damage on a sneak attack. Wearying Dance is less good, though it does have a combo with Desiccating Burst, a weapon special ability that renders targets fatigued on a critical hit that Kiris can access via artificer.
While Kiris has been learning to dance, Trueseeker has been learning to Truename. Now, a brief note on truenaming. While it normally is pretty terrible, the DC scales off of target challenge rating, and the Homunculi benefit from very low challenge ratings, allowing Trueseeker to buff her friends pretty effectively, starting with Minor Word of Nurturing. This is pretty minor, but it has some pretty nifty combos at higher levels, and I thought it was cool enough to showcase.

Kiris started into the mirror of his dressing room. The image in the mirror was not his reflection, instead it showed a halfling woman waiting in the audience. His research had informed him that despite her innocent appearance, she was a corrupt heir of House Jorasco who was involved in developing disease based weaponry. Luckily for Kiris, she was attending one of his shows.
“Trueeseeker, Quickfire, do you see this?” he thought.
“We do,” Trueseeker thought back via their telepathic connection. “We’ll follow her after the show and await your signal.”
“Good,” Kiris answered. “Now it’s showtime.”

After the show, Kiris flitted back to the dressing room.
“Is she on the move yet?” he thought.
“She just left,” Trueseeker answered.
“I’ll get Magebreaker and follow you, then.” Kiris replied.
Magebreaker was concealed on top of a shelf in the dressing room, but as Kiris came up to her, she flitted over, landing on his shoulder. Kiris threw on a cloak and gloves. It was a pretty primitive disguise, but to distract his targets they needed to be able to see him anyway. Following Trueseeker’s directions, he followed the Jorasco Heir out into the night. The streets of the university district were fairly crowded, but luckily for Kiris, she soon turned on to a dimly lit side street. He paused at the turning.
“Magebreaker, set up somewhere you have a good view of her,” he ordered.
The homunculus flew off while Kiris took off one of his gloves. He focused on his mark, still warm from his early usage, and cast another spell. A dozen eyes came into existence, floating around them. “Patrol the area,” he ordered. “Come back to me if you see anything.”
He ran into the street, drawing the dagger concealed in his sleeve. The heir was just ahead, but as he prepared to call out to her, he felt a burst of pain as he sensed some of his prying eyes being destroyed.
“Magebreaker, Trueseeker, do you see anyone?” he thought.
“Just the target,” Trueseeker answered, “And Quickfire, I suppose.”
“I do,” Magebreaker replied. “There are a dozen armed men coming from the east, and another group from the west.”
In front of Kiris, the Jorasco heir turned around. “Kiris Emin,” she called out. “We’ve been on to you for a while now. You might as well surrender. There’s two dozen Blademarks coming to arrest you. Your murders are embarrassing the houses of Shadow, so they decided to go outside the house for our help.”
“You talk too much.” Kiris replied. “Magebreaker, now.”
The heir started to focus, but a bolt from Magebreaker struck her before she could finish the spell.
“Damn you,” she muttered as a trio of bolts from Quickfire struck her in the back. She dropped.
Kiris turned to go, but from both sides of the street groups of armed men poured in. “Kiris Emin!” one yelled. “Surrender or die!”
Kiris shook his head and started dancing. Surprised by this sudden turn of events, the guards were left confused as he sprinted into a side alley and quickly wove an illusion.
“Get out of there,” he thought to his homunculi.
In front of him, the soldiers searched for him in vain before turning around. “The Houses of Shadow will not forgive this.” one yelled as they turned away.
Kiris smiled. It seems he had started to annoy the right people.

Kiris’ strategy is the same here. Use his cloaked dancing abilities and spymaster levels to distract his enemies while the homunculi go for the kill. More surprise strike and frightful dance are both helpful, but so are the extra uses per day and DC as the new abilities aren’t as good as beguiling dance. At 12th, he gets his greater mark, which makes scouting out his targets a lot easier. His homunculi are becoming stealthier and better shots. While they don’t do a ton of damage, together they can compete with a PC archer, especially in an assassin situation. Magebreaker specializes at doing single large shots aimed to disrupt mages in the middle of casting spells. It often uses its store infusion ability to give itself Bane, targeting the particular enemy Kiris is targeting. Quickfire and Trueseeker usually work as a team as both are quite stealthy as they have good dex, ranks, small size, and darkstalker. Quickfire loves to get close and unleash devastating volleys, while Trueseeker tries to steal enemy stuff or uses her rather limited Truespeaking. She picks up Universal Aptitude towards the end of this level bank which is handy for buffing her allies’ stealth or occasionally debuffing weaker enemies- especially casters who are struggling with Magebreaker.
After Kiris finishes with Cloaked Dancer, he returns to spymaster picking up the ability to change clothing quickly, and ways to defend against scrying and magic detection. Spymaster’s a very passive class, but it works well with Kiris because he wants to be underestimated most of the time. At 15th level he also gets some more dragonmark abilities from dragonmark visionary. Shadow Form is pretty handy for getting out of tight spots and more prying eyes help scout areas. Kiris has been doing his main thing since about 8th level, but it gets much more effective during the levels.

Kiris clung to the roof of the train, wind running through his hair. Things had been going wrong for a while. The Houses had managed to expose his dancer identity, and the craftsman as well. They didn’t know about his other identity as a healer, but it didn’t matter now. He had been on the way to a target- a high ranking Cannith baron who Kiris had realized was trying to rebuild a Colossus, but then two airships had come up alongside the train he was on and dozens of marked elves had boarded it. They had taken out most of his prying eyes, and Magebreaker and Quickfire had both been badly damaged. He had burned a few wands trying to hold the front car, and now he was almost pinned. Still, he would probably be able to get away. He had a wand of levitate left, and the train had stopped over a deep gorge. But even if he could escape, they would keep hounding him unless he did some serious damage. As he tried to work out a plan, a prying eye crept back to him. Back to him, it replayed a series of images. Two figures on the deck of the airship were giving orders. One was a tall half elf who seemed to be piloting the ship, while the other was a full elf in a dark cloak. “My son is causing such trouble,” he heard the elf say. “What a mess. I’ve had to commission this whole force to take him down. But at least we’ve finally succeeded. With him gone, we can ensure the houses profit when war breaks out.”
Kiris started in surprise. Could that be his father? He shoved down a wave of emotion. It didn’t really matter if he was. He was clearly some sort of leader in on the nefarious plans of the houses. He needed to die. Kiris looked up, through the storm, to see the closer air ship. A few hundred feet above him he could see the two men. “Magebreaker,” he thought. “Look up there. Do you see those two men?”
“I see them,” she replied. “But in this weather, I don’t think I can make the shot.”
“I’ll get to work on that,” Kiris replied. Frantically he began to work, imbuing Magebreaker with the ability to extend her range, strike with extra bite against elves, and hit the mark truly. He finished the infusions far quicker than he had ever been able to before. Trueseeker added words of her own, and when Magebreaker was ready, she fired.
On the distant deck of the ship, the figure toppled and didn’t rise. Kiris smiled. That should keep the peace for a little while, he thought as he activated his wand of levitate and leapt off the train with his homunculi.

Kiris finishes off Spymaster and takes a few levels in rogue here. Due to spending a lot of XP on the homunculi, he might be a level behind for some of this stretch, but it shouldn’t be too egregious overall. Spymaster’s last ability, Deep Cover, is extremely powerful, effectively making Kiris immune to divinations when he’s in his dancer guise. Dispel Scrying, a few levels earlier, is also quite solid. The last two levels of rogue are mostly icing on the cake, adding evasion and some more sneak attack, slightly increasing Kiris’ damage.

In terms of Homunculi, Magebreaker is getting better damage via crossbow sniper and finally gets the ability to do volley attacks with a little sneak attack added on. Quickfire is significantly better up close and adds some ambush feats as well to help make enemies fail saves. Trueseeker learns some new utterances, specifically Archer’s Eye and Strike of Might, both of which are handy buffs for her homunculus allies. Trueseeker switches between buffing Magebreaker and Quickfire depending on the situation. If Magebreaker is trying to make long range shots or is trying to lock down a single mage, Trueseeker buffs her, but if stealth is needed, Trueseeker goes with Quickfire. Regardless, Kiris serves mostly as a distraction and does little direct damage on his own. Like the archetypal cloaked dancer, his dancing is a distraction, but in the spirit of this round it’s a distraction for his friends.

Artificer, infusions, dragonmarks, Furtive Filcher, Legendary Artisan: Eberron Campaign Setting
Dragonmark Prodigy, Visionary: Dragonmarked
Arbalester, Improved Homunculus: Magic of Eberron
Utterances, truename feats: Tome of Magic
Darkstalker: Lords of Madness
Sickening Strike, Terrifying Strike: Drow of the Underdark
Crossbow Sniper: PHB II

2024-05-30, 03:54 PM
She has the floor.


Alignment : CG
Race : Human (Lion)
Level 1 : Sacred Vow, Silver Tongue (Racial Bonus), Improved Unarmed Strike (Battle Dancer Bonus)
Level 2 : Dragontouched (DFA Bonus)
Level 3 : Vow of Purity
Level 6 : Righteous Wrath
Level 8 : Unnatural Will
Level 9 : Vow of Nonviolence
Level 12 : Cards of Swords
Level 15 : Celestial Familiar
Level 18 : Combat Panache

Point Buy at level 1
DEX 14
CON 16
CHA 18

Level 4 to 20 in Cha

Meet Seraphina, a human with a passion for dance and a talent for diplomacy. Seraphina grew up in a bustling city known for its vibrant arts scene, where she honed her skills as a dancer from a young age. Her graceful movements and captivating performances earned her a reputation as one of the most talented dancers in the region. Her blood contained the grace of dragons ; a mixture of awe and fear.

Despite her success on the stage, Seraphina always felt a calling to use her talents for more than just entertainment. She saw the power of communication and persuasion in her performances and decided to become a diplomat, using her charm and eloquence to navigate the complex social and political landscapes of the world. She abhorred violence and would rather resort to seduction.

As she traveled from city to city, Seraphina encountered many tense situations where her silver tongue was put to the test. She quickly learned that sometimes words were not enough to resolve conflicts, and she began to study the art of intimidation and fear tactics to protect herself and those she cared about.

Now, as a seasoned adventurer, Seraphina uses her dancing abilities to captivate audiences and her eloquence to negotiate peace. But when push comes to shove, she is not afraid to unleash her fearsome presence to protect her companions and ensure that justice prevails in the face of danger.

LevelClassBABFortRefWillSkillsFeatsClass Features
1stBattle Dancer 11020Diplomacy (+2 CC) 1; Hide (+4) 4; Intimidate (+2) 2; Perform (+4) 4; Sleight of Hand (+4) 4; Sacred Vow, Silver Tongue (Racial Bonus), Improved Unarmed Strike (Battle Dancer Bonus)Cha to AC, Unarmed Strike
2ndDragonfire Adept 11222Diplomacy (+2) 3; Hide 4; Intimidate 2; Perform (+2 CC) 5; Sleight of Hand 4; Dragontouched (DFA Bonus)Breath Weapon 1d6, Dragontouched, Least Invocation
3rdDragonfire Adept 22323Diplomacy (+2) 5; Hide 4; Intimidate 2; Perform (+2 CC) 6; Sleight of Hand 4; Vow of PurityBreath Effect, Scales +2
4thDragonfire Adept 33333Diplomacy (+2) 7; Hide 4; Intimidate 2; Perform (+2 CC) 7; Sleight of Hand 4; Breath Weapon 2d6
5thCelebrant of Sharess 13335Diplomacy 7; Hide (+2 CC) 5; Intimidate 2; Know (Arcana) (+2 CC) 1; Perform (+1) 8; Sleight of Hand (+1) 5; Fascinate, Feline Familiar, Flirtation
6thCelebrant of Sharess 24336Diplomacy (+2) 9; Hide 5; Intimidate (+1) 3; Know (Arcana) (+2 CC) 2; Perform (+1) 9; Sleight of Hand 5; Righteous WrathFury of the Tigress 1/d
7thCelebrant of Sharess 34446Diplomacy (+1) 10; Hide 5; Intimidate (+2) 5; Know (Arcana) (+2 CC) 3; Perform (+1) 10; Sleight of Hand 5; -
8thDread Witch 14448Diplomacy 10; Hide 5; Intimidate (+2) 7; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform 10; Sleight of Hand 5; Unnatural Will (Dread Witch Bonus)Master of Terror, Unnatural Will
9thDread Witch 25449Diplomacy 10; Hide 5; Intimidate (+2) 9; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform 10; Sleight of Hand 5; Vow of NonviolenceAbsorb Fear
10thDread Witch 35559Diplomacy 10; Hide 5; Intimidate 9; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform 10; Sleight of Hand 5; Never Outnumbered; Fearful Empowerment 1/d
11thDread Witch 465510Diplomacy 10; Hide 5; Intimidate (+2) 11; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform 10; Sleight of Hand 5; Never Outnumbered; Delay Fear, Greater Master of Terror
12thDread Witch 565510Diplomacy 10; Hide 5; Intimidate (+2) 13; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform 10; Sleight of Hand 5; Never Outnumbered; Cards over SwordsFearful Empowerment 2/d, Horrific Aura, Reflective Fear
13thCloaked Dancer 165710Diplomacy (+4) 14; Hide 5; Intimidate (+1) 14; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform (+1) 11; Sleight of Hand 5; Never Outnumbered; Enchanting Dance (Beguiling Dance)
14thCloaked Dancer 275810Diplomacy (+3) 17; Hide 5; Intimidate (+1) 15; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform (+2) 13; Sleight of Hand 5; Never Outnumbered; Suprise Strike +1d6
15thCloaked Dancer 386811Diplomacy (+1) 18; Hide 5; Intimidate (+1) 16; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform (+4) 17; Sleight of Hand 5; Never Outnumbered; Celestial FamiliarEnchanting Dance (Wearying Dance)
16thCloaked Dancer 496911Diplomacy (+1) 19; Hide 5; Intimidate (+3) 19; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform (+2) 19; Sleight of Hand 5; Never Outnumbered; Suprise Strike +2d6
17thCloaked Dancer 596911Bluff (+3) 3; Diplomacy (+1) 20; Hide 5; Intimidate (+1) 20; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform (+1) 20; Sleight of Hand 5; Never Outnumbered; Enchanting Dance (Frightful Dance)
18thCelebrant of Sharess 4106912Bluff (+3) 6; Diplomacy (+1) 21; Hide 5; Intimidate (+1) 21; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform (+1) 21; Sleight of Hand 5; Never Outnumbered; Combat PanacheSuggestion
19thCelebrant of Sharess 5106912Bluff (+3) 9; Diplomacy (+1) 22; Hide 5; Intimidate (+1) 22; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform (+1) 22; Sleight of Hand 5; Never Outnumbered; Pounce of the Tigress
20thCelebrant of Sharess 61171013Bluff (+3) 12; Diplomacy (+1) 23; Hide 5; Intimidate (+1) 23; Know (Arcana) 3; Perform (+1) 23; Sleight of Hand 5; Never Outnumbered; Fury of the Tigress 2/d

Invocations are : Beguiling Influence ECL1, See the Unseen ECL4 and Enthralling Voice ECL11

Spells :
LevelClass1st2nd3rd4thSpells Known
5thCelebrant of Sharess 10 Cause Fear, Charm Person (1st)
6thCelebrant of Sharess 21 Tasha's Hideous Laughter (1st)
7thCelebrant of Sharess 320 Scare, Heroism (2nd)
12thCelebrant of Sharess 431 "Remove Fear (1st)
Alter Self (2nd)"
13thCelebrant of Sharess 5320Fear, Charm Monster (3rd)
15thCelebrant of Sharess 6331"Detect Thoughts (2nd)
Glibness (3rd)"
17thCelebrant of Sharess 73320Blinding Beauty, Hold Monster (4th)
19thCelebrant of Sharess 83331"Slow (3rd)
Dominate Person (4th)"
20thCelebrant of Sharess 93332

Level 1 – 5
Battle Dancer is thematically fitting and gives us Cha to AC which is the equivalent of a permanent Mage Armor for now as well as a way to deal nonlethal damage to fit the exalted theme we have got going.
Dragonfire Adept is a really fun class, we get a breath weapon and a breath effect which we can use to sicken enemies in a 15ft. cone instead of dealing damage (very unusual to sicken an enemy on a Ref save). On the Invocation side, Beguiling Influence is quite the boost here. By level 4 we have +19 Diplomacy (4 Cha, +2 from Sacred Vow, +7 ranks, +6 Beguiling Influence) which means… several things actually.
First it means we can turn any hostile person into unfriendly if you manage to actually talk to them like the prisoners you take for instance. You can also make them get friendlier to other people than yourself thanks to Silver Tongue.
DC 25 to induce Crushing Despair for -2 to virtually everything which would stack with the “sicken” state from your breath weapon. You can also Good Hope if the enemy is mindless (over all, you have a 30% chance to fail. Once Crushing Despair and “sicken” are on, you can easily take your full-round actions to confuse the enemy with Cause Confusion (DC 17 but enemy has -4 to saves at that point). Lastly, the Inspire Love and Devotion option completely fits the theme here (and we can pretend we got the capstone from Celebrant of Sharess too).
Scales +2 is a nice addition to our AC 18 (+2 Dex, +2 Scales +4 Cha) and See the Unseen is pretty cool since you’re now a human who can see in the dark as well as invisible things. Finally we take our first PrC level giving us a Fascinate ability as well as a cat as a familiar !

