View Full Version : Recruiting Feast of Dust re-recruitment PF1E mid level game

2024-05-22, 04:26 AM
I am looking for a few replacement players for the Feast of Dust adventure module. I still have two players from the existing game, but could do with three or even four others. The game is level 11 at this stage, but you should be leveling up soon.

Here are the links to the existing game threads. I don't have the links to the original recruitment threads, as this game has recruited twice already now, but that was quite a while ago and the forum has deleted them for being too old.

The existing game has been on hiatus for the last three months, as I had a medical episode that caused me to either pause or end most of the many games I was running. But I have decided that I can run a second game, so at the request of my existing players I will pick back up on this one.

If you have any questions please let me know and I will get straight onto them.

OOC Thread: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?653889-Feast-of-Dust

IC thread: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?654202-Feast-of-Dust-IC

1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)?
Pathfinder 1st Edition
2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)?
Published Module: Feast of Dust. It is a desert setting.
3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?
3-4 top up players, as I already have two players returning.
4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)?
The forums right here.
5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?
Level 11, though soon you will level up, and by the end of the module you will be Level 14.
6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
Standard WBL, so 82,000gp.
7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?
I dislike the Occultist classes, so avoid those. Other than that go for it.
8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?
Any Common or Uncommon race.
9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?
As the original creation rules I set are lost to the ether, I will use what I normally go for. So 1d8+10 seven times, drop the lowest. Then repeat the entire process again, and choose the best set to us. Hit Points are set to maximum per level.
10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?
You are heroes, so try not to use anything too evil. Make sure you can work with others.
11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?
Multiclass at will.
12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?
I will roll all of mine and your secret rolls, you can roll as you feel appropriate.
13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.
Spheres material is allowed, if you want anything else from the Spheres page please let me know.
2 Traits
No Leadership effects. You are supposed to be the heroes, not your sidekicks.
No Elephant in the Room rules.
Let me know if I have forgotten anything.
14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?
Keep it skirt length. You got to eleventh level somehow, explain how. This is your writing sample, but keep it to three or four paragraphs. I don't require a novel.
15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?
As a published module it will have a bit of everything.
16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?
You can use Path of War, Dreamscarred Press's psionics, or anything first party from the PFSRD. You can also use SPheres of Might or Spheres of Power. FOr anything else just check with me first. If you are unsure, please ask and I will let you know if it is allowed. As a published module it tends to be on the easy side for veteran players, so there is no need for cheese. It will be low optimisation.

2024-05-22, 12:31 PM
What are the character classes? Am at work an would help.

2024-05-22, 12:45 PM
Interested. Since there is a frontliner and healer, I will go ranged.



Paddywagon Man
2024-05-22, 01:46 PM
I didn't realize this was starting again! Can I just continue with my existing character?

2024-05-22, 02:19 PM
paradox26, may I apply or do you want new blood?

I noted that CasualViking has a Spheres build, but of course it's within your prerogatives to say "no" for future builds.



I might go for a Harbinger, Ravenlord or Grim Rider. A cursed nobleman.

2024-05-22, 03:01 PM
Oh, I would like to join.

2024-05-22, 03:14 PM


hand ax ranger
2024-05-22, 03:27 PM
Well I have been trying to return to PF 1e for a bit, and had an idea for a mercenary captain as a Dashing General cavalier. While I don't quite know the whole plot of the module I imagine having such resources would be good for any group. :D



Edit: Seems the dice gods were with me :D

2024-05-22, 03:30 PM
I will drop some interest in this lets see what the dice gods say

set 1:

set 2:

and the dice gods are with someone else

2024-05-22, 03:47 PM
paradox26, may I apply or do you want new blood?

I noted that CasualViking has a Spheres build, but of course it's within your prerogatives to say "no" for future builds.

I do indeed. Rules seem to have changed. I could rebuild into Path of War, but... since I'm only using Might, not spherecasting, my character is much more of a "normie" than a PoW character.

2024-05-22, 03:59 PM
I'm itching to try a Chronicler of Worlds archetype bard, which is a bard who uses intelligence instead of charisma. I could also see myself taking a 2-level dip in mindchemist alchemist to really have extra-high knowledge checks. Are there any particular knowledge skills that will be particularly useful in this module?



2024-05-22, 04:06 PM


Let's see...
Edit: ffs didnt notice the mistype when i copypasted. Well I guess it's not completely wrong i just need to subtract 10 from those :/

Edit 2



Guess that's an easy choice

2024-05-22, 06:01 PM
I was also going to make a bard, as it sounds fun, but I’ll change if you want to make one.

hand ax ranger
2024-05-22, 06:37 PM
So how do we feel about the leadership feat, particularly seeing as I am going for the Daring General Archetype.

And on that note, while the special rules for that archetypes says all the followers should be warriors I do think having "Camp aides" would be make the most sense as well. Fletchers, armorers, scribes, etc. Then again warriors with these sub-specialties would make sense to I guess lol.

2024-05-22, 11:49 PM
I didn't realize this was starting again! Can I just continue with my existing character?
You are most welcome to continue where we left off. So that leaves two to three slots available.

What are the character classes? Am at work an would help.
I don't have a current list of the existing players builds, but I have requested them send me one, and as soon as I know what they have I will update this thread with it.

paradox26, may I apply or do you want new blood?
You are most welcome to apply.
I noted that CasualViking has a Spheres build, but of course it's within your prerogatives to say "no" for future builds.

I might go for a Harbinger, Ravenlord or Grim Rider. A cursed nobleman.
I had thought I had banned Spheres, but that isn't the case. So **Important news for everyone** Spheres of Power and Spheres of Might are allowed. My mistake. I lay a curse on the system for deleting recruitment threads after only three months.

