View Full Version : Lords of Creation - The Divine Compact

2024-05-18, 05:33 PM
Greetings potential divines! For those that don't know Lords of Creation is a semi-freeform game of divine beings—gods, spirits, tempters, and more—as they build up a world and interact. Players take the role of both the Gods that shape and create the world as well as the mortals that inhabit it. Owing to its roots as a Play by Post game, time is fluid, allowing Players to cover large spans of time, building civilizations and watching them crumble all while the Gods and Divinities watch on as if only a day or two had passed. Lords of Creation (LoC) is a game about myth and legend, the focus less on heavy rules and more on the narrative between the Players, their Flocks and the world at large.

Couple things before laying down the rules:

The Moderators for this game will be: Athedia, Fuzzy Math, and AlexanderML.

The game's IC will be hosted on Mythweavers and the OOC on Discord. (Links To Be Added)

Now onto the fun part. If you would rather read a google doc version of the rules we have them HERE (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yzIN2cyC7ykYnuMU8sE7BRXR4-BzTNPBruMQNOcbTu4/edit?usp=sharing). I'm hardly the first to tweak the rules and won't be the last, so even if you are familiar with Lords of Creation I recommend reading them again.

Getting Started

To play Lords of Creation all you need are the following rules, a place to play them and people to play. Along with a character sheet the following concepts are often taken into consideration in a game of Lords of Creation.

The First World and the Void: The First World and the Void it inhabits is the main theater in which the game takes place. Flavoring how the world came to be is up to the players but unless noted otherwise The First World is a roughly earth sized globe covered entirely in water where gods beyond Demigod status are barred entry. The Void it inhabits is cold and dark without sun, moon or stars. The Void is part of The First World in a cosmological sense but is special in that Gods of any Divine Rank might walk it.

Mostly Free Form: The intent of Lords of Creation is to run a world building and divine role playing game through mostly free form rules. While there are some rules, covered later, by and large interactions between players are not moderated or guided by dice rolls.

Divinities possess no Omnis: This is to say that no Divinity in Lords of Creation is Omnipresent, Omnipotent or Omniscient. While Divinities may have knowledge, senses and powers beyond mortal keen; even the strongest and oldest have weaknesses and flaws.

The Game is Cooperative: Lords of Creation hinges on player cooperation and communication. Divinities who exist merely to cause trouble may be fun but unless they’re handled with care they are not what the game is built for. Players should discuss how their creations interact and what the desired outcome is to avoid conflict and confusion.

Ownership of Ideas is not Absolute: It is tempting to think of the things you create are yours'. While sometimes it makes sense for an idea or life-form to be a closely kept secret, it should not restrict the narrative. When you create something, you should discuss openly with other players whether you mind if they use it or not. If they want to use your creation for something, be open minded and consider their request.

You can, of course, say no, but it is discouraged to completely shut someone down. Instead, try to work with them to find a compromise. You'd be surprised what can happen when players communicate with each other.

The Game is About More Than the Divine: Lords of Creation is not just a game about fickle Divinities and the games they play with one another. It is about the mortal races, monsters and heroes that make up their world as well. In this way there are two levels of play. The Divinity level where the Divinities wage wars, tell stories and mold the world as they see fit for worship or infamy and Mortal Play where cultures and individual stories can be told over the course of the game.

It is possible to play a game of Lords of Creations without ever brushing Mortal Play however such a game would lack a great deal of the flavor and charm possible without.

Divine Apathy: Gods who are inactive for too long cease to be, their minds fading and their bodies drifting through the void forever. If you wish to play the game, you must post at least once every three weeks, although you are encouraged to post far more often than that.

If you are going away for some time, you may let the Moderators know, and your god will be put to sleep rather than dying when the time runs out. Upon your return, your deity may wake up and resume play. In the interim, other gods may encroach upon your creations and portfolios. If you wish to quit the game, simply say so in the OOC and your god will be given a final farewell of some sort. If you do post in the OOC that you are leaving, do not continue to post in the IC. The Mods will handle your deity's death and farewell.

The Divine Character

Players in Lords of Creation take the role of various Divinities at the birth of Creation, born through whatever fiction the GM has provided. While players are free to create their own mortal flocks, planes of infinite potential, ravaging monsters or anything else they can think of, all players begin as Divinities with the following character sheet.

1 - Name, Epithet
2 - Player Name:
3 - Domains (Portfolios)
4 - Divine Rank/ Action Points
5 - Infusion Slots Remaining/Maximum
6 - Divine Symbol
7 - Personality
8 - Appearance
9 - Dogma

1: The name of your Divinity and any nicknames or titles they might hold.
2: The name of the person playing the Divinity. You.
3: The Domains and Portfolios your Divinity starts with. All players begin with two each. Domains are broad concepts such as Death, Life, War or Love. Portfolios are smaller aspects found within those broader concepts such as Doctors being a Portfolio for Life or Tactics as a Portfolio for War.
4: How many Action Points (AP) your character gets a Divine Week. This begins at 12 with the maximum being determined by your Divine Rank. Divine Rank can be found on Chart One at the end of this document.
5. How many Infusion Slots a god has and their maximum. This is determined by your Divine Rank.
6: Any symbol or symbols associated with your Divinity.
7: How your Divinity acts, how they see the world, their fellow gods and their creations, and their overall temperament
8: How your Divinity looks. What other forms they might take, how they appear to mortal life and to other Divinities.
9: Your Divinity’s religious message to their followers or to those who might worship them. A brief distillation of their own beliefs and personality for others to live by.

If you do not wish to create a Divinity from scratch, we suggest using this quick and simple auto-generator
- Roll a d4 for God Appearance: 1 ; 2[Animal]; 3 [Eldritch Horror]; 4 [Humanoid]
- Pick the first portfolio.
- Pick the second portfolio that is completely unrelated to the first.
- Create a personality that people would not expect from a god holding one of your domains/portfolio. (Example: cowardly god of war)

Rules For Play

Lords of Creation is generally a GMless game, requiring no official officiators or rule masters to run however it may be prudent to have one or several players take on the role of Moderator, ensuring rules are enforced and disputes are resolved swiftly and amicably. Furthermore in games with six or fewer it may benefit the game to have a Moderator who acts in a more GM-like role, creating NPC Gods and conflicts to ensure there is activity and further narrative threads to explore.

As mentioned, Lords of Creation is not a game purely for divine characters and their stories. Divinities require mortal worship and many create these lesser beings in the course of their time in Creation. There are a number of levels of mortal interaction but the largest and most important are known as Flocks. These are generally intelligent races, such as humans or elves, with diverse cultures and interactions of their own. While not all players will feel a need to create and role play their own Flocks, this level of the game (as mentioned) helps fill the Divine Weeks with more narrative threads than a game without them as well as create smaller but just as important stakes in the game.

Flocks, and the characters within them, create three distinct Levels of Play. The first is the Divine, where your Divinities interact with others of their kind and the mortal world much in the way a God might. The Divine Level allows you to shape Creation as you see fit and play out epic stories across other planes of existence and realms the mortal world cannot convey. The second level is Society, detailing how your Flocks grow and interact with other Flocks, monsters and the Gods themselves as their history unfolds during the Divine Weeks. The third is the Character Level where you play out as many individuals in your Flocks as you need. These may be humble potters or epic heroes like those out of myth and legend. No matter who they are however, the Character Level allows you to explore the world you’re creating from a bird’s eye view.

Sometimes players can’t come to a conclusion on how an event should be dealt with. Sometimes a God wants to press combat with another God or society. To alleviate such problems Random Conflict Resolution can be called. All Gods receive a 1d10 regardless of their Rank and an additional +1 per portfolio they possess. Societies are given a flat 1d6. These rolls can be altered by additional AP moves as indicated by their write up. Gods may force a combat for 2AP and other Gods may assist in an RCR for the cost of 1AP.

You can find the RCR chart at the end of this document.

Action Point System
The Action Point System is a measure of how much power and influence your Deity has and can expend at any one time. Each week, at 6:00 PM EST on Saturday, every player gains their Weekly AP during what is referred to as 'rollover'. This AP can be spent in any way you want, and is the chief method of changing or creating things in the world that we are crafting. Players start the game with 12 AP, and begin gaining AP normally upon their first rollover.

Owing to the system, Lords of Creation has an emphasis on cooperation and rivalry between Gods. As such certain actions can be shared by one or more Gods.. However, owing to the fact the game is played on forums not all players can respond in real time. Split actions must be marked in a player's AP actions and must specify who the action will be split with and all other Gods have one Roll Over to complete the action until the AP is refunded. Concept and Life Actions can be split between any God. Split actions must be marked in a player's AP actions and must specify who the action will be split with and all other Gods have one Roll Over to complete the action until the AP is refunded.

Additionally, a good rule – even for experienced LOC players is to review the AP actions. Actions change every game, including this one. There are many new actions – many important differences and clarifications to old actions, and some old actions were outright eliminated. In general, view the AP actions as if it was the first time you are seeing them.

Infusions: Some actions require an ‘infusion slot’ to function (such as Mythical Concepts) or can be upgraded by taking the Infuse action and spending a slot (such as upgrading Organizations into Holy Orders). A God may reclaim their infusion slot whenever they want- but the creation it was applied to is either destroyed or reverts to its original form after two rollovers have passed. New gods may infuse such creations themselves to keep them functional- gaining ownership of the creation. Note that a god infusing another god’s creation should be discussed OOC beforehand.

If a god suffers from divine apathy then all their infusions fade away.

Action List

Domains and Portfolios: After spending ten (10) AP points towards an intended goal, a God may essentially "cash in" these actions towards a Domain and a subset Portfolio. Actions only count once and must be claimed towards an Advancement for the AP to count. A one week grace period exists after spending the AP should a player be indecisive. After this one week period however, any AP spent and not accounted for is simply spent and cannot be claimed towards an advancement.

Domains and Portfolios go hand in hand and must be picked at the same time. Domains are a broad category such as Darkness, War, Disease that a Portfolio fits under. In simple terms, a God is a god of its Portfolios and not its Domains. Portfolios thus are more narrow such as Rivers, Rain, Storms etc. Gods may share Domains but cannot share Portfolios and Gods can have multiple of the same Domain but not the same Portfolio. Domains and Portfolios should be written as Domain (Portfolio) on one's character sheet.

Funeral Rites (See Text): Gods do not simply disappear via apathy. Some die in glorious, explosive ways while others simply decay and fade away. A player may, at any time, declare the death of their God and perform a Funeral Rite. Gods lose access to all their previous creations, and any artifacts the God had are lost. The Player may then do the following.

- A Player may sacrifice as many portfolios as they have, earning 5AP for each. If they sacrifice all their portfolios, they must purchase a new one for 5AP. All other Portfolios gained follow the regular rules.