Level 5 – 10
Progressing Celebrant of Sharess, the fascinating beauty that we are keeps getting more intense. You start to notice a tinge of uneasiness underneath all those charming looks. That would be the Cause Fear and Scare spells. The ability to Rage isn’t that great for us (+4 to Con is good for survivability and our Breath Weapon though) but Righteous Wrath comes into play meaning we start having another mechanic here : fear escalation. Charm Person and Heroism are also great boons.
Speaking of Fear, Dread Witch starts pretty strong with lots of fear goodies (more CL, Cha to saves vs fear effects, +1 DC of fear spells, …) and the first 3 arcane progression levels to Dragonfire Adept (the remaining increase Celebrant of Sharess) to unlock a lesser invocation namely Enthralling Voice ! We’re now able to have people with up to 6HD be fascinated by our performance at the end of which they become one step friendlier to us ! The DC is 24 against humanoids and monstrous humanoids (at 6HD it’s nat20 or fail basically) thanks to our Vow of Nonviolence. The latter also applies to our spells (fear spells included) as well as our Sicken Breath weapon.
Any use of Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate can be aided by your cat familiar using your ranks.

Level 10 - 15
Dread Witch also nets us a +2 to Intimidate per Dread Witch class level meaning we land at +29 Intimidate (+5 Cha, +8 ranks, +10 Dread Witch, +6 Beguiling Influence) by ECL 12, not too shabby considering the Never Outnumbered Trick to Demoralize every foe within 10ft. of us which instantly stack with our Horrific Aura : 10ft, 6HD or less DC 20 (24 for humanoids and monstrous humanoids) or shaken. Fear escalation is nice.
Our spells can also bypass Fear immunity now which is a big problem for those kinds of builds.
If your Diplomacy attempts failed, your fear effects are ineffective, we now have an ace in our sleeve (lol) : Cards of Swords. This feat lets us use Diplomacy as swift action to avoid combat altogether ! You instead play a game of cards to solve the matter.
Entering Cloaked Dancer (finally !) we get the Perform ranks we need for our Enchanting Dance. The first one, Beguiling Dance, is basically the same as Enthralling Voice but without the HD cap limit. It stacks with it too meaning if your sky-high Diplomacy at +31 (+5 Cha, +6 Beguiling Influence, +2 Sacred Vow, +18 ranks) managed to make the Hostile creature Friendly, just dance to make them Helpful ! If your Diplomacy made an NPC helpful, well, dancing makes them Fanatic since it’s the only step left ! Of course, Enthralling Voice (on 6HD creatures) can stack ensuring that any Hostile individual becomes Fanatic. Fanatic is a +2 Str and Con and +1 Will save mind affecting bonus, stacking nicely with our Good Hope.
Beguiling, Wearying and later Frightful Dance all benefit from Vow of Nonviolence meaning the DC ends up being 24 !
Surprise Strike is also an ability we can use (especially since Righteous Wrath needs us to attack to trigger the fear effect) with a sap (aka Blackjack, which is another way to understand “Cards over Swords haha”) to deal nonlethal damage.

Level 15 - 20
Finishing the build, we end the SI and go back to Celebrant of Sharess. Frightful Dance is yet another AoE fear effect that stacks with Horrific Aura, Never Outnumbered demoralize, Righteous Wrath and fear spells we have at hand. Spellwise, we net some goodies :
Blinding beauty is yet another crowd control effect, Hold Monster is a SoL (but you need to trust your allies to deal only nonlethal damage !)Dominate Person. Oh and all those spells benefit from a +4 to DC. Slow is there for those few Constructs and Undead you just don’t want near you.
Being able to Pounce is cute but not really our cup of tea but if you get your hands on Slippers of Battledancing, you’re looking at 2 attacks with Cha and maybe SA ; not golden but in a pinch it can help. You Fascinate ability’s DC is set by your Perform check (max ranks, +6 Cha, +4 Vow of Nonviolence) means you can Fascinate people quite easily (Enthralling Voice and Beguiling Dance can do the same) all leading to have nigh infinite attempts at using your Suggestion ability.
Celestial Familiar is great for us since we get ourselves a Coure Eladrin ; tiny incorporeal ball of light (great prop for our dancing act) with an always-on Magic Circle Against Evil (+2 AC, saves and basically immunity to mind control). Otoh, he can totally assist you for demoralising, diplomancing or aid another when you try.
Combat Panache is a really cool feat that gives you new tactical options in combat when you get attacked despite all your failsafes to prevent this from happening.
Glibness ensures your bluff checks skyrocket to epic levels +53 (12 ranks, +5 Cha, +6 Beguiling Influence, +30 Glibness). This actually opens up a mundane Suggestion ability.

- Fearsome (try getting the DotU version) or Menacing Armor (MIC) are nice, Mask of the Matriarch (DotU) too for Fear escalation.

- Circlet of Persuasion for an additional +3 to all Cha-based checks. More is better.

- Cha boosting item, ofc, but Con boosting too for, well HP, Breath Weapon DC and Enchanting Dancing duration.

- Slippers of Battledancing (DMGII) would be really great if you want to use Pounce sometimes.

- Righteous Wrath should be alright for Fury of the Tigress since “This ability functions exactly like a barbarian's rage”. If not, Intimidating Rage (CW) can work instead.

- Celestial Familiar needs the ability to acquire a familiar, which Celebrant of Sharess has.

- Dread Witch’s abilities are all for spells (and assumed to be as such in the build) but since it’s one of the classes you can enter with Aberrant Dragonmark line of feats, SLA should qualify as well.

- Intimidation is always a class skill since we took Human (Lion) as our race from OA.

SRD - Diplomacy, Epic Skills
PHBII - Combat Panache
CS - Cloaked Dancer
BoED - Celebrant of Sharess, Vow feats, Righteous Wrath, Celestial Familiar
HoH - Dread Witch
DrM - Dragonfire Adept
CS - Cloaked Dancer
DragMag 318 - Silver Tongue
OA - Human (Lion)
Web - Cards over Swords (https://web.archive.org/web/20191104061201/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060919a)

2024-05-30, 03:56 PM

What? You said you wanted to spell dance!

Corry Flametongue and Snappy
CG Lesser Wispling Wilderness Companion Wizard 6/Darksong Knight Armored Mage Fighter 4/Spelldancer 5/ Cloaked Dancer 5
Corry Flametongue was the child of a bard and a druid. This influence on his life left him with a love of dance and nature, so naturally when the Darksong Knights reached out for recruits, he accepted enthusiastically. After receiving training on how to ride his childhood pet fleshraker Snappy, he set out on a life of adventure.
STR 6 DEX 20 CON 13 INT 20 WIS 10 CHA 7
Ability Boosts Int>Dex>Int>Dex>Int

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Concentration 4, Tumble 2, Perform (Dance) 2, Sleight of Hand 2, Hide 2, Ride 2, Knowledge (Arcana) 2, Knowledge (Religion) 1
Natural Bond
Animal Companion, Scribe Scroll

Concentration 5, Tumble 2, Perform (Dance) 2, Sleight of Hand 2, Hide 2, Ride 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Knowledge (Religion) 1
Weapon Finesse
Armored Mage

Concentration 5, Tumble 2, Perform (Dance) 6, Sleight of Hand 3, Hide 2, Ride 6, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Knowledge (Religion) 1
Endurance, Combat Casting

Concentration 5, Tumble 3, Perform (Dance) 7, Sleight of Hand 3, Hide 3, Ride 6, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Knowledge (Religion) 1

Concentration 5, Tumble 4, Perform (Dance) 8, Sleight of Hand 4, Hide 4, Ride 6, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Knowledge (Religion) 1

Concentration 5, Tumble 4, Perform (Dance) 9, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 8, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Knowledge (Religion) 1

Concentration 9, Tumble 4, Perform (Dance) 10, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 9, Knowledge (Arcana) 6, Knowledge (Religion) 1

Cloaked Dancer
Concentration 11, Tumble 5, Perform (Dance) 11, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 10, Knowledge (Arcana) 11, Knowledge (Religion) 1
Enchanting Dance (Beguiling Dance)

Cloaked Dancer
Concentration 12, Tumble 7, Perform (Dance) 12, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 12, Knowledge (Arcana) 12, Knowledge (Religion) 3
Surprising Strike +1d6

Cloaked Dancer
Concentration 13, Tumble 7, Perform (Dance) 13, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 13, Knowledge (Arcana) 13, Knowledge (Religion) 10
Enchanting Dance (Wearying Dance)

Cloaked Dancer
Concentration 14, Tumble 9, Perform (Dance) 14, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 14, Knowledge (Arcana) 14, Knowledge (Religion) 14, Jump 1
Surprise Strike +2d6

Cloaked Dancer
Concentration 15, Tumble 9, Perform (Dance) 15, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 15, Knowledge (Arcana) 15, Knowledge (Religion) 15, Jump 8
Enchanting Dance (Frightful Dance)

Concentration 16, Tumble 9, Perform (Dance) 16, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 16, Knowledge (Arcana) 16, Knowledge (Religion) 16, Jump 11
Extend Spell

Concentration 17, Tumble 9, Perform (Dance) 17, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 17, Knowledge (Arcana) 17, Knowledge (Religion) 17, Jump 14

Concentration 18, Tumble 10, Perform (Dance) 18, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 18, Knowledge (Arcana) 18, Knowledge (Religion) 18, Jump 18
Persist Spell

Concentration 19, Tumble 14, Perform (Dance) 19, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 19, Knowledge (Arcana) 19, Knowledge (Religion) 19, Jump 19
Enthralling Dance, Evasion

Concentration 20, Tumble 17, Perform (Dance) 20, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 20, Knowledge (Arcana) 20, Knowledge (Religion) 20, Jump 20
Cooperative Dance

Concentration 21, Tumble 21, Perform (Dance) 21, Sleight of Hand 5, Hide 5, Ride 21, Knowledge (Arcana) 21, Knowledge (Religion) 21, Jump 21
Maximize Spell
Sleep Dance

Concentration 22, Tumble 22, Perform (Dance) 22, Sleight of Hand 8, Hide 5, Ride 22, Knowledge (Arcana) 22, Knowledge (Religion) 22, Jump 22
Confusing Dance

Concentration 23, Tumble 23, Perform (Dance) 23, Sleight of Hand 9, Hide 5, Ride 23, Knowledge (Arcana) 23, Knowledge (Religion) 23, Jump 23
Power Attack

Spells per Day/Spells Known






















At level 5, Corry mostly rides on his fleshraker, casts 0-level spells, and mostly just stabs people. Snappy's awe-inspiring attack routine is a real killer at this level.

At level 10, Corry has a few levels in cloaked dancer giving him surprise attack and can used enchanting dance to daze enemies.

At level 15, Corry has persist spell and spell dance, and will have given Snappy ranks in perform dance for the specific purpose of using cooperative dance, more on that at level 20.

At level 20, Corry is not as mush as a gish as earlier levels, but still has incredibly powerful options in the form of spelldance and having an advanced fleshraker.

2024-05-30, 03:57 PM
Did you know dog dancing (sorry, 'canine freestyle') is a competitive sport?

Sekai Race: Halfling Dragonborn (Mind) Alignment: LG

4th level
8th level
12th level
16th level
20th level







How the journey begins.
The call of the diety Bahamut came as a surprise. The boy, a mere halfling without anything to show for himself but a petty name, gained the right to become a Dragonborn. Although the right was had for smashing a white dragon's egg, he had to go through some ordeals before he could claim that prize. Knight school was one such ordeal. Constant bullies being stomped under his feet as he rose up the ranks within his school. Enough to gain the recognition for the Wayward Wardens to notice him after a having won a school competition. From there he learned about other gods and even decided on choosing to pledge himself to Milil. From then on was the start of his adventures with the Waywards Wardens and how he became Dragonborn.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Paladin 1(Harmonious Knight)
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 4, Hide 2, Sleight of hand 2, Ride 4, Handle Animal 3
Apprentice (entertainer) (DMG II)
Aura of good, inspire courage +1, smite evil 1/day, Dragonscale Husk]

Paladin 2
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 5, Hide 2.5, Sleight of hand 2.5, Ride 5, Handle Animal 4

Divine Grace, Lay on Hands

Paladin 3(Wayward Warden)
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 6, Hide 3, Sleight of hand 3, Ride 6, Handle Animal 5
Mounted Combat
Distracting presence, Divine Health

Paladin 4
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 6, Hide 3, Sleight of hand 3, Ride 7, Handle Animal 6, Spot 2

Turn undead

Paladin 5(Wayward Warden)
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 6, Hide 3, Sleight of hand 3, Ride 8, Handle Animal 6, Spot 3, Listen 1

Spell-less Paladin (CW 13), Special mount, Use your allies

Paladin 6(Harmonious Knight)
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 6, Hide 3, Sleight of hand 3, Ride 9, Handle Animal 6, Spot 3, Listen 3
Mounted Archery
Inspire Competence

Halfling Outrider 1
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 10, Hide 4, Sleight of hand 3.5, Ride 10, Handle Animal 6, Spot 3, Listen 3

Mount, Alertness, Ride bonus

Halfling Outrider 2
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 10, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 5, Ride 11, Handle Animal 7, Spot 3, Listen 3

Defensive riding

The Cloaked Dancer 1
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 10, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 12, Ride 11, Handle Animal 7, Spot 3, Listen 3
Skill Focus (Handle animal)
Enchanting dance (beguiling dance)

Halfling Outrider 3
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 10, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 12, Ride 12, Handle Animal 7, Spot 3, Listen 3, Survival 4

Unbroken charge

The Cloaked Dancer 2
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 11, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 14, Ride 12, Handle Animal 7, Spot 3, Listen 3, Bluff 6, Survival 4

Surprise Strike +1d6

Halfling Outrider 4
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 11, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 14, Ride 13, Handle Animal 12, Spot 3, Listen 3, Bluff 6, Survival 4
Stand on mount

The Cloaked Dancer 3
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 13, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 16, Ride 13, Handle Animal 12, Spot 3, Listen 3, Bluff 11, Survival 4

Enchanting dance (wearying dance)

Beastmaster 1
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 13, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 16, Ride 15, Handle Animal 17, Spot 3, Listen 3, Bluff 11, Survival 4

Animal Companion, Wild empathy

The Cloaked Dancer 4
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 13, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 18, Ride 15, Handle Animal 17, Spot 3, Listen 3, Bluff 16, Survival 4
Devoted Tracker
Surprise Strike +2d6

Halfling Outrider 5
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 14, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 18, Ride 17, Handle Animal 19, Spot 4, Listen 4, Bluff 16, Survival 4

Leap from the saddle

The Cloaked Dancer 5
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 17, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 20, Ride 17, Handle Animal 19, Spot 5, Listen 4, Bluff 20, Survival 4

Enchanting dance (frightful dance)

Halfling Outrider 6
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 18, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 20, Ride 19, Handle Animal 21, Spot 6, Listen 5, Bluff 20, Survival 4
Celestial Mount

Halfling Outrider 7
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 19, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 21, Ride 20, Handle Animal 22, Spot 6, Listen 5, Bluff 21, Survival 4


Halfling Outrider 8
Knowledge Religion 1, Perform (Dance) 22, Hide 5, Sleight of hand 21, Ride 23, Handle Animal 22, Spot 7, Listen 7, Bluff 21, Survival 4

Full mounted attack

Bacon Ripper Race: Riding Dog
Obtained from: Special mount class feature

Bonus HD
Bite attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save

+6 to hit, d6+4 bite
Jump 10, Listen 5,Spot 5, Swim 3, Survival 1
Alerness, Track, Shape Soulmeld (Cerulean Sandals)
Low-light Vision, Scent, Empathic link, improved evasion, share saving throws

+8 to hit, d6+4 bite
Jump 12, Listen 5,Spot 5, Swim 3, Survival 1

Improved speed

+9 to hit, d6+5 bite
Jump 14, Listen 5,Spot 5, Swim 3, Survival 1
Wild Talent

+13 to hit, d6+6 bite
Jump 20, Listen 5,Spot 5, Swim 3, Survival 1
Up the walls
Command creatures of its kind, Multiattack

+13 to hit, d6+6 bite
Jump 20, Listen 5,Spot 5, Swim 3, Survival 1

Celestial Template

+15 to hit, d6+6 bite
Jump 22, Listen 5,Spot 5, Swim 3, Survival 1
Speed of thought

1st level at the table
Not much to say here. Pretty standard Paladin besides being able to shake his hips and dance around in combat to inspire courage. Otherwise he's just another meat shield.