I do indeed. Rules seem to have changed. I could rebuild into Path of War, but... since I'm only using Might, not spherecasting, my character is much more of a "normie" than a PoW character.
I just updated the 16 to reflect that I did in fact originally allow SoP and SoM. No need to rebuild your character.

I'm itching to try a Chronicler of Worlds archetype bard, which is a bard who uses intelligence instead of charisma. I could also see myself taking a 2-level dip in mindchemist alchemist to really have extra-high knowledge checks. Are there any particular knowledge skills that will be particularly useful in this module?

Knowledge Religion will be the most useful of the knowledge skills for you.

So how do we feel about the leadership feat, particularly seeing as I am going for the Daring General Archetype.

And on that note, while the special rules for that archetypes says all the followers should be warriors I do think having "Camp aides" would be make the most sense as well. Fletchers, armorers, scribes, etc. Then again warriors with these sub-specialties would make sense to I guess lol.
I just updated the 16 to reflect this ruling. No Leadership will be allowed, or anything similar to it. You can roleplay as having servants, but they won't be with you during the game.

hand ax ranger
2024-05-23, 12:21 AM
I just updated the 16 to reflect this ruling. No Leadership will be allowed, or anything similar to it. You can role-play as having servants, but they won't be with you during the game.

Aww well that's a bit disappointing, seeing as that killed the "Captain" part of "Mercenary Captain" right out unless you don't prevent hirelings (which the "or anything similar" seems to indicate but hey maybe I'm wrong). Still, A Mercenary Cavalier (or whatever class I go for now) can't be the wrong way to go in any case and the skills I already started building around can't possibly be useless.

2024-05-23, 12:32 AM
Sorry about that. The storyline is that you have made your way by caravan to a small desert village to investigate reports of a strange disease which is affecting people. There isn't really room for more than a handful of people to be in the village.

2024-05-23, 12:48 AM
Spheres being on the table makes for some neat possibilities~

hand ax ranger
2024-05-23, 12:56 AM
Sorry about that. The storyline is that you have made your way by caravan to a small desert village to investigate reports of a strange disease which is affecting people. There isn't really room for more than a handful of people to be in the village.

Oh, well then at least there is a reason for it then :D

But yeah my idea for the Mercenary Cavalier still fits well into this then, as he'd have a connection to these lands enough to speak the tongue and know the right means to have heard about this place. As to why specifically he is here? I don't yet now. Maybe there's already someone paying for him to seek and resolve this, maybe this is a move to boost his notoriety, or maybe he's figuring that someone here has got to be willing to pay a capable sell-sword to solve this problem.

And technically speaking there isn't anything stopping him for having been/still currently being a Captain of his own.... they're just not here, probably a combination of logistics, particular requests and just "it being the off season." Or they've been disbanded. :smallredface:

The skill that one would have from such would no doubt be of use in any case so he'll just have to be the "one man company" here :smallcool:

2024-05-23, 01:23 AM
That was what I was thinking you might choose to do. A mercenary captain who has traveled without his company to perform an investigation. Would work well.

Infernally Clay
2024-05-23, 01:47 PM
I will never turn down the chance to roll. I'm very much into Unchained Rogue but we'll see.



Second set it is, then. 18 / 18 / 16 / 15 / 13 / 13 is a very nice set to work with.

My character is nearly mechanically finished (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2908795). Just a little bit of gold left to spend, really.

I'm thinking she is a bandit, the sort of person who ekes out a living in the desert wastes by politely relieving merchant caravans of their valuables, but she started to notice a lot of people fleeing into the desert. A bit odd considering how deadly and dangerous the desert is and how quickly it will claim the unprepared.

The whole point of operating out in the desert is only the very greedy or desperate would ever venture through such dangerous lands and all this attention drawn by those apparently cursed by the Feast of Dust will affect business so, of course, she has a vested interest in finding the source of the curse and ending it.

The instigating incident will be that someone in her crew or gang had seemingly become afflicted by this curse too, so they had to put him down before he infected anyone else. This makes this whole thing rather personal for her, since she did like him. He was family, you know?

2024-05-23, 07:07 PM
Alright, let's see how these rolls go.

Set 1:


Set 2:


So, questions. Since Spheres of Power and Might are on the table, what about Spheres of Guile? Also, are Akashic contents okay (both the veilweaving sphere and regular psionic powers that affect veils and such)?

2024-05-24, 12:46 AM
I am unfamiliar with Spheres of Guile, so I will have to refuse that one. But Akashic Mysteries are fine, including the Spheres material for them. Just a note for everyone, by the way. I won't be allowing Spellweaving (at least that is what I think the name is, it has been a while). No mixing different SoP talents, as I have seen people build two mile wide areas that deal 20d6 damage to all within it, and that is very excessive.

2024-05-24, 08:26 AM
Let's see where my luck is.



Edit: 12, 13, 13, 16, 17, 17, 18. Dice Gods definitely want me to make something, let's see what we got.

Gonna make a Sundering Hands Monk who follows the teachings of Saerenrae.

Would you allow the Shabti (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/more-races/advanced-races-11-20-rp/shabti) race? It isn't vital to me at all, I just like the fluff of it.

Edit again: Another question, What is your stance on Advanced/Legendary Talents?

2024-05-24, 11:59 AM
Amir (https://og.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2909014) is WiP.

EDIT: Nvm. I am going to withdraw my interest.

2024-05-24, 09:33 PM


I have a Magus I'm interested in building. It uses the Sublime Warmage (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sublime_Warmage) archetype to gain access to Martial Maneuvers at the cost of Cantrips (and arcana, if you want any maneuvers higher than level 1).

If possible, I'd like to combine it with the Arcane Weaponeer (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/arcane-weaponeer) archetype, which would trade out Vancian spellcasting for access to Spheres of Power. In place of Cantrips, I'd presumably give up the +2 magic talents that SoP classes gain with their first Casting level. Would that be agreeable to you?