- A God may purchase any of their former creations at their AP/Infusion costs but must detail how the new God is taken into these actions.

- A God cannot have more than 16AP saved up after character creation is finished.

Disclaimer: All World Shaping Actions include their own creation of mundane life forms to populate the lands and worlds they create. Any real world animal or analogue that you can think of is created on and populates any lands or worlds that you create with these actions.

Alter Land (1AP): Alter Land is used to change the physical properties of a location, allowing gods to change plains to hills to mountains to forests to deserts to plains again. An Alter Land action can only be performed on existing land created through the Create Land or Weave Plane actions. Alter Land can be countered by another Alter Land action, however, any countering actions cost 1 more AP than the original action did. To counter a 1 AP action costs 2 AP, to counter that costs 3 AP, and so on. (Remember to be creative with your countering)

Create Land (2AP): Create Land allows gods to form new lands where none existed before. You could create floating islands, raise continents up from beneath the sea, carve out massive cave systems below the surface of the earth, or create a chain of asteroids in the space above a planet. When creating land, you can decide its terrain, climate, and ecosystem. Created Land has a basic geography that is decided when it is created and is generally the size of a continent ranging from Australia to Asia. This action can also create physical worlds that exist as a part of the Material Plane, such as moons, other planets, or stars. However, if the Land being created is supposed to serve as its own world rather than as a feature of the existing world, then Weave Plane is the appropriate action (However, note that Planes can't be seen or accessed from the First World without a Portal/Bridge action. Therefor while you can make the "Stars" a plane - no stars would be visible on the First World without also a Portal/ Bridge).

Weave Plane (3AP + Infusion Slot): Weave Plane allows you to create another world or dimension, separate from the First World and where Gods of any Divine Rank may reside. Planes can be anything you wish, from a world of blistering fire to an endless sea to a mirror image of the First World. Planes can have their own laws of physics or magic, which are decided upon at the Plane's creation. Any Plane that is created cannot be reached from the First World without magical, technological, or divine aid. Planes can’t be “Locked” to any divine character. Additionally, note that Planes can't be seen or accessed from the First World without a Portal/Bridge action.

Create Portal/Bridge (2AP): The act of creating a Portal or Bridge is an action that bridges two planes or a plane and the Mortal World together at a spot designated by the creator of the Portal or Bridge.

-Portal: Portals are specific edifices that connect The First World and a Plane of the Divinity’s choosing. These Portals can be closed by the Divinity as a free action once per week or by other Divinities with a 2AP Create Portal Bridge Action. Closed Portals can be opened by a Counter Action or, if closed for free, open on the next Roll Over and cannot be closed again for another Roll Over.

-Bridge: A Bridge is an area where a Plane bleeds into another Plane, their properties mixing in the area of overlap. These Planes may overlap with the First World as well. A God higher than Demi-God can exist within this Bridged Area even if it overlaps The First World. A Bridge may be severed with a 2AP Create Portal/Bridge Action and can be Countered.

Disclaimer: Divine Artifice Actions are actions that produce effects and creations specifically tied to your god's influence and essence. These actions allow your god to directly influence the circumstances, energies, and inhabitants of the world.

Bless/Curse (1AP): Blesses and Curses are extraordinary circumstances that have been influenced by a god or brought into being by powerful forces. Blessings are generally beneficial effects that improve circumstances or events, while Curses are malignant effects that do the opposite. A Bless or a Curse can be as wide or narrow as you want, ranging from causing a drought in a small village to resurrecting every dead being in the world. Blesses and Curses can be countered by another Bless or Curse, but countering such an action costs 1 AP more than the action being countered did. (Remember to be creative with your countering).

Counteract (Variable: See Text): Counteract is a wide ranging, but very specific, AP action a God may undertake. When a God would counter or alter an AP Action of another, or their own, God they must spend 1 + the AP cost of said action. If the AP cost of the Action was 0, they spend 1AP. Counteract cannot be a target of AP lowering methods, nor can an Artifact be made for the Counteract AP Action. Counteract AP Actions are always 1 + the AP spent on the action they are countering or altering.

Create Artifact (Variable, See Text): Artifacts are incredible objects with extraordinary powers and importance. Swords that can cut anything, boots that can walk across dimensions, or legendary forges that smith weapons unlike any other are all examples of Artifacts. Artifacts are incredibly significant magical or technological items, capable of unleashing world-shaking power. Artifacts can either be Minor, Artifacts which Societies may use, or Major, Artifacts of divine power that Divinities may wield. Beyond these designations an Artifact may either be a Utility Artifact, allowing a 1AP Discount on a specific AP action, or a Combat Artifact that adds to a Society’s or Divinity’s RCR

[i]-Minor Combat Artifact (3AP): Minor Combat Artifacts provides a +2 to society RCR and can only be used by a Society, Hero or Organization. A Divinity may have as many Combat Artifacts equal
to their Portfolios.

-Greater Combat Artifact (5AP): Greater Combat Artifacts provide a +3 to RCR rolls once a week. In addition, a God with a Combat Artifact may aid in combat for free once per week. A Divinity
may have as many Combat Artifacts equal to their Portfolios.

-Minor Utility Artifact (3AP): Divine favors provide a society, hero or organization with the ability to use an Alter Land, Bless/Curse or Create Mundane Concept for free once per week. These
count as a Utility Artifact for their AP Action. A Divinity may only have one Utility Artifact per AP action and Divine Rank.

-Greater Utility Artifact (5AP): Greater Utility artifacts lower the AP cost of a specific AP action by 1AP once per week. The AP action must be decided upon creation. This cost modifier can be
used in split AP actions and can reduce an AP action to 0. AP costs for purposes of Domain Gain are counted as the reduced AP cost. Greater Utility Artifacts cannot apply to Sub-Action AP Actions,
Teach Actions or the Counteract Action. A Divinity may only have one Utility Artifact per AP action and Divine Rank.

Refocus Artifact (3AP): Refocusing an Artifact allows a God to change the type of an artifact they own. This can change a Combat Artifact to a Utility Artifact or change the AP action that a Utility Artifact effects. This action cannot make a Utility Artifact into another already existing Utility Artifact that a God owns. A Refocused Artifact retains its charges where applicable. A God cannot Refocus an Artifact for one full roll over after they have used this action.

Destroy Artifact (+AP See Text): When desperate or no longer needing their divine implements a God may choose to destroy an artifact that they own. This gives +1 AP for minor artifacts and +2 AP for greater artifacts. This action may only be used once per rollover and cannot exceed AP limits.

Divine Infusion (3AP): A Divine Infusion is an action that imparts a portion of a deity's divine essence and power into another thing. People, places, objects, or even entire worlds can be infused, providing those things with unique effects and powers that act as an extension of a deity's will. An Infusion bestows the recipient with a portion of a Deity's power, and what exactly that does it up to you. A list of actions that can be infused follows along with what that entails within the rules.

-Infuse Hero: A Hero can be infused into a Champion. This grants the Champion a +2 RCR for when a Champion is fighting alone. Infusing a Hero provides a bonus +1 when it is fighting with a
Society, and 1d8 when fighting alone

-Infuse Organization: An Organization can be infused into a Holy Order. Holy Orders may participate in RCR as societies.

-Infuse Avatar: Infusing an Avatar creates a Herald which provides a +2 to godly combat when fighting alongside a deity. A Herald has the base RCR of their God i.e., 1d10+Portfolios. The
number of combat artifacts they may use in RCR is 1 less than the number of Portfolios possessed by their god (min. 1).

-Infuse Minor Artifact: Infusing a Minor Artifact creates a Totem which provides an additional +1 to combat in regard to Societies, Heroes or Organizations.

-Infuse Major Artifact: Infusing a Major Artifact creates a Relic which provides either an additional +1 to RCR for Godly RCR or an additional -1AP on cost reductions for the action of the Relic.

-Infuse Land: A God may infuse a tract of land created by either a Create Land or Alter Land action, transforming it into a Holy Land. This allows the God to define some characteristics of the
Infused area and give them a sense of ownership over it. The God may also use a free Alter Land Action if they used a Create Land action on the area they are Infusing.

Disclaimer: World Populating Actions are anything that creates, expands or otherwise influences non-Divine aspects of the game. This could be making a civilization of Elves that worship bonfires. Entire Magic systems. A race of evil Dragons. Mighty Heroes and powerful Avatars of the Gods themselves. All these actions and more count as World Populating Actions.

Create Life: The Create Life Action is, in fact, several separate AP actions under a single umbrella. Create Life does not create mundane life such as plants and real world animals, these are so trivial they are included in any land creating action. Create Life is to create monsters, sentient races and mythical beasts.

Create Monsters (1AP): Monsters are any sort of incredible or monstrous creature that is incapable of higher order thought. They think at or slightly above animal intelligence, or do not think at all. Monstrous life can have innate magical powers or special properties though limited to themselves. Zombies, Wyverns, and most slimes are examples of Monstrous Life. Monstrous Life can use Mythical Concepts and Advanced Concepts spent on them but cannot learn them through a Teach Action nor can such Concepts spread to them. They are not intelligent enough to utilize that which others made with any level of talent or skill.

Create Race (2AP): A Race is life which can think and solve problems on its own. They are the mainstay of any fantasy setting, and would be an option to play as in any Roleplaying game. One might be stronger on average, or smarter on average, but when you add up all the pros and cons of each kind of Race, they're all roughly equal. Races can make use of Mundane Concepts without a Flock, although their innate abilities are only about as impressive as a human's. Humans, Dwarves, Orcs, or Hobgoblins are all examples of a Race.

Create Magical Race (3 AP): A Magical Race is life that can think and solve problems on its own that has any innate OR APTITUDE for magical abilities simply by existing. While individually they are more impressive than someone from a Race on average, their Flocks are roughly equal by default; thus Magical Races are treated as a standard Race for Societal purposes. Elves, Sentient Zombies, Gnomes, and Kistune are examples of Magical Races.

Create Legends (4AP + Infusion Slot): Legends are life that can think for themselves, and also have truly impressive fantastical properties. They might be quasi-magical by nature, are capable of supernatural flight, or lightning manipulation. These powers do not require Mythical Concepts to exist for the creature but players should check with Mods if they feel something might be out of line (the general guideline being that innate powers for a race are equivalent to a unique Mythic Concept). They might be vastly stronger than the average human or have greatly expanded intellects. Legends are inherently superior to Races on their own and can make use of Mundane Concepts without a Flock. Additionally, like Monsters, they may use any Mythical Concept created for them, and are capable of utilizing the same concepts as Races so long as they are part of a Society. Dragons, Demons, Vampires, Angels, and Archons are all examples of Legendary Life.