5th level at the table
At this point he has to choose between being the center of attention while dancing to being the center of attention while trying his best to flank enemies his allies are fighting. His damage increases thanks to Use your allies dealing an extra d6 of damage while riding his trusty riding dog. Best part about this is that he can fit into tight places where other mounts cannot. As well as riding on water thanks to his mount's soulmeld.

10th level at the table
At this point he's gotten his foot in the door of both Halfling Outrider and Cloaked dancer. Although it's still not quite together. He goes between riding, dancing offensively, and dancing defensively. His dancing has upgraded to hiding daggers in his sleeves and then suddenly striking his opponents with them (sleight of hand check). The goal of this attack style is to make opponents not realize what they are being cut with, or others to not realize that Sekai is the cause for this since he's simply dancing. This stacks with Use your allies as long as I'm flanking and dancing, probably fatiguing enemies rather than the other choice. Whereas if he's defensively dancing he's either inpsiring courage or inpsiring competance.

15th level at the table(The sweet spot) to 20th.
His mount now also counts as an animal companion. At this point he can also make a 20 DC riding check to stand on his dog's back. This is easily managable by taking a 10. So now he's dancing while riding in combat. The perfect culmination to dungeon dive as long as his mount isn't running up a wall or jumping.

2024-05-30, 03:59 PM
Where did you learn those mov- oh, right there.

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1002625027860090920/1244842718501404724/Logo.png?ex=665695a0&is=66554420&hm=cad6f16fb074f1e7f81df40c5201fade985830613a390e1 3ed375413956f6eda&

Have you ever felt lost? Unable to get your life together? Are you ready to make a change? Well we have good news for you! At the Beau’Dai’Ki School of Dance, Combat, and Higher Learning, you can become the adventurer you were meant to be. Our school has a rich tradition of providing the tools for our students to become exactly the type of hero they want to be. Students like…

Agador Imperfecto


Chaotic Good Half-Elf
Battle Dancer 2 / Marshal 2 / Crusader 2 / Knight of the Weave 3 / Battle Dancer 5 / Half-Elf Paragon 3 / Human Paragon 3

Agador came to our school as a know-it-all legacy student, but the open learning environment inspired him to branch out. He spent his first two semesters studying dance (Battle Dancer) in order to become in touch with his body. His sophomore year was spent concentrating on military history and tactics (Marshal). Agador then took on an independent study, getting in touch with his family history (Half-Elf and Human Paragon) before coming back for his junior year where he joined a Fraternal Organization (Crusader). Agador’s senior year was marked by taking course work studying the Weave and Arcane magics. Upon completing his undergrad work, Agador entered our graduate program, combing everything he learned into a unified discipline (Cloaked Dancer), truly bringing together his background in dance, combat, and arcane studies.

However, when asked which of his myriad accomplishments was he most proud of, Agador responded that marrying his long time Eladrin girlfriend, Ashyxas. The ceremony was held on campus shortly after they both completed their graduate degrees and the couple’s pet wolf, Burr, acted as ring bearer.

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Battle Dancer 1 1 0 2 0 17: {+4} Hide: 4; {+4} Perform (Dance): 4; {+3} Tumble: 3; {+4} Sleight of Hand: 4; {+2 CC} Spellcraft: 1; Nymph’s Kiss, Bonus: Improved Unarmed Strike AC bonus, unarmed strike (1d6)
2nd Battle Dancer 2 2 0 3 0 5: {+1} Hide: 5; {+1} Perform (Dance): 5; {+2} Tumble: 5; {+1} Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; Dance of reckless bravery
3rd Marshal 1 2 2 3 2 5: {+2} Diplomacy: 2; Hide: 5; {+1} Knowledge (Arcana): 1; {+1} Knowledge (History): 1; {+1} Perform (Dance): 6; Tumble: 5; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; Wild Cohort, Bonus: Skill Focus Skill Focus (Diplomacy), minor aura (Motivate Charisma)
4th Marshal 2 3 3 3 3 5: {+1} Bluff: 1; {+2} Diplomacy: 4; Hide: 5; {+1} Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; {+1} Perform (Dance): 7; Tumble: 5; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; Major aura +1 (Resilient Troops)
5th Half-Elf Paragon 1 3 3 5 3 5: {+1} Bluff: 2; {+1} Diplomacy: 5; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; {+2} Listen: 2; {+1} Perform (Dance): 8; Tumble: 5; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; Bonus feat, divided ancestry, elven vision
6th Human Paragon 1 3 3 5 5 5: {+5} Iaijutsu Focus: 5; Bluff: 2; Diplomacy: 5; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; Perform (Dance): 8; Tumble: 5; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; Weapon Finesse Adaptive Learning (Iaijutsu Focus)
7th Crusader 1 4 5 5 5 5: {+2} Iaijutsu Focus: 7; Bluff: 2; {+1} Concentration: 1; Diplomacy: 5; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; {+2 CC} Perform (Dance): 9; Tumble: 5; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; Furious counterstrike, steely resolve 5
8th Crusader 2 5 6 5 5 5: {+2} Iaijutsu Focus: 9; Bluff: 2; {+1} Concentration: 2; Diplomacy: 5; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; {+2 CC} Perform (Dance): 10; Tumble: 5; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; Indomitable soul
9th Knight of the Weave 1 5 8 5 7 3: Iaijutsu Focus: 9; Bluff: 2; Concentration: 2; Diplomacy: 5; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; Perform (Dance): 10; Tumble: 5; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; {+3} Use Magic Device: 3; Quick Draw Detect magic, read magic, spellcasting
10th Cloaked Dancer 1 5 8 7 7 7: {+1} Iaijutsu Focus: 10; Bluff: 2; {+1} Concentration: 3; {+1} Diplomacy: 6; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; {+2} Perform (Dance): 12; Tumble: 5; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; {+2} Use Magic Device: 5; Enchanting dance (beguiling dance)
11th Cloaked Dancer 2 6/1 8 8 7 7: {+4} Iaijutsu Focus: 14; Bluff: 2; Concentration: 3; Diplomacy: 6; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; Perform (Dance): 12; Tumble: 5; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; {+3} Use Magic Device: 8; Surprise strike +1d6
12th Cloaked Dancer 3 7/2 9 8 8 7: {+1} Iaijutsu Focus: 15; Bluff: 2; Concentration: 3; Diplomacy: 6; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; Perform (Dance): 12; Tumble: 5; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; {+6} Use Magic Device: 14; Combat Reflexes Enchanting dance (wearying dance)
13th Cloaked Dancer 4 8/3 9 9 8 7: {+1} Iaijutsu Focus: 16; {+1} Bluff: 3; Concentration: 3; {+3} Diplomacy: 9; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; Perform (Dance): 12; Tumble: 5; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; {+2} Use Magic Device: 16; Surprise strike +2d6
14th Cloaked Dancer 5 8/3 9 9 8 7: {+1} Iaijutsu Focus: 17; {+1} Bluff: 4; {+1} Concentration: 4; {+1} Diplomacy: 10; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; Perform (Dance): 12; {+2} Tumble: 7; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; {+1} Use Magic Device: 17; Enchanting dance (frightful dance)
15th Human Paragon 2 9/4 9 9 9 5: {+1} Iaijutsu Focus: 18; {+1} Bluff: 5; {+1} Concentration: 5; {+1} Diplomacy: 11; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; Perform (Dance): 12; Tumble: 7; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; {+1} Use Magic Device: 18; Anarchic Bloodline, Bonus: Mercurial Strike Bonus feat
16th Human Paragon 3 10/5 10 10 9 5: {+1} Iaijutsu Focus: 19; {+1} Bluff: 6; {+1} Concentration: 6; {+1} Diplomacy: 12; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; Perform (Dance): 12; Tumble: 7; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; {+1} Use Magic Device: 19; Ability boost (+2 Dex)
17th Half-Elf Paragon 2 11/6/1 10 11 9 5: {+1} Iaijutsu Focus: 20; {+1} Bluff: 7; Concentration: 6; {+2} Diplomacy: 14; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; {+1} Perform (Dance): 13; Tumble: 7; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; Use Magic Device: 19; Persuasion
18th Half-Elf Paragon 3 12/7/2 11 11 10 5: {+1} Iaijutsu Focus: 21; {+1} Bluff: 8; Concentration: 6; {+2} Diplomacy: 16; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; {+1} Perform (Dance): 14; Tumble: 7; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; Use Magic Device: 19; Snap Kick Ability boost (+2 Cha)
19th Knight of the Weave 2 13/8/3 12 11 11 3: {+1} Iaijutsu Focus: 22; Bluff: 8; {+1} Concentration: 7; Diplomacy: 16; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; Perform (Dance): 14; Tumble: 7; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; {+1} Use Magic Device: 20; Armored caster (light)
20th Knight of the Weave 3 14/9/4 12 12 11 3: {+1} Iaijutsu Focus: 23; Bluff: 8; {+1} Concentration: 8; Diplomacy: 16; Hide: 5; Intimidate: 1; Knowledge (Arcana): 1; Knowledge (History): 1; Listen: 2; Perform (Dance): 14; Tumble: 7; Sleight of Hand: 5; Spellcraft: 1; {+1} Use Magic Device: 21; -

Level Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st - - - - - - -
2nd - - - - - - -
3rd - - - - - - -
4th - - - - - - -
5th - - - - - - -
6th - - - - - - -
7th - - - - - - -
8th - - - - - - -
9th Knight of the Weave 1 2 - - - - -
10th - 2 - - - - -
11th Knight of the Weave 2 2 - - - - -
12th - 2 - - - - -
13th Knight of the Weave 3 3 2 - - - -
14th - 3 2 - - - -
15th Knight of the Weave 4 3 2 - - - -
16th Knight of the Weave 5 4 3 2 - - -
17th Knight of the Weave 6 4 3 2 2 - -
18th - 4 3 2 2 - -
19th Knight of the Weave 7 4 4 3 2 2 -
20th Knight of the Weave 8 4 4 3 3 2 2

Level Class Initiator Level Maneuvers Known Maneuvers Readied Stances Known
1st - .5 - - -
2nd - 1 - - -
3rd - 1.5 - - -
4th - 2 - - -
5th - 2.5 - - -
6th - 3 - - -
7th Crusader 1 4 5 5 (2) 1
8th Crusader 2 5 5 5 (2) 2
9th Crusader 2 5.5 5 5 (2) 2
10th Crusader 2 6 5 5 (2) 2
11th Crusader 2 6.5 5 5 (2) 2
12th Crusader 2 7 5 5 (2) 2
13th Crusader 2 7.5 5 5 (2) 2
14th Crusader 2 8 5 5 (2) 2
15th Crusader 2 8.5 5 5 (2) 2
16th Crusader 2 9 5 5 (2) 2
17th Crusader 2 9.5 5 5 (2) 2
18th Crusader 2 10 5 5 (2) 2
19th Crusader 2 10.5 5 5 (2) 2
20th Crusader 2 11 5 5 (2) 2

Abilities Initial Race / Template 4th 8th 12th 16th 20th
DEX 16 1 1
CON 15 1
INT 10
CHA 16 1 1


Spells Known
(In order learned, with bloodline last)
1st (4+1)
Restoration, Leser
Magic Missile
Mage Armor
Color spray (Anarchic Bloodline)

2nd (4+1)
Shield Other
Eagle’s Splendor
See Invisibility
Cat’s Grace
Tasha's hideous laughter (Anarchic Bloodline)

3rd (3+1)
Cure Moderate Wounds
Dispel Magic
Rage (Anarchic Bloodline)

4th (3+1)
Cure Serious Wounds
Break Enchantment
Confusion (Anarchic Bloodline)

5th (2+1)
Dimension Door
True Seeing
Mind fog (Anarchic Bloodline)

6th (2+1)
Dispel Magic, Greater
Mislead (Anarchic Bloodline)

Vanguard Strike
Tactical Strike
Mountain Hammer
Crusader’s Strike

Iron Guard Glare
Thicket of Blades

The Beau’Dai’Ki School of Dance, Combat, and Animal Husbandry has always encouraged its students to build relationships with pets and steeds. Agador took on a wolf pup that he raised to be a combat companion, foregoing any options to change out the beast for another. (Progresses the base Wolf according to the chart on the Wild Cohort feat)


The Beau’Dai’Ki School of Dance, Combat, and Stabbing Your Enemies provides a core curriculum of broad weapon proficiencies. In Agador Imperfecto’s case, he favors knives (like a lot of knives) that he can use to surprise foes with, as well as items that boost charisma.

I’m not going to lie. This is a stepping stone phase in the build coming online. Agador makes for a good party face at this point and can buff his allies a bit (particularly Burr, his Wild Cohort), but otherwise is about on par with a Monk.

Finally, Agador is clear of the foundation levels of the build. Thankfully, the Crusader levels at 7th and 8th have made the climb to this level a bit more palatable. Maneuvers and Stances have carried us the last few levels. Spellcasting is up. He’s in Cloaked Dancer. He’s had a Wild Cohort since third level. Iaijutsu Focus is happening when the circumstances are right.

Surprise Strike, baby! Agador Imperfecto gains a consistent means of triggering Iaijutsu Focus, taking a somewhat “meh” ability for most and turning it into a heavy damage dealer. Keep in mind that Nymph’s Kiss and Motivate Charisma both serve to buff his Iaijutsu Focus check, so he will consistently be getting good results. On top of that, this level sees the continuation of Agador’s spell casting, which isn’t a focus, but definitely adds to the versatility of the character.

At this level, Mercurial Strike enters the fray to combine with Thicket of Blades nicely. We also get Anarchic Bloodline to add some great spells to our list of known. This is a secondary sweet spot, but we already got the majority of the character’s flavor going 4 levels ago.

We finish up with more spellcasting and… uh… that should be enough. We didn’t really care about armored spellcasting since Agador goes unarmored. Snap Kick takes advantage of that free Improved Unarmed Strike we got from Battle Dancer, letting us get a second attack off even when using Maneuvers or Surprise Strike. Getting sixth level spells completes the picture of Agador as a Bard without Bard levels and that’s pretty good!

Half-Elf - Player’s Handbook

Iaijutsu Focus - Oriental Adventures

Battle Dancer - Dragon Compendium
Marshal - Miniatures Handbook
Half-Elf Paragon - Unearthed Arcana
Human Paragon - Unearthed Arcana
Crusader - Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords
Knight of the Weave - Champions of Valor
Cloaked Dancer - Complete Scoundrel

Nymph’s Kiss - Book of Exalted Deeds
Wild Cohort - Web: https://web.archive.org/web/20150910144345/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a
Weapon Finesse - Player’s Handbook
Quick Draw - Player’s Handbook
Combat Reflexes - Player’s Handbook
Mercurial Strike - Dragon Compendium
Anarchic Bloodline - Dragon Compendium
Snap Kick - Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords

We hope you’ve enjoyed this time with the Beau’Dai’Ki School of Dance, Combat, and Medalling in Online Build Contests. Please consider applying to become one of our students and becoming the most you can be!