If that's not allowed, then I'll just keep Vancian casting and stick with Bladebound + Kensai Magus, mixed with Sublime Warmage. Are there any issues with this suggestion?

2024-05-24, 10:55 PM
Rolling is fun!



Kicking around an ashiftah witch, which seems appropriate given the geography

Who knows how long the veil had been there? A year? A cycle? A King’s Age? The old woman who wore it last was a dried-out husk when Samile found her, but that was no help – bodies could last nearly forever out here if left undisturbed.

It was not pretty. It was not luxurious. It was black and tattered and looked every bit as old as everything else in the room — and then some. But Samile found she couldn’t avert her gaze from it. Even when she closed her eyes it was there, as if she was feeling it.

She couldn’t describe the feeling, because as the youngest child of a poor family, it was unknown to her. It felt like power.

Samile sat and watched the veil for a long time. Then she closed her eyes, and when she opened them, they looked out from behind the veil.

2024-05-25, 12:29 AM
I have a Magus I'm interested in building. It uses the Sublime Warmage (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sublime_Warmage) archetype to gain access to Martial Maneuvers at the cost of Cantrips (and arcana, if you want any maneuvers higher than level 1).

If possible, I'd like to combine it with the Arcane Weaponeer (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/arcane-weaponeer) archetype, which would trade out Vancian spellcasting for access to Spheres of Power. In place of Cantrips, I'd presumably give up the +2 magic talents that SoP classes gain with their first Casting level. Would that be agreeable to you?

If that's not allowed, then I'll just keep Vancian casting and stick with Bladebound + Kensai Magus, mixed with Sublime Warmage. Are there any issues with this suggestion?
My understanding of it is that you can only have a single archetype, which I only learned fairly recently. So you won't be able to take both archetypes. But I will allow you to keep the Sublime Warmage and still swap out your vancian casting for SoP talents. It should give you most of what you were asking for, but please let me know if there is something critical that I have overlooked that would disadvantage you.

2024-05-25, 01:46 AM
My understanding of it is that you can only have a single archetype, which I only learned fairly recently. So you won't be able to take both archetypes. But I will allow you to keep the Sublime Warmage and still swap out your vancian casting for SoP talents. It should give you most of what you were asking for, but please let me know if there is something critical that I have overlooked that would disadvantage you.

Hey, so just a heads up, but here are the actual rules regarding archetypes:

A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the core class as another alternate class feature. For example, a paladin could not be both a hospitaler and an undead scourge since they both modify the smite evil class feature and both replace the aura of justice class feature. A paladin could, however, be both an undead scourge and a warrior of the holy light, since none of their new class features replace the same core class feature.


So, it's totally possible to have multiple archetypes at once, as long as they don't alter the same class features.

...Granted, combining Sublime Warmage with Arcane Weaponeer would normally be disallowed by this rule, since both alter Cantrips (Sublime Warmage gets rid of it while Arcane Weaponeer replaces both it and spells as a whole with Spherecasting). To fix this I suggested a workaround where Sublime Warmage got rid of the free 2 magic talents granted to any Spherecaster, as the closest analog to Cantrips.

That said, combing Sublime Warmage with the Kensai and Bladebound archetypes would be perfectly allowable under the base rules, and would require no workarounds.

2024-05-25, 02:06 AM
Thanks for the correction. I had always thought that was the way it worked too, but I am certain in another recruitment some time ago someong pointed to ruling the other way. Thanks for the link. You can then certainly take both archetypes, and swap out the cantrips for the +2 talents, which you would forefeit as part of the requirements for the second archetype.

So we will run with your suggestion.

2024-05-25, 11:12 AM
Still a work in progress, but here is Shifa Alqalb (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2908992). I decided that I'm not gonna be a Shabti with a Sun Falcon companion, so my previous questions are irrelevant.

2024-05-26, 01:38 AM
Posting my interest.
For Spheres/Akashic, is it just what's on the Spheres wiki, or would you allow material from the broader Library of Metzofitz (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Library_of_Metzofitz)? [I'm fine with either]



2024-05-26, 01:54 AM
As long as I can easily and legally find it, I don't mind too much. So the Library material is allowed.

2024-05-26, 02:45 AM

Was looking at material just from the spheres wiki, I've fallen in love with the idea of a Daevic 'Desert Witch' with the Desire Passion and Love modifier, with a monster bodyguard/companion with love redeems tropes.

This passion allow grabbing a creature at 'Up to' Cr-3 as a companion. Would this be acceptable with a balance point of Animal companions/etc. Or would this tip too far over the leadership line? I'm fine with another pic if it'd be too far over.

2024-05-26, 03:10 AM
A CR3 creature will be okay, as it would largely just be a roleplaying tool.

2024-05-26, 03:22 AM
The was CR minus 3, not CR 3.
But I'll go for it and see what I can do.

Current 'plan' is Kitsune Daevic that plays at being a witch appearance wise, but is actually of limited magic ability, using spheres and Akasha to brawl.

I forgot how intensive various Sphere trees are.

@Paradox26: I'll repost this outside a edit if missed, but the Daevic Desire Pasion grants a bonus to enchantment SLA/Spells DCs, but Daevic doesn't grant any. Would you allow this to apply to Mind Effecting Veils? (Or, those in the Daevic list at least)

If yes, I think I'll go Base Daeva and the Feat Swap for martial sphere access, possibly faking being a little witchy with Alchemy sphere. If no I'll go back to the drawing board. I am fine with being told no.

Going to bed now because I stayed up way to late workshopping.

2024-05-26, 01:18 PM
WIP for Safina (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2909305), daughter of a Qadiran caravan who some years ago found the veil of a slain Ashtifah. Since then she's been avoiding the nation's military, who want the thing back.

Perhaps her patron is the spirit of the witch that wore the veil previously; I haven't thought it out that much yet.