Create Sub-Life (Variable): Subraces are forms of life that are descended from and related to existing creatures. Half-Elves and Drow are subraces of Elves, while Metallic and Chromatic Dragons are subraces of Dragon. Creating a Sub-Race costs half as much AP as creating the parent race took, rounding up. Sub-Races are by default the same level of life as the parent race, but you can change the level of life during the creation of a Sub-Race if you wish. Changing the level of life up costs 1 AP per tier while lowering it reduces the cost of the action by 1 AP per tier (to a minimum of one).

Note: A Legend Subrace needs to either descend from an existing Legend Race or have a god spend an infusion slot in the processes of creating them.

Create Concept: The Create Concept Action is in fact several separate AP actions under a single umbrella. Concepts can be as simple as the wheel to entire magic systems depending on the cost. Initial knowledge of a concept is determined at the creator's discretion. Concepts can spread through interaction of Sapient or Mythical Life and through Societies.

Create Mundane Concept (1AP): Mundane Concepts are simple things that nonetheless lay the foundation for higher civilization. Many Mundane concepts can be assumed to exist in a primitive form in any society of sapient beings, but spending AP will develop it further and make it a defining point of a culture. Agriculture, Trapping, Writing, Masonry, Shipbuilding, and Smithing are all examples of Mundane Concepts.

Create Advanced Concept (2AP): Advanced Concepts are complex ideas that greatly improve the capabilities of sapient beings that utilize them. While a single Advanced Concept does not on its own revolutionize a society, in tandem with other concepts they can advance societies by leaps and bounds. Architectural Engineering, Mathematics, Steel Working, Siege Warfare, Astronomy, and Literature are all examples of Advanced Concepts.

Mythical Concepts (4AP + Infusion Slot): Mythical Concepts are fantastical ideas and elements that provide incredible resources and capabilities to the Sapient beings that utilize them. Mythical Concepts represent the various extraordinary arts and techniques that can be performed by sapient beings, from systems of magic to powerful technologies. Sorcery, Alchemy, True-Naming, Magitech, and Mythril Forging are all examples of Mythical Concepts.

Create Sub-Concept (Variable AP): Whereas Create-Sub Race can be seen as a sort of divine evolution, Create Sub-Concept can often be seen as a sort of divine innovation and specialization. Sub-Concepts can only be created from existing Mythical or Advanced Concepts, and costs half as much as the base concept did to create (to a minimum of one). If the sub-concept involves multiple concepts then the base concept is the one that costs the most.

Note: Sub-Concepts created from an existing Mythical Concept do not require an infusion but will become inactive if the original’s infusion is lost.

Teach Populous: The Teach Populous Action is in fact several Actions of varying cost. A Teach Populous Action is intended to teach a Concept made by your own God or another player's God to a society not granted access at its creation. A Teach Populous Action may be countered by the usual means.
Teach Mundane Concept (1AP): Mundane Concepts are simple things that nonetheless lay the foundation for higher civilization. The Teach Mundane Concept action grants the knowledge of a single Mundane Concept.
Teach Advanced Concept (2AP): Advanced Concepts are complex ideas that greatly improve the capabilities of sapient beings that utilize them. The Teach Advanced Concept action grants the knowledge of a single Advanced Concept.
Teach Mythical Concept (3AP): Mythical Concepts are fantastical ideas and elements that provide incredible resources and capabilities to the Sapient beings that utilize them. The Teach Mythical Concept action grants the knowledge of a single Mythical Concept.

Form Society (See Text): Societies are the cultures and civilizations that mortals form when they band together for mutual gain. They can take the form of monarchies, merchant republics, city-states, nomadic tribes, democracies, or anything else you can think of. The Form Society Action is in fact several Actions of varying cost.

-Racial Society (2AP): A Flock is a society of a Race or many Races that have banded together to pool their power and resources. A Race must be in a Society to use Advanced and Mythical
Concepts and learn concepts quickly. Racial Societies take a -1AP reduction on the Teach Advanced Concept action.

-Legendary Society (4AP): A Legendary Society is a Society action that incorporates the Legend tier of Life. A Legendary Society is a powerful one, combining their natural powers with the ability
to learn and spread Concepts. To them Mythical power comes more naturally, with all Legendary Societies taking a -1 reduction on their Teach Mythical Concept actions. Additionally, Legendary Societies
gain an additional +1 to their RCR bonus.

Create Organization (1AP): Organizations are groups of like-minded individuals who are united under a single banner or cause. Organizations may exist outside of their Divinity’s flock or even in
other Divinity’s flocks. Secretive Cults, Mercenary Companies, Magic Schools, Scientific Universities, and Merchant Guilds are all examples of potential Organizations.

Raise Hero (2AP): Raise Hero marks an individual as having an important role to play in the events of the world or the machinations of the gods. Such beings may have a wide variety of titles, or indeed no title at all, but they are all referred to as Heroes in this action. Heroes are set apart from the masses for some reason, be it impressive natural talent, divine providence, or perhaps they are exceptionally unremarkable. While Heroes can be affected by Blesses and Curses, or other actions, they cannot be killed or defeated through the use of AP without the permission of the owning player. Heroes grant +2 RCR, only one such bonus is applied. A God may have as many Heroes as they have Portfolios

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Character submissions will need two mods to Approve it.

Fuzzy Math
2024-05-18, 10:48 PM
Name & Epithet: Ananya; (Widely Used) The Opportunist, (Lesser Used) The Evolutionary

Player Name: Fuzzy Math

Domains (Portfolios): Perseverance (Fortitude) & Adaptation (Evolution)

Action Points: 12AP

Infusions: 0/3

Divine Symbol: An upright egg of swirling onyx and jade with an opalescent twisting ladder made of small stars in its center, running almost its entire height.

Personality: They are a patient deity, willing to observe how things unfold before taking any action. Neither taciturn nor particularly talkative, Ananya is as collaborative as They are contemplative, lending assistance or suggestions to others when asked. If left to Their own inclinations and no interference, They would prefer to watch the constant evolution of life when adapting to adversities, pitting creatures against each other or environments and taking notes of successes and failures to be applied in the future. Ananya views creation with the eyes of a somewhat dispassionate researcher; while They ultimately champion life, They would only interfere if inaction would cause total extinction of all life. Likewise, They consider the other divinities to be equal colleagues at base-level; their actions would determine positive or negative interactions. Continued collaboration and friendliness to those that create novel forms of life and ideas, while reserving assistance with expressed displeasure for those who casually interfere without purpose beyond amusement or perceived slights, and outright animosity for those who actively seek life's extinction.

Appearance: To those of deific status; Ananya appears as a multicolored tardigrade of colossal proportion. To everything else; Ananya appears as a slightly better than average creature of perceived superiority (including gender). For most humanoids, that would mean it would seemingly look like them, with positive racial traits being more pronounced without being idealistic.

Dogma: If creatures begin to venerate Ananya, it will be unexpected, as Their works will typically be tied to other divinities. That said, observations and lessons revealed by Them would involve the following:

Sanctity of Life with the understanding that the continuation of Life is held higher than individual lives; someone who ends a life to ensure many lives are saved is to be respected as much as the one who refuses to kill.
A phenomenal mind is as valuable as a phenomenal body; do not discredit those that are physically weaker but are mentally stronger or vice versa, work together to achieve a more robust future.
Progress is rarely straight forward; Life is full of twists and turns that requires changes in perspective to keep climbing.
Stagnation is anathema to Life; your accomplishments are handholds for reaching ever further, not a bed to be rested upon.
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome; learn from your failures and losses, accept them and move on, do not let them become what defines you.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/bb981944-ae42-4e55-9f97-03c790303beb/dfyfn06-594255ee-4b00-4b13-bb0b-7efc10341ee7.png/v1/fill/w_640,h_640,q_80,strp/cosmic_tardigrade_by_paigecompositor_dfyfn06-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTI4MCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2JiOTgxOT Q0LWFlNDItNGU1NS05Zjk3LTAzYzc5MDMwM2JlYlwvZGZ5Zm4w Ni01OTQyNTVlZS00YjAwLTRiMTMtYmIwYi03ZWZjMTAzNDFlZT cucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJu OnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.GRR5fDdXJ4p 7RaW06R02IQ4npZZ8yUI24XZwsQkThYY

2024-05-18, 11:04 PM
Name & Epithet: Ananya; (Widely Used) The Opportunist, (Lesser Used) The Evolutionary

Player Name: Fuzzy Math

Domains (Portfolios): Perseverance (Fortitude) & Adaptation (Evolution)

Action Points: 12AP

Infusions: 0/3

Divine Symbol: An upright egg of swirling onyx and jade with an opalescent twisting ladder made of small stars in its center, running almost its entire height.

Personality: They are a patient deity, willing to observe how things unfold before taking any action. Neither taciturn nor particularly talkative, Ananya is as collaborative as They are contemplative, lending assistance or suggestions to others when asked. If left to Their own inclinations and no interference, They would prefer to watch the constant evolution of life when adapting to adversities, pitting creatures against each other or environments and taking notes of successes and failures to be applied in the future. Ananya views creation with the eyes of a somewhat dispassionate researcher; while They ultimately champion life, They would only interfere if inaction would cause total extinction of all life. Likewise, They consider the other divinities to be equal colleagues at base-level; their actions would determine positive or negative interactions. Continued collaboration and friendliness to those that create novel forms of life and ideas, while reserving assistance with expressed displeasure for those who casually interfere without purpose beyond amusement or perceived slights, and outright animosity for those who actively seek life's extinction.

Appearance: To those of deific status; Ananya appears as a multicolored tardigrade of colossal proportion. To everything else; Ananya appears as a slightly better than average creature of perceived superiority (including gender). For most humanoids, that would mean it would seemingly look like them, with positive racial traits being more pronounced without being idealistic.

Dogma: If creatures begin to venerate Ananya, it will be unexpected, as Their works will typically be tied to other divinities. That said, observations and lessons revealed by Them would involve the following:

Sanctity of Life with the understanding that the continuation of Life is held higher than individual lives; someone who ends a life to ensure many lives are saved is to be respected as much as the one who refuses to kill.
A phenomenal mind is as valuable as a phenomenal body; do not discredit those that are physically weaker but are mentally stronger or vice versa, work together to achieve a more robust future.
Progress is rarely straight forward; Life is full of twists and turns that requires changes in perspective to keep climbing.
Stagnation is anathema to Life; your accomplishments are handholds for reaching ever further, not a bed to be rested upon.
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome; learn from your failures and losses, accept them and move on, do not let them become what defines you.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/bb981944-ae42-4e55-9f97-03c790303beb/dfyfn06-594255ee-4b00-4b13-bb0b-7efc10341ee7.png/v1/fill/w_640,h_640,q_80,strp/cosmic_tardigrade_by_paigecompositor_dfyfn06-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTI4MCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2JiOTgxOT Q0LWFlNDItNGU1NS05Zjk3LTAzYzc5MDMwM2JlYlwvZGZ5Zm4w Ni01OTQyNTVlZS00YjAwLTRiMTMtYmIwYi03ZWZjMTAzNDFlZT cucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJu OnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.GRR5fDdXJ4p 7RaW06R02IQ4npZZ8yUI24XZwsQkThYY

Approved! I do like gods that are interested in interacting with other player creations.