The challenge of this build wasn’t getting the disparate element to fit together, but rather to have them feel synergistic. Surprise Attack was where I started. After exploring a monstrous or awakened animal PC, seeing if I could use one that had a singular big attack, I settled on Iaijutsu Focus as a way to get the maximum damage for the single attack that Surprise Attack grants. Then I looked up more information on Iaijutsu Focus and… this is a highly recommended class for that online.

OK, so not the most innovative concept by itself, but what else could I bring to the table? Well Iaijutsu Focus keys off charisma, so why not try a charisma focus. Battle Dancer sprung to mind immediately, with Charisma to AC. I mean they’re both dancers and Battle Dancer gave all the class skills I needed to enter. A Marshal dip also seemed good. This is where the idea of the Dance, Combat, X academy took life. It was going to by a Paladin of Freedom 2 level dip after that, but Crusader seemed to add more, especially with Thicket of Blades. I do wish I could have taken it slightly higher though to get better maneuvers.

As for the casting component, Knight of the Weave seemed like the best choice here. Suel Arcanamach is harder to get into. Sorcerer wouldn’t give me as much casting progression in the levels I had. I even played with Corrupt Avenger, but I was worried about the contests noted disdain for Taint. A Bloodline feat would boost the infamously limited spell list.

Now, I was never worried about the Animal Companion with this one. Wild Cohort was alway there. Most class based options wouldn’t keep up with the character’s level, so it was really Wild Cohort or Obtain Familiar and I wasn’t really getting the caster levels for that. I’ll note that I experimented with a Beast Heart Adept here, but the build was already stuffed to the gills.

Mercurial Strike combined with Thicket of Blades and Iaijutsu Focus to make a decent out of turn combatant, so Combat Reflexes became a must on this build. I was surprised to see how well Iaijutsu Focus mixed with Maneuvers (but then someone pulled the same trick only better over on the Zinc Saucier contest recently. Sigh.) I really wish Pathfinder’s “Furious Focus” feat was allowed here because I’d have loved to put Power Attack on this build and then ignore the attack penalties because I was only making one attack at a time.

This is a very thick build with lots of dips building a whole that I think is quite a bit more than the sum of its parts.

2024-05-30, 04:02 PM
Look at your bard, now back at me. Back at your bard, now back at me. Sadly, it isn't me, but if it started using Cloaked Dancer, it could dance like me. Anything is possible when your build dances like a cloaked dancer and not like a bard.

I'm on a horse.

Shahram, the Equestrian Vaulter of Ruby Rose


LG Human Paragon 3 / Cleric 3 / Prestige Paladin 9 / Cloaked Dancer 5

On the steppes of Semphar, one man defends those, that serve Lady Firehair - Shahram, the master equestrian, so skilled in his craft that with the aid of his Goddess he dances atop his trusted steed, bringing awe to the enemies and allies alike.

Have you ever heard of equestrian vaulting? It’s pretty neat, dancing and gymnastics and all that - but on top of a horse. So I had a thought - can you actually do that in 3.5 relatively easily? Well, that’s what inspired me here.

As per the epic usages of the Ride skill, in order to stand up on a mount, you need a roll of 40 to do so. That is not a low value, and would mean that you need a bonus of +39 - unless you find a way to easily take 10 on a Ride check, which can be done twofold (at least as per what I was able to find). One option is the Saddleback Faerunian regional feat, which limits you to playing a human from a specific region, and the other is the Battle Maiden prestige class from Oriental Adventure. After evaluating what would fit what I had in mind better, I’ve chosen the Saddleback feat.

This is due to the other issue - the high bonus you still need to acquire. Even with taking 10, it still requires a whopping +30 total bonus. Luckily, the spell Master Cavalier available on Cleric and Paladin spell list helps with this tremendously. It gives a +10 bonus on ride checks while mounted, which boosts to +20 if you are mounted on a special mount - this means that as long as you get +10 from other sources (which is not hard at level 5, which is the earliest you can get a special mount). This is the reason I didn’t go for Battle Maiden - although a flavorful class, progressing your spellcasting is a better option, alongside all other Paladin goodies that you get (also, the Special Mount ability she gets is badly written, at least in my opinion)

So, here it is. A vaulter-knight with my twist on it. I’ll be honest, this was not an easy build to make - the concept changed like 5 times before it settled and what you can see now. Hope you like it!

Abilities Initial 4th Ability Boost (6th) 8th 12th 16th 20th
STR 14 +1 (15) +1 (16)
DEX 16 +1 (17) +2 (19) +1 (20)
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 14 +1 (15)
CHA 12

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Human Paragon 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Hide 4, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 4, Perform (Dance) 4, Ride 4, Sleight of Hand 4 Saddleback, Mounted Combat (B) Adaptive learning (Perfrom (Dance))
2nd Cleric 1 +0 +2 +0 +4 Knowledge (Religion) 3 Turn Undead, Domains (Charm, Lust)
3rd Human Paragon 2 +1 +2 +0 +5 Hide 5, Perform (Dance) 6, Ride 5, Sleight of Hand 5 Weapon Finesse, Improved Unarmed Strike (B) Bonus Feat
4th Cleric 2 +2 +3 +0 +6 Knowledge (Religion) 5, Perform (Dance) 7
5th Cleric 3 +3 +3 +1 +6 Concentration 2, Perform (Dance) 8
6th Human Paragon 3 +4 +4 +2 +6 Perform (Dance) 9, Ride 9 Power Attack Ability Boost (Dex)
7th Prestige Paladin 1 +5 +6 +2 +6 Concentration 3, Perfrom (Dance) 10, Ride 10 Detect evil, smite evil 1/day, turn undead
8th Prestige Paladin 2 +6 +7 +2 +6 Concentration 4, Perfrom (Dance) 11, Ride 11 Divine grace, lay on hands, special mount
9th Cloaked Dancer 1 +6 +7 +4 +6 Perform (Dance) 12, Tumble 3, Use Magic Device 3 Snap Kick Enchanting dance (beguiling dance)
10th Cloaked Dancer 2 +7 +7 +5 +6 Perform (Dance) 13, Tumble 6, Use Magic Device 6 Surprise strike +1d6
11th Cloaked Dancer 3 +8 +8 +5 +7 Perform (Dance) 14, Tumble 9, Use Magic Device 9 Enchanting dance (wearying dance)
12th Cloaked Dancer 4 +9 +8 +6 +7 Perform (Dance) 15, Tumble 12, Use Magic Device 12 Ride-By Attack Surprise strike +2d6
13th Cloaked Dancer 5 +9 +8 +6 +7 Perform (Dance) 16, Tumble 15, Use Magic Device 15 Enchanting dance (frightful dance)
14th Prestige Paladin 3 +10 +8 +7 +8 Perform (Dance) 17, Ride 13 Aura of courage, divine health
15th Prestige Paladin 4 +11 +9 +7 +8 Perform (Dance) 18, Ride 15 Spirited Charge Remove disease 1/week
16th Prestige Paladin 5 +12 +9 +7 +8 Perform (Dance) 19, Ride 17 Smite evil 2/day
17th Prestige Paladin 6 +13 +10 +8 +9 Perform (Dance) 20, Ride 19
18th Prestige Paladin 7 +14 +10 +8 +9 Perform (Dance) 21, Ride 21 Roundabout Kick
19th Prestige Paladin 8 +15 +11 +8 +9 Concentration 5, Perform (Dance) 22, Ride 22 Remove disease 2/week
20th Prestige Paladin 9 +16 +11 +9 +10 Concentration 6, Perform (Dance) 23, Ride 23

Level Class 0th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
2nd Cleric 3 2+1
3rd Cleric 4 3+1
4th Cleric 4 3+1 2+1
5th Cleric 5 4+1 3+1
6th Cleric 5 4+1 3+1 1+1
7th Cleric 5 4+1 4+1 2+1
14th Cleric 6 5+1 4+1 2+1 1+1
16th Cleric 6 5+1 4+1 3+1 2+1
18th Cleric 6 5+1 5+1 3+1 2+1 1+1
20th Cleric 6 5+1 5+1 3+1 3+1 2+1

This is the harshest part of the build - at level 1 you can’t really do much. The Martial Weapon choice should be anything finessable - this does not matter in the long run, as once you get Paladin levels, you will gain access to all martial weapons anyway. If it’s possible, start with a light warhorse - without it, you are worse than any other class there is (no spellcasting, no BAB, only a few skills). Riding a regular horse will at least provide you with some mobility and damage output, as the Fight with Warhorse usage of Ride is impossible for you to fail thanks to Saddleback (unless for some reason you get at least -8 to your roll). In fact, all the uses that require a DC of 15 or lower are possible for you without rolling for the result!

Once you get access to spells, focus on buffing yourself and others, as your Wisdom is a bit of a gamble when it comes to save DCs. Spells like Bless, Sanctuary or Magic Weapon should be your go-to, although a summon spell here and there could prove beneficial as well for your damage output. The domains are here for a reason as well, although mostly for the domain powers - once you get to your prestige classes, this can help you in a pinch to boost some of your other class abilities.

Level 3 is where you get your first combat viability - now you can start to use your high dexterity for making attacks, AND you don’t need a weapon anymore! Of course, for now there is nothing forbidding you from using some sort of finessable weapon (quite possibly your 1st level choice) - this is merely a setup for later.

Starting at level 4 (due to one missed level from first level of Human Paragon) you get access to 2nd level spells, including Master Cavalier - for now, it isn’t really that useful though, as you will still be struggling with getting a high enough bonus to get to the DC 40 mentioned in the previous section. Once again, buffs like Bull’s Strength, Aid or Interfaith Blessing should be your focus. You also gain access to a very useful domain spell - Invisibility.

This is where the build gets fascinating, and it’s a great breakpoint to discuss. Not only you have a special mount, but you can easily stand on it (assuming you cast Master Cavalier - +20 from the spell, +9 from ranks, +5 from your dexterity - for a total of +34). So, what to do once you start standing on your horse? That’s when you start dancing, debuffing your enemies. Importantly, even though you need to sustain the dance on a standard action, you can still command your mount to attack - and you can still use your Mounted Combat feat in order to boost its AC to an astounding 44, should anything decide to attack it. AND you can use Saddleback to also use your Ride checks for your mount’s OR yourselves reflex saves (or both, if you are both affected by the same ability!), so no fireball is scary for you!

Now let’s get to why I chose to go for Snap Kick - not only you get additional attack while charging with your unarmed strikes, but this will also work once you decide to use your Surprise Attack - this means that once you maintain your dance and your mount moves towards the enemies, you can make double the attacks you would be allowed! As an added bonus, unarmed strikes are explicitly allowed to benefit from Power Attack, which means that you can punch and kick like a truck while dancing on top of your horse, which will get its own turn anyway.

Speaking of the horse, there are a few spells that can help your mount fight (Holy Spurs, Mind Bond, War-mount), but remember to always have Master Cavalier active when going into battle (as without the spell your bonus won’t be enough to carry you to the magical +30, unless you get some magic items that will help you do it). Domain spells aren’t that useful here, apart from the aforementioned invisibility, and you should focus once again on buffing yourself with spells like Prayer, Rhino’s Rush or Find the Gap (as well as the ones mentioned earlier). There is also a case for using ray spells before you engage in melee - considering that your dexterity is high as for a typical Paladin build, and your spell list also includes cleric spells, using Searing Light can be a powerful tool, especially when fighting undead.

As you also gain Smite Evil, remember to use your domain powers in conjunction with it in order to make sure that you hit your enemy.

What’s important that at this level, compared to the previous summary, you have access to Spirited Charge and level 4 spells (Divine Power, Winged Mount, Holy Sword (!), Seed of Life). Rhino’s Charge + Spirited Charge will allow you to triple your damage on a charge, allowing you to deal a great amount of damage at the start of the battle (combined with a lance, as nothing still forbids you to do so, this is quadruple damage on first attack!).

Note on the Master Cavalier + Phantom Charge + War-mount combo - considering that you will try to have Master Cavalier active at all times during battle, you may as well use it, however it is not that powerful; Holy Sword will almost always be a better option, or you can just take Winged Mount, which does a similar thing as the whole combo with longer duration.

All in all, this build works similarly at level 20 as at level 15 - you only gain additional spell slots and access to level 5 spells - unfortunately Paladin spells only go up to level 4, which means that you only get access to new Cleric spells, such as Righteous Might, Chaav’s Laugh, or Stalwart Pact (useful if you have XP to spare and know that you won’t need the spell slot, say during a downtime activity). Another “big” thing is Roundabout Kick, which will give you a chance to deal additional attacks when fighting. Ending at BAB +16, this means that this build can attack at least 5 times with unarmed strikes on a full attack, making it a quite powerful gish-y frontliner/debuffer with versatile spellcasting.

As you can see, I omitted any mention about the Special Mount advancement from the build. This is on purpose; the bonus HD only give you two feats (one at level 8 when we get the mount, and the other all the way at level 19) and after checking what might be useful for the mount, I wasn’t able to find anything that would fit the build thematically or that would give a tremendous advantage - so I leave it up to the one that would use this build, as anything from Improved Natural Attack to Toughness can be useful.

As I need to choose something though, the way that I would go would be Martial Study (Leading the Attack) into Martial Stance (Leading the Charge) - at level 19 this will give you additional +5 to damage on a charge, which stacks up quite nice with Rhino’s Charge + Spirited Charge, while also being able to provide you with minor help on attacks earlier.

2024-05-30, 04:06 PM
I like big bats and I can't lie.

Artist Credit: Bryan Syme
Character Name: Mei Shiono

Character Basics:
Female Bamboo Spirit Folk - Battle Sorcerer 3/Urban Druid 3/Arcane Hierophant 9/Cloaked Dancer 5 - Dire Bat Companion Familiar

Mei Shiono grew up on the streets of Waterdeep. As a young girl, she earned enough coin to scrape by as a street performer. While she ultimately found her calling as a dancer, she had an early experimental phase trying to train rats street rats to perform (she was absolutely convinced that she could speak with the rats) – Mei learned at a young age that everyone’s a critic, after all. As one might expect, life on the streets for a talented urchin wasn’t prosaic and young Mei often found herself in dangerous environments. Mei discovered her innate sorcery during a rough scrap shortly after she turned 10 years old when she nearly immolated a street tough! Within a week of her awakened powers, she left her pack of half-trained rats behind and started looking for a teacher.
Mei found a kind but elderly sorcerer who pushed her to dive deep into her arcane pursuits. She continued her dancing to pay a pittance to her instructor, but was absolutely enchanted by her studies and developing her latent magical potential. After several years of study, she began to have strange dreams about her childhood. She awoke with a start one night to a massive bat scratching at the window of her apprenticeship room – when she told it to leave, it simply spoke back to her and said that it had come to help Mei. Her new bat companion, which Mei named Nocturne, started her on an entirely new journey. She quickly learned that she was not actually a human, but a Bamboo Spirit Folk, and that her connection with animals wasn’t simply a childish interest. This was part of her heritage.
Mei Shiono returned to the streets and began learning an entirely new sort of magic with the help of her dire bat companion, Nocturne. Their bond was natural and communication seemed to flow, but Mei longed for the ability to simply always be able to speak with her new companion (she learned that her heritage granted her 1 minute of speech per day – nowhere near enough!). She also returned to her street performing as a dancer and artfully added Nocturne to her act, slowly becoming a notable duo in many districts. All the while, her new magic blossomed within her and blended her love of animals with her familiarity with the city. While she didn’t realize it, Mei was learning the trade of an urban druid.
As days blended into weeks, Mei also noticed that her differing paths began to blur together. She learned to bolster both her sorcerous powers and continue developing her druidic magic with a singular focus. She discovered that she could shift her form into animals from the street and even into the shapes of other humanoids, which brought a new edge to her performances. She even unlocked the power to speak with Nocturne! Things were finally falling into place, though sleeping on the streets while caring for a bat big enough to ride wasn’t sustainable.
As Mei continued to grow in skill and power, she realized that she needed to find a home for herself and Nocturne. Her life as a street performer and budding magician simply couldn’t pull in enough coin to purchase a home or even sustain rent. She began looking into new options for income, though her lack of a professional network landed her in some seedier situations as a result. She eventually fell in with a group of cat burglars (though she preferred the concept of being a “bat burglar”) who had their eyes on a major heist. In short, they would have Mei distract a corrupt family during a major party with a new enchanting dance while they robbed the house blind! Mei’s payment would be the deed to a run-down house on the edge of town – this deal seemed too good to be true. After several months of training, Mei mastered the art of enchanting dances and was able to captivate audiences by infusing her magic into her movements. She was ready!
The heist went swimmingly, Mei ascended to the dais in the form of a gnome and began her performance. She beguiled the attendees with her motions and the team of burglars began their work. They robbed the house blind while the family and their guests stared without blinking at Mei’s cloaked and enchanting dance. She concluded her dance, bowed, and left the house with her considerable payment.
Mei slowly left the street performing world after finding her home and devoted herself again to magic and building an even deeper connection with Nocturne. They would often fly together through the night, observing the city and protecting inhabitants. She continued to frequent her childhood districts in Waterdeep, often using her spells and skills to assist the homeless and spruce up those places so foundational to her journey – though one might never know what shape she would take while visiting!