Who knows how long the veil had been there? A year? A cycle? A King’s Age? The old woman who wore it last was a dried-out husk when Sdine found her, but that was no help – bodies could last nearly forever out here if left undisturbed.

It was not pretty. It was not luxurious. It was black and tattered and looked every bit as old as everything else in the room — and then some. But Safina found she couldn’t avert her gaze from it. Even when she closed her eyes it was there, as if she was feeling it.

She couldn’t describe the feeling, because as the youngest child of a poor family, it was unknown to her. It felt like power.

Safina sat and watched the veil for a long time. Then she closed her eyes, and when she opened them, they looked out from behind the veil.

2024-05-26, 02:51 PM
What are the character classes? Am at work an would help.

So, can we get a list of the classes / roles of the current characters? From paradox or the current players themselves?
This is to avoid stepping on any toes, and also because IIRC you prefer "traditionally balanced" parties, paradox (arcane / beatstick / divine / skillmonkey at least).

edit: actually, found it myself


CasualVikingEsmaeel Naffar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2732340)
Armiger (Stance Master) 11

Paddywagon Man
Warlish Gro-Mitt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2794402)
Human (Poison Minion)
Kineticist 11 (VMC Sorcerer)

Phantom Genius
Bazir Sandstorm (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2736144)
Cleric 3 / Walker in the Wastes 8

from this post (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25791143&postcount=95).
Hope that helps, paradox, saw you were looking for it too. :smallwink:

hand ax ranger
2024-05-26, 04:15 PM
Ah I fell off there for a bit. My character is fairly far done but with the interest we have going I am not sure if I should even both posting at this point. We shall have to see I guess :smallbiggrin:

2024-05-26, 06:53 PM
@Paradox26: Rules Issue/Quesstion, but the Daevic Desire Pasion grants a bonus to enchantment SLA/Spells DCs, but Daevic doesn't grant any. Would you allow this to apply to Mind Effecting Veils? (Or, those in the Daevic list at least) If Yes, would this be extendable to the Kitsune Magic trait?

If yes to the first, I think I'll go Base Daeva and the Feat Swap for martial sphere access, possibly faking being a little witchy with Alchemy sphere. If no I'll go back to the drawing board. I am fine with being told no.

2024-05-26, 07:19 PM
Thanks @namo. I had applied for this and another game and decided to focus on the other one since it also looked fun but it seems I was wrong. Since there is so much fighting in this one I'm leaving.
Enjoy your game and good luck.

2024-05-27, 03:03 AM
The was CR minus 3, not CR 3.
But I'll go for it and see what I can do.

Current 'plan' is Kitsune Daevic that plays at being a witch appearance wise, but is actually of limited magic ability, using spheres and Akasha to brawl.

Ah, I understand. If it is an intrinsic class ability then I will allow it. Just don't abuse it.

@Paradox26: Rules Issue/Quesstion, but the Daevic Desire Pasion grants a bonus to enchantment SLA/Spells DCs, but Daevic doesn't grant any. Would you allow this to apply to Mind Effecting Veils? (Or, those in the Daevic list at least) If Yes, would this be extendable to the Kitsune Magic trait?

Yes to both.

2024-05-27, 06:18 PM
For Companion's, my primary interests are:
Pairaka (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/divs/div-pairaka/), CR 7 Corrupted Genie who is effectively a NE Succubus. This is my preferred from a fluff standpoint.
Very Young Blue Dragon (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/dragons/dragon/chromatic-blue/blue-dragon-very-young/), CR 7 (Actually Juvenile, playing fast and loose with age through level up). A Evil Dragon, who is part wandering visitor, part lover. Less focus on the love redeems, has the benift of being able to bugger off easily for managing screen time. Also has the benefit of potentially being able to ride a dragon for a scene at level 13/14.
Criosphynx (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/sphinx/criosphinx/), CR7. A Neutral Option, Large Flying Mount, Intelligent, and it's capabilities could be replicated by a Druid with a Roc companion or a player with Monsterous Mount for a Griffon, or just money for a griffon. Has the dragon's bonus points of being able to be busy elsewhere and fly in and out as preferred.

Div, Pairaka: A corrupted genie bound to the emotion of lust. Are they corrupting a Daeva of Love, or is the Daeva redeeming the Div? Theoretically a flying combat tool/demon, but not used as one.

Blue Dragon, starting at Very Young but playing fast and loose with the age. Playing with Love Redeems tropes, and at the end of the campaign the option of Dragon Ridong for one level. More a mix of Familiar/friend who flies around nearby and often visits. (I would be unsurprised at no)

Brass Dragon: Blue dragon with different alignment. If you said no to Blue then you'll probably say no here.

Criosphnx: Instead of Monterous Mount Griffon it's a Sphinx. An intelligent being, but non magical too. Lowest power end, but Theoretically a mount even if I won't use them as such. Has the benefit of being able to wander on and off screen easily as a flier like the dragons.

Rakadha, Amanusya: As Pairaka, but a corrupted spirit instead of Djini and notably worse base stats appropriate to CR 6 and having sneak attack instead of succubus abilities. Found this one first, then found out about Div's. Div lore is preferable, but this also fits 'redeeming evil outsider'.

Giant, Desert: Technically CR 9 so taking with Young Template, though I'd have their height on the borderline and loose the template on level up. (Or they appear on screen first time after level up, having been 'away'.

2024-05-28, 02:18 PM
Welp, I finished my build. This is Lucien Reich, the Ultimate Spellsword (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2909410).

I unfortunately had way too much free time over Memorial Weekend, and thus wound up falling back on a lot of my optimization habits as I constantly tweaked the build. The character is a bit... strong. Everything here should be 100% legal, but... I feel like I probably should have asked before giving myself 1.5x WBL for taking 2 craft feats, so to speak. At any rate, feel free to reject the character outright because of that, or any other reason.