Fuzzy Math
2024-05-19, 11:48 AM
Approved! I do like gods that are interested in interacting with other player creations.

I'll put mine down here to avoid double posting.

https://i.pinimg.com/originals/30/70/53/3070538fc3f5c5ce98994287f0aada72.jpgIt holds no purpose, only possibility.
Fae Shanta, The Garden of Beginnings

Player Name: AlexanderML

Domains (Portfolios): Nature (Verdant), Community (Majesty)

AP: 12

Infusions: 0/3

Divine Symbol: Fae Shanta is most clearly depicted by a tree overhanging a forest below it. A shining seedling, a crystal covered in vines, a cave filled with mysterious light could also represent Fae Shanta.

Personality: The majestic form of Fae Shanta holds no words for others and by all appearances is simply a natural wonder with no will of its own. Visitors may feel the majesty of the caverns or find themselves awakened to new aspects of themselves in ways that some could interpret as purposeful to some capacity. If it does have a mind then it would appear to dislike the divine or their flocks setting foot inside of it.

Appearance: A massive primordial tree that dominates the skies around it with its massive branches. At its base Fae Shanta opens to an inner network of cavernous tunnels that run up the trunk and down its roots; these tunnels cannot be mapped as they shift with time leading to ancient and newly formed chambers within the divine structure. Crystals line most of the walls with wild shrubbery growing under the light the crystals create.

Fae Shanta is saturated in divine power emanating from deep within it. This divine essence is manipulatable by mortals who experiment with it- though other divine creatures or those of their flocks are repelled away from it instead. With time those mortals that find themselves suffused in Fae Shanta's essence may find themselves changed.

Dogma: Fae Shanta does not communicate with others and is likely non-intelligent in the way most consider the word. Its openness to let mortals use its power for whatever means they desire so long as they are free of any other divine influence indicates that it might wish for mortals to decide what is right or wrong.

Approved; it will be interesting to see what is essentially a font divine essence in play.

2024-05-19, 01:19 PM
Definitely interested (Lords of Creation is one of those things I've been thinking about trying for years but never getting around to), though no idea about what deity to play (or rather, way too many ideas, I'll probably have to let them fight it out for a while to see which ones I like the best).

2024-05-19, 03:54 PM
1 - Name, Epithet: X'll'll, The Architect in Darkness

2 - Player Name: Demidos

3 - Domains (Portfolios):

Earth (Architecture)
Darkness (Madness)

4 - Divine Rank/ Action Points: Demigod
5 - Infusion Slots Remaining/Maximum: None used yet

6 - Divine Symbol: A cluster of eyes peering in all directions.

7 - Personality: X'll'll operates under an alien mentality, and spends its time burrowing through the ground, often changing direction erratically or suddenly, but seemingly with great purpose. As a deity who is constantly physically manifested, it is possible for those sufficiently motivated to journey to interact with it directly, but it is known to only occasionally interact with creatures. When it does, it speaks in mental impressions and with screeching sounds like the tearing of stone. X'll'll almost never surfaces from underground, and seems to strictly avoid sources of light. When confronted by one, it will usually douse the light, triggering madness in their supplicant should they not rapidly find a new source of light.

8 - Appearance: An alien forest of eyes and appendages, this massive being slowly burrows through the earth in arcane patterns, leaving a tunnel of scraped stone and earth behind it. (Image linked below)

9 - Dogma: X'll'll has no formal church as of yet, and as such no official dogma. It is known to largely avoid destroying underground settlements, but sometimes may curve only slightly around them, giving the residents an opportunity to attempt to communicate. Once successful communication is initiated with it, it conveys impressions of massive cavern complexes with complex, seemingly impossible architectures at precise locations, with a strict sense of danger to not divert from the design. Those who have attempted to build the cavern complexes as conveyed are often amazed to find the designs create woundrous living spaces. However, those who deviate from the plans often have entire caverns collapse on their heads.


2024-05-19, 11:39 PM
1 - Name, Epithet: X'll'll, The Architect in Darkness

2 - Player Name: Demidos

3 - Domains (Portfolios):

Earth (Architecture)
Darkness (Madness)

4 - Divine Rank/ Action Points: Demigod
5 - Infusion Slots Remaining/Maximum: None used yet

6 - Divine Symbol: A cluster of eyes peering in all directions.

7 - Personality: X'll'll operates under an alien mentality, and spends its time burrowing through the ground, often changing direction erratically or suddenly, but seemingly with great purpose. As a deity who is constantly physically manifested, it is possible for those sufficiently motivated to journey to interact with it directly, but it is known to only occasionally interact with creatures. When it does, it speaks in mental impressions and with screeching sounds like the tearing of stone. X'll'll almost never surfaces from underground, and seems to strictly avoid sources of light. When confronted by one, it will usually douse the light, triggering madness in their supplicant should they not rapidly find a new source of light.

8 - Appearance: An alien forest of eyes and appendages, this massive being slowly burrows through the earth in arcane patterns, leaving a tunnel of scraped stone and earth behind it. (Image linked below)

9 - Dogma: X'll'll has no formal church as of yet, and as such no official dogma. It is known to largely avoid destroying underground settlements, but sometimes may curve only slightly around them, giving the residents an opportunity to attempt to communicate. Once successful communication is initiated with it, it conveys impressions of massive cavern complexes with complex, seemingly impossible architectures at precise locations, with a strict sense of danger to not divert from the design. Those who have attempted to build the cavern complexes as conveyed are often amazed to find the designs create woundrous living spaces. However, those who deviate from the plans often have entire caverns collapse on their heads.

Creepy dark power beyond the scope of mortal comprehension? Come right in! Approved.

All I'd ask you keep in mind is that you make sure X'll'll gets some interactions with the other gods directly or indirectly. I've seen too many underground/underwater gods exist, make something, then feel bored when no one came over to visit.

Paddywagon Man
2024-05-20, 01:52 PM
Is this the same game that barred my fancy clothes workout twins last recruitment?

2024-05-20, 03:36 PM
Alright, I managed to sort out my ideas enough to make an application (I saw most of the sheets so far are posted both here and on Mythweavers, should I do that too or is just here enough for now?). I might try to look for a fitting image, but other than that this should be more or less finished. Though as previously noted, I haven't played LoC before so feel free to point out any mistakes. :smalltongue:

Epithets: Tarac the Trader, The Silver Spinner, the Many-Legged Lender, the Deal-Keeper

Player Name: Batcathat

Domains (Portfolios): Wealth (Trade), Connections (Contracts)

Action Points: 12

Infusion Slots Remaining/Maximum: 0/3

Divine Symbol: A stylized twelve-legged spider, usually in black and/or silver.

Personality: Tarac chose the form of a spider for a reason, he very much enjoys spinning webs and watching mortals get stuck in them. Or – better still – to encourage mortals to spin their own webs and trap each other. Though what Tarac lacks in morals, he makes up for in principles and he is insistent that people should be trapped according to the rules, not by breaking them. As such, Tarac very rarely lies – some say never, but Tarac would be the first to say that trusting that would be foolish – and although not exactly friendly, Tarac can be quite social and helpful on occasion. For the right price, of course.

Appearance: Tarac usually takes the shape of an enormous black spider with many silvery eyes and a vast number of legs (although traditionally depicted with twelve, it can actually be anywhere between eight and several dozens), often surrounded by hundreds of other spiders of various sizes and sitting in a web of silver threads.

Dogma: Although sometimes accused of greed, Tarac's dogma is actually centered around the acquisition or generation of wealth, rather than the possession of it. More specifically it is about contributing to the world around you as much as you can and being fairly compensated for it (though some have been known to interpret both "contributing" and "fairly" very broadly and Tarac does nothing to dissuade such). Another important facet of the faith is the importance of deals. While Tarac has nothing to say against striking an unfair agreement, he is very insistent that a deal (whether in business, politics or private) must be kept (to the letter, if not always to the spirit).

2024-05-20, 07:45 PM
Is this the same game that barred my fancy clothes workout twins last recruitment?
The joke characters of fitness? I seem to vaguely recall them.

Alright, I managed to sort out my ideas enough to make an application (I saw most of the sheets so far are posted both here and on Mythweavers, should I do that too or is just here enough for now?). I might try to look for a fitting image, but other than that this should be more or less finished. Though as previously noted, I haven't played LoC before so feel free to point out any mistakes. :smalltongue:

Epithets: Tarac the Trader, The Silver Spinner, the Many-Legged Lender, the Deal-Keeper

Player Name: Batcathat

Domains (Portfolios): Wealth (Trade), Connections (Contracts)

Action Points: 12

Infusion Slots Remaining/Maximum: 0/3

Divine Symbol: A stylized twelve-legged spider, usually in black and/or silver.

Personality: Tarac chose the form of a spider for a reason, he very much enjoys spinning webs and watching mortals get stuck in them. Or – better still – to encourage mortals to spin their own webs and trap each other. Though what Tarac lacks in morals, he makes up for in principles and he is insistent that people should be trapped according to the rules, not by breaking them. As such, Tarac very rarely lies – some say never, but Tarac would be the first to say that trusting that would be foolish – and although not exactly friendly, Tarac can be quite social and helpful on occasion. For the right price, of course.

Appearance: Tarac usually takes the shape of an enormous black spider with many silvery eyes and a vast number of legs (although traditionally depicted with twelve, it can actually be anywhere between eight and several dozens), often surrounded by hundreds of other spiders of various sizes and sitting in a web of silver threads.

Dogma: Although sometimes accused of greed, Tarac's dogma is actually centered around the acquisition or generation of wealth, rather than the possession of it. More specifically it is about contributing to the world around you as much as you can and being fairly compensated for it (though some have been known to interpret both "contributing" and "fairly" very broadly and Tarac does nothing to dissuade such). Another important facet of the faith is the importance of deals. While Tarac has nothing to say against striking an unfair agreement, he is very insistent that a deal (whether in business, politics or private) must be kept (to the letter, if not always to the spirit).

Fantastic application. Approved.

After a bit of discussion I have made a different submission for the game.