Abilities Initial Race / Template 4th 8th 12th 16th 20th
DEX 12
CON 12
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 18 1 1 1 1 1

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Battle Sorcerer - 1 0 0 0 2 16: {+4 CC} Hide: 2; {+4} Knowledge (arcana): 4; {+4 CC} Perform (dance): 2; {+4 CC} Sleight of Hand: 2; Precocious Apprentice Summon Familiar, Battle Sorcerer Variant, Martial Weapon Proficiency: Rapier, Trackless Step (Racial)
2nd Battle Sorcerer - 2 1 0 0 3 4: {+1 CC} Hide: 2.5; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 5; {+1 CC} Perform (dance): 2.5; {+1 CC} Sleight of Hand: 2.5;
3rd Battle Sorcerer - 3 2 1 1 3 4: {+1 CC} Hide: 3; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 6; {+1 CC} Perform (dance): 3; {+1 CC} Sleight of Hand: 3; Knowledge Devotion (Nature)
4th Urban Druid - 1 2 3 1 5 6: {+2 CC} Knowledge (arcana): 7; {+4} Knowledge (nature): 4; City Sense, Favored City 1, Urban Companion
5th Urban Druid - 2 3 4 1 6 6: {+2 CC} Knowledge (arcana): 8; {+4} Knowledge (nature): 8; Crowdwalk
6th Urban Druid - 3 4 4 2 6 6: {+6} Perform (dance): 9; Natural Bond Alley Fighting
7th Arcane Hierophant - 1 4 4 2 8 6: {+2 CC} Hide: 4; {+2 CC} Perform (dance): 10; {+2 CC} Sleight of Hand: 4; Companion Familiar, Ignore Arcane Spell Failure, Wild Shape
8th Arcane Hierophant - 2 5 4 2 9 6: {+2 CC} Hide: 5; {+4} Spellcraft: 4;
9th Arcane Hierophant - 3 6 5 3 9 6: {+4} Concentration: 4; {+2 CC} Sleight of Hand: 5; Practiced Spellcaster (Battle Sorcerer)
10th Cloaked Dancer - 1 6 5 5 9 8: {+3} Perform (dance): 13; {+5} Use Magic Device: 5; Enchanting Dance (Beguiling Dance)
11th Cloaked Dancer - 2 7 5 6 9 8: {+4} Concentration: 8; {+1} Perform (dance): 14; {+3} Use Magic Device 8; Surprise Strike +1d6
12th Cloaked Dancer - 3 8 6 6 10 8: {+3} Concentration: 11; {+1} Perform (dance): 15; {+4} Use Magic Device: 12; Practiced Spellcaster (Urban Druid) Enchanting Dance (Wearying Dance)
13th Cloaked Dancer - 4 9 6 7 10 8: {+1} Concentration: 12; {+1} Perform (dance): 16; {+2} Tumble: 2; {+4} Use Magic Device: 16; Surprise Strike +2d6
14th Cloaked Dancer - 5 9 6 7 10 8: {+1} Perform (Dance): 17; {+6} Tumble: 8; {+1} Use Magic Device: 17; Enchanting Dance (Frightful Dance)
15th Arcane Hierophant - 4 10 6 7 11 6: {+6} Concentration: 18; Companion Spellbond Channel Animal 2/day
16th Arcane Hierophant - 5 10 6 7 11 6: {+1} Concentration: 19; {+2} Listen: 2; {+2} Spot: 2; {+1} Survival: 1;
17th Arcane Hierophant - 6 11 7 8 12 6: {+1} Concentration: 20; {+2} Listen: 4; {+2} Spot: 4; {+1} Survival: 2; Channel Plant 1/day
18th Arcane Hierophant - 7 12 7 8 12 6: {+1} Concentration: 21; {+2} Listen: 6; {+2} Spot: 6; {+1} Survival: 3; Spell Penetration
19th Arcane Hierophant - 8 13 7 8 13 6: {+1} Concentration: 22; {+2} Listen: 8; {+2} Spot: 8; {+1} Survival: 4; Channel Animal 4/day
20th Arcane Hierophant - 9 13 8 9 13 6: {+1} Concentration: 23; {+2} Listen: 10; {+2} Spot: 10; {+1} Survival: 5;

Level Class 0th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
1st Battle Sorcerer -1 4 2 1
2nd Battle Sorcerer - 2 5 3 1
3rd Battle Sorcerer - 3 5 4 1
7th Battle Sorcerer - 4 5 5 3
8th Battle Sorcerer - 5 5 5 4
9th Battle Sorcerer - 6 (CL 9) 5 5 5 2
11th Battle Sorcerer - 7 (CL11) 5 5 6 3
13th Battle Sorcerer - 8 (CL 12) 5 5 6 4 2
15th Battle Sorcerer - 9 (CL 13) 5 5 6 5 3
16th Battle Sorcerer - 10 (CL 14) 5 5 6 5 4 2
17th Battle Sorcerer - 11 (CL 15) 5 5 6 5 5 3
18th Battle Sorcerer - 12 (CL 16) 5 5 6 5 5 4 2
19th Battle Sorcerer - 13 (CL 17) 5 5 6 5 5 5 3
20th Battle Sorcerer - 14 (CL 18) 5 5 6 5 5 5 4 2

Level Class 0th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
4th Urban Druid - 1 3 1
5th Urban Druid - 2 4 2
6th Urban Druid - 3 4 2 1
7th Urban Druid - 4 5 3 2
8th Urban Druid - 5 5 3 2 1
9th Urban Druid - 6 5 3 3 2
15th Urban Druid - 7 (CL 11) 6 4 3 2 1
16th Urban Druid - 8 (CL 12) 6 4 3 3 2
17th Urban Druid - 9 (CL 13) 6 4 4 3 2 1
18th Urban Druid - 10 (CL 14) 6 4 4 3 3 2
19th Urban Druid - 11 (CL 15) 6 5 4 4 3 2 1
20th Urban Druid - 12 (CL 16) 6 5 4 4 3 3 2

Level Familiar Level Urban Companion Level Int Score Bonus HD/Natural Armor Bonus Str/Dex Bonus Bonus Tricks Special
1st 1 0 6 0 0 0 Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link
2nd 2 0 6 0 0 0
3rd 3 0 7 0 0 0 Deliver Touch Spells
4th 3 4 7 2 1 2 Link, Share Spells, Evasion
5th 3 5 7 2 1 2
6th 3 6 7 4 2 3 Devotion
7th 4 7 7 4 2 3
8th 5 8 8 4 2 3 Speak with Master
9th 6 9 8 6 3 4 Multiattack
10th 6 9 8 6 3 4
11th 6 9 8 6 3 4
12th 6 9 8 6 3 4
13th 6 9 8 6 3 4
14th 6 9 8 6 3 4
15th 7 10 9 6 3 4 Speak with Animals of its Kind
16th 8 11 9 6 3 4
17th 9 12 10 8 4 5
18th 10 13 10 8 4 5
19th 11 14 11 8 4 5 Spell Resistance (16)
20th 12 15 11 10 5 6 Spell Resistance (17), Improved Evasion

Battle Sorcerer 3/Urban Druid 3/Arcane Hierophant 3/Cloaked Dancer 1
This is where things start to come together for Mei. She casts spells like a 6th level sorcerer (with an effective caster level of 10) and casts spells as a 6th level Urban Druid. Her companion familiar draws on the animal companion chart as though she was level 9 and from the familiar chart as though she was level 6. She’s unlocked urban shape, and can transform into other humanoid forms to compensate for her generally weak physical stats up to 12 hours each day (she could urban shape into a Flind Gnoll for 17 Str, a Dalkstalker for 17 Dex, a Varag for balanced ability scores and speed, or a Raptoran for flight). She’s also just dipped her toes into the Cloaked Dancer class, which grants her access to the enchanting dance.

Battle Sorcerer 3/Urban Druid 3/Arcane Hierophant 9/Cloaked Dancer 5
This is really the peak of the journey for Mei. She casts spells as a 14th level sorcerer (CL 18) and a 12th level urban druid (CL 16) and has a bit of support from her Spell Penetration feat to help those spells land in combat. Her companion familiar gains abilities as though she were a 15th level urban druid and 12th level 12th level sorcerer and can share spells with Mei in a serious way thanks to the Companion Spellbond feat. Her urban shape ability functions as though she were a 12th level urban druid, granting her 4 transformations per day into Large through Tiny creatures, humanoids, and objects. Beyond her spellcasting abilities, she also has the enchanting dance forms that she can fall back on to provide some debuffs in battle – the frightful dance is specifically useful and allows for her companion familiar to isolate individual opponents while they flee. Lastly, she’s invested heavily in Use Magic Device during her Cloaked Dancer levels, significantly increasing her available magic output with various items.

Players Handbook - Sorcerer Base Class (pg. 51-55), Spell Penetration Feat (pg. 100)
Oriental Adventures - Bamboo Spirit Folk Race (pg. 14-15)
Complete Arcane - Precocious Apprentice Feat (pg. 181), Practiced Spellcaster Feat (pg. 82)
Unearthed Arcana - Sorcerer Variant: Battle Sorcerer (pg. 56-57)
Complete Champion - Knowledge Devotion Feat (pg. 60-61)
Dragon Compendium - Urban Druid Base Class (pg. 57-65)
Complete Adventurer - Natural Bond Feat (pg. 111)
Races of the Wild - Arcane Hierophant Prestige Class (pg. 108-113)
Complete Scoundrel - Cloaked Dancer Prestige Class (pg. 31-34)
Players Handbook II - Companion Spellbond Feat (pg. 77)

2024-05-30, 04:08 PM
Specialized in death metal and funeral marches:

Mivall, The Dread Necrodancer
The art of Dance Macabre


NE Human Dread Necromancer 10/Dread Witch 5/Cloaked Dancer 5

To Mivall, nothing is sacred.

Mivall didn’t enjoy a regular childhood - his home village, razed to the ground by forces of the opposing kingdom, left him an orphan. Although he managed to escape from the army’s wrath, who did unspeakable things to the locals, he wasn’t safe - a giant rat ambushed him in the ditch where he was hiding…

…Mivall was found the next day in the ditch by his future mentor, a circus dancer. The boy’s body was covered in entrails of the beast, which he slayed with a sword he had found. Despite being terrified, he was also fascinated by the macabre situation he was in.

For years after this dreadful incident, Mivall would learn, train and live with the wandering circus. He joined as an apprentice dancer, learning the craft and getting progressively better at it. His heart, however, yearned for something else - to relieve the fear, the macabre and the grotesque from before. He would sneak out into the libraries of the cities they stayed in order to read the most dreadful writings he could have found. For his fellows at the circus, this looked as an innocent fascination with knowledge, however truth was, both his actions and the incident in his youth awakened something in him - the power to command over necrotic forces and inflict the fear on others.

Years passed and Mivall got better at his craft. He learned that with the right words, actions, with his looks and with the dance he could get everything he would always need - whether it was getting information, dealings with people in power, or just earning coin for everyday spendings. He would augment it all with his magic, and if only anyone would disagree with him or not give him what he wanted, he would make sure that they either remember him for the rest of their days, or that would never draw another breath again…

After looking into the features of the Cloaked Dancer, I realized that the actual prerequisites aren’t that hard to get, and they could fit many different play styles. I tried to combine as many of the features as I could, and what especially piqued my interest was the 5th level ability - Frightful Dance. My mind immediately went towards the Dread Necromancer from Heroes of Horror as the basis (as they do gain a familiar, albeit late), and the Dread Witch for even more synergies with the fear itself - even though it specifically only buffs fear spells, just having an additional fear effect would come in handy for this combination.

All in all what I came up with is a versatile debuffer/summoner that uses mainly fear effects with some other status effects sprinkled in for more viability and variety, with some minor melee combat capabilities.

And I will be honest, I just wanted to make a Necrodancer for quite some time as well :smallbiggrin:

Abilities Initial Race / Template 4th 8th 12th 16th 20th
STR 10
DEX 16
CON 14
INT 12
CHA 16 17 (+1) 18 (+1) 19 (+1) 20 (+1) 21 (+1)

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Dread Necromancer 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Bluff 2 Ranks, Hide 4 Ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 4 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 4 Ranks, Sleight of Hand 2 Ranks (crossclass) Apprentice (Entertainer), Weapon Finesse (Bonus) Charnel touch, rebuke undead
2nd Dread Necromancer 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Bluff 3 Ranks, Hide 5 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 5 Ranks, Sleight of Hand 2.5 Ranks (crossclass) Lich body DR 2
3rd Dread Necromancer 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Bluff 5 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 6 Ranks, Sleight of Hand 3 Ranks Spell Focus (Necromancy) Negative energy burst 1/day
4th Dread Necromancer 4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Diplomacy 2 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 7 Ranks, Sleight of Hand 3.5 Ranks (crossclass) Advanced learning (Curse of Ill Fortune), mental bastion +2
5th Dread Witch 1 +2 +1 +1 +6 Diplomacy 4 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 8 Ranks, Sleight of Hand 4 Ranks (crossclass) Unnatural Will (Bonus) Master of terror, Unnatural Will
6th Dread Necromancer 5 +2 +1 +1 +6 Diplomacy 5 Ranks, Intimidate 1 Rank, Perform (Dance) 9 Ranks, Sleight of Hand 4.5 Ranks (crossclass) Fearsome Necromancy Fear aura
7th Dread Witch 2 +3 +1 +1 +7 Intimidate 3 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 10 Ranks, Sleight of Hand 5 Ranks (crossclass) Absorb fear
8th Dread Necromancer 6 +4 +2 +2 +8 Intimidate 6 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 11 Ranks Scabrous touch 1/day
9th Dread Necromancer 7 +4 +2 +2 +8 Intimidate 9 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 12 Ranks, Fell Frighten Lich body DR 4, summon familiar (ghostly visage)
10th Cloaked Dancer 1 +4 +2 +4 +8 Perform (Dance) 13 Ranks, Tumble 3 Ranks, Use Magic Device 4 Ranks Enchanting dance (beguiling dance)
11th Cloaked Dancer 2 +5 +2 +5 +8 Perform (Dance) 14 Ranks, Tumble 7 Ranks, Use Magic Device 7 Ranks Surprise strike +1d6
12th Cloaked Dancer 3 +6 +3 +5 +9 Perform (Dance) 15 Ranks, Tumble 11 Ranks, Use Magic Device 10 Ranks Invisible Spell Enchanting dance (wearying dance)
13th Cloaked Dancer 4 +7 +3 +6 +9 Perform (Dance) 16 Ranks, Tumble 14 Ranks, Use Magic Device 14 Ranks Surprise strike +2d6
14th Cloaked Dancer 5 +7 +3 +6 +9 Bluff 6 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 17 Ranks, Tumble 17 Ranks, Use Magic Device 17 Ranks Enchanting dance (frightful dance)
15th Dread Witch 3 +7 +4 +7 +9 Intimidate 12 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 18 Ranks Terrifying Strike Fearful empowerment 1/day
16th Dread Witch 4 +8 +4 +7 +10 Intimidate 15 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 19 Ranks Delay fear, greater master of terror
17th Dread Witch 5 +8 +4 +7 +10 Intimidate 18 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 20 Ranks Fearful empowerment 2/day, horrific aura, reflective fear
18th Dread Necromancer 8 +9 +4 +7 +11 Intimidate 21 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 21 Ranks Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy) Advanced learning (Aura of Terror), negative energy burst 2/day, undead mastery
19th Dread Necromancer 9 +9 +5 +8 +11 Bluff 8 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 22 Ranks Negative energy resistance
20th Dread Necromancer 10 +10 +5 +8 +12 Bluff 11 Ranks, Perform (Dance) 23 Ranks Light fortification 25%

Level Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
1st Dread Necromancer 4
2nd Dread Necromancer 5
3rd Dread Necromancer 6
4th Dread Necromancer 7 4
6th Dread Necromancer 7 5
7th Dread Necromancer 7 6 4
8th Dread Necromancer 7 7 5
9th Dread Necromancer 7 7 6 4
11th Dread Necromancer 7 7 7 5
13th Dread Necromancer 7 7 7 6 3
15th Dread Necromancer 7 7 7 7 4
16th Dread Necromancer 8 7 7 7 6 3
17th Dread Necromancer 8 7 7 7 7 4
18th Dread Necromancer 8 7 7 7 7 5 3
19th Dread Necromancer 8 7 7 7 7 6 4
20th Dread Necromancer 8 7 7 7 7 6 5 3

At level 1, the build does not deviate much fromthe traditional Dread Necromancer play style - any weapon can be picked up with the martial weapon proficiency we get from the class, however a shortsword, kukri, handaxe or a light pick would be prefarable, as these are one of the better light melee weapon options available from the core books. You use your spells mainly to debuff your enemies or to summon weak undead for short amount of time.