Their damage is pretty low, though they generally rely on using Spell Combat + Spellstrike with Nature Sphere's "Destroy Element" talent. Though admittedly, this only really works for 1 attack, so the character is likely to always make use of Spell Advancing to trade their iterative attacks for more mobility.

In order to stretch their small pool of talents as far as they'd go, I felt Nature Sphere with Limited Nature/Master of Elements taken twice would probably be the best way to go. I trade away all geomancy abilities for access to all elements when using Spirit abilities. Doing things this way also allows for Expanded Knowledge to pick up other Nature spirit talents on the fly. Specifically, I was thinking about Nature Sight, which I thought would be best to share with the team via War Sphere's "Totem of Shared Sight" (which was cheaper than taking Grant Spirit twice, though slightly more limited in some ways).

Then there's the Sublime Warmage part of things. Out of combat, the character will probably stay in Elemental Flux Stance, since it gives an initiative bonus and a few other potentially interesting abilities. Once combat begins, the character will switch into the Spoils of War stance to grant the party some small (but consistent) healing. Beyond those 2 stances, the character also has 2 strikes, 2 counters and 2 boosts readied for use before he's required to recover maneuvers. There's some potential for nova-ing with Spell Combat into Martial Spellstrike, though that thing eats through arcane pool points like crazy, and I don't particularly have a huge number of them (in fact, I have much less than I normally would due to taking Bladebound and focusing on a different Favored Class Bonus than the one that grants you extra).

At any rate, that's the build. I'm proud of it, and it can do a little bit of everything, but I can definitely understand if it's a bit too much to deal with. Honestly, I just had fun building it.

2024-05-28, 10:11 PM
I was wondering, are spheres archetypes allowed? Was going to do a acupuncturist investigator.

2024-05-28, 11:42 PM
For Companion's, my primary interests are:
Pairaka (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/divs/div-pairaka/), CR 7 Corrupted Genie who is effectively a NE Succubus. This is my preferred from a fluff standpoint.
Very Young Blue Dragon (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/dragons/dragon/chromatic-blue/blue-dragon-very-young/), CR 7 (Actually Juvenile, playing fast and loose with age through level up). A Evil Dragon, who is part wandering visitor, part lover. Less focus on the love redeems, has the benift of being able to bugger off easily for managing screen time. Also has the benefit of potentially being able to ride a dragon for a scene at level 13/14.
Criosphynx (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/sphinx/criosphinx/), CR7. A Neutral Option, Large Flying Mount, Intelligent, and it's capabilities could be replicated by a Druid with a Roc companion or a player with Monsterous Mount for a Griffon, or just money for a griffon. Has the dragon's bonus points of being able to be busy elsewhere and fly in and out as preferred.

Div, Pairaka: A corrupted genie bound to the emotion of lust. Are they corrupting a Daeva of Love, or is the Daeva redeeming the Div? Theoretically a flying combat tool/demon, but not used as one.

Blue Dragon, starting at Very Young but playing fast and loose with the age. Playing with Love Redeems tropes, and at the end of the campaign the option of Dragon Ridong for one level. More a mix of Familiar/friend who flies around nearby and often visits. (I would be unsurprised at no)

Brass Dragon: Blue dragon with different alignment. If you said no to Blue then you'll probably say no here.

Criosphnx: Instead of Monterous Mount Griffon it's a Sphinx. An intelligent being, but non magical too. Lowest power end, but Theoretically a mount even if I won't use them as such. Has the benefit of being able to wander on and off screen easily as a flier like the dragons.

Rakadha, Amanusya: As Pairaka, but a corrupted spirit instead of Djini and notably worse base stats appropriate to CR 6 and having sneak attack instead of succubus abilities. Found this one first, then found out about Div's. Div lore is preferable, but this also fits 'redeeming evil outsider'.

Giant, Desert: Technically CR 9 so taking with Young Template, though I'd have their height on the borderline and loose the template on level up. (Or they appear on screen first time after level up, having been 'away'.

I prefer any but the dragons. Hard to wander around with a dragon and not have it be the star of the show. The genie is probably the best option, given the desert setting.

I was wondering, are spheres archetypes allowed? Was going to do a acupuncturist investigator.
Yes, Spheres archetypes are allowed.

Thanks for letting me know what you are thinking, Kaouse. Gives me an idea of what you can do.

I would appreciate it if everyone can give some idea of what you can do in a similar manner.

2024-05-29, 01:07 AM
Thanks for letting me know what you are thinking, Kaouse. Gives me an idea of what you can do.

I would appreciate it if everyone can give some idea of what you can do in a similar manner.

No problem. Shifa is a very mobile sunder build utilizing close ranged unarmed strikes to break and destroy his opponent's equipment.

He is an Unchained Monk with the Sundering Hands archetype, which trades in his FoB for the Thundering Blows ability of the Blacksmith class from Spheres. This means he deals an additional 6d6 damage on successful Sunders, deals excess damage to the wielder when he chooses to destroy an item, and may target Natural AC and Natural Weapons, dealing damage as normal and inflicting a penalty. The archetype also allows him to use his Style Strikes on any appropriate attacks instead of needing to be part of a FoB. The one I chose is Shattering Punch, which 1/round lets me bypass DR/Hardness when I attack or make a Sunder.

The archetype also gives me Adept progression in Martial talents, so I took ones that either helped my Sunder attempts or boosted my mobility, in particular I took Sudden Flank, which allows me to treat spaces I moved in as being there for Flanking, both for my allies or for myself. Another notable talent is Shattering Palm, which allows me to take an additional disarm or sunder attempt after my first successful disarm or sunder in a round, as a free action.

I took some diversity options as well, since it was mentioned that lower optimization was preferred. So I took Basic Magic Training, Advanced Magic Training and Cantrips. I took the Creation sphere with the Limited Creation: Alter drawback, thinking it would be useful to fix anything I break. And Cantrips is always a decent thing to have when you don't have a lot of magic.