Ywain, Weaver of the World, Master Maker, God-King Ywain
Player Name: AlexanderML
Domains (Portfolios): Earth (Metal), Craft (Weaving)
Action Points:12/12
Infusion Slots: 0/3
Divine Symbol: Ywain's own tall helmet serves as a classic depiction of the god, though it must be depicted showing the real size of the helmet. A hammer with threads clinging to it works for smaller pieces.
Personality: Ywain is a proud god whose mood moves slowly from one extreme to another that powerfully expresses themselves. Bold, assertive, and prone to taking actions when he feels certain of the outcome Ywain can be cruel and harsh to some while expressing his deep fondness and consideration to others.

Ywain feels a need to shape his environment through his words and craft, rarely feeling idle in his self imposed role as king and craftsman. To trust events to unfold without him is unacceptable unless he has already woven together plans that may last without him.

He holds high standards for everyone he meets, judging them by the potential they hold. Divine are thus critically judged by Ywain, with any sign of foolish or worse mindless use of divine power sickening the god-king. Mortals with their limitations need not reach such divine heights, but those that attempt it have Ywain’s respect and support.

As the God-King Ywain sees it as his subject's duty to spread his message and his worship to other lands. Those that openly resist these attempts infuriate the proud Ywain.

Appearance: Typically covered in splendid robes holding tools of craftsmanship in two hands and thread in his other two Ywain stands at 15ft (4.5 m) tall. His form does not change for the divine or mortals, all may gaze upon Ywain as he is.


Dogma: Ywain wishes for mortals to do the following (in order, more to come in game):

1. Do not be slothful. Maintain mastery over your physical and mental self. Do not neglect responsible measures such as diet, exercise, etc, squandering your body's potential. Ywain’s followers are known for wearing revealing clothing not because of promiscuity, but because they are proudly displaying their fitness, which is thought to represent proof of their discipline, mettle, and strength.

2. Take credit for your accomplishments. Live by honor and for your ambitions.

3. Praise Ywain- keep his example in mind for your own life.

Fuzzy Math
2024-05-20, 08:58 PM
Is this the same game that barred my fancy clothes workout twins last recruitment?

I recall more than vaguely because it stood out. Same game, different GM's, tweaked rules. If you wish to play, we can appreciate a sense of humor and creativity, but we do hold ourselves to at least 80% seriousness. :smallbiggrin: If you can dial back the absurdity a good bit, we'll give your submission consideration.

Fuzzy Math
2024-05-20, 09:05 PM
Alright, I managed to sort out my ideas enough to make an application (I saw most of the sheets so far are posted both here and on Mythweavers, should I do that too or is just here enough for now?). I might try to look for a fitting image, but other than that this should be more or less finished. Though as previously noted, I haven't played LoC before so feel free to point out any mistakes. :smalltongue:

Epithets: Tarac the Trader, The Silver Spinner, the Many-Legged Lender, the Deal-Keeper

Player Name: Batcathat

Domains (Portfolios): Wealth (Trade), Connections (Contracts)

Action Points: 12

Infusion Slots Remaining/Maximum: 0/3

Divine Symbol: A stylized twelve-legged spider, usually in black and/or silver.

Personality: Tarac chose the form of a spider for a reason, he very much enjoys spinning webs and watching mortals get stuck in them. Or – better still – to encourage mortals to spin their own webs and trap each other. Though what Tarac lacks in morals, he makes up for in principles and he is insistent that people should be trapped according to the rules, not by breaking them. As such, Tarac very rarely lies – some say never, but Tarac would be the first to say that trusting that would be foolish – and although not exactly friendly, Tarac can be quite social and helpful on occasion. For the right price, of course.

Appearance: Tarac usually takes the shape of an enormous black spider with many silvery eyes and a vast number of legs (although traditionally depicted with twelve, it can actually be anywhere between eight and several dozens), often surrounded by hundreds of other spiders of various sizes and sitting in a web of silver threads.

Dogma: Although sometimes accused of greed, Tarac's dogma is actually centered around the acquisition or generation of wealth, rather than the possession of it. More specifically it is about contributing to the world around you as much as you can and being fairly compensated for it (though some have been known to interpret both "contributing" and "fairly" very broadly and Tarac does nothing to dissuade such). Another important facet of the faith is the importance of deals. While Tarac has nothing to say against striking an unfair agreement, he is very insistent that a deal (whether in business, politics or private) must be kept (to the letter, if not always to the spirit).

You seem to have a good grasp of what you wish to play and see in this game; just the right amount of info to get a decent feel for what you're going for and leaves it open enough for collaborative efforts. Don't worry too much about not playing an LoC before; we are more than willing to facilitate understanding! Approved.

2024-05-21, 07:00 AM
I love LoC. It was one of the first forum games I engaged with and I thought I was a good player. But a previous GM who, in fairness, did a lot for the game, seemed to disagree. A major point of divergence was his obvious love of simple, coherent, and iconic designs, while my world-building style might be charitably called "baroque."

I am working on a God themed around Tsukomogami Who totally aren't Cybertronians re-imagined for a high fantasy setting.

2024-05-21, 09:07 PM
1 - Name, Epithet:
Kuigiio, The Maker

2 - Player Name:

3 - Domains (Portfolios):
Earth (parkland), Creation (tools)

4 - Divine Rank/ Action Points
Demigod 12/12

5 - Infusion Slots Remaining/Maximum
6 - Divine Symbol
Five trowels arranged in a star

7 - Personality
Quiet and Diligent
Kuigiio putters about the lands his flock claim, doing small tasks and making tiny marvels. He espouses humility and hard work, and makes few obvious and flashy displays of power.

It is said that travellers might cross his path going the opposite direction and he might press on them some knickknack or a bonsai that turns our to be precious later, but no one else who walked the road that way remembers him if they go to look.

8 - Appearance
An old man of the local population.

Kuigiio varies by species to suit the common ethnic groups of the area, but he is always old and, in groups with genders, never a motherly figure. When in a human or near-human guise, he has short-cropped hair and a pronounced bald spot. In civilizations that have such things, he wears glasses. He prefers grey shirts with pink trim.

He has also been known to appear as an Osage Orange tree in times of conflict, guarded, it is said, by fearsome giant sloths.

One legend tells of a hero braving the sloths to retrieve a thorn that became a spearhead to slay a great spear-cat.

9 - Dogma
Work Hard, every day

Kuigiio believes, above all, in work. His creations are meant to strive to improve their world, as he does. He teaches to try hard at all things and to never rest when their is work to be done. His festivals are at spring, right before the first harvest. When the last of the stores are prepared.

2024-05-21, 11:46 PM
I've been in a lot of God games before of varying styles, but never Lords of Creation, and never on Giantitp or mythweavers. Let's see if this works?

Deity Name
The Crimson Fount; Doorfather, Gateburster, Horned Serpent, Pathcarver, and more besides.

Player Name

Domains (Portfolios)
Life (Blood), Liminality (Entrances)

Demigod 12/12 AP

3/3 Infusion slots

Holy Symbol
A slithering scarlet serpent

It would not be accurate to proclaim the Crimson Fount mindless, but it is certainly straightforward in its approach. Tireless and abundant, it views the world as a canvas to seed with life, bloody and bright, which might seep into every corner of the cosmos. No place may remain untouched, no barrier can be without seam. A fertility deity which nourishes the willing and the unwilling alike, which brings the floodwaters and the fire which flows. It can be stopped, but not forever. It can be quelled, but not forever. The Crimson Fount has no name beyond this moniker because it has no form beyond this moniker, not yet. It must swell and grow ripe, like a fruit on the verge of rot, from the beliefs of those it will nourish, and be nourished by, before it can burst from the confines of it's present being, renewed.

A stained stone pool of bright red blood , slowly overflowing it's confines. A pulsing pillar in the center refills the pool with every heartbeat.

"Call for me,
you who are obstructed,
and I shall penetrate within you and for you.
Call to me,
you who are without,
and I shall overflow within you and for you.
Call on me,
you who are stilled,
and I shall quicken thy blood and pound in thy chest."

"Every entrance is an injury, every wound a font;
Enter, and be entered. Fill, and be filled."

2024-05-22, 05:57 AM
So, I've been thinking about some action ideas I have for the game (though knowing myself based on previous god games, I will almost certainly get distracted by other ideas before I make half of them a reality. :smalltongue: ) and since I'm new to LoC I was thinking it might be good to see some examples, so are there any previous games you could recommend checking out?

Fuzzy Math
2024-05-22, 08:21 AM
So, I've been thinking about some action ideas I have for the game (though knowing myself based on previous god games, I will almost certainly get distracted by other ideas before I make half of them a reality. :smalltongue: ) and since I'm new to LoC I was thinking it might be good to see some examples, so are there any previous games you could recommend checking out?

I'll share with you (through PM) the G-Sheets I maintained for our last game; 98% of it are good examples! The rules have changed for this game, but it should give a rough idea for how actions are done.

2024-05-22, 08:58 AM
I'll share with you (through PM) the G-Sheets I maintained for our last game; 98% of it are good examples! The rules have changed for this game, but it should give a rough idea for how actions are done.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

2024-05-23, 12:15 AM
1 - Name, Epithet:
Kuigiio, The Maker

2 - Player Name:

3 - Domains (Portfolios):
Earth (parkland), Creation (tools)

4 - Divine Rank/ Action Points
Demigod 12/12

5 - Infusion Slots Remaining/Maximum
6 - Divine Symbol
Five trowels arranged in a star

7 - Personality
Quiet and Diligent
Kuigiio putters about the lands his flock claim, doing small tasks and making tiny marvels. He espouses humility and hard work, and makes few obvious and flashy displays of power.

It is said that travellers might cross his path going the opposite direction and he might press on them some knickknack or a bonsai that turns our to be precious later, but no one else who walked the road that way remembers him if they go to look.

8 - Appearance
An old man of the local population.

Kuigiio varies by species to suit the common ethnic groups of the area, but he is always old and, in groups with genders, never a motherly figure. When in a human or near-human guise, he has short-cropped hair and a pronounced bald spot. In civilizations that have such things, he wears glasses. He prefers grey shirts with pink trim.

He has also been known to appear as an Osage Orange tree in times of conflict, guarded, it is said, by fearsome giant sloths.

One legend tells of a hero braving the sloths to retrieve a thorn that became a spearhead to slay a great spear-cat.

9 - Dogma
Work Hard, every day

Kuigiio believes, above all, in work. His creations are meant to strive to improve their world, as he does. He teaches to try hard at all things and to never rest when their is work to be done. His festivals are at spring, right before the first harvest. When the last of the stores are prepared.