A short note about Charnel Touch - even though this build does not revolve around high strength which would be needed in order to make the attack bonus for this special attack higher, it is still a useful ability. Keep in mind that this targets your enemies touch AC - if you can see that, say, the enemy wears plate armor or if you can deduce that they have high natural AC it may be preferable to use Charnel Touch instead of attacking with your weapon, as it may just have higher chance to hit them.

Where it gets interesting is with the Apprentice (Entertainer) feat - according to the feat's description, apart from giving a +2 bonus on diplomacy checks (which will help in social situations in order to manipulate others and to get what you want), once per level you can call upon the aid of a fan or an admirer by spending some money "appropriate for the apprentice's level", which would be subject to DM's ruling. Nevertheless, this gives you a cohort of half of your level within one step of your alignment, of any class or race, that serves you (usually) for number of days equal to you charisma modifier. This is huge. Not only this means that you can get an additional helper for your combat situations, but you can also use the admirer for any sort of social shenanigans that you would need. Pretty solid, if I were to say so myself, especiall if you remember that our character is Neutral Evil - you'll be able to get all sort of thugs, assassins and other members of the criminal underworld under your thumb if you play your cards correctly.

At level 5 you gain your first level in the Dread Witch presitge class - at this point it doesn't do much, however it further increases the saving throws for your fear spells by 1 (as well as giving you bane and doom as 2nd level spells - which you already had as 1st level spells. Oh well, +1 DC at least). This means that your spells with the fear descriptor have DC 16 or 17 at this moment (assuming they are a necromancy spell and depending if they are level 1 or 2 accordingly), which is already a quite decent value. On top of that, your Will saving throws are through the roof because of Unnatural Will, you are already getting a bit more resilient thanks to the Lich Body and you've picked up a spell through the Advanced Learning class feature - because we do not have that much of choice right now, I've chosen Curse of Ill Fortune from Spell Compendium - altrhough not a fear effect itself, it is basically Doom+ and makes it so your enemies are even less likely to succeed on saving throws against your other effects. Mental bastion is a nice bonus, although not that significant, and Negative energy burst is a useful burst ability usfeul when you are either looking for some extra damage against your enemies or if you are surrounded by bunch of rabble.

Now this is when we start dancin'. Let's break down what we can do now:

First of all, fear aura - anyone who's 5ft around you needs to save against fear, or become shaken. Note that this is an escalatable effect - as long as we expose the affected enemy to a different fear effect. Shouldn't be hard with our spells.

Second, absorb fear - this is more of a situational effect, seeing as there is not much point in targeting yourself with your own spells, however consider the Apprentice feat that you have - nothing actually forbids you from getting a fan-cohort that is able to cast some low level fear spells on you in order for you to get some buffs or cast something else, with potentially higher DC. All in all, a good feature, albeit situational.

Next let's jump to the feats that you got - Fell Frighten allows your 1st and 2nd level damaging spells (for example, Chill Touch) to inflict shaken, no save, and can escalate. Fearsome Necromancy makes it so no matter if the enemy fails or suceeds on a saving throw for your necromancy spell you inflict shaken, but it can't escalate itself - according to the wording of the feat, which may be debatable, this effect itself can't make a n enemy worse than shaken, however if you were to add another effect on top of that that can escalate, there shouldn't be any issue (for example, using Doom - apply the feat first, then the spell actually resolves and applies shaken, which escalates to frightened). Even if this would be a point of dispute and your DM wouldn't allow it to escalate no matter what, this still allows you to consistently debuff your enemies.

Another big thing at this level is the Summon Familiar class feature - the Ghostly Visage fits the most thematically and it gives you a second way to debuff your enemies - paralyzing. This can be achieved already by this class through spells, hwoever the point of Ghostly Visage is that it is just another ability that will work on top of you are already trying to achieve, which is debuffing everyone to hell and back.

Lastly, of course, there is the Beguiling Dance, which allows you to shut off enemies for as long as they fail the initial save, while your summons or other party members can rain the nine hells on them. Just summon 4 owlbear skeletons, start dancing, and if it doesn't work - just debuff everyone with your fears and paralyzes.

Oh yeah, Lich body also improves, almost forgot about that, and Scabrous touch is cool, but once again, this is not the main focus of this build.

So, you have just finished the Cloaked Dancer progression. Let's break it down.

First of all, you now have access to all of the different dances. Wearying Dance is interesting, as it will stack with Waves of Fatigue - you just need to make sure that you cast the spell first and then start dancing, which will absolutely decimate the ability of your enemies to fight back while the others can just finish them off. Similarily, and more importantly, the Frightful Dance, is a great ability for escalating the fear effects of your enemies.

Additionally you are now able to attack with a light weapon while maintaining your dance, as a full round action, and as long as the enemy is under the effect of one of your dances, they are flatfooted against the attack and you deal extra 2d6 points of damage. While it is not much, it will allow you to conserve your spellslots or special attacks, as well as it is an enabler for a feat you take at level 15 - Terrifying Strike. Because the Surprise Attack feature counts as sudden strike for purpouse of prerequisites and ambush feats, which in turn qualifies as sneak attack for both of those, we can take this feat which allows us for reducing our damage by d6 to inflict shaken on hit enemies, no save - however it does not stack and is only for round, which isn't that great, but it does provide additional debuffing capabilities in a pinch, say, if you approached someone into melee while maintaining Wearying Dance.

Another feat you get on road to level 15 is Invisible Spell. Now, this is my personal choice considering that I view this build as viable in an urban environment, which makes this metamagic invaluable. It is also a perfect spell for preparing ambushes and most importantly, doesn't increase the spell level of a spell being cast (although spontenous metamagic casting time increase will still apply). This means that spells like Black Tentacles, Locust Swarm or Cloudkill can be made completely invisible as soon as they are available without the need to wait for a next level of spell slots.

Lastly, the Dread Witch ability Fearful Empowerement. Because it adds the fear descriptor to any of your spells, it makes it so the save DC (if any) for the spell is higher, but more importantly, it provides you with a way to turn any spell that provides some sort of a visual effect (summon undead, un-invisibled black tentacles, etc) into a fear effect spell - the DC is high enough for it to matter and makes it so it is way easier to escalate your enemies into being frightened or panicked.

Finally, level 20. The Apex of the art of Danse Macabre.

Aura of terror, picked up from advanced learning, is an amazing spell that gives you YET ANOTHER way to frighten your enemies and it synergizes with your Fear Aura back from level 6!

Delay Fear is a useful tool both in social situations (in order to make others crap their pants after you leave, so they cannot pinpoint it on you) and in combat (to make sure that you are not debuffed because of other fear effects)

Greater Master of Terror makes it so you finally can frighten those pesky paladins and say, all of the creatures that would normally be immune to fear - which is actually huge - you can make them skeletons really shake their bones if you really want to.

Horrific Aura is an additional fear aura effect which you can turn into a potent single-target fear effect that makes the target immediately panicked if they fail the save. Awesome.

Reflective Fear is amazing - If you fight a dragon or anything else which has a passive fear effect around them it not only makes it so the source is potentially frightened instead, it also helps your other party members to overcome their fears and make them more useful in, for example, keeping you alive.

The rest of abilities you get from the Dread Necromancer (undead mastery, negative energy resistance, light fortification) are all great abilities that both make you more viable combat-wise, as you get to control more and more undead, and you are way more resilient due to being fortified against crits and not needing to worry about negative levels and ability drain as much.

Sadly, this build does not get any 9 level spells due to spellcasting levels lost both by Cloaked Dancer and Dread Witch - it does, however, geta powerful undead creation spell in form of Create Greater Undead. Combined with undead mastery, it allows you to easily create and army of Shadows and Wraiths.

Player's Handbook 3.5
Player's Handbook II (Apprentice)
Heroes of Horror (Dread Necromancer, Dread Witch)
Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead (Fell Frighten)
Complete Scoundrel (Cloaked Dancer)
Spell Compendium (Curse of Ill Fortune, Aura of Terror)
Complete Mage (Fearsome Necromancy)
Drow of the Underdark (Terrifying Strike)
CityScape (Invisible Spell)

2024-05-30, 04:09 PM
And that's all eight of our entries: you may post now. There's one more entry a few posts further down, whoops.

Do we have a judge? And do people have any ideas for future rounds?

2024-05-30, 05:26 PM
Do we have a judge? And do people have any ideas for future rounds?

Maybe me, but I'm afraid to promise.

2024-05-30, 09:08 PM
I'm impressed with the variety!

2024-05-31, 01:38 AM
It seems I've somehow missed an entry. My bad!

Artist Credit: unknown

Character Name: Duensel the Snake Charmer

Character Basics:
Male LN Illumian – Battle Sorcerer 4/Monk 2/Enlightened Fist 5/Cloaked Dancer 5/Abjurant Champion 4 – Snake (Tiny Viper) Familiar

Duensel the Snake Charmer hasn’t always been the performance phenom that has entranced audiences in all corners of Luskan. No, no… his roots are far more humble than you might guess!
Duensel’s grew up in a small but well-to-do Illumian family. While his parents always pushed him in his studies, Duensel was an unfocused student with a penchant to daydream and a nigh-constant desire to move. The study carrel was stifling for him, and he tried to elude his tutors as often as possible during his early years. He much preferred combat training, but surprised his sparring coach one day with some unintended magical barrages! Perhaps his daydreaming habit had simply been a natural progression to unlocking his sorcerous potential? In either case, once he began manifesting his powers as a young sorcerer his family shipped him off to a small academy for wizards and sorcerers in Luskan.
While Duensel loved the opportunity to learn new magics, his innate abilities still seemed stifled in the classroom. Thank goodness for the adorable snake that he quickly adopted as his familiar! This little cobra was named Noodle, and Duensel always kept her with him. After his first term at the academy, he almost always yearned to be back out on the sparring ground. Over time, he began skipping his classes because he was having too much fun in fist-fights with street toughs from the area around the academy. As is often the way with students with attendance problems, Duensel began to slip through the cracks at his academy and eventually was expelled and had to find other means to support himself. Duensel began showcasing his skill as a snake charmer with plenty of help from Noodle, and the two of them began impressive acts of dance and motion to scrape together some coin after his family cut off his funding. This never seemed like quite enough money, so Duensel also got involved with some wrestling rings under the new pseudonym “The Snake Charmer.” He ended up growing quite close with an old monk who mentored some of the younger wrestlers and learned some neat tricks about unarmed combat during those years on the street.
Over time, Duensel began to realize that the tricks he learned from his wrestling mentor would be even more effective if he added his magic. With a little effort, he learned how to imbue his fists with arcane energy and became a leader in various wrestling and fist-fighting arenas. However, his wanderlust began to itch at him again – he was never one for planting deep roots. He and Noodle returned to their street performing act with gusto, now lacing in illusions with their almost hypnotic motions. Audiences throughout Luskan were captivated and Duensel adored the limelight. He focused intensely on his dancing and began to layer magics into his movements in the same way and realized that his dances could enchant his onlookers – this discovery was intoxicating. He learned new ways to enthrall onlookers, to tire out people who wanted to mug him, and to strike fear into gang members all through his new enchanting dances. After these years of success as a street performer, Duensel began to want to give back. He had earned enough to own his own home and he felt that he owed it to the locales of his development to help the people who had helped him. Gangs had begun to make many districts of Luskan unsafe, and he wanted to remedy that. He returned his focus to his sparring training, and picked up a few tricks to make his abjurations more effective. After some careful planning, he began to patrol the streets at night as a vigilante – redonning his old pseudonym “The Snake Charmer” with loyal Noodle at his side. Between a swift flurry of punches here, and well placed spell there, and the surprising hiss of a cobra – many of the gangs left Duensel’s districts alone within weeks.
He now splits his time between performances on stages, at festivals, and on street corners throughout Luskan with some sporadic vigilante patrols.