Overall, I can move 80ft in a round and strike with 2 sunder attempts that do an average of 44 damage each. I still need to pick my traits, spend 9000 gp and decide on my backstory since I chose not to go with the Shabti idea I had

2024-05-29, 02:14 AM
I prefer any but the dragons. Hard to wander around with a dragon and not have it be the star of the show. The genie is probably the best option, given the desert setting.

I would appreciate it if everyone can give some idea of what you can do in a similar manner.
I suppose they can be prima-donnas, thus the point about being to fly off.
To be clear, it's a Div which are theorised to be Corrupted Genies. Regardless, it's what I wanted most so I'm happy to go.

Kinda 'blerghed' out on a stint of character building with some other applications, and from recent experience I might actually be overstating a bit. That said, build is a stealth capable Frontline fighter, who's fighting style is using Aether Wire to be a area lockdown build, using AOO and being able to maintain multiple grapples to move into a zone and lock people down so they can't do anything but get their actions interrupted, and, for up to 3, use their turn to try and break out, so they can be picked off by the rest of the party.

Being a Akasha class, instead of having a set of combat feats to use, I have a set of daily buffs I can change. Sometimes they'll be more skill based, sometimes more combat based, depends on what's expected. But mostly being a fighter with some self buffs and ranks in stealth that can be combined with Kitsune for tiny size bonus.

Edit: Edit: I have less veils than I remembered, so not that adaptable given Passion restrictions.

Infernally Clay
2024-05-29, 04:48 AM
I would appreciate it if everyone can give some idea of what you can do in a similar manner.

Whenever Cass gets a sneak attack off she gets to use Violent Display, which allows her to immediately use Dazzling Display and intimidate every enemy within thirty feet. Due to the number of ranks she has in intimidate, if I exceed the DC to demoralise a target by at least 10, it is panicked for two rounds or frightened for 1d4+1 rounds.

She also has the Double Debilitation advanced rogue trick, so whenever she gets a sneak attack off the target has a -6 penalty to attack rolls and AC against Cass and -2 for everyone else. Of course they also take a lot of damage, since at this level sneak attack is worth an additional 6d6 damage.

Basically Cass is great at shutting down single enemies and makes up for a lack of AoE by scaring the heck out of large groups so they drop everything and run.

2024-05-29, 09:24 AM
I'll give this a shot

Set 1

Set 2

2024-05-30, 06:37 PM
Sorry for the double post, but he's my character. Took the 18/16/15/15/12/12 rolls.

Vak Warward (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2910562)

I would appreciate it if everyone can give some idea of what you can do in a similar manner.

He's a dwarf mystic with very good saves vs spells and SLAs, and strong saves vs poison as a result. He uses a sword and shield, no shield bashes. AC looks a bit lower than your other players but that's light armour for you, he's got a counter to block one hit pretty reliably (spellcraft as AC, can take 10 on it with Discipline Focus). His other maneuvers are a bit of damage and debuffing, all his strikes are 1 attack with rider, he's got flight, burrow and swim speeds from Enter the Vortex stance, two teleports (one with a strike, one as a move action) and a swift action for 1 round of incorporeal. There's his Glyphs, which provide a variety of buffs to himself and allies. I didn't actually focus on damage.
His best strike would be 1d10+10 (base), +12 fire (elemental nimbus stance) +6 other (elemental flux shift, damage is old active element), +3d6 (augmenting Assay Resistance) +9d6 (augmenting Energy Hammer) +5 fire (have used Fire Glyph), 5.5+33+42=80.5 which is higher than I expected before calculating that.

I'm working on a second character if you think this one is too strong (I really just thought dwarf mystic with good saves sounded fun)

2024-05-30, 10:36 PM
I would appreciate it if everyone can give some idea of what you can do in a similar manner.

Sadine is a pretty standard witch — plenty of debuffing, arcane support and some battlefield.control. The most significant thing about the Ashtifa archetype is the at-will Fog of War, which could be combined with Ashen Path (either from UMD or cast by party cleric) let allies see normally.

She'll also have Spirit Talker feat, giving her the options to pick up Shaman Hexes in a pinch.

Because of the pretty-much-at-will invisibility from Ashtifa, I'd considered giving her arcane trickster levels (So rogue1/Witch6/AT4 or something) but there's already a good rogue candidate.

2024-05-31, 03:47 AM
Sorry for the double post, but he's my character. Took the 18/16/15/15/12/12 rolls.

Vak Warward (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2910562)

He's a dwarf mystic with very good saves vs spells and SLAs, and strong saves vs poison as a result. He uses a sword and shield, no shield bashes. AC looks a bit lower than your other players but that's light armour for you, he's got a counter to block one hit pretty reliably (spellcraft as AC, can take 10 on it with Discipline Focus). His other maneuvers are a bit of damage and debuffing, all his strikes are 1 attack with rider, he's got flight, burrow and swim speeds from Enter the Vortex stance, two teleports (one with a strike, one as a move action) and a swift action for 1 round of incorporeal. There's his Glyphs, which provide a variety of buffs to himself and allies. I didn't actually focus on damage.
His best strike would be 1d10+10 (base), +12 fire (elemental nimbus stance) +6 other (elemental flux shift, damage is old active element), +3d6 (augmenting Assay Resistance) +9d6 (augmenting Energy Hammer) +5 fire (have used Fire Glyph), 5.5+33+42=80.5 which is higher than I expected before calculating that.

I'm working on a second character if you think this one is too strong (I really just thought dwarf mystic with good saves sounded fun)
The augments are probably unnecessary. You would be one shotting the enemies, which can get a bit boring for the rest of the party.

2024-05-31, 12:54 PM
In terms of pure damage, the highest that Lucien Reich can do is to use Martial Spellstrike in combination with Destroy Element vs a Metallic creature of Large size or smaller.