An interesting god, I enjoy the sorts that wander about from place to place! With some of your inspiration in mind I should inform you that the First World will be starting with stone age level technology- advance mechanical technology is fine on a separate plane but the First World is a place that will need time (and plenty of concept creation actions) to progress. So long as you understand that then Approve.

I've been in a lot of God games before of varying styles, but never Lords of Creation, and never on Giantitp or mythweavers. Let's see if this works?

Deity Name
The Crimson Fount; Doorfather, Gateburster, Horned Serpent, Pathcarver, and more besides.

Player Name

Domains (Portfolios)
Life (Blood), Liminality (Entrances)

Demigod 12/12 AP

3/3 Infusion slots

Holy Symbol
A slithering scarlet serpent

It would not be accurate to proclaim the Crimson Fount mindless, but it is certainly straightforward in its approach. Tireless and abundant, it views the world as a canvas to seed with life, bloody and bright, which might seep into every corner of the cosmos. No place may remain untouched, no barrier can be without seam. A fertility deity which nourishes the willing and the unwilling alike, which brings the floodwaters and the fire which flows. It can be stopped, but not forever. It can be quelled, but not forever. The Crimson Fount has no name beyond this moniker because it has no form beyond this moniker, not yet. It must swell and grow ripe, like a fruit on the verge of rot, from the beliefs of those it will nourish, and be nourished by, before it can burst from the confines of it's present being, renewed.

A stained stone pool of bright red blood , slowly overflowing it's confines. A pulsing pillar in the center refills the pool with every heartbeat.

"Call for me,
you who are obstructed,
and I shall penetrate within you and for you.
Call to me,
you who are without,
and I shall overflow within you and for you.
Call on me,
you who are stilled,
and I shall quicken thy blood and pound in thy chest."

"Every entrance is an injury, every wound a font;
Enter, and be entered. Fill, and be filled."

A fun life spawning eldritch abomination sort? Oh how I have a soft spot for them. Yet I should emphasize that this is a cooperative game, that actions IC that will affect another person's creations should be discussed OOC even when it makes sense to do the action IC. You'll need to come to compromises or even change the action/target if you cannot find a way to have both of you accept the action. With that in mind Approve.

2024-05-23, 01:55 AM
A fun life spawning eldritch abomination sort? Oh how I have a soft spot for them. Yet I should emphasize that this is a cooperative game, that actions IC that will affect another person's creations should be discussed OOC even when it makes sense to do the action IC. You'll need to come to compromises or even change the action/target if you cannot find a way to have both of you accept the action. With that in mind Approve.
I guess maybe I misunderstood the intent behind the inclusion of the conflict resolution, counteraction, and curse mechanics? Is this emphasis just a warning about not (pun not intended) godmoding another player's creations, or is it more extensive than that?

2024-05-23, 05:22 AM
Oh, I love LOC games! This is my first time seeing the updated ruleset, though, the changes look interesting.

Anyway, here's a concept I've had in the back of my mind for a bit that I hope works?

Names: Ixipikzi, Ikzipixi, (but never Ixipixi or Ikzipikzi), The Laughing One, The Jeweled One, The Cruel One, The Thing In The Mirror, The Empress of the Isle, The King In The Wood, Nametaker, Silver-Slaker, The Worm and The Fool and a thousand thousand thousand more

Pronouns: They/Them

Player: zzzzzzzz414

Domains (Portfolios): Reflections (Parody), Trickery (Mimicry)

Divine Rank/AP/Infusion Slots: Demigod, AP 12/12, IS 3/3

Divine Symbol: Typically a set of insect wings (often moth's or butterfly's wings), with one half smeared, scratched, charred, torn, cracked, scribbled over or in some other way made asymmetrical.

Personality: Ikzipixi is said to be childlike and mercurial, flitting from one thing to the next, passing though names, creations, moods, allegiances, taking up or discarding whatever suits their fancy for as long as it holds their interest; endlessly fascinated by everything around them, and expressing that fascination mainly through mimicry. They consider imitation both the highest form of flattery and the highest form of insult; Ixipikzi enjoys mimicking the things and people and creations that they like, but they also cannot resist exaggeration, stretching and twisting the identity of a thing just to find out where it breaks. For this reason they are also associated with names, labels, and the subversion thereof, things that aren't what they are and are what they aren't. They are always laughing; whether the joke is funny or cruel depends largely on the one looking in the mirror.

Appearance: Ixipikzi's "true" form is said to be a shifting kaleidoscopic fractal of insect wings, but this is rarely, if ever, seen (though it is sometimes artistically depicted). They are almost always mimicking something else; usually, whoever they are speaking to. They like to appear in clear water and other reflective surfaces, but also sometimes as merely a stranger in a familiar place: a version of you with a too-wide smile or too-big eyes or chitin where there should be skin.


Dogma: Ikzipixi's "teachings", such as they are, are not so much like lessons imparted as much as jokes told, japes and mockeries and riddles that work again and again and again, the punchline always the same. The more itself something is, the harder it is to stop itself from becoming something else; what doesn't bend and twist will break and shatter, imprisoned by its own name, suffocated by its own weight, unable to take a joke and looking all the more ridiculous for it. Denial as affirmation in and of itself, twisting into a parody of itself to avoid becoming what it already isn't not. Identity is like quicksilver, slipping through the fingers the tighter one grasps. Identity is like an endless set of nested cocoons, getting smaller and smaller as you go in. Or bigger and bigger as you go out, depending on the point of view. Never become too sure of what you are and aren't; if you look at a reflection and see what's in there too clearly, consider not. Try cutting out your eye instead - maybe it will give you new perspective. If the person in the mirror looks unfamiliar, good - better to make a new friend than to be stuck with oneself.

2024-05-23, 07:18 AM
I guess maybe I misunderstood the intent behind the inclusion of the conflict resolution, counteraction, and curse mechanics? Is this emphasis just a warning about not (pun not intended) godmoding another player's creations, or is it more extensive than that?

From my LoC experience, it's more a matter that Curses are generally only used with player consent, and, in three full campaigns, I had to use dice once and counter-action twice, and that was after discussion with the opposite side that we agreed it was the most logical way to resolve things.

Oh, I love LOC games! This is my first time seeing the updated ruleset, though, the changes look interesting.

Anyway, here's a concept I've had in the back of my mind for a bit that I hope works?

Hi! Long time, no see!

2024-05-23, 12:03 PM
I guess maybe I misunderstood the intent behind the inclusion of the conflict resolution, counteraction, and curse mechanics? Is this emphasis just a warning about not (pun not intended) godmoding another player's creations, or is it more extensive than that?

After talking to Athedia I'll basically copy-paste their response with a little example at the end.

Just to clear up a couple things curses are just a different form of blessing (but usually with more negative connotations). And yes they can always counter it. But the warning is something we want to caution most people as a form of safety tool for those playing.

We do ask that all players come into this with the expectation that other players will effect the stuff they are working on, but we also want to give people a heads up. Surprises aren't always fun, especially if you have been drafting a couple paragraphs of text that assumed something.

So basically, if your actions would effect another player we just ask you check in with them, give them the gist of what is happening.

TLDR "we don't want shocking surprises and for people to feel upset IRL"

For an example my own character last game; Lilia goddess of corruption, envy, cults, and so much more was the sort to not take 'no' for an answer when it came to folks accepting her 'love'. Despite this OOC I would consult with players about who to interact with since some folks were simply uncomfortable exploring the themes and emotions surrounding maddening corruption. Those who were ok with a cult entering their society got the full Lilia package, while those who were not I avoided having Lilia interact with.

Early on I made witches a thing as a sort of 'Lilia's Corruption-Lite' version that got around more, letting me interact with a few more societies/players without ruining anyone's good time. A nice well meaning friendly face could help with interactions if you intend to do something like Lilia's corruption.

Yet there were still players that wanted nothing to do with Lilia or her creations. One was a good player that just didn't want their innocent creations to get tainted by something so evil right away, so I avoided interacting with them entirely. The other was a player who refused to work with any player OOC or even to communicate with the group, thus with no real way to gain permission the player was given ample warning and opportunity to give their thoughts before any actions were done; yet with no response I took the actions I wanted to from there.

2024-05-23, 03:04 PM
After talking to Athedia I'll basically copy-paste their response with a little example at the end.

TLDR "we don't want shocking surprises and for people to feel upset IRL"

For an example my own character last game; Lilia goddess of corruption, envy, cults, and so much more was the sort to not take 'no' for an answer when it came to folks accepting her 'love'. Despite this OOC I would consult with players about who to interact with since some folks were simply uncomfortable exploring the themes and emotions surrounding maddening corruption. Those who were ok with a cult entering their society got the full Lilia package, while those who were not I avoided having Lilia interact with.

Early on I made witches a thing as a sort of 'Lilia's Corruption-Lite' version that got around more, letting me interact with a few more societies/players without ruining anyone's good time. A nice well meaning friendly face could help with interactions if you intend to do something like Lilia's corruption.

Yet there were still players that wanted nothing to do with Lilia or her creations. One was a good player that just didn't want their innocent creations to get tainted by something so evil right away, so I avoided interacting with them entirely. The other was a player who refused to work with any player OOC or even to communicate with the group, thus with no real way to gain permission the player was given ample warning and opportunity to give their thoughts before any actions were done; yet with no response I took the actions I wanted to from there.
Gotcha, that makes sense and is workable for me for sure, thank you for taking the time to explain and clarify. Those are perfectly reasonable guidelines and I can certainly work with them.

I'm definitely intending on some cultist things for my primordial alien blood god, but any 'corrupting' stuff is definitely meant to be behind a friendly face. My other idea for an initial holy symbol was a cornucopia filled entirely with red foods, for instance. The most likely source of conflict I'm anticipating is more to do with my plans to make a lot of Portals :p

2024-05-23, 04:28 PM
Gotcha, that makes sense and is workable for me for sure, thank you for taking the time to explain and clarify. Those are perfectly reasonable guidelines and I can certainly work with them.

I'm definitely intending on some cultist things for my primordial alien blood god, but any 'corrupting' stuff is definitely meant to be behind a friendly face. My other idea for an initial holy symbol was a cornucopia filled entirely with red foods, for instance. The most likely source of conflict I'm anticipating is more to do with my plans to make a lot of Portals :p

and IME at least, ppl are often (not always and thats fine, but often) super willing to collaborate and bounce ideas on how to combine your stuff and their stuff, or even throw in AP to help. my first character, Kassa (goddess of scavengers, thieves and traitors, among other things) was very fond of throwing down little curses and splinter organizations and pirate bands everywhere (and the nomadic society she "founded" ended up splintering in a number of different directions for a number of reasons), and a lot of the coolest stuff that happened was a result of talking out the best/most interesting ways to aim her/my people's influence and the types of aftereffects it might have. like a group of refugees in another player's civilization that basically became its own subculture, or the plague of sorcerous mutations arising from an interaction between a disaster of Kassa's and another god's blessing, or the increasingly esoteric alchemy subtypes me and Feathersnow cooked up, lol.

this isn't to say that you should push boundaries that people don't want pushed, but that a lot of time heads-up and communication and respecting/working with what other players are going for creatively/thematically results in a cooler/weirder/better result. please come corrupt my people, i want to give you advice on how to corrupt them better actually, and then use that on my end as a basis for like 3 new organizations and a retaliation curse and maybe a little critter or something

Hi! Long time, no see!