Abilities Initial Race / Template 4th 8th 12th 16th 20th
STR 10
DEX 16
CON 14
INT 12
CHA 16 1 1 1 1 1

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Battle Sorcerer - 1 0 0 0 2 12: {+4} Concentration: 4; {+4} Knowledge (arcana): 4; {+4} Spellcraft: 4; Weapon Finesse, Martial Weapon Proficiency: Rapier (B), Illumian Power Sigil: Krau (B) Summon Familiar
2nd Battle Sorcerer - 2 1 0 0 3 3: {+1} Concentration: 5; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 5; {+1} Spellcraft: 5 Illumian Sigil: Vaul (B), Illumian Word: Vaulkrau (B)
3rd Battle Sorcerer - 3 2 1 1 3 3: {+1} Concentration: 6; {+2 CC} Perform (dance): 1; Combat Casting
4th Monk - 1 2 3 3 5 5: {+1} Concentration: 7; {+4} Perform (dance): 5; Bonus: Stunning Fist Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, Flurry (-2/-2), Unarmed Damage 1d6, Armor Class Bonus: 0
5th Monk - 2 3 4 4 6 5: {+1} Concentration: 8; {+3} Perform (dance): 8; {+1} Tumble: 1; Bonus: Deflect Arrows Evasion, Flurry of Blows (-1/-1)
6th Enlightened Fist - 1 3 4 6 8 5: {+3} Hide: 3; {+2 CC} Perform (dance): 9; Practiced Spellcaster (Battle Sorcerer) Ki Strike (magic), Monk Abilities, Flurry of Blows (0/0)
7th Enlightened Fist - 2 4 4 7 9 5: {+2} Hide: 5; {+2 CC} Perform (dance): 10; {+1 CC} Sleight of Hand: 0.5; Arcane Fist, Flurry of Blows (+1/+1), Unarmed Damage 1d8
8th Enlightened Fist - 3 5 5 7 9 5: {+5 CC} Sleight of Hand: 3; Flurry of Blows (+2/+2), Armor Class Bonus: 1
9th Enlightened Fist - 4 6 5 8 10 5: {+1} Concentration: 9; {+4 CC} Sleight of Hand: 5; Ascetic Mage Flurry of Blow (+3/+3)
10th Enlightened Fist - 5 6 5 8 10 5: {+1} Escape Artist: 1; {+4} Spot: 4; Arcane Rejuvenation, Flurry of Blow (+4/+4), Armor Class Bonus: 2
11th Cloaked Dancer - 1 6 5 10 10 7: {+7} Use Magic Device: 7; Enchanting Dance (Beguiling Dance)
12th Cloaked Dancer - 2 7 5 11 10 7: {+7} Use Magic Device: 14; Superior Unarmed Strike Surprise Strike +1d6, Unarmed Damage 1d10
13th Cloaked Dancer - 3 8 6 11 11 7: {+5} Concentration: 14; {+2} Use Magic Device: 16; Enchanting Dance (Wearying Dnace)
14th Cloaked Dancer - 4 9 6 12 11 7: {+3} Concentration: 17; {+3} Perform (dance): 13; {+1} Use Magic Device: 17; Surprise Strike +2d6
15th Cloaked Dancer - 5 9 6 12 11 7: {+1} Concentration: 18; {+2} Perform (dance): 15; {3} Tumble: 4; {+1} Use Magic Device: 18; Spell Penetration Enchanting Dance (Frightful Dance)
16th Abjurant Champion - 1 10 6 12 13 3: {+1} Concentration: 19; {+1} Handle Animal: 1; {+1} Ride: 1; Abjurant Armor, Extended Abjuration
17th Abjurant Champion - 2 11 6 12 14 3: {+1} Concentration: 20; {+2} Spellcraft: 7; Swift Abjuration
18th Abjurant Champion - 3 12 7 13 14 3: {+1} Concentration: 21; {+2} Spellcraft: 9; Greater Spell Penetration
19th Abjurant Champion - 4 13 7 13 15 3: {+1} Concentration: 22; {+2} Spellcraft: 11; Arcane Boost
20th Battle Sorcerer - 4 14 7 13 16 3: {+1} Concentration: 23; {+2} Spellcraft: 13;

Level Class 0th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
1st Battle Sorcerer - 1 4 2
2nd Battle Sorcerer - 2 5 3
3rd Battle Sorcerer - 3 5 4
7th Battle Sorcerer - 4 (CL 7) 5 5 2
8th Battle Sorcerer - 5 (CL 8) 5 5 3
9th Battle Sorcerer - 6 (CL 9) 5 5 4 2
10th Battle Sorcerer - 7 (CL 10) 5 5 5 3
12th Battle Sorcerer - 8 (CL 12) 5 5 5 4 2
14th Battle Sorcerer - 9 (CL 13) 5 5 5 5 3
16th Battle Sorcerer - 10 (CL 16) 5 5 5 5 4 2
17th Battle Sorcerer - 11 (CL 17) 5 5 5 5 5 3
18th Battle Sorcerer - 12 (CL 18) 5 5 5 5 5 4 2
19th Battle Sorcerer - 13 (CL 19) 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
20th Battle Sorcerer - 14 (CL 20) 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 2

Battle Sorcerer 3/Monk 2/Enlightened Fist 5
Duensel has started to feel his different backgrounds come together as of the last two levels. The Ascetic Mage feat grants him a significant boost to his AC, and his spellcasting can be used to bolster his offenses, defenses, and even provide him some healing through Arcane Rejuvenation in a pinch. His snake familiar is stealthy and able to deliver some potent touch attacks by surprise. A few magic items will greatly improve Duenesl’s success in combat, so he should prioritize the acquisition of a Cloak of Charisma, Gloves of Dexterity, a Monk’s Belt, and Bracers of Armor.

Battle Sorcerer 3/Monk 2/Enlightened Fist 5/Cloaked Dancer 5/Abjurant Champion 2
It’s all coming together now. Duensel has unlocked most of the powers available to him in this build at this point. He casts spells as an 11th level sorcerer (effective caster level 17 due to his Krau Illumian sigil and Practiced Spellcaster feat), has some varied monk level effects (Flurry of Blows – level 7 Monk; Unarmed Damage – level 11 Monk due to Superior Unarmed Strike feat; Armor Class Bonus – level 10 Monk due to Ascetic Mage feat; Unarmored Speed Bonus – level 7 Monk), has access to the three enchanting dances from his levels of Cloaked Dancer that grant him some potent crowd-control effects that give his snake familiar even more opportunities to deliver venomous bites and touch attack spells, and has unlocked some potent buffs to his abjuration spellcasting with his levels of Abjurant Champion. As mentioned in the Level 10 snapshot, Duensel’s build will benefit from several near-mandatory magical items like a Cloak of Charisma, Gloves of Dexterity, Monk’s Belt, Bracers of Armor, and Amulet of Mighty Fists. Items like the Fanged Ring and a Wand of Enlarge Person will also make his unarmed strikes considerably more potent.

Players Handbook: Sorcerer Base Class (pg. 51-55), Monk Base Class (pg. 39-42), Feats
Races of Destiny: Illumian Race (pg. 51-90)
Unearthed Arcana: Sorcerer Variant: Battle Sorcerer (pg. 56-57)
Complete Arcane: Enlightened Fist Prestige Class (pg. 34-36), Practiced Spellcaster Feat (pg. 82)
Complete Adventurer: Ascetic Mage Feat (pg. 105-106)
Complete Scoundrel: Cloaked Dancer Prestige Class (pg. 31-34)
Tome of Battle: Superior Unarmed Strike (pg. 33)
Complete Mage: Abjurant Champion Prestige Class (pg. 50-53)

2024-05-31, 02:12 PM
And do people have any ideas for future rounds?
Talking about ideas...
Arcane Swordsage + something - other martial

2024-05-31, 02:41 PM
Talking about ideas...
Arcane Swordsage + something - other martial

A half-finished class with a big 'BREAK ME' sticker pre-applied does not a good ingredient make.

2024-05-31, 08:09 PM
18 BAB + 6th level spells - Abjurant Champion

2024-06-01, 08:35 AM

Iaijutsu Focus + Multiple Attacks - Gnome Quickrazor

2024-06-01, 09:16 AM

# Name Alignment / Race Class Levels Companion Creatures Chef Total Place
1 Kiris Emin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020986&postcount=37) NG Elf Rogue 3/Artificer 5/Spymaster 7/Cloaked Dancer 5 Improved Homunculi: 2 Arbalesters and 1 Furtive Filcher
2 Seraphina, the Diplodancer (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020988&postcount=38) CG Lion Clan Human Battle Dancer 1/Dragonfire Adept 3/Celebrant of Sharess 6/Dread Witch 5/Cloaked Dancer 5 Feline Familiar: Cat, Celestial Familiar: Coure Eladrin
3 Corry Flametongue and Snappy (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020990&postcount=39) CG Lesser Wispling Wilderness Companion Wizard 6/Darksong Knight Armored Mage Fighter 4/Spelldancer 5/ Cloaked Dancer 5 Animal Companion: Fleshraker
4 Sekai (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020992&postcount=40) LG Dragonborn Halfling Dragonscale Husk Harmonious Knight Wayward Warden Spell-less Paladin 6/Halfling Outrider 8/The Cloaked Dancer 5/Beastmaster 1 Celestial Special Mount Animal Companion: Riding Dog
5 Agador (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020994&postcount=41) CG Half-Elf Battle Dancer 2/Marshal 2/Crusader 2/Knight of the Weave 3/Cloaked Dancer 5/Half-Elf Paragon 3/Human Paragon 3 Wild Cohort: Wolf
6 Shahram, the Equestrian Vaulter of Ruby Rose (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020997&postcount=42) LG Human Human Paragon 3/Cleric 3/Prestige Paladin 9/Cloaked Dancer 5 Special Mount: Warhorse
7 Mei Shiono (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020998&postcount=43) ?? Bamboo Spirit Folk Battle Sorcerer 3/Urban Druid 3/Arcane Hierophant 9/Cloaked Dancer 5 Companion Familiar: Dire Bat
8 Mivall (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020999&postcount=44) NE Human Dread Necromancer 10/Dread Witch 5/Cloaked Dancer 5 Familiar: Ghostly Visage
9 Duensel (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26021150&postcount=48) LN Illumian Battle Sorcerer 4/Monk 2/Enlightened Fist 5/Cloaked Dancer 5/Abjurant Champion 4 Familiar: Tiny Viper

2024-06-02, 12:04 AM
I've been looking for a concept for next round. This round did a required prestige class and I figured I'd roll with that concept.

The Dragon Devotee The first ingredient from Races of the Dragon.

The requirements are easy to meet with room for fun creation.

Entry Requirements
Race: Nondragon, can’t have draconic template.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank.
Languages: Draconic.

Active magical affect For the second ingredient.

Spellcaster For the forbidden ingredient.

2024-06-02, 12:54 AM
I've been looking for a concept for next round. This round did a required prestige class and I figured I'd roll with that concept.

The Dragon Devotee The first ingredient from Races of the Dragon.

The requirements are easy to meet with room for fun creation.

Entry Requirements
Race: Nondragon, can’t have draconic template.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank.
Languages: Draconic.

Active magical affect For the second ingredient.

Spellcaster For the forbidden ingredient.

Interested in that one, my only concerns are the vagueness of 'active magical effect' and the fact we had a dragon-themed round pretty recently.

2024-06-02, 02:47 PM
Interested in that one, my only concerns are the vagueness of 'active magical effect' and the fact we had a dragon-themed round pretty recently.

Would saying a Bonded magical effect be better? It has to be something that can stay active on the character no matter how many rounds pass. For this I would say that magic items wouldn't count.

Or instead of that I guess a specific magical effect would have to be done. shape changing, summoning, buff, or debuff could work.

Whereas I guess the prestige class could be swapped for Uncanny Trickster from complete scoundrel.

To qualify to become an uncanny trickster, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Skills: Any four skills 8 ranks each.
Skill Tricks: Any four.

2024-06-03, 06:13 AM
How about:

Master of Masks + Transmutation - Illusion

Or the other way around! (+ Illusion - Transmutation)

2024-06-04, 12:45 AM

Bonded Armor + Auras - Base class with armor proficiency

2024-06-07, 05:41 AM

Bonded Armor + Auras - Base class with armor proficiency

What do you mean with Bonded Armor, the fighter ACF from the dragon magazine 355? Or what else?

2024-06-09, 12:18 AM
Like an armor that only the character can use. like dragonscale husk ACF for example.

2024-06-09, 08:11 PM
I might be in to judge if needed. I had too many options for the entry and wound up not finding any of them interesting enough to actually build. Bonded Summoner was the way I was considering. But it just wound up feeling not fun enough to build..

2024-06-17, 03:46 PM
I might be in to judge if needed.

I'm thinking that would be highly appreciated by everyone.

2024-06-18, 06:16 AM
I'm thinking that would be highly appreciated by everyone.

I'd definitely appreciate it. :smile:

2024-06-23, 01:07 PM
Judging incoming!

Artificer into Craft Homunculus isn't the thing that first came to mind. Spymaster either. You also receive a bonus for using Dragonmark feats and a small one for Truenaming homunculus. Rogue is expected and other homunculi are nothing special.
Total: 4.25
In direct clash you have your three homunculi and they could make something, but actually not very much, yeah two of them could fly, one could stealth another could stealth poorly, but... even with Darkstalker they need some circumstances to hide successfully and it work only at the beginning of fight. Plus, to be able to make sneak attack your homunculi need to be close enough to become targets for counterattack and they are constructs. This means low hp. Even with not bad AC they should be destroyed quickly. Beguiling Dance save a day slightly, but it's mind affecting and has low DC.

You are better out of direct fight. You are Artificer, you have good while slightly unfocused skills and good infiltration abilities.

I give you 2.5 points here.
Your homunculi. Why just three? Why not five... hundreds? Okay, I know that multiple homunculi are highly likely legal, while I see how it could become a problem for some DMs. I dislike this design idea, but we work with what we have.

Being legal is one thing. Being costly is another. Three homunculi cost XP and gp and it looks like item dependent even if you craft them yourselves. Plus, losing one or more homunculi isn't an impossible situation (-0.5).

More about homunculi. I think having your own party could create difficulties in real game. I see how it became time consuming for a price of joy. It isn't ironclad - in some games your Zoo will fit, but according to my experience this is a smaller part of all games (-0.25).

You have multiclass penalty all the way starting from 4th level (-0.5).

I want to see our Infusions per Day table (-0).

Do you really need 21 Cha? Why not 20 and 2 more points in Dex (-0.25)?

You have mistakes in your skills. Spymaster has 8+Int skill points (11 in your case). At 7th you spent 7 points, at 13th-18th - 8 points, Rogue at 19th and 20th - you spent 10 points, Cloaked Dancer at 8th, 10th-13th - only 8 points. Also you have wrong BAB at 2nd, 3rd, 4th levels (-0.5).

When you spend skill points on CC skills it would be better to write the number of skill points spent not ranks given - 1.5 (+3 CC) instead of 1.5 (+1.5 CC). It will be easier to read. And please never use "1 1/2" writing. We have decimal fractions!

Total: 3 points.
You have good and interesting Companion Creatures - they are fragile, but scale with character levels (not only some class levels) and are numerous. They have good synergy with Cloaked Dancer's Beguiling Dance - as I said they are fragile and need something to survive longer, but other Cloaked Dancer's abilities look wasted, you actually spend 4 levels mostly for +4 DC of Beguiling Dance and 4 more rounds of duration. Doesn't sure this is worth it. Also you lose advancing spellcasting (or you thought it works for Artificer - if so it'd be a penalty in Elegance).

Total points here - 3.
Before I start evaluating, I thought this entry will have more points. Yeah, I don't like multiple homunculi, but it's an interesting find.
Total: 12.75

Sorry, but I have to start with the sad news. Celebrant of Sharess is the core of my not used entry idea. Yeah, I thought it would be originally, but for me it isn't. But I don't penalize you, just give you zero where there could be a bonus.
Dragonfire Adept and Battle Dancer are interesting, while not only you thought about BD.
Dread Witch and fear escalation isn't a new idea.
Human (Lion) - well, it at least isn't a regular human.
Combat Panache, Cards over Swords and Silver Tongue are interesting. Other feats aren't.

Total: 3 points.
Vow of Nonviolence always is a debatable choice. But you manage to deal with it well enough.
Dread Witch fear staking is a powerful option, but you have only 9 CL (12 with Absorb Fear). It limits your Greater Master of Terror coolness, but anyway it is cool, just slightly less cool. You also have some good crowd control options.
Out of battle you are a potent face with good and interesting uses of social skills. That's all, but it looks enough in most cases.

Total: 4 points.

Frightful Dance is yet another AoE fear effect that stacks with Horrific Aura, Never Outnumbered demoralize, Righteous Wrath and fear spells we have at hand.
Stop here. No, I don't want to say you are wrong. This stacks, but... One thing.

While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride)

Each ability requires both a minimum cloaked dancer level and a minimum number of ranks in the Perform (dance) skill to qualify;
Well, it isn't hard RAW to say you couldn't use or maintain Enchanting Dance while Raging, but it looks very RAI. Well, this doesn't ruin the whole combo, but this is ambiguity (-0.25).

Do you know why I didn't make my entry? Because Celebrant of Sharess actually doesn't synergize with Cloaked Dancer at all. You could use one or another, but not both simultaneously. Well, CoS doesn't synergize with itself - Rage + Spellcasting isn't a great idea. Well, I thought and it isn't actually waste levels. But! I'd give you a bonus if you found a way to use these classes' abilities with synergy (-0).

Blinding Beauty. Well, it isn't "dealing damage (including ability damage but not nonlethal damage), bestowing negative levels, or causing death," but... permanent blindness really looks (heh) like "causing harm or suffering" (-0.5).

I don't like changing cat familiar for something non-feline, but it's RAW legal (-0).

Do you really need 23 Cha? Why isn't 22 enough? It's three free points, you could have 23 more skill points on an SP starving build, for example (-0.5)!

Dragonfire Adept has Wizard's BAB - mistake at 4th level (-0.25).

Cards over Swords has Prerequisite: 1st level character. In some early 3.0 books this means "You may take this feat only as a 1st-level character." Anyway, I don't know how it could be read differently and non-dysfunctional (-0.25).

You didn't qualify for Combat Panache at 18th level, you have Bluff only 6 - need 8 (-0.25).