Destroy Element (Metal) deals 1d8/CL, or 11d8 damage (average 49.5) by itself, while his strongest Strike, Fetch's Wrath, deals a bonus 4d6 damage (average 14). Combine that with an Arcane Pool-buffed Black Blade (1d4+5+2+4, Average 13.5 damage), using Black Blade Strike (+3 damage), and we get a total of... 80 damage, lol.

Granted, there are a ton of caveats to this damage. Black Blade Strike uses up 1 point of the black blade's arcane pool, which it only gets 3/day at this level.

Buffing up the Black Blade with the base character's Arcane Pool uses up 1 out of Lucien's 8/day arcane pool. Note that Lucien is also capable of using his arcane pool to buff up his armor and buckler, spending an arcane point on each one. Martial Spellstrike then uses up another 2 points of this self-same arcane pool.

Lastly, Destroy Element does way less damage to non-metallic foes. Against Crystalline creatures, Destroy Element (Earth) can deal up to 11d6 damage (average 38.5), which is already 11 points less. This is also what Destroy Element (Water) can do to Plants, Oozes, and creatures with the aquatic/water subtypes. However, the damage is nonlethal to anyone not of those subtypes. Metallic creatures over Large size take only 5d8 damage (average 22.5) from Destroy Element (Metal). Non-crystaline stone creatures take only 5d6 damage (average 17.5) from Destroy Element (Earth).

After that, none of the other elements really do any direct damage. Destroy Element (Air) can cause suffocation (but from a general reading, the character affected is still allowed to hold their breath... somehow). Destroy Element (Plant) can cause 1d4+2 (average 4.5) Constitution damage, which is only -2 HP/HD... but is still probably the best option against most living creatures. And Destroy Element (Fire) doesn't really deal damage at all, can't be used with Spellstrike, and is more of a cone-shaped Glitterdust than anything else (though that's actually really useful utility in a single talent, IMHO).

So yeah, I guess Lucien Reich can reach similar damage numbers to Vak, though only in very specific conditions against very specific opponents, and only with significant setup + resource expenditure. In most situations, his damage would probably be fairly mediocre, if not somewhat below average. But that's probably overshadowed by his tremendous defensive prowess and insane skill checks that make him difficult to deal with and balance in a party without wrecking the curve for everyone else.

2024-06-02, 06:05 AM
Let's try a desert druid build.



Set 1 it will be

EDIT2: Paradox: can I take a subdomain of any of the domains for my nature bond? Thinking about the Feather subdomain of Animal https://www.aonprd.com/DomainDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Animal

2024-06-02, 07:19 AM
That will be fine.

2024-06-03, 09:36 PM
I’m going to have to have some more time to work on my sheet, as I finished building my character, but the damage numbers were too high, at around 130 damage a round.

2024-06-04, 12:11 AM
Yeah, that is on the high side. I have yet to set a due date, but I can wait until people are finished.

2024-06-04, 03:51 AM
Here's Nadeen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2908950).

She's a control mage-type character focusing on mind-affecting effects, debuffing, and a bit of buffing. She can also dip into other roles as an auxiliary character, depending on what veils she's shaping today.

Nadeen is the daughter of Zafiya al-Riyah, the Jaathoom vizier of Zho Mountain, and one of her mortal lovers. As one of the community leaders of the hidden genie kinds and genies community in the mountains, Zafiya commands resources unmatched by most mortals and is perhaps one of the wealthiest individuals in Qadira, mortals or otherwise, with the family size to match.

Nadeen grew up with numerous half brothers and sisters, many of whom she wasn't familiar with, and a doting yet distant parent. Even a being as powerful as Zafiya would be hard-pressed to have time for all of her offspring. One must be exceptional at something relevant to her to command her attention.

Nadeen is well aware of this fact and has taken it upon herself from a young age to take a small part of Zafiya's wealth and make it her own. The Meraz Desert is not many people's idea to start a fortune. However, Nadeen saw many things buried under the surface that could fetch a fortune, including antique magical curiosities and the spices grown in various settlements.

Through deals, connections, and more than a few tomb raiding, Nadeen turned two decades of her life - relatively short for a genie kind - into a lucrative business of caravan trading based around the Meraz Desert. Nadeen settled in Heger City as a base of her operations and had built up quite the portfolio with many of Meraz's oasis nobles.

However, not all are as smooth sailing as she would have liked. Lately, a mysterious plague seemingly originated from deep within the Desert claimed the lives of many of her caravan employees. In another seemingly unrelated incident, she lost contact with a party of adventurers she contracted to investigate a newly discovered Meraz ruins.

Determined to get to the bottom of this salvo of rotten luck, Nadeen took it upon herself to investigate these incidents. Her efforts started in Dimayen, where the deaths originated, though they stalled because the authorities were similarly at a loss to where the plague originated. She hoped the nobles had more stories to tell her.

Her claim to fame is the upward DC of ~30ish on Mind Control with power points and veils. She can also delete bonuses to will saves occasionally, so that might result in a quantitatively higher DC than that sometimes. She also has a lot of staying power resources-wise thanks to the augment discount on Akashic Focus.

Defensively, she can innately fly thanks to the Djinni's Turban veil on her racial feature. That also gives her a 50% miss chance on ranged attacks targeting her. Her AC is a high-end estimate, but Force Screen only lasts for minutes per cast, and any points boosting her AC are points taken from upgrading her DC. damages, and skill bonuses.

Out of combat, she can act as the go-to skill girl (social skills and knowledge skills mainly) by shaping skill-boosting veils and using certain powers. She also has attitude-shifting powers, so she'd be a great party face.

She's not doing so hot on her damage. She can contribute via prep and casting an Empower + Maximized Mind Thrust for 5d10*1.5 = 75 damage, but that's mind-affecting (meaning it just doesn't work on certain enemies), Will negates (not even half damage), and the equivalent of a 7th-level spell (meaning she can't use it too often).