Hi hi! Been a little while since i've checked in on here, yeah.

Fuzzy Math
2024-05-23, 07:02 PM
I've been in a lot of God games before of varying styles, but never Lords of Creation, and never on Giantitp or mythweavers. Let's see if this works?

Deity Name
The Crimson Fount; Doorfather, Gateburster, Horned Serpent, Pathcarver, and more besides.

Player Name

Domains (Portfolios)
Life (Blood), Liminality (Entrances)

Demigod 12/12 AP

3/3 Infusion slots

Holy Symbol
A slithering scarlet serpent

It would not be accurate to proclaim the Crimson Fount mindless, but it is certainly straightforward in its approach. Tireless and abundant, it views the world as a canvas to seed with life, bloody and bright, which might seep into every corner of the cosmos. No place may remain untouched, no barrier can be without seam. A fertility deity which nourishes the willing and the unwilling alike, which brings the floodwaters and the fire which flows. It can be stopped, but not forever. It can be quelled, but not forever. The Crimson Fount has no name beyond this moniker because it has no form beyond this moniker, not yet. It must swell and grow ripe, like a fruit on the verge of rot, from the beliefs of those it will nourish, and be nourished by, before it can burst from the confines of it's present being, renewed.

A stained stone pool of bright red blood , slowly overflowing it's confines. A pulsing pillar in the center refills the pool with every heartbeat.

"Call for me,
you who are obstructed,
and I shall penetrate within you and for you.
Call to me,
you who are without,
and I shall overflow within you and for you.
Call on me,
you who are stilled,
and I shall quicken thy blood and pound in thy chest."

"Every entrance is an injury, every wound a font;
Enter, and be entered. Fill, and be filled."

Damned cool deity concept! Besides conversing OOC with folks, I'm curious as to how the cultists/Crimson Will act when a mortal firmly rejects the deity; the dogma seems to suggest respecting a "no". Beyond that little brain itch, I Approve! That said, I like either Divine Symbol, but the deviousness of the cornucopia is a chef's kiss... :D

Fuzzy Math
2024-05-23, 07:09 PM
1 - Name, Epithet:
Kuigiio, The Maker

2 - Player Name:

3 - Domains (Portfolios):
Earth (parkland), Creation (tools)

4 - Divine Rank/ Action Points
Demigod 12/12

5 - Infusion Slots Remaining/Maximum
6 - Divine Symbol
Five trowels arranged in a star

7 - Personality
Quiet and Diligent
Kuigiio putters about the lands his flock claim, doing small tasks and making tiny marvels. He espouses humility and hard work, and makes few obvious and flashy displays of power.

It is said that travellers might cross his path going the opposite direction and he might press on them some knickknack or a bonsai that turns our to be precious later, but no one else who walked the road that way remembers him if they go to look.

8 - Appearance
An old man of the local population.

Kuigiio varies by species to suit the common ethnic groups of the area, but he is always old and, in groups with genders, never a motherly figure. When in a human or near-human guise, he has short-cropped hair and a pronounced bald spot. In civilizations that have such things, he wears glasses. He prefers grey shirts with pink trim.

He has also been known to appear as an Osage Orange tree in times of conflict, guarded, it is said, by fearsome giant sloths.

One legend tells of a hero braving the sloths to retrieve a thorn that became a spearhead to slay a great spear-cat.

9 - Dogma
Work Hard, every day

Kuigiio believes, above all, in work. His creations are meant to strive to improve their world, as he does. He teaches to try hard at all things and to never rest when their is work to be done. His festivals are at spring, right before the first harvest. When the last of the stores are prepared.

Approved, but contingent on respecting starting tech level/understanding for the era, as Alex mentioned.

2024-05-23, 07:16 PM
Approved, but contingent on respecting starting tech level/understanding for the era, as Alex mentioned.

Noted. My idea is inspired by Transformers, but they are Tsukumogami who take the form of period appropriate objects at shrines and waystations. I am going to work on being a God of roads, and start with the wheel and roads as mundane concepts.

Certainly no robots and steel until late game, if at all. In every LoC I've been in, we reach about Alexandrian era antiquity, and I'm fully comfortable with that.

Fuzzy Math
2024-05-24, 11:56 AM
Oh, I love LOC games! This is my first time seeing the updated ruleset, though, the changes look interesting.

Anyway, here's a concept I've had in the back of my mind for a bit that I hope works?

Names: Ixipikzi, Ikzipixi, (but never Ixipixi or Ikzipikzi), The Laughing One, The Jeweled One, The Cruel One, The Thing In The Mirror, The Empress of the Isle, Nametaker, Silver-Slaker, The Worm and The Fool and a thousand thousand thousand more

Pronouns: They/Them

Player: nottoph

Domains (Portfolios): Reflections (Parody), Trickery (Mimicry)

Divine Rank/AP/Infusion Slots: Demigod, AP 16/16, IS 3/3

Divine Symbol: Typically a set of insect wings (often moth's or butterfly's wings), with one half smeared, scratched, charred, torn, cracked, scribbled over or in some other way made asymmetrical.

Personality: Ikzipixi is said to be childlike and mercurial, flitting from one thing to the next, passing though names, creations, moods, allegiances, taking up or discarding whatever suits their fancy for as long as it holds their interest. They consider imitation both the highest form of flattery and the highest form of insult; Ixipikzi enjoys mimicking the things and people and creations that they like, but they also cannot resist exaggeration, stretching and twisting the identity of a thing until it breaks. For this reason they are also associated with names, labels, and the subversion thereof, things that aren't what they are and are what they aren't. They are always laughing; whether the joke is funny or cruel depends largely on the one looking in the mirror.

Appearance: Ixipikzi's "true" form is said to be a shifting kaleidoscopic fractal of insect wings, but this is rarely, if ever, seen (though it is sometimes artistically depicted). They are almost always mimicking something else; usually, whoever they are speaking to. They like to appear in clear water and other reflective surfaces, but also sometimes as merely a stranger in a familiar place: a version of you with a too-wide smile or too-big eyes or chitin where there should be skin.


Dogma: Ikzipixi's "teachings", such as they are, are not so much like lessons imparted as much as jokes told, japes and mockeries and riddles that work again and again and again, the punchline always the same. The more itself something is, the harder it is to stop itself from becoming something else; what doesn't bend and twist will break and shatter, imprisoned by its own name, suffocated by its own weight, unable to take a joke and looking all the more ridiculous for it. Denial as affirmation in and of itself, twisting into a parody of itself to avoid becoming what it already isn't not. Identity is like quicksilver, slipping through the fingers the tighter one grasps. Identity is like an endless set of nested cocoons, getting smaller and smaller as you go in. Or bigger and bigger as you go out, depending on the point of view. Never become too sure of what you are and aren't; if you look at a reflection and see what's in there too clearly, consider not. Try cutting out your eye instead - maybe it will give you new perspective. If the person in the mirror looks unfamiliar, good - better to make a new friend than to be stuck with oneself.

Hmm. I'm of two minds on this one; either it will be entertaining, watching Ixipikzi badger the other gods and their creations or it will be mildly irritating dealing with a possibly constant contrary deity. A little obstructionism here and there is fine, especially if it's done in amusing fashion, but hopefully wouldn't be seeking to actively hinder things. Granted, while I can think outside the box, I'm fairly linear; I might just be having difficulty understanding intent. Can you help me understand what you are looking to bring and do? Will it be akin to a divine jester? Also, starting AP is 12 in this particular run of LoC. :smallbiggrin:

2024-05-24, 01:07 PM
Hmm. I'm of two minds on this one; either it will be entertaining, watching Ixipikzi badger the other gods and their creations or it will be mildly irritating dealing with a possibly constant contrary deity. A little obstructionism here and there is fine, especially if it's done in amusing fashion, but hopefully wouldn't be seeking to actively hinder things. Granted, while I can think outside the box, I'm fairly linear; I might just be having difficulty understanding intent. Can you help me understand what you are looking to bring and do? Will it be akin to a divine jester?

Ah, might've gone a bit overboard/opaque on the description lol. To clarify, I see them as more of a jester role (partly intentional and partly unintentional) rather than a constant antagonist, yeah. Their default response to another god's actions isn't going to be "i want to stop that" or "i want to undermine/corrupt that", it's "oh, i wanna do that too! but Weirder, and with more insect wings." Early actions I'm thinking of would be shapeshifters, various types of Fey, bizarre insectoid versions of other gods' creatures, Name-related or Illusion-related magic, mirror plane or planes, that kind of thing. They'll be riffing off of other gods' creations, but there won't be countering or disruption for countering and disruption's sake. Central character thesis I'm trying to follow with them is, "they think everything is amazingly interesting and funny, and they explore this interest mainly through imitation." Might tweak the personality section to make that clearer.

If that still sounds too disruptive though I can go with something else, I got lotsa ideas lol

Also, starting AP is 12 in this particular run of LoC. :smallbiggrin:

Ah, woops! Will fix that real quick.

Fuzzy Math
2024-05-24, 01:34 PM
Ah, might've gone a bit overboard/opaque on the description lol. To clarify, I see them as more of a jester role (partly intentional and partly unintentional) rather than a constant antagonist, yeah. Their default response to another god's actions isn't going to be "i want to stop that" or "i want to undermine/corrupt that", it's "oh, i wanna do that too! but Weirder, and with more insect wings." Early actions I'm thinking of would be shapeshifters, various types of Fey, bizarre insectoid versions of other gods' creatures, Name-related or Illusion-related magic, mirror plane or planes, that kind of thing. They'll be riffing off of other gods' creations, but there won't be countering or disruption for countering and disruption's sake. Central character thesis I'm trying to follow with them is, "they think everything is amazingly interesting and funny, and they explore this interest mainly through imitation." Might tweak the personality section to make that clearer...

Ah! So kind of like Delight/Delirium from the Sandman comics? Either way, with more of a clarification, I'm leaning more towards entertaining! :smallbiggrin: Approved! Don't mind me, got Del inspired for a moment...