Human (Lion) has favored class - Samurai, so you have multiclass penalties starting from 4th level (-0.5).

Total: 2.5 points.
You have Companion Creature - cat, next Coure Eladrin and they are useful, but I don't really see synergy with the second SI half. Cloaked Dancer also does its work well, but... Do you really need it? It doesn't look you use Surprise Strike often and Dances... Frightful is just one more fear source (which doesn't work with one already existent). Beguiling does something for your Diplomacy (temporary), but Wearying is useless.
If you remove Cloaked Dancer you have options to replace it with something really useful.

Total: 2 points.
Celebrant of Sharess really looks good for this round, but only at first glance. Secondly - it's a trap.
Total: 11.5

The only interesting and slightly surprising thing in this entry is Wilderness Companion Wizard ACF.
Total: 1.25 points.
You are persistomanser Spelldancer (with 13 Con) with fleshraker (which isn't great at middle and even less at later levels), some spells and bad feats. Your best combat feat is Power Attack. At 20th level and with 11 BAB.

I give you 2 points. Maybe I'd give you more if I know what exact spells you intend to persist.
You didn't source your entry (-0.5).

I want to see dancing feint in the "Class Features" column.
I want to see the number of class level after the class name in table (Wizard 4, not just Wizard).
I want to see your point buy and racial stat adjustments separate.
I want to see Spotlights. Real spotlights.
I want to see the number of spent skill points and indication of CC in addition to total skill points.

Your entry formatting is bad (-0.5).

Lesser Planetouched (-0.25).

Do you really need 23 Int? You have an odd Con!!! I see why you want to have Int 18+2 at first level, ok, skill points, but why not ASI: Int>Int>Con>Dex>Dex? You lose 4 skill points between 8th and 12th levels for what? Having 21 Dex during 8 levels? Why?
You have Cha 7 - decreasing starting stats below 8 isn't allowed.

Your stats are a mess (-0.75).

You spent 9 skill points at 2nd level, while having only 7.
6 skill points at 4th level.
8 skill points at 5th level.
8 skill points at 6th level. No, Perform (Dance) isn't in-class for Fighter 3 even if he has Darksong Knight Substitution Level as his 2nd level. It's in-class only for Substitution Levels.
8 skill points at 7th level.
Knowledge (Arcana) and Knowledge (Religion) aren't in-class for Cloaked Dancer.
Even if it be you'd spent 12 skill points at 10th and 11th levels. You had only 11. And 13 at 12th - you had only 12.
Spent 13 at 13th - had 8.
Spent 13 at 14th - had 8.
Spent 12 at 15th - had 10.
Spent 13 at 16th - had 10.
Spent 12 at 17th - had 10.
Spent 13 at 18th - had 10.
Spent 16 at 19th - had 10.
Spent 14 at 20th - had 8.

Skill points are wrong at almost every level (-0.5).

You are a Wizard, right? I want to know your spells. I need to know your spells! It's the main part (-0.5)!

There is some mess in the Spells per Day table at 7th to 10th levels (-0).

You took Natural Bond at 1st level. It gives you... literally nothing until 3rd level. Why not take it at 3rd level and take something at least a little bit useful? Dodge maybe (-0.25)?

You took Endurance twice (-0.25).

Power attack without any boosters at 20th level with 11 BAB looks like waste. You could at least take it earlier. Well, it gives you something and maybe you intend to persist Tenser’s Transformation (-0).

Nor Endurance, nor Combat Casting are Fighter bonus feats (-0.25)

You have multiclass penalties from 14th level (-0.25).

Total: 1 point.
You have fleshraker. Mmm... Good. 6HD fleshraker. It's... nothing.
Cloaked Dancer... I don't see how you use its abilities.

Total: 1 point.
It's a bad non-finished entry. I think it's just a pen test. First attempt. I'm sure you can do better!
Total: 5.25

Dragonborn and Halfling aren't big surprises.
Paladin and Beastmaster in this round are expected.
Halfling Outrider not so much.
Some feats are slightly interesting.

Total: 3.25 points.
You are a competent melee fighter with a good Riding Dog.
You have some buff options, some skills, some healing, some wild empathy, some mobility options via your dog.
I say it's 3.75 points.
Yes, Wayward Warden doesn't have Yondalla patron deity as a prerequisite, but being a member of the Wayward Wardens organization looks very close to that. You also are a Harmonious Knight, who definitely has the prereq "must have Milil as his patron deity." Issue. Small one, but still (-0.25).

Apprentice feat gives you 2 skill points (-0.25).

Apprentice gives you two skills in-class only for the first 4 levels! So Perform (Dance) isn't in-class for Halfling Outrider (-0.25).
Actually, without this - you don't need to take an Apprentice at all. It's a waste (-0).

Why did you put "Spell-less Paladin" in the 5th-level table line (-0)?

You have three dead weight feats (-0.25).

Bacon's table is broken. Mostly I don't look at such typos. But this time it makes my work harder, it is really hard to read (-0.25).

Sources? I could understand an entry without sources at all - just didn't make it. Happens. But you sourced Apprentice and Spell-less Paladin ACF and at all. Why (-0.5)?

Wild Talent. I always thought it is 1st-level only, but no, it isn't! Bonus for you for using it (+0.25).

You have Cha 19, but in your case you have no options to end without odd numbers (-0).

At this point he can also make a 20 DC riding check to stand on his dog's back. This is easily manageable by taking a 10.
This is part of 15th to 20th levels snapshot, while you have Stand on mount from 12th.
And you couldn't take 10 during a fight (-0.25).

His dancing has upgraded to hiding daggers in his sleeves and then suddenly striking his opponents with them (sleight of hand check). The goal of this attack style is to make opponents not realize what they are being cut with, or others to not realize that Sekai is the cause for this since he's simply dancing.
Could you make this? Yes, if you'd have Mosquito's Bite skill trick. Just sleight of hand isn't enough (-0.25).

Total: 3 points.
You have a good optimized pet. It is useful and it has synergy with Cloaked Dancer - the idea to dance ON the mount is very interesting. But dances themselves aren't core for you. It looks like you with more profit could take more Halfling Outrider levels and add Windrider on top of this. Also you lose advancing spellcasting.

Total: 2.5 points.
Interesting entry, but Cloaked Dancer looks like a saddle on a cow.
Total: 12.5

Battle Dancer is interesting, but not unheard. Marshal is a frequent guest in competitions. Crusader - of course. Half-Elf Paragon into Human Paragon also isn't new, but I didn't often see this path completely covered. Knight of the Weave is definitely something new for me.
Wild Cohort is the most expected feat this round. Other feats are so so.

Total: 2.25 points.
Spells, while not the greatest repertoire, some martial Maneuvers and stances, Iaijutsu Focus, not awful other skills.

Give you 4 points.

Starting with the level when you take this feat, you gain 1 extra skill point per level.
"1 extra skill point per level"
Only 1. Even at 1st level. I didn't realize this before (+0.25)!

Why did you take Spellcraft at 1st level? You could easily take it with Human Paragon level. Yeah, it's only 1 skill point, but still (-0).

I want to see total values and Paragons' boosts in the Abilities table (-0).

Half-Elf Paragon 1 gives you a bonus feat. What feat it was (-0.25)?

I want to know what feats and skills Burr has (-0.5).

Total: 4.5 points.
You have a good wolf, but you told me nothing about it besides it exists. It's part of SI, it needed more attention.
Using of Cloaked Dancer is better. You clearly use Beguiling dance and Surprise strike, while you didn't say anything about Beguiling dance, but it's an easy read combo. I can't say anything about two other dances.

Total: 3.25 points.
Some judges dislike many short dips, but not me. Plus I like to see full double paragon entry!
Total: 14

Paladin, even if it is a prestige version, is expected. Cleric and Human Paragon are expected either. Human race is nether surprise.
Feats... Well, IUS and its descendants are interesting. But only because you make the decision to take it, not get it for free.
Master Cavalier spell is an interesting find.

Total: 1.75 points.
You are a Spirited Charger Cleric with a Paladin's mount. Very powerful melee build with good spellcasting potential. Also you have UMD.

Total: 4.25 points.
Prestige Paladin (-0.25).

Sources (-0.5)?

Weapon Finesse is an odd feat choice. As like Dex focus. Yeah, Ride, but you could afford to end with 18 Str and 18 Dex and take the lance. Or even have the same stats (16 Str and 20 Dex) and anyway take the lance and save one feat. Well, it is not a big deal (-0).

You ended with odd Wis, but you had a good reason for that (+0).

As you can see, I omitted any mention about the Special Mount advancement from the build. This is on purpose;
You should give me a full entry. Advancement of your Special Mount is part of your entry. More about that. What IS your Special Mount? I suppose it's Warhorse, but it's only my guess. And I can't even guess light or heavy (-0.5).

Your skill presentation. I want to see skill ranks total and skill points spent at every level (-0.25)!

Total: 3.5 points.
Okay, I don't know what exact Companion Creature you have, but I at least know what you do with it. It's the core of your build and even if I don't know heavy warhorse or light (or even not warhorse), it's Paladin's Special Mount anyway.
Plus you can Dance on top of your horse! But I'm not sure it's a good idea in general. Spirited Charge looks better for me. But you can, yes. While moving on horse there is some anti-synergy with Beguiling dance's 30-ft radius.
And I don't know what you do with Wearying and Frightful dances. Plus, I don't like that you don't use advancing spellcasting.

Total: 3.25 point.
Prestige Paladin is an interesting option, but debatable. Entry overall looks good, but Cloaked Dancer doesn't fit in it well.
Total: 12.75

Urban Druid is rare. Spirit Folk is rare.
Battle Sorcerer isn't. Arcane Hierophant is expected in this round. Feats aren't surprising.
Total: 2.25 points.
You are a double caster, it always is a powerful option. Also you have Urban Shape and Dire Bat.

Total: 4 points.
Natural Bond, Arcane Hierophant, Companion Spellbond. All these options do not clearly work with Urban Druid. Highly likely yes, but there are doubts (-0.25).

Your skill presentation. I want to see skill ranks total and skill points spent at every level (-0.25)!

23 Cha. Again. I already commented this (-0.5).

What is your Alignment (-0.25)?

Spell Penetration is a garbage feat. It looks like you just didn't know what feat to take at 18th level (-0.25).

You told me nothing about your spells (-0.5).

the frightful dance is specifically useful and allows for her companion familiar to isolate individual opponents while they flee.
Frightful Dance makes your enemy shaken. Shaken enemy doesn't flee (-0.25).

Total: 2.75 points.
You have a good optimized Companion Creature and it is slightly incorporated in your tactic.
Talking about Cloaked Dancer, it's barely useful. You pretend to use Frightful Dance, but between this and spells I without hesitation select spells.

Total: 3.5 points.
Total: 12.5

Dread Necromancer is unexpected. Dread Witch and Human - opposite. Feats are pretty expected for fear build.

Total: 2.25 points.
16 CL Dread Witch with 8th level spells and many ways to fear enemies.

Powerful for 4.5 points.
Your skill presentation. I want to see skill ranks total and skill points spent at every level (-0.25)!

Odd-numbered Cha without any reason (-0.25).

Apprentice gives you two skills in-class for the first 4 levels only! So Perform (Dance) isn't in-class for Dread Witch and Dread Necromancer starting from 5th level (-0.25).

Total: 4.25 points.
Ghostly Visage is interesting and useful, but it's as useful as for any other DN.
Cloaked Dancer looks in place in your entry. You have uses for all Dances (especially frightful, but others also look legitimate), you use Surprise strike - for more fear! Great.

Total: 4.25 points.
Simple, powerful, synergized.
Total: 15.25

Always glad to see Illumian. Monk into Enlightened Fist not a new, but rarely used option. Abjurant Champion is always expected.
Feats aren't special.

Total: 2.75 points.
You re okish melee type with some (unknown) spell support.

Total: 3 points.
Formatting issues.
Illumian Power Sigil: Krau (B), Illumian Sigil: Vaul (B) and Illumian Word: Vaulkrau (B) aren't bonus feats.

"Flurry of Blows (-1/-1)" at 5th level... If you want to show FoB evolution you should show in parentheses one of:
1) It should be FoB penalty - this means it still will be (-2/-2) at 5th level.
2) It should be BAB modified by FoB penalty - this means at 5th level it should be (1/1).
Your variant has no sense.
Penalty -0.25 points.

Talking about Flurry of Blows.

An enlightened fist does not count her class levels for the purpose of determining when she gains any other monk class features, such as reduced penalties for flurry of blows attack rolls
Penalty -0.25 points.

Odd-numbered Cha (-0.25).

Your skill presentation. I want to see skill ranks total and skill points spent at every level (-0.25)!

Do you have any reason to take Battle Sorcerer at 20th level instead of 5th Abjurant Champion level? +1 Will base save? 5th Abjurant Champion will improve your Swift Abjuration to 3rd level spells. It looks way more better (-0.25)!

"14th Battle Sorcerer - 9 (CL 13)". You have CL 14 at 14th level (-0).

I don't see your spell known (-0.5).

Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration are garbage feats. It looks like you just didn't know what feat to take at 15th and 18th levels (-0.5). Even Weapon Focus would be better - with your Vaulkrau Illumian Word.

Artist Credit: unknown
This (https://groic.artstation.com/projects/zOz9xD)

Total: 2.75 points.
Your Tiny Viper with its poison and deliver touch spells are slightly useful and have some synergy with Beguiling Dance. But poison isn't a good weapon at later levels and about your available touch spells I know nothing.
Other Cloaked Dancer's abilities are barely used.

Total: 2.5 points
Entry with potential, but non-full and SI not looks very good fit.
Total: 11

I just don't understand why almost everyone wants to finish their build at 20th level with an odd-numbered main stat. Why?

# Name Alignment / Race Class Levels Companion Creatures Chef loky1109 Total Place
1 Kiris Emin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020986&postcount=37) NG Elf Rogue 3/Artificer 5/Spymaster 7/Cloaked Dancer 5 Improved Homunculi: 2 Arbalesters and 1 Furtive Filcher 12.75 12.75 3rd
2 Seraphina, the Diplodancer (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020988&postcount=38) CG Lion Clan Human Battle Dancer 1/Dragonfire Adept 3/Celebrant of Sharess 6/Dread Witch 5/Cloaked Dancer 5 Feline Familiar: Cat, Celestial Familiar: Coure Eladrin 11.50 11.50 5th
3 Corry Flametongue and Snappy (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020990&postcount=39) CG Lesser Wispling Wilderness Companion Wizard 6/Darksong Knight Armored Mage Fighter 4/Spelldancer 5/ Cloaked Dancer 5 Animal Companion: Fleshraker 5.25 5.25 7th
4 Sekai (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020992&postcount=40) LG Dragonborn Halfling Dragonscale Husk Harmonious Knight Wayward Warden Spell-less Paladin 6/Halfling Outrider 8/The Cloaked Dancer 5/Beastmaster 1 Celestial Special Mount Animal Companion: Riding Dog 12.50 12.50 4th
5 Agador (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020994&postcount=41) CG Half-Elf Battle Dancer 2/Marshal 2/Crusader 2/Knight of the Weave 3/Cloaked Dancer 5/Half-Elf Paragon 3/Human Paragon 3 Wild Cohort: Wolf 14.00 14.00 2nd
6 Shahram, the Equestrian Vaulter of Ruby Rose (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020997&postcount=42) LG Human Human Paragon 3/Cleric 3/Prestige Paladin 9/Cloaked Dancer 5 Special Mount: Warhorse 12.75 12.75 3rd
7 Mei Shiono (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020998&postcount=43) ?? Bamboo Spirit Folk Battle Sorcerer 3/Urban Druid 3/Arcane Hierophant 9/Cloaked Dancer 5 Companion Familiar: Dire Bat 12.50 12.50 4th
8 Mivall (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26020999&postcount=44) NE Human Dread Necromancer 10/Dread Witch 5/Cloaked Dancer 5 Familiar: Ghostly Visage 15.25 15.25 1st
9 Duensel (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26021150&postcount=48) LN Illumian Battle Sorcerer 4/Monk 2/Enlightened Fist 5/Cloaked Dancer 5/Abjurant Champion 4 Familiar: Tiny Viper 11.00 11.00 6th