2024-06-04, 07:26 AM
Considering a few things.



Lord of Gifts
2024-06-04, 10:18 AM
Set 1

Set 2

2024-06-04, 12:04 PM
Yeah, that is on the high side. I have yet to set a due date, but I can wait until people are finished.

I'm currently traveling for work and it's difficult to get everything done. I'll be back home tomorrow evening so I'll have something up this weekend. It's mostly feat selection and a basic spell set (although that can wait until I know if I'm chosen or not).

2024-06-05, 07:53 AM
Putting together a Malefex as an incredibly potent debuffer and mid-range striker. Got my Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2912375) done but still putting together the fluff. Thinking a cursed gunslinger with a deep and abiding love of picking fights with the powerful.

2024-06-06, 03:29 PM
Here is my character: Velru, half-orc Desert Druid (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2912180).
I haven't completed the spell selection yet (except for domain spells), but I'll do that if I'm chosen, taking those spells that fit best with the party.

2024-06-06, 05:49 PM
I'm going to drop out, because I can't think of some good fluff that fits my character. Good luck and have fun everyone~!

2024-06-10, 12:33 AM
How is everyone going with your sheets? Does anyone require any more time, or is it okay to close applications and make selections?

2024-06-10, 01:50 AM
My sheet is finished here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=26022894&postcount=59), though I dunno how many others are finished.

2024-06-10, 11:00 AM
I need a few more days. Sorry.

2024-06-10, 11:27 AM
Could I have a bit longer, I decided to make a sarenite bard instead of that Mystic, but I'm not quite done, should only be done tomorrow though.

2024-06-10, 12:09 PM
How is everyone going with your sheets? Does anyone require any more time, or is it okay to close applications and make selections?

I'm done and ready to go.

2024-06-10, 06:52 PM
I have that sheet done now

Yazdan Shaer (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2914124)

He's a minor noble (related to the Emperor because that guy has over 200 descendents in the capital of Qadira alone, which sounds fun).
I went with a sign from Sarenrae as why he's now involved, since the IC thread seems to show her shrine in dire straights and he's a Sarenite.

He's a bard.
He's good at most knowledge checks, particularly for IDing monsters, he's also got the usual Versatile Performance and is therefore good at acrobatics, fly, bluff, sense motive, intimidate and diplomacy. He has spellcraft, though not as high, and UMD though all I bought was a CLW wand, but I expect we'll find scrolls or the like as loot. Oh and he's trained in heal, but only has a +10 and nothing to make that actually relevant.
He has high spell penetration bonus, though his DCs aren't anything special (he's got good charisma at 26, and a +1 DC bonus for creatures with the Human or Native subtypes, but no spell focus).
He's very good at buffing, he's got Flagbearer with Banner of Ancient Kings for +2 morale to hit and damage (and saves vs fear and charm, though Inspire Courage does that anyway), and his Inspire Courage is at a +4 bonus, it'll be +5 at level 12 thanks to the Banner of Ancient kings.
He can take 10 on perform (and therefore all 6 versatile performance skill), though they're mostly noncombat where you can do that anyway.
He can burn a 4th level slot and 3 perform rounds per round to get two performances going at once with Virtuoso Performance. Thinking Dirge of Doom+Inspire Courage.
I swapped Celestial Resistance for 5+HD SR vs evil outsiders and evil spells.
Oh and I took Eldritch Heritage Phoenix for the flight with cool fire wings, which also means he can ID non-cursed items without rolling.
And finally he has a longspear that's not enchanted, but is singing steel, this is his only source of damage, but gets up to +15/+10 for 1d8+6 in a pinch.

hand ax ranger
2024-06-10, 07:38 PM
Oh? this is still recruiting?

Well I might try again at this with a different character (I fell out due to drama occurring and I now that I'm back I think my first suggestion didn't work for this as I hoped.)

2024-06-10, 09:49 PM
Okay, I will set the due date as Sunday Australian time, which is Saturday in the US. That should give people enough time.

Lord of Gifts
2024-06-14, 06:11 AM
Aysa Al-Sahba (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2914900)


Many things are written in the great Library of Kortos. Many other things are not written anywhere. The nomadic peoples of the Windswept Wastes, and many other groups besides, pass down their knowledge through the generations by oral tradition alone. Though my family no longer wandered, and had long been settled in a village on the fringes of Qadira, I was still heir to such lore. Even as a babe, I heard my mother’s tales of the deep desert. Throughout my youth I learned of sword-craft, healing, omen-reading, and countless other ancient arts. The one core thing I didn’t take to was humility.

Once I reached adulthood, that village was no longer enough for me. After my expected military service I followed a trade caravan to Absalom, there to seek my fortune. I found myself apprenticed to a master alchemist, applying rigour to my intuitive knowledge. Perhaps I would have made a mark on the field if my time hadn’t ended there so suddenly. I had a quarrel with a fellow apprentice, and it quickly became a matter of honour. Words failed, tempers flared, and weapons were drawn. In truth, he got the better of me that night. But he was a duelist, not a warrior. He had never killed before. When he had the chance, he hesitated. I didn’t.

By the time I realised what I had done, it was far too late. I fled the city in shame, too cowardly to face justice for my crime. I didn’t feel able to return home in disgrace either. So I returned to the old ways, in a sense. For years I wandered the lands, seeking atonement. I followed the way of Namzaruum, and turned my sword to more noble purposes. I defended those without defenders, and guided those who were lost. I learned from everything, and I still carry with me the stories of all I met. Now I return to Qadira, in its time of need. The people of the Meraz desert, cousins to my own kin, suffer from a terrible curse. If my blade will not suffice, perhaps my healing arts may make some difference.

2024-06-15, 03:55 PM
I still have some gold to spend but Safina the Ashtifa Witch (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2909305) should be pretty much ready.