2024-05-25, 01:14 AM
Oh, I love LOC games! This is my first time seeing the updated ruleset, though, the changes look interesting.

Anyway, here's a concept I've had in the back of my mind for a bit that I hope works?

Names: Ixipikzi, Ikzipixi, (but never Ixipixi or Ikzipikzi), The Laughing One, The Jeweled One, The Cruel One, The Thing In The Mirror, The Empress of the Isle, The King In The Wood, Nametaker, Silver-Slaker, The Worm and The Fool and a thousand thousand thousand more

Pronouns: They/Them

Player: nottoph

Domains (Portfolios): Reflections (Parody), Trickery (Mimicry)

Divine Rank/AP/Infusion Slots: Demigod, AP 12/12, IS 3/3

Divine Symbol: Typically a set of insect wings (often moth's or butterfly's wings), with one half smeared, scratched, charred, torn, cracked, scribbled over or in some other way made asymmetrical.

Personality: Ikzipixi is said to be childlike and mercurial, flitting from one thing to the next, passing though names, creations, moods, allegiances, taking up or discarding whatever suits their fancy for as long as it holds their interest; endlessly fascinated by everything around them, and expressing that fascination mainly through mimicry. They consider imitation both the highest form of flattery and the highest form of insult; Ixipikzi enjoys mimicking the things and people and creations that they like, but they also cannot resist exaggeration, stretching and twisting the identity of a thing just to find out where it breaks. For this reason they are also associated with names, labels, and the subversion thereof, things that aren't what they are and are what they aren't. They are always laughing; whether the joke is funny or cruel depends largely on the one looking in the mirror.

Appearance: Ixipikzi's "true" form is said to be a shifting kaleidoscopic fractal of insect wings, but this is rarely, if ever, seen (though it is sometimes artistically depicted). They are almost always mimicking something else; usually, whoever they are speaking to. They like to appear in clear water and other reflective surfaces, but also sometimes as merely a stranger in a familiar place: a version of you with a too-wide smile or too-big eyes or chitin where there should be skin.


Dogma: Ikzipixi's "teachings", such as they are, are not so much like lessons imparted as much as jokes told, japes and mockeries and riddles that work again and again and again, the punchline always the same. The more itself something is, the harder it is to stop itself from becoming something else; what doesn't bend and twist will break and shatter, imprisoned by its own name, suffocated by its own weight, unable to take a joke and looking all the more ridiculous for it. Denial as affirmation in and of itself, twisting into a parody of itself to avoid becoming what it already isn't not. Identity is like quicksilver, slipping through the fingers the tighter one grasps. Identity is like an endless set of nested cocoons, getting smaller and smaller as you go in. Or bigger and bigger as you go out, depending on the point of view. Never become too sure of what you are and aren't; if you look at a reflection and see what's in there too clearly, consider not. Try cutting out your eye instead - maybe it will give you new perspective. If the person in the mirror looks unfamiliar, good - better to make a new friend than to be stuck with oneself.

A fun looking character for the game that I'm looking forward to interacting with. With the response you gave Fuzzy I believe my own worries are settled. Approved.

2024-05-26, 02:04 PM
If gods are still being accepted, I would love to throw my hat into the ring. I've never heard of LoC before but it seems fascinating!

Names & Epithets Syron, Siron, The Upbringer (most common), The Storyteller, The Opposition (least common)
Player Name LavenderT
Domains (Portfolios) War (Heroism), Nature (Monsters)
Divine Rank Demigod 12/12
Infusion Slots & Infusion Maximum 0/3
Divine Symbol A sword above a reptilian eye
Personality Syron is an eager and hasty deity. They are not one to think their actions through, some might go so far as to consider Syron to be naive. Their most defining feature, though, is their love for people. They seek to raise individuals of races to higher heights, they encourage ambition, they want to witness glory. Sometimes, they get a bit overzealous in this endeavor resulting in tragedies that they do not often fix - but they will protect societies from other threats if they feel the threat is too great.
Appearance Syron appears as a humanoid figure in golden armor with extensive filigree. Whether they are wearing the armor, or the armor is Syron is a matter of theological debate. Syron has never given any clarification or preference.

The only unforgivable acts are cowardice and senseless bloodshed.
Should someone perish to save another, they are to be revered forever after.
Glory is precious. It should always be sought but never stolen.

2024-05-27, 09:29 PM
If gods are still being accepted, I would love to throw my hat into the ring. I've never heard of LoC before but it seems fascinating!

Names & Epithets Syron, Siron, The Upbringer (most common), The Storyteller, The Opposition (least common)
Player Name LavenderT
Domains (Portfolios) War (Heroism), Nature (Monsters)
Divine Rank Demigod 12/12
Infusion Slots & Infusion Maximum 0/3
Divine Symbol A sword above a reptilian eye
Personality Syron is an eager and hasty deity. They are not one to think their actions through, some might go so far as to consider Syron to be naive. Their most defining feature, though, is their love for people. They seek to raise individuals of races to higher heights, they encourage ambition, they want to witness glory. Sometimes, they get a bit overzealous in this endeavor resulting in tragedies that they do not often fix - but they will protect societies from other threats if they feel the threat is too great.
Appearance Syron appears as a humanoid figure in golden armor with extensive filigree. Whether they are wearing the armor, or the armor is Syron is a matter of theological debate. Syron has never given any clarification or preference.

The only unforgivable acts are cowardice and senseless bloodshed.
Should someone perish to save another, they are to be revered forever after.
Glory is precious. It should always be sought but never stolen.

We are always accepting new gods! Technically recruitment never ends for a game like this.

I like the concept :) I am approving this, once another moderator of the game weighs in you should be good to go.

Fuzzy Math
2024-05-27, 09:34 PM
If gods are still being accepted, I would love to throw my hat into the ring. I've never heard of LoC before but it seems fascinating!

Names & Epithets Syron, Siron, The Upbringer (most common), The Storyteller, The Opposition (least common)
Player Name LavenderT
Domains (Portfolios) War (Heroism), Nature (Monsters)
Divine Rank Demigod 12/12
Infusion Slots & Infusion Maximum 0/3
Divine Symbol A sword above a reptilian eye
Personality Syron is an eager and hasty deity. They are not one to think their actions through, some might go so far as to consider Syron to be naive. Their most defining feature, though, is their love for people. They seek to raise individuals of races to higher heights, they encourage ambition, they want to witness glory. Sometimes, they get a bit overzealous in this endeavor resulting in tragedies that they do not often fix - but they will protect societies from other threats if they feel the threat is too great.
Appearance Syron appears as a humanoid figure in golden armor with extensive filigree. Whether they are wearing the armor, or the armor is Syron is a matter of theological debate. Syron has never given any clarification or preference.

The only unforgivable acts are cowardice and senseless bloodshed.
Should someone perish to save another, they are to be revered forever after.
Glory is precious. It should always be sought but never stolen.

Approved. We'll be doing the actual game over on MythWeavers, but wanted to open up recruitment here as well; the GitP forums have been struggling with performance for the past few months. Please also submit here (https://www.myth-weavers.com/index.php?/forum/4354-god-submission-post-here-first-always-recruiting/) as well, assuming you have an account.

2024-05-29, 08:49 PM
Name & Epithet: Vlix; The Visionary, The Dreamer, The Star-Child

Player Name: MutantDragon

Domains (Portfolios): Magic (Wonder), Light (Stars)

Action Points: 12AP

Infusions: 0/3

Divine Symbol: A circle of stars

Personality: Vlix is a dreamer at heart, seeing infinite possibilities in every blade of grass or mighty king. He strives to always maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world and he prizes those traits in others. He can be flighty and prone to changing his mind or abandoning projects halfway through in favor of exciting new ones, but he is always kind and empathetic, and he tries to approach everything with enthusiasm and cheerful optimism.

Appearance: Vlix most often appears as a human boy, apparent age ranging from 5 to 13, with pale skin and jet black hair and eyes. Both his hair and eyes sparkle with starlight. He takes other forms as they suit him, but he always has an appearance of youth.

Thou shalt never dismiss the value of others
Thou shalt be always curious about the world and strive to see the potential in everything
Thou shalt cultivate curiosity in others
Thou shalt always render aid to those less fortunate
Above all, thou shalt hold all children sacred and do all you can to ensure their development, health, and safety, even at the cost of your own

2024-05-30, 11:50 AM
Name & Epithet: Vlix; The Visionary, The Dreamer, The Star-Child

Player Name: MutantDragon

Domains (Portfolios): Magic (Wonder), Light (Stars)

Action Points: 12AP

Infusions: 0/3

Divine Symbol: A circle of stars

Personality: Vlix is a dreamer at heart, seeing infinite possibilities in every blade of grass or mighty king. He strives to always maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world and he prizes those traits in others. He can be flighty and prone to changing his mind or abandoning projects halfway through in favor of exciting new ones, but he is always kind and empathetic, and he tries to approach everything with enthusiasm and cheerful optimism.

Appearance: Vlix most often appears as a human boy, apparent age ranging from 5 to 13, with pale skin and jet black hair and eyes. Both his hair and eyes sparkle with starlight. He takes other forms as they suit him, but he always has an appearance of youth.

Thou shalt never dismiss the value of others
Thou shalt be always curious about the world and strive to see the potential in everything
Thou shalt cultivate curiosity in others
Thou shalt always render aid to those less fortunate
Above all, thou shalt hold all children sacred and do all you can to ensure their development, health, and safety, even at the cost of your own

Minimal but I know you can make posts that have the appropriate amount of detail from the previous LoC. Approved

Fuzzy Math
2024-05-30, 01:49 PM
Name & Epithet: Vlix; The Visionary, The Dreamer, The Star-Child

Player Name: MutantDragon

Domains (Portfolios): Magic (Wonder), Light (Stars)

Action Points: 12AP

Infusions: 0/3

Divine Symbol: A circle of stars

Personality: Vlix is a dreamer at heart, seeing infinite possibilities in every blade of grass or mighty king. He strives to always maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world and he prizes those traits in others. He can be flighty and prone to changing his mind or abandoning projects halfway through in favor of exciting new ones, but he is always kind and empathetic, and he tries to approach everything with enthusiasm and cheerful optimism.

Appearance: Vlix most often appears as a human boy, apparent age ranging from 5 to 13, with pale skin and jet black hair and eyes. Both his hair and eyes sparkle with starlight. He takes other forms as they suit him, but he always has an appearance of youth.

Thou shalt never dismiss the value of others
Thou shalt be always curious about the world and strive to see the potential in everything
Thou shalt cultivate curiosity in others
Thou shalt always render aid to those less fortunate
Above all, thou shalt hold all children sacred and do all you can to ensure their development, health, and safety, even at the cost of your own

Ditto, Approved.